Windows Phone 7.5 (Mango) - Atrix 4G General

[English]Has anyone tried or managed to run WP7.5 on Atrix?
If not, call a friend who knows shake and we will continue this topic!
The Atrix is able to run any OS for Smartphone!
Please appear in a master developer to make the running in WP7.5 Atrix!
Alguém já tentou ou conseguiu rodar o WP7.5 no Atrix?
Caso não, chame um amigo que saiba mecher e vamos dar continuidade neste tópico!
O Atrix tem capacidade de rodar qualquer OS para SmartPhone!
Por favor apareça um senhor desenvolvedor para no apresentar o WP7.5 rodando no Atrix!

It has been said before about multiple devices.
Android being open source CAN be ported (usually with a lot of difficulty) to other devices, if the drivers can be built.
Other OSes can not be ported to android devices die to them being closed source. This is technically harder then porting an open source os and illegal to do or distribute.
Sent from my AT100 using Tapatalk


Apache Upgrading

I have simple questions:
If I upgrade the windows mobile os, I'll lost the phone line?
I'm thinking on upgrade, but I'm not sure yet if it pays the risk.
The apache turns slower?
thx folks
NTM knowledge, to any of the above.... I recently got my fiance the 6700 and 6.1 runs awesome on it! It runs quick as ever, and being fully installer enabled (everything I've tried to install has worked flawlessly. Everything from her Facebook app, to all the Google apps, and even the GPSToday app!
It basically gives you all of the positives, without any of the (known ) negatives.
Helmi_c did a great job with it!
Hi, pal.
I´m brazilian guy too...
So, I´d make an upgrade from wm5.0 to wm6.5 (build 21.501).
My ppc6700 is great.
Here in Brazil, we don´t find much about our device.
My device was a "vivo" carrier... WAS.
I changed to embratel (livre). This is a rare information here.
Nobody (I guess) make this "conversion" ou share informations about this.
Em portugues mesmo, meu ingles não é tão bom.
Passei meu ppc6700 da vivo pra embratel, e atualizei a versao do sistema operacional para wm6.5. Não tive problemas de lentidão ou travamento, recomedo, a não ser se o wm5 já te atenda bem e voce queira manter a versao original.
O aparelho é ótimo, como voce sabe, e tem algumas coisas nele que eu jamais fazia ideia - principalmente a parte de programação de linha. Já fiz a conversão em 2 aparelhos meus, com sucesso.
Voce não perderá sua linha, a programação da linha está em camada diferente.
De qualquer forma, tenha o backup do seu hexadecimal e das configurações das linha. Qualquer coisa, só falar.
Best regards,
bilbolseiro said:
I have simple questions:
If I upgrade the windows mobile os, I'll lost the phone line?
I'm thinking on upgrade, but I'm not sure yet if it pays the risk.
The apache turns slower?
thx folks
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[Rom]PTIlusion WM 6.5 Portuguese build 23563

Hello all this is my first release to opal for portugueses sry my language
WiFi - autostart in 1 first boot
Manila 2D
Pocket rar
and some small very util apps
Flash from computer
If in update don't restart make reset
Ora boas á comunidade portuguesa esta é a minha primeira rom e por azar o telefone avariou em qualquer dos caso está disponivel para expermentarem caso encontrem erros reportem para se proceder á sua verificação.
Bugs encontrados até ao momento:
Wifi - liga-se no primeiro boot
Flash a partir do pc
Caso não reinicie a seguir á personalização façam um reset.
Nice Work!
Looks great...but i think we have a lack of Portugal users over here...try making in of luck!!!in d screen shots,the time in the task bar overlaps the quick menu icon in the same sure to perfectly test the ROM and then release or arrange beta testing sessions so that users can get to know what u really want to do and may be in that course of ROM making,many of ur problems get solved!!!nice efforts!!!best of luck again,and have a nice day!
shreyas18 said:
Looks great...but i think we have a lack of Portugal users over here...try making in of luck!!!in d screen shots,the time in the task bar overlaps the quick menu icon in the same sure to perfectly test the ROM and then release or arrange beta testing sessions so that users can get to know what u really want to do and may be in that course of ROM making,many of ur problems get solved!!!nice efforts!!!best of luck again,and have a nice day!
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shreyas is right, we have many english users here and you will surely get a very good response....
I il try and thx by suport
Nice! I'm Brazilian and like it a lot!
O problema de um brasileiro utilizar um dispositivo em língua PT-PT é que nós brasileiros não estamos acostumados a ler algumas palavras como "Contactos". Pois, este "C" - desnecessário na gramática Brasileira - realmente incomoda um pouco hehehe.. Muito boa a iniciativa!
Count 1 Warning.
brunoargenton said:
Nice! I'm Brazilian and like it a lot!
O problema de um brasileiro utilizar um dispositivo em língua PT-PT é que nós brasileiros não estamos acostumados a ler algumas palavras como "Contactos". Pois, este "C" - desnecessário na gramática Brasileira - realmente incomoda um pouco hehehe.. Muito boa a iniciativa!
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From next time,in english please.this forum is widespread over the world and english is what keeps every 1 connected.don't want any linguistic barriers on the forum.this may only lead to heaps of unintended questions and baseless increase in posts.take care.if you are finding it diffiult to report in english,plz PM a fellow member who is of your linguistic minority,who,in turn would redirect your question/answer/appreciation in english.we want every one to know whats going on in this forum.READ FORUM RULES FOR MORE DETAILS.
@shreyas18, the user brunoargenton sayd is:
The problem with a device using a Brazilian-language PT-PT is that we Brazilians are not accustomed to read some words such as "Contactos." Well, this "C" - unnecessary in the Brazilian grammar - really bothers a bit hehehe .. Very good initiative!
Only this...
Make an Attempt,
Beackman said:
@shreyas18, the user brunoargenton sayd is:
The problem with a device using a Brazilian-language PT-PT is that we Brazilians are not accustomed to read some words such as "Contactos." Well, this "C" - unnecessary in the Brazilian grammar - really bothers a bit hehehe .. Very good initiative!
Only this...
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Thanks,but still,i can't help but still convince you to report in English.Coz chances are if any one reports this post towards the Reported post forum and if it comes under scanner,i and the SEN-MODS will be forced to close this post.also,it is better i warn you in advance as this thread hasn't lifted off in a way this thread has taken off: So before it becomes uncontrollable for us,please revert into english...Also,the Forum Rules have a provision for you guyz to post in your language BUT translate the said thread/post in english,so that Users can benfit and Moderators can scan for any problems.
Lets see if this helps...
Respect and Regards_shreyas18.Moderator,Opal.
thx too man, we follow the rulz, he just make the communication more ease. but really sorry for the user brunoargenton.
On-topic: Badjudja, any chance to have a PT-BR version of your ROM??
I il try Beackman but now im to busy changing my home give me 1 or 2 week
Ok man, great man, changing home great future for you my friend
Power off
My Phone doesn't power off, but still a great rom.
Fix this please.
I'm working now to fix rom thx by support
Thank you very much, I will try it
Muito obrigado vou experimentar
I again, i fixed your rom, the package HTC UTIL is the problem.
Recook your rom whithout the package.
In my opinion you can implant the 29007 xip kernel. bye
Good work
Bro good good work, only problem is:
-batery issues fast (1 day);
-wallpaper can´t modify;
-problem with sms, when i was new, no work.
if you solve this, congratulations perfect room very nice room!!!!
however good good job.
badjudja said:
Hello all this is my first release to opal for portugueses sry my language
WiFi - autostart in 1 first boot
Manila 2D
Pocket rar
and some small very util apps
Flash from computer
If in update don't restart make reset
Ora boas á comunidade portuguesa esta é a minha primeira rom e por azar o telefone avariou em qualquer dos caso está disponivel para expermentarem caso encontrem erros reportem para se proceder á sua verificação.
Bugs encontrados até ao momento:
Wifi - liga-se no primeiro boot
Flash a partir do pc
Caso não reinicie a seguir á personalização façam um reset.
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boas amigo como e que ponho esta rom no htc e que estou no principio nisto , li mas nao consegui , queria saber qual era o programa pra enviar esta rom
obrigado pela atençao
bem pessoal ja consegui pr esta rom [Opal] NEW * MARYONE * 23569
queria testar este windows6.5 ou android
teve a trabalhar 30 min
retirei a bataria e liguei agora nao arranka aparece
onbl 1.26.000
GSM 03.29.90
o que tenho que fazer para por a rolar outra vex
badjudja said:
Hello all this is my first release to opal for portugueses sry my language
WiFi - autostart in 1 first boot
Manila 2D
Pocket rar
and some small very util apps
Flash from computer
If in update don't restart make reset
Ora boas á comunidade portuguesa esta é a minha primeira rom e por azar o telefone avariou em qualquer dos caso está disponivel para expermentarem caso encontrem erros reportem para se proceder á sua verificação.
Bugs encontrados até ao momento:
Wifi - liga-se no primeiro boot
Flash a partir do pc
Caso não reinicie a seguir á personalização façam um reset.
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esta off o link alguem podia por aqui para fazer download da rom
Boa Iniciativa
Infelizmente o link esta offline
Espero pela próxima Rom x)
Nuno Rodrigues

P1000L - Kernel Porting - Froyo 2.2 to GB 2.3.3 with TV

Como a maioria dos usuários do P1000L é do Brasil ou "latin america", vou escrever em pt_BR porque meu inglês é "by google translate".
Most users here are from Brazil "latin america", I write pt_BR because my English is bad "by google translate."
Procuro parceiros para ajudar a portar o Kernel do 2.2 (com TV) para 2.3.3.
I´m looking for partners to porting Kernel 2.2 to 2.3.3 with TV.
Baixei o código fonte no site abaixo:
I downloaded the source on the website below:
Fui atras dos drivers da TV, no Kernel.
Como foi a primeira noite que mexi nisso, não descobri muita coisa.
On source, i´m looking for TV drivers on kernel.
On my first night, not found much things on source.
Os drivers da TV parecem ser estes:
The TV drivers seem to be this:
Pelo visto o hardware é este:
The hardware seem to be this:
* Main Driver file for the ivtv project:
* Driver for the Conexant CX23415/CX23416 chip.
Código fonte em anexo, a ideia é portar o kernel com tv para uma ROM "retail" Gingerbread 2.3.3 "stock samfirmware" para o P1000L, acho que este é o driver, não tive tempo de me aprofundar, mas vou continuar pesquisando.
Source code attached, the idea is to porting kernel with a tv for a ROM "retail" Gingerbread 2.3.3 "samfirmware stock" for the P1000L, I think this is the driver, had no time to go, but I'll keep searching.
Hi fellow,
I appreciate your initiative!
Humberto (@humberos) has already tried, with no success, to port this driver to 2.3.3 kernel. Perhaps his comment will be very useful for you.
Although, I think it won't be necessary at all. As @rslee posted in GingerBread thread for P1000L/N, Samsung Brazil has released a manual version of P1000L for GingerBread. Also, I have seen on Orkut someone stating that Samsung is about to release GingerBread for our country, it just have to adjust some problems at TV apk (THIS SOURCE ISN'T RELIABLE!).
Well, time will tell...
Eu não acredito que a Samsung lance uma versão do GB para o P1000L, teriam lançado primeiro para o I9000B, o qual vendeu absurdo no Brasil.
A noite vou estudar os fontes da kernel Froyo 2.2 com TV e ver quais drivers precisam ser implementados na GB 2.3.3, estava dando uma olhada nas classes de GPIO, acredito que se receber um auxilio do #humberos dá para chegar em uma Kernel GB 2.3.3 com TV.
Google Translate! xD
I do not believe that Samsung has released a version of the GB for the P1000L, have launched for the first I9000B, which sold in Brazil absurd.
The evening will study the sources of kernel 2.2 Froyo with TV and see what drivers need to be implemented in the GB 2.3.3, was taking a look at the classes of GPIO, I believe that if you receive an aid of # humberos you can get a Kernel GB 2.3.3 TV.
No offence but this is a English speaking forum and (per rules) you should be posting in English only (first) and the providing a translation afterwards. Not combining both as that is just really annoying to try and read.
I skipped over what you actually said and im sure allot of other potential readers did who you was trying to reach out to.
Maybe because im drunk but meh.. point still stands.
Thank you, I'm here since 2007 and I swear I did not know the rule to write in English!
I'm working on porting the kernel 2.3.3 of GB P1000L with TV, I post news soon about the progress.
I need to learn English!!!!!!! xD
Im from argentina , we have the news that our tabs (1000L) will be upgraded to gingerbread soon .
Enviado desde mi GT-I9000 usando Tapatalk
romaco1971 said:
Im from argentina , we have the news that our tabs (1000L) will be upgraded to gingerbread soon .
Enviado desde mi GT-I9000 usando Tapatalk
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Hi fellow,
Where did you see this?
Porting process
Hi there!
XDA needs more that!
On porting process, I said all we need [first step] is understand gpio table [for adjust touchscreen functions] and rewrite Kernel/arch/arm/mach-s5pv210/mach-p1.c
We need a port to 4.4.4 or most recent and stable android version to p1000L.
There is?

Google compra Motorola por US$ 12,5 bilhões

A Google anunciou na manhã desta segunda-feira (15 de agosto) a compra da Motorola Mobility pelo valor de US$ 40 por cada ação, resultando em um negócio total de US$ 12,5 bilhões. O acordo foi aprovado por unanimidade entre os conselhos de administração de cada companhia, e representa um ganho de 63% em relação ao valor das ações da Motorola na última sexta-feira (12 de agosto).
A aquisição da Motorola vai permitir que a Google fortaleça ainda mais a marca Android, aumentando a competição no mercado de telefonia móvel. A Motorola Mobility será operada como um negócio separado pela companhia de Mountain View, que continuará a disponibilizar o sistema operacional para smartphones como uma plataforma aberta.
Proteção contra competidores
Em uma atualização publicada no blog oficial da Google, Larry Page afirma que a compra não se deve somente ao apoio que a companhia dava ao Android, mas também devido ao fato da Motorola ser “uma líder de mercado em dispositivos caseiros e no negócio de soluções em vídeo”.
O fundador da gigante de buscas também afirma que a compra vai ajudar a desenvolvedor o portfolio de produtos da companhia, ajudando a se protege das ameaças representadas pela Microsoft, Apple e outras empresas. Page também se comprometeu a continuar a parceira entre o Android e outros fabricantes, afirmando que a compra da Motorola não deve representar prejuízos a nenhum parceiro.
A transação ainda está sujeita ao recebimento de aprovações de órgãos regulatórios dos Estados Unidos, União Europeia e outras jurisdições. A expectativa é que o negócio se concretize entre o final de 2011 e o começo de 2012.
Reação positiva do mercado
Os parceiros comerciais da Google responderam de maneira positiva ao anúncio da compra da Motorola. Peter Chou, CEO da HTC, disse que a notícia é bem-vinda e mostra o comprometimento da gigante de buscas em defender a plataforma Android, seus parceiros e todo o ecosistema de sistema operacionais para smartphones.
Bert Nordberg, presidente e CEO da Sony Ericsson, tem opinião semelhante, destacando o comprometimento da companhia em defender o Android e seus parceiros. Da mesma forma, Jon-Seok Park, presidente e CEO da LG expressou animação quanto à nova empreitada da empresa da Mountain View.
Google announced on Monday morning (August 15) to buy Motorola's Mobility for U.S. $ 40 per share, resulting in a total business of $ 12.5 billion. The agreement was unanimously approved between the boards of directors of each company, and represents a gain of 63% compared to Motorola's stock price last Friday (August 12). The acquisition will allow Motorola to Google further strengthen the brand Android, increasing competition in the mobile market. Motorola Mobility will be operated as a separate business for the Mountain View company, which continue to make the smartphone operating system as an open platform. Protection against competitors in an update published in the official blog of Google, Larry Page says that the purchase does not should only support the company gave the Android, but also due to the fact that Motorola is "a market leader in devices for home and business video solutions." The founder of search giant also said the purchase will help developer with the company's product portfolio, helping to protect against threats posed by Microsoft, Apple and other companies. Page also pledged to continue the partnership between Android and other manufacturers, claiming that the purchase of Motorola should not pose any harm to a partner. The transaction is still subject to the receipt of regulatory approvals in the United States, European Union and other jurisdictions . The expectation is that the deal closes between late 2011 and early 2012. Reaction positive market trading partners of Google responded positively to the announcement of the purchase of Motorola. Peter Chou, CEO of HTC, said the news is welcome and shows the search giant's commitment to defend the Android platform, its partners and the entire ecosystem of operating systems for smartphones. Bert Nordberg, chairman and CEO of Sony Ericsson , has a similar view, noting the company's commitment to defend the Android and its partners. Likewise, Jong-Seok Park, president and CEO of LG expressed excitement about the new venture of the Mountain View company.
English please, this is an international forum
Hey, good news, but put it in english too!
@Milestone 2 (Finnaly on Gingerbread!)
Os brasileiros tem que aprender posta aqui no forum em português tambem muita gente nāo sabe inglês.
Boa iniciativa.
The Brazilians have to learn to put here in the forum in Portuguese too many people do not know English. Good initiative.
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marcoselba said:
Os brasileiros tem que aprender posta aqui no forum em português tambem muita gente nāo sabe inglês.
Boa iniciativa.
Enviado usando um Motorola A953 e XDA App
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This is an ENGLISH forum, if you don't wanna learn english use Google Translate!!! :angry:
@Milestone 2 (Finnaly on Gingerbread!)
Eu sei que é um forum internacional mais não custa nada deixar em inglês e em português né?
Isso ajuda muito quem não consegue entender mesmo com o google tradutor e tambem é f... ajudar quem nem ta no pais e não ajudar sua propria nação.
I know it's an international forum costs nothing more to leave in English and in Portuguese, right? This helps a lot who can not understand even with the google translator and is also f. .. ta not help anyone in the country and not helping his own nation.: mad:
for this use brazilian forums like adrenaline, plusgsm, etc..
think if all the people of the other countris speak in their languages
becomes a babel tower..
my english is not good and i speak only in english here..
Cara, é um forum INTERNACIONAL com INGLÊS como lingua padrão. Você por acaso queria que chegassem na sua casa e molhassem tudo, mesmo que a pessoa fizesse isso na casa deles? Tenho certeza que não! Se não sabe inglês, aprenda, é essencial no mundo de hoje. Ficar pedindo esmola pra falarem em português não rola, não serve nem como desculpa.
Dude, this is an INTERNATIONAL forum with ENGLISH being the default language. Would you like if someone came to your house and messed everything up, just because they do it on their houses? I'm certain you wouldn't! If you don't know how to speak in english, learn it, it's essential on today's world. Asking for charity to talk in portuguese is not good, it's not even a good excuse.
marcoselba said:
Eu sei que é um forum internacional mais não custa nada deixar em inglês e em português né?
Isso ajuda muito quem não consegue entender mesmo com o google tradutor e tambem é f... ajudar quem nem ta no pais e não ajudar sua propria nação.
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You're funny,
The strange thing of this tpoic is that only Brazilians complain about the use of Portuguese.
Yes, that's funny xD
It's because we are aware of the portrait of our country to the other countries (brazilians misbehave in so many places) and we don't want to perpetuate this image. Rules are meant to be followed, not to be broken at will.
Não vi em nenhum lugar alguma regra falando que era proibido colocar uma postagem em inglês e em outra lingua no mesmo local.
Mais ta bom relaxa pessoal continue com seu forum internacional onde somente o ingles existe.
I did not see a rule anywhere saying that it was forbidden to put a posting in English and another language at the same location. More good ta relax staff will continue with its only international forum where the English there. Sent from my A953 using XDA App
marcoselba said:
Não vi em nenhum lugar alguma regra falando que era proibido colocar uma postagem em inglês e em outra lingua no mesmo local.
Mais ta bom relaxa pessoal continue com seu forum internacional onde somente o ingles existe.
I did not see a rule anywhere saying that it was forbidden to put a posting in English and another language at the same location. More good ta relax staff will continue with its only international forum where the English there. Sent from my A953 using XDA App
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I don't think it's a problem to post both languages, specially for people who don't speak English very well. But posting just in Portuguese is.
Hope this will make Motorola phones better~
marcoselba said:
Não vi em nenhum lugar alguma regra falando que era proibido colocar uma postagem em inglês e em outra lingua no mesmo local.
Mais ta bom relaxa pessoal continue com seu forum internacional onde somente o ingles existe.
I did not see a rule anywhere saying that it was forbidden to put a posting in English and another language at the same location. More good ta relax staff will continue with its only international forum where the English there. Sent from my A953 using XDA App
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Well, there is, from the official xdadeveloper forum rules:
4. Use the English language.
We understand that with all the different nationalities not everyone speaks English well, but please try. If you're really unable to post in English use an online translator, You're free to include your original message in your own language below the English translation.
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And if you read about Operation "Iron Fist" (moderators were instructed to ban ban ban to put some order in the house) , you'd be double careful!
I just wonder if this would help unlocking our bootloader ?
Sooo... where f*cking is the moderator?
I was having trouble installing the Chinese GB and change the maximum number of rings at the same time, more gb already managed to install the device and the number of screen taps or vo increase four touch is great, so I spoke to put the two languages ​​together to help even more people because that is the goal of helping all forums always writing in English is more possible in their native language, maybe still can not further expand the forum.
Estava com dificuldade em instalar a gb chinesa e alterar o numero maximo de toque ao mesmo tempo, mais ja consegui instalar o gb no aparelho e o numero de toques na tela nem vo aumentar quatro toque esta otimo, so falei de colocarem os dois idiomas juntos para ajudar mais ainda as pessoas, porque esse é o objetivo dos foruns ajudar todos sempre escrevendo em ingles mais se possivel em sua lingua nativa, quem sabe assim não consiga expandir ainda mais o forum.
Sent from my MB722 using XDA App
AndiDeepBlue said:
The strange thing of this tpoic is that only Brazilians complain about the use of Portuguese.
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Oh you'd be laughing more if you knew Portuguese because most of my fellows here are making so many spelling mistakes in our native language, I'm getting embarrassed
I agree, my english is not too good uahUIHAuihA but i use it anyway =D
If the other ppl use a brazilian forum, they will follow our Rules and speak in portuguese
"Don't be evil"

[Q] Port ROM SM-A700FD?

Algum desenvolvedor que consiga fazer um port da rom do s7 para o a7?:crying:
Any developer who can make a s7 rom the port for a7 ? :crying:
Jonathan Nascimento said:
Algum desenvolvedor que consiga fazer um port da rom do s7 para o a7?:crying:
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para proximas perguntas feitas no xda utilize o idioma ingles para que os demais usuarios possam entender melhor!
(for upcoming questions on xda use the English language so that other users can understand better!)

