RMA Mess - Eee Pad Transformer General

Just a story here, I RMAed my TF about a week and a half ago for like 8 dead pixels (just bought it at the end of August) and just got it back today. Went to go nvflash it so I could have root back, etc etc., and when it booted up (came back at 91%) I noticed it wasn't charging. I tried flashing a custom kernel, still not charging. Thought that was weird, so tried nvflashing again, except nvflashing wouldn't work. Thing was, the nvflash had had some trouble the first time, because I was doing it on my husband's computer (mine like, exploded yesterday, some ArchLinux update did NOT like me) and it kept saying "could not connect to any USB devices." I didn't think much of it when it finally worked because he said his had done that before, but in retrospect, must have been related to the charging problem.
Anyway, at this point I was pretty crabby, because I don't really understand how I RMAed my perfectly functioning TF (with slightly defective screen) and I now have a completely non-functioning TF with a perfect screen. (I guess they fixed the problem?) WTF were they even messing with the USB port for anyway? Anyway, I never was able to nvflash it back to stock, except I did manage to get it to work finally by holding the USB cable at its base next to the TF carefully (and before anyone says it's the cable, tried several, it is not) but then it interrupted halfway through and would not restart, and I'm pretty sure the tablet is a brick. Could someone correct me if I'm wrong - is there a way to restart the nvflash process if it has been interrupted partway through?
Either way, just thought I'd share this nightmare. I'm still pretty irritated with Asus, which is saying something, because I've always been kind of an Asus fangirl.

you did not mention if is still not charging . If so could be the small switch inside. Search for not charging as there are several threads on opening TF and finding switch. If bat gets too low can effect flashing.

The battery was at about 88% when I flashed - now the TF won't do anything at all, including start the nvflash process over again. Terminal just throws an error and says something about not being able to restart because end point was not reached. (Not by the computer) I'm pretty sure it had nothing to do with having enough charge, it just won't connect properly.
Like I said though, doesn't matter much now, because the TF won't do anything. Won't go into APX mode or boot. I assume this is because the nvflash process interrupted halfway through. It won't let me restart it - get the error I mentioned. I assume I'm screwed, but was wondering if anyone knew a way to get it going again. I thought it was pretty impossible to brick a TF (like a Droid X) but I've never seen an nvflash (or an SBF) interrupted halfway through.
Edit: and yeah I have no idea if it'd charge like this or not, but somehow I doubt it Firmware = poof.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

do you know which RMA facility it was shipped too? ive heard horror stories about the texas facility. just curious oh and i hope you get it fixed

I have a ASUS G73 notebook that I had to RMA like a year ago for screen problems. It went to some place in Indiana. When I got it back it had an LCD with a deep gouge in it as if someone had taken a knife to it. So yeah who knows what the deal is with the companies ASUS outsources repair to.

Was indeed Texas. Gave them a call and the guy was like "Derp we think something might be wrong with the battery" and had me try turning it on, blah blah. Am shipping it back tomorrow. I don't feel particularly bad, since it wasn't my screwup, and it's not like I was a dumbass and was like I WILL FLASH AT 3% BATTERY LOLZ. There's clearly something messed up somehow with the connectors.
Anyway, I hope that it gets resolved soon. Being without it really sucks for school. I'm sure its just going to get there and they're not going to be able to turn it on either, no matter what they try. Makes me wish I would have just stuck with the dead pixels though, because I suppose if they do replace it, I'll end up with a B9O. :/
Edit: Thanks for commiserating with me anyway, guys - helps me feel a little better!
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

My coworker and I both had to RMA the dock to the TX facility and both docks came back with problems. I sent it back there yet another time but his was sent to CA. The turnaround time was amazing but the quality... not so much. It's on its way back to me though and tomorrow I'll know what they did this time.
uploder said:
do you know which RMA facility it was shipped too? ive heard horror stories about the texas facility. just curious oh and i hope you get it fixed
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Evo refuses to turn on AT ALL

This has happened once before, but just for a small amount of time to to the heat (I believe). The phone has been off for over and hour and refuses to turn on whether I hold down the volume button, don't hold down the volume button, or push the battery in at the exact time as I'm doing the other one or two. The splash screen flashed for half a second and immediately went back off when I plugged my evo charger, the usb part, into my portable ipod charger, so I believe this means there is still help available! Last time this happened, which was months ago, it seemed as if it just needed to cool down a bit, and my reading on the internet confirmed that the phones shut off when their batteries reach too high of temperatures. So what I did was wrap the phone and the battery, separately, in a large wash cloth and let them sit it the fridge for a little while. No luck, I'm running out of ideas (and I realize a ziplock bag may have been better but who cares). A few days ago I installed cm7gginggerbread7 (wimax) over cm7gingerbread2, but have not had any issues up until now and everything has run perfectly as well as smoothly. Is there any way I can turn my brick into a phone? Perhaps there's a way to adb something even though the phone wont boot (im a noob). I'm just pissed cuz I finally got every little thing exactly the way I wanted it, and now I'm stuck with a paperweight :/ I thank you for all your help, brave knights
It just suddenly shut off and won't turn back on?
And you weren't messing with anything?
If so, sounds like it's a hardware or battery issue.
Can you try a different battery?
Does the charging light come on when you plug it in? It could be a dead battery, and if the charging port is broke, it wont charge.
Otherwise, it seems like a hardware issue. I would take it to sprint, and they should be able to replace it for you.
sitlet said:
Does the charging light come on when you plug it in? It could be a dead battery, and if the charging port is broke, it wont charge.
Otherwise, it seems like a hardware issue. I would take it to sprint, and they should be able to replace it for you.
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But it has teh rootz!!!!!!!!!
Smash that mofo with a hammer and call Asurion!!!!!!
matt2053 said:
But it has teh rootz!!!!!!!!!
Smash that mofo with a hammer and call Asurion!!!!!!
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If they can't get it to power on then it really doesn't matter if it's rooted or not because they won't be able to find out.
Well I was messin with it a couple days ago, flashed gginggerbread6 w/ wimax over gginggerbread2 after wiping cache and dalvik and of course making a nandroid. I was thinking of smashing it but I've gotten everything they way I want it for the thousandth time. I'm also reluctant to do it because this issue has resolved itself in the past, albeit a tad quicker. For christ's sake, it even fixed itself for half a second this time, just enough to show me the splash screen lol. I'm very gentle with my evo and have never had any problems that weren't easily resolved with a little bit of work. I guess I could smash it until it works, and then if it ends up breaking then I win either way, but I'd really like to get my darling fixed. I know it's nothing compared to the cyanogenmod team, but I've flashed and flashed (almost always to cyanogenmod, what can I say it's perfect) and I have FINALLY got everything set up the way I wanted it, which includes manually going through and changing all the icons to custom pngs lol.
I guess I just don't understand why this would happen all of a sudden like this, I've onlu had it for three or four months, htc can't make that shotty of work can they? The other thing is I have a battery widget so as to make sure my battery does not get to hot, as well as having a setting in setcpu which stops overheating if it should ever occur. I really have a feeling it's something which can be fixed just because it has been magically fixed in the past and it was "fixed" for half a second today. Is there any way to adb into recovery even though the screen is black? Any suggestions help, I have important calls coming in as well as rather important calls to (hopefully) future employers. Of course I also don't want people to think that I am ignoring them, which isn't quite as bad but I still try to be as rude as possible :/
So...any ideas guys Don't wanna sound like I'm fishing for compliments, but you all are by far the best in the field. Keep up the good work (on my phone haha) Thanks so much for the advice you're going to give me on how to fix this up so I don't miss all my friends calls and texts until I get pissed off at. Later trooper
EDIT: Sry got block of text. tl/dr fix my evo that wont turn on asap thx
Raillery said:
Well I was messin with it a couple days ago, flashed gginggerbread6 w/ wimax over gginggerbread2 after wiping cache and dalvik and of course making a nandroid. I was thinking of smashing it but I've gotten everything they way I want it for the thousandth time. I'm also reluctant to do it because this issue has resolved itself in the past, albeit a tad quicker. For christ's sake, it even fixed itself for half a second this time, just enough to show me the splash screen lol. I'm very gentle with my evo and have never had any problems that weren't easily resolved with a little bit of work. I guess I could smash it until it works, and then if it ends up breaking then I win either way, but I'd really like to get my darling fixed. I know it's nothing compared to the cyanogenmod team, but I've flashed and flashed (almost always to cyanogenmod, what can I say it's perfect) and I have FINALLY got everything set up the way I wanted it, which includes manually going through and changing all the icons to custom pngs lol.
I guess I just don't understand why this would happen all of a sudden like this, I've onlu had it for three or four months, htc can't make that shotty of work can they? The other thing is I have a battery widget so as to make sure my battery does not get to hot, as well as having a setting in setcpu which stops overheating if it should ever occur. I really have a feeling it's something which can be fixed just because it has been magically fixed in the past and it was "fixed" for half a second today. Is there any way to adb into recovery even though the screen is black? Any suggestions help, I have important calls coming in as well as rather important calls to (hopefully) future employers. Of course I also don't want people to think that I am ignoring them, which isn't quite as bad but I still try to be as rude as possible :/
So...any ideas guys Don't wanna sound like I'm fishing for compliments, but you all are by far the best in the field. Keep up the good work (on my phone haha) Thanks so much for the advice you're going to give me on how to fix this up so I don't miss all my friends calls and texts until I get pissed off at. Later trooper
EDIT: Sry got block of text. tl/dr fix my evo that wont turn on asap thx
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If this occurred while you were NOT changing anything with the radio partition or recovery partition then it's not a brick issue.
Sounds like you have a hardware issue.
Take it to the store.
If you smash it you will be paying $100 to asurion for a replacement as Sprint changed the TEP again.
Just wondering was your battery completely dead before this happened. I have read some people here and other places have said that if the battery completely dies that it won't charge unless you put it on a actual battery charger made for it. Does the charge light come on when you plug it in? Also, like my friend before me said, take it to Sprint. Ask them if they have a battery you could try. If it doesn't work it will eliminate the battery being the issue. If it won't boot they will replace it. They won't be able to tell if it is rooted because it won't boot. If you were flashing a radio and didn't let it finish or the battery died during the process, you are bricked.
Does the charge light flash when plugged in?
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
The light doesnt change
clean off the battery contacts
the same exact thing happened to me. i read in another post that the TP2 battery was a suitable replacement, so i checked the VDC and mA and they were exact and also the contacts were in the right place. (looks exactly like the evo batt just black instead of red in retrospect). It was a good call on the TP2 battery. My evos batt died on me tonight while it was charging. no light while plugged into OEM wall charger, no blinking, nothin, I wasnt even using it, never had a problem before. luckly i was just chargin up my old TP2 to give to my girlfriend. popped in that battery and the evo came right up. popped the evo battery in my TP2 and it appears to be charging. curiously the evo appears to be charging the tp2 batt now aswell. so i dont know what happened... one positive thing is that i know i have 2 batteries now. a negative is that my gf cant have my TP2 untill i get this sorted.
anyone have any insight as to what is goin on? or why this happened? if my charging port has gone bad why is the tp2 batt charging in the evo? and if the evo battery went bad why is it charging in the TP2?
i am using the stock sprint evo rom. not scared to root, just havent yet.
vespix said:
the same exact thing happened to me. i read in another post that the TP2 battery was a suitable replacement, so i checked the VDC and mA and they were exact and also the contacts were in the right place. (looks exactly like the evo batt just black instead of red in retrospect). It was a good call on the TP2 battery. My evos batt died on me tonight while it was charging. no light while plugged into OEM wall charger, no blinking, nothin, I wasnt even using it, never had a problem before. luckly i was just chargin up my old TP2 to give to my girlfriend. popped in that battery and the evo came right up. popped the evo battery in my TP2 and it appears to be charging. curiously the evo appears to be charging the tp2 batt now aswell. so i dont know what happened... one positive thing is that i know i have 2 batteries now. a negative is that my gf cant have my TP2 untill i get this sorted.
anyone have any insight as to what is goin on? or why this happened? if my charging port has gone bad why is the tp2 batt charging in the evo? and if the evo battery went bad why is it charging in the TP2?
i am using the stock sprint evo rom. not scared to root, just havent yet.
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Take the original battery to sprint. Tell them the story and get a replacement, ask for some free accessory since you've helped them isolate a reliability issue.
There are two known issues with the Evo to be aware of. The first is the charging bug. If the Evo shuts off due to low battery level there is the possibility that the charging circuit fails to recognize the dead battery as even being there and will not charge. The workaround is to charge the dead battery in another compatible phone or use an external battery charger. This is supposed to be fixed in the next update but we'll see.
The second is the thermal sensor bug. The thermal cut off starts to trigger at lower and lower temps til even freezing the phone won't work. I thought the local service center was joking til I actually saw it reproduced. This is a hardware issue and the only fix is a replacement phone.
The first issue is intermittent but knowledgeable service centers are aware of this and will either charge the dead battery or swap out with a charged one.
The second issue is reproducible but can take some time to do so depending on how far off the sensor is. Again, knowledgeable service centers are aware of this and will want to reproduce it before ordering a replacement.
Not sure what technical thong is happening, but I do know I panicked when it happened to me, bit it turns out if you try to charge EVO from a USB port while its in the recovery mode it will eventually drain and **** off. I forgot I was on recovery mode and came back to what you described. After doing the swap with my GF's EVO and realizing my battery was fine, I remembered how I had left the phone in the first place and Googled it to confirm that will cause the dead EVO scare.
Sent from a corrective lens wearing eskimo translating Turkish smoke signals viewed over a streaming webcam at 640x480 resolution via a U.S. Robotics 14.4 Hayes compatible modem.
This has happened to me twice, but since I was on the extended battery from sprint, I would just pop my stock battery in and it powered up fine. Each time I just brought my battery in to sprint and they replaced it. Also, when it happened to me the charging light wasn't turning on or anything.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
OK friends, same thing happening here to me today.
Here's my story: Last night, working fine, running stock turbo rom and netarchy cfs-havs-sbc-4.3.4 kernel for about a month, working great.
Used Kernel manager and flashed to cfs-suv-nohavs-nosbc and it was working great. Figured I didnt need the extra batter life/damage risk anymore. Went to sleep, phone on my bed.
Wake up today, phone is fully unresponsive. Take the battery out, put it back in, unresponsive. nothing whatsoever when holding down power, volume, etc.
When I plug it in, the orange battery led comes on and off.
cjh6386 said:
OK friends, same thing happening here to me today.
Here's my story: Last night, working fine, running stock turbo rom and netarchy cfs-havs-sbc-4.3.4 kernel for about a month, working great.
Used Kernel manager and flashed to cfs-suv-nohavs-nosbc and it was working great. Figured I didnt need the extra batter life/damage risk anymore. Went to sleep, phone on my bed.
Wake up today, phone is fully unresponsive. Take the battery out, put it back in, unresponsive. nothing whatsoever when holding down power, volume, etc.
When I plug it in, the orange battery led comes on and off.
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Blinking charge light means that the battery v has dropped below the required v to turn on the phone. I see 4-5 Evo's a day like this as well as the charge bug.
I actually got it booting again somehow. Now, it consistently turns on, will boot to the bootloader, but recovery doesnt work and it wont boot into the phone. It does search for pc36 image though... i might try that.
I just sit here and shake my head on a daily basis when I see people talk about problems and inevitably, and I'm not saying this is applicable in this case, but they say in their post they were using ROM or Kernel Manager.....

You ain't gonna believe this....

Wow... what a wild 48 hours... ok, it all started wed night. I came home from working the night shift, where I use my tablet in my truck instead of hauling around my laptop. I noticed it running like a hog so I rebooted it. It was rooted, unlocked, and all that jazz.. been through just about every rom ics and up. Never any real problems... until wed night. It got stuck on the Acer logo. Well, after much reading, and several tool downloads, for the life of me I couldn't get the thing to work. I was thinking it was a hard ware issue. I am expecting a pre paid label from Acer to send it in, even though it was out of warranty. I really had given up. I was using the tdv4 repair tool and it kept hanging a quarter way in. I noticed though, my pc wasn't communicating properly with the tab. I followed the link somewhere in here to Acers site, but originally it threw mw off because it was in German..lol Finally, I gave it one more chance, and found a little flag down at the bottom of the website to change the language... go figure... lol I downloaded and installed the correct drivers, and what do you know... instant success. Now, here's what you are not gonna believe. lol Right at the last moment, after running the tool, I had to hold the power button down for 5 seconds to get it out of apx mode. I have done this hundred's of times, especially while I was putting it into apx mode these past few days trying to fix it. Well, either way, I decided to boot right into recovery, which it did, but right at that moment, the power switch decides to break. No more click. Stuck in recovery, which actually I was overjoyed to see. But, I couldn't reboot or anything since the dam button decides to break, after all that crap I went through to resurrect it.. lol So, I then proceed to You Tube, learn how to crack this thing open with a guitar pick, inspect the power switch, which was barely hanging on. By the grace of God, I was able to click the button one last time to restart it..lol then the internal button decides to fall off.. lol. So, I am up and running Honey Comb, with a broken power button. I guess plugging it up to the charger should at least get it turned on for me. I am thinking of calling Acer back, and I guess modifying my repair ticket to a power button repair.. lol so, moral to the story? Get the dam right drivers so you don't have to put it into apx mode a thousand times. I think I just plain wore it out.. lol but I'm up and running. I just want to thank everyone involved in writing these programs, because I was basically sol. I hope you all find this humorous as well as educating.
droidxxxxx said:
Wow... what a wild 48 hours... ok, it all started wed night. I came home from working the night shift, where I use my tablet in my truck instead of hauling around my laptop. I noticed it running like a hog so I rebooted it. It was rooted, unlocked, and all that jazz.. been through just about every rom ics and up. Never any real problems... until wed night. It got stuck on the Acer logo. Well, after much reading, and several tool downloads, for the life of me I couldn't get the thing to work. I was thinking it was a hard ware issue. I am expecting a pre paid label from Acer to send it in, even though it was out of warranty. I really had given up. I was using the tdv4 repair tool and it kept hanging a quarter way in. I noticed though, my pc wasn't communicating properly with the tab. I followed the link somewhere in here to Acers site, but originally it threw mw off because it was in German..lol Finally, I gave it one more chance, and found a little flag down at the bottom of the website to change the language... go figure... lol I downloaded and installed the correct drivers, and what do you know... instant success. Now, here's what you are not gonna believe. lol Right at the last moment, after running the tool, I had to hold the power button down for 5 seconds to get it out of apx mode. I have done this hundred's of times, especially while I was putting it into apx mode these past few days trying to fix it. Well, either way, I decided to boot right into recovery, which it did, but right at that moment, the power switch decides to break. No more click. Stuck in recovery, which actually I was overjoyed to see. But, I couldn't reboot or anything since the dam button decides to break, after all that crap I went through to resurrect it.. lol So, I then proceed to You Tube, learn how to crack this thing open with a guitar pick, inspect the power switch, which was barely hanging on. By the grace of God, I was able to click the button one last time to restart it..lol then the internal button decides to fall off.. lol. So, I am up and running Honey Comb, with a broken power button. I guess plugging it up to the charger should at least get it turned on for me. I am thinking of calling Acer back, and I guess modifying my repair ticket to a power button repair.. lol so, moral to the story? Get the dam right drivers so you don't have to put it into apx mode a thousand times. I think I just plain wore it out.. lol but I'm up and running. I just want to thank everyone involved in writing these programs, because I was basically sol. I hope you all find this humorous as well as educating.
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Well, you can repair the button/switch by opening up the tablet, but you knew that, refixing the button with a cable tie, glue/epoxy, crack out the soldering iron and actually soldering it in properly - probably do a better job than Acer.:good:
I don't know..I'm kinda glad to jusr have it back..no more flashing roms though. .unless I can get a touch recovery installed...
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
Same Problem
droidxxxxx said:
I don't know..I'm kinda glad to jusr have it back..no more flashing roms though. .unless I can get a touch recovery installed...
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
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I had the same problem...So I tried to glue it and stuff....and then I tried to solder it but it short circuited. So I found an old and small mouse that I didn't use.....drilled a hole in my tablet...connected the button to the motherboard with some wires...and use that as a power button...lol.....I'm done with this tablet.....even my power button fell off.....Now I have to glue it back on.......
I took it apart, was kinda fun actually... And took the motherboard and power button to a tech shop. They soldered it back on for 50 bucks, hopefully correctly. I will pick it up Monday when I get back in town and reassemble it, maybe it'll work. I just didn't have the tools to do it correct, would a cost 50 bucks for a super small soldering iron most likely..lol..if that doesn't fix it, I guess I'll be getting a new tab. Thinking about an Asus transformer prime..
Sent from my A100 using Tapatalk
Which isn't really new..but much more robust than the a500.
Sent from my A100 using Tapatalk
Well, I got the motherboard back, with the resoldered power button and slapped it back in..and its fixed for 50 bucks. Working like a champ. I just need to flash an ICS bootloader and get back up to speed, I'm not too sure about HC..
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2

Have to vent- 2nd RMA in Progress

So, I just have to vent. My Nexus 7 is now in the process of its 2nd RMA. I bought a reconditioned tablet off E-bay for during one of those $129 sales. Less than 18 hours after receiving my tablet, I was in the middle of a game and it rebooted, only to then stick at the Google Screen. Nothing would work to fix it, Wug's, or even ADBing the image files. So, off to Asus it went. They apparently replaced the entire motherboard and sent it back, with a note that the issue was a LED (Error) Indicator, whatever that means. My tablet then functions properly for about 80 more days, and then suddenly, when I go to reboot it, it turns off, but will not turn on, no matter what. The battery charge indicator does not function, no LED, nothing, and it was as if the battery was suddenly disconnected internally (it has not suffered any drops, jolts, etc.) and lives in a protective case. If I hook it up to the computer, I get a weird driver I have never seen before (not APX but something else, which I cannot recall at the moment), I would have taken it apart and done a battery disconnect if I was not still within my RMA period. Is such an excessive number of issues a problem for this device? I have never had this many issues with any other android device I have ever had. I cannot complain about Asus's RMA process but it is ridiculous that a remanufactured device would fail less than 24 hours out of the box, and then need to be RMA'ed yet again less than 3 months afterwards.
I love it when it works, but have others had devices that have had so many issues? I am not sure if it was the remanufacturing process and poor quality assurance with it or what, but seems there are a lot of similar hardware issues from those remanufactured lots on here.
ariesgodofwar said:
So, I just have to vent. My Nexus 7 is now in the process of its 2nd RMA. I bought a reconditioned tablet off E-bay for during one of those $129 sales. Less than 18 hours after receiving my tablet, I was in the middle of a game and it rebooted, only to then stick at the Google Screen. Nothing would work to fix it, Wug's, or even ADBing the image files. So, off to Asus it went. They apparently replaced the entire motherboard and sent it back, with a note that the issue was a LED (Error) Indicator, whatever that means. My tablet then functions properly for about 80 more days, and then suddenly, when I go to reboot it, it turns off, but will not turn on, no matter what. The battery charge indicator does not function, no LED, nothing, and it was as if the battery was suddenly disconnected internally (it has not suffered any drops, jolts, etc.) and lives in a protective case. If I hook it up to the computer, I get a weird driver I have never seen before (not APX but something else, which I cannot recall at the moment), I would have taken it apart and done a battery disconnect if I was not still within my RMA period. Is such an excessive number of issues a problem for this device? I have never had this many issues with any other android device I have ever had. I cannot complain about Asus's RMA process but it is ridiculous that a remanufactured device would fail less than 24 hours out of the box, and then need to be RMA'ed yet again less than 3 months afterwards.
I love it when it works, but have others had devices that have had so many issues? I am not sure if it was the remanufacturing process and poor quality assurance with it or what, but seems there are a lot of similar hardware issues from those remanufactured lots on here.
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I've had my nexus 7 since launch and no problems here. Never had it in a case or anything. You did buy a used tab... I Will say that my tab would do random reboots so I finally rooted and unlocked my tab last week and put on a custom ROM. My tab is flying ATM. Maybe throw on a custom ROM on??
Sent from my VS985 4G using XDA Free mobile app
I bought mine second hand, running android L developer preview and runs like a beast and the battery is outstanding ! Shame to hear you are having issues though
I have also had mine since launch, and I think OP simply got a lemon.
I have the random reboot issue that most people seem to have, but a part from that, none I've heard about have anything even close to the kind of trouble OP had.
The most common weakness I hear about from my friends owning the N 7 is battery drain, and that's not a hardware problem.
Bought mine since Nexus 7 2013 launched last year. Not even the tiny bit problem.
Wish op Could have a good N7 after this rma
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Free mobile app
Thanks all. Got my tablet back from RMA, and works like a charm. They had to replace the board and some heat shields it appears from the packing slip from the RMA. Fingers crossed, as the tablet absolutely rocks when it works. Battery is outstanding compared to my 2012's. Hopefully the 2nd time was the charm.
ariesgodofwar said:
Thanks all. Got my tablet back from RMA, and works like a charm. They had to replace the board and some heat shields it appears from the packing slip from the RMA. Fingers crossed, as the tablet absolutely rocks when it works. Battery is outstanding compared to my 2012's. Hopefully the 2nd time was the charm.
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did you call Asus or Google for RMA?
oxxshadow said:
did you call Asus or Google for RMA?
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Went through Asus both times.
ariesgodofwar said:
Went through Asus both times.
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can you still process an RMA without receipt. I bought my Nexus 7 from Staples less than a year ago, and am planning to RMA because of dead pixels.
oxxshadow said:
can you still process an RMA without receipt. I bought my Nexus 7 from Staples less than a year ago, and am planning to RMA because of dead pixels.
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I bought mine online, off eBay. I never had to provide a receipt for mine, though I was asked when I purchased it and where. As a remanufactured device, it came with a 90 day warranty, so you may just have to tell them the purchase date and location.
If it helps, you can start here: http://www.service.asus.com/#!b2c2/c24v6 to raise a case number and RMA.
ariesgodofwar said:
I bought mine online, off eBay. I never had to provide a receipt for mine, though I was asked when I purchased it and where. As a remanufactured device, it came with a 90 day warranty, so you may just have to tell them the purchase date and location.
If it helps, you can start here: http://www.service.asus.com/#!b2c2/c24v6 to raise a case number and RMA.
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thanks, btw what was did you choose for product type. I do not see tablet listed
oxxshadow said:
thanks, btw what was did you choose for product type. I do not see tablet listed
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If you enter the correct serial number for your device it should auto populate those fields, but if not, it is under Eee Pad as the Product Type, and the model is Nexus 7 (2013) of course.
If anyone else runs into the reboot and freezing on the Google logo error (even after forced restarts), you need to pop the back off and disconnect the battery for a few seconds. Easy enough to do, but it's a pain in the ass and shouldn't need to be done in the first place, but if you want to avoid an RMA and shipping and such, this will fix it.
Also, Lolipop preview completely fixed my random reboots. Not a one. Before that, when I 4.4'd, Franco's kernels also completely fixed random reboots.
Glad to hear your issue is fixed! It's a great tablet! Enjoy!
Thanks for mentioning the battery disconnect fix pbassjunk!! Fixed my problem, and good thing because I'm way out of warranty.

Bricked it...only 5 days old.

Gee, I didn't have a chance to root it or anything. I just got my Turbo 2 on Monday from Moto-Maker, got it all set up like I wanted, was checking FB, and the app froze. I closed it out, and opened it up again, and it froze again. So I shut the phone down thinking I would restart it, but after it turned off, it wouldn't start again. Tried holding the power button for 10 seconds, tried booting into recovery, tried charging, tried hooking it up to a computer. Nothing. Black screen, dead, never turned back on, not even a recharging indicator. I'm bummed.
I've already started the exchange process with Moto, but I thought I would post here as a heads up in case it becomes a problem with this model. I've had bricked phones before, but never after 5 days.
Just sounds like you got a defective phone, hopefully your replacement is fine. You're not gonna get a chance to root the next one anytime soon, these phones haven't been rooted yet.
Root will come. It always does. I hadn't even thought about it. I usually run stock for at least a few months so I can figure out what I want to change.
Root doesn't always come, not any more.... There are a number of phones that have never received a proper root. Some have temporary root, some have nothing.
Never buy a phone for what it MIGHT do in the future...
Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
Oh yeah. I got that. I'm not concerned about having root. The point I made was that I hadn't done anything to the phone to brick it. This phone will get root. Just like last year's Turbo did...eventually. Verizon makes it difficult, but eventually someone figured it out. But the T2 is some decent hardware, so someone will eventually decide to do it. Probably have to pay for it, though.
amateurhack said:
Oh yeah. I got that. I'm not concerned about having root. The point I made was that I hadn't done anything to the phone to brick it. This phone will get root. Just like last year's Turbo did...eventually. Verizon makes it difficult, but eventually someone figured it out. But the T2 is some decent hardware, so someone will eventually decide to do it. Probably have to pay for it, though.
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Same thing just happened to mine - only 4 days out of the return period! I'm so pissed. I plugged it into the turbocharger to charge overnight, and when I woke up in the morning I realized my alarm never went off. Phone won't respond when plugged into a charger, PC, power button, or holding any combination of keys to hard reset.
sweendiggler said:
Same thing just happened to mine - only 4 days out of the return period! I'm so pissed. I plugged it into the turbocharger to charge overnight, and when I woke up in the morning I realized my alarm never went off. Phone won't respond when plugged into a charger, PC, power button, or holding any combination of keys to hard reset.
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Update, Verizon replaced it with a brand new phone despite being of my return period. The manager said they can, at their discretion, perform a new-for-new exchange up to 30 days and mine was obviously DOA. He said he had never seen one of these die like this, and it's usually one of their better phones. I have my fingers crossed that this one works out OK.
I had to order my replacement from Moto Maker. I've had it for two weeks with no issues.

Can someone explain this? (Phone came back to life?)

Forgive me if this has already been answered, search yielded no results.
So last Friday I was using my 6p just fine most of the morning, no issues whatsoever, only to find it during my lunch break unresponsive. Wouldn't turn on, wouldn't boot into recovery...nothing. Plugged it in hoping that somehow the battery crapped out on me...went to lunch for an hour, came back to the same story.
Go to Tmobile and buy a cheapy phone to get me through the weekend, then called Huawei support to get it RMA'd. They're great, get me set up this morning with a UPS shipping label, yadda yadda. I grab my 6p and charger to send back and notice that all of a sudden the LED is blinking red. Something it never did ALL weekend. I plug it in, and of course it immediately shows me the charging animation. It just booted up no problem. WTF?
So now I'm curious what the hell happened? Is it going to crap out on me again? I'm going to call Huawei back in a little bit once I'm convinced the damn things going to stay on, hoping they'll still RMA it since I think its obviously still kind of busted. Can anyone explain how it resurrected itself? And maybe what I can expect going forward with it?

