do you name your gadgets? - Galaxy Note GT-N7000 General

I ran out of names for gadgets and computers long ago. My first couple of computers had names, so did my laptops .. I named most of my gadgets for the purpose of syncing - I think the last gadget I actually "named" was the Sony UMPC, can't remember the TRUE name for those. They were very small Windows machines, used a sim but never had voice. TOO BAD .. I would have kept mine if it had voice.
I almost named my Dell Streak - but didn't .. Paid a bundle to get an unlocked iphone 4s but didn't give it a name.
But I am thinking, a $1,000 phone deserves a name better than My Samsung Galaxy Note but since I am long out of names, I think I will call this My Samsung Whatever .. "Whatever for short ..

How about Biggie?

Why not Zoidberg?

Had this problem with my cats. Solution is simple: Cat #1, Cat #2 and so on...

kunalparwani said:
Why not Zoidberg?
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I love it !!! That is it's name !! Zoidberg ..

Once I named my dopod u 1000 "kucrut"... and it is all because I installed a voice commad for windows mobile. I must say the name (which i personally record and taged) in order to activate the program. I use it to call (record the name for example "jack" and tag it to the desired contact and activate the call by saying "kucrut..! Jack") or i can use it to open programs etc. Not like android voice recognition.. this app needed you to record and taged your voice to contacts or programs.
I'm still searching for similar app in android since I'm using sgs2... its very convinient for me since I'm not an english speaking person.

The only "gadgets" I've named are my media centre PCs. The first one I assembled from components into a Shuttle chassis so that got christened "Bob", short for "box of bits". It is much easier in conversation to refer to "Bob" than "Media Centre PC" when using phrases like "Can you turn Bob on?"; "Are your pictures on Bob yet?" and so on.
When I upgraded that model with a Dell XPS PC that got the name "Bobby", derived from "Bob B".
I do refer to my Orange San Francisco phone as "Blade", but that's only because that's what it is (ZTE Blade), and again referring to it as "Orange San Francisco" is a bit of a mouthful that I don't want to have to say/write and I'm sure nobody wants to wait for me to finish saying.
Actually I've just remembered that when we had a hire car for three weeks while driving round New Zealand we called it "Colin". That's the first and last time I've named a car and it was in memory of a friend's little car which she called Colin and which was equally underpowered, but a brave little fighter.
My Samsung Galaxy Note (arriving today) will not be named. It will simply be known as "Note" or "Phone".

I used to name my gadgets from a book of "Forgotten English." The last time I used one of those names was maybe a half dozen years ago. My desktop computer was "Gobslotch." Just sort of rolls off the tongue .. From what I remember a Gobslotch was a greedy clownish person likely to gobble his food. One of my favorite words from Forgotten English was 'blowze.' Rough, red-faced wench. I loved all my toys too much to name them Blowze ..
Blowze Zoidberg ?? haha ..

Thanks to inspiration from my wife, I give them girls names.
The Note is called Nessa (ie: That's its Bluetooth name, so it shows up on my parrot in the car).
The Galaxy S2 preceding it was called Sophie.
Lame, I know.


What have you always wanted programming...

What have you always wanted programming for the PDA?
I still haven't got a final year project idea :?
BigDamHero said:
What have you always wanted programming for the PDA?
I still haven't got a final year project idea :?
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Linux or any other open source OS
Strip poker!
Linux or any other open source OS
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Slightly beyond my expertise/porject time limit.
Strip poker!
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Outstanding. I'll put the idea to my project supervisor tomorrow :wink:
animated icons, or animated today screen displays
a real time vioce converter
like in scream the movie
1. I'm hoping for a multitrack recorder. There are hardware devices as low as $200 - why can't our $800 devices do something similar - make something that will record one track and playback another simultaneously, then you can play it all back at the same time. Perfect for recording vocals, a capellas, voiceovers, you name it.
2. New interfaces or replacement apps with nice interfaces. If you watch in the movies, you'll see a guy holding a PDA with some cool, large fonts, black screen, art deco designs, scrolling or text incrementing one character at a time as if being transmitted. It's fun, flashy, animated, and turns heads. It could also be practical. What do we have now? An email, contacts, and/or phone app that's pretty bland. Tahoma at 8 or 10 point. White background, boring interface. Heck, make it a Star Trek LCARS pad.
3. An online trivia game. I'm waiting for a game that will allow a bunch of players online to be the first to answer each question and compare scores. Do a search for "Buzztime Trivia," a game for BREW and J2ME playforms.
Activesync that works on my thinkpad !! :lol: :lol:
a replacement caller id program that looks up area codes via a locally stored database and displays the caller's city if the phone number is not stored in contacts. or strip blackjack for those of us that suck at poker. :wink:
ActiveSync with something other than Outlook! Personally, I'm a die-hard Firefox / Thunderbird bloke. I resent (but understand) having to run Outlook on my lovely lappie just so I can keep an easy backup of contacts etc.
Being able to sync with standards based email client / calendar apps would be a blessing!
Heck, you could always put some smutty easter eggs in :lol:
Something that allows you to record your phone calls? Is this possible?
I think you can already do that with the note recorder... but thats not a bad idea. Automated phone call recording with cataloguing.
I dont think it would make the greatest final year project, though.
How do you record a call with the note application?
As you say, it would be nice if the last 10 calls showed up in a list somewhere, along with time/number and full recording .
program to give the winning lottery numbers.
or used to be a program on the palm that would allow you to have an image on the screen as a lock instead of the number pad, and you selected the points on the image that you had to touch to unlock the phone.
A program to get the cell id that the handset is connected too and work out roughly on a map where you are. Like a poor mans GPS.
o2guy - see celltrack
ShALLaX said:
I think you can already do that with the note recorder... but thats not a bad idea. Automated phone call recording with cataloguing.
I dont think it would make the greatest final year project, though.
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what about an answer phone?
How about you modify the cell track code to show your location on the handset, instead of sending to a signature. In fact i think i might use this idea for my final year project.

Phone Application Recommendations?

Good evening guys! I'm a new user to the TyTN (Former Treo 650 user) and its a good phone. When I was using the Treo 650, I used this phone application which is pretty awesome! It's called TAKEphone by a company called ShSh. ( This application has this Enhanced Search Feature which I really need, yet can't find a program that does it for the Windows Mobile 5 OS. The following is an example of what TAKEphone does, and i'm trying to find a program just like it.
- Enhanced searching capabilities:
Search any combination of all fields.
4 search methods, including fast "Turbo" (sorted) search.
Allows 'And' operation of search strings.
Supports accented characters (umlauts).
Basically if i want to call my good friend "Johnathan Smith", i can just type his initials in, JS and it will query the phone for any letters i type, so if i have another friend with the same initials, for example, Jane Simpson, that will come up as well. It makes searching easier especially when you run a business and have over 500 contacts.
The best feature on the phone is, i can even narrow this search even more to an exact match, i can type "jo sm" and it'll find Johnathan Smith as well.
Well, if anyone knows any information of a program of this sort that i can purchase, can someone please let me know? Thanks a million!
I haven't seen an app like that for windows mobile but smart dialer is probably the closest your gonna get to it.
Something like that would be nice and i think my old nokia (about 5 years ago) had an option like that built in... what are you making me miss symbian?!?

Thank you mods!

Awesome! A Shift section of its own. Now if we can just get our hands on some working models.
I'm hopeful someone can crack the stupid dumbed down version of WM that HTC is installing and figure out how to get WM6 on this beauty. The two dumbest things I've read so far are that a.) the PDA side can't access the SD card slot (that's even more idiotic than not being able to access the hard drive IMO), and the SnapVue program itself. I understand their desire to save licensing costs, but the whole decision to isolate the PDA side sounds like a deal they made with the telecoms - forcing the PDA side to only interact with the laptop side only through the telecom's system (where they can charge you with a data plan) is idiotic. Personally, I expect to use this device as a stand-alone laptop and not even use the 3G/HSPDA - I've already got that on my Trinity and paying for two full data plans makes zero sense. If anything, I'd like to do a BT modem lash-up through my phone.
If anyone's looking for some ideas to hack this thing, my personal wish list is:
1.) Get WM6 installed instead of SnapVue (may be a problem given the screen resolution tho)
2.) Unlock the SD card for the PDA side
3.) Unlock the hard drive for the PDA side (this would be HUGE)
Just imagine - you're on a flight, you watch a full movie on the PDA side off an SD card, using low battery consumption, then in the airport you tap into the WiFi and log into your work network to get work done, then later at the hotel you plug in and do some real work on the laptop side. Add in checking your push email on the cab ride to your hotel (PDA side, full keyboard) if you choose the HSPDA activation. That's my dream machine! now if I only knew enough code to make it happen! <grin>
Having been in the postion of carrying around (for several years)
a good data PDA (this means a Psion)
and a phone
and a Windows Mobile PDA (often an XDA so that makes for 2 devices total)
I have been waiting for Mr Shift to arrive since its first showing in early 2007.
In November the PDF manuals were available from FCC ... what a total disappointment. Did somebody from Apple join HTC? Did they close the architecure at every possible moment ... We need at least:
a) Ability to run full WM6
b) Ability to install any WM6 application
c) Ability to use it as a (very large) telephone
d) Ability to let the PDA part of the Shift be able to access the local Vista and a remote Windows machine
Many people (like me) use their Windows mobile PDA to act as a bridge from their work outlook (probably server) and their home Outlook standalone.
Currently my XDA's or equivalent forms that important link from my Work calendar, tasks and contacts, and my home calendar, tasks and contacts.
Any PDA replacement needs to be able to at least do that!
e) If using a 3G SIM and appropriate data plan then access via this to the Interweb from both PDA and PC sides.
The Shift would seem to make a pretty decent UMPC and it includes a keyboard, but as-is it seems the PDA function and the phone function are an insult to ones intelligence.
Sorry about the grumpy post!
we all
No need to appologise.
I think we all feel the same about is.
The choises HTC made make no sence at all and make the PDA side of the shift nothing more than some kind of side-show.
Like everyone else I´d like a FULL pda side. With all normal apps (including office). Doing without phone capabilities might not keep me form buying the shift but if it has not got full pda functionality then it is totaly uninteresting. I would buy a small notebook with longer battery life. (and with XP for that matter).
So it´s time for the guys at HTC to wake up!
Maybe they could make different versions? I would be willing to pay a bit more for a version with full WM6...
Pfeffa-rah said:
Maybe they could make different versions? I would be willing to pay a bit more for a version with full WM6...
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How I agree!
I agree with everyone that the droned down version of this device sucks, but don't blame HTC. Blame vaporware maker Dualcor for their once great idea and not can't be found Dualcor PPC. It was suppose to run windows, and windows mobile and be a phone. After some time, they realized they couldn't do the phone thing and eventually the product, to my knowledge, was never fully released. HTC can't put the full version of windows mobile to due copyright infringment. Dualcor even stated it.
The link will take you to their website and if you read through, it was innovative and great and never really came about.
Can you truly blame HTC for doing the right thing and infringing? I would love for HTC to take Dualcor to court.
In an old saying that applies to dualcor, "either sh*t or get off the pot!"
Just my two cents. Flame away!
dont worry
hey we have a forum here (the best darn forum in the world) n boy we will get this device to perform as we want to. it may take time and help from the gurus out there but it WILL be done so lets just get our wallets / purses at the ready and hope htc release the shift this decade??
landshark said:
1.) Get WM6 installed instead of SnapVue (may be a problem given the screen resolution tho)
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Uhm... SnapVue is just a name HTC came up with... what it *actually* is, is just a little DLL they wrote that overlays the WM6 taskbars so that you can't tap on them... I know because I've already gotten my hands on the relevant material and ported SnapVue to the Athena... what's more, I've also patched the DLL so that it doesn't disable the taskbars any more... assuming we can use Activesync to do our dirty business for us in terms of getting new certificates on the damn thing (failing that it'll be SPL hacking time) then it won't be a problem.
the proper Vista OS is interesting too... it's actually deployed in a bastardised sort of Symantec Ghost image type thing, but it weighs in at 8GB so there's not a bloody chance in hell you'll be seeing updates to this in their entirety.
Hey guys I'm new to this forum and everything that you guys do here(so if you could use a little patients with me i would appreciate it), but this forum has helped me to do some cool things with my htc titan, and for that i thank you. Now i ask you what kind of mods do you think will come out for the shift? There are some great developers here that can do some cool things, and from reading this topic do i correctly gather that it is possible to put wm6 on the shift, and it is impossible to put xp on the shift? sorry for the long post, but one last thing. What service provider and plan would be offered for the shift or what would be best for the shift?

How do you rate for G1 device?....Reviews Etc.

We're wonder what is people thinking about their G1 device... Please vote and write down your feeling on this new phone.
What does work on this phone works very well. I feel though that this phone is more for developers and hobbyist. It's not quiet ready for guys like me that have very few skills. I hope the software situation gets worked out soon or this phone will end up with no real support just like the Iphone.
i agree, some great potential with this phone, enough to make it a class leader. we just need to see some of the most reported problems ironed out first. great os and hardware on the whole.
what are "mosy reported floors"
I LOVE this phone. Of course it has its problems(lack of camera options, lack of really interesting apps(though there were a hell of a lot of interesting ones added today...), cut and paste is a bit of a pain sometimes but they are all in the software and definitely will be fixed once the device is a little more mature. Considering this is a version 1.0 device and just came out a little over a month ago it's freaking amazing. Heck I've even had iphone users gawk at some of the things it can do like street view compass mode.
Love it!!
I've had (over the past 2 years) the mda, moto q, mogul, instinct, diamond and now the G1.
Windows mobile (mda/q/mogul/diamond), although very convenient, can and will give you a headache and a large pain in the @$$. Screens are usually too cluttered. Such a small screen size with so much stuff. Lag lag lagggggggg. Pocket Internet Explorer is only there for show and orb. Other than that I would recommend opera, netbrowser or skyfire. Functionality is the best feature winmo has. I had full access to my home computer (as long as it was connected to the internet). They are essentially what they are called, PPC's (Pocket PC's).
Instinct... should be set on fire along with all the people who created that POS. Make sure it is a slow roasting fire too. Very very poor smartphone. Good at making/receiving calls though.
The G1 can and will do everying the winmo phones do (minus the head ache... hopefully). All we need to be is patient or pitch in by learning programming.
i rated it very poor, i am very disappointed with the phone and google should be ashamed of themselves. the g1 can't do 1/10th of the things my wing did and my wing was a dog. android is worse than win ce when i first tried it on '03. thanks g1 for ruining my year. xda-devs, please get winmo on this asap.
Till now only 47 peoples vote... gogogo!
Till now only 47 peoples... gogogo! Tell people how do you think on G1~
We hope TMO can see this thread and improve it on next model if possible.
Good and Bad
I rated the phone as Neutral:
Things I like:
- GPS, Wireless are great
- Some cool apps
- Smooth Feel to the screen and it isn't jerky
- Contact List (very flexible for my needs)
- real tactile keyboard
- Maps
- ShopSavvy
Things I don't like:
- Small screen
- No auto-rotate (I know it works with chrooted systems)
- keyboard missing CTRL, PgUp/Down, Arrows (for shell commands)
- Internal Storage space is limited
- Lack of ability to store to SD Card
- The cumbersome headset included (why on earth keep the mic
- Not a true Open Source (I want root access)
Things that would make this phone rock:
- optional on-screen keyboard for simple input (ease up on the wear and tear of constantly having to flip to keyboard)
- piston operated hinges (i.e. slow the shock of closing/opening the keyboard)..opens fast but slows down right before it slams open/shut
- option for normal earpiece input (vice USB headset)
So I'm really mixed. I think a huge win (for me) is the ability to store on SD card (I run out of space all the time now) and having root access. That would put my satisfaction in the upper 90's. I'm sure I'm missing other pros/cons but that's a start for me.
I bought it recently, and am satisfied with it. The screen is very bright and responsive, the browser is very good and I can install my own apps on it without hassle <3
My first one had a squeaky sound to it so I got it exchanged. I have the white one, so it can be hard to see the buttons and some of the apps feel incomplete. Thankfully, I can download the source and mod them to my liking
RouterGuru said:
I rated the phone as Neutral:
Things that would make this phone rock:
- optional on-screen keyboard for simple input (ease up on the wear and tear of constantly having to flip to keyboard)
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Aye, that annoys me as well, but the input API is is listed on the roadmap for Q1 09, so not too long now (hopefully).
Auto Rotate...?
Just curious if anyone concern about to disable " Auto Rotate " function once keyboard slide out.
Personally, I don't like it at all since sometime, I wish to browse the webpage on horziontal mode but only way is slide out the keyboard!
It is a $%^&*, why they just don't leave a function for user ON/OFF auto rotate ???
I give the phone itself a "very disappointed", the software "very good".
While much if the phone's problems are likely software, the squeaking and overall build quality are sub-par IMO. The battery life is horrid and, while software can fix some of it, the battery is rated very low, which begs me to ask why they spec'd such a tiny battery for a phone with these features.
The point is, I guess, that the phone itself has problems that cant be fixed with a update. The software, while lacking many simple things, at least can and will be eventually fixed.
For me the G1 is a very good start. The default packages and layouts need to be redone. For example. The contacts options don't offer enough input. Like... Birthdays, Anniversaries As well as maybe having IM support for the various default messengers on the g1 ie gtalk, aim etc.
Another Huge let down is the default SMS/MMS package where it does not allow you to forward and the standard options we have become accustomed to using devices such as WM6....
The picture viewer is the worst i have ever seen in my life. Currently I have over 5500 pictures on my SD card and the default viewer does not allow me to view by Directory or simply go into the folder and view that folder, instead it tries to Cache all 5500 pictures and well 35 mins + trying to cache all of them i close it. Also with so many pictures and thousands of names of files there is no option to View a picture and MMS it directly to a contact.
Syncing the phone. There is currently no support for outlook and well even when you export from outlook in CSV format and import into Google it always comes up half garbled with no pictures already saved for contacts. Also not correctly saving number types. IE from outlook if u save it as a mobile number so u can sms on a WM6 device once imported into google it lists it as a regular phone# and cant quickly create a sms to that user by (auto completing the name as you type.)
The only 2 things i have notice that Remember last view is the homescreen and the Applications menu. For instance if you go into your Apps management and uninstall an app. it sends you to the top of the list. The same goes with your Contacts, Directory views, Music library, Etc.
The default options for all applications are normally the same as in notification options. So if i am getting a Text, MMS, Email or what have you it is the same notification for every notification event.
There is no "task manager" to kill processes. IE an X button to close programs or access to kill process' and while Android is supposed to close programs on its own tell that to mine when i run the Browser or Myspace, Facebook, PacMac and close out of the screens and as time passes i wonder why my phone is running slow and open up the Task Switcher and see all of these running still.
There has been no porting of Office XXXX or Open Office to support excel, docx, and the like formats to android at this time yet.
While many people think that the G1 is a big let down and got it and got rid of it. Many of us see the potentional of its power and customization. So if enough of the users voice there dislikes about standard features you EXPECT and want on your device the better the chances that they will take notice.
ultraman69 said:
i rated it very poor, i am very disappointed with the phone and google should be ashamed of themselves. the g1 can't do 1/10th of the things my wing did and my wing was a dog. android is worse than win ce when i first tried it on '03. thanks g1 for ruining my year. xda-devs, please get winmo on this asap.
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your wing was a 4th generation Windows mobile device.... did you have windows CE or win2003 before you had your wing? it took windows ages to provide the flexability they offered in the wing yes we all are used to those basic things that the wing and such wm2005 and 2006 devices have on it but where your wrong is the G1 and Android has the ability with the current phone you OWN this second to surpass that little phone you call Wing. Through updates and the likes. If your so disgusted in your G1 ill get you 100 bucks for it... PM me.
G1 for 2 weeks ... returned ;?
This is not a thread to bash the G1 in anyway, this is not to compare it to other touchscreen phones. This is merely a usability distinction where i couldn't justify $400 for the device which was more or less to play with android.
the G1 is a good phone, speakers (earpiece/speaker on back) have some amplification issues when the volume is too high, coming from and SE phone however they were more than acceptable in rage and clarity if the volume was controlled.
the internet was outstanding, what i would have liked to have seen was copy and paste in browser, which may have held me to the phone a bit longer than the return period. not being able to at the very least edit documents was irritating at best, especially with no proper document viewer on the phone, severely constricting the email that could be sent from the phone. i am by no means a business user ... but wow, i cant even edit a *.doc thats not already on my phone to another person with some changes.
this has rambled on long enough, i just wanted to share a few thoughts that i had of the device.
diabolical28 said:
your wing was a 4th generation Windows mobile device.... did you have windows CE or win2003 before you had your wing? it took windows ages to provide the flexability they offered in the wing yes we all are used to those basic things that the wing and such wm2005 and 2006 devices have on it but where your wrong is the G1 and Android has the ability with the current phone you OWN this second to surpass that little phone you call Wing. Through updates and the likes. If your so disgusted in your G1 ill get you 100 bucks for it... PM me.
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While correct that the Wing has the upper hand in generations of O/S, I am reminded of a great quote:
"A wise man learns from his mistakes, a wiser man learn's from the mistakes of the one around him"
sure, you need to change the words around a bit, but the lesson is to learn from others. They didnt. Android has a lot of possibilities. Unfortunately they did not "learn" from WM6, they left a lot out. They left it in the hands of developers, who seem to be too busy writing "flashlight" and "punch meter" to write useful everyday apps that we are lacking. So far the only app that I have seen that addresses a missing feature is the missed call app 9which is AWESOME as I miss a lot of calls because they dont ring though ).
I am still keeping the phone simply because of the browsing feature, I love sitting on the couch and browsing websites smoothly. Unbelievably the browser also lacks simple features like a simple ADDRESS bar (well, its hidden in the menus so you would SEARCH and add to Google's search results instead of direct typing a URL) and switching between tabs (now called Windows) is too many unnecessary "touches" in my opinion.
I dont mean to bash the phone (and dont even think about replying with "get another phone if you dont like it") but I like to bring these frustrations up so that Google programmers know one more time why this phone is going to lose its shine if they are too late bringing themselves up to date. (PS3 Sales anyone?, Late on price cuts?). See if you are too late these days, it doesn't matter if you are better, look at MSN's Video website, its awesome and MUCH better than Youtube but no one knows about it because they were late (and they don't have their own "brand name" and its simply MSN Video)
Not being able to edit *.doc files from inside the phone's memory or google docs is one thing, and I think is acceptable on a not-so-fresh-release-anymore phone.
What is NOT acceptable whatsoever on this phone is:
Not being able to see IMAGES in Gmail??! For goodness sake Google and T-Mobile claim everything you love about google in your hand, BS. Windows Mobile did this back in 1999 (used to be called Windows CE and had its own outlook) Yes that was 1999 TEN YEARS AGO on my Cassiopea
Other items worth mentioning to those who don't have the phone:
No proper support of Google's own search on its own website! (constantly getting the blank search result page)
No Copy/Paste
No Contact Sync with Outlook (what the hell? is this Nokia 1997 all over again?)
No spreadsheet/word doc editor/viewer (ok, ok, we are waiting for all kind of programmers making incompatible with each other software
No PDF viewer (Correction, there is a great PDF viewer in the market for purchase, I meant part of the browser, I think google probably wants to come up with its own version for its Google Book website and doesnt want to use Adobe PDF)
No Flash (there goes 50% of the websites I browse)
Severly closed source and limited programming that has caused simple BS "apps" with a few exceptions. Developers are crying about how limited they are in writing programs as this phone is sooo CLOSED in all ways, there is no way to even write a Gadget for it like the clock that comes on the screen. No root access either.
Unscrollable, limited desktop space
No windows for categorizing icons. Well, Google does not believe in categorizing and file systems. I am sure all their own servers are full of FOLDERs just like Microsoft servers but they claim everything should be "LABELED" not "folder"'d.
No app installation on the SD card?? Whats this one?? I dropped my WING because it was still using the ten year old Windows CE memory system (almost) and had very limited space and was always running out.
This phone made me appreciate all the little details that engineers at Microsoft have thought of in the past 20 years and included in Windows. I think of how our life would've beeen different and productivity in the world would've been so behind if Linux, IBMOS/2 and other crap had taken over the computer world. Thanks again Microsoft for all the thousands and thousands of free "apps" you included in Windows. Stuff as simple as RIGHT clicking on the screen or COPY/Paste or just a window to categorize icons, simple stupid things I have been taking for granted for years. I am sure Google programmers would love to use Windows in all their own computers while at work. Now I know why Windows dominates the software industry even though they have failed in cluttered annoying text advertising, search, maps and a few other areas.
brooklynite said:
I am still keeping the phone simply because of the browsing feature, I love sitting on the couch and browsing websites smoothly. Unbelievably the browser also lacks simple features like a simple ADDRESS bar (well, its hidden in the menus so you would SEARCH and add to Google's search results instead of direct typing a URL) and switching between tabs (now called Windows) is too many unnecessary "touches" in my opinion.
I dont mean to bash the phone (and dont even think about replying with "get another phone if you dont like it") but I like to bring these frustrations up so that Google programmers know one more time why this phone is going to lose its shine if they are too late bringing themselves up to date. (PS3 Sales anyone?, Late on price cuts?). See if you are too late these days, it doesn't matter if you are better, look at MSN's Video website, its awesome and MUCH better than Youtube but no one knows about it because they were late (and they don't have their own "brand name" and its simply MSN Video)
Not being able to edit *.doc files from inside the phone's memory or google docs is one thing, and I think is acceptable on a not-so-fresh-release-anymore phone.
What is NOT acceptable whatsoever on this phone is:
Not being able to see IMAGES in Gmail??! For goodness sake Google and T-Mobile claim everything you love about google in your hand, BS. Windows Mobile did this back in 1999 (used to be called Windows CE and had its own outlook) Yes that was 1999 TEN YEARS AGO on my Cassiopea
Other items worth mentioning to those who don't have the phone:
No proper support of Google's own search on its own website! (constantly getting the blank search result page)
No Copy/Paste
No Contact Sync with Outlook (what the hell? is this Nokia 1997 all over again?)
No spreadsheet/word doc editor/viewer (ok, ok, we are waiting for all kind of programmers making incompatible with each other software
No PDF viewer
No Flash (there goes 50% of the websites I browse)
Severly closed source and limited programming that has caused simple BS "apps" with a few exceptions. Developers are crying about how limited they are in writing programs as this phone is sooo CLOSED in all ways, there is no way to even write a Gadget for it like the clock that comes on the screen. No root access either.
Unscrollable, limited desktop space
No windows for categorizing icons. Well, Google does not believe in categorizing and file systems. I am sure all their own servers are full of FOLDERs just like Microsoft servers but they claim everything should be "LABELED" not "folder"'d.
No app installation on the SD card?? Whats this one?? I dropped my WING because it was still using the ten year old Windows CE memory system (almost) and had very limited space and was always running out.
This phone made me appreciate all the little details that engineers at Microsoft have thought of in the past 20 years and included in Windows. I think of how our life would've beeen different and productivity in the world would've been so behind if Linux, IBMOS/2 and other crap had taken over the computer world. Thanks again Microsoft for all the thousands and thousands of free "apps" you included in Windows. Stuff as simple as RIGHT clicking on the screen or COPY/Paste or just a window to categorize icons, simple stupid things I have been taking for granted for years. I am sure Google programmers would love to use Windows in all their own computers while at work. Now I know why Windows dominates the software industry even though they have failed in cluttered annoying text advertising, search, maps and a few other areas.
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Flash was announced to be coming sometime in the near future by adobe, when is the question. There is a pdf viewer on handango however i purchased it and tried to open g1's full manual and it wont open it. GO FIGURE lol.
And contacts sync with Outlook is already out - see MailShadowG at
- in fact, it's an entire push Exchange mail/contacts/calendar sync.
diabolical28 said:
your wing was a 4th generation Windows mobile device.... did you have windows CE or win2003 before you had your wing? it took windows ages to provide the flexability they offered in the wing yes we all are used to those basic things that the wing and such wm2005 and 2006 devices have on it but where your wrong is the G1 and Android has the ability with the current phone you OWN this second to surpass that little phone you call Wing. Through updates and the likes. If your so disgusted in your G1 ill get you 100 bucks for it... PM me.
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sorry, i didn't know that this poll was to rate the potential of the g1. potentially, any phone can be great, 5 stars...
i think by now, 2008, the requirements for a pda phone are pretty much well defined. ms may have taken 3 to 4 gens to get it right, it doesn't mean that google needs 4 gens. they don't have to invent or reinvent anything, it all already there.
unfortunately, google seems too wrapped up in UI than functionality. actually, i don't know where their focus is.

The Windows 8 Mobile Office Deal-Breaker

So, first post here..
Firstly, I have used Windows Mobile 6 Professional since it came out, and before that, 5, and before that, i was on mobile 2003..
I stopped being interested in Windows Phones when HTC abandoned their loyal customers to try and create that little iPhone experience, which for some reason doesnt seem to get old for some people.. ever..
the last phone i bought was a Jasjam, and its what i still use, after giving up on the phenomenon completely, and only use my phone for calling & sms anymore..
I still wouldnt buy a phone today, as there is no phone on the market i like.. and i dont care for Android... I'd like to wait for the Firefox OS.. but business duties call.. and I need to get a new phone..
I walked into a Nokia shop today, and looked at the 920, opened it up, i totally hate the Windows 8 experience.. HATE... but I tried to look past that crap and go right to the Office Programs.. office 2013... wow.. u'd think that was pretty advanced by now... i mean.. u would, right?
I opened it up and to my dismay, found an Office that was intentionally missing most all basic office functionality..
Word functions like a freebie text editor..
there is no way to add even so much as a single bullet point to your word document without opening a specific "outline" template" which is populated with 50 random useless bullets..
So... The way i see it.. Office mobile 8 is intentionally designed without 1/10 of the functionally office mobile users had in windows mobile 2003, for the sole purpose of forcing people to upload all of their documents to Microsoft cloud drive, so they can look over the world's documents, and take from it a profitable future business plan for themselves.. stealing users information & privacy, & Plans which influence the world, from the world's thinkers.. as they obviously cant think for themselves
It doesn't have Bullet Points OR Numbered Points? really? things found in 2003? no tab, no outline format detection, no toolbar, literally NOTHING any business user or thinker would need..
its more useless than your average plain text editor
obviously, taking away such very basic tools forces them to use cloud services.. giving you access to what marketing, development, and R&D teams would die for.. an endless stream of private personal & corporate information
they thereby create an experience the end user hates so much, he/she resorts to things like Microsoft cloud services.. their office 365, and their own windows 8 tablet
trying to increase sales of their office 365 cloud products, giving everyone access to their documents ONLY if our personal data is first transferred through their own online servers for review, inspection, idea fraud, & theft
and if the customer doesn't like that options, he is then forced into option 2, spend money on a Windows 8 tablet device, and learn to carry it around along with their Windows 8 phone, again, just to be able to do the very most basic of office-related things
Office mobile has taken 20 steps backwards, and does not do ANYTHING that at least 10 other office Substitutes can do way better on Android or iPhone
Powerpoint cant even create a simple slide, a function at least 10 other office alternatives can do on Android & iPhone..
these are the cheapest, dirtiest tactics available to a CEO.. Steve Ballmer should be fired
why dont they give us all a Windows7-like experience on the Mobile phone, and re-take the Lion's share of the market... rather than letting Stevie Ballmer tank the entire company with his little hair-salon tactics
They need to stop trying to force their Windows8 agenda down everyone's throats, and try giving users an experience just for the sake of a good experience.. or does that not compute with their 1950's-style corporate planning?
Why dont they try creating a Windows phone that is as useful and functional and welcoming as the Windows 7 platform itself.. that's what we want
an OFFICE which functions at least similarly to the Competitions handling of MS's own Office files & formats..
and something which says "2013", not "1913"
honestly, their office 13 for windows 8 phones belongs more in a horse & buggy setting, than in direct competition with companies like HTC, Android, Samsung & iPhone
I went into a phone shop ready to buy a Windows8 phone today, opened office.. and walked out contemplating switching to Apple OS for my Desktop computing
Anyone Have Any Solutions?
Does anyone know if Programs like:
Kingsoft Office
Dataviz Documents to Go
Thinkfree Office Mobile
Google Docs
Quickoffice Pro
Mobile Office
Work with Windows 8 Mobile as found on Nokia 920?
I would like to get rid of that crappy office thing on the 920 and replace it with something useful
or does anyone know of a full-functioning, feature-rich Office Substitute?
I would like it to:
- Be able to Create PPT Slide shows, Edit them, Re-order them, Play & Control them, etc..
- Have complex Word Docx & Excel XLSX Creation & Editing functions, with lots of options & toolbars, etc
- Be Intuitive and make good use of space & movements etc
- Function similarly to Windows Office 2003, AT LEAST
vetvito said:
Nope absolutely no alternatives on WP8
Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
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not entirely true..
I found software called "Pix2PPT" to Create PPT Slideshows on your Windows Phone 8 from photos, images, or graphics you have on your phone...
You can Add Text Titles & Subtitles, Change Orientation, & Edit Transition Timing
You can save or Upload the Slideshow..
I dont know how customizable the text is, but at least its something worth looking into..
You may be able to find something to save a text file as an Image, and then import it as a pic... maybe.. i dunno
The free version is fully functional but limited to 5 slides..
but it only costs 1.99
anyway.. we'll see of the software community bothers making anything for winP8 or not..
I tend to believe microsofts own self-imposed limitations will equate to their own self-imposed rejection & failure
another note about Google.. I have over 8,000 unread messages in my Gmail inbox, with no way of marking them all as read or deleting them all without going through over 80 pages one by one..
they've been there for years... i dont care what they say.. I want them gone..
i mean.. what kind of company does that to people?
I've complained about that to google about 20 times SINCE Gmail was in its early beta testing stage..
so.. i'm thinking Googles just another Microsoft.. too big and self-inflated to care about making things useful or enjoyable for people.. and just hell bent on doing things their own way
Megalomania & Narcissism seem to be 2 mandatory qualities to running a software company
chinarabbit said:
another note about Google.. I have over 8,000 unread messages in my Gmail inbox, with no way of marking them all as read or deleting them all without going through over 80 pages one by one..
they've been there for years... i dont care what they say.. I want them gone..
i mean.. what kind of company does that to people?
I've complained about that to google about 20 times SINCE Gmail was in its early beta testing stage..
so.. i'm thinking Googles just another Microsoft.. too big and self-inflated to care about making things useful or enjoyable for people.. and just hell bent on doing things their own way
Megalomania & Narcissism seem to be 2 mandatory qualities to running a software company
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You can fix this pretty quick:
1. login to gmail
2. go to settings >filters > Create new
3. in the to field, put your email address
4. Click create filter with this search
5. Check the box for mark as read - along with any other bulk action you'd like (skip inbox, etc)
6. Check the box for "also apply this filter to X matching conversations
7. Click create filter
8. It will take a little time to process
9. Go back to settings > filters and delete the filter
10. Fresh start!
It's a bit of a process and any incoming messages while you have the filter active may also fall victim to the same process, so be sure to check your "All Mail" view after you delete the filter to make sure you don't miss anything.
After this, you can create filters for junk email that you dont need to actually read as they come - I have all those online shopping emails going into a label, banking into another, family, etc. I rarely get an email in my inbox that doesn't require my attention and response.
And yes, setting up filters and labels is a lot of work, but I think the idea behind this is that it's customizable for any user's needs - the user just has to take the initiative.
Hope this helps!
qocarekeri said:
You can fix this pretty quick:
1. login to gmail
2. go to settings >filters > Create new
3. in the to field, put your email address
4. Click create filter with this search
5. Check the box for mark as read - along with any other bulk action you'd like (skip inbox, etc)
6. Check the box for "also apply this filter to X matching conversations
7. Click create filter
8. It will take a little time to process
9. Go back to settings > filters and delete the filter
10. Fresh start!
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wow.. that was awesome!
I hated Gmail for the longest time..
I cant believe they are finally all gone..
thanks alot.. that was solid...
Hey... qocarekeri.... do u work for QuickOffice?
do you know if there are any plans to make QuickOffice Pro available for Windows Phone 8?
chinarabbit said:
Hey... qocarekeri.... do u work for QuickOffice?
do you know if there are any plans to make QuickOffice Pro available for Windows Phone 8?
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I'm glad you <3 gmail again - it's a pretty neat tool
I do work for Google on the Quickoffice team (I'm the support manager ). We don't have any specific plans that we can share at this time - we're not able to comment on product plans until the information is officially made public. If we do announce plans one way or the other, we'll definitely post updates on our social pages (Google +, Facebook, & Twitter).
Wow this thread got a lot shorter when all the rambling/ranting and uselessness was weeded out. I left the one bit of information that might be useful to someone someday. Closing this now. Everyone behave in the future.

