[Q] Verify contact number, wut? - G2 and Desire Z General

When i added a new contact it is telling me to verify their number and when i text, instead of just clicking the box and typing, it has their number in the box as well and says to verify their phone number. How do i get rid of this? It's only happening on one contact.
the +3294723984 should not be above my add text area box
when i click on the number it shows this
This doesn't happen with any of my other contacts and if i add the number again or click on of that crap text/call etc it doesn't do anything but go back to the msg windows again, GRR what is this and how do i fix it?


Strange link with my contact list - please HELP

When my XDAII receive a call it does recognize the number but strangely it does only link the number (any number) to only one contact in my list.
I tryed to delete this contact to see what happens but it link witha nother but use it along for all calls.
Can you help me?
Can you dial a number by tapping it from your contacts list?
In some cases yes in others no, this is because in some numbers there is the area code that the XDAII does not recognize because we use 011 here in my country. If I clear that the number can be dialed from the contact list.
So, are you saying that when you receive a call from a phone number which is properly formatted (for your phone to dial it) in your contacts list, it still won't ID the correct number? Remember, it is a simple pattern matching algorithm - it gets a call, looks in your contacts list for a number formatted EXACTLY as it receives it, and displays that contact.
I followed this logic but it wont work to explain what is happening

Unknown caller ID problem

I have some contacts saved in my contact list, but when that person calls. It showed up unknown caller. I tried to deleted that number and save it again. But it still shows unknown caller. Some other contacts are fine. Anyone had this problem and has a solution? Is there anything to do with restore? I did a restore recently.
don't know if it helps, but try to save the numbers with the country prefix in the contact.
for example in France here, I save them as +33654321 instead of 0654321, cause I had the same problem some time ago
This doesn't have anything to do with the Wizard - if the Wizard shows "unknown caller" it means that the caller's phone doesn't send the number (the caller can change that, depending on the SIM card - and the caller can also tell the telecom provider of his home phone whether he wants his number to be sent when calling!)...
No way to change that for you, sorry!
I have tried adding the prefix, but still doesnt work!
The number from the caller is not hidden, because the number is displayed, but not the name in the contact list.
for example:
Incoming call
'Unknown Caller'
I have tried to delete and save the contact again, but still the same!!
Oh, so I misunderstood...
Sorry, but then I don't have any idea...
Not sure if this helps. I had the same experience with my other phone (not Pocket PC type), which shows unknown caller even I'm very sure I had his number on my phone, I deleted the number and put it back again, same problem. AND, after all the stuggle, I've finally noticed the problem, which is the fact that I had his name entered twiced (e.g. two contacts, different name with same number). The phone probably got it confused and refused to display a name.
I would suggest, that you remove your problematic contact, try dialing his number on the keypad, and see if the name appears (e.g. the other possible contact that has the same number). If not, then it is not this problem, I guess.
Was about to say, I got this problem, turned out to be a duplicate contact - the phone can't decide who it is, so displays nothing. Pfff.
Be nice if it displayed a list of possible contacts, but...
Delete any duplicate contacts and it should go away.

Deleting old phone number in a Contact Profile?

Anyone know how to edit and or delete phone numbers in a persons contact info. I have to cell phone numbers for them and i need to delete one but can't figure out how.
Bring up the contact....
Menu ----> Edit ----> press the X next to the number you wanna delete
Thanks but im still having a problem. The contact is linked to gmail and fb. When i click on edit all the numbers do not ahow up so i can't delete it. But when i just view the contact all the numbers are there. When i click edit the only number that shows up is the number that i want to keep. I want to get rid of the other number that fb is giving.
The number that FB is showing is something you can't get rid of. That number is something that person is still displaying/listing on their Facebook profile. Therefore HTC Sense/Facebook thinks its a perfectly valid number.
The only way to remove it would be to unlink their Facebook profile from their Contact profile on your phone.
Or you can tell your friend to update his/her profile with correct information.
Thanks man.

Help: Cannot add number to contacts?

This is a really strange problem and I'm hoping someone can help me with it.
For some reason on my Treo Pro, there is this one specific random phone number which, although I can add it to a new or existing contact and it will show up correctly under that person in the Contacts app, does not seem to be recognized, remembered or associated throughout the rest of the phone.
Meaning, if I get an incoming call from that number it shows up as an unknown caller, displaying the number but no associated contact name. If I check my call log the number shows up there, rather than the contact name. Also in text messages, it just shows as the number by itself, again rather than the contact name to which it belongs. If I tap on that number in the SMS dialog, it tells me "This person is not in your contact list..." and asks me if I want to add them. And whether I add that number to an existing contact or create a new one for it, nothing changes. If I tap the number again, it still tells me it is not in my contact list. Over, and over, and over again. It just will not "stick" or take, permanently.
There is nothing odd about the actual number itself. It's the exact same format as all the other numbers in my contacts (1-416-xxx-xxxx). And I've tried adding the number in every possible way, with and without area code, '+' sign, '1' in front etc.. nothing makes a difference. I've rebooted the phone after adding it, and still no effect. It just will not recognize this phone number as belonging to a contact, even though under the contact it appears correctly, and I can call or text it from the contacts app.
Is there any reason this would be happening, or any way to fix it? Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks...
I have the same frustrating problem on my Treo Pro - contact names do not display even though they are saved to phone memory. The only solution I have found is to delete the contact and create a new one e.g. from the number that appears in call log or SMS. I presume the reason is Sprite Backup doing somethig wrong with the databases when restoring contacts after hard reset.

Phone numbers showing in Text Messaging App and not their names.

Some of my Text Message conversations on my phone show up with Phone numbers and not their name. They all seem to be ones which have +44 (UKs country code). If I click on the thumbnail next to the number though, the correct contact pops up.
Any idea how to fix this?
If I helps, I'm on CM10.1
Seen this problem before. Is the proper area and country code with the + affixed to the number in the contact? This is the only time I've seen this problem is when it's not properly formatted. Don't put in parentheses, dashes, or dots either.
If the number in text messages is showing as +445555555555 then the contact number saved should be exactly the same +445555555555.
Tappin the talk

