Exhausted every effort trying to fix this problem.. ATRIX 4G: new battery time? - Atrix 4G General

I'll post everything I've tried and everything that's gone wrong here.
So initially I purchased this phone off of a friend nearly brand new, the screen had broken and had been replaced. Otherwise the phone is in perfect factory condition.
I unlocked the phone, and am using it on Rogers. APN settings working perfectly.
I installed GOLauncherEX on the phone as Motoblur wasn't doing it for me.
Battery life was crap (lasting hardly 3 hours and dying while I sleep). I found that Motoblur HOME had been running alongside GOLauncherEX. At first I simply uninstalled the third-party launcher, but then opted to grab LauncherPro+ and HomeSwitcher. This dramatically improved battery life.
Lately, I've been having issues once in awhile again. Mostly if I leave the phone unplugged while I'm sleeping (fully charged when unplugged) and we'll use the timeline 3am - 11am. It would either die completely or drop to around 15%.
As long as I could have enough charge to last me through work, I was fine with this as it was way better than what had been happening before.
This morning something extreme and unexplainable happened.. and it's the first time I took a look at the battery usage meter to see what had happened. Picture is below.
If someone could offer some tips or help that would benefit me even the slightest, it would be very much appreciated.
My bad for sneaking a link in, but it was the only way to show the issue.
(Remove the space between 1297964 and 124 at the end)

Oh and also, phone is rooted, bloatware is frozen via Titanium Backup Pro.

Have you recalibrated?

WiredPirate said:
Have you recalibrated?
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Do you have any suggestions as to what to use to calibrate?
I'm not keen on flashing any new roms if that makes a difference.

SL1VR said:
Do you have any suggestions as to what to use to calibrate?
I'm not keen on flashing any new roms if that makes a difference.
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Calibrating is something you may need to do after flashing a ROM, you can search and find a guide or you can use this app.

I have not flashed any new roms and I don't intend on doing so, but I'll check out the app you posted.
Thanks for your help,
any new ideas are still welcome.

The benefits of battery calibration are not limited to only if you flash a new ROM. Battery calibration should be the first thing you try if you are experiencing battery troubles imo, and there is allot more in depth information in the guides you could search for.
There is one more thing I can think of you can try, download Watchdog and see if there are any malicious or poorly written apps burning up your cpu/battery.

WiredPirate said:
The benefits of battery calibration are not limited to only if you flash a new ROM. Battery calibration should be the first thing you try if you are experiencing battery troubles imo, and there is allot more in depth information in the guides you could search for.
There is one more thing I can think of you can try, download Watchdog and see if there are any malicious or poorly written apps burning up your cpu/battery.
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Thanks for your help, grabbing Watchdog now.

Maybe unlock the bootloader and flash a custom rom?

Go into account and sync and shut off background data. I was getting. 10-12 hours battery life and now over 30 by just doing that. Worked for a buddy at work too.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

Radio is key. After I flashed radio 1.77.30p, my phone can easily using 3 days without freeze anything.

Do not use 1.97 radio and don't use task killers. 2.3.4 gingerbread does a much better job of killing tasks than Froyo did and it's unnecessary. Also, turning off background data is not necessary.

Phalanx7621 said:
Do not use 1.97 radio and don't use task killers. 2.3.4 gingerbread does a much better job of killing tasks than Froyo did and it's unnecessary. Also, turning off background data is not necessary.
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I would say it is. Apps including google will try and update and locate your phone via 3g and gps when its sitting there idle. Its not necessary if you only install apps that dont use background data, or disable them individually but some dont allow it.
I still was able to get 15 hours with data enabled and over 30 with it disabled. There is a huge difference there. I just have to open my yahoo now to update it which I dont mind.

While I appreciate everyone's replies and help, has anyone actually looked at the picture I posted?
As much as I am most definitely interested in prolonging my battery life, that picture is showing a sudden drop from 70% to completely dead, idling, screen off, while I'm asleep.

SL1VR said:
While I appreciate everyone's replies and help, has anyone actually looked at the picture I posted?
As much as I am most definitely interested in prolonging my battery life, that picture is showing a sudden drop from 70% to completely dead, idling, screen off, while I'm asleep.
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I would purchase a new battery from Motorola, It looks like your battery has one or more bad cells in it. Only thing that really explains it. Even with everything turned ON as far as data - the battery should not drop that far that fast.

i'm not entirely sure whats going on with the charge level dropping so sharply. Either something is draining your battery big time or the readout when it says 100% is incorrect.
I had issues with the battery up time as well. In my case, the battery wouldnt last more than 8-9 hours. I had to charge it two times a day. Once overnight so its 100% when i go to work and again as soon as i get home. If i charged to 100%, unplugged and went to bed, it would be at 15-20% when i woke up.
The last time i went abroad, i left the radio turned off completely. I noticed that the battery held its charge for about a day and a half.
Now i did root, unlock the BL and install CM7 on my phone. It seemed better but not that much. After i setup the phone to NOT use my 3G data connection while my wifi was on, i noticed that i was getting great battery life when i was at home but still rubbish at work.
I'm doing a test right now to see if this makes a difference or not. I have turned off data on my phone all together this morning. I charged it to 100%. Normally after 6 hours at work, my phone is at about 30-35%
Right now its sitting at 75%
the 3g is whats killing the battery, on my phone anyway. I will see how long the battery lasts without turning on my data at all. Then i will compare that with how its like with background data turned off.
I would suggest you try re-calibrating your phone's battery, i use battery calibration from the market. Then either turn data off altogether like i have or just turn background data off as the others have suggested and see what kind of a difference it makes.
While i realize you dont want to, it may help further to have a ROM like CM7 installed as it wont have all the bloatware that can further reduce the performance of your phone. You should definitely give turning the data off a go to see its the culprit before you go spend money on a new battery which may or may not fix the problem.
Best to isolate the root cause before you spend money on fixing it. If turning off the data doesnt do it, then you very well may have a battery problem.

Routaran said:
i'm not entirely sure whats going on with the charge level dropping so sharply. Either something is draining your battery big time or the readout when it says 100% is incorrect.
I had issues with the battery up time as well. In my case, the battery wouldnt last more than 8-9 hours. I had to charge it two times a day. Once overnight so its 100% when i go to work and again as soon as i get home. If i charged to 100%, unplugged and went to bed, it would be at 15-20% when i woke up.
The last time i went abroad, i left the radio turned off completely. I noticed that the battery held its charge for about a day and a half.
Now i did root, unlock the BL and install CM7 on my phone. It seemed better but not that much. After i setup the phone to NOT use my 3G data connection while my wifi was on, i noticed that i was getting great battery life when i was at home but still rubbish at work.
I'm doing a test right now to see if this makes a difference or not. I have turned off data on my phone all together this morning. I charged it to 100%. Normally after 6 hours at work, my phone is at about 30-35%
Right now its sitting at 75%
the 3g is whats killing the battery, on my phone anyway. I will see how long the battery lasts without turning on my data at all. Then i will compare that with how its like with background data turned off.
I would suggest you try re-calibrating your phone's battery, i use battery calibration from the market. Then either turn data off altogether like i have or just turn background data off as the others have suggested and see what kind of a difference it makes.
While i realize you dont want to, it may help further to have a ROM like CM7 installed as it wont have all the bloatware that can further reduce the performance of your phone. You should definitely give turning the data off a go to see its the culprit before you go spend money on a new battery which may or may not fix the problem.
Best to isolate the root cause before you spend money on fixing it. If turning off the data doesnt do it, then you very well may have a battery problem.
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I'll definitely try everything you've mentioned, I did calibrate my battery since I first started this topic. I'm not sure if there's a difference, if there is, it isn't noticeable. My phone died last night, and I charged it overnight again so I haven't had a chance to see if what happened the other night will happen again. Soon enough, I'll post details if I notice anything peculiar.

Since you said you bought the phone off a friend I would like to make sure you have the right battery.
The battery "must" be of the following to show the right charge level, otherwise it might appear the battery discharging very quickly.
The part/model no.: SNN5893A
Manufacturing Date: ??/April/2011 or onwards

In regards to the poster above who mentioned shutting off background data, my phone lasts 17-19 hours running CM7 with nothing frozen, background data on, and I record quite a bit of video + pictures every day. I don't use task killers either. So I'm thinking that maybe the background data thing is either actually covering up a radio problem, a carrier issue, previous ROM information leaking through, or a faulty battery as stated above that could possibly need replaced.


Sigh. My Evo's Battery Life is Rediculous (not typical)

Fully charged my phone night before last and went to work in the morning (9am). I didn't touch it all day, didn't even turn it on. On my drive home at 5pm it was dead, off.
I plugged it in with the phone off when I got home and saw that it was fully charged a few hours later around 10pm and I booted it up and left it alone. This morning it was dead, off.
Looking at the apps that take up my battery doesn't work because it doesn't retain information what happened to the phone prior to the last reboot. Not sure what to do. My awake time matches my standby time exactly. It's obviously a 100% awake time problem but what's triggering this?
I'm on Fresh .3 with absolutely no other mods. I don't think I have any apps that ping outside servers. So what the ****!?
lulz, I just realized I haven't been even able to use the phone in 3 days due to this issue
Something is eating your battery obviously.
Restore to stock and see if you have the same issues.
Bielinsk said:
Something is eating your battery obviously.
Restore to stock and see if you have the same issues.
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That's a PITA. This is a clean fresh .3 rom install with only logmein, dropbox and couple non-online games installed. Why is this phone such ****ing fail right now.
Have you removed the Favorites widget? Doing that stopped all battery drain problems for me. Just delete the widget.
First thing to check is if you have a sufficient cellular signal. If you are getting a weak signal it will cause poor battery life. If cell signal strength is not your problem then it is definitely something you have installed on it eating away at your battery. That said check/do the following:
1) Check how frequently you have your accounts syncing
2) Before the phone dies look in your battery use to see what's eating your battery
3) Install a task manager/killer (I use Advanced Task Killer)
4) You don't have to do this one but it does help. I use a program called Startup Auditor to disable startup on apps I don't need to run when the phone first boots (you'd be surprised how many are in there).
cbuc1125 said:
Have you removed the Favorites widget? Doing that stopped all battery drain problems for me. Just delete the widget.
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delete it completely or remove it from one of the home panels?
the "time without signal" workarounds seem to prove the most effective for me. in addition, reduce background usage and automatic update frequencies as best as you can.
according to this thread [http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=709768] (and link within), HTC has acknowledged some issues and is preparing to deploy a few fixes.
You are running someone else's ROM, there could be a problem with the radio, or a problem with the way it was loaded.
If you are in an area where you don't get signal, you are going to drain the battery, and FAST.
Do you have 4g on but not in a 4g area?
I am...
fully rooted and have fresh .3 as well. I am getting over 30hrs with moderate use and the last hour of that I had everything on to purposely run it down to dead. (was doing a toastch recommeded battery meter calibration).
Took my phone off the charger last night at 7:30 pm. It's 2:23pm and I have 31% left. I have Wifi, BT, and Background apps with auto sync turned on.
I would say you might be experiencing the Motorola cell tower problem. HTC has confirmed that the EVO is not playing well with cell towers that have motorola transmitters. It is causing the phone to use more energy to dial in the tower.
To be sure...
1. Set all apps and widgets to manual update or update once a day.
2. Get rid of the people app or widget from any home screen.
3. Go into Gtalk and uncheck auto sign in. Then sign out when you exit the program.
4. charge the phone until the green light comes on. Don't use a battery meter. The second the green light comes on, go into recovery and wipe the battery stats. Reboot the phone and run it until the battery dies and will not longer power the phone. This does nothing for the battery but does recalibrate the internal battery meter.
5. For maximum life...turn off: background data, WiFi, BT, and Mobile networks when not using. keep screen at 1/2 brightness.
If I do the above and manually update mail, weather, social apps, etc... and only turn radios on when I need them, I can get 40 hrs. out of my EVO and this is under moderate to high moderate use.
One other thing....plug your phone in for 10 minutes. Then unplug it and go into immediate stand by for like 30 minutes. Go to settings>about phone>battery>battery use>cell standby. Time without signal should be very low....anything over 10-15% and I'd suspect that if you did everything in 1-5, you have a towers issue robbing your battery.
I was having awake time issues with Fresh .3, so I switched to DamageControl, and everything has been great. Unplugged this morning at 7, and I still have 75% battery remaining. Better battery life than the Hero or BlackBerry Tour!
scirio said:
That's a PITA. This is a clean fresh .3 rom install with only logmein, dropbox and couple non-online games installed. Why is this phone such ****ing fail right now.
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I don't have any of those problems at all. You probably have a bad battery/phone.
sherman901 said:
I don't have any of those problems at all. You probably have a bad battery/phone.
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i would agree with you but i am having a similar issue and sometimes i get great battery life and other times its just unacceptable. Check out my thread here :http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=709704
scirio said:
Fully charged my phone night before last and went to work in the morning (9am). I didn't touch it all day, didn't even turn it on. On my drive home at 5pm it was dead, off.
I plugged it in with the phone off when I got home and saw that it was fully charged a few hours later around 10pm and I booted it up and left it alone. This morning it was dead, off.
Looking at the apps that take up my battery doesn't work because it doesn't retain information what happened to the phone prior to the last reboot. Not sure what to do. My awake time matches my standby time exactly. It's obviously a 100% awake time problem but what's triggering this?
I'm on Fresh .3 with absolutely no other mods. I don't think I have any apps that ping outside servers. So what the ****!?
lulz, I just realized I haven't been even able to use the phone in 3 days due to this issue
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I seem to be having the same problem as you and it is quite frustrating. I get a steady 10% battery drain every hour even when its idle. I tried juice defender and setcpu and it is still the same. I turned off all my sync accounts and nothing. I also have systempanel and it doesn't seem like theres a rogue app eating my batteries.I'm going to truth to stock tonight to see if something is wrong with my phone. Did you ever figure out what was wrong with your phone?
AVA9 i get 20 hours a charge
but YES something is eating your battery install system pan have and let it run a bit and check the info id bet its
1 your evo spend a lot of tWOS
2 you have a rogue app eating your battery
Way to bump an ancient thread.
DOH dear god i did not look at that lol
I do apologize for bumping such an old thread, but I feel like this thread has already asked much of what I also wanted to ask but have not reached a conclusion. Therefore I would like to try and solve the problem or provide as much info as I can to solve the problem.
I indeed have installed systempanel and here are the screenshots for the day.
(sorry my account is not allowed to post links)
As you can see besides the internet, there is nothing else thats taking up the battery. Also I took this pic after I put the phone on the charger for a bit, it was at ~ 13% before. The battery usage information says a majority of the battery was used by #1 android system and #2 cell standby, it was neck and neck almost, with #3 being phone idle. My weather app polls every 3 hours, my facebook syncs every 30 mins, my htc sense facebook syncs once a day, and I have not configured any other emails except for two gmail acconts, which received probably 3 emails throughout the whole day.
I just used setcpu today, it made absolutely no difference. Same results as yesterday when I did not have setcpu. Thanks in advance for the help!
dude you need to try my setup: superevo and setcpu
i got 7 days of battery using the evo as a simple phone.
proloss said:
dude you need to try my setup: superevo and setcpu
i got 7 days of battery using the evo as a simple phone.
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Why would anyone use an EVO as a simple phone.
I am beginning to think peoples opinions on moderate use vary tooooo much. The EVO is similar to an unplugged laptop. The more you make the cpu work the faster your battery is going to drain.
It seems some people just dont get that.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
scirio said:
That's a PITA. This is a clean fresh .3 rom install with only logmein, dropbox and couple non-online games installed. Why is this phone such ****ing fail right now.
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Sounds like Operator error.

I hate Froyo!

Thought the title would get your attention.
After upgrading to Froyo, I have many issues, two of which I'll cover here in hope that someone can resolve them.
First issue is battery life. Absolutely horrible after upgrading. Thought it would be the opposite. Can someone please provide some resolution to this issue? I've disabled a number of things said to resolve this problem but none have worked.
The second issue is the accelerometer after upgrading. Most screens end up in landscape view and switching back to portrait is difficult. I have tried to calibrate it but that didn't work. Don't like the huge delay or failed attempt to switch between both on this version. Calibration does not work.
Any help is appreciated...
pookieguy said:
Thought the title would get your attention.
After upgrading to Froyo, I have many issues, two of which I'll cover here in hope that someone can resolve them.
First issue is battery life. Absolutely horrible after upgrading. Thought it would be the opposite. Can someone please provide some resolution to this issue? I've disabled a number of things said to resolve this problem but none have worked.
The second issue is the accelerometer after upgrading. Most screens end up in landscape view and switching back to portrait is difficult. I have tried to calibrate it but that didn't work. Don't like the huge delay or failed attempt to switch between both on this version. Calibration does not work.
Any help is appreciated...
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buy a new battery and a good charger
menu>settings> display> uncheck Auto-rotate screen
Why would I want to uncheck that option? I want it to auto rotate but want it to happen quicker than it has after upgrading.
In addition, the battery is obviously not the problem here. This started after upgrading to Froyo.
Were you using a custom ROM with 2.1?
Are you using a custom ROM with 2.2?
As far as I know, the stock ROM with 2.1 didn't have great battery life either (thought I'm not sure, I rooted my phone the day I got it ). So if you're using a stock ROM with 2.2, you could have the same issue.
Also, if you are rooted, try using SetCPU. Even with the default kernel you can use it to underclock your phone when the screen's off and save a lot of battery.
pookieguy said:
Thought the title would get your attention.
After upgrading to Froyo, I have many issues, two of which I'll cover here in hope that someone can resolve them.
First issue is battery life. Absolutely horrible after upgrading. Thought it would be the opposite. Can someone please provide some resolution to this issue? I've disabled a number of things said to resolve this problem but none have worked.
The second issue is the accelerometer after upgrading. Most screens end up in landscape view and switching back to portrait is difficult. I have tried to calibrate it but that didn't work. Don't like the huge delay or failed attempt to switch between both on this version. Calibration does not work.
Any help is appreciated...
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You hate Froyo then please return your EVO to sprint
are you running a task killer? try removing it. Have you tried any of the MANY battery life tricks? Try flashing the update.zip, could have been a messy install. you also could be suffering from useritis.
Thanks for the reply. No, phone has not been rooted. I simply waited for the 2.2 upgrade and can confirm both issues are a result of upgrading. You are right...the stock ROM did not have good battery life. However, after upgrading, it is much worse in comparison.
The g-sensor issue is also a huge problem. With that said, I'm looking for a fix to these two issues.
task killer..
Yes, I'm running Advanced Task Killer which did not have a problem before. Is this an app that can cause this problem? I'll remove it if so...
You really need to do a little detective work to find out why your battery is not lasting. My battery is actually lasting noticeably longer on froyo. I was using Fresh 1.0.1 before with Netarchy's kernel and would just barely make it through the day of moderate use. Now that I have updated to Fresh, I am easily making it through the day with about the same use. Yesterday, I went 14 hours and still had 26% left when I plugged it in for the night. My usage was about 2 hours streaming last.fm, about a half hour of phone calls, about 1 1/2 hours of internet and twitter, about 45 minutes watching video's, and an hour and a half of reading with my kindle ap. To me that is pretty darn good. I have gps on, twitter syncing every half hour, and google sync on, most of my other stuff like email and such is set to manually sync. The only thing I did notice is that the first day after going to Froyo, my battery went down pretty quick, but after a day or two it settled down to the way it is now on it's own. Today I have had about the same use as yesterday so far, and have been off of the charger for 11 hours and have 76% remaining.
As to your other problem, can't say, mine is working fine.
If youve got an led flashlight type of app installed uninstall it they conflict with the HTC LED flashlight. That seems to be the most common problem with people upgrading to Froyo.
Agree on your second point. I wish there was a way to at least lock the screen to an orientation when need. The delay though is ridiculous.
I have also noticed that the delay to type sometimes is severely long causing me to retype the words a second time before they appear in the screen.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
FWIW - I found a little trick on a forum somewhere that allegedly came from HTC techs...
It goes like this - first, charge your phone as normal (phone on, 8 hours)
Then, after 8 hours and the phone reporting fully charged status, take the phone off the charger for about 3 minutes (just enough to slightly discharge it) and then turn it off (power down) and put it back on the charger for an hour or so.
Then, take it off the charger and turn it back on.
That's it! It sounds a bit ridiculous, but I think the cited reason was that whenever you install a new ROM, the "system" needs to understand when the battery is truly full and this trick helps to recalibrate and ensure that it is.
I really don't have any way (nor the desire) to verify the science behind this, but I did it myself after the horrible battery life I got with FroYo.
About a week out now and my battery is behaving completely normally, and possibly better than with 2.1, though only marginally if that...
Give it a shot - if it works, there you go, if not... Well it's not like you've lost anything.
Good luck, though YMMV.
Sent from my EVO 4G (Froyo - Stock HTC Rom)
have any of yall had a long delay when putting in a name for the reciver in sms? I kid you not it takes almost 3 to 5 sec for it to pull up a name and phone number from my phone book.
Its sad that you need to do "tricks" to get decent battery life, because most people expect it out of the box. Yes you can apply a custom rom with a undervolted cpu, but that shouldnt be necessary. I personally love doing all that stuff, but the majority of people are completely ignorant to these methods and might return their phones because of battery life, but for you people on here...BAKEDSNACK 1.2.5 with the latest of his kernel..amazing battery life.
Get rid of that task killer!! Froyo does not need it... Not to mention none of the task killers support Froyo correctly. Uninstall it, try using Froyo without it.
I recommend getting rid of the task killer and go without system panel lite. It works with froyo without any problems. I also recommend letting your battery completely die out before charging it again.
My Evo worked without any issues after the update to froyo. Also, if you are a widget fanatic, I recommend limiting the amount yo u use . The reason being that everytime you unlock your phone and scroll from one page to through next, you are loading said widgets into memory which help to eating up the battery quicker.
Also if you have a lot of things updating in the background, that can kill your battery quicker. I'm always on my phone and get anywhere from ten to fourteen hours of use. I also use a cpu manager to extend the life of my battery when not in use.
Sent from my HTC Evo
DO NOT DEPLETE YOUR BATTERY COMPLETELY!! These are Li-ion batteries. Depleting the battery too much can damage the cells. Discharging the batteries 100% before charging to avoid memory effect is a phenomena unique to Ni-Cad batteries. If a Li-ion is discharged too severely, it causes an irreversible reaction inside the cell that prevents the battery from holding any charge at all. This common in laptop batteries.
To the OPs issue, do you have the latest Facebook update (1.3.1)? Version 1.3.0 had an issue that was keeping the phone awake eating up battery life.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
sombdy said:
DO NOT DEPLETE YOUR BATTERY COMPLETELY!! These are Li-ion batteries. Depleting the battery too much can damage the cells. Discharging the batteries 100% before charging to avoid memory effect is a phenomena unique to Ni-Cad batteries. If a Li-ion is discharged too severely, it causes an irreversible reaction inside the cell that prevents the battery from holding any charge at all. This common in laptop batteries.
To the OPs issue, do you have the latest Facebook update (1.3.1)? Version 1.3.0 had an issue that was keeping the phone awake eating up battery life.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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I could see how this could be bad if you discharged it completely every single time, but every phone ive had including the iphone, it has been specificly stated many times to COMPLETELY DISCHARGE THE BATTERY ATLEAST ONCE A MONTH
Still no luck...
I have removed the task killer and have removed the other LED Light utility. Still having battery issues. Any other suggestions please??
What about the accelerometer? Having many issues with it. First off, when a text msg comes in, it automatically shows in landscape. Phone switches to landscape fine but it is very difficult to switch back to portrait.
Any other help is greatly appreciated.

Answers on battery life.

I've been seeing a lot of posts on crap battery life around here, and I was chasing my tail about some of them as well, following a lot of misinformation even by senior members. I think I have a good handle on it now, and picked up most of these tips from these forums, so I'm not taking credit for these ideas, just collecting them in one place. Some of my suggestions assume you have root and Rom Manager (see the Tips and Tricks sticky thread on how to get them).
1. If your battery drains in less than a day on standby, you probably have a bad flash of the JI6 modem (either from the OTA update or from a ROM). Flash the JI2 modem from here "www dot teamwhiskey dot com/home/downloads". If the flash fixes it, you may try going back to JI6 if you want, and it may stay fixed. I went back to JI2 and didn't bother going back to JI6, but it has worked for others. With JI2 and 3G on I get just over 24 hours in normal usage.
2. The #2 battery drain on standby is 3G. I turned it off (Settings/Wireless/Mobile networks/Network mode/GSM only) and my phone lasted for 40 hours on Edge with light usage (few phone calls, messaging, quite a lot of web surfing, 2 hours of podcasts). Didn't even feel too slow (I get 140kbps on edge). Can anybody suggest a really good widget for turning 3G on/off? I use the 2G-3G OnOff widget by Curvefish. It's not one-click, it's just a shortcut to Mobile Network Settings, but it works. Note that sometimes it takes a while for the data connection to re-establish after you see the 3G or E icon.
2.5. WiFi always on is a huge battery saver! It keeps 3g off. I can easily get 3+ days with light usage on my home wifi. Settings/Wireless and Network/Wifi Settings/Menu/Advanced/Wifi Sleep Policy/Never.
3. Don't need a task killer. I wasted all my time killing tasks trying to chase down my crappy battery usage, but since I fixed my modem and turned off 3G I know that the 3-5% CPU usage at idle does not hurt my battery. Taskiller for me was actually hitting the CPU constantly, lightly but for no reason, so I got pissed and uninstalled it.
4. Install a CPU usage monitor like Usage Timelines. It sits in the notification bar, very easy on the battery, but tells you if you have a rogue app pegging your CPU and draining your battery. These are the only apps you should be worried about killing. Astro File Manager has a task manager that shows CPU usage for each app, so you can kill the rogue one. I shoot for about 5% cpu usage at idle (at 200mhz - at 100mhz it would be a bit higher).
5. The app Autostarts lets you disable any app from starting on boot or other events like connectivity changes. This is not strictly necessary unless you have a lot of crap apps installed on your phone and they like to start themselves and waste CPU time behind your back.
6. If your battery reads less than 100% as soon as you unplug it from the charger fully charged, or your battery meter sits at 100% for a long time after you unplug it, you can recalibrate your battery meter. To recalibrate: 1) charge your battery to full, 2) unplug, 3) reboot into Clockwork Recovery and 4) Wipe battery stats.
7. There is No Such Thing as "battery reconditioning" (for all intents and purposes). The above procedure only RECALIBRATES you battery METER to read on a more linear scale between full and empty. It DOES NOT make your battery last longer, period. Whoever tells you that is a moron. If your battery is dying in 6 hours, doing any amount of calibration will not make it last longer (I've tried).
8. I wouldn't be too worried about undervolting, overclocking, kernel tricks and superawesomefast ROMS. The CPU drain at idle is so minuscule (as long as you don't have rogue apps) that those things make precious little difference. Like I said, the biggest drain is 3G and other radios. Having said that, I run Bionix 1.9 with the JAC kernel. It drained my battery in half a day at idle until I flashed the JI2 modem. With JI2 it suddenly started lasting over 24 hours, and once I turned off 3G, over 40 hours. I like this ROM and see no need to switch, it's very smooth. But you should be able to get similar battery life on a stock Vibrant.
9. I have GPS on, WiFi never sleep, auto-brightness, and a few widgets on like Weather and friend updates. I have no fancy settings, literally just turning off 3G (or wifi on, which is the same) got me 2-3 days. So I wouldn't waste time fooling around with magic settings (other than wifi never sleep), battery saver apps, etc.
10. If your screen is on all the time and you're playing games nonstop, you're draining your battery quicker than any of the things I mentioned above, so you probably don't care. In that case an optimized ROM/kernel is probably your best bet, especially JIT in Froyo. You can probably save on screen brightness as well.
If you guys have any other tips I'd be glad to add them to the list, but I hope this gives you an understanding of where your battery life is going. Basically: bad modem, 3G, or rogue apps.
Also, I hope this will put an end to trolls calling people whiners for complaining about battery life and saying unproductive **** like "you're a whiner" or "the Galaxy S is just a battery hog, live with it". It's not, you don't have to live with it, nobody should have to, here are your solutions.
Good luck.
A few things I do to help with battery life is:
Disable Audible touch tones
Disable Audible selection
Disable Haptic feedback
Disable SD card notifications
Set animations to NO animations
Uninstall media hub if you dont use it
Disable auto brightness adjustment
Disable power saving mode
I disable the last 2 and just swipe the notification bar to adjust brightness. Granted these items really only work when using the phone but I can go about 2 days of normal use without a charge believe it or not.
yeah disabling 3g has always been the best option for people really, really concerned with battery life.
But it's kinda hard to tell people not to use 3g on their brand new 3g capable devices.
You may want to add how to test if you battery is bad. If you use you phone repeatedly while it its plugged in you risk overheating and damaging your battery. Signs that unitas is the case are very quick drain and long (7 hours) charge times. You can easily test and see if your battery its damaged. Remove it from your phone and place on flat surface (e.g. Counter top) try spinning the battery. If it rotates easily and quickly you battery is bulging, this is a sign of damage. Time for a new battery.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Answer to #2-
Use APNDroid. Comes with a widget.
Thanks to the OP and other contributors in this thread.
I flashed a ROM with the ji6 modem and battery life has been noticeably ****ty since. Example - this morning I unplugged my phone at 7:30 am. 100% charged. It's 10:21 am and my phone is at 75%
In the last 3 hours I browsed the web for 10 minutes while having my coffee and a smoke before heading out to work. Blue tooth was on for my drive, and I've sent 2 text messages. Aside from that my phone has been on stand-by since I unplugged it 3 hours ago.
I'm going to try to flash back to ji2 tonight as the battery usage was definitely better. Will also look into the 3G thing.
Thanks again.
You forgot to mention the two DRM and one downloader services that run resident on JI6.
These were the cause of my reduced battery life after I upgraded. Killing & removing these processes restored my battery life back to normal
blink55184 said:
Answer to #2-
Use APNDroid. Comes with a widget.
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I just tried this - switching 3G off works fine, but switching 3G back on didn't work for me. I had to re-boot to get 3G back so this is a no-go in my case.
I know how to kill the processes for the DRM and downloader but how do I remove them?
OP thank you for putting together the list. But I've never seen the point of doing all this. Its like getting a lamborghini and only driving 40mph because it you don't want to waste gas, whats the point? Either get a second wall charger to charge at work or a car charger. Heck even get a second battery if you are out for a long period of time.
speoples20 said:
Its like getting a lamborghini and only driving 40mph because it you don't want to waste gas, whats the point?
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You don't need to disable 3g.
The point of my post is to avoid people wasting their time with tweaks that have little to no effect on battery life. I'm telling people that they're wasting time killing apps and optimizing cpu usage and twiddling their settings when the radio drains most of their battery on standby anyway.
Meaning no matter what changes you make, you can only hope to improve your battery life by a tiny amount, because any other effect is overshadowed by 3G.
Put another way, you will NEVER get battery life much longer than a day if you're on 3g, so you're wasting your energy trying all kinds of tricks.
blink55184 said:
Answer to #2-
Use APNDroid. Comes with a widget.
smutek said:
I just tried this - switching 3G off works fine, but switching 3G back on didn't work for me. I had to re-boot to get 3G back so this is a no-go in my case.
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For me the widget did nothing. But it seems like it's not even supposed to turn the 3G radio off, but ALL APN network traffic. Did I miss something? It won't save battery power as long as the 3G radio is on.
I went back to the 2G-3G OnOff widget by Curvefish. It's not one-click, it's just a shortcut to Mobile Network Settings, but it works. Note that sometimes it takes a while for the data connection to re-establish after you see the 3G or E icon.
Back to my Moto Startac
While i understand the idea behind this thread, your conclusion is simple.
If you use the phone as a smartphone, it will eat up your battery no matter what.
I personally go through two batteries and some a day. (they cost about 12 bucks in ebay, and they work just fine)
The price for saving battery is not using the phone, and having a 400 bucks phone just for show off is just silly at least.
If you have a phone like this is to use it. At least you can change the battery not like some other devices......
I understand that task killer is useless, but do any of you use Autokiller (memory manager) ?
That's kind of a redundant question because even if you do not use the app, your phone is still performing the functions. The app just adjusts the settings. But to answer your question, using a memory optimization tool such as AutoKiller is 1000% more efficient than using a Task Killer. I don't think it effects battery much, but works wonders on performance.
There's no 3g-off widget because apparently in Android there's no way to do that through a direct command. I also use the Curvefish widget, and you are absolutely right about turning off 3g to save battery. I normally do so when I'm asleep or if I'm sitting at my desk next to a computer (why do I need fast data on my phone when I have my computer right here?).
The other thing I would recommend is AutoStarts. There are way too many apps that open themselves up at bizarre and inappropriate times. Autostarts is an easy and painless way to see which apps do this and keep them from opening.
gagb1967 said:
While i understand the idea behind this thread, your conclusion is simple.
If you use the phone as a smartphone, it will eat up your battery no matter what.
I personally go through two batteries and some a day. (they cost about 12 bucks in ebay, and they work just fine)
The price for saving battery is not using the phone, and having a 400 bucks phone just for show off is just silly at least.
If you have a phone like this is to use it. At least you can change the battery not like some other devices......
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Great battery life comes to people who hardly use their phones. Guess I need to get a netbook. Will prolly get a netbook or 3g laptop + skype and ETF my phone soon. These battery woes are show-stopping.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Losing 4% an hour on standby when you're not using the phone is unacceptable. Samsung screwed something up with the JI6 update. Most people think it's because of the stupid Media Hub. I think they are right.
People are not complaining about the poor battery life from using the phone. They are complaining about the slow battery drain even when they are not using it. ~4% an hour adds up fast. Vibrant is supposed to have 450 hour (18 days) stand-by time. That's what is rated. But people are getting 24 hour (1 day) stand-by time after JI6.
Yellow C6 said:
Losing 4% an hour on standby when you're not using the phone is unacceptable. Samsung screwed something up with the JI6 update. Most people think it's because of the stupid Media Hub. I think they are right.
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I'm not ready to sign off on this idea. For me simply flashing JI2 over JI6 fixed it. For some people flashing JI6 back over still left the problem fixed. I still have those processes running on JI2 and my battery life is fine.
The other reason I'm not ready to recommend wiping out those DRM processes is that apparently it stops the bundled Avatar movie from playing, and might affect other things that users may get pissed about. I've read that killing the downloader process people are talking about kills the market. So I really wish those people advocating that solution would figure their **** out and provide exact steps for the fix (right now their posts are really vague like "kill the processes that are named something like this" and not well tested; in all my research I didn't find the exact name of the "downloader" process).
Is it possible to flash the ji2 modem without root? Wishful thinking, I suppose..

[Q] Battery life makes me cry

(I'll preface this by saying that I am well aware there have been a million threads about this, I'm sure, and I'm even more sure that there will be a million more. And I have searched, and searched, and searched some more, and I still feel the need to post this question. Flame me if you want. I'll use the flames to heat up some tea, or something.)
I bought my phone last Thursday, it got lit with service Friday. I went over the weekend and into Sunday with stock ROM/kernel, and decided to mix things up by rooting my phone and using the MixUp kernel to see if I could get better battery life.. and it didn't work too well. I mean, life went up a bit, but not noticeably so (maybe twenty or thirty minutes?)
After that, I flashed Syndicate, which had Xtreme Kernel. I calibrated the battery as instructed inside of Clockwork and went with it for Tuesday.. took it off the charger at 8:00 and it died around 4:00. Kept the same kernel and flashed Epic Experience and the attached JuicePlotter shot is where I am at right now.
My usage today has been light browsing and that's basically it. I've got the processor underclocked to 600 with SetCPU, and JuiceDefender and Superpower have been preventing any data from going on when my screen is off, and for the last two hours I've been listening to MP3s using the in-built music player.
This makes me cry considering there are people on here saying they're able to get much more life out of their battery, even with BT and WiFi etc. I'm aware that each phone is different and all that, but still.
All that said, is there a problem with my phone/battery, is this par for the course with the Epic, or should I just stop whining?
Thanks in advance for any help/insight.
A couple of things...get a task killer app so that you can kill the drm process which eats up a ton of battery, calibraing your battery takes 2 or 3 times going from full charge to zero and also, since its a new phone it takes charging to full and letting it get down to complete zero a few times before you will see better battery life no matter what else you do
Edit: oh and also definitely do the airplane mode toggle as well
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
storytobetold said:
(I'll preface this by saying that I am well aware there have been a million threads about this, I'm sure, and I'm even more sure that there will be a million more. And I have searched, and searched, and searched some more, and I still feel the need to post this question. Flame me if you want. I'll use the flames to heat up some tea, or something.)
I bought my phone last Thursday, it got lit with service Friday. I went over the weekend and into Sunday with stock ROM/kernel, and decided to mix things up by rooting my phone and using the MixUp kernel to see if I could get better battery life.. and it didn't work too well. I mean, life went up a bit, but not noticeably so (maybe twenty or thirty minutes?)
After that, I flashed Syndicate, which had Xtreme Kernel. I calibrated the battery as instructed inside of Clockwork and went with it for Tuesday.. took it off the charger at 8:00 and it died around 4:00. Kept the same kernel and flashed Epic Experience and the attached JuicePlotter shot is where I am at right now.
My usage today has been light browsing and that's basically it. I've got the processor underclocked to 600 with SetCPU, and JuiceDefender and Superpower have been preventing any data from going on when my screen is off, and for the last two hours I've been listening to MP3s using the in-built music player.
This makes me cry considering there are people on here saying they're able to get much more life out of their battery, even with BT and WiFi etc. I'm aware that each phone is different and all that, but still.
All that said, is there a problem with my phone/battery, is this par for the course with the Epic, or should I just stop whining?
Thanks in advance for any help/insight.
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Also, for each new Kernel you flash, you have to calibrate the battery.
Charge it to full, boot off, boot up in Clockwork, go to Advanced and Clear Battery stats. Reboot the phone, use it until it runs dead and shuts off, than plug it back in and charge it to full with the phone on.
Every time you flash a new kernel, you have to do that process so the battery calibrates to that certain kernel.
Also, try Baked Snack, it gets the best battery life for 2.1 ROMs.
Download Bakedsnack1.6 and Step 2.
Make a backup.
Wipe data/cache
Install 1.6
Boot the phone up
Reboot into clockwork
Install Step 2
Boot the phone up.
I have to have a car charger if I go anywhere. This phone dies so fast with normal usage. Do anything crazy like turn features on, surf the web, or increase brightness, and I am lucky to get 2 hours. I have multiple batteries, both have the same result.
Muckrak3r said:
I have to have a car charger if I go anywhere. This phone dies so fast with normal usage. Do anything crazy like turn features on, surf the web, or increase brightness, and I am lucky to get 2 hours. I have multiple batteries, both have the same result.
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2 Hours..? Whaaaaa? Lol.
When I calibrate my battery, I turn EVERYTHING on, screen brightness all the way up, Pandora running, every widget I can fit on my screens set to update at their quickest setting, screen set to 30min (Though I never let it shut off). Bluetooth, GPS, 4G running (I don't have 4G here, so it just keeps searching, which drains it more than if it was connected). And running the Maps Live wall paper to use GPS.
When I do all that, I can't get it to even die under 4 hours.
Hopefully you were exaggerating with saying 2 hours lol.
Thank you guys for replying!
Sh0wNuF: I killed the DRM service today and used ATK to kill errant processes throughout the day today to no avail. I also used the airplane mode toggle to try to limit my time without a signal.
SemiGamer: Thank you! I did do the clockwork step as I said in my first post, but I will try to install BakedSnack and get back to you guys as to the battery life.
From the looks of that juiceplotter graph, your data is constantly on and destroying your battery. What is the point of having juicedefender if the data is constantly on?
If you set up the phone properly, and there are a MILLION threads on this which state a MILLION times to disable DRM and toggle airplane mode as a mere baseline beginning, you should lose at most 1% an hour when the phone is idle without a data connection and the screen off.
Now it looks like you probably have the data on constantly with emails rolling in, facebook auto updating every 5 minutes, weather checking every half hour and other things that are just destroying your battery life. If you need your phone to do all that nonsense, then you will be crying for the rest of the time you have it.
muyoso said:
From the looks of that juiceplotter graph, your data is constantly on and destroying your battery. What is the point of having juicedefender if the data is constantly on?
If you set up the phone properly, and there are a MILLION threads on this which state a MILLION times to disable DRM and toggle airplane mode as a mere baseline beginning, you should lose at most 1% an hour when the phone is idle without a data connection and the screen off.
Now it looks like you probably have the data on constantly with emails rolling in, facebook auto updating every 5 minutes, weather checking every half hour and other things that are just destroying your battery life. If you need your phone to do all that nonsense, then you will be crying for the rest of the time you have it.
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Thank you for your reply, but as I said in my first post, I was using both JuiceDefender and Superpower to make sure data was off in the background, and as I said in my most recent post, I did disable the OmaDrm service as well as enable/disable Airplane Mode to lower my TWS.
storytobetold said:
Thank you for your reply, but as I said in my first post, I was using both JuiceDefender and Superpower to make sure data was off in the background, and as I said in my most recent post, I did disable the OmaDrm service as well as enable/disable Airplane Mode to lower my TWS.
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Thats fine, but your data aint off. Look at that graph you posted. Every little blip is either data being accessed or the screen turning on. The line should be smooth if there is no data and no screen on.
So there are two options, either you are constantly using the phone and its the screen killing the battery, or you have juicedefender set up all wrong and its the data killing the battery.
If I remember correctly, any spike below the line is data, either wifi or 3g and any spike above the line is the screen turned on. So from the looks of it your data is literally never turning off and you are checking the phone and turning the screen on and off pretty frequently.
What are your settings in juicedefender?
muyoso said:
Thats fine, but your data aint off. Look at that graph you posted. Every little blip is either data being accessed or the screen turning on. The line should be smooth if there is no data and no screen on.
So there are two options, either you are constantly using the phone and its the screen killing the battery, or you have juicedefender set up all wrong and its the data killing the battery.
If I remember correctly, any spike below the line is data, either wifi or 3g and any spike above the line is the screen turned on. So from the looks of it your data is literally never turning off and you are checking the phone and turning the screen on and off pretty frequently.
What are your settings in juicedefender?
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Timeout: Do nothing
Schedule: Enable Data for 1m every 15m
Night: Keep Data/Wifi disabled 2am>5am
Battery: Keep Data/WiFi disabled while below 15%
Traffic: Leave Data/Wifi enabled while >50KB/15s
Peak: Do nothing
Apps: Do nothing
Screen: Leave Data enabled while screen unlocked
Location: Do nothing
I have almost identical batter results as you. I do use the phone fairly often to send messages but the screen brightness is all the way down and I use set cpu on the froyo beta leak. I reset battery stats and also (perhaps you could look into this too) checked spare parts for any rogue programs. Does yours say the screen takes up most of your battery even if you barely use it?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
storytobetold said:
Timeout: Do nothing
Schedule: Enable Data for 1m every 15m
Night: Keep Data/Wifi disabled 2am>5am
Battery: Keep Data/WiFi disabled while below 15%
Traffic: Leave Data/Wifi enabled while >50KB/15s
Peak: Do nothing
Apps: Do nothing
Screen: Leave Data enabled while screen unlocked
Location: Do nothing
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I would up the Schedule to less often and turn off the traffic toggle. Also, I wouldn't doubt that your phone is never going to sleep. If you have spare parts check the Battery History. If you listen to music with the phone, the service started by the music player, CorePlayerService, keeps the phone awake constantly for me. I ended up making a simple kill music widget using tasker to fix this issue.
I bought a wildly overpriced Samsung stand/battery charger from Amazon. My wife & I each start the day with a charged Epic and a spare battery. No worries
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
Used BS 1.6 w/ step2 kernel today. MUCH better battery life but my phone was acting just a bit wacky (locked up and required batt. pull twice or three times)
Not the biggest fan of the aesthetics of the ROM.. but I'll live.
storytobetold said:
Used BS 1.6 w/ step2 kernel today. MUCH better battery life but my phone was acting just a bit wacky (locked up and required batt. pull twice or three times)
Not the biggest fan of the aesthetics of the ROM.. but I'll live.
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When you say much better battery life exactly how much? My battery dropped 20% today while not being used and Display was still at 60% (I turned the alarm off twice). I'm running the Quantum ROM which could have something to do with it but the battery is horrible for me. I can't get more than 8 hours and that's if i barely use it. I have spare parts and no apps are partially waking it. Just Wifi and sync. No GPS, brightness all the way down. The main thing that bothers me is that display is always #1 even if i don't use the phone at all. Any thoughts?
I've ran both Quantum and Viper Froyo roms and aside from making my phone hot enough to fry eggs, the battery life was not good.
As far as battery life goes, I'll start with the obvious stuff.
1. Turn off GPS, Bluetooth and 4G. 4G is a complete power whore.
2. As for wifi, turn it off unless you are in a bad coverage area for cell data. If you are connect to wifi and set Spare Parts to never let wifi sleep.
3. For DRM there are 3 files you need to remove that will prevent it from running / reinstalling and they are DrmProvider.apk, DrmUA.apk, and SisoDrmProvider.apk.
4. Toggle airplane mode every single time you reboot without fail.
For a true test of whether your phone simply needs to be returned as "defective" you should wipe the device, dont setup a google account and let it run for a day after executing steps 1-4 above. It would be best to an apk for Spare Parts and SDX Stock App Remover on your microSD that could be installed using My Files. If you still have problems take the phone back to sprint (after restoring it to factory of course) and tell them it is defective.
storytobetold said:
This makes me cry considering there are people on here saying they're able to get much more life out of their battery,
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Camera on the EVO made me cry, so bad i switched to the Epic, I deal with the battery buy purchasing 2 batteries and a charger on ebay for $9. now I have three batteries. I had like 4 batteries for the EVO
MLHickey said:
When you say much better battery life exactly how much? My battery dropped 20% today while not being used and Display was still at 60% (I turned the alarm off twice). I'm running the Quantum ROM which could have something to do with it but the battery is horrible for me. I can't get more than 8 hours and that's if i barely use it. I have spare parts and no apps are partially waking it. Just Wifi and sync. No GPS, brightness all the way down. The main thing that bothers me is that display is always #1 even if i don't use the phone at all. Any thoughts?
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Here's a JuicePlotter graph from today for comparison from my original one yesterday.
I still wonder if it wasn't going to sleep because of PowerAMP and I didn't underclock today like I did yesterday.
There are a few other physical issues with my phone (slider seems a bit loose compared to my other phones: if I swipe with slider closed with a bit more pressure than usual, I can feel the screen move up and down; screen seems to slightly come up a bit when phone's tilted a bit, taps make you feel the screen go back down) that also made me want to consider exchanging it on top of the battery issue but if I'm getting good battery life I don't think I'll mess with what works, unless anything gets worse.

Trying to track down cause of recent battery drain issue.

Hello all,
So I know there's various discussions all over the web about the Galaxy s10 and battery issues on both Snapdragon and Exynos variants. It seems people are experiencing a wide margin of difference in avg battery life..
So here's my situation. My wife and I both have S10+'s through AT&T. We got them the first week they came out. I looked though the forums and performed several battery optimization tweaks on both phones and since then the battery life has been really impressive... No complaints really. Until this last week.
We both recieved the March security patch and fingerprint scanner fix about a week ago. My wife's phone seems unchanged by this. Everything working as expected. My phone however has been draining battery MUCH faster both in SOT and standby time. I'm losing 2-3x more battery % overnight. In the last 20 mins of just reading through threads on the XDA forum app, I've lost about 10% battery. I'm sitting in the dark with my screen brightness very low too. (down another 5% since I started typing this!)
My wife and I have very similar phone habits. Since both our phones are optimized identically, and we used most of the same apps a play the same games, I started looking through everything different I've done in my phone since this problem started. I installed Adhell3, which seems to be setup properly and working. Mike B. from Adhell's Discord assured me that Adhell shouldn't be draining my battery. I'm mostly using it just to remove a bunch of basic bloatware and block some ads.
The update seems to have worked fine otherwise. My FP scanner is much better now, but something is definitely wrong. I've tried wiping the partition cache afterwards. I've tracked down others experiencing issues after this particular update, but cant seem to find a way to fix this problem yet. I saw something about Deep Sleep problems after the update when someone uses a VOIP service like Skype or WhatsApp, but I dont use anything like that. I can't even find a good tool to use to see more information about my battery usage, as the built-in battery monitor lacks a good deal of information. CPUspy doesn't work on my version.
If anyone has any ideas of what could be the culprit, what else I could try, or what tools I could use to try and track down what exactly is causing this sudden increase in drain, I'd really appreciate it.
Which update do you have ASBA or ASCA? This is rather weird, Battery drain can also come from restoring from backups. I lose 2% every night and my phone is on airplane mode, not connected to anything except location. I do not have adhell, and last time I tested before the fingerprint update I had 10h SoT on wifi purely. When I got the new fingerprint update I checked if the phone went to deep sleep and it does, so I really do not know what might be your issue. I have an exynos variant btw. Also I charge my phone constantly from 80 I let it drop to 40 and charge it back, I do not use fast charging options. Since unplugging my phone now on LTE fully I have lost 1% in 30 min, I have my fitbit always connected, location on, max resolution, I have a semi black wallpaper and brightness around 40-50%.
I will see today how much SoT I can get from 80% part wifi, part LTE, I will update.
clear cache helped a lot of people
Update 1
Reset all phone settings to factory. Don't do full factory reset, just all the settings, fixed my post update battery drain issues
Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
Update 2
Hrrm. It seems I don't have ASBA or ASCA, I have ASD3. The March update.
I'm really hoping I don't end up having to factory reset and manually install everything... Because I did do a restore from backup with AT&T Transfer, because it seemed really convenient and time saving. I had no idea that so many people have had issues with restoring from various back up services (AT&T, Samsung, Google etc.)
I did the same restore from backup on my wife's S10+ too and she's had no problems. Her battery life is phenomenal. My battery issues only started after this last update.
SinisterDev said:
I'm really hoping I don't end up having to factory reset and manually install everything... Because I did do a restore from backup with AT&T Transfer, because it seemed really convenient and time saving. I had no idea that so many people have had issues with restoring from various back up services (AT&T, Samsung, Google etc.)
I did the same restore from backup on my wife's S10+ too and she's had no problems. Her battery life is phenomenal. My battery issues only started after this last update.
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Well that seems rather strange to be honest, you can eliminate possibilities by just testing and see what works. Last possibility can be that factory resetting and installing all new, but then again, it could be that it solves your issues or not. You should be having rather horizontal lines to prove your phone is truly going into deep sleep in my opinion, but also you can check with CPU Spy
Sorry it will be this pic
Try to log too safe mode and check the battery drain
If stopped then it was from an application that have a problem
If not I think it might be a system app or something
So. I'm starting to think that some of my problem has to do with wakelocks. Unfortunately I have limited access to wakelocks statistics since my phone is unrooted. However. Last night I fully charged my phone right before bed and then took it off the charger to see how much it would lose overnight. It dropped a whopping 10% vs the 1-2% it used to.
I looked through some of the battery info and noticed several apps running in the background for very long periods of time since last night. Chrome(2hrs) , Discord(2hrs), Google Play Services(a whopping 13hrs 30mins running in background) and Google Play store (5hrs)
Somehow Discord was responsible for draining 7.6% battery in that time!
So, could this be a wakelock issue causing my phone to lose so much battery overnight? I know that's only half the problem, because I'm also experiencing higher drain than usual while using certain apps too. But I'm trying to figure out one thing at time.
SinisterDev said:
So. I'm starting to think that some of my problem has to do with wakelocks. Unfortunately I have limited access to wakelocks statistics since my phone is unrooted. However. Last night I fully charged my phone right before bed and then took it off the charger to see how much it would lose overnight. It dropped a whopping 10% vs the 1-2% it used to.
I looked through some of the battery info and noticed several apps running in the background for very long periods of time since last night. Chrome(2hrs) , Discord(2hrs), Google Play Services(a whopping 13hrs 30mins running in background) and Google Play store (5hrs)
Somehow Discord was responsible for draining 7.6% battery in that time!
So, could this be a wakelock issue causing my phone to lose so much battery overnight? I know that's only half the problem, because I'm also experiencing higher drain than usual while using certain apps too. But I'm trying to figure out one thing at time.
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You can look at this thread and see if you can install the app without being root or not
aromerodaniel said:
Which update do you have ASBA or ASCA? This is rather weird, Battery drain can also come from restoring from backups. I lose 2% every night and my phone is on airplane mode, not connected to anything except location. I do not have adhell, and last time I tested before the fingerprint update I had 10h SoT on wifi purely. When I got the new fingerprint update I checked if the phone went to deep sleep and it does, so I really do not know what might be your issue. I have an exynos variant btw. Also I charge my phone constantly from 80 I let it drop to 40 and charge it back, I do not use fast charging options. Since unplugging my phone now on LTE fully I have lost 1% in 30 min, I have my fitbit always connected, location on, max resolution, I have a semi black wallpaper and brightness around 40-50%.
I will see today how much SoT I can get from 80% part wifi, part LTE, I will update.
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10 sot?!?!?you sure about it?!?whatever I try I always only have 7 something sot,how can you make it 10?!?
paullu said:
10 sot?!?!?you sure about it?!?whatever I try I always only have 7 something sot,how can you make it 10?!?
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I have done it before, I can look for the image, if you would like. That was a full day of wifi actually.
paullu said:
10 sot?!?!?you sure about it?!?whatever I try I always only have 7 something sot,how can you make it 10?!?
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Here is the pic
Also you can look at this thread
You have it good compared with me I get background drain on all apps and I have all apps set not to run in the background
da1e8 said:
You have it good compared with me I get background drain on all apps and I have all apps set not to run in the background
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You just need to tweak your settings more, put which apps do not run on the background or go to sleep, how many days you need to wait to put unused apps to sleep. Is all tweaking the settings.
aromerodaniel said:
You just need to tweak your settings more, put which apps do not run on the background or go to sleep, how many days you need to wait to put unused apps to sleep. Is all tweaking the settings.
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I've put all apps to sleep and they still register as been used
da1e8 said:
I've put all apps to sleep and they still register as been used
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Then I don't what you can do, either do a factory reset and so not restore anything from backups and see if that works. I usually set my phone that way, clean no restoration from any backup all apps are installed manually, and I do not even use adhell to disable most of Samsung crap apps and services.

