Exchange account & Wi-Fi - Thinkpad Tablet General

Hi ! Need a help
I have a Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 64Gb+3G.
On this device, i create ActiveSync (Exchange) account .
After creation, Lenovo Profile Manager disabling half the tablet (WLAN, Bluetooth, Camera, USB storage ....).
If i delete this account - Lenovo Profile Manager turn ON all interfaces and all OK without delay.
How do I prevent this profile form being loaded?
Many thanks.

I use a third party email app. Enhanced Email from the market.


How I got activesync to work

I was having constant sync problems. I was not able to get a connection with the usb cable, but was able to connect with bluetooth. I finally found out that I needed to have these files allowed full access in zone alarm: raipmgr.exe, wcescomm.exe, wcesmgr.exe. These are all located in the program files/microsoft activesync folder. I found many suggestions that firewalls could cause problems, but I tried with zone alarm off and still had the connection problem. It started working immediatly when I added those files to the allowed list in zone alarm.
Also, after fixing that problem I was getting errors syncing. Basically it would show that it was working until it got to the notes. Then it would give an error. Nothing actually synced. I found out this was happening because I did not have outlook set as my default mail program. I use thunderbird for email and outlook for contacts and calender etc. Once I changed outlook to the default mail program it has worked perfectly.
I hope this helps some people as I was looking all over the place for a fix.
Great !
Thanks for that post. Helped me out. I had activesync 4.1 working for everything except contacts. I changed the contacts program within internet explorer from 'microsoft office outlook' to 'address book' and now it works !
Software firewalls (desktop) are more trouble than they're worth. I have basic firewall on my router and no software firewall at all, it's been that way for over 2 years. They are a complete waste of time and system resources.
Zone alarm in particular is lot of trouble, for many online applications.
Gazzrenn, I disagree, but I do know what you're saying, particularly if you use a non-portable PC with only one network...
Yes, I run a decent firewall to protect myself externally (IPCop) and that's fine when you're on a LAN you know and trust, but what if you're using a laptop and connect via WIFI to a hotspot? Or via a client's network?
Sure, you could bring a firewall/router device, but that could be seen as overkill.
Advising people to turn off firewalls to get activesync working is a Bad Idea unless people really know what they're doing, what they're risking, and how to alternatively protect themselves if appropriate, particularly if they use other networks.
Did you uninstall ZoneAlarm? Even when disabled, I wonder if it inserts itself passively into the TCP/IP stack which causes a problem for AS4.
I had pretty much the same problems as techspy. I did the allowing of those files and still no sync. But then I found another file, Application Manager that related to AS 4.1 also. I allowed it also and then I could sync. But dayam! This thing is slow to sync.
Funny thing is, I was syncing ok before I hard resetted after I got rid of the AV and skype. Go figure?
Also, Outlook does need to report that it is the default email client, BUT, after my first sync, I reset OE to be default and have no problems syncing it that way. Again...go figure?
Now, how to speed up the boot?

How to Stop ActiveSync from starting automatically

Hi all,
I've been monitoring my memory usage to find out which application is using the most memory and which one is leaking. However, accidentallty, I found out that ActiveSync keep on starting itself and run in the background, taking about 300-400K.
I noticed this when I was trying to figured out why my memory seems to decrease when nothing is running (I didn't start any application). However, if I set the MEssaging application to check email every 15 minutes, ActiveSync seems to start itself every 15-30 minutes. This is shown in the "Running" program tab in the "Memory" applet (Control Panel).
I'll kill the ActiveSync process, then later on it'll come back again.
Does anyone know why is this? It's taking up my previous memory...
1) Start up AS on your PDA.
2) Tap the menu tab/soft key and tap "Add Server Source"
3) Configure a server source with a dummy IP address, user id,
password and domain name; these do not have to be real.
4) Once configured you should have another sync source show up
on your main AS screen...continue on.
5) Tap the menu soft key again and you should see that the
sync schedule option is no longer greyed out.
6) Change your schedule from a timed automatic start of AS to
manual under both fields
7) If you try to sync now, AS will try to contact your imaginary
exchange server and that will take forever until it times out,
so you can now delete the exchange server from your list of
sync sources. Your changes to the sync schedule will remain and
will survive soft resets too.
Hi Dodger,
Thanks for your help! I am trying out your solution now and waiting (of course) for the SYnc to my "imaginary" Exchange Server to time out, since it takes ages to do so.
Just a quick question on Step 7 below:
" you can now delete the exchange server from your list of
sync sources. Your changes to the sync schedule will remain and
will survive soft resets too.
So you're saying that once I delete the Exhcange Server from my list, ActiveSync will no longer startup automatically but my regular Sync to AS4.1 on my desktop will stay the same?
I'm not sure about step 7. I've found these steps sometime on the Ineternet and don't know the author of it (forgot, sorry).
I never do step 7.
The procedure however works fine on my 2020 under WM2005.
I just deleted the Exchange Server from the List and so far ActiveSync hasn't started in my MDA yet. I'll keep monitoring and post if it start-up again.

E-Mail configuration

I configured my gmail account in my ppc but it just won't download any emails, when it's finished with 'Checking headers' my indbox stays blank, without a single email, have anyone experienced this problem?
No, I have not experienced this problem.
Is this a Palm Treo 750W you are using?
No, I am using a kinpo neon with windows mobile 5.0
use the google gmail java application
I just use the Gmail - java application. YOu can get it from I think. I couldn't check it as google was down. This is simpler for me.
Otherwise try to change email settings in activesync
goto menu, options, email, settings - ensure you have download of entire message selected. Hope this works.

[Q] Mac sync development/status

Warning Will Robinson!!! I am not a developer, nor am I all that smart, so please bear with me on this.
I am considering getting the Vibrant through TMO, but I need to confirm a couple things and I bet folks here can help me out with answers simple enough for a 3rd grader to understand.
First - What is "rooting"? What does it mean, what do you get out of it (especially for a non-technical guy like me) and how complicated is it?
Second - The Vibrant is capable of tethering, but only through USB, correct? Is there some update that is on the horizon that allows wireless tethering? Or is there some app already out there that enables that function?
Third - Can the Vibrant sync with Mac OS X/Microsoft Entourage? Or is there an app in development to do that?
Any comments of a simple nature are greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Missing Sync ans SyncMate
I am currently using Missing Sync from Mark/Space and it seems to work pretty well. The calendar and Notes Sync are tied to their own Fliq software on the device. I don't use these as our Exchange server is all I use to keep sync'd. But it does work well for iTunes and folder sync. The sync with Missing Sync is directly between the Mac and the Android device. Think iPod.
Some additional features of Missing Sync are a Ringtone creator and bluetooth/wireless sync.
SyncMate support for Android was also recently announced. Their solution is to sync back to the Google cloud and then have your Android device sync from the cloud. The Expert version will allow syncing of iTunes and folders and such.
ok so the answer to my third question is yes, with Missing Sync, correct? I don't care about syncing music, videos, etc - just contacts, email and calendar.
The other thing you mentioned through Google is not desirable for me.
Rooting gives you administrator access on your phone. This allows you to so all kind of useful stuff and allows you to use many programs that require administrator access. If you are an advanced, power user though, you probably don't need it... Unless you wasn't wireless tethering.
If the vibrant can tether via usb out of the box, that is news to me. Though I guess it might be possible, since my vibrant does show up as a modem on my mac.
Sent from my Vibrant using the XDA app.
Typos, incorrect words, gibberish, and other nonsense brought to you courtesy of Swype.
I was new to rooting when I got this phone, and it went very smoothly for me following this thread:
With root you can, among other things, remove unneeded apps like telenav that were installed by Samsung/Tmobile; you can wireless tether (haven't tried it, not sure how well it works); and you can install custom ROMs like Cyanogen when they are released for this phone.
FYI, on a Mac the phone won't show up in Finder unless you enable USB debugging (Menu>Settings>Applications>Development>check Enable USB debugging).
Also, Android 2.2 allows wireless tethering, and is supposed to be out for the Vibrant this fall as a wireless upgrade.
@ texaslonghorn1 -
Please, note, SyncMate allows you syncing Contacts and Calendar between Mac and Android for absolutely free - uou are welcome to try it!
You can find detailed How To about Mac and Android sync here
You can configure your address book on the Mac to sync w/ google. Now you have best of both worlds cloud & desktop back-up. As far as media I'm thinking doubletwist, I haven't used it yet but looks really good because it loads iphoto and entire itunes library (not just playlists), and the UI is not bad either.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Regarding Mac/Google address book syncing, I tried this via preferences and there was no option to sync to Google - only yahoo and one other, mobileme I think, maybe it was something else. Google definitely was not there for me though.
A quick Google search on the issue revealed some permissions hack's which I applied to no avail. Running leopard 10.5.something (whatever the latest is) on a G5 ppc.
As for me, I was resistant to the Google cloud as well when I bought my vibrant, but it seemed the best option for syncing without buying additional software.
I kicked my address book out via a csv file (using address book to csv exporter) and imported to Gmail, then synced ical to my Google calendar via ical prefs and that was it.
I'm pretty happy with this setup and am enjoying using the Google services. The calendar sync is working well between ical, my phone, and my google calendar, now if I can just find a way to keep an ongoing address book sync I will be all set and a very happy camper.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

[Q] How to stop email receive over USB

I've seen a post on the HD2 forum for this, but no replies.
When you set pop email send/receive to "manual", then whenever you connect the phone via USB (to synchronise calendar/contacts) the phone goes and collects the mail anyway.
This is annoying because I only want to manually receive mail when travelling, and inbetween I have no need for icons reminding me I have "new" emails...
Kind of weird that the phone does this even when the "manual" option is clearly chosen. Anyone know of a way to avoid this?
No-one? Surely anyone who has their phone and PC connected, doesn't want to have their email showing up on both... or am I the only one to have this issue?
I don't use this option, so can't help with that . But isn't this a synchronisation option on the computer side. Isn't it possible to disable the synchronisation of individual options like the calendar and email etc?
MobileMini said:
I don't use this option, so can't help with that . But isn't this a synchronisation option on the computer side. Isn't it possible to disable the synchronisation of individual options like the calendar and email etc?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You're thinking of Outlook mail and its synchronisation. My problem is with pop mail accounts which are not synchronised (the mail is downloaded but not deleted from the server, so the PC mail program is the master and the phone mail is just a way to catch up when you're not behind the PC).
So synschronisation is not related - this is purely to do with the action of the phone which does a send/receive during a USB connection, despite send/receive being set to manual. At all other times it does indeed not pick up mails automatically, but whenever I connect to USB and I have waiting mail (in one of my four accounts) it ends up on the phone also.
I know that I could disable the phone from accessing the internet over USB (which would stop pop access) but then I lose other functionality such as the automatic GPS satellite position update (which has a specific option to update itself when connected by USB).
HTC support have now told me that this is not a 'feature' you can change, although it took several attempts to get them to actually answer the question rather than feed me standard and unrelated responses, so I'm not sure that this is definitive.
Ok thnx for your feedback! Its a pitty that this is not a feature, but maybe somebody kan make an app for that ?
I just ditch the whole email thing. I use the browser to check email instead. Simple. Fast. Does not clutter the phone. Does not overburden the phone.
bart3385 said:
I just ditch the whole email thing. I use the browser to check email instead. Simple. Fast. Does not clutter the phone. Does not overburden the phone.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Also rather expensive when you are roaming internationally, and dependent on there being a (decent) webmail interface...
Yeah. You can't keep the emails in the phone. But that's the whole point. Having hundreds of email in the phone can only cause problems.
But if you access internet thru pc usb connection, or thru wifi, then the roaming problem won't apply.
Can't win them all.

