[GUIDE][ARC/NEO][29nov][.587] Information & Workaround to 0% battery issue - Xperia Arc General

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Latest updates
29/nov/2012: Fuel Gauge Fix on Google Play
I published the Fuel Gauge Fix application v1.6.3 on the Google Play:
Free version:
Donate version:
There is no differences between versions - install the version you want. Uninstall the standalone version before installing the play store version. The application data will not be transported between the standalone version and play store version, so take note of your customizations before uninstalling.
Changes in version 1.6.3:
-Added an option to allow changing the notification icon type.
18/sept/2012: Kernel patch (unlocked bootloader) for ICS .587
See the Patched kernel download section.
13/set/2012: CM9/10 FXP patched kernel
Thanks to svanteson
12/set/2012: Locked bootloader patch updated to work with .587 stock firmware
10/aug/2012: Doing some research
You asked, so I'm doing some more research on an automatically way of restarting from software an early aborted charging process.
APK Updates
11/feb/2012: New FuelGaugeApp v1.6
There is a new FuelGaugeApp version - now it supports CPU clock detection.
APK Fix From Bazoocaze:
Please use the latest version, and with patched kernel v4 or later. See "Android APK helper". See "APK Issues".
v1.6 Detects CPU clock and calculates CPU consumption
v1.5.4: set battery to 100% on charger disconnected
v1.5.3: old - test version
v1.5.2: old - updated charger detection
v1.5.1: old - updated to sense GPS state and screen brightness
v1.5: old - this version was deployed with a bug in charging logic - please dont use
v1.4: old - updated menu icons, and show battery % on notification text.
v1.3: old - updated notification icon[/B]
v1.2: old - ugly notification icon, first charge issues
v1.1: failed - found a noob bug on APK - sorry
v1.0: failed
v1.0: failed
Stock kernel Driver Updates
v4: use this: allow driver to fake report 85% battery. Use with lastest APK FIX for online battery capacity changes. See "Kernel Issues". See "Warnings"
v3.1: failed: allow driver to fake report 85% battery. See "Issues". See "Warnings".
v3: failed: success: allow driver to fake report 100% battery. See "Issues".
v2: failed: leave/enter ROM mode (flash mode) - failure to write to 0x16 (0x0B) i2c address
v1: failed: reset / factory restore fuel gauge - failure to write to 0xAA (0x55) i2c address
[Q] What is this?
[A] This is a workaround/patch to 0% battery issue caused by downgrading firmware from 2.3.4 to 2.3.2.
[Q] I need this patch?
[A] If your battery shows 0% and your android shutdown and does not charge, try to remove battery for 30 seconds and put it back. If this does not solve the issue, flash back stock 2.3.4 firmware. If this does not solve the issue, replace your phone using your warranty from Sony. If this does not solve the issue and you wish to take the risks, then this workaround is for you.
[Q] What kind of failure is this 0% battery issue?
[A] This is an unrecoverable hardware failure on the fuel gauge controller of the Arc/Neo. On our research, we concluded that no software can correct this.
[Q] There will be an official patch from Sony?
[A] No, because it's an unrecoverable hardware failure.
[Q] What I need to take this workaround?
[A] You have two options: unlocked bootloader and locked bootloader
Primary method - for locked bootloader / unlocked bootloader: you need root, BusyBox, android 2.3.3 or later, and follow the steps on http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=28871812#post28871812
Alternate method - for unlocked bootloader: if primary method fail, you need and unlocked bootloader device, android 2.3.3 or later, and follow the steps on this thread.
[Q] Primary method: what are the steps to apply the fix on my phone - (locked and unlocked bootloader)?
[A] First, read the full post, especially the FAQ.
Next, see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=28871812#post28871812
[Q] Alternate method: what are the steps to apply the fix on my phone (only for unlocked bootloader)?
Only use this method if the primary method does not work for you.
1. First, read the full post, especially the FAQ. In case of doubt, you can use this guide to know how to do things:
2. Unlock your booloader
3. Grab the most recent kernel patch from this thread. The file is boot.img.xxx.7z for your phone (ARC / NEO). We call this the kernel patch, or only the patch.
4. You must be same firmware and patch version, so if you aren't firmware xxx, use flashtools to flash the correct firmware, and wipe the data if downgrading firmware version. You can find some recent stock firmwares in the [Firmwares (.FTF)] section.
5. Use fastboot (or flashtools) to flash boot.img contained in file boot.img.xxx.arc.7z (or boot.img.xxx.neo.7z for NEO users). Flash the .img file, not the .7z file .
fastboot flash boot boot.img
6. Now you have a phone showing allways 85% battery capacity.
7. Install most recent FuelGaugeFixV??.apk from this thread (Bazoocaze version).
8. For the first time, make sure the charger is plugged, and select "Start full charge" from the apk fix menu (use the menu button to show options). A full charge takes 2h00 ~ 2h30 for stock charger, and 3h00 ~ 3h30 for USB.
9. Now you have a fully charged phone, and apk fix updates battery % acordingly to phone usage.
10. If you wish, you can now root your phone using the instructions on the section [Root for unlocked bootloaders].
11. See "Kernel issues" and "APK issues".
12. Press the tanks button on this thread, and optionally feel free to buy me some gift/beer/pizza/coffe.
13. Finish
[Q] There is another way of obtaining online battery % via software?
[A] Simple answer: no. Calculating battery % needs a coloumb counter hardware, that is the fuel gauge in our case. No fuel gauge, no coloumb count, no battery %.
Extended answer: there is no way of obtaining online battery capacity without the help of the fuel gauge, because battery dont have a "% capacity", but have a "full charged maximum capacity" and the actual capacity is the amount of charge left from the total minus the cumulative coloumb count of current drained by phone. The fuel gauge is responsible for sensing the coloumb count, and without it, we are only poor guessing the actual battery % capacity. This way, if the fuel gauge had an unrecoverable hardware failure, none can be made by us nor SE to recover the phone capacity of reporting battery status - its impossible to calculate without a coloumb counter in hardware.
[Q] But I installed your stuff and the battery % seems to be increasing / decreasing with use / charge. You said its impossible to obtain battery % via software. Whats happening?
[A] It's a guess value calculated based on peripheral usage of your phone, and not on stats measured from battery module. The usage is based on statistical usage of my phone, so maybe its not correct, but works.
[Q] I flashed the patch, and now my phone is not charging. Can you help?
[A] Do not let the phone runs out of charge. Recharge frequently. Try to charge with other chargers, and on the USB on PC. Try to leave the phone shuted off charging on PC, and go back after a time (1 hour) to see if the phone gets back on. If this does not work, I cannot help you.
[Q] What are the risks?
[A] See [Warnings] section.
[Q] I dont know how to {flash boot.img / unlock bootloader / use fastboot / use flashtool / etc}. Can you help?
[A] Every tool and proceding on this thread can be found on the XDA forum. Search in the forum for links / tutorials / manuals / guides.
[Q] I want this on CM / MIUI / Stock version xxx. You version/firmware sucks. Please, can you make a patch for the other version/firmware?
[A] See "Compatibility" section, or ask your favorite custom kernel / firmware developer to generate a patched version based on my work. Also, I did post the source code of my changed version of fuel gauge kernel driver, so you can make your own modified kernel version, or port the changes to CM / MIUI or other custom firmwares. Please respect my work and time spent and give me the credits on the kernel patch if you copy/use it.
[Q] I installed your stuff and my battery % is stuck on 85% or other value. Can you help?
[A] Have you installed the Fuel Gauge Fix APK and started the monitor service?
Also, make sure you dont have a task killer messing with the apk fix - it must runs ALL THE TIME to monitor peripheral usage. Also, make sure you installed the correct version of kernel and apk fix - check app version and kernel version, to make sure you have latest version. Also, you need to be on correct stock firmware version before patching the kernel.
If all versions are ok, try to stop the apk fix service and clean app data. If this cannot help, flash stock firmware (watch out to match the firmware version and kernel version), wipe the data, patch the kernel, and install app fix.
[Q]I'm using the patch, but I don't know why it seems like the phone turns off itself and needs to plug in after only X hours of usage or something.
[A] First, you can't charge offline (android not booted up). If the battery percentage doesn't change, battery driver stops the charging process.
Also, remember to choose the app option "Start full charge" BEFORE connecting the charger. Otherwise, the sudden negative variation on the battery charge caused by the option "Start full charge" selected AFTER connecting the charger may stop the process by safety measures.
[Q] Can you hide the icon on notification bar or add it in menu setting?
[A] Yes. Look into the application menu options.
[Q] I want to compile my own version of patched kernel?
[A] See the [Compile your own version] section.
[Q] Where can I find the firmware .FTF files to flash on my device?
[A] You can find some recent stock firmwares (not patched) on the [Firmwares (.FTF)] section. Please note that this versions are STOCK, not patched. Don't forget to apply the kernel patch after flashing this firmwares.
[Q] What can I do and cannot do with this patch on my phone?
[A]You cannot:
- Charge your phone offline (Android not running). The charge will stop after some minutes.
- Charge your phone with the Fuel Gauge Fix App not running. The charge will stop after some minutes.
- Leave your phone charging for a long time / charge it at night. The battery will start to discharge after it reach 100%, so you must disconnect it from the charger after that.
- Connect the charger and then select "Start Full Charge". The charge may stop after some minutes. You must select "Start Full Charge" before connecting the charger. You can try to charge without selecting "Start Full Charge" (if the battery percent is low) and see if it work.
You can:
- Use your phone as you want.
- Use it while charging.
- Play games.
- Set your battery percent to 100% if you charge for more than 1h30 and the percent stops below 100%. In this case the calculated charging rate may be slower than the real charging rate, and the real battery may be reaching 100% before the calculated percent.
- Fine tune the software battery capacity and consumption parameters on the Fuel Gauge Fix App. Try to take a mean of total consumption starting from 1500000uA from your usage, and change the value accordingly. The percent will reflect the value, so if you lower the value (say 1400000) you will get a low percent early, and if you rise the value (say 1600000), you will get a low percent later. Don't forget to mantain the charge current value with a relative value for a 1h30 to 2h30 charging time. Ask for help on thread to know more.
[Q] I like your work, and it worked fine for me. Thank you.
[A] I'm glad to know this. So, hit the thanks button, for me to know you liked. Or buy me some coffe, beer and pizza (fuel of a dev).
APK Issues
All versions:
- When the phone runs out of charge, the phone will simply shutdown without warning. There will be no Android warning, since the dead fuel gauge is the responsible for notifying the system about battery empty. This issue cant be fixed - you need to live with it.
- There is no way for the charger monitor to guess the current charge, so it starts with 100% on the first run. If your battery status is low when you start the monitor for the first time, maybe you get out of charge early before reaching 0%, and them you cant get a full charge until you reach a low percent value again. Use the "Start full charge" menu option on apk fix to make the phone take a full 3 hours charge.
- The phone does not charge to 100% and the charge process stops early: your are not using the correct firmware / patch / apk fix. Verify the instaled versions and install correct version. Also, do not use the phone during charge, because the charge process may be disable by an overheat event occured during charge.
- The phone does not charge to 100% and the charge process stops early: maybe your battery is full and the charging process is done. Disconnect the charger, and set battery to 100% if needed.
Kernel Issues
All versions:
- You must use the same Kernel and System version. This way, your Arc/Neo must be in the correct firmware before applying the kernel patch. Look for the patched kernel version on this thread, and flash the corresponding firmware/ROM stock version. If you dont use same Kernel and System ROM version, maybe you get temporary innoperant Wifi or other hardware malfunction until flash correct version.
Try to flashtool the correct .FTF firmware before flashing the patched boot.img, and see if your issues go away.
- If your phone stops charging, try with different chargers (official / others), and with charging via USB on PC.
- Try to not let your phone shutdown by running out of charge. The battery has a safety circuit to prevent undercharging that shutdown before lower limit, but case the protection fails and battery voltage runs below the lower limit threshould, the battery may become permanent disabled by safety circuit.
- If you know what are you doing, you can try this (kernel patch needed) on android shell to modify battery % capacity (the 85 indicates 85%):
echo 85 > /sys/class/power_supply/bq27520/set_capacity
The /sys/class/power_supply/bq27520/set_capacity file only exists in our patched kernel.
Android APK helper
Please use latest version. Use with patched kernel v4 or later. See "APK Issues".
Last changes:
- Detects CPU clock, and calculates CPU consumption accordingly.
Last changes:
- Set battery to 100% on charger disconnected event, after a minimum charging time.
- Charging statistics, like average charge and discharge time.
v1.5.3: test version
v1.5.2: old
v1.5: old
v1.4: old
v1.3: old
v1.2: old - must be kernel patch v4
v1.1: old
v1.0: old
Fuel Gauge Fix APK description
Its a service that runs all the time, calculating battery consumption / charge, and updating the battery % of the phone, trying to mimic te lost functionality of the defective fuel gauge. Use it in conjuntion with the patched Kernel. Its does not works without the patched Kernel (missing set_capacity functionality in kernel).
How to use the APK
- The APK needs android 2.3.3 or later.
- The APK needs patched kernel ou patched fuel gauge module.
- Install the latest patched kernel / module from this thread (watch out for kernel patch firmware version requirement), and this APK.
- The APK only update the battery % on patched kernels.
- Open the APK (Fuel Gauge Fix), Click "Start monitor", and configure the "Charger Monitor" to start on boot.
- Test the APK to see if it changes the battery % on phone.
- If it wont work, look into the screen of APK, on field "Patch status", and report here you problem.
- If it works now you can use your phone (mostly) normally.
- For the first time, and when necessary, do a full charge on the battery, selecting the menu option "Start full charge".
How APK fix works
- Runs every 1 minute on screen disabled, and every 5 seconds on screen enabled.
- Scans for connected / enabled hardware, like charger, screen, bluetooth, wifi, celular.
- Starting from v1.6, it will take in count the CPU clock / usage, too. Use CPU Spy APK to debug CPU usage.
- Generate consumption prediction for enabled hardware.
- Simulate coloumb counting on in memory battery stats, charging / discharging the stats accordingly, and updating the battery % show by phone.
- There is an 1% limit, that is, the phone will never shutdown while there is power on the battery.
- On the first run, the fix start with 100% stats. Full charge your phone to help sincronize the calculated value with the real value. The real value cant be get by software, thanks to the faulty hardware fuel gauge.
- The fix memorize the last stats, so if you stop the service or reboot the device, the monitor must maintain the same stats on next run. Use the app menu to reset stats to 100%.
Kernel / ROM compatibility list
0% friendly: this kernels / ROMs already have the kernel patch, so you only need to install the Fuel Gauge Fix APK start the monitor service:
[ARC/ARC S] DoomKernel (thanks to DooMLoRD)
[ARC/ARC S] CM9/10 FXP kernel (thanks to svanteson)
[NEO] NightElf (thanks to Night-Elf)
0% unfriendly: the developers of these work choose to not integrate the kernel patch, so you will have a hard time trying to make the patch working:
- CyanogenMod 7 / 9 / 10
- Very important: I just now discovered that the battery temperature sensor may have stopped to work properly because of the the fuel gauge issue. Thus, the battery may overheat in extreme situations, which reduces the average life of the battery or can even result in fire in rare cases. Even so, the sensor is still read correctly by the controller BQ24158, which inhibits the charging in event of overheating (temp > 45oC). Either way, avoid charging the battery and operating the phone at the same time, to minimize the heat generated during charging. Also, please charge the battery away from the sun or hot spots, and no more than three hours on the charger. Knowing this, if you think there is a risk for you or your equipment, please do not use this patch.
- This is an experimental kernel, compiled from stock kernel source code supplied by Sony. Use it on your own risk.
- If you unlock your bootloader, you have NO WARRANTY from Sony.
Requirements for the kernel patch
- Xperia Arc/Neo
- Firmware version 2.3.3 or later (APK fix requirement)
- Unlocked bootloader
- Fastboot (to flash the boot.img)
Initramdisk from DooMLoRD thread
First APK Fix script v1.1 from FiDra
steryman for various patched version
JasonStein for his MIUI patched version
DooMLoRD for patched DooMKernel version
svanteson for CM patched version
zdzihu for the first locked bootloader patch
Kernel sources from Sony
ARM compiler from CodeSourcery
IDE from Eclipse team
Android SDK from Google
Patched kernel download
If you think my work is helping, please press the thanks button.
- All versions here are STOCK kernel, unless explicitly stated. Ignore the image/logo on startup. For other kernels, see "Other kernels" section.
- Look in the download file name for version information. You must use the same firmware and patched kernel version. See "Kernel issues".
ICS 4.1.B.0.587
ARC: boot.img.4.1.B.0.587.lt15i.7z - 7 MB
NEO: boot.img.4.1.B.0.587.mt15i.7z - 7 MB
(old) ICS 4.1.B.0.431
ARC: boot.img.4.1.B.0.431.lt15i.7z
NEO: boot.img.4.1.B.0.431.mt15i.7z
- (old) NEO boot.img patched kernel .62:
- (old) Patched Kernel for Xperia ARC / NEO (one zip file, 2 img files - choose arc/neo to flash) version 4.0.1.A.0.283:
Stock firmwares (.FTF)
These are stock firmwares, not patched, not rooted. You can flash this firmware using flashtools, then flash the boot.img patch.
If you have an unlocked bootloader you can use the method described in the section "Root for unlocked bootloaders" to root your device after firmware flashing.
GingerBread Android 2.3
NEO Firmware 4.0.2.A.0.42 Android 2.3.4 Generic Global(World)
ARC Firmware 4.0.2.A.0.58 Android 2.3.4 Generic HK
ARC Firmware 4.0.2.A.0.42 Android 2.3.4 Generic Global(World)
ARC ICS 4.0.4
LT15i_4.1.B.0.587_Generic Global World.7z
LT15i_4.1.B.0.431_Generic Central Europe 1 (cust_1247-1041).7z
Root for unlocked bootloaders
Please use this thread:
Source code
In this post you can find the source code of my changed version of fuel gauge kernel driver (bq27520-kernel-driver.7z), so you can make your own modified kernel version, or port the changes to CM / FXP / MIUI or other custom firmwares. Please respect my work and time spent and give me the credits on the kernel patch if you copy/use it.
Compile your own version
This are simplified steps. If you dont know how to do, search in the forum.
- First, download the stock kernel source for Xperia (watch out for the correct version), or the sources for your custom ROM you want to use if its not compatible with stock kernel. The developer thread of dev Kalled from Sony (search on developer thread) has some instructions on how to compile the kernel.
This is the direct link to download Sony stock kernel sources:
- For the ARM compiler, download the CodeSourcery arm eabi compiler version 2010q1.
- Install the compiler on Linux (You can use a virtual machine if you have Windows - use Virtual Box or VMWave Player, both are free for home use).
- Overwrite the bq27520 driver source code with the patched driver from this thread.
- Next, follow the guide on Kalled thread to select phone version and compile the Kernel.
- In the end of compilation, you get a zImage file, that is YOUR Kernel. Congratulations.
- You need a ramdisk. If you are targeting a custom ROM, get a ramdisk compatible with your custom ROM. Also, you can go to DoomLord thread about ramdisk and get a ramdisk suitable for your building. Or generate/use your own ramdisk if you know how. If you use other's ramdisk, give theirs credit.
- With kernel image and ramdisk, generate the file boot.img using mkbootimg tool from Android SDK, or abootimg tool from kubuntu repositories.
- If you choose to use mkbootimg, download a compiled version of mkbootimg, or compile your own version from Android SDK.
- Now you have a boot.img file. Flash it on your phone using fastboot and you are done.
The following people have appreciated my work and time spent on this, and made me a contributiuon/bought me some gift:
- Beatmakernolv
- icet925
Thank you so much. I'm glad you like my work.

What about xperia neo? are you gonna modify kernel for us too?

did not work, the battery is at 0%

jojora said:
did not work, the battery is at 0%
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Can you post the initialization logs?
adb shell dmesg > output.txt
Post the output.txt file.

log file
this is log file of my arc

What about xperia neo? are you gonna modify kernel for us too?
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I compiled a Neo Kernel version (.283).
If you try it, try to save the logs and post here for debugging.

Bazoocaze said:
I compiled a Neo Kernel version (.283).
If you try it, try to save the logs and post here for debugging.
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Can you make sin file or ftf file to flash by flashtool my arc can not unlock bootloader.
Thank you very much!
Sent from my LT15i using XDA Premium App

jojora said:
this is log file of my arc
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Thank you.
<3>[ 6.701660] bq27520 0-0055: Failed recover ROM mode
<6>[ 6.701751] bq27520 0-0055: PATCH: entering failure recovery
<3>[ 6.702056] msm_i2c msm_i2c.0: (00aa) Error during data xfer (-5)
<6>[ 6.702178] bq27520 0-0055: PATCH: get_status: failed to write - 0xfffffffb
<6>[ 6.702331] bq27520 0-0055: PATCH: first status: 0xfffffffb
<6>[ 6.702453] bq27520 0-0055: PATCH: reseting controller
<3>[ 6.706390] msm_i2c msm_i2c.0: (00aa) Error during data xfer (-5)
<3>[ 7.719360] msm_i2c msm_i2c.0: (00aa) Error during data xfer (-5)
<6>[ 7.719512] bq27520 0-0055: PATCH: get_status: failed to write - 0xfffffffb
<6>[ 7.719635] bq27520 0-0055: PATCH: reset status: 0xfffffffb
<6>[ 7.719757] bq27520 0-0055: PATCH: factory restore controller
<3>[ 7.719970] msm_i2c msm_i2c.0: (00aa) Error during data xfer (-5)
<3>[ 8.729339] msm_i2c msm_i2c.0: (00aa) Error during data xfer (-5)
<6>[ 8.729461] bq27520 0-0055: PATCH: get_status: failed to write - 0xfffffffb
<6>[ 8.729614] bq27520 0-0055: PATCH: factory restore status: 0xfffffffb
<3>[ 8.729827] msm_i2c msm_i2c.0: (00aa) Error during data xfer (-5)
<6>[ 8.729949] bq27520 0-0055: PATCH: get_status: failed to write - 0xfffffffb
<3>[ 8.730163] bq27520 0-0055: PATCH: failed
Lines containing "PATCH:" are the recovery commands I'm sending to the controller during driver load. The problem is worse than I'm thinking - the fuel gauge is not responding for the write commands.
But I see that two important case tests that I wrote did not execute at all. I will correct this bug and generate another kernel version.

Ghost_kh_07 said:
Can you make sin file or ftf file to flash by flashtool my arc can not unlock bootloader.
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Sorry. Locked bootloader only allow kernel and firmwares signed by Sony, for security reasons. Customs Kernels/firmwares only with unlock-BL.

Try fix battery 0%
Hi Bazoocaze
this is log of my arc with the new kernel

not work for me.
My LOG attached

Plz,we need your help,waiting for your solution.

Let me have a try.

So what's more ? Is it working for the neo ?

If you are able to, might I suggest looking at the 146 rev. and compare it to the 283 rev. to see what differences it is sending/receiving to the battery or the i2c driver?
Im pretty sure anyone who flashes to rev.283 (the original) has no luck at all in regards to any battery status change, but with rev.146 I believe everyone has had the 1% battery status, so whatever the 146 is doing is allowing for some form of percentile increase of the battery charge.
I wonder if in the 146 the driver starts for a short burst of time and then crashes right away giving it the 1% mark that we all see, where as in any other version it doesnt even get far enough to show the 1%.
I dunno, there has to be something there that is pretty drastically different that we can go from using the phone all day to not being able to use it at all unplugged.

SireJoe said:
If you are able to, might I suggest looking at the 146 rev. and compare it to the 283 rev. to see what differences it is sending/receiving to the battery or the i2c driver?
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Thank you for your point, I will diff the drivers to look for changes.
Until now, my research on this showed that the fuel gauge has it's own firmware, that are upgraded if needed each system startup (the firmware are 2 files contained in the system ROM). Moreover, the firmware is merged with proprietary battery data local to the fuel gauge before each firmware upgrade. I think that the system downgrade resulted in failure to downgrade the fuel gauge firmware/local data, leaving the fuel gauge in an invalid internal state.
Anyway, I'm working on a driver version that fakes the battery status, showing 100% all the time, to help people with no warranty options from Sony.

Can you upload the kernel.sin? Or would I even be able to flash it seeing as how it may not be signed?
If you could even upload it anyways. I am always looking to try something out to get this issue resolved.

Hi. I wrote a new version (v3) that try to (fake) lock the battery capacity to 100%.
Try this, and report back if it function properly on your phone. In case it fails, pelase post the log dump.
I think the charger will still works, because the charging process is based on the real battery voltage, and not on the reported value from the dead fuel gauge.

It works on my neo! now it shows 100% all the time. Thank you for your hard work

Me Too!! It's Work !! ^^.....!! Thanks Bazoocaze to let me live together with my Arc again!!!!


Changelogs and download links for older EndlessCM7 versions

Please do not reply in this thread.
[QUOTE][B][COLOR="Blue"]Changelog for 20110916 Nightly_Build_v1.0 version:[/COLOR]
1.change baseband to UK/DE 2.2.2 to solve signal problem on some areas/phones
2.tweak conservative governor for battery saving
3.add powerful milestone2toolbox from Mogu-[URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=2984200"]sw_acer[/URL] !
4.turn down vibration level
5.update Gallery3D to 2.0
6.remove IMEtutorial.apk
7.update CMParts.apk and battery files to MS1-0914
8.add AZERTY and QWERTZ in /system/usr/[email protected]/. Switch to any of them by renaming if you need.
And no more...
[COLOR="Blue"]Download link[COLOR="Red"]>>>[URL="http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/RF0TPGZC/EndlessCM7-20110916-Nightly_Build_v1.0.zip_links"][I]Click me[/I][/URL]<<<[/COLOR][/B][/COLOR]
[B][COLOR="blue"]MegaUpload>>>[URL="http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JMAD7SO9"]Click here[/URL]<<<[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
[QUOTE][COLOR="Blue"][B]Changelog for 20110914 Nightly_Build_v1.0 version:[/COLOR]
1.minor tweaks on WIFI config
Download link:>>>[I][URL="http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/QI5PAZXX/EndlessCM7-20110914-Nightly_Build_v1.zip_links"]Click me[/URL][/I]<<<
[MegaUpload]>>>[I][URL="http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9VMX81Y9"]Click here[/URL][/I]<<<[/B][/QUOTE]
[QUOTE][B][COLOR="Blue"]Changelog for 20110913 Nightly_Build_v2.1 version:[/COLOR]
1.fix glowing edges breaking issue
2.fix camera crash (related to glowing edges fix)
3.fix installation script
And no more......
[COLOR="Blue"]20110913 v2.1 Download link: [COLOR="Red"]>>>[URL="http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/AGU3IC7J/EndlessCM7-20110913-Nightly_Build_v2.1.zip_links"]Click Here[/URL]<<<[/COLOR][/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
[QUOTE][B][COLOR="Blue"]Changelog for 20110913 Nightly_Build_v1 version:[/COLOR]
1.fix long stuck on 2nd-M
2.[port from MS1][QUOTE]added options to limit max CPU frequency when screen is off and when phone is in car dock
(When the phone is in car dock it can easily overheat as there is usually: heavy navigation app running, gps in use, battery charging, 3g in use, sun shining directly at phone behind front car window. All this together can lead to battery temperature rising above 50C at which point the charging is automatically stopped to prevent battery damage and you can end up with phone battery empty after some time despite phone being connected to charger. So the CPU freq limit for car dock is there to help with this temperature issue.)[/QUOTE]
3.improve UI smoothness
4.enable WIFI tethering
5.mod/fix on optimization scripts to fit MS2 better
6.update battery files to MS1-0912
7.minor tweaks on build.prop
8.update flash player and voice360 thanks to jorgebaruchi
9.downgrade CWM to stock version due to critical BUG :(
10.change boot order.
And more secret changes......
[COLOR="Blue"]20110913 v1 Download link [COLOR="Red"]>>>[/COLOR][URL="http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/65Q1WFBY/EndlessCM7-20110913-Nightly_Build_v1.zip_links"]Click me[/URL][COLOR="red"]<<<[/COLOR][/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
[QUOTE][B][COLOR="Blue"]Changelog for 20110909 v3+ version:[/COLOR]
1.increase boot speed
2.fix secure lock of go sms and some other apps
3.update clockworkmod recovery to 5.0.2.X [COLOR="Blue"](Big thanks to [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=2045006"]WeeDv2[/URL] !)[/COLOR]
4.merge and clean and mod on optimization scripts
5.some adjustment on auto brightness
6.improve 3G
7.improve battery life
8.update battery files to MS1-0910 build
9.turn down vibration level
10.Should fix system logcat
11.update google docs to 1.0.16 and new fully functional calculator from [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1161110"]Wajk[/URL]
12.arrange build.prop with some tweaks
13.Should fix some random FC or freeze issue
And more Secret changes......[/B]
[COLOR="Gray"][B]20110909 v3+ Download Link: [I]Removed[/I]...[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
[QUOTE][B][COLOR="Blue"]Changelog for 110909-nightly build v2 version:[/COLOR]
1. add Swype v3.25 Global version(no stock KB,but still keep MOTO KB)
2. improve WIFI and enable 802.n support
3. improve GPS speed
4. fix low-battery warning LED
5. improve signal(3G) and Network
6. fix sensors in new 2nd-init version
7. many tweaks to build.prop and script
8. add tweaks script from icendfire
9. change voice360 to english version (thanks to jorgebaruchi !)
10.add adobe flash player v10.3 and Titanium Backup v4.2.1
11.improve scrolling smoothness
12.fix a strange incompatible with chinese characters issue in some apps(RE/voice360/...)
13.remove HWdebounce.apk ( if you need this, come [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1058544"]here[/URL] )
14.add FULL Gapps again and update Google+ to 1.0.6
15.mod imoseyon script,now you are free to wipe data
16.APN is restored to CM7 stock one
17.improve UI speed
18.fix format/restore data issue in new boot version
19.disable wifi tethering, in case of bug
20.add detail info in build.prop
And more...
[COLOR="Blue"]Patch to get STOCK phone/contact/sms back: see attachment
0909 download link: [url]http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/HYMOVJIP/EndlessCM7-110909-Nightly_Build_signed_v2.zip_links[/url][/COLOR].[/B][/QUOTE]
[QUOTE][B][COLOR="Blue"]Changelog for 110906-boot_wifi_test2 version:[/COLOR]
1. A more native fix to USB connection ( moto portal&tool is available now )
2. add imoseyon tweak script
3. improve GPS(add UK/brazil/CH+HK+TW/USA services info)
4. some adjustment on auto brightness
5. fix losing (gapps) icon issue (area related issue, redirect google services in hosts)
6. enable WIFI tethering
7. try to improve battery charging(replacing charge_only_mode)
8. try to improve touch sensitivity (build.prop)
9. clean some system apps/junks ( common/necessary gapps are reserved )
10.update moto IME from GB leak
11.improve network and voice (not sure)
12.fix sensor/GPS crash in 0906 version(replace 2nd-init with RC1.5)
13.disable 720p option in camcamera,which is buggy.
And more.
[COLOR="Blue"]Download Link: [url]http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/MBCMQZLY/EndlessCM7-2.3.5-110906-Stable.zip_links[/url][/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
[QUOTE][B][COLOR="blue"]Change log for 0903 RC-1.5 version:[/COLOR]
1.fix Share sd card and Share data in bootmenu
2.enhance sms
3.optimize conservative
4.compromise fix to 300mhZ setting
5.fix stock recovery
6.fix 3D gallery
7.optimize battery configuration
8.tweaks on build.prop and framework-res.apk
9.fix adbd in CWM
10.remove anti-AD hosts
11.add some optimization script(steal it from Wajk...)
12.change phone fingerprint to UK 2.2.2
13.update location info for ch ( IF you are NOT in china, please disable this function)
14.add moto IME
15.try to fix battery jumping again(replace libbattd.so from MS1)
And more......[/B]
[QUOTE][COLOR="Blue"][B]Change log for 110901 version[Uploading] :[/B][/COLOR]
[B]0.mod auto brightness level(11 levels with each 20~25 up) and turn down brightness, make it more smooth and battery saving
1.fix compass chaos problem thanks to aceoyame in RootzWiki
2.fix random SD mounting issue in CWM4.x
3.expand touch points to 6
4.remove ninetals and speed up UI, but make it optional via patch (attachment below)
5.fix CPU governor, all available governors are:
6.CPU downvolted
6.Enhance dialer + crystal talk + location info for ch
7.Enhance bootmenu CPU tool
8.fix white USB charger light, working now
9.fix APN issue in 0901 version
10.improve GPS/WIFI
11.Should fix battery juming and improve battery charging
12.fix keyboard half size in horizontal mode
13.add Battery Calibration/MS2 baseband switcher/rootexplorer(EN)
14.remove DEFY basebandswticher/FM/IO
15.baseband changed to GB leak
16.some more tweaks in framework-res.apk and build.prop.
17.fingerprint restored to CM7 default.
18.disable camera button turning on screen[/B]
[B]For QWERTZ keyboard, see attachment.
[B][COLOR="Blue"]Download: [URL="http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/1V61C8YZ/EndlessCM7-110901-nightly_build.zip_links"]EndlessCM7-110901-nightly_build.zip[/URL][/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
[QUOTE][COLOR="Blue"][B]Changelog for initial release:[/B][/COLOR]
[B]1.New cool [I]"ninetales"/"九尾"[/I] windows animation
2.Moded spareparts.apk, you can set windows animation speed by yourself
3.Dual-Way call recording with Voice 360 [/B]
[B]1.Usb connection
2.formatting and restore /data via CWM
3.now overclock setting in Bootmenu works
4.fix CPU governors
5.keyboard mapping and backlight (Both QWERTY and QWERTZ)
6.gravity/light sensor
7.GSM signal
8.camera upside down
9.re-enable dual-way call recording
10.stock keyboard half size[/B]
[B]1.Undervolt and default CPU governor set to [I]conservative[/I]
2.Add [I]"ninetales"/"九尾"[/I] windows animation
3.update superuser and su to 3.0 beta 4
4.add full latest gapps inside
5.bootanimation changed
6.vm heap set to 48m
7.touch point set to 4
8.sd card cache set to 2048
9.wifi scan internal set to 180
10.enable hw accelerate
11.And some other tweaks in buid.prop
12.Disable LED chager light by replacing file
13.Disable camera and video recording sound. And low-battery beep
14.freeze fmradio.apk+fmradioservices.apk(no hardware support) and filemanager.apk
ADWlauncher.apk(latest version, the stock version is laggy)
to system/app/
16.you can use camera button to turn on screen
17.add anti-ad hosts
18.phone version change to A953[/B]
[COLOR="Blue"][B]Direct link by chibani: [URL="http://android.loicg.net/roms/CM7-0828-nightly-build-all_in_1.zip"]Download all-in-one.zip[/URL] [/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
Endless7 said:
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hello friend I want to thank him for the first rom (use forum cyanogem 7 ice Crean theme in android development) she is wonderful but what I could tell her and that led in the device options options is not working and my battery falls a lot when I'm using network data or playing some game ... any idea about it? I apologize for my horrible english because I'm using google translator
Sent from my MotoA953 using xda premium
I think this topic is no longer needed most.
Please a moderator to review it.
Thank you.
What?? How can you say it? Endless7 created it yesterday and you say it's no more needed... What rights do you have to make that decisions? *facepalm*

[ROM][2.3.6] U8860 Modified Port

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any damage (including, but not limited to, loss of data, non-functional device etc.) which may occur to your device from following the directions (or from any failure to follow the directions) found on this post. Use (and flash) at your own risk.
Credits go to genokolar for actually porting the U8860 2.3.6 firmware to the U8800Pro. This builds upon his port.
You may find his port announcement here, and you can download it from here. Thanks to user Skyline111 for the mirror.
Thanks also go to birdyi, who ported the U8860 2.3.6 firmware to the U8860. His port contained some brilliant things such as CarrierIQ framework removal.
This is a 2.3.6 ROM for the U8800Pro based on the U8860 B866 ROM. 2.3.6, naturally, brings a slightly newer version of Gingerbread compared to our 2.3.5 with B540. While I know it's all about CM9 (ICS), MIUI and so on these days, I'm a fan of stock (in the Huawei sense of the term) Gingerbread.
Features (or limitations depending on what you think of some of the following entries) of this ROM:
Rooted (adb also runs as root, too)
(Huawei) DLNA
(Huawei) A task manager that shows open applications with pictures (launching it when pressing Home has disabled in this modification because I found the Recent menu saves more time)
(Huawei) Security Guard, a way of hiding text messages, I think
(Huawei) Traffic Manager – a data counter
(Huawei) Wi-Fi WPS support
(Genokolar) FPS unlocked by default (configurable in enhanced.conf)
(Genokolar) ZRAM (Compcache) enabled
(Genokolar) Changed the autorun.iso path to the image partition so that formatting /data from CWM does not leave you with an empty CD-ROM drive when you plug the phone into a computer
bugreports service turned off entirely so that pressing the volume up button quickly after you've pressed volume down does not leave you with a few seconds' delay and a bugreports folder on your memory card
BusyBox from CM7
Android’s toolbox (poor coreutils replacement; more barebones than BusyBox) has its full set of links installed in /system/bin, so you use Android’s native chmod etc. tools. Why? To match the stock B512 firmware and to ensure developers testing on the U8800Pro correctly hardcode “busybox” in their root programs if needed
Optional lazy CPUfreq governor
Default language and region changed from Chinese – China to English – United Kingdom
Added in boombuler’s AppWidgetPicker
CM7’s Pacman added in to remind you to install Google Apps after adding an account with the Setup Wizard (make sure GApps is installed!)
VoiceDialler.apk added in from B512 firmware (although, to be honest, the microphone quality on my phone is awful…)
Bash shell, fix_permissions script, iwmulticall, MMS.apk, tcpdump and gdbserver and additional ringtones etc. from CyanogenMod (20120107-cm-7.1.0-u8800pro-Geno-en.zip) added in
Phone model changed to Desire HD, so Gameloft games can be bought. This may cause licensing problems with bought Market applications so be careful. (Although, I must admit that giving money to a company that doesn't support our phone seems counter-intuitive.)
Shutdown vibration reduced from 500ms to 100ms because I hate it (especially at night) but understand its usefulness in determining the answer to the question “Has the phone gone off yet?”
Huawei’s god-awful Low Battery notification replaced with a nicer one from CyanogenMod
Widgets actually restore themselves after a reboot! This was fixed by me replacing 2.3.6's PackageManager service with Huawei's 2.3.5 one.
MyCalendar widget from birdyi's port and MyEmail from B512 added in
Fixed proximity sensor dying if the light sensor was on, too.
Stripped down enhanced.conf - only swappiness, VSync and ZRAM settings available. I don't like /system/log.txt being created every time my phone boots and I think using a tool in Android like, say, No-frills CPU Control is the better place to set the frequency. SetXperia has support for setting the phone's CPU voltage.
More languages selectable from the Setup Wizard than just English (US) and Chinese.
Flash Player removed for copyright reasons. You can install it from the Market
Notepad and Richpad removed
Droid Sans Fallback supports more character ranges
Toolbox correctly has "Wi-Fi" instead of "WLAN"
Misc. kernel modules, like in B512, included
But I like the BusyBox tools and want to use them without having to prefix BusyBox everytime!
Just run the bash shell; BusyBox versions of cat, chmod, chown, df, insmod, ln, lsmod, mkdir, mount, mv, rm, rmdir, rmmod, umount, sleep, kill, and ifconfig will become the default while you’re using the bash shell (also nicer, BTW: you get tab-completion, for one) thanks to the CyanogenMod team.
Attempts to remove Carrier IQ. Huawei *do* include Carrier IQ in their firmware.
I’ve done the following to attempt to remove it the best I can:
Edited boot.img to not start Carrier IQ services
Removed Carrier IQ libraries from /system/lib and CiQ binaries from /system/bin
Added lines to build.prop to disable CarrierIQ, taken from the framework.jar file itself.
birdyi has also modified framework.jar to stop the CarrierIQ objects from being instantiated.
Ideally the best way to be Huawei-free is to use CyanogenMod.
I've removed the Cloud+ apps because of this. I've left some Huawei apps in, but I strongly recommend you install PDroid (the patcher works fine with this ROM) and block the more concerning permissions of Huawei system apps.
Kernel changes
Since the kernel genokolar provided with his port had a problem when a program used the light and proximity sensor at the same time – the proximity sensor would die out until the next restart – I took it upon myself to rebuild the kernel available from his github repository with the config from his latest kernel. After comparing his kernel to the source Huawei put out, I could see no code changes that would cause the proximity sensor to die out. Since I was rebuilding the kernel, I thought I’d make a few changes:
Add in the Lazy CPU governor by Ezekeel
Update a patch by stockwell to disable keypad lights (echo 1 > /sys/module/leds_msm_pmic/parameters/disable_button_leds) - use ButtonLock to control
Reverse genokolar’s decision to always allow NV logging – this can be turned on and off from the service menu on a stock ROM anyway…
Set minimum backlight level to 15, from Franco’s kernel. Warning: I haven’t tried setting it to 15 so I don’t know if that value renders the display practically useless, and I don’t know if Android lets you set it to 15 from its settings!
Not as revolutionary as I'd like it to be, but useful nevertheless. I've written a quick widget, which looks like the Power Saving one, that turns off the button backlight. Useful for when you're reading books through FBReader.
You need to be using my kernel as it has the disable_button_leds patch. The advantage the disable_button_leds patch has over the chmod 444 method is that it doesn't introduce noticable lag. The widget's source is in the same folder.
When pressing the widget's button for the first time, there is a delay as the Superuser allow/deny dialog box takes its time to come up. After accepting, future launches are instantaneous.
If you need something that this ROM doesn’t provide compared to other stock ROMs, I recommend:
Not using it; or
Using a combination of diff, abootimg, Winmerge (or Beyond Compare) and apktool to compare this with genokolar’s original release, and with birdyi's ROM, and add what you want back in
Note: You must be running firmware version B522 on your device! If you have B540, you need to downgrade. If you have a firmware version lower than B522 (Froyo?), you must upgrade to B522 first. If you're already running a custom ROM, ignore this.
Take out the SIM card if you want the setup wizard to use Wi-Fi during setup.
Install genokolar’s recovery: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1343276
Place u8800pro-2.3.6-geno-v1-modified.zip on the internal memory card or an external one (I recommend the internal one to ensure you don’t run into U8800Pro CWM bugs with the external).
Get gapps for Gingerbread and place on your memory card. Find the link using every Android user’s favourite search engine.
I highly recommend using PDroid, but it’s up to you whether you want to use it. If you would like to use it, get the patcher from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1357056 and point it to u8800pro-2.3.6-geno-v1-modified.zip. Place the PDroid-v1.27-u8800pro-2.3.6-geno-v1-modified.zip file onto your memory card.
Boot into recovery (make sure that fast boot is turned off in Settings->Applications and hold power and volume up while turning the phone on)
Do a data/factory reset.
Install the ZIPs, starting with u8800pro-2.3.6-geno-v1-modified.zip (obviously).
Install the Google apps (those ones not included in CM's gapps ZIP like YouTube) if desired when prompted – but note that the Market will probably close as you’re doing this as it will automatically update itself.
ROM: http://www.mediafire.com/?k0g17z1kraw7b67
SHA512: 4988B123488B8B24732401420DE849E8D8E5632C075A4520F176AA1D64DA0ECF946FF4D4E6CEC4D257EE4C4C999200A93C2CB309FD7B5FE50234A1C5700DEB2D
Modified kernel source (I suck at Git - I really need to read that VCS by Example book I have ): http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?a0022t73q2v7r7d
ButtonLock source (Apache licensed, though I must admit I'm more of a GPL person...): attached.
genokolar's 5.0.27 recovery for the U8800Pro with the charging animations from https://github.com/Victor-android/android_device_huawei_u8800pro/tree/master/recovery/res/images:
Anyone tried it?
ill try it this evening I hope it fixes missed calls....
I have B512 official gingerbread, am I good to go?
Too times was a situation, when phone lost connection with wi-fi spot, he see the network, but can't connect. Help reboot.. else working so far without problems, testing..
turned off the wi-fi and got the main bug - does not work 3g/2g data transfer, hmm....
bobsido said:
with wi-fi spot, he see the network, but can't connect. Help reboot.. else working so far without problems, testing..
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Interesting. I've had no problems reconnecting to a network that uses WPA2-PSK and another that uses 802.11x authentication.
turned off the wi-fi and got the main bug - does not work 3g/2g data transfer, hmm....
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Are your APNs set correctly? In my case 2G works and I've had HSDPA working because when testing the Weather Clock widget (from B522, when I had it in) it would connect using it - I could see the icon in the status bar - and I had the pleasure of having my balance run down each time - I'm not a rich man
Edit: In build.prop, you can try playing with ro.config.hw_fast_dormancy=3 - genokolar had it set to 2, but I changed it back to 3 from the U8800Pro original ROM because I wouldn't be able to connect to my network otherwise.
Hopefully, it's not the case but it could be hardware differences. genokolar, who's work this is based on, being from China, probably has a Unicom U8800Pro, just like I do...
B512? This is for the U8800Pro. I'd advise you not to flash it. I'd recommend using birdyi's ROM. If you're after a certain improvement from this ROM, tell me and I'll try and isolate it for you (as long as it doesn't involve kernel stuff - I don't know how to build U8800 kernels) so that you can use with birdyi's ROM
I have u8800 pro - 100%
My ROM is original unrooted 2.3.5 B512 its one before the latest release which is B540
My ROM still has access to pink screen, otherwise its the same as B540 I guess
SO what should I do first to install this ROM? roll back to 2.2.2 or was it 2.2.3?
Ah, if you're running 2.3.5 already and in the pink screen mode you see a folder called image when connecting your phone to the computer you're ready to go
My compliments for the porting of Android 2.3.6 to U8800Pro!
I am using your rom since yesterday and still now I am not having any kind of problems.
Anyway I notice the same bug of the B512 and B540 roms: put your smartphone on screenoff, then wait about 1 minute and fastly unlock the screen and try to pinch to zoom on the home. Sometimes the multitouch doesn't work on every position of your fingers, it only works correctly if your fingers are in the position of principal axes.
Please try to reproduce this bug.
I am using LauncherPro but this bug is indipendent by the launcher (for example I tried also Zeam Launcher, Go Launcher EX, etc etc).
I hope you can solve this bug, maybe kernel-related.
kalo86 said:
My compliments for the porting of Android 2.3.6 to U8800Pro!
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The honor is genokolar's
I am using your rom since yesterday and still now I am not having any kind of problems.
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Thanks; it's nice to know that it's working OK on somebody else's device other than mine.
Anyway I notice the same bug of the B512 and B540 roms: put your smartphone on screenoff, then wait about 1 minute and fastly unlock the screen and try to pinch to zoom on the home. Sometimes the multitouch doesn't work on every position of your fingers, it only works correctly if your fingers are in the position of principal axes.
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Sorry for asking, but how do you pinch to zoom on the home screen? I'm using Go Launcher Ex and I know that that has the swipe up gesture but I can activate that with one finger, anyway.
In any case, have you applied the Synaptics touchscreen update? For me it has increased the touchscreen performance greatly. I had one problem that when after unlocking, the touchscreen wouldn't respond unless I turned the screen off and tried again. The update solved that.
If you want to try it, open the service menu (*#*#2846579#*#*), go to ProjectMenu->Upgrade->Touch screen version query and see if it says "synaptics". If so, put the original Huawei recovery.img back on and put the synaptics.img file in a folder called update on your SD card. Use the recovery's "touchscreen firmware update" update option and it will automatically reboot when it's done.
Best regards,
Oh, really thank you for this "news" about the synaptics touchscreen update!
I have a synaptics too, then I am going to update the firmware.
Another bug, still present in B512, B540, Cyanogen and U8860 port: unplug your battery from the smartphone, insert it again, power on, then open your file manager and try to read the sdcard content. At 99% my sdcard is not read, then I have to reboot my U8800Pro and magically the sdcard is read.
Thanks to You and Genokolar for our development!
UPDATE: I updated the synaptics touchpanel but I have always the bug of multitouch. It is reproducible when you unlock the screen after a pause of 1 minute (about), then you open the stock browser and try to zoom with the multitouch. It works only if your fingers are on the principal axes and not in other positions. I have this bug on 4 different U8800 Pro! It cannot be a singular problem.
So, I have tried a lot of roms, based on B512, B540, U8860, CyanogenMod 7.1, I am sure I will try this bug on the next release because it's mabe a kernel bug due to the multitouch field.
Video demonstration
This is a video which I just uploaded on YouTube with the real multitouch bug.
This bug is in 4 different U8800 Pro.
kalo86 said:
Another bug, still present in B512, B540, Cyanogen and U8860 port: unplug your battery from the smartphone, insert it again, power on, then open your file manager and try to read the sdcard content. At 99% my sdcard is not read, then I have to reboot my U8800Pro and magically the sdcard is read.
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I really can't reproduce this. I pulled out the battery while it was on, put it back in and started File manager (the one included with Huawei ROMs) and the internal SD card along with my external one were seen fine.
UPDATE: I updated the synaptics touchpanel but I have always the bug of multitouch. It is reproducible when you unlock the screen after a pause of 1 minute (about), then you open the stock browser and try to zoom with the multitouch. It works only if your fingers are on the principal axes and not in other positions. I have this bug on 4 different U8800 Pro! It cannot be a singular problem.
So, I have tried a lot of roms, based on B512, B540, U8860, CyanogenMod 7.1, I am sure I will try this bug on the next release because it's mabe a kernel bug due to the multitouch field.
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Thanks for the video! Unfortunately I don't know how this can be fixed - I'm not a developer! It was only yesterday I tried looking in the driver to see how I can enable more than two finger recognition but I'm not seeing it...
Best regards,
Sorry for disturbing you, but I have a question: do you have the same bug of the multitouch after the lock-screen?
This is a second video about the same problem:
qwerty12 said:
I really can't reproduce this. I pulled out the battery while it was on, put it back in and started File manager (the one included with Huawei ROMs) and the internal SD card along with my external one were seen fine.
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The same here with sd,full power off device, power on then sd card is not mounted and cpu load is almost 100%. after restart or reinserting sd, problem just dissapear. on every rom i tried. i flashed official V100R001C00B512G001Gb (2.3.5) and then tried CM7; u8800+v100r001c00b540g001gb-rooted_geno-v4.
Is FM Radio working in this ROM?
Yes, Radio is working fine
qwerty12 said:
Are your APNs set correctly?
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i fix APN settings and 3g/2g start work, thanks.. after reflashing wi-fi start work without problem. but after first reflash don`t work home button. they have response, but nothing happen. i secondary reflash phone, without wipe data/cash and home button start to work correct.. now tests are continuing
kalo86 said:
Sorry for disturbing you, but I have a question: do you have the same bug of the multitouch after the lock-screen?
This is a second video about the same problem:
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A little bit - after unlocking, I can do the multitouch gesture and phone will respond like it's supposed to but I have seen twice that it has not responded to me; I have to do it twice more...
Barracuda72 said:
Is FM Radio working in this ROM?
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Like kalo86 said, it is indeed
bobsido said:
i fix APN settings and 3g/2g start work, thanks.. after reflashing wi-fi start work without problem. but after first reflash don`t work home button. they have response, but nothing happen. i secondary reflash phone, without wipe data/cash and home button start to work correct.. now tests are continuing
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Please do let me know if you come across more problems
Zaic said:
Anyone tried it?
ill try it this evening I hope it fixes missed calls....
I have B512 official gingerbread, am I good to go?
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So, any missed calls?
If someone wants to help the Community to understand the sdcard mount bug, please have a look here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1483519
This is a poll, please vote!
Best regards,
Zyzas said:
So, any missed calls?
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Haven't had time to install this ROM yet.... but ill report as soon as I know

[ROM] Acer AV041 1.31.00 WW GEN1 w/ Root and Busybox [May 18, 2012]

Rom (Ice Cream Sandwich):
A Near stock image, modified for a clean root, busybox install
(MD5: 7e9fe5642b6e082fb4382288337d8dfa)​
The long overdue update to my previous Honeycomb rom
==~== Requirements ==~==
This rom requires the unlocked ICS bootloader, I also recommend my A500 Public Recovery, however all recoverys patched for the new bootloader ought to allow installation of the rom.
Bootloader install instructions are: here thanks to civato. Note for step 4 simply ensure my update zip above is either in on the device instead of the ones listed. Note instructions below before actually flashing the rom.
Additional information can be found at Skrilax_CZ's bootloader development thread here
And my A500 Public Recovery development thread here
==~== Installing ==~==
Once you have the new bootloader and ICS recovery installed (again preferably the A500 Public Recovery but any ought to work)
Cleaning your tablet:
If you are attempting to upgrade the tablet without wiping (and there is no need to wipe if you are currently running my acer7.014.14 rooted image
Select "cleanup tab" in the main menu of the A500 Public Recovery
(If you are using another recovery, select the options for a. Wipe Cache, b. Wipe Dalvik Cache, and c. Fix Permissions)
Install the rom:
Select "install zip from sdcard" and navigate to ezAcer_AV041_A500_1.31.00_WW_GEN1_RootBusybox_S.zip
Thats it
==~== Root ==~==
Applications are granted Superuser access from ChainsDD's Superuser.apk as usual (a request asking you will appear when an application requests root, and permissions granted before the upgrade may still be active post upgrade)
adb shell: ADB by default will not have root access here you have the following options:
> if you run 'adb root' all adb operations will have root until reboot (aka 'adb shell' and 'adb remount')
> If you have a non-root 'adb shell' you can switch to root with the 'su' command
> If you wish to restore the permanent adb root on boot add the following line to the build.prop 'service.adb.root=1' this will force the old behavior of root always via adb without using the 'adb root' command.
This change has been made as its a little more secure, (However obviously still lets anyone with access to the USB port access to all the tablets data)
==~== Features ==~==
This rom is intended for users that wish a nearly stock system configuration, however either need root and busybox, or enjoy conducting more advanced tasks at the command line and wish a smooth root experience.
In addition some other small mini-fixes have been applied to the image in hope of a smooth experience.
Here is a list of the features and changes in the rom
Modified ADB to allow adb root to operate without changing the production build properties
Kernel patched to allow system remount
Busybox built from CM9 source tree and integrated into the rom
runparts (ie /system/etc/init.d functionality)
GPS lto fix thanks to waydownsouth
FDUpdater (ie system update) removed to not be prompt for an update you can't install.. if you want it the original app is in the system folder of the update.zip, (FDUpdater.apk) its not odexed so install normally)
Kernel modules md4.ko sha512_generic.ko and cifs.ko added to the rom (md4/sha512 is loaded on boot via an init.d script, users of cifs need to check the "Load cifs module" option in CifsManager.
Added Superuser
DHCP Infinite Lease bugfix (why has google not fixed this) applied as a patch to the framework.odex
Rom is still odexed (and I re-odexed the one changed odex for the DHCP patch)
Developers wanting more details or the source to anything I changed can see this detailed modification guide: http://pastebin.com/ApUjMDJ7
Note to anyone wishing to make a modification to the rom they are flashing, everything in the system folder of the update.zip is unchanged from the original rom. (when flashed the system is patched and augmented via various files and tools in the custom directory, also the boot image is pre-patched)
==~== Extras and Addons ==~==
** Overclocked test kernel: See my ezT20 kernel here (previously OCTestV3 here
(kernel last updated June 18th 2012)
** Disk IO enhancement: significantly increase diskio scores, and make the table slightly more responsive when reading/writing to flash: On this post
(diskIO last updated June 5th 2012)
==~== Tips and Tricks ==~==
This section is where I try to explain how to get the most of your tablet, and solutions to common complaints due to changes between versions.
-----) Rom "Bloat" (------
First half of what people call rom bloat is not quite true, (there is such a thing, and problems related to it)
Our tablets have 590MB system partition, a 97MB vendor partition, a 1GB cache partition, and the rest of your tablets space in a data partition (mine is 27GB, but if you have a smaller tablet model it will be less) All roms will have currently the same split between the partitions.
Its only that last partition that contains your data, the system/vendor partitions are by default read only, and the cache partition is temporary data.
System apps are on the two read only partitions, thus removing them for the most part will not cause more data to be available to your apps. Also this is storage space so having more "free" will not speed up your device (well as long as we are not too close to full.. and this rom is not)
Most of these apps play nice, they don't run unless you select them thus you can ignore they are on your tablet and all will be just as fast as if they were never installed
There is however one *Problem* Applications pre-installed that run constantly in the background that you the user are not interested in.
Solution: Freezing apps
* Goto Settings-> Apps-> All
* For any of the following that you do not use:
> Photo Browser 3D
> SocialJogger
> Acer Media
Select the app,
Choose Disable
Clear Data
If you use the app, obviously keep it enabled, also you can return to this screen and re-enable the app.
-----) Screen flickering/brightness oddities (------
I have had some brightness issues initially, simple fix was to go into settings->display->brightness uncheck auto bightness, lower the meter, and re-check auto brightness
-----) Sluggish system (------
Make sure on first boot you give the system some time (2h/3h after upgrading or re-installing where there is a large collection of media on the tablet) before measuring speed, as the system may be still sorting/indexing tablet data and will speed up when done.
Also while apps are installing the system may behave slower (if you have many market updates happening in the background)
Otherwise check running processes in settings to see if anything may be slowing down your tablet in the background (Settings -> Apps -> Running)​
==~== Credits ==~==
civato - for his guide to installing the new bootloader and some testing of some of the tools I use to patch the rom up
waydownsouth - for the GPS patches (and work on CM9 for our tablets as it helped create some of the utilities in use here)
CyanogenMod and Team - For the idea of the root change, modifications to the bustybox build, and Koush's ClockworkMod recovery
vache - various insight all over XDA on how our device works (and leaks but this build is from the official OTA I recived)
Skrilax_CZ - for the unlocked bootlaoder, without which we couldn't run these roms
And the many others that provide development insight, source code, and examples here on XDA
2nd Post
reserved for future
Nice and congratulations with your release.
I will ad a link to this rom in the unlocked bootloader guide.
Overclocked kernel [May 23rd 2012]
(wow I think we can hear crickets in here..)
Anyway using the now released source code from acer, and richardtrip's OC patches from HC I now have an overclocked kernel.
As of V3 I also have the voltage controls patched up from richardtrip's kernel.
MD5: 6907e7585fedf534261cc8ebe23d824a
Instructions are simple: flash from recovery
Links to the github source and other information on the AcerOCTest kernels is in this related notecard
While I've only tested it on this rom, the installer is using koush's anykernel logic (or one of my own flavors of that logic anyway) and thus this ought to cleanly install on any rom based on the stock ICS kernel regardless of the tweaks the rom creator may have added.)
Also I've not had much time to test so let me know if there are issues
List of all versions:
V3 - AcerOCTestV3_S.zip (md5: 6907e7585fedf534261cc8ebe23d824a) May 23rd 2012
V2 - AcerOCTestV2_S.zip (md5: da01a90dda3916ec55ebb62bbb1164f1) May 22rd 2012
V1 - no public binary (caused reboots on tablet sleep)
Just tried the OC kernel on Civato's latest rom and it does work. Can't go over 1.2ghz without a reboot, but that extra bit of speed is nice.
Jigga0o7 said:
Just tried the OC kernel on Civato's latest rom and it does work. Can't go over 1.2ghz without a reboot, but that extra bit of speed is nice.
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what dosn't work? >1.2ghz or flashing it on Civato's rom
the rom ought to work, it extracts the current boot.img, swaps the zImage (leaves the ramdisk) and swaps the modules in /system/lib/modules.
as for the speed.. your device is intended for 1.0ghz any thing extra is a bonus.. the kernel thus boots at 1.0
edit: although I'll look into it some may be a new verification in the updated kernel. the tegra2 OC logic is much more complicated than the msm logic I'm used to on the HTC dream.. I'm more worried about reboot-on-wake bugs I had in earlier revisions
ezterry said:
what dosn't work? >1.2ghz or flashing it on Civato's rom
the rom ought to work, it extracts the current boot.img, swaps the zImage (leaves the ramdisk) and swaps the modules in /system/lib/modules.
as for the speed.. your device is intended for 1.0ghz any thing extra is a bonus.. the kernel thus boots at 1.0
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Oh I said that it does work and that the only thing is can't go over 1.2ghz. We've got a nice speed bump here, thanks for your hard work.
Jigga0o7 said:
Oh I said that it does work and that the only thing is can't go over 1.2ghz. We've got a nice speed bump here, thanks for your hard work.
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looking closer its a but..
So now I have two OC tests I've made.. the first one I didn't publish because while it could go > 1.2 it crashed when you put the tab to sleep. (at least when USB wasn't connected)
This one crashes when you go over 1.2.
maybe if a combine them I can get something that works...
Perhaps a slight voltage bump is needed to get beyond 1.2? In either case, 1.2ghz feels leaps and bounds faster than 1ghz using this rom. I'm starting to feel like we don't even need cyanogenmod 9 for the a500.
Jigga0o7 said:
Perhaps a slight voltage bump is needed to get beyond 1.2? In either case, 1.2ghz feels leaps and bounds faster than 1ghz using this rom. I'm starting to feel like we don't even need cyanogenmod 9 for the a500.
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No.. well maybe but you not getting that far.. its a kernel BUG condition, meaning some code found some invalid input and refused to process it, instead triggered a reboot.. looking at the diff of mycode and the code in the CM thread.. no logic is different so i'll need to poke min/max rail voltages. (still sorting out all the voltages and CPU speeds.. the dream had it all in one large table .. here it seems spread out in various places between two files..)
(I'll also try to include the voltage manipulation patches just making sure things are stable first thus 1.2ghz is a better testing speed for me than trying to Max my device)
As for CM..it seems to have many interesting features.. but at some point I'm not sure its direction matches my interests.. (maybe its just become too much of a kitchen sink i don't know, that or too much now in aosp) I'm sure to look at it but probably start an aosp build with cherrypicked features I like.. until then this tweaked ics rom will need to do.
Fyi I haven't had a single issue on your kernel.
Been waiting on this! Thanks ezterry.
Jigga0o7 said:
Fyi I haven't had a single issue on your kernel.
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Well next version will have voltage controls and working higher overclock speeds
(just ironing out some minor issues with the voltage control)
Some side info and feedback I get from some users that are on ICS bootloader and still getting SoD
I made a boot.img with in the "boot.img-ramdisk" / postboot.sh = I deleted the following line
"echo 7> /sys/module/wakelock/parameters/debug_mask" and it solves the SoD problem some still have when they are on ICS bootloader.
Just had a other pm today confirming it worked.
And I'm testing your modules and OC zImage with this modded in the boot.img-ramdisk (and my other tweaks) and I don't get any SoD , screen off , back on no problem.
Also confirming 1200 is max , over that it will reboot.
very nice kernel, I flashed the 'civato' version to avoid SOD ...
Works nicely in 1.2 Ghz...
Btw, the old "No-Frills CPU control" apk doesn't apply the upper 1.2 Ghz frequency at Boot as asked.
Do you know another tool working to apply OC at boot?
(I'm using Civato's last version of flexreaper ROM)
>>>>> I have found a solution: I now use System Tuner PRO with its OC setting and it works <<<<<
civato said:
Some side info and feedback I get from some users that are on ICS bootloader and still getting SoD
I made a boot.img with in the "boot.img-ramdisk" / postboot.sh = I deleted the following line
"echo 7> /sys/module/wakelock/parameters/debug_mask" and it solves the SoD problem some still have when they are on ICS bootloader.
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.. I think this solution has nothing to do with the debug variable and everything to do with *forcing* the user to install a ICS kernel and stop messing around with the HC kernel they had earlier. (since you are installing a new boot.img)
So says the code anyway. If you want to prove it wrong after the crash + quick reboot get your users to dump the last_kmsg and output of dmesg so we can actually debug what is going on.. well unless its just the wrong kernel
But if the "obecalp" works to get some your users to install the right thing and so they fix there own problem.. so be it.
I have to inform users of my rom its no longer my rom if they install one of your (or anyone else's) full boot images and not to complain of any resulting bugs here.. If anyone with this rom has a SoD (none reported yet.. but I block installation on the old HC bootloader) let us know if you have such an issue. (just want to add if the full boot image was modified from the one in this rom, and intended for users of this rom that isn't an issue.. the issue is when its for another rom)
Its a bit different when you flash my update on another rom, since I only swap the kernel and leave the ramdisk as is, (by unpacking and repacking the boot.img) the rom designers changes stay intact.. well unless they had a kernel module that I've not included.. but even then we will need to re-build that module)
and you can test this after boot enter terminal and run echo '3> /sys/module/wakelock/parameters/debug_mask' that is the default.
(If it is disabled it just won't print the list of wakelocks to the kernel log on suspend..)
ezterry said:
MD5: 6907e7585fedf534261cc8ebe23d824a
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Hopefully fixed the max speed bug, and added in the voltage controls.
Not much else yet has changed. but seems stable.
Its the same anykernel package as last time so it should cleanly swap the kernel (leaving the previous ram disk) for any ICS stock kernel based rom.
(Is there one app out there that actually knows how to successfully set *both* cores frequency and set voltage on boot, without giving the world access to the /sys files [so a malicious app cant overclock+fry the device or under clock it so it feels painfully slow]... soon I'll just write an init.d script for myself to echo the values directly into the kernel settings /rant)
I use setcpu.
civato said:
I use setcpu.
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I don't like that he (and has always) granted global write permissions to the /sys/ files controlling the CPU/Voltage settings .. and it was acting flaky on voltage settings on boot.
Voltage Control looked good until a verification in /sys indicated if left the second CPU core at 1GHz
Now poking system tuner/system tuner pro.. many interesting features. Not sure they quite understand use root to write the value.. or set the file to your own ownership..
you can check these yourself manually at the command line/adb shell:
CPU0: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq
CPU1: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq
current status of the voltages is in the readonly: frequency_voltage_table
list readonly of available frequencies is: scaling_available_frequencies
list readonly of available governors: scaling_available_governors
the current min frequency: scaling_min_freq
the current max frequenct: scaling_max_freq
the current cpu governor: scaling_governor
the current undervolt levels (negative values are over volting): UV_mV_table
UV_mV_table is in the same order as frequency_voltage_table, and if written to with the same number of values will update the voltage levels.
I got a question , why :
sha512_generic.ko = what does this do ?
modules.order = why does it need to know the order ?

[ROM] LegacyHuawei CyanogenMod 12.1

If you have any bugs to report, open new issue at https://github.com/LegacyHuawei/local_manifests/issues
Do not enable KSM, as video encoder/decoder stops working.
Charge current - allows you to set custom charging current. While this actually limits the current input, it effectively decreases or increases the available current transferred to the battery. This is useful in multiple ways:
Slower, but more effective charging. Your battery will last longer.
Faster charging when connected to USB. For example, USB charging is limited to 500mA, but newer PCs allow drawing up to 800mA or even more. This can be configured via the setting.
Manual override of non-standard charger allowing to draw more than 500mA.
Magnetic sensor calibration - lets you delete previous calibration information. This is useful to recalibrate the compass (when it's inaccurate). Just tap the item & then open any compass up to recalibrate your sensor.
If the phone reboots unexpectedly, crash log is found at /data/dontpanic .
To report bugs, use this app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tortel.syslog
Thank you great work blefish @Blefish zip seems corrupted really size is 75 mb ?
HoScHaKaL said:
Thank you great work blefish @Blefish zip seems corrupted really size is 75 mb ?
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Oh indeed it is. Let me reupload
Hello there. Its so nice to see lollipop coming to this device, first than my new moto g. I have appreciated all of your work in the past, but now that my phone died i bought a motorola. Best regards from a ubber fan of your work. Happy new year Blefish
Sent from my XT1068 using XDA Free mobile app
Reuploaded. Should be good now.
If you have any issues please let me know.
Great work! Waiting for U8860!
Happy new year!
thank you!!!
thank you!!!! I'm downloading now.
I'm glad hear yor still working for u8800
Bugs (in the latest version)
* Atmel TS may not recognize finger release at all times (need to be confirmed).
* Sometimes Wi-Fi has high power usage (need to be confirmed).
* Synaptics TS sometimes fails to return from suspend (reboot to fix as a workaround).
will these bugs be fixed in the coming cm12 ?
johnnysancs said:
Bugs (in the latest version)
* Atmel TS may not recognize finger release at all times (need to be confirmed).
* Sometimes Wi-Fi has high power usage (need to be confirmed).
* Synaptics TS sometimes fails to return from suspend (reboot to fix as a workaround).
will these bugs be fixed in the coming cm12 ?
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Check the first post. I can possibly do a workaround for Wi-Fi to make it reload itself if the crash happens.
I do not believe it. You are crazy man Thank you so much for the effort you give. You are number one.
Blefish said:
Check the first post. I can possibly do a workaround for Wi-Fi to make it reload itself if the crash happens.
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I have just install the new cm12,it feels good!?
johnnysancs said:
I have just install the new cm12,it feels good!?
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but the new recovery can't install 4.4 ...I have to use the old recovery to back to 4.4
Blefish said:
404020 baseband installed (this is normally installed when upgrading to 2.3)
LVM installed
SELinux enabled recovery (TWRP recommended)
Download the latest version below
Save the ZIP to SD card & reboot to recovery
If coming from a different ROM, do factory reset
Install the ZIP
Optional: Install Google Apps
Reboot (first boot takes quite some time since ART is default now)
Bugs (in the latest version)
Sometimes Wi-Fi firmware crashes, causing high battery drain.
HuaweiSettings app is not finished, BT and magnetic sensor options do not work.
720P video recording is corruped (green recording). Some other camera apps do not have this problem.
When turning Wi-Fi tethering off, phone hard reboots.
TV out is not implemented.
31.12.2014 (These changes have been made upon the latest cm-11.0 version)
Updated codebase to cm-12.0
Wi-Fi: Added preallocation support, Wi-Fi driver is no longer aggressively allocating its memory
Wi-Fi: Updated code from prima wlan
Minor charger changes
Added support to disable charging when connected to USB for example
ext4 library fixes
Added support for f2fs in kernel side
zram updates
Increased SF heap a couple of MB
Make HWProps return invalid value on zero MAC cases. This should fix MAC address as 0 on those devices (using default MAC)
Many other smaller kernel side fixes
Removed custom RIL class, replaced everything in custom RIL library
Added r_submix and usb audio libraries (not effective currently, not tested)
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blefish ausome work....Happy new year...
i tried the rom but i am getting error while installing....
i have uploaded the error file...if u can check it pls....
johnnysancs said:
but the new recovery can't install 4.4 ...I have to use the old recovery to back to 4.4
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Yes, that's how it currently is. I can possibly make it support standard partition table too (without LVM), so maybe soon you don't have to install it.
crackandroid said:
blefish ausome work....Happy new year...
i tried the rom but i am getting error while installing....
i have uploaded the error file...if u can check it pls....
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Make sure you installed LVM previously.
thanks..blefish ............
i installed LVM and then rom...successful.
the rom is ausome. will test and give the details..
Thank you for your hard work.
But how can I make a screenshot? And Theme engine is gone in CM12?
season 8 said:
Thank you for your hard work.
But how can I make a screenshot? And Theme engine is gone in CM12?
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Volume down + power should do it.
CM12 is still in early development, so much of the cm features are missing. Performance menu was added only a couple days ago.
Thanks for your excelent work.
The only drawback from CM 11.0 is the lack of Xposed Framwork (its very usefull to grenify apps and still get notifications)
Keep the good work blefish

[Kernel+][Exynos] Kali NetHunter for the Galaxy Note 7

WARNING: When using custom kernels on the Note 7, never turn off developer options or OEM unlock. If you do, you will lose all your data and have to flash a full stock firmware restore to use your device again!
This is Kali NetHunter 3.15.2 for the Galaxy Note 7.
If you don't know what Kali NetHunter is, well, it's the entire Kali Linux operating system in a chroot on your phone, plus a bunch of awesome apps for executing exploits, fixing things, doing cool things. It goes on, I suppose.
I'm gonna be honest guys, I'm not a security person. When it comes to security, I'm more of a Paul Blart.
What I do know though, is that there is apt-get, and apt-get is life.
Find much more information here: https://github.com/offensive-security/kali-nethunter/wiki
The answer to all your questions, generally the answer is YES, IT CAN DO THAT.
Most ROMs should be supported, as our installer uses a dynamic patching method on your current boot image!
The NetHunter installer zip will add a few files to your /system partition, and install all of the NetHunter apps to your /data partition.
The chroot is located in /data/local/nhsystem, so you don't have to worry about your system partition being full. It's full read/write capable.
Understand that the zip will replace your current kernel with a completely different one.
This is necessary because most stock or custom kernels don't provide the drivers needed to operate most of Kali NetHunter's features.
NetHunter also includes its own Busybox that gives you full large file support and some extra applets.
It will not overwrite your current one, and will happily install alongside it as busybox_nh.
Current version: 3.15.2 (stable, 2016-11-04)
Please be careful to download the right version based on this table:
SM-N930F, SM-N930FD, SM-N930X: kernel-nethunter-gracelte-*
SM-N930K, SM-N930L, SM-N930S: kernel-nethunter-graceltekor-*
All others be sad.
For the apps, chroot, and everything other than just the kernel, you will also need to download:
See installation instructions before proceeding!
Downloads are available at: http://build.nethunter.com/nightly/
IMPORTANT: Kali NetHunter requires write access to your data partition!
This means that if your data partition is encrypted, you will need to use the [Format Data] button in TWRP to remove encryption.
This will delete all your data, including internal storage.
You should back everything up first before installing Kali NetHunter.
Samsung Smart Switch Mobile can be useful for this, and allows you to back up your apps to a location on an external SDcard.
Unfortunately it doesn't back up most app data.
The Kali chroot and apps are installed on your data partition (in /data/local/nhsystem for chroot). To initialize the chroot and install Kali Linux, you need to start the Kali NetHunter app.
The generic NetHunter installer will automatically install SuperSU. We try to keep it up to date, but it isn't always.
If you already have SuperSU or another root method installed, please simply delete the supersu.zip from the root of the zip file before installing it.
It's recommended that you restore or flash your ROM's original kernel before installing NetHunter.
Install Team Win Recovery Project to your recovery partition.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Recommended: If you have a custom kernel or SuperSU installed, restore your stock kernel. (called Boot in TWRP)
This isn't entirely necessary, but you may need to flash the NetHunter kernel again if SuperSU replaces it.
If your data partition doesn't mount in TWRP:
Go to [Wipe] -> [Format Data] (not advanced wipe) -> type "yes".
WARNING: This will wipe your internal storage, disable encryption, and factory reset your phone!
Once your data partition is formatted, go to [Reboot] -> [Recovery].
Download the kernel-nethunter zip specific to your device.
Without exiting TWRP, transfer the NetHunter kernel installer zip to your device over MTP* and flash it using [Install] in TWRP.
If you wiped your data partition in step 2:
Go to [Reboot] -> [System].
Set up your phone by following the Android setup wizard.
Once it's set up, reboot back into recovery.
For new installations: Download the nethunter-generic-arm64-kalifs zip.
For upgrades: Download the update-nethunter-generic-arm64 zip.
Without exiting TWRP, transfer the NetHunter generic arm64 installer zip to your device over MTP* and flash it using [Install] in TWRP.
Go to [Reboot] -> [System].
Wait 2-5 minutes for your device to finish setting itself up.
Open the NetHunter app to initialize the environment
You're done!
* MTP, known as Media Transfer Protocol, is the same way you transfer files from your PC to your device when booted into system.
Follow the installation steps above. NetHunter can be installed over itself as many times as you'd like.
If you don't want to lose your chroot, flash the smaller update-nethunter-generic-arm64 zip instead.
The NetHunter kernel for the Galaxy Note 7 is based on Samsung's OSRC N930SKSU2BPID kernel sources.
It has the following changes:
Carefully updated to Linux 3.18.44 (with dirtycow vulnerability patched)
SELinux permissive
F2FS updated to Jaeguek Kim's latest kernel.org f2fs-stable sources
F2FS formatted data partition support
Enabled USB (OTG) Atheros, Ralink, and Realtek WiFi drivers
FIOPS IO scheduler as default IO scheduler, SIO available
USB HID Gadget keyboard & mouse support
mac80211 packet injection support
DriveDroid compatibility
Additional drivers built in for the full Kali NetHunter experience
Data partition encryption disabled (not supported by custom kernels at the moment)
Kernel module support, insert your own modules!
CIFS, NFS available through included kernel modules
In order for me to help you, you have to at minimum reply with:
The link to the exact zip you downloaded
Your device model
The name of the ROM you're flashing it on
The version and build date of the ROM you're flashing it on
A complete description of your problem
If your issue is with a specific app, it might be better to contact the developer of that app.
For Kali NetHunter bugs/issues, you can open a ticket at: https://github.com/offensive-security/kali-nethunter/issues
If your issue is during the installation (ex. flashing the NetHunter zip), then please collect a TWRP recovery.log for me.
If you found a problem and were able to fix it, and no one's mentioned it in the thread already, it would be kind to state the issue and your fix for others to make use of as well.
You can join me and the other NetHunter developers on IRC at the #nethunter room on freenode to more handily diagnose problems together.
I apologize, but I can't do house calls at this time.
USB Keyboard - The keyboard is unusable when using Google Keyboard as your input method. Switch to Hacker's Keyboard.
Reboot after 60 seconds - Sometimes when you boot your device it could reboot after 60 seconds because of a Samsung secure service not responding. Unresolved, but rare, and only happens within 60 seconds of a boot.
You can see the main branch of NetHunter's development on the Offensive Security GitHub: https://github.com/offensive-security/kali-nethunter
Note 7 NetHunter kernel source: https://github.com/jcadduono/android_kernel_samsung_universal8890/tree/nethunter-6.0
I am not affiliated with Offensive Security. They seem like cool guys though.
I'm not even a novice when it comes to security and penetration. I'm just a simple system administrator with a passion for breaking Android.
Please restrain yourselves from asking me security related questions.
XDA:DevDB Information
Kali NetHunter for the Galaxy Note 7, Kernel for the Samsung Galaxy Note 7
jcadduono, The Kali NetHunter team
Source Code: https://github.com/offensive-security/kali-nethunter
Kernel Special Features:
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 3.15.2
Stable Release Date: 2016-11-04
Created 2016-09-28
Last Updated 2016-11-04
I'd like to use this second post here specifically to thank @Tkkg1994 for his work in finding out how to get custom kernels on the Note 7 to boot.
I've created a thread to guide new users and developers into Note 7 kernel development so that we can bring on the surge of custom development that XDA should be known for.
See: Looking to create your own custom kernel? Start here!
You'll even learn how to build and install the Kali NetHunter kernel yourself!
jcadduono said:
I'd like to use this second post here specifically to thank @Tkkg1994 for his work in finding out how to get custom kernels on the Note 7 to boot.
I'll be creating a thread soon to guide new users and developers into Note 7 kernel development so that we can bring on the surge of custom development that XDA should be known for.
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well, i couldn't withstand from post this. its unrelated to this thread anyway but Thanks as always. Even the n7 is a new phone, am afraid more and more people will abandon the n7 community due to all the issue.
and than here you guys keep the community strong. could say more. massive respect.
Thank you very much good work
Sent from my SM-N930F using Tapatalk
Hey guys, I just updated to BPI9 now which has the September security patch, the 60% battery charge limit, and a constant popup notification telling you to swap your device for a new one.
Well guess what? Unintended side effect!
The popups are gone and it's charging past 60% lol.
SIr u are a legend...this is world of possibilites... thank you
Can this be flashed over any custom kernel or needs wipes and all??
umijani010 said:
SIr u are a legend...this is world of possibilites... thank you
Can this be flashed over any custom kernel or needs wipes and all??
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It should be flashable over most custom kernels, and it will keep whatever configurations the previous kernel made to the ramdisk and system. If you have set a feature to a value that the NetHunter kernel does not support, the kernel should be smart enough to ignore it and use default for that.
In some cases you might run out of space on the boot image, but the installer will let you know and not flash it. In such a case you'll want to flash the stock kernel before flashing NetHunter again.
You should never need to wipe anything unless your data partition is encrypted.
jcadduono said:
Hey guys, I just updated to BPI9 now which has the September security patch, the 60% battery charge limit, and a constant popup notification telling you to swap your device for a new one.
Well guess what? Unintended side effect!
The popups are gone and it's charging past 60% lol.
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Is it possible to create grern battery flash zip?
umijani010 said:
Is it possible to create grern battery flash zip?
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While it is certainly possible trick the OS into thinking it has a safe battery, that's something I will never do. Sorry. Please exchange your Note 7 as soon as possible.
jcadduono said:
While it is certainly possible trick the OS into thinking it has a safe battery, that's something I will never do. Sorry. Please exchange your Note 7 as soon as possible.
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See here is the thing .. i did exchange na have a new one and i can prove that if u want... but luckily i did get bpha and during start up i never turned on Wi-Fi so it didnt update. Reason being most of roms here are based on ph7 bootloader... but dur to travel i needed that
---------- Post added at 04:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:54 PM ----------
jcadduono said:
While it is certainly possible trick the OS into thinking it has a safe battery, that's something I will never do. Sorry. Please exchange your Note 7 as soon as possible.
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So basically i dont want to trick it... just to make it green
What's advantages to this kernel please
Is it better than the other custom kernel for battery and performance?
Sent from my SM-N930F using XDA-Developers mobile app
umijani010 said:
So basically i dont want to trick it... just to make it green
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It looks like the BPI7 kernel sources are out now so I can merge in the battery check patch, assuming it's in the kernel (it really should be...)
ChimpNippl3s said:
What's advantages to this kernel please
Is it better than the other custom kernel for battery and performance?
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Read the first post. Everything about the kernel is stated there, it's meant to be used with Kali NetHunter but you can use it standalone if you like. If you're not using it with Kali NetHunter then it serves little purpose other than to completely remove Knox and a very slight performance & battery boost over the stock kernel. (because its code isn't constantly being audited by TIMA/RKP)
It should be no slower and no faster than any other custom kernel, unless people start adding modifications to reduce or increase cpu clocks at the risk of loss of stability.
For the most part, battery differences between kernels are...not noticeable at all. If you notice a difference, it's probably because you've optimized your phone's idle state by rebooting and/or clearing running apps from memory after installing it.
Update: Whoa, I looked through BPI7 battery driver changes, it appears that they also added Qualcomm QuickCharge 3.0 support lol!
jcadduono said:
It looks like the BPI7 kernel sources are out now so I can merge in the battery check patch, assuming it's in the kernel (it really should be...)
Read the first post. Everything about the kernel is stated there, it's meant to be used with Kali NetHunter but you can use it standalone if you like. If you're not using it with Kali NetHunter then it serves little purpose other than to completely remove Knox and a very slight performance & battery boost over the stock kernel. (because its code isn't constantly being audited by TIMA/RKP)
It should be no slower and no faster than any other custom kernel, unless people start adding modifications to reduce or increase cpu clocks at the risk of loss of stability.
For the most part, battery differences between kernels are...not noticeable at all. If you notice a difference, it's probably because you've optimized your phone's idle state by rebooting and/or clearing running apps from memory after installing it.
Update: Whoa, I looked through BPI7 battery driver changes, it appears that they also added Qualcomm QuickCharge 3.0 support lol!
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Cool ..thanks .. so the updated kernel can work with ph7 bootloader right? ...
QC 3 0 is not supported by Exynos is it?
umijani010 said:
Cool ..thanks .. so the updated kernel can work with ph7 bootloader right? ...
QC 3 0 is not supported by Exynos is it?
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It should work just fine.
I'm not sure now, this is the Exynos kernel source. They added 12V input acceptance to the drivers, previously it was only 9V. They might have only labeled it as QC30 because it wasn't working properly before on QC3.0 chargers. I don't see QC3.0's dynamic voltage code in there, only the option to go between 5V 9V and 12V, so I guess it's mostly just faster charging support added that should work with QC2.0?
CSID shows my SDI battery only rated for 9V so I can't seem to get it to charge at 12V, it makes me wonder if these new replacement phones are rated for 12V and the reason people are saying they get hot is because...it's charging at 12V?
Okay it seems to be stable for me... Samsung has added a toggle to enable up to 80% battery in charging settings menu under device maintenance 3dot menu, so I don't think I'll be doing any trickery here as I agree with their decision to limit the battery to 80% and I don't want to put others at risk. I'll be updating it ASAP.
Can you please let me know if https://idlekernel.com/nethunter/gracelte/kernel-flasher-gracelte-1.0-20161001-1346.zip enables the green battery for you?
Update: New builds up, rebased to BPI7 and enabled green battery (on good battery) / 60% soft limit (on bad batteries)
Haven't run into the 60 second reboot on the new build, but maybe I've just been lucky.
Whoever rated the thread 1 star, you're a jerk.
jcadduono said:
Whoever rated the thread 1 star, you're a jerk.
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And this is not related to your work, same happened to all the active thread of N7 development lol ! Keep up !
jcadduono said:
It should work just fine.
Okay it seems to be stable for me... Samsung has added a toggle to enable up to 80% battery in charging settings menu under device maintenance 3dot menu, so I don't think I'll be doing any trickery here as I agree with their decision to limit the battery to 80% and I don't want to put others at risk. I'll be updating it ASAP.
Can you please let me know if https://idlekernel.com/nethunter/gracelte/kernel-flasher-gracelte-1.0-20161001-1346.zip enables the green battery for you?
Update: New builds up, rebased to BPI7 and enabled green battery (on good battery) / 60% soft limit (on bad batteries)
Haven't run into the 60 second reboot on the new build, but maybe I've just been lucky.
Whoever rated the thread 1 star, you're a jerk.
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The kernel installed but the green battery did not show up....?
umijani010 said:
The kernel installed but the green battery did not show up....?
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Settings -> About device -> Software info -> Build number (what is it?)
You have to be on BPI7 or newer for the green battery feature to exist in your ROM framework!
jcadduono said:
Settings -> About device -> Software info -> Build number (what is it?)
You have to be on BPI7 or newer for the green battery feature to exist in your ROM framework!
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Oh .. still running bph7.. so if there is flashable zip that may patch in rom framework that would be great.. ?
ANyway past that .. mine is replacement .. what can u use to check if it is 12V? or QC3.0
jcadduono said:
It looks like the BPI7 kernel sources are out now so I can merge in the battery check patch, assuming it's in the kernel (it really should be...)
Read the first post. Everything about the kernel is stated there, it's meant to be used with Kali NetHunter but you can use it standalone if you like. If you're not using it with Kali NetHunter then it serves little purpose other than to completely remove Knox and a very slight performance & battery boost over the stock kernel. (because its code isn't constantly being audited by TIMA/RKP)
It should be no slower and no faster than any other custom kernel, unless people start adding modifications to reduce or increase cpu clocks at the risk of loss of stability.
For the most part, battery differences between kernels are...not noticeable at all. If you notice a difference, it's probably because you've optimized your phone's idle state by rebooting and/or clearing running apps from memory after installing it.
Update: Whoa, I looked through BPI7 battery driver changes, it appears that they also added Qualcomm QuickCharge 3.0 support lol!
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I think if a custom kernel can UV CPU/GPU, battery performance will be better. Phone also have lower temp - an important and sensitive thing now.
I can confirm this based on what I did on my ex-Note5, S6, Note4 ...
Sent from my SM-N930F using Tapatalk
Updated to BPID sources & Linux 3.18.43 as of last night. I'll be maintaining this until I have to send my device back, I suppose.

