App/Setting for SGS Booster to stop scroll when lifting finger from screen? - Kindle Fire General

So this is really noticeable when Im viewing documents in Adobe Reader and trying to move the screen to a specific point or drag the slider to a specific page. When removing my finger from the screen it always registers as a slight motion and sets me off several pages (In a 1000 pg text book) or moves the page from where I wanted to position it.
I have SGS Touchscreen booster on CM9 under Super Optimized but I am trying to get rid of that little motion when lifting your finger up. I know its like that for most Android devices though so I suspect there's not too much to do about it, but iDevices do handle that pretty well in comparison.


Adobe Reader doesn't stop scrolling

I've just noticed something very strange when viewing PDF documents using Touch HD's built-in Adobe Reader LE 2.5: When zoomed into a document and scrolling horizontally by dragging with the stylus, the scrolling just doesn't stop and continues until the view hits the edge of the document! Is anybody else experiencing this?
Here's what I'm seeing in more detail: I zoom into a document (any document, textual or map-based) far enough that the document more than fills the available viewing area both vertically and horizontally. Then I tap and drag the document horizontally. At this point, after stopping dragging and until I lift the tip of the stylus, the document stops scrolling. But, as soon as I lift the tip of the stylus, the document restarts scrolling in the direction I just dragged it and just doesn't stop until it reaches the edge of the document in the scrolling direction. Trying to "catch" the document with the stylus during the scrolling in order to stop it is of no use.
I think I've also noticed that the first couple of attempts at scrolling immediately after opening a new document works fine. The problem sometimes only shows up in subsequent attempts.
This doesn't happen at all when scrolling vertically by dragging. It happens any time the dragging is "mostly" horizontal, but never when I drag "mostly" vertically.
Scrolling around using the scroll bars (by tapping the scroll bar or arrows, or dragging the scroll bar) works just fine.
Could one of you try this out and let me know if you're seeing the same thing?
Some more insights:
The size of the document doesn't seem to make any difference. Small documents or large, it happens every time.
I've played around with "non-linear" dragging. If I drag in an "L-shaped" motion, it appears that the problem only applies when the horizontal portion of the "L" is longer than its vertical portion. Dragging in circles and other jumbled motions produces mixed results.
I came across a map with "bookmarks", where a little "tab" appears near the top of the viewing area in Adobe Reader. When I click the tab, the window splits into two panes, with the top pane showing the bookmark list and the bottom showing the document. When in this mode, the problem disappears. Scrolling by dragging in either direction works perfectly. (And a little faster, oddly.) After I close the top pane, the problem returns. This is the main reason why I think this is an Adobe Reader bug, rather than a side effect of some other software or a setting change that I have on my Touch HD.
I used several other Windows Mobile devices before this one, and on all of them, the software I used for PDF documents was "Adobe Reader for Pocket PC 2.0". (This includes even my AT&T Tilt running WM 6.1.) This "Adobe Reader LE 2.5" is new to me. I wonder if there would be any adverse effects if I tried the 2.0 reader on my Touch HD. I'm worried it might clash with the built-in reader in some bad way. In fact, I'm sure the "Pocket PC 2.0" version of the reader doesn't support VGA (and higher) resolution screens. (I used to use a utility called "Real VGA" on my only other VGA PDA on which I used the Adobe Reader for Pocket PC 2.0 earlier, in order to get it to display documents at the right resolution.) Does anyone here have any experience related to this?
The whole issue evokes an attempt at "inertial scrolling" (not sure if that's what it's mostly called), where, if you "flick" the document with the stylus, the scrolling continues for a little while longer in the same direction after it slows down and stops. If that's what Adobe Reader is trying to do, it's certainly a failed attempt, because there's no sign of a slow down, it never stops, and this happens every time I scroll horizontally by dragging; i.e., even when I did nothing like a "flick".
Anybody have any relevant experiences?
No PDF users around??... Could I really be the only one here who views maps using the built-in Adobe Reader LE 2.5?!
Got something similar happening with PIE, not that that helps ya much!
When in desktop view, any drag continues until the screen is tapped again.
Hmmm... I don't use Pocket IE at all, but that's an interesting clue. Thanks.
I've noticed the issue with the scrolling on PDF documents that require a lot of rendering (note that "lots of rendering" reflects complexity of the document, not size).
It seems that the processor is too busy rendering the document to detect when you stopped dragging the screen (but funnily enough, not too busy to detect when you started).
The solution for me was to scroll using the scrolling bars, as opposed to just dragging the entire document. Either that, or scroll veeeryyy slowly .
milan_ns said:
I've noticed the issue with the scrolling on PDF documents that require a lot of rendering (note that "lots of rendering" reflects complexity of the document, not size).
It seems that the processor is too busy rendering the document to detect when you stopped dragging the screen (but funnily enough, not too busy to detect when you started).
The solution for me was to scroll using the scrolling bars, as opposed to just dragging the entire document. Either that, or scroll veeeryyy slowly .
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Thank you for your feedback.
I had thought of the same thing about "the CPU being too busy to detect the end of dragging" too. To experiment with that, I tried waiting for the rotating "wait cursor" to disappear before lifting the stylus from the screen after a drag. It didn't change anything.
I must also state that I see the issue even with a 190 KB (i.e., small) PDF document with nothing but text in a table in it. I don't even see any delay or a "wait cursor" at any point when I'm interacting with this document. But, when I'm zoomed into it and I drag to scroll, it causes the same "neverending pan" behavior.
The point about the scroll bars is valid. I was just trying to check first whether the experience was common, or if it might be due to something goofy that I might have done myself. I guess it's the former...
If you press on the screen and then swipe your finger while maintaining pressure and then stop at the point you like, wait for a moment and then release your finger, you will have full control over the distance scrolled.
However, if you really want to make PDF reading a positive experience, intall diamond acrobat reader le cab that enables reflow on the documents that are not even tagged. It is available on this forum.
sproxy said:
If you press on the screen and then swipe your finger while maintaining pressure and then stop at the point you like, wait for a moment and then release your finger, you will have full control over the distance scrolled.
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Nope. Doesn't work for horizontal scrolling. It resumes scrolling in the same direction as soon as I lift my finger and doesn't stop until hits the edge of the document, no matter how long I "wait for a moment".
sproxy said:
However, if you really want to make PDF reading a positive experience, intall diamond acrobat reader le cab that enables reflow on the documents that are not even tagged. It is available on this forum.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Not a bad idea. I might give that a try. Thanks.
Staying on topic about PDFs.
Does anyone know how a good software for the HD to read PDFs?
I went through Team Ones to PocketXPDF and they all had problems.
Team Ones was the best but it didn't seem to display the whole PDF at all, cutting parts at the end and it was heaps slow.
The Adobe one is just shocking.
Want one that wraps the text to fit the screen no matter what zoom, the Team One did this very well.
Do we have any solution for this? Reader 2.5 LE, with reflow mode enabled (needs a change in the registry) is just PERFECT to read eBooks, except for the horizontal scrolling issue. Because of that, I'm reading books in vertical mode.
does any body know how to disable the touchFlow for the reflow in the adobe reader 2.5?
True. It seems Reader 2.5 LE with reflow hack appears to be the best among all. But reflow can be very bad for certain documents..
What I think would be a perfect companion for Reader 2.5 LE would be a scroll hack app..
What the app should do?
1. User inputs the % he/she zoomed the given page for comfortable viewing.
2. Support tapping the 6 spots on screen see attach.(when the reader is running).
3.Scroll accurately the document into one of the 6 positions.
One input may be sufficient for a multipage documents with same lay out.
May be some more flaws in my idea... but seems possible --- anyone??
Too bad that I don't know prog for PPC.
Any way don't fire this newbie
montag09 said:
Do we have any solution for this? Reader 2.5 LE, with reflow mode enabled (needs a change in the registry) is just PERFECT to read eBooks, except for the horizontal scrolling issue. Because of that, I'm reading books in vertical mode.
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HD2 rotation options and keyboard anomalies

i've searched for ways to open up other rotation angles as well as autorotation for any and all apps under the sun. most people suggest bsbtweaks and it really does do the job, but only rotates to the allowed 270degrees angle (thats -90degrees). effectively, it just adds the window class to the list of window classes that the built in HTC g-sensor mechanism will give respect to.
so i looked some more and found "changescreen" to fit the bill. after setting up exceptions, it works quite well to allow all other applications (except for the exceptions which include sense) to rotate to 90degrees, 180degrees (this looks way cool some times!), and the usual 270degrees.
HOWEVER, the point of this new thread is to discuss something that seems to be quite an attractive option if it can be made to work 100%. i've noticed that the onscreen landscape keyboard is MUCH more usable in the 90degrees rotation. this is because those damned cursor keys take up 0.5 inch of space that is balanced out by the hardware keys on the other side, thus placing the rest of the keyboard SQUARELY in the middle of your thumbs! contrast this with the experience on the default 270degrees rotation where the cursor keys and hardware keys end up on the same side, forcing the user to stretch out the right hand thumb to reach the middle of the keyboard.
the amazing thing is that keyboard really works 99% properly in the 90degrees orientation. the 1% catch? the little preview squares that appear while tapping a key seem to be using a buggy rotation matrix when the screen is in this angle! effectively, this makes the preview squares upside down and on the wrong side of the center line of the keyboard!
so for me, TWO things would make life much sweeter on the HD2:
1. keyboard preview squares should appear right side up and on the correct area near the tapped key in 90degree rotation.
2. i would also like to DISABLE the 270degree rotation altogether and force the HTC g-sensor mechanism to think that the 90degree rotation is DEFAULT. i know i can achieve this partially using "changescreen" but sense will still rotate ONLY in the 270degree direction in the album and music tab. with this tweak, one can rely on the built in mechanism and also be able to enjoy the keyboard in the more comfortable 90degree rotation.
any 1337 h4x0r222 with some 1337 suggestions/tweaks?
some updates...
first, there is another anomaly i didn't notice before pertaining to the thumb friendly scroller that pops up when touching a scroll bar. this popup scroller is also being drawn upside down and on the wrong side of the screen in 90degree rotation.
other updates include:
1. tried toggling HKLM\System\GDI\Rotation\LandscapeMode from 0 to 4, followed by soft reset, no joy!
2. tried toggling HKLM\System\GDI\Rotation\LandscapeFixed from 1 to 0, followed by soft reset...the right handed and left handed options in Screen under Settings->System become available but the g-sensor autorotate doesn't seem to respect the choice set here, so no joy!

Need some help figuring out if my trackball is working right...

This is an replacement phone. Everything is perfect on it and it works great but I'm not sure if my trackball is working like my old phone. Please let me know if your trackball has the same sort of response or if there's something up with it... pretty sure it is but I really don't want to repair this phone if its not necessary.
1. It works great in most areas on the home screen no problem.. but that seems to be expected cause its really not requiring much precision.
2. Mostly on selecting text (in the browser because I can't find another app that lets me have a select text cursor) I notice that:
-It jumps around a lot when going in any direction other than horizontal or vertical when holding the phone in portrait view and landscape. Diagonal is always imprecise and jumpy.
-I normally have to sort of flick the track ball quickly.. IE move my thumb over it quickly.. to get the cursor to move.
-While it can also move it slightly slower it's not as good and I can't have my finger resting on the trackball (where its depressed a tiny bit but not enough to click it) and then move my finger around. It doesn't do anything (or much of anything).
If I do any of these moves outside of "select text" it seems to work just fine but the precision on the movement I can't tell because I can't see exactly where things are going.
I think I got lost in the froyo FRF83 thread madness when I posted. Anyone willing to try and help out? This just a terribly implemented trackball text selection? If it is I figured it would've been fixed by now.. update-1, froyo 50 and froyo 83 all have the same results in terms of behavior with text selection.

Where are the Zoom button images located? And Naked Browser Talk

Hey all, I like using the phone one handed and zoom buttons are essential. I also like being able to zoom with just a tap, as opposed to more convoluted methods (xScope/Naked Browser, I'm looking at you...). But the stock Android zoom buttons are ugly and less functional than the ones I had way back when on 2.2 (Bionix for the Samsung Vibrant).
Could anyone tell me where in could find the images for the Zoom buttons? I'd like to replace them with the ones from an older ROM, mentioned above. Think it would be somewhere in the SystemUI.apk?
If anyone is curious, the buttons I would prefer are transparent circles with a black outline. They're a good bit easier to press and you can see elements that would otherwise be obscured.
I'm the developer of Naked Browser. Naked Browser has the option to enable/disable the zoom buttons. It also has the option to enable/disable one-finger zoom. It also allows zoom with just a double-tap. Am I missing something?
aminaked said:
I'm the developer of Naked Browser. Naked Browser has the option to enable/disable the zoom buttons. It also has the option to enable/disable one-finger zoom. It also allows zoom with just a double-tap. Am I missing something?
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Click to collapse
Oh snap. No, it's just that one-finger drag zoom has poor performance (just isn't as smooth as it is on xScope). But I love your browser. It's why I mentioned it specifically. My niggle isn't to do specifically with Naked Browser or any other app, it's a system conflict. I think the stock zoom buttons are ugly and I want to swap them out with the zoom buttons I used on a different browser. It's easier to tap a round circle than it is to hit a little tic-tac. Also, the zoom buttons sometimes obscure elements in the bottom right and I have to wait until they fade out, so the transparent zoom circle buttons I mentioned in the first post would solve both of these issues. Rather than having you bloat up your fantastically minimal app, I'd prefer to do my own tinkering and fix the zoom buttons across my system.
I just wanted to say, your browser is fantastic. I found out about it just randomly perusing the big Android Themes and Apps forum and gave it a try. It's my default browser now. While I have your attention, if I could make a suggestion: you know how you have the swipe-from-edge toggle so the menu bars don't appear with unexpected frequency? It works great for making sure the bookmarks bar only opens with deliberate swipes. However, if you could provide a separate toggle for the address and tab bar, that'd be great. I never had a problem with the top bars appearing unintentionally. It's not much of a nuisance. However, in one-handed use, I have to reposition the phone in my hand and then swipe from the top to bring down that bar. On a big phone like the Nexus 4, you can understand how that extra little bit of effort adds up over a long browsing session.
Very cool. Thank you very much.
Let me address what you brought up:
One finger zoom in Naked Browser isn't as smooth as it is on xScope because:
- xScope is for newer devices. Naked Browser supports Froyo and newer and so far I've found that that kind of zooming isn't easy on older devices. That's really not much of an excuse because I could work on it. However, it could take days to figure out. I'm focusing on other features and bug fixes right now. Furthermore,
- I haven't used xScope in a long time but one finger zoom seems to work good enough in Naked Browser (no?). For comparison, it seems to work like crap in Google Maps, last I checked.
Regarding changing the zoom button pix, I use a smaller screen than you so I don't like the +/- buttons in a browser. I pinch zoom and I do it with one hand: small phone / big hands. Regardless, I'm adding your request to my list of items for the pro version.
Regarding adding the separate option for the menu gestures, I added those options (double swipe & swipe from edge) as afterthoughts. I feel that an experienced user of Naked Browser should turn both of these off because they've developed a feel for the menus, knowing instinctively how to avoid opening the bookmarks sidebar and top menu. For me it took about a week to get comfortable with it. Now, I think it is very efficient.
That being said, I may have messed up the gesture settings for larger screens as I don't have a tablet. What do you think about all this? Is it very hard to avoid opening the bookmarks menu? Tell me more about it, please.
Anyway, I hope you have luck changing the +/- on your devices and I do appreciate your feedback on Naked Browser. You're one of the few people I've seen mention stuff like this. Got my attention!
This is hijacking your thread for my app, so if you want to PM me or join me in the xda naked browser thread the feel free.
Thanks again, man. :good:
Hey, you've got a great app and I certainly don't mind helping it get more exposure. I know it's not a priority for you right now, but if it gets really popular, I'm sure you'll add a ton of lightweight features. That's how xScope became the best browser on Gingerbread!
On my Nexus 4, I've found that the bookmarks menu shows up by accident much more often than the URL/tab bar, and it's much more obtrusive when it does. It'd be nice to disable the bookmarks bar. I actually use the bookmarks menu a ton, so perhaps a better option would be to incorporate the menu button menu with the the bookmarks menu.
Also, I'm not sure if my options are causing it or its an inherent behavior, but it's inconvenient to have to scroll all the way to the top to bring up the URL/tab bar. I really wouldn't mind if it appeared every time I made any downward swipe. Maybe to accommodate other users, make the top half or quarter of the screen a zone that can pull up the URL/tab bar when the user swipes down from that region.
I basically want the navigation features of xScope but with the minimal, clean appearance of Naked Browser. I stopped using xScope because it's so bloated and unstable now. Naked Browser is 90% perfect for me. The 10% is just the menu behavior and tab navigation. xScope, for example, uses double tap and left/right to navigate between adjacent tabs while double tap and up/down to zoom. But if this decreases performance as it did on xScope, I'm happy with Naked Browser the way it is.
Maybe I need to optimize the swipe sensitivity for devices like the Nexus 4. I need to check one out, but for now the next update will reduce sensitivity somewhat. Regarding the separate gesture options, I had thought about adding them but I was resistant because I don't want to clutter the options view. However, I think it is the right thing to have and you've convinced me of how sorely it is needed. The next update will have them! I've tried it out and I like it.
If you press the device menu key it should show the top menu from anywhere on the page. Devices without a menu key should have 3 dots in a row that act as the menu key. Making it appear for every downward swipe is an interesting idea. I think that this would be more suited for larger screens though. I will make a note of this idea. There already is an option to start gestures from the screen edge for both URL bar and sidebar.
I haven't used xScope in years and it doesn't run on any of my devices. I think that if you give Naked Browser some time (about a week) you'll start to become accustomed to the menus. If you can get past the frustrating phase I think that you may find that the menus are very efficient. Of course, if the gesture sensitivity is wrong for your device then that's a different story. I really need to check this out.
Double-tap and swipe to change tabs shouldn't cause much of a performance problem (although I'd have to try it out to know for sure). I was going to allow customizations of this sort of thing in the pro version. For example, double tap and swipe to go quickly to the very top or bottom of the web page. The volume buttons could be used in the same way.
Thank you for the feedback. I appreciate it!
I figured out where the zoom buttons are. They're in framework-res.apk/res/drawable-xhdpi.

Problem with "overly sensitive" touch screen; registers fingers just by hovering it

Problem with "overly sensitive" touch screen; registers fingers just by hovering it
I changed to Lineage OS 14.1-20170412 yesterday, after having had an about 1-year old Cyanogenmod stable on it.
Now I got a smaller issue with it; I'm pretty sure it didn't do that right away after installation.
It started to register my fingers when they are already hovering above the screen, like 2-3cm away from it. It feels like a proximity sensor, just all over the screen, not turning off the screen when you get close but creating graphical hover effects:
When I'm in the Android settings for example, the settings category rows get a gray back color.
In Chrome, links get underlined when hovering them from far away.
The quick panel creates white bubbles around the tiles.
While this isn't causing any misbehavior (I can't actually press anything of those things by moving my finger up to 3cm towards the screen, and then moving it away immediately), it's visually annoying.
I did not do anything special since it started to happen, and already checked on the following:
- Glove mode is not turned on.
- There's no other "Accessibility" stuff turned on.
- When showing tabs in the developer options, it does not register it as taps, and does not start drawing a line when hovering the finger around on the screen.
Is there any way to "recalibrate" the "sensitivity" or turn this thing off it's a feature and not a bug?
Check Settings > Air view. I'm not sure about custom ROMs but on my stock ROM this is what causes the links in Chrome to get underlined when hovering.
I indeed found something in Settings which i must've accidentally enabled: Language & Input > Touchscreen Hovering (under Mouse/trackpad). When it's on, you get the effects I noticed, so i turned it off.

