[Q] Tablets problems - Windows 8 General

I just bought an Acer W500 some weeks ago & already got Win 8 running on it, but after a while I found some inconveniences & need help to fix them
1. How can I turn the screen off without going to sleep/hibernate mode?
2. Is there any other good on-screen keyboard with thump & swipe style? & can also be opened or moved in-game?
3. How to set every folders layout into Tiles for easy touching? I have to set it everytime I open a new folder
4. Im using Firefox & I did re-config it for touch compatibility but zoom gestures still arent seem to work. Pinch in or out only make the font smaller or bigger, not zoom the entire page like IE 10
5. Is there any ways to bring back the cursor while touching like in win 7? I find it more compatible with games & stuffs. Cuz in most of the games, I had to double touch to choose something
6. How can I get another win7 PCs to connect to my tablet via wifi networks? I did change both PC to the same workgroup, set a password but it just keep saying my tablet is not accessible
Any help would be appreciated

AsakuraVN said:
I just bought an Acer W500 some weeks ago & already got Win 8 running on it, but after a while I found some inconveniences & need help to fix them
1. How can I turn the screen off without going to sleep/hibernate mode?
2. Is there any other good on-screen keyboard with thump & swipe style? & can also be opened or moved in-game?
3. How to set every folders layout into Tiles for easy touching? I have to set it everytime I open a new folder
4. Im using Firefox & I did re-config it for touch compatibility but zoom gestures still arent seem to work. Pinch in or out only make the font smaller or bigger, not zoom the entire page like IE 10
5. Is there any ways to bring back the cursor while touching like in win 7? I find it more compatible with games & stuffs. Cuz in most of the games, I had to double touch to choose something
6. How can I get another win7 PCs to connect to my tablet via wifi networks? I did change both PC to the same workgroup, set a password but it just keep saying my tablet is not accessible
Any help would be appreciated
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cant help with most of that but as for networking, go to the networking sharing centre, click on the homegroup if setup, then change the various network settings, pay careful attention to setting like password protected sharing.
To be honest ive not been a fan of the networked usage of homegroups so it might be worth while turning that off....


Questions From ex-Treo650 user

Ok I had gotten board with the lack of wifi and decent web browser on the Treo 650 that I decided to make the move to the 8125. I knew about the speed difference and some of the other issues discussed in these forums because I researched the device for months before making the move. Therefore I wont say much about that. Unfortunately I have a few issues that I can't seem to find answers for in this forum and I was hoping other users out there could help.
1. Is there any way of making the navigation pad useful? I cant access anything on the taskbar and it would be great if I could. I installed magic button so I can close apps and switch back to home when I want. Furthermore there is almost no documentation on how to use the nav pad. All application instructions say tap the icon. It's very convenient to have one handed use. for example i have yet to figure out how to get back to the location bar in Pocket IE so I can enter a url without having to tap the screen.
2. Is it common that some applications just freak out when you switch to landscape mode (scroll bars not working and such)?
3. As mentioned I installed magic button but is there an application that will pop up a list of running tasks so I can switch between them easily with the navigation pad.
4. Backup. I may be very wrong on this but I fear that active sync does not actually backup my entire device like palm does. Could someone clear this up and if I'm correct is there a way for active sync to do this. I have more programs on this device than what is on my add/remove prog screen.
5. Notification reminders. I see a feature to have the led for a period of time but it would be nicer if it could be set to play its sound also. Like the pagers of old.
6. Notification of lost service. This phone never tells me I have no cell service. Last thing I want is battery draining searching or worse assuming I have service and miss all calls.
If anyone could provide some info on the above it would be a great help. i have already found many other programs that make up for the lacking features. Below is a list of what I have installed please make any suggestions you think would be helpful.
1. AnthaVPN - easiest and fastest to install
2. TN520 by mochasoft
3. Pocket Putty SSH client
4. Eyes On Call - Callfilter like program with many features still limited but the developer is very quick in implementing suggestions.
5. Info sharp - same developer as above but this provides sms capabilities that are very impressive. He almost has chat style sms with the way this program works.
6. OMAPclocker - for clocking to 220. I actually see the difference.
7. IM+ - Sametime/AOL instant messenger client.
8. Info apps I have Metro, Ereader, Bdicty, VadeMecum
10. Registry Wizard
11. Calc98 - the built in calc app is a joke.
12. Xpressmail - dont care what anyone says this app does what it says it will do. Pushes email to your phone.
Thank You
- Richard

[Q] Newbie questions about W8

Hello everyone,
I hope with your knowledge of the system you will be able to help me with some of my questions.
I would like to make sure that I know what I am doing before swapping to a new system.
Here we go than...
1. I am currently using Netflix and Hulu services via VPN (and Windows 7 + Chrome), will I be able to use them with Windows 8 without any problems?
2. I understand that there is no option to side load apps for the Modern Interface other than from MS Store... is there any way to go round it? Reason for this question is connected to Q1. If I would want to use Netflix/Hulu app instead of browser will I be able to get it? (I suspect that there will be a market geolocalization thing... as it is with WP. In iOS or Android it is not a big problem though...
3. I got my original Windows Vista HP (32b) in my desk, purchased as an OEM... should I install it on my PC before buying an upgrade to WIn 8 Pro? What other options than "upgrade W8Pro" will there be for ppl. to purchase new system...
4. If I get a tablet/hybrid to replace iPad with more versatile device (x86 architecture) will I have to get 2 browsers...2 mail clients, etc... in order to be able to work in both modes desktop/modern? Considering that such a device will have limited disk space it seems like a problem. As far as I know modern interface is not really an interface but it is more like a second separate and quite independent system. This means that if I open Word/browser/mail in one mode and move on to continue to work in second I will have to start those app again and data between them will not be synchronised? Yes?
Like... all those program started in Modern Interface will no be visible and accessible on my task bar in desktop mode...
5. Along with changing system on my desktop and getting replacement for my iPAd I am thinking about swapping my phone. I use Lumia 710 and as much as I like the general feel of WP I hate that it is even more "closed" than iOS. Will I loose or gain functionality if I'll get Android device instead of WP8?
1, yes not a prob at all its the same as windows 7
2, I am 99% sure this will be hacked soon but you could also go for Enterprise edition or get a dev license (if you can get an edu email then you don't even need to pay)
3, not to sure myself sorry I have software assurance and so didn't look this up.
4, Windows 8 has a built in mail app (can be removed), you shouldn't think of it as 2 interfaces but more that you have some metro apps some x86 apps the desktop and the modern interface are as one. This whole hula balu about 2 diff interfaces is rubbish. Also the main browser is the one used in metro so you don't download a second one you just set it as your main one and you have both interfaces.
5, depends on what you mean by functionality, both os's have there strong and weak points it really Is down to how you use it and whatyou want from the phone.
lumpaywk said:
2, I am 99% sure this will be hacked soon but you could also go for Enterprise edition or get a dev license (if you can get an edu email then you don't even need to pay)
4, Windows 8 has a built in mail app (can be removed), you shouldn't think of it as 2 interfaces but more that you have some metro apps some x86 apps the desktop and the modern interface are as one. This whole hula balu about 2 diff interfaces is rubbish. Also the main browser is the one used in metro so you don't download a second one you just set it as your main one and you have both interfaces.
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thanks for your answer.
2. Can you give me more details about it? What is Enterprise edition and about this edu e-mail address...How does it all work...
4. Can I start desktop apps in Metro (can they be pinned?) or vice versa? IE10 is default in Metro - if I use default Metro mail app... can I change default browser to Chrome (btw: how does it work in Win8...as in Win7? Or are there any differences).
IE10... does it sync between devices like Chrome?
I install enterprise edition but I get no sound it may be the drivers but I am not sure realtek has drivers for windows 8 yet
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
galtom said:
thanks for your answer.
2. Can you give me more details about it? What is Enterprise edition and about this edu e-mail address...How does it all work...
4. Can I start desktop apps in Metro (can they be pinned?) or vice versa? IE10 is default in Metro - if I use default Metro mail app... can I change default browser to Chrome (btw: how does it work in Win8...as in Win7? Or are there any differences).
IE10... does it sync between devices like Chrome?
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2. As with other versions of Windows you get multiple versions depending on your needs budget etc. Windows 8 come in Windows RT (ARM version (does not support old style x86 software, this is for cheap tablets etc and will only be sold preinstalled)), Windows 8 (basic version), Windows 8 Pro and then Windows 8 Enterprise. Enterprise has a few extra features for big business and own of them is the ability to side load metro apps meaning a company can write custom metro software.
The thing with the edu email is that .edu is for educational institutions schools university's etc. So that MS can get students using its products they let you have a dev license free for the time your in study. All you need to do is find someone who has an email from a school college etc and sign up with there email. I used my dads he is a lecturer. With a dev license you can unlock a couple of devices.
4. There is no 2 separate things here metro and desktop are NOT 2 diff working spaces. Try to think of the start screen as the same thing as the start menu from the old windows except instead of just a list it fills the screen. You can put any app software etc on this screen the same as you could before with the start menu. Older software does have ugly icon squares but there is a thread here with software to make your own metro style icons. The one thing to note though is that you can only open metro apps on 1 monitor ie you cant pin your mail app to one screen and then open cut the rope on another. This is not true for the desktop. Metro apps also open in there own sandbox environment, this means they can not interact with anything outside of themselves, they can share info etc but they cant change anything and so on.
lumpaywk said:
2. As with other versions of Windows you get multiple versions depending on your needs budget etc. [...]
4. There is no 2 separate things here metro and desktop are NOT 2 diff working spaces. [...].
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2. Ok.. I guess I'll have to wait and see what is out there and for how much.
Are you sure that with dev licence I will be able to use US Store/UK Store/etc... as I please?
4. Do I read you correctly (I do work with 2 screens) that I will not be able to have Chrome (I believe it does not support Metro yet) on both screens (to get data and to write in the second). One would thought that I should be able to have any combination of software/apps I want on both screens - Metro x Metro; Desktop x Metro; Metro x Desktop; Desktop x Desktop.
Truly strange and quite disturbing...
New questions :
Are there apps for Metro from Hulu, Netflix, BBC (iPlayer)?
Will they be OK to use with VPN tunnelling or I will have to use browser any way...
Will Hulu work on tablet/hybrid with x86 Windows 8 or will it say I am using mobile device (as it is with iOS/Android) and will not work in its Free version.
galtom said:
2. Ok.. I guess I'll have to wait and see what is out there and for how much.
Are you sure that with dev licence I will be able to use US Store/UK Store/etc... as I please?
4. Do I read you correctly (I do work with 2 screens) that I will not be able to have Chrome (I believe it does not support Metro yet) on both screens (to get data and to write in the second). One would thought that I should be able to have any combination of software/apps I want on both screens - Metro x Metro; Desktop x Metro; Metro x Desktop; Desktop x Desktop.
Truly strange and quite disturbing...
New questions :
Are there apps for Metro from Hulu, Netflix, BBC (iPlayer)?
Will they be OK to use with VPN tunnelling or I will have to use browser any way...
Will Hulu work on tablet/hybrid with x86 Windows 8 or will it say I am using mobile device (as it is with iOS/Android) and will not work in its Free version.
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Chrome does now support Metro you just have to have it set as your default browser. The 2 screens is only Metro style apps so yes you cant have 2 metro style chromes but you can still open as many desktop/old style chromes as you want just as you did in windows 7. With dual screen one screen will always display its half of the desktop the metro start screen only goes onto 1 monitor. It is that one monitor that metro apps will run. It is a huge blunder in my opinion but what can you do.
If you are running a desktop pc esp with multi monitors then you wont notice to much diff in looks and feel. You will notice a huge jump in speed though but a loss of transparent windows . It is also worth putting a start link on the taskbar as sometimes getting the corner between screens is tricky (well not tricky but faster if you have a bigger target), just google "show start.exe".
As for the marketplace from diff country that I don't think would be possible I thought you where talking about side loading apps. You may be able to with the use of vpn but I cant confirm this.
Ok, thanks for the info.
I guess the best would be to simply try Win8 before I buy it.
3 (new) questions than:
What is the latest ver. of Win 8 I should download?
I do not own any VM software - is there (an easy) way to test Win* under Win7 (I dont mind that system will not be as fast, etc... but I would be able to see how it works...)
If I would have to make a proper install of Win8 on my PC... how hard will it be to go back to my current Win7?
As I keep 90% of ma data either in the cloud or on a on a different partitions on my drives formatting C: is not a problem... but I have read that once Win 8 is installed Win7 does not want to format this drive and install itself on it.... true?
galtom said:
Ok, thanks for the info.
I guess the best would be to simply try Win8 before I buy it.
3 (new) questions than:
What is the latest ver. of Win 8 I should download?
I do not own any VM software - is there (an easy) way to test Win* under Win7 (I dont mind that system will not be as fast, etc... but I would be able to see how it works...)
If I would have to make a proper install of Win8 on my PC... how hard will it be to go back to my current Win7?
As I keep 90% of ma data either in the cloud or on a on a different partitions on my drives formatting C: is not a problem... but I have read that once Win 8 is installed Win7 does not want to format this drive and install itself on it.... true?
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Your best bet is to use a diff hard drive that way you can dual boot into windows 7 and windows 8 then when your done unplug the hard drive test you can boot into 7 still then format. This is the best way though I have heard of issues going back I have never had any, you boot to a disk then format the drive when you install 7 so I don't see how it could be, maybe they are trying to keep there files etc ie downgrade instead of a new install.
you can get a 90 day trial of rtm (the final build as it will be sold) here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/jj554510.aspx But note you will need to uninstall it and reinstall if you want to keep using windows 8 after the 90 days.
Last thing,
I plan to install Win8 (today) on my external 160GB disk.
It will be connected to my PC via e-Sata... any advice before I proceed?
I dont want to put it on disk where is my current Win7 as I need it daily to work... so this should work... right? (motherboard is old; Abit Ab9Pro)
If this hasn't already been answered, I use tor for Netflix and it doesn't work will on windows 8. I can load the home but then it goes back to the UK version. It works fine on 7.
Sent from my U20i using xda premium
x10man said:
If this hasn't already been answered, I use tor for Netflix and it doesn't work will on windows 8. I can load the home but then it goes back to the UK version. It works fine on 7.
Sent from my U20i using xda premium
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Sorry I got bit confused...
Where do you use it (UK or USA)?
You try to access Netflix via VPN and Metro app or browser?
I'm in the UK and I use tor to access the US version with desktop chrome and proxy switchy to act as a Tor button.
Sent from my U20i using xda premium
Perhaps it is a TOR (and selected exit node) problem...
Try this 3h trial of VPN (free) and see if it is working - http://www.hideipvpn.com/freetrial/
Do you use Chrome under desktop or Modern UI mode?
Can you recommend a good (free) set of video codecs? I cant play mkv at the moment

[Q] Modern UI & 2 screens

I can have two different desktop app on my two screens but not modern ui apps.
Is there a way to change it? Or is it due to res. (1280 x 1024) of one of my screens and I will have no issue if I get a higher res. one?
You should be able to show different Modern apps on each screen... you can drag apps between screens, use the keyboard shortcuts (CTRL+WIN+Arrow keys, if I recall correctly), or open Start on different screens and the app you pick will launch there.
12x10 is too low for snapping apps the side of a screen, but is enough to display an app.
GoodDayToDie said:
You should be able to show different Modern apps on each screen... you can drag apps between screens, use the keyboard shortcuts (CTRL+WIN+Arrow keys, if I recall correctly), or open Start on different screens and the app you pick will launch there.
12x10 is too low for snapping apps the side of a screen, but is enough to display an app.
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No, this doesn't seem to be programmed in.
Essentially you designated one monitor as the "modernUI monitor". You can't have an app running on the left and have the start menu on the right- the app on the left just minimizes as soon as you press start. Very annoying- it means you cannot multitask in the metro environment with multiple monitors. I love the idea of apps but this needs to be fixed... as is I can't even launch programs without killing the app I'm using. If I want to watch netflix on one monitor and work on the other, I can't use the netflix app because I'll stop the video every time I try to start a program.
link68759 said:
No, this doesn't seem to be programmed in.
[...] Very annoying- it means you cannot multitask in the metro environment with multiple monitors. I love the idea of apps but this needs to be fixed...
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My point (and problem) exactly!
Inconsistencies are killing Windows 8 . Small, annoying things like that are why people are saying this system is bad. Essentialy, it is not.. it is just inconsistent .
I asked some people in the dev group and their answer was
"We are aware of this issue and are looking into it. We were not able to implement this in v1 of Windows 8, however we cannot comment, yet, on up and coming updates at this time."
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Talderon said:
I asked some people in the dev group and their answer was
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Since it looks like you are in touch with ppl. "who can" ask them (nicely) about these as well (if you can):
- why IE can not (in both modes) use the same resources to act as 1 browser not 2 (or at least if they plan to offer sync between them) - just as Chrome is doing it today. This duality on W8 is killing IE 10 for me (for you as well?)
- since I do not have 2 W8 there is no way for me to check this but I doubt it is working like this - is IE 10 synchronizing between devices?
If I will finish my work on desktop and fire up laptop/hybrid with W8 will I get instantly the same tabs/pages/history/passwords/etc?
- sync of system between devices - I do not mean sync of desktop mode here that is impossible but since Modern UI has always access to all the same software resources will it sync all setting and programs (and their settings) I already have on ma PC once I get second device? (I show some triggers about sync in settings/setup - don't know if they are working)
- W8 should allow for designating 1 local (lan NAS) folder for sync between devices (but with offline access) so files on NAS are also synced on W8 device - this
- Mail - as IE it should use the same resources - W8 Mail & Live Mail should be 1 program with just 2 interfaces - not two separate programs - it is CRAZY!!!
- I have put Modern UI program on 1 side of my screen (size 2/3 or 3/4) on this smaller strip I wanted to have Skype window (strip as well) in desktop mode - not possible - as it tries to show overview of whole desktop (like 1 screen, part of it covered with IE10 rest is desktop skype or other communicator)
I only got W8 for about week now son nothing more bugs me so far

Is the new Windows 8 finally worth the transition from 7?

My biggest fear is that troubleshooting, and the hell hole of creating network drives, sharing permissions and all kinds of other thigns I had to do to stream my Media to my android and PS3 will just repeat itself or get worst if I upgrade.
What are the general experiences with media and directory sharing on Windows 8 vs Windows 7? Can you drop all of Microsoft's security mechanisms as a whole?
write a simple script for your network file sharing, are you doing an upgrade or going from scratch?
buffalosolja42 said:
write a simple script for your network file sharing, are you doing an upgrade or going from scratch?
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Unsure about that. I would like to from scratch since if I do make the move to Windows 8 I will probably load it onto an SSD and have two HDDs for storage
Wrong forum, mate. This is Windows Phone 8. The Windows 8 forum is over there. Please ask a moderator to move this thread.
I was shocked with how stable Windows 7 is, it very rarely freezes or reboots etc.
I can't believe how often Windows 8 freezes, reboots, fails to start, can't diagnose startup problems or if it does, I do it 3 times and somehow it finds a problem on the third time, why is that?
I use exactly the same programs on each OS. I have used 8 preview, 8 and now 8.1 each one is unstable and creates problems. For a desktop user, it's a nightmare.
SharpnShiny said:
I was shocked with how stable Windows 7 is, it very rarely freezes or reboots etc.
I can't believe how often Windows 8 freezes, reboots, fails to start, can't diagnose startup problems or if it does, I do it 3 times and somehow it finds a problem on the third time, why is that?
I use exactly the same programs on each OS. I have used 8 preview, 8 and now 8.1 each one is unstable and creates problems. For a desktop user, it's a nightmare.
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I have been running windows 8 on my daily use machine since the week it launched, not once has it frozen, rebooted or failed to boot. Nor have I heard of such prolific issues from anyone else
Honestly I threw 8.1 preview on one of two new boxes at home, 7 Ultimate on the other.
Both with SSD caching and boot times are similar. Performance also seems similar.
I got one copy of 8 for one system and one for the other.
Metro was made for touch screens (and is great with one) - but the box with 8 will never have it.
So I have it boot straight to desktop and I'll live on the desktop except for occasionally finding an app.
(Think I might look at that Pokki or other start menu alternatives..)
If you have a touch screen go 8. If you don't stick with 7...
According to me it is not up to the mark...... 7 is better may be future updates may change my attitude...
Sent from my Xperia U using xda app-developers app
I cannot find *one* thing superior in windows 7 to windows 8 bar the fact that driver signature enforcement is enabled (but can be disabled for a single boot if you need to install some drivers anyway, once installed an unsigned driver will work fine after a reboot).
Start button being absent like everyone complains about. Who seriously uses the start button? All it does is let you launch programs or shut the PC down. Well I can launch programs just fine from desktop (albeit I like a clean desktop so don't), task bar, start screen or via search. Search is easy to get to, hit the windows key to go to the start screen, start typing and it immediately searches for that program. Shutdown, I never shut down from the start bar anyway and haven't in years, Control-Alt-Delete, or charms bar > settings > Power > Shutdown. Or windows key + D to go to desktop (or the button on the task bar, or some other way that I don't care to mention) and hit alt-F4 and windows will prompt for shutdown. Admin functions like control panel etc, hold the windows key and press X, a menu appears where the start button used to reside and lists most useful functions immediately, or you can move the mouse into the bottom left so the button to go to the start screen appears and then right click it.
Metro/Start as they prefer to call it that (seriously, they dropped the metro name way before full release) you look at for all of 2 seconds. I have a tile on it to go to desktop, but prefer to use windows key + D. Other than that, I actually use it with tiles for my favourite programs neatly pinned to it.
The start button is archaic. I saw someone saying that its impossible to throw away years of using a start button, I honestly wondered who was still using it, it was hideous. I got my first PC when I was 8, 2002 if you must know. At the age of 8 you learn to do things 1 way and usually stick to that. Yet I got windows 8 shortly after release (it was still during the discounted price period) and adapted to the lack of start bar within an hour, prior to that I was a heavy computer user. There we go, 11/12 years of heavy computer usage with the start bar being present and I throw it out within an hour. That was so hard.
Things change. Deal with it. The start button has been with us for how long and it is finally old enough that it needs putting to rest. Once upon a time we only used "primitive" command line entry systems (many still do), many of those users were angry when the modern desktop appeared, now its commonplace.
SixSixSevenSeven;45816830 ...
Start button being absent like everyone complains about. Who seriously uses the start button?[/QUOTE said:
Are you serious?
Given that Windows 8 has been dubbed the new Vista by many major publications, computer experts and power PC users, and that one of the biggest complaints among these users and businesses in surveys and that feedback from multiple major global PC manufacturers from consumers that the Start Menu was one of their key issues, given that the largest computer manufactuer by sales - Lenovo has intervened and preinstalled the free Start Menu replacement Pokki on all new Windows 8 machines, given the sheer amount of questions on this site about the Start Menu, give the huge number of sales of 3rd party software that replace the missing Start Menu (such as Start8) I would say many, many, many of us use the Start Button and the Start Menu.
Logical error #1 'If I have no use for this, then no one else does' ...
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Vista came out six years ago. Huge numbers of people *still* actually go into a menu structure to find their programs instead of just typing a few letters of the program name or description or executable file name, then hitting Enter.
The only conclusion I've been able to draw from this is that the majority of computer users are, in effect, idiots. This seems somewhat unlikely, but I'm pretty sure that recognizing the advantages in speed and convenience do not require above-average intelligence, yet people still fail to take advantage of it.
The Start screen is irrelevant to me, aside from its segregation of search results (fixed in 8.1 anyhow). The demand for Start Menu replacements says an awful lot about the intelligence of the Windows userbase, more than about the quality of the OS in general. With that said, I will grant that the Windows devs may have screwed up by failing to take into consideration just how dumb their target market is (at least with regard to computers).
Educating them - on a grand scale, the way MS did for the Start button in Win95 - might work. It would be interesting to see. The MS of today seems completely incapable of effective marketing and communication compared to the Microsoft of yesteryear, though.
In my opinion, Windows 8 is a great system for what is under the hood. The system and startup is dramatically feature and has much more safety features built in. The fact that Microsoft built in Microsoft Security Essentials means that you no longer have to deal with anti-virus and firewall stuff and since it is built in, it doesnt slow down your system anymore is a bonus. Also, the new backup features, performance tools and task manager are greatly improves and much better then recent versions.
As for the metro (or "modern") garbage, If you are using your PC as umm.. a PC it is really un-needed and unnecesary but is easy to get rid of using third party apps to get you back to the Windows 7 style desktop. I currently use Startisback which also makes other desktop changes to get rid of metro completely. If you want apps, installed Google Chrome and use Google's new desktop apps. This would also make it much easier for Android users as everything pretty much syncs with the phone.
One small other "rant" make sure you use a uxtheme patcher and a visual style... whose idea at Microsoft was it to use black text in the window border but white text on the taskbar?
In my opinion that gives me the best of all worlds.
SharpnShiny said:
Are you serious?
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Actually I am. I find the idea of the start button to just be obsolete and the new system to be FASTER for power users who can be bothered to get their heads out of their asses and adapt to change.
SixSixSevenSeven said:
Actually I am. I find the idea of the start button to just be obsolete and the new system to be FASTER for power users who can be bothered to get their heads out of their asses and adapt to change.
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Yes because clicking then moving your hands to the keyboard then typing is so much better than click click and click.
Saves movement, saves time but I guess it's just obsolete
hakcenter said:
Yes because clicking then moving your hands to the keyboard then typing is so much better than click click and click.
Saves movement, saves time but I guess it's just obsolete
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don't need the mouse to navigate windows 8 itself. See that lovely windows logo key, press it, takes you straight to the start screen where you can start typing. Want to get to the settings charm to shut down the pc, windows key + I, if you want you can even navigate that menu with the arrow keys but alternatively the icons are large so easy to hit with a nice imprecise high speed mouse movement. Windows key + X, opens a menu with things like control panel and device manager etc, in this list each item has a single character somewhere within the item name underscored, press thus character and it selects that menu option, Win + X and then C opens the command prompt for example. Very little mouse use is required, can do most things for windows 8 itself (except apps and desktop programs) with just a keyboard.
tp2215 said:
One small other "rant" make sure you use a uxtheme patcher and a visual style... whose idea at Microsoft was it to use black text in the window border but white text on the taskbar?
In my opinion that gives me the best of all worlds.
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Could you recommend a uxtheme? You use it to restore some Windows 7 font/UI right? Do you restore glass/Aero? I've been using Start8 which I like a lot, but for the other features they really want you to pay at several gates...in the end, making Win8 look a bit more like Win 7 costs a small fortune with them.
edit - I just spotted the popular early mod of aero in 8 has come out of beta and is still free: http://glass8.berlios.de/
This update is really interesting...it's Aero Glass within a Win 8 framework...it's a curious UI mix.
SharpnShiny said:
Could you recommend a uxtheme? You use it to restore some Windows 7 font/UI right? Do you restore glass/Aero? I've been using Start8 which I like a lot, but for the other features they really want you to pay at several gates...in the end, making Win8 look a bit more like Win 7 costs a small fortune with them.
edit - I just spotted the popular early mod of aero in 8 has come out of beta and is still free: http://glass8.berlios.de/
This update is really interesting...it's Aero Glass within a Win 8 framework...it's a curious UI mix. *pets cat and ponders*
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For some great uxtheme just search around deviantart here is a good place to start http://www.deviantart.com/customization/skins/. There are lots of them scattered around that, if anything, will restore the look back to Windows 7. Most of them have versions that will also tie right into the aero mod that you mentioned. One word of advice though from expereince, if the pc wants to update, switch back to default style before restarting. Microsoft released several updates that seem to "softbrick' your pc if the patch is installed. It will just boot with a black screen and the only way to repair would be to refresh or system restore.
hakcenter said:
Yes because clicking then moving your hands to the keyboard then typing is so much better than click click and click.
Saves movement, saves time but I guess it's just obsolete
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Just for the record, the keyboard is always faster than the mouse.
mcosmin222 said:
Just for the record, the keyboard is always faster than the mouse.
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Not when you count time from shifting your hands from the mouse to the keyboard.
Like browsing the web, then you wanted to open up Photoshop well now your up crap Creek cause you can't just have a simple shortcut on the ready.
Anyone defending the missing power user feature of having a central location for common tasks is just sailing their boat to no where. Especially when you look at the fact the guy that pressed for 8 was fired... Yawn.
Watch the next windows brings it back then all you crazy dudes won't find a single utility to remove the menu cause it's just stupidity at it's finest.

Windows 10 Experience

So now that people are upgrading to the release of Win 10, I'm curious about your experience.
For me, it's a smooth OS with a lot of things I need to get used to but I have made some discoveries.
The task bar - on my main monitor won't auto hide. A search tells me this has been a bug for the last few technical releases. Oddly enough, all of a sudden, a few minutes ago, it started to work but I assume this will stop in the next reboot.
The Mail App totally sucks. No number of new emails in each account when you click on accounts. No view for all accounts. No using mouse/shift to select multiple messages. No Check boxes to select all messages in any folder. New incoming messages show up in the action center, only, but you have to open it to see them. Not getting desktop notifications.
Cortana looks like it could be good but setup has been a pain since for some reason my Microsoft LifeCam Cinema HD cam can barely hear my voice, even with level up all the way.
Camera App - totally doesn't open at all. I had to d/l a third party app which I don't like.
Settings page is tough to find things like Advanced Settings. That's WAS, oddly, in System/About but now it;s gone and replaced by other shortcuts. so setting the paging file size manually, etc is just gone for now.
Edge is the best browser yet by MS, but it's not going to get me to stop using Chrome
What are everyone else's thoughts so far?
It's nearly perfect. Drivers catched up, not a single incompatible program, major performance boost in games after installing the latest Nvidia driver. The only bug I've seen so far - Action Center's tray icon is lit on on system startup even though it's empty.
I'm recommending it to everyone I know, I've already installed it on 3 PCs I have access to. It's just 10/10.
First, so far I like Windows 10 a whole lot better than Windows 8.1, but the upgrade has been a nightmare.
The upgrade on my AlienWare (Dell) laptop went smooth. No problems at all. The upgrade for my Surface Pro 3 (Microsoft) has been anything but smooth. Microsoft's own computer did not upgrade right. First, it installed Windows 10 Home even though the Windows 8.1 that was on it was the Pro version. It also wiped out all of my installed programs and apps. I didn't lose any data but the applications will all have to be reinstalled.
Mine won't even install on my Asus Transformer. Says Key cannot be verified....
If you are still having problems and difficulties upgrading your PC to windows 10, kindly follow this post on my website. A few clean up steps got my Dell system to upgrade to Windows 10 http://www.selftechgenius.com/how-to-geek-2/how-to-upgrade-to-windows-10-for-free/
OK, so here's a big one. I use my 500GB D:\ drive to store documents, downloads, pictures and videos by default. I tried to save a picture off the web to the pictures folder and got access denied error.
So I looked properties, security and noticed 2 things. 1, the folder was marked as read only and 2, there was and Unknown User account. I deleted that account, and changed the properties on both C: and D: drives and that fixed it but you should all go check to see if you have the same thing.
I'm thinking I'm going to get a 1 TB HDD backup to put all my personal things on, format both drives, then do a clean install. I've always hated doing OS upgrades on top of older releases and the few bugs I have, like the camera app not working or the VIA HD Deck app not opening are the reason why. I just have to wait for all my hardware devices to release Win 10 drivers
I wasn't a fan of Windows 10. Immediately after "upgrading" the track pad on my laptop didn't work properly anymore. Based on my research it's a driver issue with no solution until the driver is updated. Who knows when that will be.... I use my laptop a lot for school and can't afford to wait.
Microsoft also removed basic tools like paint with no good replacements in the app store. I also didn't like how it pretty much turned my laptop into a phone by calling the Control Panel "settings" and having an app store and stupid stuff like that. I went back to Windows 7 after less than an hour on Windows 10 and couldn't be happier.
I did like the UI, though. It kinda reminded me of the material design of Android 5.x with the flat colors and stuff.
I am very happy with win 10, got it on my Desktop and my Tablet and even though i had some touchscreen issues in the beginning it works well now on both devices
I did a clean install on my laptop, as opposed to the update on my desktop, and it's better. Cortana works right, etc.
My ONLY beef is the mail app sucks
I upgraded my Lenovo to Windows 10 with the media creation tool but after a week or so decided to do a clean install to get rid of the terrible bloat(though most of it I removed when I got the laptop).
I downloaded the ISO and CLEARLY remember choosing 64bit Home Single Language. But after I diakpart the drive and reinstall the OS I realize that I have a 32 bit version installed.
And my 15GB limit of "high" speed broadband is exhausted and I CANNOT download a 4 gig file on a 512 Kbps connection.
I'm stuck till next month or till my friend gives me the 64 bit ISO.
But its completely my fault, so guys BEWARE, don't make stupid mistakes!!!!
But I like the OS(mostly). After disabling Microsoft's sneaky data collection and automatic updates its all good. Don't forget to disable live tiles cause they hog bandwidth too.
But boot speed is faster, performance is better and multiple desktops and snapping is great!
[Moto E 2nd Gen 3G running CyanogenMod 12.1]
I don't like Windows 10 at all. It sucks on Tablet(Touch) and PC/Laptop. With StartIsBack++ you can fix Win10 a bit for mouse/keyboard, but the UI is still cluttered and ugly as hell.
Really?? I don;t have that problem at all, especially when doing a clean install
My upgrade went well.. But afterwards it was a nightmare. It took my DAYS and about 14 reboots just to get it unfrozen long enough to open task manager with ctrl+alt+delete. Then, suddenly, after a reboot, it worked. It is now even faster than 8.1 (although I sometimes need to use task manager to speed it up). All of my programs and files work.. Except for cam studio which didn't work on 8.1 either. [emoji13]
Sent from my *unrooted* ZTE Zinger using the Tapatalk app.
I totally agree with Mail app sucks. I sent some emails but sent items folder is still empty, not syncing.. And honestly, I don't like the settings app because eventually it forwards you to the control panel for lots of settings. So what's the meaning of this setting app, right?
kerimka said:
I totally agree with Mail app sucks. I sent some emails but sent items folder is still empty, not syncing.. And honestly, I don't like the settings app because eventually it forwards you to the control panel for lots of settings. So what's the meaning of this setting app, right?
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Right. I just pinned Control Panel to Start so i can get right to it
I have Windows 10 pro. Whenever I try to connect to my pc using various remote desktop apps on my android, it gets connected for a moment and then it shows error message that someone else is connected to your pc please try later.
Any suggestions?
Sent from my GT-I9103 using Tapatalk
I did a fresh install, I like it, just that there's no direct access to the computer from the start bar, I managed to pin 'this pc' to it, but It wasn't good enough.
I added the start menu back from Stardock Start10.
fresh w10pro install here on an hp elitebook. no issues at all.
On Acer fresh update, no problems
I updated my Toshiba Satellite to Windows 10 and it runs smooth. There's only an annoying thing. Sometimes when I turn on the PC and log in it says that Cortana and Start Menu aren't working, so I must have to turn off and to solve this problem temporarily I have to press Shift while it turns on. But some days after it happens again.

