[WEBTOP] GenTop2-20120509 (Beta) - Next Generation Gentoo Webtop Replacement - Atrix 4G General

What is GenTop2?
GenTop2 is a full-fledged Gentoo Linux able to replace the original Motorola Webtop. It is faster, fully-customizable and gives you the power of a complete Linux system on a mobile phone. It is a peek into the future of mobile computing!
Thanks goes to kholk, who did the original GenTop, otherwise I would have long given up.
Why use Gentoo Linux as WebTop?
Programs are fully optimized for the ARMv7a CPU contained in the Atrix.
Thus the whole system is faster and more responsive.
No shackles put around the WebTop by Motorola.
You can install any program (which compiles on ARM).
All software (except X11) is fully up-to-date.
You remember old times with desktop computers having far slower CPUs and less RAM than your phone and you wonder what you can do with this pocket computer.
Why NOT use Gentoo Linux as WebTop?
Gentoo is huge because it must install all development files.
The system and all programs must be compiled on the phone. How crazy is that?
Firefox could not be built. But, there is a smaller replacement.
Why bother using a phone, when you already have a notebook?
Working and Installed Applications
X11 via WebTop or HDMI (with hdmi-hack)
Xfce4 with thunar file manager
midori web browser with Flash player
claws-mail client
evince (pdf viewer)
ssh daemon
rxvt terminal
aiw Android In-A-Window!
Sound output via Android media system.
All are very light-weight Linux applications perfect for a small system.
Not Working:
webtop-panel (system status bar on top)
non-flash video playback ?
Installable as binary packages:
firefox (renamed to Aurora due to trademark stuff), approx 30 MB.
thunderbird (renamed to Earlybird due to trademark stuff), approx 44 MB.
libreoffice, approx 250 MB.
abiword, pidgin, emacs, texlive,
and many more, drop a note for more wishes here. However KDE is just too large.
[size=+1]Installation Instructions[/size]
Motorola Atrix
[size=+2][highlight]BACKUP.[/highlight] This will break your device![/size]
Okay hopefully it won't. A full restore will of course overwrite the webtop.
root privileges.
unlocking is not necessary.
adb and Linux knowledge.
webtop2sd is not supported (!)
CM7 is NOT supported
GenTop2 Space Requirements, Disk Speeds and a Note About WebTop2SD
Gentoo is very large because packages contain all development files. This cannot easily be changed, therefore one must work around the space limitation of the /osh partition in some way.
I did some "disk" performance measurements using bonnie++ (see [1] for full info). Here the through-put results in short: /data (ext3) 20,800 KB/s read and 6,200 KB/s write, /sdcard (fat32) 21,500 KB/s read and 8,000 KB/s write, /sdcard-ext (ext3) 12,300 KB/s read and 4,200 KB/s write, /sdcard/loopback.img (ext3) 16,150 KB/s read and 4,400 KB/s write.
One way to go would be to require webtop2sd, however, GenTop2 does not support webtop2sd because the read/write speed of the internal sdcard is much faster than on the external sdcard. Thus I tried to install as much on the /osh partition as possible and move directories onto other partitions as necessary, leaving symlinks behind. WebTop2SD also requires dpkg for some reason, which Gentoo does not have.
Therefore, it's pretty unavoidable that you do some space management yourself.
I have decided to utilize the /preinstall partition for /var. I'm not fully sure that this partition is unused on every Atrix released, but I guess in most cases it contains only provider specific bloatware that people don't want anyhow. On my Atrix it contained some car racing game, which I find hilarious to play on a mobile phone.
Anyway, the /preinstall partition is 300 MB and perfect for /var if reformatted to support many small files. The /var/db/pkg/ directory contains lots and lots of small files describing the installed packages. See the installation instruction for the mkfs line.
I also decided to require some extra ext3 partition for further program, data and portage files. It is needed anyhow to install further programs, which is what most people want to do. The /data partition would be the obvious choice and for that reason the first GenTop2 put files in /data/osh/. However, /home/ is also on /data by default and it gets pretty annoying when your home directory is full.
The only alternative to /data is either a partition on an external sd-card or a loopback mounted file-partition on /sdcard/, both are not as fast as /data (/cache cannot be used as it must be wipeable). So there really isn't much choice left except for external storage.
The main GenTop2 tarball puts 630 MB in /osh (leaving 145 MB free) and 178 MB in /preinstall (with 150 MB free), which must be mkfs formatted.
The portage GenTop2 tarball puts 1460 MB into /mnt/gentoo/ of which 475 MB are data files from /osh/usr/ and 810 MB are the portage tree.
[size=+1]Steps to install GenTop2:[/size]
There are some complications involved when using faux123's kernel, because it only contains ext4 filesystem modules and explicit mounting of ext3 will fail. The ext4 module will however mount ext3 filesystem without problems.
use adb shell and get root:
$ su
# cd /osh
# mv etc etcx
# reboot
Reboot. The above will disable the webtop.
Download http://kristallsturm.de/GenTop2/GenTop2-20120509.tar.gz (275MB) and put it onto /sdcard via USB or adb push.
use adb shell to overwrite the existing WebTop:
(first we delete /osh)
# cd /
# ls bin
bin: No such file or directory
(this tests whether the old webtop is disabled)
# rm -r osh/*
# ls osh
(should be empty)
(next we disable and reformat /preinstall)
# mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p12 /system
# mv /system/bin/load_pia.sh /system/bin/load_pia.sh.disabled
# umount /preinstall
(depending on your ROM this might fail. ignore this problem if the following format works)
# mke2fs -m 0 -i 2048 -j /dev/block/mmcblk0p17
# mount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk0p17 /preinstall
(for faux kernel: replace ext3 -> ext4 in above line)
(now we unpack the main tarball)
# df
(/osh and /preinstall should be almost empty)
# cd /
# tar xvzf /sdcard/GenTop2-20120509.tar.gz
# sync
(begin extra for faux kernel: we change ext3 -> ext4)
# sed -i s/ext3/ext4/ /osh/ubuntu.sh
(end extra for faux kernel)
# sync
# reboot
Once rebooted you will get an X11 login on the HDMI connection or you can access the phone via ssh.
Account Passwords:
root / atrix
adas / atrix
To make GenTop2 more useful and to compile/install further packages you currently must have an external sd-card (or someone must devise a method to use a loopback device).
I have partitioned my external sdcard using a desktop computer into the following two partitions:
/dev/block/mmcblk1p1 (remainder)
/dev/block/mmcblk1p2 (4.0 GB, formatted ext3)
Advanced: (Actually most of this stuff is advanced.) You can also use the new GenTop to partition the external sd-card. Open a terminal, and use something along the lines of:
# fdisk /dev/block/mmcblk1
(partition it, see further description of fdisk on the net)
# mkfs.ext3 -m0 /dev/block/mmcblk1p2
The boot-up script /osh/ubuntu.sh will mount /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 to /mnt/gentoo. This place is referenced by /usr/portage, /var/tmp and /preinstall/usr and will enable emerge if you install the second GenTop2-portage-20120509.tar.bz2 tarball.
Download http://kristallsturm.de/GenTop2/GenTop2-20120509-portage.tar.bz2 (124MB) to /sdcard/ using any method.
Use adb shell or a terminal on the desktop
$ su
# cd /
# tar xvjf /sdcard/GenTop2-20120509-portage.tar.bz2
Note: If you trust your network connection, you can also download and unpack simultaneously (without saving) it using:
$ su
# cd /
# wget -O - http://kristallsturm.de/GenTop2/GenTop2-20120509-portage.tar.bz2 | tar xvj
[size=+1]Installing further software[/size]
How do I install applications in Gentoo?
- Read http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-x86.xml?part=2&chap=1
- Read http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-x86.xml?part=3
I have set up a portage overlay "atrix-overlay" which unmasks many packages and includes some custom patches required for compilation on arm. It is included in the main tarball and automatically synced alongside "emerge --sync". Most updates will now be performed via this overlay.
See https://github.com/gendol/atrix-overlay for details.
Furthermore, for large binary packages like firefox, thunderbird and libreoffice I have set up a binary package repository with the same USE flags as the atrix-overlay. These are built using cross-compilation on my desktop computer.
See http://kristallsturm.de/GenTop2/packages/
To force installation from binary packages use emerge -G <package>. See the list of "Installable as binary packages" above.
[size=+1]Miscellaneous Questions[/size]
Why no thumb instructions?
- I did a speed test of cryptography functions and thumb instructions were approximately 10% slower than usual ARM code.
Where was GenTop2 compiled?
- Most of the system was fully compiled on my own Atrix. Larger binary packages are compiled on my desktop using cross-compiling.
Why is X11 not up-to-date?
- The only xorg driver I could get working is the one on the original Webtop, and that requires an older version of X11.
Why is udevd not running?
- If you look at logcat there are lots of the following messages, some of which are due to udevd. Disabling udevd reduces (but does not eliminate) these messages and probably also some unnecessary background process that draws battery.
NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UDEV_LOG' not found
NetlinkListener: ignoring non-kernel netlink multicast message
NetlinkListener: ignoring non-kernel netlink multicast message
[size=+1]Reinstalling the old WebTop[/size]
Some people on the forums struggled to reinstall the old webtop for some reason. It shouldn't be that difficult and I created a tarball of the original Webtop WT-1.2.0-133_38. These instructions were not tested by me:
Download http://kristallsturm.de/GenTop2/WT-1.2.0-133_38.tar.gz to /sdcard/ using any method.
Use adb shell or a terminal to disable mounting of webtop:
$ su
# cd /osh
# mv etc etcx
# reboot
Use adb shell to unpack original tarball into /osh:
# cd /
# ls bin
bin: No such file or directory
(this tests whether the webtop is disabled)
# rm -r osh/*
# ls osh
# cd /
# /sdcard/WT-1.2.0-133_38.tar.gz
# sync
# reboot
http://kristallsturm.de/GenTop2/GenTop2-20120509.tar.gz (275MB main tarball)
http://kristallsturm.de/GenTop2/GenTop2-20120509-filelist.txt (Filelist of tarball for your reference)
http://kristallsturm.de/GenTop2/GenTop2-20120509-portage.tar.bz2 (124MB portage tree for /mnt/gentoo/, see above)
http://kristallsturm.de/GenTop2/GenTop2-20120509-portage-filelist.txt (Filelist of tarball for your reference)
Old Downloads
http://kristallsturm.de/GenTop2/GenTop2-20120428.tar.gz (369MB main tarball)
http://kristallsturm.de/GenTop2/GenTop2-20120428-filelist.txt (Filelist of tarball for your reference)
http://kristallsturm.de/GenTop2/GenTop2-20120428-portage.tar.bz2 (44MB portage tree for /mnt/gentoo/, see above)
http://kristallsturm.de/GenTop2/GenTop2-20120424.tar.gz (364MB main tarball)
http://kristallsturm.de/GenTop2/GenTop2-20120424-filelist.txt (Filelist of tarball for your reference)
http://kristallsturm.de/GenTop2/GenTop2-20120424-portage.tar.bz2 (44MB portage tree for /mnt/gentoo/, see above)
From 20120428 to 20120509:
Added atrix-overlay for pulling in updates using layman.
Reorganized /etc/portage/ to symlink into atrix-overlay files.
Removed mplayer from default install.
Added xarchiver, leafpad and some customization for the terminal.
Reorganized directory structure to use /preinstall.
From 20120424 to 20120428:
Readded resolutions to xorg.conf like in original webtop. Nevertheless you can switch using Xfce's settings dialogs.
Installed Flash: copied libflashplayer.so and emerges nss nspr.
Readded lots of the original .desktop files and corresponding icons. These launch Android apps.
[1] http://kristallsturm.de/GenTop2/docs/atrix-bonnie.html

It is a good job. I try this. Thank you.

This is a very agressive aproach. /osh dose have some Moto magic sauce in it. How well can you drive the screnn with a stock X system? Most of the cutesy features from WT I can live w/o, but the "phone"app really is usefull. Seams like this would be worth the effort to figure out.
If I was using a less "pure" setup (spinning up X and the phone app in Motos osh) then bringimng up the desktop in Gentoo, how would that compare to oither the same concept with other distros?
Please post on. I think this is the first time somebidy has run a non /osh X. Would love to see if it really can be done.

exwannabe said:
This is a very agressive aproach. /osh dose have some Moto magic sauce in it. How well can you drive the screnn with a stock X system? Most of the cutesy features from WT I can live w/o, but the "phone"app really is usefull. Seams like this would be worth the effort to figure out.
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Thanks for pointing that out. Yes, the approach is radical, but not as aggressive as you may think. All the "magic sauce" in /osh lives in /osr/usr/local/ and all of that is retained. The only problem is that some dynamic link libraries are missing, but most of these problems can be fixed.
They actually had to be fixed because the GenTop2 does need to send some magic signals to Moto's PortalApp/DockService to work correctly. This is done using the /usr/local/bin/rmtest tool via the "fbcp" instance of dbus.
Other than /osh/usr/local/, /osh is really just Debian.
With the phone app, you mean the green phone button? I just tested that, it can be added. The phone button is nothing but a .desktop mime file, which calls one of the magic apps /usr/local/bin/androidlauncher. And it popups up in the aiw display.
I even tested the HD Media Center laucher and that too worked without problems. That really should be included in the next GenTop2 tarball.
exwannabe said:
If I was using a less "pure" setup (spinning up X and the phone app in Motos osh) then bringimng up the desktop in Gentoo, how would that compare to oither the same concept with other distros?
Please post on. I think this is the first time somebidy has run a non /osh X. Would love to see if it really can be done.
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I guess I don't understand what you mean with a non /osh X. GenTop2 does run X11 and you really need to replace the system libaries to get a well-working Gentoo.

Great job! Does this work with cm rom's aswell or only with blur based ones? As another fact, we could use distcc or crosscompile distcc to compile most of the stuff, actually even a crosscompile binhost would be doable for several packages. One more thing, we could probably use an .img file on the internal sdcard partition, that would be ext3/4 formatted instead of using the external sdcard (but probably its better and safer to sue the external card, due to the flash wear)
edit: so i tried it on my atrix with nottachtrix rom installed, it starts fine and seems to work rather well, i only saw two to me rather annoying bugs:
1. somehow the X server thinks that my tv (1080p lg) has a virtual size of 1366x768 and will not allow to use the 1920x1080 resolutions that are in the TV's EDID and that the system puts into the xorg.conf file aswell as it shows in the Xorg.0.log
2. the atrix's screen stays on all the time in the "normal mode" and if one uses the mouse on the gentop its moving and functioning on the atrix's screen aswell (ie you can launch apps by accident with the mouse in android)
I do not know if these are issues with nottachtrix or something else, but for me on the "normal webtop" 1080p worked on this same TV.
here the xorg log: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/24268926/Xorg.0.log

Really nice, installing it right now!
Does flash work on Midori?

I don't know about CM7, you'll have to try to replace the Linux system like moto does it.
The X11 screen size defaults to WebTop resolution 1366x768, but you can change that to 1920x1080 by editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf. The first thing to try is to comment out all Modelines and let EDID detection do the work. But for that a monitor must be present, so you need to Zap (Ctrl+Alt+Bckspace) your X, and that brings up the dual input problem.
I also use nottach's ROM. The dual input problem happens when something in motorola's magic communication goes wrong. I have not been able to figure out how in particular moto disables input on the touchscreen. For me it works most of the time. I also have all the Modelines in xorg.conf enabled, because they fit my monitor.
I didnt really focus on Flash, yet. But as it works on the original Webtop, you should just be able to copy the plugin files.

Can't get Midori working .. Got network (via ping), but no web browsing
EDIT: Solved by disabling proxy settings inside Midori

i haven't run gentoo in over 10 years but this is tempting!!!!!

Hello! I am a bit newbie in linux and i have 2 questions
1) Could someon please tell me how to install GenTop2-portage-20120424.tar.bz2 tarball?
2) Is there any way to install synaptic so i can install other linux apps?

snik38 said:
Hello! I am a bit newbie in linux and i have 2 questions
1) Could someon please tell me how to install GenTop2-portage-20120424.tar.bz2 tarball?
2) Is there any way to install synaptic so i can install other linux apps?
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1) use ADB and first post
2) Gentoo Portage - it's command line but very easy

Hmm, anyone using this with webtop over HDMI? I get the login screen, but the webtop touchpad thingie doesn't come up so it's impossible for me to log in.

nalorite said:
Hmm, anyone using this with webtop over HDMI? I get the login screen, but the webtop touchpad thingie doesn't come up so it's impossible for me to log in.
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you need to use a hd dock, lapdock or a modded powered usb hub with mouse + kb

Vazay said:
1) use ADB and first post
2) Gentoo Portage - it's command line but very easy
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1) After the reboot i used
adb shell
# tar xvzf /sdcard/GenTop2-portage-20120424.tar.bz2
but it gave me an error, am i using the correct command or i should use something else?

Yes. The touchpad thingy is also an open end. I have no idea why it doesnt come up. The GenTop2 tries to do everything in the same way as the original one, but for some reason that doesnt appear.
I guess the touchpad is some Android program part of DockService or PortalApp, which drive the Webtop switch. But I havent debugged how to activate it.
To extract a .tar.bz2 you use tar xvjf ...

three items one that caused some grief, but other than that this has lots of cool potential!
I have a stock rom with root.
1. resolution was pretty screwed up. I did try to adjust the resolution, but it was locked into one setting.
2. flash isnt installed on the browser so many websites where disabled.
3. I could not get AIW to start.
I see you answered #1 in a previous post. But I think all three of those items are minimum requirements to replace webtop. BTW great job again! Its seemed much faster than the webtop app.

2. Try to copy the flashplugin from original webtop(not sure if it works with midori)
3. aiw works fine try to reboot the phone

Took me a while to get this all running, but it's great now it is. Have this over Nottachtrix 1.3.1. Everything installed and works fine!

When my phone turns on and gets to the preparing sd, it takes forever. Does this happen to anyone else?

anyone tried to emerge chrome/chromium?


Debian Lenny on Droid Eris [02/14/2010 - WORKING! mjgdroid completed!!]

EDIT [02/14/2010]: Please see mjgdroids FINISHED PORT HERE.Make sure to thank him and/or donate to mjgdroid.
I'm currently looking for a work-around. Mounting EXT3 still works in the rooted terminal, but that doesn't help Android see your FAT partition.
Here it is folks, working instructions to get Debian Lenny running on your Droid Eris! I say that it's 90% complete because I do not yet have fully functioning MeeGo, I hope to resolve the issue sometime this weekend. Otherwise, all is well. I'm releasing the instructions so that others in the community can contribute.
Thanks to ban_dover for a lot of initial work. For author credit, other contributions, and the original thread leading up to my fix, see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=748094. If there is ANYONE else who needs to be credited here, PLEASE pm me and I'll edit this post.
Also, if you're wondering "Why Debian Lenny?" it was readily available and already set up for ARMv5 and up. There are also available MeeGo binaries for Lenny. WOOHOO! Everybody's life is easier.
EDIT: I've released what I consider to be an unstable/incomplete RAW image. I will not link to unstable images in this post, you can download it on page 2 of thread. This image can be used to skip both step 1 and converting the image from QCOW to RAW.
1. Create ARM image containing Debian Lenny
In Linux command line
- Download Debian ARM Installer
wget http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/dis...el/current/images/versatile/netboot/initrd.gz
wget http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/dis.../versatile/netboot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-2-versatile
- Create disk image
qemu-img create -f qcow deb-arm.img 4G
- Run QEMU VM to run Debian ARM Installer
qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -kernel vmlinuz-2.6.26-2-versatile -hda deb-arm.img -initrd initrd.gz -append "root=/dev/ram" -m 256
- In Debian installer, follow prompts
I chose the following user access, root-pass:debian91, user:debian and pass:debian91
Install desired defaults. I initially went with desktop environment; core environment may be best for MeeGo
- Reboot VM ONCE to permit it to statisfy any changed dependencies
2. Create filesystem on phone and copy Lenny
In Linux SUPER-USER command line
- Backup SDCARD if necessary
- Enter superuser mode
"sudo sh" or "sudo bash"
- Partition SDCARD
Use partition editor of choice (I used GParted)
FAT must be first partition
Create second partition as ext3
- Mount EXT3 partition
mkdir sd
mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb2 sd
- Convert QCOW image to RAW image
qemu-img convert deb-arm.img -O raw deb-arm.raw
- Mount RAW image as loop
mkdir image
mount -t ext3 deb-arm.raw image -o loop,offset=32256
- Copy image contents to EXT3 partition on SDCARD
cp -r image/* sd
- Unmount both SDCARD and RAW image
- umount deb-arm.raw && umount /dev/sdb2
3. Bind necessary nodes and create chroot jail
In eiter ADB shell or in rooted phone command line (either method MUST BE SUPERUSER!!!)
- Enter superuser mode
"su" (make sure to accept and remember if asked on rooted phone; also not sure how to superuser in ADB shell)
(NOTE: The folowing commands should use "busybox" as a prefix if using ADB shell in terminal)
- Mount EXT3 partition (should be /dev/block/mmcblk0p2)
mkdir /data/local/debian
mount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /data/local/debian
- Bind the necessary nodes
mount --bind /dev/pts /data/local/debian/dev/pts
mount --bind /proc /data/local/debian/proc
mount --bind /sys /data/local/debian/sys
sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
- Enter into Debian system
chroot /data/local/debian /bin/bash
4. Installing MeeGo and opening an Xsession through VNC
- COMING SOON!! (like, over the weekend)
Connecting chroot to VNC
Running MeeGo environment
- Why Not Now
Finding the best way to get an xserver on Android... possibly without VNC
Seeing which is better, install MeeGo before copying to SDCARD, or after
- Possible future: adapting Lenny to favorite distro flavor
- This would take a lot more of my time, and those who want to convert it to ubuntu can google it more easily
Information Sources
This is a list of articles that I've gleaned my info from.
Debian Lenny ARM on Qemu
Chrooting Troubleshooting
http://forums.dlink.com/index.php?topic=6073.0;wap2 (helpful in determining why nexus one and incredible images wouldn't chroot)
Most of the G1 development on XDA
Very cool, good job.
very nice indeed!
Thanks guys.
I've always wanted to ask but thought it might offend someone. In any case, what will this enable us to do that we couldn't do already?
Sent from my FroyoEris using XDA App
xnatex21 said:
I've always wanted to ask but thought it might offend someone. In any case, what will this enable us to do that we couldn't do already?
Sent from my FroyoEris using XDA App
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My thoughts exactly, I have no idea what's being said here.
Sweet! Nice work.
korben dallas said:
My thoughts exactly, I have no idea what's being said here.
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Hmm... I sometimes fall on the answer that its obvious. Let me give a few reasons why I did it. Other than "it is fun for me."
1. Because we can, lol
2. It opens potentially the full gamut of available Linux software that wouldn't otherwise run (unless ported)
3. Broadened capability means wider choice
4. Unknown territory (at least for Eris users) provides new frontiers
I like these answers, three out of four also sum up why open source exists.
Very nice man. Got any screens?
Nikolai2.1 said:
Very nice man. Got any screens?
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Right now, my camera is my eris. I'll get somebody to take either video or some pics this weekend so y'all can see it in action.
Could anybody create an image and upload it I just spent the last 4 hours waiting for debian to install inside qemu only for it to hang right before the end lol. Needless to say I just want to experiment with it but I don't really want to do that again or risk it hanging again.
Running X from Chroot
OK, so I was sitting around on break and it hit me that Debian Lenny has the Gnome Mobile desktop designed for touch interfaces in its repositories. The project is called Hildon and was the basis for Maemo before it became MeeGo. Voila, debian gui solved.
Then I remembered an article I'd read while in college on running X from within a chroot jail. I love google; I took a look around for it and found it: http://norman.walsh.name/2003/08/22/chroot. Bingo! We may not need VNC to get graphical output.
In short, my free time is going to consist of installing Hildon in Lenny and writing a script to bind the proper directories, descend into chroot and run X.
It's interesting to note a few things. I read on a few boards that android doesn't have it's own Xserver. Historically, chroot was used for testing purposes to ensure that a system could run on the existing kernel/hardware/etc. Well, in Debian Lenny we have an xserver and its dependencies compiled to run on ARMv5 and up. So technically if we can get X to run from chroot with the proper bindings, then we can get that SAME xserver to run directly on Android. Further, the ability to run Debian in chroot directly implies that the same software will run outside of chroot.
And one speculation: it would be an interesting experiment to see if these tools could be run side-by-side with the default Android rom. To any devs familiar with Android roms, does that sound overly ambitious?
AcidRoot said:
Could anybody create an image and upload it I just spent the last 4 hours waiting for debian to install inside qemu only for it to hang right before the end lol. Needless to say I just want to experiment with it but I don't really want to do that again or risk it hanging again.
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Hey AcidRoot! I give no guarantees as I mentioned I'm still working out kinks, but I can upload my image. I'll compress it, upload it, and edit this post with a link to it.
My current image of Debian Lenny ARMv5 is available here. I'm not posting the link in the first post because this image does not constitute what I'd call stable and complete, just so you're forewarned.
composerdude said:
Hey AcidRoot! I give no guarantees as I mentioned I'm still working out kinks, but I can upload my image. I'll compress it, upload it, and edit this post with a link to it.
My current image of Debian Lenny ARMv5 is available here. I'm not posting the link in the first post because this image does not constitute what I'd call stable and complete, just so you're forewarned.
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Thanks alot I know the risks I just want to experiment with it.
One of the kinks that would be immediately noticed is that paths to executable directories are not set. When chroot into /data/local/debian, make sure that one of the first things you do is change the path variable.
oman def going to try this later on tonight... sounds GREAT
What is this exactly?
Awesome work man! I've been following this in ban_dovers thread. I just needed to comment here so it'll show up in my "participated" folder on my xda app.
I'll be lurking and waiting for something more stable and noob friendly. Keep up the great work.
Sent from my nonsensikal froyo using XDA App
@joshw0000: Thanks for the encouragement!
@EVERYBODY: I just discovered today after updating Tazz Froyo to the latest version that updates to CM6 have aparently broken support for partitioned SD cards. I am looking for a work-around before working out more kinks. My istructions still work, it's just that ANDROID sees a blank SD, even though partitions can still be mounted to run Debian. Anyone testing, check your FAQs to make sure partitions are supported. I'll keep you posted on my end.

[Tools] Android SDK API 9 / Ubuntu 8.04 -> 10.04

The newest Android SDK API (v9 - Android 2.3) for linux seems to require glibc 2.11. I didn't know that, and blithely installed it last night from within eclipse - on my Ubuntu 8.04 LTS VM - and then found out that the emulator would no longer work correctly because of the glibc requirement.
So, I took the plunge and decided to do an online upgrade of Ubuntu 8.04 -> 10.04. Sort of wanted to see what Ubuntu 10 looked like anyway. Normally I am not a big fan of major upgrades (as opposed to clean installs), but it succeeded well enough. Here's some notes from that process.
I'm using VirtualBox (3.6.12) with a Win7 x64 (i5-750, has VT) host, and the Ubuntu VM is an x32 guest.
- First, I cloned off the VirtualBox disk for the Ubuntu machine:
VboxManage clonehd Ubuntu-8.04-LTS.vdi Ubuntu-10.04.vdi --format VDI
that way, if disaster struck, I would still have the old VM available - my .VDI is about 32 GB. (I think that you can not simply copy a .VDI because the "VboxManager clonehd" modifies a "UID" VM disk identifier label when you clone, and if you don't do this, it will cause problems with VirtualBox, possibly even screw up the other (saved) VM Hard Drive file)
- Second, you go in to Virtualbox's media manager (File -> Virtual Media Manager), and let VirtualBox know that the .VDI you just created on the command line is available as a VM Hard Drive. Next, click on the "New" (VM) wizard, and create a new VM - the only thing you need to get right in this step is that rather than create a new VM hard drive, you just pick the newly-created .VDI to be your hard drive.
Don't start the VM yet.
- Third, make very careful notes about the existing settings for the current Ubuntu VM, and then select the new (Ubuntu 10.04) VM, and update all the settings ("Settings" icon) to match - after all, when you are initially booting it, it will still be 8.04, and will expect to see the exact hardware that it previously saw. You can probably get away with a few things changing (e.g. main memory size), but to avoid hassles, I was very careful - even copying the same MAC address (Network -> Adapter 1 -> Advanced) to the new machine definition. (OT, I don't know why VB doesn't just have a "clone the whole damn machine menu item, but that's a rant for another day). After you are sure everything matches, fire up the new VM - it will be running an exact copy of the old (8.04) VM.
- 4th: After logging in, System -> Administration -> Update Manager. The update spent about 45 minutes downloading files (3.6 Mbits/sec, about 1.1 GB total), and then the update processes took another 45 minutes or so. You don't need to hover over it all the time, but you might want to check on it every once in a while - in my case it stopped once to let me know it was obsoleting some packages as part of the upgrade.
- 5th: When it reboots, the old VirtualBox extensions are still present in the VM, but they do not work since they no longer match the new kernel - so the video will be in "minimal mode". Also, if you had a "vbox" mount in your /etc/fstab, it will not mount - if the system asks you about it during boot, just hit the "S" key for "Skip". You just need to live with this for 10 or 20 minutes while you do the next step - don't worry about fooling with it, as both the video and shared folders will come right back once you get the guest extensions reinstalled. Also, you might find it is impossible for the VM Manager to "mount" the VirtualBox Extensions .iso as a CD-ROM device, so, you do the following:
a) Copy the VBoxGuestAdditions.iso file (30+Mb) from the C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox folder to someplace where you can get it to the VM. The shared folders will also not be working yet, so you could put it on a browsable network server or a thumb drive; I used the latter, and then did a USB pass-through to the guest VM (VirtualBox VM "Devices -> USB Devices" menu)
b) Do a loopback mount, e.g.
$ sudo /bin/bash
# mkdir /mnt/VBox
# losetup /dev/loop0 /home/user/foo/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso
# mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/loop0 /mnt/VBox
You might need to
$ sudo apt-get install dkms
as the VirtualBox installer needs the dkms package to install - I did.
# cd /mnt/VBox
# sh VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run (or the AMD equivalent if you have AMD uP)
# cd /
# umount /mnt/VBox
# losetup -d /dev/loop0
# rmdir /mnt/VBox
At this point you should reboot the VM. If everything went OK, the VirtualBox guest additions will be active, and you will have decent video and the shared folders will be available. I had a minor problem where I could write to the (host) shared folders no problem, but all files were then owned by root, and that made Firefox unhappy when DL'ing directly to the shared folders. So, I unmounted it (as root), , added uid=,gid= options to my /etc/fstab entry which corresponded to the regular user login (1000/1000), and then remounted it (as root).
/etc/fstab entry:
VM_ubuntu /home/user/VM_shared vboxsf rw,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0
("VM_ubuntu" is the "Folder Name" I shared the host folder with in the VirtualBox Host app window)
Sixth, the last thing is Java - I had used either "apt" or the Synaptic Package manager to add JSE 5 to Ubuntu 8.04, and that was invalidated and uninstalled during the upgrade, so I needed to to go and manually get a JDK directly from Sun/Oracle. It's a bit difficult to find, as JSE 6 is now the shipping release. 1 year ago, the Android SDK did not work correctly with JSE 6 (frankly, I don't know if it is an eclipse issue or the Android SDK), which necessitated installing JSE 5. That may have changed (I got lazy and didn't research it - just installed JSE 5) but if it hasn't, here's the "older versions" download page at Oracle:
You might need to fix up PATH, or CLASSPATH environment variables from your prior settings if you install the JSE to a new location.
Success! The Emulator works again!
Finally, if you read this far, here is the good news: I don't know why, but the Ubuntu 10.04 desktop seems WAY SNAPPIER than the old (Hardy Heron) 8.04 default desktop. This seems very hard to believe, as I am using exactly the same VM host and guest extensions, but it makes 8.04 look very sluggish by comparison. Seems hard to believe that a new X11 server. or libraries, or even a new kernel would do that - maybe the old (gnome-based?) window manager was a POS? Dunno - but I think you will like Ubuntu 10.04
Another very nice post....
Conap said:
Another very nice post....
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I really wish I could understand 98% of what bftbo posts.

Ubuntu Woes on Urukdroid

Following the instructions here, I attempted to install Ubuntu 10.10 on my Archos 70 running Urukdroid 1.5. I'm running it through the terminal emulator and not ADB. When I attempt to run ubuntu.sh I get a lot of errors, and then bootubuntu fails to work.
sh output:
mount: /system not mounted already, or bad option
FATAL: module ext2 not found.
TERM environment variable not set.
mkdir: cannot create directory '/data/local/mnt': File exists
TERM environment variable not set.
rm: invalid option -- '/'
Try 'rm --help' for more information.
cd: 26: can't cd to /sdcard/ubuntu
chmod: changing permissions of 'bootubuntu': Operation not permitted
(errors for all the other chmods as well)
TERM environment variable not set.
(Ubuntu Chroot Bootloader v0.1, etc.)
And naturally bootubuntu generates a big pile of errors as well. Any suggestions?
There are 3 leethal messages:
I'm not sure about the ext2 message - can't imagine that UD has no ext2 module - need to check it out myself...
"TERM environment variable not set." is obvious - means there is some (TERM) environment variable missing wich is propably set when use adb?!?!
As the variable is used in each command after the error - they fail ... so the folders that should be created or removed propably have the variable in its structure and should sound a bit different...
hard to tell from here need the script - downloading atm - but takes ages
cd: 26: can't cd to /sdcard/ubuntu sounds a bit strange too but again it seems that u can acces sdcar with /sdcard from adb but on UD runtime its mounted /mnt/storage/sdcard...
So either you try to fix those lines in the scriptand find it out - or try follow they guide - and use adb
Well, I decided to redownload the Ubuntu image and try again. This time it went off without a hitch; I guess I had some file corruption in the first download. But now I've done the essential steps (apt-get updates, setting up LXDE environment and VNC server) and when I try to connect to the VNC host I just get a gray screen with an "x" shaped cursor and nothing else.
Same here. X-Server seems to start (grey background, x-shaped cursor), but nothing else. Tried the 2 versions of the xstartup (with, and without the last 2 lines), no change. I had to increase the portnumber with every reboot (working with pocketcloud to connect to the vnc server).
hi guys, this seems to be a problem some people are having with the new 10.10 build, the problem is I cant seem to replicate the problem.
I would recommend trying a fresh ubuntu image without install lxde or the fixes, ie just boot into vncserver.
If this dosnt work then try installing lxde and adding the lines to the xstartup to makesure it uses that desktop.
I'm having (unrelated, probably) problems running this on the stock ROM with Chulri's r/w root. I am unable to mount the provided image (or any loopback filesystem, for that matter), whether from the script, or manually from a root shell prompt.
It appears that the stock kernel does not include a loop device driver (built-in, or as module), as there's no 'loop' directory under /sys/module/ and no loop.ko under /lib/modules. The installed busybox is also lacking losetup and chroot, but that's almost beside the point.
To deal with this, I've built a fixed busybox, which works fine, and a custom kernel using Chulri's buildroot, which doesn't, so much. I've built custom kernels for the Archos 70 before, to add compcache and the interactive CPU governor, and they've worked fine. But in this case, I make sure CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP is set to 'y' in linux.config/.config, but after flashing the kernel and rebooting, there still seems to be no loop driver (no loop directory under /sys/module -- it should show up even when compiled-in, which it does on my Fedora desktop). Needless to say, this confuses me, and it's where I stopped working on it.
Has anyone got this working on a Gen8 Archos tablet without Urukdroid?
jfmcbrayer said:
I'm having (unrelated, probably) problems running this on the stock ROM with Chulri's r/w root. I am unable to mount the provided image (or any loopback filesystem, for that matter), whether from the script, or manually from a root shell prompt.
It appears that the stock kernel does not include a loop device driver (built-in, or as module), as there's no 'loop' directory under /sys/module/ and no loop.ko under /lib/modules. The installed busybox is also lacking losetup and chroot, but that's almost beside the point.
To deal with this, I've built a fixed busybox, which works fine, and a custom kernel using Chulri's buildroot, which doesn't, so much. I've built custom kernels for the Archos 70 before, to add compcache and the interactive CPU governor, and they've worked fine. But in this case, I make sure CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP is set to 'y' in linux.config/.config, but after flashing the kernel and rebooting, there still seems to be no loop driver (no loop directory under /sys/module -- it should show up even when compiled-in, which it does on my Fedora desktop). Needless to say, this confuses me, and it's where I stopped working on it.
Has anyone got this working on a Gen8 Archos tablet without Urukdroid?
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It would seem that loop devices only works well on the Urukdroid rom, so for now if you want ubuntu you will have to use this

[HOWTO] "Partitioning" your Nexus S using LVM

Always wanted a larger /data partition? Want to add a swap partition or an extra partition for your Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora chroot? Want your ROM to have the combined /data and /sdcard of Honeycomb and ICS devices? Then this guide is for you.
Table of contents
This post: background information
(Advanced) users: modifying your phone to use LVM
Developers: adding LVM support to a ROM
Building LVM for Android
The Linux [URL="http://sourceware.org/lvm2/]Logical Volume Manager[/URL] (LVM) is a set of tools which allows you to create virtual disks ("logical volumes", "LVs") backed by a set of real storage devices ("physical volumes", "PVs") organized into "volume groups" ("VGs"). Using LVM, you can:
Create logical volumes which are larger than any of the individual physical volumes available on your device's real storage.
Create an arbitrary number of logical volumes of arbitrary size, regardless of the number of physical volumes or partitions available on your real storage devices. You could, for example, add a dedicated swap partition, or create a separate /system and /data for a dual-boot setup.
Take a snapshot of a logical volume -- a copy of the LV which only stores differences between it and the original (requires additional kernel support). You could, for example, take a snapshot of the external storage LV and export it via USB mass storage to a computer, without needing to unmount the LV from your device.
Grow or shrink logical volumes without unmounting the file system ("online resize", requires filesystem support).
LVM was developed to manage storage on Linux servers and workstations, but was also used by Palm/HP in WebOS devices. It uses the Linux device-mapper technology used in Android for apps installed on the SD card, so any Android kernel will work with LVM.
This guide was developed with the Nexus S in mind, but the technique described should be applicable to many other Android devices as well.
Modifying your phone to use LVM
While unlikely, you could brick your phone if you do this incorrectly!!!
Read this guide completely before attempting. If you don't understand the procedure, read it again until you do. If you still don't understand, wait for someone else to make this easier. If you're not sure you understand, you probably don't.
The preassembled images attached to this post are for Nexus S GT-i9020T running stock Android 4.0.4 IMM76D ONLY. They may or may not work with other phones and ROMs. (See the next post for how to modify any ROM to use LVM.)
You will need:
A Nexus S with unlocked bootloader
A computer with fastboot and adb installed and working
A USB cable
Factory images for your phone, in case something goes wrong
Take a nandroid backup of your phone and copy it to your computer. We'll use it to restore the ROM later. You MUST copy the backup to your computer! This procedure will erase EVERYTHING on your phone, including the contents of /sdcard.
Download the boot and recovery images attached to this post. Reboot your phone into the bootloader, then flash the recovery to your phone using fastboot:
fastboot flash recovery recovery-lvm-clockwork-
(GPL information: this is the stock kernel image from ClockworkMod For LVM source, see this post.)
Boot into recovery.
Enter the shell on the device:
adb shell
In the shell on the device, do the following (# is your prompt):
# /lvm/sbin/lvm pvcreate /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
# /lvm/sbin/lvm vgcreate lvpool /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
This marks the partitions normally used for /system, /data, and /sdcard for use with LVM, and creates an LVM volume group named "lvpool" using those devices.
In the shell on the device, set up your desired logical volumes (partitions).
# /lvm/sbin/lvm lvcreate -L 320M -n system lvpool
# /lvm/sbin/lvm lvcreate -L 1G -n userdata lvpool
# /lvm/sbin/lvm lvcreate -L 10G -n media lvpool
This creates the mandatory logical volumes named "system", "userdata", and "media", which will be mounted on /system, /data, and /sdcard, respectively. Replace the argument to -L with the desired size of each partition. (/system needs to be at least 300 MB to fit the stock ROM.) You can create additional volumes similarly:
# /lvm/sbin/lvm lvcreate -L [size] -n [name] lvpool
replacing [size] with the desired size and [name] with the desired name. You have a little less than 15 GB space in the volume group to work with; depending on how many partitions you want to create, you can adjust the size of the "media" and "userdata" logical volumes as required.
Reboot back into recovery. Mount the USB storage on your computer. On your computer, format your phone's USB storage as you would a USB flash drive.
Copy your nandroid backup from your computer onto your phone.
Reboot back into recovery. Restore the nandroid backup.
Reboot into the bootloader. Flash the boot image to your phone via fastboot:
fastboot flash boot boot-lvm-crespo-IMM76D.img
(GPL information: this is the stock kernel image for IMM76D. Source is available from AOSP git. For LVM source, see this post.)
Reboot. You should have a working device running on LVM.
Additional tips and hints
To see the logical volumes you've created, use
# /lvm/sbin/lvm lvs
and to see how much free space you have remaining in the volume group, use
# /lvm/sbin/lvm vgs
If you want to delete a logical volume (for example, if you screwed up), use
# /lvm/sbin/lvm lvremove /dev/lvpool/name
(replacing "name" with the name of the LV you want to delete).
It's often useful to leave a bit of free space in the volume group (512 MB to 1 GB or so). This gives you a bit more flexibility to modify the layout or grow partitions in the future, and allows you to take snapshots of logical volumes.
Removing LVM from your phone
Flash a standard recovery such as the regular ClockworkMod recovery to your phone.
Do a full wipe/factory reset.
Restore your phone from a backup.
If things go really wrong, flash the factory image to your phone via fastboot.
Modifying an existing ROM to use LVM
(This is a condensed version of the full guide: https://raw.github.com/steven676/android-lvm-mod/master/HOWTO-MOD)
You will first want to grab a copy of the binaries and config files by cloning my git repository: https://github.com/steven676/android-lvm-mod.
Unpack the ramdisks from your boot and recovery images. Make the following changes:
Copy the contents of lvm-bin/ in the git repository to lvm/ in the ramdisks.
Copy devices/crespo/lvm.conf to lvm/etc/lvm.conf in the ramdisks.
For the boot image, integrate the changes in devices/crespo/boot/init.herring.rc-changes.diff into your init.herring.rc.
For the recovery image, integrate the changes in devices/crespo/recovery/init.rc-changes.diff into your init.rc.
For the recovery image, copy devices/crespo/recovery/recovery.fstab to etc/recovery.fstab.
Repack the ramdisks and create new boot and recovery images with them (the original kernels are fine to use).
If creating a flashable zip to install your ROM, you will also want to modify the installer script to set up the LVM volume group and logical volumes (see the previous post).
If you're building your own kernel, consider enabling CONFIG_DM_SNAPSHOT in your kernel's build configuration, to allow taking snapshots of logical volumes.
Remember that LVM is released under the terms of the GPL v2 (same as the Linux kernel), so you are required to comply with the GPL's source distribution requirements with respect to LVM.
More extensive modifications (such as changing the devices used to form the volume group) are possible; see the full HOWTO guide for details.
Building LVM from source for Android
The LVM source was written for standard glibc-based GNU/Linux systems, and doesn't build agains Android libc. We could invest time and effort into porting it to Android, but it's easier to just statically link the LVM binary against glibc (we already have to use a statically linked binary, since the boot image doesn't ship shared libraries).
To build LVM with glibc, you will need either an actual GNU/Linux ARM system with a development environment (gcc, make, and glibc header files) set up, or a GNU/Linux ARM cross-compiler toolchain (more difficult to set up). The binaries in lvm-bin/ were compiled with an Emdebian squeeze/armel toolchain running on a Debian squeeze/amd64 machine; this procedure has also been tested with a Nexus S running a Debian squeeze chroot (though any recent Linux distribution and any device should do). The Linaro prebuilt GCC toolchain and the CodeSourcery CodeBench Lite toolchain for ARM GNU/Linux should work; the Android NDK toolchain will not.
Getting the source
Clone the lvm-mod git repository. Then, in the newly cloned repository, do
git submodule init
git submodule update
You will have a copy of the LVM source (as used to build the binaries in lvm-bin/) in lvm-src/.
(Alternately, clone https://github.com/steven676/lvm2 and checkout branch android-lvm-mod. You can also use upstream's git repository or source tarballs; see their website for details.)
Building the source
(This is a condensed version of the full guide: https://raw.github.com/steven676/android-lvm-mod/master/HOWTO-BUILD)
These instructions are written for a native build (building in a Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora chroot on an actual ARM device).
Configure the LVM source:
$ ./configure --prefix=/lvm --enable-static_link --disable-readline \
--disable-selinux --with-pool=none --with-cluster=none \
--with-confdir=/lvm/etc --with-default-run-dir=/data/lvm/run \
--with-default-system-dir=/lvm/etc \
--with-default-locking-dir=/data/lvm/lock \
--with-optimisation="-Os -march=armv5te -mtune=cortex-a8 -mthumb"
For a cross build, you need to set up the system to run ARM binaries using QEMU (see the full HOWTO for details). (For extra credit, fix the build so that it works with the configuration produced by running configure without qemu-arm enabled.) Then configure the source with:
$ export CC=arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc # replace with your cross compiler
$ ./configure --host=arm-linux-gnueabi \
--prefix=/lvm --enable-static_link --disable-readline \
--disable-selinux --with-pool=none --with-cluster=none \
--with-confdir=/lvm/etc --with-default-run-dir=/data/lvm/run \
--with-default-system-dir=/lvm/etc \
--with-default-locking-dir=/data/lvm/lock \
--with-optimisation="-Os -march=armv5te -mtune=cortex-a8 -mthumb"
Build the source:
$ make
Grab the pieces you need: the statically linked, unstripped lvm binary is located in tools/lvm.static, and a sample configuration file is in doc/example.conf.
Hello steven676,
This post is helpful to me!
But I have some questions on LVM as I am new to it.
1. Is it possible to use LVM only on one pv, say /sdcard?
2. If 1. yes, will lv's on a pv be linear mapped, that is, lv's in a pv are placed one after one?
3. now that removing lvm is possible, is it also possible to backup lvm setting, and switching between non-lvm and lvm environment?
solarispika said:
1. Is it possible to use LVM only on one pv, say /sdcard?
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Sure. Just modify the arguments to pvcreate and vgcreate accordingly:
# /lvm/sbin/lvm pvcreate /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
# /lvm/sbin/lvm vgcreate lvpool /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
solarispika said:
2. If 1. yes, will lv's on a pv be linear mapped, that is, lv's in a pv are placed one after one?
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Probably, but in general it is not safe to assume this. Imagine the following sequence of commands:
# /lvm/sbin/lvm lvcreate -L 1G -n vola lvpool
# /lvm/sbin/lvm lvcreate -L 1G -n volb lvpool
# /lvm/sbin/lvm lvresize -L +1G /dev/lvpool/vola
What's likely to happen here is that vola is going to be split into two segments on disk, like this:
[ 1GB vola ][ 1 GB volb ][ 1 GB vola ][ remaining free space ]
There are ways in which you can give LVM hints as to what on-disk layout you want, and the LVM tools will generate information about the current layout in /data/lvm/backup if that directory's available (and mounted read-write) at the time, but in general, it's best to treat the on-disk layout of a logical volume as unknown. In practice, unless you have physical volumes with widely varying characteristics in the same volume group (say, an SSD and some spinning-platter hard disks), you shouldn't need to worry about the actual layout.
solarispika said:
3. now that removing lvm is possible, is it also possible to backup lvm setting, and switching between non-lvm and lvm environment?
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If /data is mounted read-write, running
# /lvm/sbin/lvm vgcfgbackup
will create a human-readable backup of the current LVM volume group metadata in /data/lvm/backup (if that directory is available and mounted read-write).
I'm not sure what you mean by "switching" between non-LVM and LVM environments. If you mean going between an unmodified stock boot image and an LVM boot image, the answer is yes, but you won't have access to any of the data in your LVM logical volumes while running an image not configured for LVM, and you need to be careful not to accidentally format the LVM physical volume.
If you're asking about having two or more ROMs on the phone, one installed to the normal /data and /system eMMC partitions, and another on LVM logical volumes, the answer is also yes, but both ROMs will need modified ramdisks. The one for the eMMC-installed ROM should only mount /sdcard from LVM, while the others should be set up to mount /data and /system from LVM as well.
Good write up;-)
wonder if lvm swap could be connected as extra memory .
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA
wizardslovak said:
wonder if lvm swap could be connected as extra memory .
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Sure, of course. From my phone:
$ cat /proc/swaps
Filename Type Size Used Priority
/dev/mapper/lvpool-swap partition 65532 28196 -1
It works just fine, even if it's not a setup I'd use on a mission-critical server.
Hey Guys,
Thanks for this awesome guide.
I just have a quick question, what are the advantages of using LVM instead of the normal partitioning?
I just want to know cause i might added to my rom.
mandaman2k said:
I just have a quick question, what are the advantages of using LVM instead of the normal partitioning?
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Primarily flexibility in deciding the number and layout of partitions -- see the first post.
Sounds good . Ill try it once home ;-)
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA
I just pushed a couple of changes:
Updated prebuilt binaries and LVM source to 2.02.96.
Fixed the instructions for cross compiling LVM.
The boot and recovery images attached to the second post have been updated accordingly.
Is this the only way to make the device function like HC/ICS/JB devices that ship with combined storage?
Are the images from Google partitioned with internal/external storage or are the latest images partitioned with a layout similar to the Galaxy Nexus?
CocoCopernicus said:
Is this the only way to make the device function like HC/ICS/JB devices that ship with combined storage?
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If you want a setup that's exactly as on a 3.0+ device with "SD card" data stored in /data, then yes, this is the only way I know of. If you just want MTP functionality, then no.
CocoCopernicus said:
Are the images from Google partitioned with internal/external storage or are the latest images partitioned with a layout similar to the Galaxy Nexus?
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Official Google software builds use separate userdata and media partitions and continue to offer the 2.x-style USB mass storage access. I'm not sure the partition layout is adjustable in software -- the eMMC presents an EFI partition layout which no one seems to have figured out how to change.
Cool, thanks. Yea, I'm not too interested in the MTP functionality, I just don't want to deal with internal/external storage after using the Galaxy Nexus.
Swap partiton
how i can to create a swap partition of 1G and added to system??
I had create a 1G partition "swap" but system no activated this partition.
xxmurdocxx said:
how i can to create a swap partition of 1G and added to system??
I had create a 1G partition "swap" but system no activated this partition.
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You'd need to format the swap partition:
# mkswap /dev/lvpool/swap
Also, you need to make sure that your kernel has swap support (CONFIG_SWAP=y -- the default kernel does not have this) and that your init scripts are enabling the swap partition (swapon /dev/lvpool/swap).
One other note: you might find lag to be somewhat severe with a 1 GB swap partition -- I'd suggest smaller.
I'm finally getting around to messing with my NS. From what I understand I can't just modify an existing rom(stock JB in this case) to use the larger partitions without compiling an entire new rom, right?
Which would mean I'd be at the mercy of whoever created the ROM to update when an OTA rolls around?
CocoCopernicus said:
I'm finally getting around to messing with my NS. From what I understand I can't just modify an existing rom(stock JB in this case) to use the larger partitions without compiling an entire new rom, right?
Which would mean I'd be at the mercy of whoever created the ROM to update when an OTA rolls around?
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No, you can modify an existing ROM yourself. It's most definitely not the simplest process around, though -- see the documentation at the top of the thread for instructions. As I say there ... read thoroughly and understand before attempting.

[WIP/DEV/GUIDE] Debian Linux armhf

So following a couple of tuts that I've found on the forums I've been able to install debian linux wheezy armhf build on my tablet in a dual boot configuration with it booting off of a second ext4 partition on the microsd card along with getting the drivers/codecs from Linux4Tegra to be installed and somewhat used on debian linux.
What works:
-Display (doesnt use tegra drivers)
-Buttons (power, vol, rot switch [acts as wifi switch])
What doesnt work:
-Bluetooth (Untested but apparently it finds it and sets it up.)
-Audio (Detects it in the kde info center. System Settings program only says that there's a dummy output. Playing any form of audio crashes the program.)
-HDMI (with the Tegra gfx drivers it finds it but says it's disconnected even when connected.)
-Motion Sensing
-Light Sensor
With the display, whenever the tegra drivers are used, it finds HDMI (as HDMI-1) and the LCD screen (as LVDS-1) but says that there is no device on the lcd screen. With that being said, it is using the fbdev driver instead which shows pink and/or inverted colors in some instances but at least it shows a gui.
Guides used:
{HOW TO} Native Debian on A500 and building your own rootfs
[BOOTLOADER][DUALBOOT + RECOVERY][BOOTMENU] Patched ICS bootloader V8 (07/06/2012)
[Dev] Native linux on Iconia
-an A500.
-a 16+GB microsd.
-Linux OS (Debian, Ubuntu, etc.)
-Linux 4 Tegra: Download the Ventana files under "Additional Information" and "Driver Packages"/"Codec Packages".
Ok, so here's how I've done it.
1) Make sure you have a multiboot loader and have flashed the appropriate bootloader image to the second boot partition. get the boot image from the 3rd guide under "precompiled kernel image" and flash that to the second boot partition. (be sure to check the dualboot guide above on flashing the image if you are using the bootloader that is in the guide.)
2) Have a microsd card partitioned with two partitions, one for normal data (can be any format) and a second one that is in ext4. you can do 3 partitions by adding a swap partition but the ext4 partition must be the second partition.
3) Install qemu on the host system.
For Ubuntu - sudo apt-get install qemu-user-static
4) Mount the microsd's ext4 partition.
sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/<microsd 2nd partition> /mnt/Linux
5) Run:
sudo qemu-debootstrap --arch armhf wheezy /mnt/Linux
6) Chroot into the installed environment.
chroot /mnt/Linux /bin/bash
7) Add sources to /mnt/Linux/etc/apt/sources.list. you can get debian sources from http://debgen.simplylinux.ch/. Be sure to choose "Testing (wheezy)" and all the sources check boxes along with where you live to find the nearest repository.
8) Install the wifi drivers pt1.
apt-get update ; apt-get install broadcom-sta-common broadcom-sta-source firmware-b43-installer firmware-b43legacy-installer b43-fwcutter
9) Install the wifi drivers p2. In the "{HOW TO} Native Debian on A500 and building your own rootfs" guide, there is a download from mediafire for the firmware files for the drivers. Extract that and put it into /lib/firmware. I dont know if the individual files in the brcm should be in the /lib/firmware or not so i just copied the folder into it and the files within it into /lib/firmware.
10) Install the GUI:
apt-get install <gui>
List of GUI's (that i know of):
KDE (takes a long time to install): kde-full
XFCE: xfce4
11) extract the ventana_Tegra-Linux-R16.1.0_armhf.tbz2 file and the ventana_Tegra-Linux-codecs-R16.1.0_armhf.tbz2. you should get a folder called "Linux_For_Tegra" and a file called "restricted_codecs.tbz2". go into the "Linux_For_Tegra/nv_tegra" folders and extract the nvidia_drivers.tbz2 file. from there you should get 3 folders: etc, lib, usr. copy those to "/mnt/Linux" (you are going to have to do this as root). back out of those folders and extract the restricted_codecs.tbz2. you should get a folder called "lib" copy that to "/mnt/Linux". after that, it's time to make a hard link so that the X11 can find the tegra driver:
ln /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/tegra_drv.abi12.so /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/tegra_drv.so
Note: without using an xorg.conf file, by default it will use fbdrv instead of the tegra driver.
12) set the root password:
passwd root
13) add a normal user:
adduser <username>
14) exit chroot by typing "exit" and unmount /mnt/Linux:
sudo umount /mnt/Linux
15) pop that sucker into the the tablet and boot into it by holding power and vol down to get into the boot menu. select "boot into second partiton".
If everything went ok, you should be presented with a gui, if not and you are at a command line, log into root and type "startx". if that doesnt work then something wrong must have happened.
Untested easy script:
#! /bin/sh
set -e
#if there is a tegra_install.deb file.
#change these if you do not like default install of kde.
#setup the basics of debian linux using armhf and wheezy build.
qemu-debootstrap --arch $arch $build $rootDir
#copy the tegra_install.deb file for the tegra specific drivers.
if ["$hasTegraDeb" = "1"] then
cp $tegraDeb $rootDir/$tegraDeb
#setup sources.list for apt-get.
echo "deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian testing main contrib non-free" >> $rootDir/etc/apt/sources.list
echo "deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ wheezy-updates main contrib non-free" >> $rootDir/etc/apt/sources.list
echo "deb http://security.debian.org/ wheezy/updates main contrib non-free" >> $rootDir/etc/apt/sources.list
#create the chroot_install.sh script and set it up.
echo "#! /bin/sh" > $rootDir/chroot_install.sh
echo "set -e" >> $rootDir/chroot_install.sh
#update apt-get inside the chroot.
echo "apt-get update" >> $rootDir/chroot_install.sh
#install the wireless card drivers inside the chroot.
echo "apt-get install broadcom-sta-common broadcom-sta-source firmware-b43-installer firmware-b43legacy-installer b43-fwcutter" >> $rootDir/chroot_install.sh
#install the desktop in the chroot. (note: this will take a long time)
echo "apt-get install $guiEnv" >> $rootDir/chroot_install.sh
#install the tegra specific drivers inside the chroot
if ["$hasTegraDeb" = "1"] then
#install the tegra drivers.
echo "dpkg -i $tegraDeb" >> $rootDir/chroot_install.sh
#hard link the tegra_drv.abi12.so as tegra_drv.so in /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/ to enable X11 to find the display driver.
echo "ln /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/tegra_drv.abi12.so /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/tegra_drv.so" >> $rootDir/chroot_install.sh
#set the root password in the chroot.
echo "passwd root" >> $rootDir/chroot_install.sh
#add normal user in the chroot.
echo "adduser $newUser" >> $rootDir/chroot_install.sh
#execute the final stage of the install.
chroot $rootDir /chroot_install.sh
rm $rootDir/chroot_install.sh
if ["$hasTegraDeb" = "1"] then
rm $rootDir/$tegraDeb
Script sets up everything along with installing kde window manager. Please note that the tegra_install.deb file does not exist, it is something that i am thinking of making in the future that has all the drivers and what not needed that is from the Linux 4 Tegra site. you are still going to have to manually install the tegra drivers in step 11.
Edit: Experimental copies of the deb files that has all the files needed from Linux 4 Tegra and the wifi drivers can be found at the bottom of the post.
xorg.conf to enable tegra driver (found in the Linux_for_Tegra/nv_tegra/config.tbz2/etc/X11 folder):
# This is the minimal configuration necessary to use the Tegra driver.
# Please refer to the xorg.conf man page for more configuration
# options provided by the X server, including display-related options
# provided by RandR 1.2 and higher.
# Disable extensions not useful on Tegra.
Section "Module"
Disable "dri"
Disable "dri2"
Disable "glx"
SubSection "extmod"
Option "omit xfree86-dga"
Section "Device"
Identifier "Tegra"
Driver "tegra"
# OverlayDepth is a 32-bit integer which is used to control overlay
# stacking order. The overlay with the lowest depth is in front of
# all others. This value has meaning only when multiple overlays are
# present on a display.
# Option "OverlayDepth" "255"
# ARGBHWCursor controls whether the X driver uses an overlay to
# display 32-bit "true-color" cursors, or whether such cursors are
# emulated in software. Valid values are "true" to enable hardware
# cursors, and "false" (default) to disable them.
# Option "ARGBHWCursor"
At the moment, I have looked through the config.tbz2 file and may have to stick the stuff in there into the tablet's linux filesystem. will test this later.
I am not a linux developer, I have no idea how to create linux drivers. All I can do is mash things together and hope things work out.
In theory, this should work for all tegra2 and tegra3 (using cardhu drivers instead of ventana) devices with some minor differences.
Apparently it is using kernel version 2.6.38. I'm going to see if I can update the kernel to 3.2.23-1 which is the latest version for armhf in the debian package list (http://packages.debian.org/wheezy/kernel/linux-headers-3.2.0-3-all-armhf).
Looks like updating the kernel from apt-get doesn't necessarily enable the kernel to load as it seems that the boot loader loads a prepackaged kernel that has been flashed into mmcblk0p7. Tried out kexec and the kernel doesn't support it so adding it to the /dev/inittab script is useless for loading up new kernels. I tried making the new kernel into a flashable image using mkbootimg that is found within the Linux 4 Tegra folder but it doesn't do anything and the image apparently isn't valid when i tried booting it from fastboot (black screen). along with that, apparently it changed my password on my encrypted /data partition's password (when i flashed it within linux using dd) so a word of caution with that. If anyone can help me out, i would like to try to create something similar to grub (or even port it) where it loads up new kernels from the microsd or a specified place based on a boot list.
deb Files (Install using "dpkg -i acer-iconia-tab-a500+tegra+brcm+wheezy_<version>_armhf.deb" within the linux environment of the tablet.):
1.0-1: acer-iconia-tab-a500+tegra+brcm+wheezy_1.0-1_armhf.deb
--takes care of steps 9 and 11 sans hard linking the X11 tegra drivers.
1.0-2: acer-iconia-tab-a500+tegra+brcm+wheezy_1.0-2_armhf.deb
--has pre-depends for the first part of the wifi driver installation so this should, in theory, install both part 1 and 2 of the wifi drivers.
--takes care of steps 8, 9, and 11 sans hard linking the X11 tegra drivers.
Update log:
10/17/2012: added updated version of the deb package.
10/16/2012: first version.
Ok, so since I cant post anything including into ongoing threads in the android development forum due to the 10 post required thing i'll just have to ask development questions here till i reach the 10 post requirement.
Can anyone point me into the direction for how the second boot image that you flash for the dual boot bootloader is created? Trying to figure out how to create an image so that it boots everything off the microsd card including the kernel. It seems that the kernel used in the guide is locked to 2.6.38 and if you update the kernel within the tablet's linux environment it doesnt load it up. so i need to figure out how to create a boot image so that it loads it up or create a boot image that has grub (or other bootloaders) installed on it to boot different linux images.
alatnet said:
Ok, so since I cant post anything including into ongoing threads in the android development forum due to the 10 post required thing i'll just have to ask development questions here till i reach the 10 post requirement.
Can anyone point me into the direction for how the second boot image that you flash for the dual boot bootloader is created? Trying to figure out how to create an image so that it boots everything off the microsd card including the kernel. It seems that the kernel used in the guide is locked to 2.6.38 and if you update the kernel within the tablet's linux environment it doesnt load it up. so i need to figure out how to create a boot image so that it loads it up or create a boot image that has grub (or other bootloaders) installed on it to boot different linux images.
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You are on the right track with mkbootimg. I have not figured it all out myself yet.
You have to compile your arm linux kernel then make a bootable image with mkboot
I don't know if you have seen this or if. this will help---Nethams kernel compile commands are;
make ARCH=arm menuconfig
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueable--j16
./mkbootimg --ramdisk dev/zero --kernel arch/arm/zimage -o ../recovery.img
I believe these are the commands he uses to compile his recovery image (boot.img)
It is my understanding that mkboot combines the kernel with a ram disk to make an image file that will boot the system
That image file can be placed in several places 1-primary boot position 2 recovery position 3 and if you have Skrilax dual boot secboot position
So it depends on what mkboot compiled as to what happens when that boot point is activated.
I am still trying to work out how Spdev and Netham combine or configure the kernel + initramfs+ ramdisk to create their bootable images.
I know these images boot and point to the file system which can be stored on internal or external sd card or even usb drive it all depends on how the boot image is configured.
Still learning myself
Here is a link I found explanes about Linux ram disk and initram
And more info here downloads a PDF presentation on how to.
All about that mkbooting after you get your kernel
themechaniac said:
snip (freaking 10 post limit...)
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Yea, i did find some stuff with mkbootimg including the last link that you posted.
The kernel was already compiled when i downloaded it using apt-get and it is placed in /boot folder.
I did make a boot.img from that kernel using mkbootimg and looking at "/proc/cmdline" at the arguments that were passed to the kernel in the other kernel image and it made it, flashed it to secboot and it didnt do anything except use the same kernal as before, though i did flash the image via dd in linux. Apparently this sorta screwed up my /data partition or something in where it wouldnt recognize my password for de-encryption to mount it. (fixing it by just erasing "/data" [bye bye data... TT.TT]) So i tried booting it using "fastboot boot <kernel>" and it didnt boot, only showing a black screen, but using the other boot.img it would boot linux up.
So I'm thinking of somehow creating a kernel image that can use kexec to make a grub like bootloader kernel that you flash onto the secboot partition that has something similer to grub.cfg in which you can easily select which kernel to load.
As for looking for a grub.cfg file, it would look in a few different places:
-in internal storage (probably recovery partition or the "/system" partition as the "/data" partition can potentially be encrypted and not mountable.)
-sd card (has to be in first partition and in fat32 format)
-usb drive (same as sd card)
from these places it will load each grub.cfg. that way it'll make the grub like bootloader kernel extendable in which kernel to load (i.e. have a linux system on usb that you want to boot from.)
I may be wrong but it is my understanding that the compiled kernel is in the boot image packed by mkbootimg.
The kernel is compiled to look for the compatible root file system in a particular place.
So when you change or use a boot image you change the kernel you are using.
So we have a system that;
Has a modified Linux kernel that selects the Android file system from internal memory installed in the first boot position.
We can put a Linux kernel compiled to find a compatible root file system say on external sd card in the second boot position.
We can replace the recovery image with a Linux kernel that finds a compatible root file system on the internal sd card.
That gives us a hardware selective three different systems (triple boot)
With fastboot on the PC we can quickly change any of the Three boot images, replace the recovery image or repair system.
I think all we need is a 3.2.23 kernel compiled thee separate ways and packaged with mkbootimg.
1st find root file system internel, 2nd find file system externel 3rd find file system usb
We already have two 2.6.38 kernels. One from Spdev (external root file system)and One from Netham {internal file system)
They are different kernels as Nethams has added modules.
I believe the were both compiled from the same Git.
I have tried switching the two boot images in second boot position with both root file systems installed and when you boot the second position
it switches to it's own file system.
I haven't tried swapping the root file positions yet.
themechaniac said:
I may be wrong but it is my understanding that the compiled kernel is in the boot image packed by mkbootimg.
The kernel is compiled to look for the compatible root file system in a particular place.
So when you change or use a boot image you change the kernel you are using.
So we have a system that;
Has a modified Linux kernel that selects the Android file system from internal memory installed in the first boot position.
We can put a Linux kernel compiled to find a compatible root file system say on external sd card in the second boot position.
We can replace the recovery image with a Linux kernel that finds a compatible root file system on the internal sd card.
That gives us a hardware selective three different systems (triple boot)
With fastboot on the PC we can quickly change any of the Three boot images, replace the recovery image or repair system.
I think all we need is a 3.2.23 kernel compiled thee separate ways and packaged with mkbootimg.
1st find root file system internel, 2nd find file system externel 3rd find file system usb
We already have two 2.6.38 kernels. One from Spdev (external root file system)and One from Netham {internal file system)
They are different kernels as Nethams has added modules.
I believe the were both compiled from the same Git.
I have tried switching the two boot images in second boot position with both root file systems installed and when you boot the second position
it switches to it's own file system.
I haven't tried swapping the root file positions yet.
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Interesting. Though i think it needs to be a specific type of kernel (i.e bzImage or uImage instead of vmlinuz) to actually run. also, the precompiled kernel in the guide that i had used in the opening post had a command line where one option was "root=/dev/mmcblk1p2" which pretty much says for the kernel to look for the linux file system in the second partition on the sd card.
Yes with the way the system is formatted you cannot change out the kernel on the fly. It is basically hard coded in the boot image. Skrilax has given us a way to change boot positions so we don't have to sacrifice recovery position to boot second kernel. I have not seen any pre configured 3.2.23 kernels yet. The one that Netham posted boots from internal SD but causes problems for some people as not all a500 have their internal SD card formatted in the same memory block. It works great for me I prefer to have my root file system on a fast external SD so would like to modify or compile a kernel like Netham's. I find I run out of space when I have it internal. Netham's kernel has USB sound and seems to boot differt than Spdev's.
themechaniac said:
Yes with the way the system is formatted you cannot change out the kernel on the fly. It is basically hard coded in the boot image. Skrilax has given us a way to change boot positions so we don't have to sacrifice recovery position to boot second kernel. I have not seen any pre configured 3.2.23 kernels yet. The one that Netham posted boots from internal SD but causes problems for some people as not all a500 have their internal SD card formatted in the same memory block. It works great for me I prefer to have my root file system on a fast external SD so would like to modify or compile a kernel like Netham's. I find I run out of space when I have it internal. Netham's kernel has USB sound and seems to boot differt than Spdev's.
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Right, but this is how the linux boot loader is going to go with, instead of loading the linux system (sans kernel and initrd) from the sd card, we create a boot.img that has a linux system built in that has a sole purpose of loading other linux systems using kexec.
Here's how the path is going to go:
Startup-->Bootloader-->Linux Bootloader (loads linux on external drives)-->Linux (on external drives)
Well I am happy with Ubuntu on my external SD card, I even ran a kernel compile on it and it ran pretty fast. I am stuck on the mkbootimg part. It can't be done on the tablet, has to be a PC. I tried unpacking the Two ready made boot images to see how they are configured but they don't seem to have a ram disk. Still working on that. It is learning how the system is put together that is half the fun, Getting it to work the way you want is the goal. When it is all squared away it will be time to move on to the next puzzle. I have enough computers that I could just put a system on each one and be done with it. Where's the fun in that. Most of them are dual booted already.
themechaniac said:
Well I am happy with Ubuntu on my external SD card, I even ran a kernel compile on it and it ran pretty fast. I am stuck on the mkbootimg part. It can't be done on the tablet, has to be a PC. I tried unpacking the Two ready made boot images to see how they are configured but they don't seem to have a ram disk. Still working on that. It is learning how the system is put together that is half the fun, Getting it to work the way you want is the goal. When it is all squared away it will be time to move on to the next puzzle. I have enough computers that I could just put a system on each one and be done with it. Where's the fun in that. Most of them are dual booted already.
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Well, even though mkbootimg is suppose to be run on linux, i don't think it was compiled for arm so you are going to have to use a pc for that program. as for the initrd, i did find a website that may help in creating an A.L.B.L. (Android Linux Boot Loader): http://www.thewireframecommunity.com/node/14
Essentially what is needed to create the A.L.B.L. is to create a kernel with kexec in it and an initrd that mounts the external drives along with an easy to use interface to be loaded before loading any kernels to allow for selecting kernels. with that said, how do you figure out how to use the volume buttons and the power button within linux using a c\c++ program?
any progress?
-Audio (Detects it in the kde info center. System Settings program only says that there's a dummy output. Playing any form of audio crashes the program.)
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cat /any/file/for/ex/bin/bash > /dev/dsp
works properly
Unfortunetly no.
Been to busy with other stuff to work on this.
tegra driver
I have ubuntu 12.10 armf runing on my a500 thanks to the "Linux on A500: The Future" thread. I am using the ferrariforzaleo mod of rogro82's kernel.
The problem I had was getting the xorg tegra module to load. I fixed this by getting the "https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/armhf/nvidia-tegra/16.0-0ubuntu1"]https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/armhf/nvidia-tegra/16.0-0ubuntu1 and installing with
sudo dpkg -i
after I rebooted it started using the tegra video driver.
HardlyAbelson said:
I have ubuntu 12.10 armf runing on my a500 thanks to the "Linux on A500: The Future" thread. I am using the ferrariforzaleo mod of rogro82's kernel.
The problem I had was getting the xorg tegra module to load. I fixed this by getting the "https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/armhf/nvidia-tegra/16.0-0ubuntu1"]https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/armhf/nvidia-tegra/16.0-0ubuntu1 and installing with
sudo dpkg -i
after I rebooted it started using the tegra video driver.
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can you explain me the steps you done ? I also want ubuntu 12.10 running but I can't install any desktop on it ( show error and other error )
ubuntu 12.10
Forzaferrarileo said:
can you explain me the steps you done ? I also want ubuntu 12.10 running but I can't install any desktop on it ( show error and other error )
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Hi, I used the debootstrap and and qemu / chroot to setup my rootfs. i found post #61 in the "Linux on A500: future" very helpful.
Also, make sure you have a usb keyboard handy. After you run "apt-get install -d ubuntu-desktop" (assuming you have a pc running ubuntu to use) in a qemu chroot, you can move to the a500 and boot up and login as root and run "apt-get install ubuntu-destop". since the stuff is cached. I found this faster than installing the desktop while in the chroot. After that finishes, you should boot up with a desktop available. If something is wrong and you can't login, try doing "ctrl-alt-f1" to get to the getty command line login and look at the /var/log/ folder for clues in the logs.
How to compile the kernel?
I succesfully got debian running on my iconia a500 :laugh:
Building my own rootfs and getting the wifi to work were not that hard, but I still don't know how to compile the Linux kernel for the a500 from source.
I already found the git repository of rogru82 (https://github.com/rogro82/picasso-kernel) and I downloaded the source to my pc (running ubuntu 13.04). Can someone point me to a tutorial explaining how to compile this source?
Also, can someone explain what sort of partition table the internal memory uses? I am running the 3.0 kernel and I can see a block memory device in the /dev folder but there are no partitions. How can I mount the internal memory?

