[Q] Neomixdark 7 - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Is there someone able to translate 2 files from russian to english for a new Titanium skin??

Here is the first file

hi dear friend. i am not able install this interface in Wqvga.can you help me?

Need some help please for neomixdark7
Hi,I have the same problem to, but I know why!I have in my phone an european rom and the skin is developed for russian and english roms!!
I'm working on it and translated the language.ini file in english,but i need some help for translate the weather script in english otherwise it remains in Russian,then we can create an eu cab and a realy english cab,and not a mixture of English and Russian language!!
I resized all the png files to wqvga for a smaller cab (14Mb),because 34 mb on my device are to big and after installing it,there are no memory for others programs..
So if you are interesting can give some help for developing this skin for english and european users!!!
At last if you don't have this problems,need to install sdcert 2015 at first and then the neo7..
Here is the english language.ini file and must modify the script for the weather to support the English language.

There is a new NEOMIX DARK 9:cyclops: Will someone make a translation for it?


Moved to General section.


Where can I download UI_Switch_TEST.rar of Asukal?

I am interested in this program. I wan to use it with my softbank X01ht to swich language English, Japanese and Thai.
Please help me. tasukette kudasai. Onegaishimasu.
thank you.
Thanks so much. Is it a cook rom with included UI switch?
no just a installer
the link is dead
Hey everyone,
Does anyone has a copy of that prog? Asukal?


I have test all German-Language-Packs from this Board, but nothing runs!!
Plese help me, i need a German-Language-Pack for my Amadeus that run an tell me more about the installation of a language-pack.
When i copy the 2 Language Files in the Windows-Folder an than i make the configs with the regedit (0407 - GermanLdb.dll and and and...) and rebot..... than i change my language to "German" and rebot... but than is the language again english but german is selected!
Sorry for my verry bad english.
Oh I forgot, is it possible that it is already working? Because there are no other connections created in my settings and I got a Internetconnection.
Ups wrong topic, sorry.

Creating a custom language pack

Hey boys and girls,
I am currently running cursorsense 1.0 and i would like to use my own language (romanian) with this nice rom. I have tried customlocale.apk but the app only translates a few icons and widgets.
Coud i edit a language and translate it in romanian? for example the spanish language. What files should i edit and translate in order to have a fully translated hero rom?
I would really apreciate if someone could give me any info on how to do this.
Thank you.

Treo Pro 6.1 Rom in Hungarian language, please!

If anyone have the text in english I can translate it into hungarian! Or if anyone have any suggestion how can I have a hungarian rom, that can be great!
there isn't an official package that Microsoft made for Hungarian but it might be possible to make one for file you can use my on night ravens kitchen files and use this link as a reference to help you translate link for reference
found a perfect tutoral to help you make a hungarian rom here this will definently help you with making your treo more personal and if you need help i am ready to help you hope this helps alot

Stock Rom Add language ?

I have .xml files on my hand but I can not add language to stock roms because I am a noob.
Language translation below;
The last stock rom link is below. (26S)
I really need help in this regard. :fingers-crossed:
I want to delete all Chinese applications and add language into Apk ...

