[Q] Lumia Rom on HD2 - HD2 Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting an

Hi to all Developers.
Would it be possible to have the Nokia Lumia 800 Rom on the HD2?
So that you can use the Nokia App's and Services.
That would be cool;-)

Too early to tell. It was just released. Have some patience.
However, that nokia drive is yummy.

i think that you need some registry changes.....actually our HD2 with WP7 appears like HD7 so i think that is possible make it.

Lumia on HD2, why?
Lumia is just a wonderful HW with WP7 on it.
If you remove the HW you just get WP7 (wiht Pulse)....
It does not make sense to me....
If you want Pulse look here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1320380


Can't decide between WP7 or Desire HD. What would you do?

I hae had WinMo for years now with various handsets. Time for me to move on. I have played with the Desire HD rom on my HD2 and I like it. Now WP7 looks really good too.
I want to get one or the other in terms of handset.
They both have similar but also diff specs.
HD7 5mpx cam - DHD 8mpx cam
HD7 No radio - DHD has radio
HD7 No flash support - DHD has flash support
Both have great UIs
Both have Dolby Sound
I can't decide.
I don't have the attention to give you "the" answer; but maybe this can help you.
Make a list of what you need. (important)
make a list on what you will (les important)
Think on your experience and think on the problems you have got in the past and you certainly dont will again.
Think on the future (I mean next mouth you will have need something GPS...?)
So now you have a list and you can start to look witch device gives you the most of your needs.
okay this was based on needs now you can compare with taste.
in it's current state wp7 devices are NOT an upgrade to the HD2. I am going to wait this one out as I believe that my HD2 will last me at least another 2 years and then we'll see if the WP7 platform has things that I want in my phone
1. copy paste
2. tethering
3. expandable storage
4. 3rd part app multi-tasking
4. displays better than the sub 1280*800 displays we have now
If I were you, I would just wait till Cotulla finishes the work on WP7 so we can all try it on our HD2 devices. Then if you're interested in it go for the WP7 otherwise go for the Desire which you said you've played with it and liked it.
tboy2000 said:
I hae had WinMo for years now with various handsets. Time for me to move on. I have played with the Desire HD rom on my HD2 and I like it. Now WP7 looks really good too.
I want to get one or the other in terms of handset.
They both have similar but also diff specs.
HD7 5mpx cam - DHD 8mpx cam
HD7 No radio - DHD has radio
HD7 No flash support - DHD has flash support
Both have great UIs
Both have Dolby Sound
I can't decide.
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Hi Tboy2000,
Havent you answered your own question with the pros/cons list above? I would take the Desire HD. WP7 needs time to develop, and the HD7 seems to offer less than the HD2.
I was soo wanting the desire HD when it was announced, but since trying it on my hd2 its great and all, but my hd2 can do so much more, the only advantage i see over the hd2 is the camera other than that for me the hd2 wins hands down. WP7 is the same (as much) hardware as the hd2, so for me im sticking with the hd2 until a better processor/camera/build.
Wait at least month after both devices are released. But I don't hold any hopes for WP7. I don't see why anyone should want it.
Thanks for the comments guys. I guess I wanted to make a decision soon because I would want to sell my HD2 and put the money to a new handset and if I wait and wait, the value of the HD2 will drop further. They go for around 220 pounds on ebay. I want a HD7 because the OS is NEW and will flourish and develop further over time and developers are supporting it well. However Desire HD is so much better than Desire and the new HTC OS tweaks make it an excellent phone. I just can't decide lol!
if my HD2 would stop working , i think i would buy the Desire HD.
But since my HD2 still works i'll stick to that since i can run Desire HD Android aswell as windows 6.5
HD2. Hands down. It almost has the same features as Desire HD except Desire HD has more RAM, and a better camera. So, HD2.
I had a HD2, but unfortunately 'she' died last Sunday. I read ALOT about the new HTC Windows 7 and Android devices. I also talked with some professional developers and they advised me to go for Android. Why? It's a well developed OS with lots of applications and games. Most application- and game developers are investing in IOS and Android. Windows 7 is a good looking OS, but it lacks many applications and games.It needs time to grow up...I don't want to wait, I want to enjoy my phone.
tboy2000 said:
I hae had WinMo for years now with various handsets. Time for me to move on. I have played with the Desire HD rom on my HD2 and I like it. Now WP7 looks really good too.
I want to get one or the other in terms of handset.
They both have similar but also diff specs.
HD7 5mpx cam - DHD 8mpx cam
HD7 No radio - DHD has radio
HD7 No flash support - DHD has flash support
Both have great UIs
Both have Dolby Sound
I can't decide.
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With the list you have there, seems like a pretty lop sided comparison if you ask me...
Since you have an HD2 right now, just wait until you can play with an HD7 a bit before you make a decision.
This all comes down to personal taste and there have been some good comments and tipps for you to decide what phone would be better for you.
In my opinion, I have tried Android long enough to know that I won't buy any Android-phone until the OS would be completely changed from scratch.
Android is ugly, complicated, unstable and fragmented. My 2.5year-old Diamond with WM6.1 is running more reliable than the Desire.
I will stay with my HD2 with WM6.5.3 for the time being and will step to WindowsPhone7 once the hardware is getting better.

Windows phone 7

can we upgrade this phone omnia 2 i8000 to windows phone 7.1 or 7.5 or any 7. version ?
Sorry, but there is no way to do that. WP7 is based a bit different than WM6.x. So, if you like WP7 then by a phone with that OS or you can get HD2 and have WM6.x, WP7 and Android on the same phone, like me
mendoza1 said:
Sorry, but there is no way to do that. WP7 is based a bit different than WM6.x. So, if you like WP7 then by a phone with that OS or you can get HD2 and have WM6.x, WP7 and Android on the same phone, like me
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I love this. If I have understood correctly, you are saying that you can run WM6.x. WP7 and Android on the same phone? Which one? HD2?? or also QTEK 9100
SE Xperia X1
SE Xperia X2
HTC Touch Pro
HTC Touch Pro 2
HTC 7 Pro
I have an Qtek 9100 and would love to play on it
tx foe letting us know!!
You can run several OSs on HD2, not the QTek.
HD2 is the best phone I ever had, so if you like to experiment with ROMs and OSs than buy HD2 and you will be pleased with it. Unless, you need keyboard....
What´s the difference bwn the omnia2 and the hd2 that enables the latter to run w7 but not the former?
And do you have a multiboot installed or you have to re-flash the mobile to run a different OS?
I´d like to buy the same phone as I´m used to the old winme and i´m not very happy with android either. Just to have more options.

[Q]HD2 or Trophy?

Hi guys,
I have a HTC Trophy which I am thinking of selling so I can buy a HD2 to install WP7 and/or Android, as a fun project kind of thing.
I already have a HD2 with WM 6.5.5 on it, but I'm REALLY reluctant to replace it because of Garmin and Tomtoms (The newer phones just don't have equivalent substitutes).
On the Trophy portion, I'm kinda thinking of putting custom ROM on it, but after reading that I need to use the goldcard method kinda makes me want to forget about the whole deal (I already have a full unlocked Focus 1.3)
So my question is, should I keep the Trophy or should I trade it with a HD2?
UranusHertz said:
Hi guys,
I have a HTC Trophy which I am thinking of selling so I can buy a HD2 to install WP7 and/or Android, as a fun project kind of thing.
I already have a HD2 with WM 6.5.5 on it, but I'm REALLY reluctant to replace it because of Garmin and Tomtoms (The newer phones just don't have equivalent substitutes).
On the Trophy portion, I'm kinda thinking of putting custom ROM on it, but after reading that I need to use the goldcard method kinda makes me want to forget about the whole deal (I already have a full unlocked Focus 1.3)
So my question is, should I keep the Trophy or should I trade it with a HD2?
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definately the hd2 !!
i would choose the hd2 over the trophy anytime ! !!!
you can use 1 hd2 with android ics and 1 with wp 7.5 !! !!
Hmm... That would mean I would lose the WM 6.5.5 and my nav apps.
UranusHertz said:
Hmm... That would mean I would lose the WM 6.5.5 and my nav apps.
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you can have wm 6.5.5 on one and android or wp mango on another one !!
your phones your choice !

[Q] Do you guys think we'll be getting WP8?

As above, do you think we'll be getting WP8 on the HD2 when it's released?
yes, why not??
I want so, but there is some drawbacks
Like some hardware restrictions, like low cpu clocks...
And the dammm batery drain...
I'll ditch HD2 for a WP8 device as soon as it comes out
i highly doubt it, but who knows if WP8 can run on HD2, i'm not against it.
but agreed. As soon as WP8 devices become available, i'll try to get my hands on one.
ill not be getting any WP phone unless its fully unlocked like the HD2, the improvement in hardware is minimal anyway and the HD2 does more or less anything the new bloody can do....in saying that, from what ive read the WP8 update would be back ported to current first and second gen WP7 devices, this back port would be limited as some hardware features will not be present....obviously!
the big question is will the HD2 get the update and that I can not answer with even a guess, our ROM cooking overlords will need to answer that one.
Lets look at the history.
Htc Hd2 Windows Mobile handset? yes.
Rumored to receive WP7 as update? Yes.
Test for upcoming WP7 devices? Yes.
Officially announced update for HD2? No.
Latest unofficial update of WP7 for HD2? yes.
It's a possibility of having on it but more of a yes cause I'm assuming Microsoft and their partners are using current Windows Phone handsets for Apollo (WP8). Just like how Microsoft and HTC used the HD2 as a test phone for the "new" OS (Windows Phone 7.0). Also, several Windows Phone devices have similar specs to the HTC HD2.
I waiting on IT!!
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda premium
will it be much different that the current WP 7.5 thou ??
I have downloaded and installed WIN 8 on a PC and played around with it for a while . Some nice effects with tiles etc clearly moving towards touch screen interaction.
It was after playing with it that i realized WP 7.5 is actually quite a MS pioneer.
I dont think WP8 will be that much different than what we have now to be honest and lets face it , making a call , sending SMS & MMS , email wont change much ...what is there to change.
MS will be focusing on PC and tablets is my guess so i wouldn't hold your breath for a true certified WP version any time soon
Just my 2 cents worth
I think there is a chance, because the HD2 can run so many operating systems. But also the older hardware is probably not going to help either.
bigfilsing said:
will it be much different that the current WP 7.5 thou ??
I have downloaded and installed WIN 8 on a PC and played around with it for a while . Some nice effects with tiles etc clearly moving towards touch screen interaction.
It was after playing with it that i realized WP 7.5 is actually quite a MS pioneer.
I dont think WP8 will be that much different than what we have now to be honest and lets face it , making a call , sending SMS & MMS , email wont change much ...what is there to change.
MS will be focusing on PC and tablets is my guess so i wouldn't hold your breath for a true certified WP version any time soon
Just my 2 cents worth
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I agree with you.windows 8 and wp8 are very good operation.We hd2 owners are happy with seeing wp8 ported on leo.
So do you guys think that WP8 will get a section of its own under the "LEO: HD2" if it is ported to the HTC HD2? Or will it be combined with WP7?
So do you guys think that WP8 will get a section of its own under the "LEO: HD2" if it is ported to the HTC HD2? Or will it be combined with WP7?
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if it runs WP8 then there would be no use for WP7 on our device and there wouldn't be enough interest to warrant having another forum
dazza9075 said:
if it runs WP8 then there would be no use for WP7 on our device and there wouldn't be enough interest to warrant having another forum
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I think it should be its own forum. There would still be people who like WP7 and prefer that instead of 8 like people that prefer XP over Windows 7. Then there would be further development of WP7 that branches away from WP8 like current XP customizations and development that branches away from Windows 7.
i agree.
I think the Wp7 (.5) dev will be around for a long time to come. Certainly until the release of the WP8 Apollo
and even then there's the question can it be ported to HD2 and of course what are the requirements of WP8.
Current rumors wont even commit to it being available on current WP7 devices ( Nokia Lumia etc)
Then there's the issue of connecting with WP8 desktop ( and win 7 win XP). Nobody knows for sure what can and cant be done. It would seem MS are slowly turning into apple with regard to their policies. Before you know it we'll be tied to MS market place and MS music etc. Dont think so
I really don't think you will get any better performance . software or battery out of WP8 ( if it comes) SO why worry?
If it loks your after then WP 8 already looks like our WP 7.
If it is really breaking your heart then make a WP8 lock screen
bigfilsing said:
i agree.
I think the Wp7 (.5) dev will be around for a long time to come. Certainly until the release of the WP8 Apollo
and even then there's the question can it be ported to HD2 and of course what are the requirements of WP8.
Current rumors wont even commit to it being available on current WP7 devices ( Nokia Lumia etc)
Then there's the issue of connecting with WP8 desktop ( and win 7 win XP). Nobody knows for sure what can and cant be done. It would seem MS are slowly turning into apple with regard to their policies. Before you know it we'll be tied to MS market place and MS music etc. Dont think so
I really don't think you will get any better performance . software or battery out of WP8 ( if it comes) SO why worry?
If it loks your after then WP 8 already looks like our WP 7.
If it is really breaking your heart then make a WP8 lock screen
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by the same logic we should have android forums for every revision and WM 6 forums and WM 6.5 forums.
the reality is, there is plenty of sub forums
HD2 Android development
HD2 WM development
HD2 WP development
and even the questionable HD2 Linux and meego development
you dont need sub forums for every single thing, IF WP8 is ported to the HD2 i would propose the forum be renamed to WP rather than WP7 people will more than liklely move to WP8 ROMS.
The WP7 Overall development should be renamed WP and incompass all versions of WP
The same
Long live HD2 - just waiting for Windows Phone 8 to be ported
So do you guys think that WP8 will get a section of its own under the "LEO: HD2" if it is ported to the HTC HD2? Or will it be combined with WP7?
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Either a section of its own or sub section (like android 1. SD Card 2 NAND)
I say that as it is likely to take a while to get it really usable as was the case with WP7. So early adopters can converse and solve problems. But WP7 can still keep running along nicely and forum members not have to content with the issues to do with WP8. Personally I hate it when we have completely different aspects mixed in forums - gets just too hard to follow - I used to manage a couple of forums, so speaking from experience.
My strong vote is for a WP7 forum and a separate WP8 forum
Win_XP said:
Long live HD2 - just waiting for Windows Phone 8 to be ported
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Yes but why are you waiting for WP8 to be ported ? I am genuinely interested to know what you think you'll get from WP8 that you don't already have in WP7
One thing i'd like to see is the return of direct contacts syncing via usb . Although im not holding my breath
Even Apple itards can sync their phone with outlook
HD2 is the king!
Hehe,I hope our HD2 can update to wp8.In fact i like the mag2.0.1 batter than this.

Android on lumia 830?

Hello, Is it possible in anyway to get android working on a nokia lumia 830? Im willing to almost do everything.
If it dosent work, is it anyways to get snapchat working?
No, you can't get android on your Lumia.
Again ? Seriously, why did you get a Lumia if you wanted an Android phone ? You picked like one among a million, turn from the 999,999 others and want this exceptional one to be like all the others ? but why didn't you pick any of the 999,999 others, then ???
I know this tread is old but with the new version of window phone internal we will be able to do it. We just wait for a custom android ROM like the Android on Lumia project did for 520 and 720 and we got android on that 830!
clementPLANTE said:
I know this tread is old but with the new version of window phone internal we will be able to do it. We just wait for a custom android ROM like the Android on Lumia project did for 520 and 720 and we got android on that 830!
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The Lumia 830 is a strong phone ! so if you have a way to put a full working Android on Lumia 830, please let us know here

