Anyone know what this GPRS widget icon is? - EVO 4G General

noticed this gprs widget today. Don't remember ever installing anything like this. When I choose it, it doesn't do anything. Looked around in the apps and running processes and didn't see anything that seemed to be tied to it.
Anyone know what it is? Having weird stuff pop up that I can't idenify is not something I want on my phone

Never heard of it but a quick Google search said it is something to do with mobile data services...
Try using a file explorer and searching for its name to see if/where its at on your phone or memory card
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Palm Messaging App Issue

I installed the Palm Messaging App that threads text messages just to see how it looked and wasnt really fond of it so I wanted to remove it. Well, It was unable to be fully uninstalled for whatever reason and now the hardkey for messaging doesn't list text messages, and the today plugin is still there and launches the Palm app.
Does anyone know a way to manually uninstall this, via registry or something?
Palm Messaging App
Worst case scenario ... which is what I've done many times in the past ... is physically delete the directory and all the files in it. Go into your Today settings and remove the app. You can try searching for the app name in the Registry and remove it manually (backup your registry first).
WARNING ... this is a last case scenario. Perhaps someone else has experience with this specific application. Perhaps you can list the application's full name and version. Maybe even where you got it from, in case someone else wants to play around with it and see if they can find a better way to remove it.
Good luck!
go to the buttos settings and change it.

AnyCut and BetterCut no longer work

I searched high and low on xda and on google for a solution to this and couldn't find anything.
Has anyone else noticed that anycut and bettercut no longer work with the newest EVO update? I've been trying to create shortcuts and it will say Shortcut Created even though nothing was really created. Either that or it won't say anything at all.
Is there any other solution to creating your own icons on your phone? This was one of my favorite features and it pains me that it's gone because I'm developing my own phone icon set and I kind of NEED to have that ability to test how they look on the phone...
Are there any other apps that can do this with the new EVO update? Any alternate solutions?
I didn't notice this until you mentioned it. Is there any way around this? I really want to use some custom icons.

Unknown Apps - GYS Inter Configuration & PathTime Inter Configuration

Does anyone know what these apps are?
"GYS Inter Configuration" & ""PathTime Inter Configuration"
I am going through my phone trying to delete and disable some of my unused apps. As I come across apps I am unfamiliar with I do a quick search to find out a little more before I get rid of it.
These apps in particular I cannot find any information on... I'm assuming I can just delete them and move on, but the fact that I cannot find anything on them is puzzling me.
kevinbakon said:
Does anyone know what these apps are?
"GYS Inter Configuration" & ""PathTime Inter Configuration"
I am going through my phone trying to delete and disable some of my unused apps. As I come across apps I am unfamiliar with I do a quick search to find out a little more before I get rid of it.
These apps in particular I cannot find any information on... I'm assuming I can just delete them and move on, but the fact that I cannot find anything on them is puzzling me.
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Disable DT Ignite if you see it listed, as that will install apps that you don't want randomly as well. I've never heard of those apps, and would recommend disable/uninstalling if possible.
RMarkwald said:
Disable DT Ignite if you see it listed, as that will install apps that you don't want randomly as well. I've never heard of those apps, and would recommend disable/uninstalling if possible.
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I actually did see DT and immediately disabled it... I remember reading an article about DT a while back, but my old phone was rooted.... Now, with my new S7, I forgot all about it until I saw it installed... Sure enough, I had about half a dozen games and other garbage I'd never personally installed , on my phone... I'm going to delete the Inter Config apps now, especially after seeing those others installed without my permission. Still a little puzzled that I've found absolutely nothing on these apps on the web. Not even anyone else complaining or asking about them... Oh well, uninstalling and moving on with my life!

Download Manager.. Mystery Docs downloading

Hi all
I've had this bizarre issue on my phone where on the drop down notification bar, it says the Download Manager is downloading... It will be a strangely named document.. The last one was Skepticism and something or other... If I click on it nothing happens, I don't know what app is downloading it.. I have not downloaded anything and all I can do is cancel it if I'm quick enough.
I can't find any info on this issue on Google and I'm worried it's a virus... But again, I'm unable to establish where on earth it's coming from.
It happens occasionally (ie not every day) once I'm connected to the Internet.
Has anyone else experienced this and are there any solutions!?
Many thanks.
Hi, first use this site , this is an online virus analyzer that use more than 60 anti virus to scan the file (everything online) and gives you info about it, where it comes from etc , use this to be sure your mystery file is clean (I use this site very often it is just wonderful)
And then you are using a 3rd party download manager app? If you are be sure it is a reputable app and with my personal experience I have used a lot and the best one is by far ADM (advanced download manager), and if you know the download comes from the 3rd party download manager try to delete data of this app or if it comes from a browser you can see from which site this thing is downloading.
But if you still have this issue I can advise that;
Uninstall the kind of useless and dangerous apps like clean master, any """battery saver""" apps or flashlight apps that only display ads, use ram and battery and have very suspicious permissions and you have all those features built in.
Next do some spring cleaning, uninstall apps you aren't using and check the permissions settings to see if there is some suspect things, like a flashlight app that can access your contacts, sms, storage and location for example, you get the point
I hope it will be resolved, and you will see this website is great and will gives you infos about your file have a nice day

Needing help with my cheap A03s

Couldn't find that one listened anywhere here specifically. I'm pretty sure my phones compromised but I'll probably just get people telling me I'm being paranoid. Just notice a lot of weird stuff going on.
I'll give some examples, but it would be cool if someone else here has an A03s and could give me a full list of the system apps to know for sure if mine has some extra ones that aren't truly factory. Because I've restore it several times and they don't go away.
Like under the apps screen under the basic ones I got apps like Android auto, webview, configapk, customization service, and something called data restore tool, device health services, group sharing, meet, nearby device sharing, quick sharing, quick share, settings..etc. which to my knowledge are pretty normal apps to see on phones right? But I seem unable to control them, if I disable them and go back and check later they mysteriously reenabled again, or after that the permissions lists will be greyed out not being able to do anything. Also there is a app called "permissions controller", as well as ones called "apps", "apps update", "tools", "app recommendations", "settings recommendations"..etc. is that normal? I never noticed that with my old samsung. They are really small file size apps with pretty generic looking icons and they don't let me disable them.
What gets more weird to me though is when I enable the system apps too. I see all kinds of suspicious looking ****.
Like for the android setup, and android system apps there are two of each, and the other two have generic looking icons, also got stuff like configuration restore, audio mirroring, auto hotspot, automation test, bluetooth/bluetooth midi service, call & text on other devices, callbgprovider, camera extensions proxy, carrier login engine, sim tool kit, cell broadcast services, clipboardsaveservice, cmh provider, companion device manager (where I have no idea where my "companion is or how to control it so I must be the one being controlled?", configupdater, csc, dcktimesyncapplication, dynamic system updates, ipservice, enterprise sim pin service, external storage, like 10 different gestural navigation bars, group sharing, iaft, ims service, settings, and logging, input devices, iothiddenmenu, keycustomizationinfobnr, launcher, locale overlay manager, service mode and service mode ril, media and devices, mdmapp, vpndialogs, mmigroup,mmsservice, mobilewips, mtp host, nearby device scanning (2 instances), network diagnostic, nsdswebapp, one handed mode, osulogin, package installer, an app called "people", private share, proxy handler, quick share agent, samsung core services? (is that a real app even? I can disable it but who wants to disable "core" system apps, so touche there if it is a program deployed by a hacker on their app naming skills lol, smart switch agent, 2 instances of software update, system connectivity resources, system uwb/wifi resources, an app called "tasks", tethering, tethering provision and tethering automation, tfstatus/tffunlock always running when I never access them, usbsettings, and theres one called wallpaper services/wallpaper and style that looks really generic which is confusing because I assumed the samsung theme manager just handled all that stuff in one? We also got wearable manager installer running, and sometimes wificalling and wifi direct or work setup will be running when I don't have any of those configured.
Sorry for the huge block of text, I'm sure I missed a bunch i missed because there's some that don't show even when you tap "show system apps", like the skms agent as one example, so got a few general questions for you, so for the file/download system I got a bunch of default apps. There's two different files apps, there's a download manager and download app, and also a storage manager, and ALSO a app called the external storage that always wants to be running but can you explain that if I have no external storage? Is the built in storage space on the a03 called external storage? I even have my drive apps and stuff disabled.
Another things that's suspicious to me is secmediastorage, secvideoengineservice, secsoundpicker, secureelementapplication, media and devices + ext storage. Like why should there be a SECOND video or audio engine running when I'm old school and don't even use cast programs/features or anything like that? In fact it's usually one of the first things I just go ahead and try disable.
I noticed a lot of weird things going on with the display though too, looking really sharp then suddenly almost looking like there's two layers of gui not exactly lined up, like off by a pixels making things look blurrier. Like the one ui home is the default factory launcher right? So why does my phone also have a app called "launcher", plus another hidden launcher or something running in the background? I can't remember the name of it offhand, something GUI..
And I understand the concept of android have a permission controller, and "core apps" but are there actually apps under the system apps named that lol? "permission controller", "samsung core apps" one called "device services"...
also is service mode suppose to be running in the background? I googled into it and know it's a genuine service, but I really don't understand why a lot of these apps are stopping and running or renabling themselves.. It's like I have zero control over my own phone and if I'm just paranoid and they are meant to be just seems like a waste of complete waste of ram/data to me.
****, I was just sitting here thinking for like a few minutes about to post and almost forgot the most suspicious ones I've noticed in last few days. all the "com." overlay apps. I guess I really saw the word "overlay" as something you should be suspicious about until the vpn I recently bought had a feature that is suppose to block web browser based overlays. Then I noticed that MOST of my com. apps are all overlay apps! Lol, ranging from google/samsung to mediatek.
I won't post all of them because there's probably 20 at least but here's a few.
com.mediatek.systemuiresoverlay and a one (camera always running in background even if background and battery saver with restricted settings enabled) (I never used any personalization service or see a personalization app for that matter)
and there's a bunch of ones /common geotz/ gsa/ photos/
plus a overlay broadcastreceiver,, documentsui, permissioncontroller, and sdksandbox one.. tetheringresoverlay, wcmurlsnetworkstackoverlay, locale overlay manager..etc.
Also I get my service through straight talk which I think uses verizon and I noticed when I go to connections/mobile networks and network operators and uncheck the box "select automatically" that for some reason it only wants to connect to a network operator called "Home". I just thought that was kind of a weird and generic name for a network operator. I tried to use a android hidden settings app to change that because it was blocked out and thought I messed up my phone because I no longer had data and couldn't access the menu through the app anymore, but luckily a reformat fixed it but I'm still dealing with all this crap haha.
Can someone tell me I'm not crazy and there's definitely someone that is accessing and controlling my phone without my permission and what would be the best way to go about dealing with this?
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You've copied this post at least once. We'll be removing the duplicate.
Now on to your question...
It is my opinion that the problem may not be with what you are observing, but with your assumptions. In the duplicate thread, you assume two possibilities:
You're being hacked
Your paranoia is justified
Have you thought there may be a third or even fourth option? Such as, maybe you don't understand that much about Android, you don't recognize what you see, you're assuming it's malicious, which combined with your own confirmation bias, has led you to the conclusion that foul play is afoot?
Nothing you have described sounds in any way abnormal. You have a Samsung device running OneUI (Samsung's framework overlaid on top of Android) that is powered by a Mediatek chipset. Everything you describe sounds completely normal to me, with over 10 years of experience in Android, most of that with Samsung devices.
My conclusion, to be frank: You are not being hacked, and your paranoia is unfounded.
OP your post gave me a headache trying to read it.
Have it reflash to the stock firmware if you really think it's behaving erratically and a factory reset doesn't work. Change Google password and all others.
Then be careful what you install.
Don't put in foreign thumb drives or let others use it.

