got the fire...but it doesnt warm all - Kindle Fire General

Here my findings:
the reader app is a bit messed up. I have one book that does not work in black and white. Means background in black-writing in black. Very inconvenient. Spoke to someone at Amazon. That guy told me this book isnt available in black background and white type...
His solution was I should send back my kindle if I dont like it. WT*???
I tried a chat with Amazon, on the Amazon homepage trough my kindle fire.....
OMG----try it yourself, turn the screen...all messed up...
I am sorry, but I am really not impressed, I wanted to be...very much but I am not.
Before I forget, did anyone check the extra charges for downloading stuff from the cloud if you are NOT in the US?
Lets say I bought a book on kindle, dl-ed it. traveled abroad....bock doesnt work, I want to re download it.....and need to pay EXTRA for the DATA transfer from the cloud because I am not in the US....
Whats wrong with that guys?
Why does it cost extra?

I think the crowd here is going to worry about rooting/romming the KF before they worry about Amazon Cloud services. I hope they take care of you though.

I just tried amazon help chat and it worked fine. Even when rotating the screen. That last part has nothing to do with the fire?

Yeah, not sure one book not working for you dooms the entire device...

Lol, seriously?

hungarian said:
Here my findings:
the reader app is a bit messed up. I have one book that does not work in black and white. Means background in black-writing in black. Very inconvenient. Spoke to someone at Amazon. That guy told me this book isnt available in black background and white type...
His solution was I should send back my kindle if I dont like it. WT*???
I tried a chat with Amazon, on the Amazon homepage trough my kindle fire.....
OMG----try it yourself, turn the screen...all messed up...
I am sorry, but I am really not impressed, I wanted to be...very much but I am not.
Before I forget, did anyone check the extra charges for downloading stuff from the cloud if you are NOT in the US?
Lets say I bought a book on kindle, dl-ed it. traveled abroad....bock doesnt work, I want to re download it.....and need to pay EXTRA for the DATA transfer from the cloud because I am not in the US....
Whats wrong with that guys?
Why does it cost extra?
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This device is advertised as only shipping within the U.S., for U.S. customers.
Also, formatting is created by the publisher. Contact Amazon if you'd like to report the error.


Convince Amazon App Store I'm not on a Nook Color?

I love my Nook Color! It is an excellent tablet, that can run almost anything.
But I have to download most of the stuff from the Amazon Appstore on my phone, back it up, then copy it over to the Nook and install it manually. I always get the app of the day (whether I want it or not, I figure I may someday and just don't install it). So I have more than a hundred apps available on my phone when I open Amazon Appstore. On my Nook I have 17.
I have successfully installed many of the apps that I cannot see in the Amazon Appstore on my Nook, and they work perfectly. I used to be able to see everything in the Amazon Appstore and then a while back they added some sort of device check that is causing this.
How might I get around that device check? The phone-to-nook shuffle is a pain. It apparently isn't working off build.prop like the Google Market does.
Hm, I have 40~ish apps visible to both my Nook and my G1, and none that only one could see but not the other.
I think it does go off the build.prop - but only the first time you connect with the device. It stores the information for future accesses. So modify your build.prop, then go into your Amazon account from a web browser and click on "Your Apps and Devices". Deregister the device, then run the Amazon Appstore from your Nook (with the phony build.prop). It should re-authenticate with Amazon and register as whatever device your build.prop says it is. It worked for me, anyway.
I find this development a little disturbing, though. Amazon is clearly just trying to freeze out a competitor. They didn't have a problem letting me buy apps for my Nook until they got close to releasing their own e-reader tablet, and suddenly none of the apps that are installed and working on my Nook are deemed "incompatible" on the App Store. I've bought a couple apps through Amazon (and have a good number of the free "apps of the day"), but I certainly won't ever buy another one from them. Sure, I can work around it with this little trick, but I shouldn't have to resort to trickery to get around their bad business practices.
Beautiful. Worked like a charm. I went from 19 apps available to 122. Many thanks.
JMMusic said:
Beautiful. Worked like a charm. I went from 19 apps available to 122. Many thanks.
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So what build prop info did you use?
doncaruana said:
So what build prop info did you use?
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I used this:
ro.product.model=Nexus S
I'm not so convinced it's a nefarious plot by Amazon in their Apps store, nor Google in their Market as I am that I've hacked something in a non-standard and not fully understood way and broken something. I'm seeing the same 61 Apps (on the All tab) on my Nook Color running CM 7 as on my Droid 2 phone. If I go flash a new ROM, it all breaks again. That's ME, though, not them.
I'm enjoying the Free App of the Day enough not to take this out on Amazon.
All I've done is set density to 160 and cleared data.
There's little doubt in my mind that Amazon is restricting apps on Nooks. They're getting ready to launch their own device, so it makes sense to try to reduce the value of a competing product. It's good business sense, but it shows very little respect for the customer.
I hadn't changed anything in months on my Nook, and one day it was suddenly "incompatible" with most apps on the Amazon market. Changing nothing but the product name in build.prop and re-registering the device makes it all work again, and if I change it back to the Barnes & Noble information, suddenly my apps are incompatible again. Sure seems like Amazon is filtering for "Nook" in the app store.
Are we certain this is a plot by Amazon or is this a response to the same type of "feature" recently implemented on the Google App Store?
It's not the same LCD density issue as the Google Market. I tested that. I registered the Nook as both a Nexus S and the default Nook Color settings in build.prop, at various screen densities, and no matter what the density is, if Amazon thinks it's a Nexus, it shows all my apps. No matter what the density is, I get about 75% of my apps not showing up when it's registered as a Nook Color.
It really appears to me that Amazon's App Store is looking for "Nook" or "Barnes & Noble" or something in the product model at registration. There might be another explanation, but I can't think of one. Especially with Amazon getting set to launch a direct competitor to the Nook Color...
Care to list a few of the apps you're having trouble with? If it's a plot, they shouldn't work for any Nook, right? This should be an easy test.
Never had a problem with any of the apps I wanted.
Just got the app of the day today without trouble too for example.
Guess the conspiracy is not yet fully in force.
Wait... I purchased some books with the Kindle app on my Nook. Perhaps they gave me a good comrade status.
I'm running Stock 1.3 rooted and I have had AppStore since 1.1 rooted. I just bought ThumbKeyboard and followed the directions on the preceding page to modify my build.prop because it wasn't showing. Now Amazon's website tells me it's incompatible with my "Samsung Nexus S" (Nook Color). Any ideas?
Isn't it possible they are simply trying not to give noob customers apps that may freeze their say a nook that doesn't have a back button? It may not be some diabolical scheme to drive people away from the Nook Color simply because they HAVE to have the App of the day.....
A few weeks ago, both amazon and google markets made changes which made their markets more "device aware". This was not done due to any plot by amazon or google but was a change brought about to ensure that apps downloaded to a device would function well. This relieved the markets of the issues that come about by folks downloading incompatible apps then wanting refunds when they did not work. App developers were asked to list devices that their apps were designed to run on and these devices were included in the devs database on the market. This also protects the developers. As I said, no plot, just good business sense.
You can certainly change build properties and reregister your nook but remember that if the app does not function, you have no recourse through the market for a refund.
Just sayin......
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
Ditto to moshe5368 with one correction. A few months ago both Google and Amazon markets made their changes. I ran into the same problem. Unregistered from both markets, edited the build.prop file, followed the directions on repairing / replaceing the market , and finally it worked. Amazon is not plotting against other tablets, for now at least.
My wife's Nook wasn't eligible for the Apps from Amazon. I changed the Build.Prop file to the Samsung Nexus S per the instructions. I deregistered the device from her profile. I changed the screen Density to 160.
Now that I have done all of that, I can't get her device to re-register with Amazon. I tried to delete and reinstall the Amazon App using Titanium, but it wouldn't delete...any ideas? How do I re-register her device?
It's not just on the nook. I'm getting the same responce on my Viewsonic G Tablet.
Skunkeye said:
It's not the same LCD density issue as the Google Market. I tested that. I registered the Nook as both a Nexus S and the default Nook Color settings in build.prop, at various screen densities, and no matter what the density is, if Amazon thinks it's a Nexus, it shows all my apps. No matter what the density is, I get about 75% of my apps not showing up when it's registered as a Nook Color.
It really appears to me that Amazon's App Store is looking for "Nook" or "Barnes & Noble" or something in the product model at registration. There might be another explanation, but I can't think of one. Especially with Amazon getting set to launch a direct competitor to the Nook Color...
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Amazon is subsidizing the Fire, so it doesn't make financial sense for them to block competitors. They get more money from Nook users up front then they will those that purchase the Fire.

Kids & The Nexus 7

Hey Nexus 7 peeps!
Santa Claus brought my kids (7 & 8yrs old) N7 tablets for Christmas. I've been researching alternatives for locking them down, and haven't found anything (yet) that really meets the needs. For reference, I've setup the kids Windows 7 PC with Microsoft Family Safety & Security & about a thousand group policies. Given all that I have no worries right now leaving them with the PC with minimal supervision. They use chrome and I have it setup to use the Microsoft FSS site to do any websearches they do.
So.. I'd like to do something similar with their tablets. I have about 3 days before they come back from their grandparents house to get these things configured. I'm currently setup as the "owner" and my kids have their own users setup. For the moment, they are hooked up to my google account. I'm not adverse to changing that, but want to figure out what the options are first.
Heres my thoughts on what they should have:
Chrome, only if I can put some kind of filtering on. Not opposed to OpenDNS (router is setup with DD-WRT already). I'm not obsessed with allowing chrome (or web browser access) right now.
Play store hidden or disabled. I've required a pin for purchase & in-game purchase, which is fine for now but not ideal.
Google now/etc fine if some parental controls can be added.
Email available only to/from people on parent managed contact list, or disabled completely.
Prefer to have a launcher that has a subset of all available apps, and perhaps drawer restrictions/etc
I'm totally not opposed to rooting or whatever would help with this, or even installing CM10 or something if it would help.
I feel like I must be missing something. All of this seems so very basic to me, yet I've not yet found what I'm looking for. There must be other people who got N7s for kids, and want to have a little bit of parental control over whats going on here. I'm looking for recommendations on how to proceed.
Thanks in advance, appreciate any advice offered.
This is to get you started, I haven't done much other research.
check out this post of mine:
OP was asking whether create a separate account for her daughter or not.
And answers to your specific questions:
- Chrome doesn't support any plugins, there are system-wide apps that filter content (probably root required)
- disable it with link2sd or any app that handles apps, nova launcher (and many others) can hide apps from app drawer, its still there, just not in the drawer. (though with filtering, i dont know why you would disable play store, with no credit card its harmless)
- I don't really understand what you mean, but google search does have filtering.
- either remove gmail/email completely, or filter emails in gmail filter settings (sth like anything not from dad, mom, relatives, directly remove. Can be done with no problems, the same way you would handle labels in gmail)
- any aftermarket launcher pretty much. check nova, apex (those are built on stock ics/jb launchers) both enable to hide apps from drawer, but everything can be reset with some tinkering. Google for some kid launchers or sth, I'm sure there is stuff.
I think you're panicking too much to be honest. Its not a gsm device, it doesnt send txts, so you will not get a 100$ bill at the end of the month, apps in play store are safe with filtering (I'm pretty sure you can lock that too), and if they're not tech savvy they shouldn't find their way around your little tricks, but don't underestimate them, kids are very smart, and just may surpass you sooner then you know.
If you have to set so many restrictions on devices, you shouldn't have gotten them in the first place, rather get nintendo DS or PSP.
Awesome, thanks for the advice. I'm looking through your recommendations now. This is my first experience with "Real" jellybean.... I've been using a seriously hacked CM10 for my Droid X2. So this is the first time I've had the opportunity do deal with mutliple users. The cool thing I've found is that apps can be disabled per-user, which makes things a lot easier. Many of the apps that I dont really want them to have, I've just disabled and all seems to be well. I signed them both up with their own Gmail accounts, and I'll monitor that on my own.
My kids are definitely tech savvy, I'm an application developer & generally a white-hat hacker; some of that has rubbed off on them. I think everything is cool now, your point about the google store w/o credit card is totally valid, and I hadn't even considered that. Given that, I've setup restrictions on content from store, content in chrome, and content in youtube. I still want to do a little research on content control in Chrome (plus it will give me a valid excuse to root it, everydamnthing in my house needs to be hacked in some way :good
It may well be that I've panicked too much. Its just that the windows setup is so completely perfect, that I'd like it to be on par. I trust my kids, but only so far. My elder has a form of autism that complicates discussions about what to/not to do.
Appreciate your recommendations!
Quite sure the play store got an update recently that requires the account password when attempting to buy any pay apps. It does on mine here anyway. just checked my sons stock tablet and it looks like Google have finally got their act together and are using server side authentication for purchases.
Oh and if you do get the tablets rooted this little program is a must
Allows you to share and control apps between user accounts on same tablet. I use it to let my son play my paid games whilst restricting him from using my account.
Cheers Danny
I know that go launcher allows you to hide apps, and you can use a password program to restrict access to the go launcher settings. Just my 2ยข.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
Thanks for the appshare. That is brilliant. Haven't used it yet, but I'm certain I will. Both are now rooted w/ CWM installed. For now I'm going to leave them with stock browser.... at 7 & 8 they're not yet actively searching for things they shouldnt be. I'll address that as it comes, but I'm way glad I rooted them now, as unlocking kills user data.
My wife is an Apple junkie (yes, yes, you can save the comments) but even she was impressed with the 4.2 ability to switch users, a feature starkly missing from iThings. I explained that it was a decision brought down by the Ghost Of Steve Jobs, and not an oversight.
End of the day... getting very close to having them configured properly, and none too soon. The kidlets return tomorrow afternoon from grandparents....
toidimaet said:
Quite sure the play store got an update recently that requires the account password when attempting to buy any pay apps. It does on mine here anyway. just checked my sons stock tablet and it looks like Google have finally got their act together and are using server side authentication for purchases.
Oh and if you do get the tablets rooted this little program is a must
Allows you to share and control apps between user accounts on same tablet. I use it to let my son play my paid games whilst restricting him from using my account.
Cheers Danny
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It only does that when I try to use my play credit. If I use a credit card, it doesn't prompt me
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
XxSHaDoWxSLaYeRxX said:
It only does that when I try to use my play credit. If I use a credit card, it doesn't prompt me
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
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Ah, I am using a debit card in the UK. It could be a card type thing or even a country thing.
Sorry it took me so long to post and you have set up the tablet, but here's what i did for my daughter's N7:
I set her up with her own Gmail account. Rooted and unlocked the N7 and set it up as hers.
I added her account to my N7 so i can see activity etc. Case, screen protector and stylus.
Adfree of course
Avast! In case it is ever lost, & some nice anti virus etc
Smart App Protector - password protect any although I got her her own email address, she can't read, or send email without can lock down the browser too, which I did, because she has games with links that will open a browser. THIS app is awesome.
Parent Dashboard, because it has some fun videos and apps -
I toyed with this being her desktop for a bit but too restrictive - I do like the ability to send her video messages (shared custody).
Skype so we can video chat (only for contacts, natch).
I don't have a credit card attached to her account, but if she wants to buy, I can do a couple things...add it on my N7, buy add to her wishlist them she can d/l on her. Our i can add cc and buy on hers and remove cc.
I think that's about everything and let her go to town.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app

[Q] Is there a family mode for NP?

I feel like this product wasn't thought out well. As in you have to link it to your Google account and then you have YouTube spitting out very strange recommendations to watch things that you have never even looked at on YouTube.
So what I'm asking is if there is some way to have a family profile on the NP that is separate from your own Google data?
I would *love* a way to block some stuff from being blasted into my kid's eyeballs just by turning on the TV. I plugged this thing in, turned it on, and boom. Sons of Anarchy and American Horror Story's covers will now give my 4 year old nightmares. Great. And I've never seen the shows.
Now, I don't want to report things as "inappropriate" though, because... well, they're not. I just don't want them on my screen... Now, before I get flamed with comments like "be a good parent" and "you shouldn't let your kids watch that stuff anyway" - that's exactly what I'm saying. I just didn't know that I was going to be blasted with the stuff as soon as I turned it on.
The good news is that as soon as I launched the PBS Kids app, most of the stuff I don't want to see was pushed off the screen by Wild Kratts and Curious George... But really - what if Google decides that I should watch a Victoria's Secret fashion show? WTH?
Have you tried enabling content filtering in the Play store? I would think that it should remove any suggestions from the Play store above a certain rating. Have not tried it myself but I guess I could give it a test later. I was looking to put 2 of these in my kids rooms but hadn't really thought that part out.
There are also restricted profiles... Might be better for your case.
I guess my point was more along the same lines as the poster above. I look at some comedy videos and stuff on YT. My GF came in the other day like what's this college sex prank video recommendation on the NP (from some channel I never watched)
It's very embarrassing. I don't need a restrictive profile. There are no kids involved, but I would like the NP not to show recommendations like that. In the meantime I turned off YT recommendations, but I would like to see some sort of profile separation where you can have a family profile that doesn't pull from your own recommendations.
I had this exact same problem with questionable recommendations from Google Play Movies and YouTube and it turns out you CAN remove them by disabling notifications for the app.
Just got to: Settings --> App --> App Name and change notifications from On to Off.
PhyerFly said:
I had this exact same problem with questionable recommendations from Google Play Movies and YouTube and it turns out you CAN remove them by disabling notifications for the app.
Just got to: Settings --> App --> App Name and change notifications from On to Off.
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Yea, I did that already. I would like to see a different profile for the TV though so you aren't getting strange recommendations. Turning off recommendations completely defeats the purpose of even having them...
EcPercy said:
Yea, I did that already. I would like to see a different profile for the TV though so you aren't getting strange recommendations. Turning off recommendations completely defeats the purpose of even having them...
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I can't imagine how complex the controls would need to be in order to be able to be able to screen every possible type of recommendation from every app ever, especially when we're talking about a single google account associated with the history it's built based on your usage.
I feel your concern and I think Android TV and Google's apps have already done some damage in terms of what they surface on my TV (ex. the Google Music app shows a full-screen background of Mariah Carey with her tits falling out of a dress when I play her Christmas songs), but realistically I don't know how else I'd weed out everything unless they had some kind of rating system that all apps respected
My thought was a separate profile that isn't pulling from your email account. I suppose the other option would be to just make a new gmail account and sign the NP into that.

[Q] Amazon Appstore login issues

Hi guys,
Thanks for your awesome work in this incredible little device, specially with the new ROMs and so.
My Nook Simple Touch (no Glowlight) is in its original 1.2.1-U, and I've been reading with it really well.
However, I want to install some apps, and seeing that the Amazon Appstore had a huge deal until today, I got the Officesuite Pro license right out the bat.
However, I did not take into account that my Amazon Appstore has been having issues for some time now. It always shows "Please enter a valid email and password", which I'm pretty sure I'm typing correctly.
The version of my Appstore APK is 2.1. Maybe there's a newest one? Maybe do I need to reflash my device, or clean out some data files?
Also, neither my cellphone nor my Nook appears registered on the "My Devices" panel. And my cellphone Appstore works just right.
I found this old thread, but it is so old that I fear nothing in it will work.
Any insight on this issue will be awesome.
Thanks everyone.
Tamhvm said:
Hi guys,
Thanks for your awesome work in this incredible little device, specially with the new ROMs and so.
My Nook Simple Touch (no Glowlight) is in its original 1.2.1-U, and I've been reading with it really well.
However, I want to install some apps, and seeing that the Amazon Appstore had a huge deal until today, I got the Officesuite Pro license right out the bat.
However, I did not take into account that my Amazon Appstore has been having issues for some time now. It always shows "Please enter a valid email and password", which I'm pretty sure I'm typing correctly.
The version of my Appstore APK is 2.1. Maybe there's a newest one? Maybe do I need to reflash my device, or clean out some data files?
Also, neither my cellphone nor my Nook appears registered on the "My Devices" panel. And my cellphone Appstore works just right.
I found this old thread, but it is so old that I fear nothing in it will work.
Any insight on this issue will be awesome.
Thanks everyone.
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Cant help but I had the exact same issue with mine, it was acting like I was entering a wrong password even though I knew I wasnt. I never tried the Nook optimized version though, maybe give that a stab?

My Verizon Services removal

There is a service / app (system app) called MVS and listed as when you do a pm list services. Under apps and notifications - show system it can only be disabled. After a short time it re-enables itself and gives back full permissions no matter if you remove them or not. So I pm uninstalled it and that sticks as the app is gone. Until reboot! Then it's back, enabled, with full permissions again. Why is that, where does it come from (I know it's Verizon) in the system so that a reboot reinstalls it with no prompting?
I know what it does. Some have said it will break wifi calling but it does not. I don't use wifi calling any longer, it's too unreliable for me, but that's beside the point. What it actually does is report back to Verizon everything you are doing on your device. When you installed an app, when you uninstalled an app, when you used an app, who you called and when you called them and everything in between including the IMEI. If you ever call tech support they will know what's on your device without asking for permission to look at it. If you disable the app they will request a code so they can look since they now can't see it.
So.. how the hell do you get rid of this spyware permanently without root? Heck, even with root! It's also one of the top apps that alarms and partial wakelocks in BBS which is how I found it. There are 2 more packages that don't seem to be causing any problems but then again I'm not sure. Does anyone know what they are and what they do? They are:
I've deleted all apps that have the word Verizon in it and have had no issues. And wifi calling still works.
Spookymyo said:
I've deleted all apps that have the word Verizon in it and have had no issues. And wifi calling still works.
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Do they come back on reboot?
edit: Looks like these 3 packages are being installed via apk in the priv-app system folder and thus I think I'd need root to actually get rid of them entirely. This is a Google bought device with no connection to Verizon other than using a sim for connectivity. Will anyone else see if they have these packages installed if on a Google device with or without Verizon as a carrier? The command is:
adb shell
pm list package | grep 'verizon'
If you have them and don't want them use this command for each (one example given) and reboot. See if they come back.
pm uninstall -k --user 0
bobby janow said:
Do they come back on reboot?
edit: Looks like these 3 packages are being installed via apk in the priv-app system folder and thus I think I'd need root to actually get rid of them entirely. This is a Google bought device with no connection to Verizon other than using a sim for connectivity. Will anyone else see if they have these packages installed if on a Google device with or without Verizon as a carrier? The command is:
adb shell
pm list package | grep 'verizon'
If you have them and don't want them use this command for each (one example given) and reboot. See if they come back.
pm uninstall -k --user 0
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I have root so whatever I delete stays deleted. I don't need to use adb, just a root explorer.
Spookymyo said:
I have root so whatever I delete stays deleted. I don't need to use , just a root explorer.
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Unfortunately, that doesn't help me out but it's still nice to know. I see them all in the /product/priv-app folder and obviously can't delete them. Something like this might push me to root ...eventually. I can disable the processes and even uninstall them but only until the next reboot. I wonder if every device has crap like this running even if you don't use Verizon.
bobby janow said:
Unfortunately, that doesn't help me out but it's still nice to know. I see them all in the /product/priv-app folder and obviously can't delete them. Something like this might push me to root ...eventually. I can disable the processes and even uninstall them but only until the next reboot. I wonder if every device has crap like this running even if you don't use Verizon.
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Of course they do. Even unlocked phones have to connect to a carrier service.
Spookymyo said:
Of course they do. Even unlocked phones have to connect to a carrier service.
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That's not quite what I meant. If you never connected to Verizon do you still have those files and apks installed? They seem like system files delivered to a device whether or not you use Verizon. That's what I'm curious about.
I may be able to help. I have been going through HELL for 7 months... doing my own detective work and gathering info/evidence on trying to figure out/ prove how my ex (whom conned me) is committing Computer Internet and Identity Fraud therefore including Credit Card Fraud. Just moments ago I found com.verizon.obdm_permissions on my Android phone....Googled... Google lead me here. I am a creature of habit and believe i am fairly in tune with my habits/how my electronics work for my abilities (being uneducated in the way the internet of his ssids to psychologically tease me was Interweb)
*I am on my father's Verizon account. He lives an hour away.
*I have my own Xfinity Account.
* My phone acts like 2 or more phones.
*Verizon says everything looks fine.
*Xfinity says everything looks fine.
*In my Google and Xfinity Account ive found that a Linux server is/has been connected to me.
* I found a coax cable that was cut (I live in an apt building) and found it connected to a splitter (fake?). Once I disconnected Comcast van (during pandemic beginning) arrived the next day. He wired the coax cable that was cut....i painted my closet....the paint spots match.
*I've had an Apple app mysteriously download even though I've never had an Apple Account nor an iPhone. Never would have caught it if I didn't download a notification saver app.
*This asshole has made comments leading me to believe he has live broadcasted me...I have never done that...i don't even like video chat...not even my mother.
*I have a FB Business page with 60,ooo followers that I had no idea I had.
*Just recently when I connect to my wifi (mobile data off) Digital Secure says 0 Apps are running on mobile data.
* at one point my IP address was in-between Pakistan and Iran.
*via FB messenger i was connected by someone who says he's a Middlesex Private Attorney-Union Devision....there is no such decision anywhere...confirmed by District Attorney's Office. I believe he is part of an Islamic group who prays on woman through social media for sex trade.
In conclusion: due to my exs actions, he has made me and my life (including my 14 and 9 year old children) a target for this sex slave trade Islamic group.
Honestly, I need help organizing my report for the FBI. I've already spoken with the Federal Trade Commission whom gave me a number to someone in my local FBI department.
farmdynasty said:
I may be able to help. I have been going through HELL for 7 months... doing my own detective work and gathering info/evidence on trying to figure out/ prove how my ex (whom conned me) is committing Computer Internet and Identity Fraud therefore including Credit Card Fraud. Just moments ago I found com.verizon.obdm_permissions on my Android phone....Googled... Google lead me here. I am a creature of habit and believe i am fairly in tune with my habits/how my electronics work for my abilities (being uneducated in the way the internet of his ssids to psychologically tease me was Interweb)
*I am on my father's Verizon account. He lives an hour away.
*I have my own Xfinity Account.
* My phone acts like 2 or more phones.
*Verizon says everything looks fine.
*Xfinity says everything looks fine.
*In my Google and Xfinity Account ive found that a Linux server is/has been connected to me.
* I found a coax cable that was cut (I live in an apt building) and found it connected to a splitter (fake?). Once I disconnected Comcast van (during pandemic beginning) arrived the next day. He wired the coax cable that was cut....i painted my closet....the paint spots match.
*I've had an Apple app mysteriously download even though I've never had an Apple Account nor an iPhone. Never would have caught it if I didn't download a notification saver app.
*This asshole has made comments leading me to believe he has live broadcasted me...I have never done that...i don't even like video chat...not even my mother.
*I have a FB Business page with 60,ooo followers that I had no idea I had.
*Just recently when I connect to my wifi (mobile data off) Digital Secure says 0 Apps are running on mobile data.
* at one point my IP address was in-between Pakistan and Iran.
*via FB messenger i was connected by someone who says he's a Middlesex Private Attorney-Union Devision....there is no such decision anywhere...confirmed by District Attorney's Office. I believe he is part of an Islamic group who prays on woman through social media for sex trade.
In conclusion: due to my exs actions, he has made me and my life (including my 14 and 9 year old children) a target for this sex slave trade Islamic group.
Honestly, I need help organizing my report for the FBI. I've already spoken with the Federal Trade Commission whom gave me a number to someone in my local FBI department.
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mustangtim49 said:
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Glad somebody said it ?
ummm....ya....WTF is probably the right
In general, I am not the greatest at explaining things... lol Especially, trying to explain something im educating myself on as these strange occurrences are happening. Im better at physically showing someone while I am doing my best at explaining why I have come to these conclusions.
So, I guess, with the "WTF" reply im not fully comprehending what your WTFing Are you WTFing because its a completely messed up situation or are you WTFing because I explained in such a way that makes me look like a crazy person? Lol
Seriously, I absolutely want your honest opinion. Asking for others opnions who are more educated than I is the whole reason I registered with y'all. I absolutely know that this fraud/hacking is true. I just get confused, lost, side tracked with how he connected and getting to the main source. Im working backwards... like im starting from the top branches of a tree (clues) working my way down to find the main source. If this makes any sense at all,, its like he has a backup to a backup so he can connect in more ways than one. If your sure what I mean about something I said please please please ask me away!
I believe we have found the solution to the Verizon services removal. Please close this thread. Thanks everyone.
Thread closed at the request of the OP.

