Latest Ruu Orange UK - Desire HD General

Can anyone help me find the latest Orange UK RUU. I need to unroot my phone for warranty purposes. Thanks

Bump! Anyone? Please this is urgent

You tried searching?
That's always faster than waiting for someone to answer your questions.
I know it exists, but as your too lazy to look for it, neither will I.
Thread Closed.


bootloader dead//HLEP!

Dont know why but did a very stupid upgrade yestoday.I think I used a wrong MaUpgradeUt_noid.exe(XDAII version) to flash the wm6 rom for my imate.!!!
There is no bootloader now even I do a POwer+lighting+Softreset. I did a search on the site .I realized that I might damaged my bootloader . also I know it is hard to find a way to fix it by myself. but I 'm still hope someone do a favour!!!
Thanks in advance.
any advise arw welcome to [email protected]


Can I start by saying what a fantastic website and community. I really hope that my problem can be solved here. If not, then please advise me of the actions I need to take.
I recently bought an Orange SPV M3100 from a friend in the UK but cannot use it in my home country, Slovakia. It only works in Slovakia with a UK sim card but not with any of the Slovakian sims that I have.
I am completed new at this and think I may have found the right link to proceed with trying to unlock my M3100 but I just wanted to make sure that I am about to do the right thing.
So, am I right in saying that all I need to do is go to this posting here: then click on the 'MrVanx’s Hermes Upgrade Guide' link and go ahead and upgrade something called my ROM or have I completely missed the point?
Please help and thank you in advance!!
I have a similar problem. Can anyone help with this?
wiki can it's called sim unlock

Please help!

I've tried a search and can't find an exact answer. As you are all aware T-Mobile HD2's have been distributed without the YouTube application installed. I am one fo these unlucky few and need to know if anyone has a link or knows how i can install it. There was a link on the site which i searched for but it appears to be broken. Really appreciate any help!
can someone please help me?
Is your T-Mobile HD2 sim unlocked ?

Original ROM

Where can I find the original HTC Magic ROM? Not Vodafone's, and not t-mobiles's. Also, will this ROM un-root my device?
Sorry if this have been asked before, I just could'nt find it by searching.
Info I forgot to mention (sorry for this). I have a 32A, nordic version.
Still noone who's got this?
Sorry, I forgot to say I've got 32A. Please let me know if more info is needed.
Still no help..?
An nandroid backup would work too, if anyone would be kind enough to help.

install new rom

Hi could some one please answer this question if I down load and install the rom update from the HTC site will this get rid of the orange system on the phone and will it work, sorry to bother you with this if it has been answered before thanking you for all your help.
no it won't but its easy to sort out if want advice and find the forum confusing email me i can give advice. [email protected].com

