[DEV Q] script ain't working - Galaxy Ace S5830 Android Development

im new to linux and need little help.
can anyone tell me why this script is not working. If all the lines are executed individually, works fine but when inside the script gives error
# ls -l | grep 'aishu'
ls -l | grep 'aishu'
-rwxrwxrwx root root 279 2011-10-12 02:38 aishuscript.sh
# pwd
# cat aishuscript.sh
cat aishuscript.sh
echo "Script has been started"
renice -10 'pidof com.android.phone'
echo "phone done"
renice -10 'pidof com.android.systemui'
echo "ui done"
for pidacore in 'pidof android.process.acore'; do
renice -10 $pidacore;
echo "script over"#
# sh aishuscript.sh
sh aishuscript.sh
: not found
Script has been started
phone done
ui done
aishuscript.sh: 8: Syntax error: word unexpected
dear moderator
i have searched posts as mush as i could but couldn't find solution, and since this is coding related i think development is appropriate place to post it

well its disappointing 140 views no reply...
as far as i could go... its happening caz the for loop variable is taking "pidof" value as a string instead of integer. the same script is working fine in other shells. fix might be required in shell.

I tried this simpler for and seemed to work:
for pid in `pidof android.process.acore`; do
renice --10 $pid; done


Not sure if this has been done yet (or is even possible...); Flashing via ADB

Hi everyone ^^
I recently had a little... "Incident"... With my phone, resulting in a soft-brick and a whole lot of the Android system being removed (/System/Bin had to be replaced with ADB). What used to happen (Before replacing some of the Android system) was the phone would boot and get stuck at the bootloader. What happens now (after replacing some of the system files) is it'll boot and then reboot after about 30 seconds.
Common fixes would normally include (And are unavailable because...);
Download Mode via 3 button combo (Unavalable due to homekey not working)
Download Mode via ADB (Reboot/Crash)
Recovery Mode via 3 button combo (Again ,home key)
Recovery Mode via ADB (Reboot/Crash)
JIG (Parts unavailable/Stupidly expensive)
Flash via Odin/Heimdall(ADB recognizes the phone, but the system Odin/Heimdall uses does not)
So, what can I do? Well I just tried "ADB shell sbin/recovery" and... Woah, it worked! Sort of... The phone still crashed after about 30 seconds or when I tried to use the CWM recovery to flash a zip. No biggie. It just means some system stuff is missing (I think...).
This is more or less development, and I do not claim to have any major understanding of Android's inner workings besides some UNIX commands. I can't post in Development because of the 10-post requirement, but meh.
What I'm looking for (It's not exactly a question ) is the absolutely critical files that my system is missing (Which I believe to be causing the crash). I ran logcat only to have;
link_image[1962]: 98 could not load needed library 'liblog.so' for 'logcat' (load_library[1104]: Library 'liblog.so' not found)CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE
This would eventually go towards an open-source tool for software-based soft-brick recovery.
Here's the ls from /sbin;
[ expr mkyaffs2image split
[[ false mmcwait.sh stat
adbd fbsetup.sh modprobe strings
ash fdisk more stty
awk fgrep mount swapoff
basename find mountpoint swapon
bbconfig fix_permissions mv sync
bml_over_mtd flash_image nandroid sysctl
bunzip2 fold nandroid-md5.sh tac
busybox free nice tail
bzcat freeramdisk nohup tar
bzip2 fuser od tee
cal getopt parted test
cat grep patch time
catv gunzip pgrep top
chgrp gzip pidof touch
chmod head pkill tr
chown hexdump printenv true
chroot id printf tty
cksum insmod ps tune2fs
clear install pwd ueventd
cmp kill rdev umount
cp killall readlink uname
cpio killall5 realpath uniq
cut killrecovery.sh reboot unix2dos
date length recovery unlzop
dc less renice unyaffs
dd ln reset unzip
depmod losetup rm uptime
devmem ls rmdir usleep
df lsmod rmmod uudecode
diff lspci run-parts uuencode
dirname lsusb sdparted volume
dmesg lzop sed watch
dos2unix lzopcat seq wc
du md5sum setsid which
dump_image mkdir setupenv.sh whoami
e2fsck mke2fs sh xargs
echo mkfifo sha1sum yes
edify mkfs.ext2 sha256sum zcat
egrep mknod sha512sum
env mkswap sleep
erase_image mktemp sort
And ls /system;
app fonts lost+found tts xbin
bin framework media usr
etc lib modules vendor
Any help with this would be great ^^
So far, it looks like pushing the system directory from a romkitchen rom I built is working... The only problem is that it can't seem to access /sdcard or /sd-ext Can anybody help with this?
The Download mode jigs are cheap? eBay has them for not much at all, especially if you consider the cost of the handset. It's also possible to make them from more common parts. Read the thread, might save you a lot of messing about.

Arch linux chroot

I started using Arch some months ago and I really enjoying it. Coming from a released based distro, it feels really nice been able to choose exactly what you want to run in your system and always have the packages up to date. For a while I have been planning on running ubuntu in my transformer but I just don't feel too comfortable with ubuntu , so decided to run arch in my transformer. I couldn't find a tutorial so I scavenged the net and found bits and peace that I put together to make this tutorial. What I like about arch is that I am in control of my system and I can run exactly what I want, thanks awesomely documented Arch!
This is a tutorial that will show you how to run Arch Linux in a chrooted environment within your Asus Tarsnformer. I will not provide a simple script that if you run it will do everything for you, instead I will teach you how to make your own installation by grabbing all necessary elements.
You will need:
Arch Live image: Go to http://archlinuxarm.org/developers/downloads and grab the omap 3/4 package.
Install environment: It can be your internal storage or a sd/micro card. Here I will show how to use the micro sd card.
Script for starting the chroot: I grabbed mine from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1517993&highlight=chroot and did some modifications. Thanks-miska-
Rooted Asus Transformer(Prime?) with Terminal: You need root to mount the file system and loop devices. In theory this should work in the Prime too.
Linux Machine
Step 1:
For installing arch in a (micro)sd card (I prefer micro as I don't need the dock for using it), first you need to format the card and make two partitions. (I used gparted) Make one partition fat and assign a small amount of space(I have a 4gb micro and assigned 128mb to the fat partition), then make the rest ext4. Make sure the fat partition is first and the ext one is second.
Step 2:
Now as root you need to extract the package in the ext partition of your card. REMEMBER to be root, I got stuck thinking there was something wrong with the package I downloaded but it was that I was unpacking as normal user.
# tar -c /path/to/extpartition -xzf ArchLinuxARM-omap-smp-latest.tar.gz
Now you have a arch environment in your (micro)sd card.
Step 3:
In your asus transformer create a folder called 'arch' in the root of your internal storage.
#mkdir /sdcard/arch
Or use a file manager.
Now place this script somewhere in your transformer, I usually keep it in /sdcard/Downloads
# Modify this according to your needs
# Maybe this as well
# Modify only if you know, what are you doing
BINDS="dev dev/pts proc sys mnt/sdcard"
ANDROID_BINDS=" /system /data "
TMPS="tmp var/tmp var/log var/run"
unset PS1
# Helper functions
die() {
echo " $1"
exit 1
safe_mount() {
mkdir -p "$MNT_PATH""$2"
if [ "$3" ]; then
OPTION=" $3 "
if [ -z "`mount | grep " $MNT_PATH$2 "`" ]; then
mount $OPTION "$1" "$MNT_PATH$2" || die "Can't mount $2!!!"
# Real work
[ "`whoami || echo root`" = "root" ] || die "You must be root first!"
[ "$LOOP" = "no" ] || LOOP_ARG=" -o loop "
safe_mount $DEVICE "" "$LOOP_ARG -t ext4 "
for i in $BINDS; do
safe_mount "/$i" "/$i" " -o bind "
if [ -d /Removable ]; then
for i in /Removable/*; do
[ -d "$i" ] && safe_mount $i /mnt$i " -o bind "
for i in $ANDROID_BINDS; do
safe_mount $i /mnt/android$i " -o bind "
for i in $TMPS; do
safe_mount none /$i " -t tmpfs "
mount -o remount,ro "$MNT_PATH"
chroot "$MNT_PATH" /sbin/fsck.ext2 -y "$DEVICE"
mount -o remount,rw "$MNT_PATH"
# Tweak configuration of the chroot during first start
#if [ \! -f "$MNT_PATH"/etc/profile.d/tweak.sh ]; then
#mkdir -p "$MNT_PATH"/home/opensuse
echo 'nameserver' > "$MNT_PATH"/etc/resolv.conf
#echo 'net:x:3003:root,opensuse' >> "$MNT_PATH"/etc/group
#echo 'opensuse:x:1000:100::/home/opensuse:/bin/bash' >> "$MNT_PATH"/etc/passwd
#echo 'opensuse:$1$joWqOQdr$YsapocP32UtdiR3PKBXVM1:15395:0:::::' \
# >> "$MNT_PATH"/etc/shadow
#sed -i 's|^root:.*|root:$1$joWqOQdr$YsapocP32UtdiR3PKBXVM1:15395:0:::::|' \
# "$MNT_PATH"/etc/shadow
#echo '#!/bin/sh
#export TERM=linux
#export LANG="en_US.utf-8"
#export EDITOR="busybox vi"
#alias vi="busybox vi"
#precmd() { :; }
#if [ "`whoami`" = root ]; then
# export HOME=/root
# export USER=root
# hostname -F /etc/HOSTNAME
#if [ -z "$CHROOTED" ]; then
# export CHROOTED=yes
# export HOME="/home/opensuse"
# export USER="opensuse"
# su opensuse
#' > "$MNT_PATH"/etc/profile.d/tweak.sh
export PATH="/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/system/xbin:/system/bin"
# Chroot
chroot "$MNT_PATH" /bin/bash
#chroot "$MNT_PATH" /root/init.sh
# Cleanup
echo "Umount everything"
for i in $MY_MOUNTS; do
umount -l $i
Step 4:
Chmod +x the script and run it as root.
#chmod +x scriptname.sh
sh scriptname.sh
The script will mount the ext partition of your (micro)sd card in /sdcard/arch and will chroot into it. It also does other really nice things, such as mounting your android partitions to /mnt so you can access them from within your arch environment. I have disabled some lines that are used to set up a some environment variables, but you should still be able to get a fully functional command-line environment and you can enable them and modify them as you want.
Step 5:
The rest is completely up to you, now you have arch running in your transformer. But what!? You need X?! really???? Ok, so lets create a vnc server so we can remote into it.
Your network connection should work, so the first thing to do is an update
#pacman -Syu
Now install xorg
#pacman -S xorg-server xorg-xinit xorg-twm xorg-xclock xterm
Now install a vncserver
#pacman -S tightvnc
And now this is the tricky part(And I spent a lot of time in this).
I grabbed this script from the UbuntuInstaller post. This is the script they use for setting a resolution at each boot. What I did was to remove the resolution prompt and fix the resolution to 1280x752(fullscreen) and remove some ubuntu stuff. I also added an export for HOME and USER that will allow you to run 'vncserver' as root.
# Asks User to screen size and saves as REZ #
#echo "Now enter the screen size you want in pixels (e.g. 800x480), followed by [ENTER]:"
#read REZ
# Tidy up previous LXDE and DBUS sessions #
#rm /tmp/.X* > /dev/null 2>&1
#rm /tmp/.X11-unix/X* > /dev/null 2>&1
#rm /root/.vnc/localhost* > /dev/null 2>&1
#rm /var/run/dbus/pid > /dev/null 2>&1
# enable workaround for upstart dependent installs #
# in chroot'd environment. this allows certain packages #
# that use upstart start/stop to not fail on install. #
# this means they will have to be launched manually though #
#dpkg-divert --local --rename --add /sbin/initctl > /dev/null 2>&1
#ln -s /bin/true /sbin/initctl > /dev/null 2>&1
# start vnc server with given resolution and #
# DBUS server, (and optionally an SSH server) #
export HOME="/root/"
export USER="root"
vncserver :0 -geometry 1280x752
dbus-daemon --system --fork > /dev/null 2>&1
/etc/rc.d/sshd start
#echo "If you see the message 'New 'X' Desktop is localhost:0' then you are ready to VNC into your ubuntu OS.."
#echo "If VNC'ing from a different machine on the same network as the android device use the 1st address below:"
# Output IP address of android device #
ifconfig | grep "inet addr"
#echo "If using androidVNC, change the 'Color Format' setting to 24-bit colour, and once you've VNC'd in, change the 'input mode' to touchpad (in settings)"
#echo "To shut down the VNC server and exit the ubuntu environment, just enter 'exit' at this terminal - and WAIT for all shutdown routines to finish!"
# Spawn and interactive shell - this effectively halts script #
# execution until the spawning shell is exited (i.e. you want #
# to shut down vncserver and exit the ubuntu environment) #
/bin/bash -i
# Disable upstart workaround and #
# kill VNC server (and optionally SSH) #
# Rename used xstartup to its first file#
vncserver -kill :0
/etc/rc.d/sshd stop
Place this script in /root/, give it the name 'init.sh' and make sure it is executable(chmod +x). Now in the previous script comment the line:
chroot "$MNT_PATH" /bin/bash
and uncomment the line
chroot "$MNT_PATH" /root/init.sh
Step 6:
Now you should be able to start a vncserver with twm as your window manager and a xterm.
You can now go to
and set up the desktop environment that you like the most.
Remember that you need to set up the graphical environment to start manually and not at boot. In a normal environment you would usually use 'startx' which will read the .xinitrc file and run the programs from there. In our case put everything that needs to go into .xinitrc into ~/.vnc/xstartup. An example of my ~/.vnc/xstartup
xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
exec startfluxblox
This will start an empty fluxbox window manager.

[Q] Busybox 'sh' Issue Help

I am trying to get CIFS working on my tablet per the instructions on this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2003836
I have busybox installed and have created the script below, but whenever I run the script in terminal emulator or Script Manager I get:
not founds/bin/mountscript.sh[2]:
not founds/bin/mountscript.sh[9]:
I have also tried the busybox ash to no avail.
It seems like variables are not being set. What would cause this?
# Your settings here
# If you need to change the mount command edit this
mount -t cifs \
-o \
unc=\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\$IPADDRESS\\\\\\\\$SHARE \
insmod /sdcard/mods/md4.ko; \
insmod /sdcard/mods/nls_utf8.ko; \
insmod /sdcard/mods/cifs.ko; \
# Starting ADB...
PORT=`getprop service.adb.tcp.port`
setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555
stop adbd
start adbd
adb connect localhost
echo adm connected
# Make sure we only use the first device (sometimes there is more than one)
echo serial being set
SERIAL=`adb devices | head -n2 | tail -n1 | cut -f1`
if [ "$SERIAL" = "" ]; then
echo "ERROR: Could not find ADB device.";
echo Mounting share via adb...
adb -s $SERIAL shell su -c "$COMMANDS"
# If you started adb, then stop it here for security:
adb disconnect localhost
stop adbd
setprop service.adb.tcp.port $PORT
start adbd
RESULT=`mount | grep $MOUNT_POINT`
if [ "$RESULT" = "" ]; then
echo "Mounting failed..."
echo "Mounting sucess!"
echo Done... You may close this script window.

Android 4.2.2 (PAC, CM10.1, etc): Mount CIFS share on /sdcard (incl. nls_utf8)

With Android 4.2's multi-user stuff and the dreaded "0" folder, Google broke mounting of CIFS shares for good. (They basically implemented something utterly useless for my needs, and broke something I need on a daily basis.) Cyanogenmod fixed that for mounts outside the /storage hierarchy, but many apps can't go there. And with 4.2.2, Google made using adb on the device very annoying as well, which adds to problems for a workaround for mounting shares in a useful place.
So I looked around for various fixes for that issue and compiled those into one method that works perfectly well for me on a P6810 running the current PAC ROM 20130629. It should probably work for any other CM10.1 or PA3.6x-based ROM as well. A nls_utf8.ko module compiled for the Nexus 10 is included as well, which can be loaded via punchmod (at least in PAC), so you can access shares with Ümläüts in them.
Prerequisites: SManager, SMWidgets, and a working Busybox install (I use Stericson's Busybox Installer).
1.) Extract nls_utf8.ko and punchmod from the attached .zip file and put them in /system/lib/modules. You can put them in some other place as well, but my scripts need to be adjusted then. Next, give the files sufficient permissions:
chmod 644 /system/lib/modules/nls_utf8.ko
chmod 755 /system/lib/modules/punchmod
2.) Optional: if you want the module to auto-start, create a file called 00punch-nls_utf8 (or whatever you like) with the content below, put it in /etc/init.d and chmod it to 755. To check if nls-utf8 is loaded after a reboot, type lsmod in a terminal window or adb shell - it should display the module name. If punchmod auto-detection fails, read here how to get the right vermagic string for your device: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=41920265#post41920265
sleep 10
/system/lib/modules/punchmod /system/lib/modules/nls_utf8.ko ""
3.) Here's the script that mounts a CIFS share. Edit the settings on top and either put your correct vermagic string as well, or delete the "$VERMAGIC" part in line 22 and try your luck with auto-detection. I put some sanity checks in the script, but it might not work for all directories in /sdcard (or, /data/media/0, to call it by its 'real' name/location). If you don't want to use the nls-utf8 module, just delete lines 18-23, and iocharset=utf8 in line 67.
Name the script mount-music.sh or something, put the script wherever you like, open SManager and navigate to the script. Run the script with SU permissions. If everything goes well, it will ask you to accept an adb RSA key, and then adb mounts the share. You can also add a desktop widget for quick access to the script with SMWidgets.
# Your settings here
VERMAGIC="3.0.31-CM-ga034655-dirty SMP preempt mod_unload ARMv7 p2v8 "
# Load cifs (if it isn't already loaded)
if [ `lsmod | grep -o cifs` ] ; then
insmod /system/lib/modules/cifs.ko
# Load nls_utf8 brute-force style (if it isn't already loaded)
if [ `lsmod | grep -o nls_utf8` ] ; then
/system/lib/modules/punchmod /system/lib/modules/nls_utf8.ko "" "$VERMAGIC"
# Check if cifs $MOUNTPOINT dir exists, create it if not, give sufficient permissions
if [ -d $MOUNTPOINT ] ; then
chmod 755 $MOUNTPOINT
# Check if $SHARE directory is empty - if not, unmount the share
if [ "$(su root -c busybox ls -A $MOUNTPOINT/$SHARE 2> /dev/null)" == "" ] ; then
/system/xbin/busybox umount -l $MOUNTPOINT/$SHARE
# Create $SHARE directory if necessary, give sufficient permissions
if [ -d $MOUNTPOINT/$SHARE ] ; then
# Starting adb
adb kill-server
export HOME=/sdcard
# PORT=`getprop service.adb.tcp.port`
setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555
adb start-server
cat /sdcard/.android/adbkey.pub >> /data/misc/adb/adb_keys
stop adbd
start adbd
adb connect localhost
# Make sure we only use the first device (sometimes there is more than one)
SERIAL=`adb devices | head -n2 | tail -n1 | cut -f1`
if [ "$SERIAL" = "" ] ; then
echo "ERROR: Could not find ADB device.";
# Mounting share via adb
echo Mounting share via adb...
adb -s $SERIAL shell su root -c /system/xbin/busybox mount -t cifs //$IP/$SHARE $MOUNTPOINT/$SHARE -o user=$USER,pass=$PASS,iocharset=utf8,cache=none,directio,CIFSMaxBufSize=130048,rw,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,uid=1015,gid=1015
# If you started adb, then stop it here for security
adb disconnect localhost
stop adbd
PORT=`getprop service.adb.tcp.port`
setprop service.adb.tcp.port $PORT
start adbd
# Show some results
if [ "$RESULT" = "" ] ; then
echo "FAILED! //$IP/$SHARE could not be mounted."
echo "SUCCESS! //$IP/$SHARE has been mounted on $MOUNTPOINT/$SHARE."
echo All done. You may close this script window now.
4.) This is the script to unmount the share. Name it unmount-music.sh or similar, and edit your settings at the beginning of the script. Again, run it in SManager with SU permissions, and add a desktop widget with SMWidgets if you like.
# Your settings here
# Check if $SHARE directory exists
if [ -d $MOUNTPOINT/$SHARE ] ; then
# Check if $SHARE directory is empty - if not, unmount the share
if [ "$(su root -c busybox ls -A $MOUNTPOINT/$SHARE 2> /dev/null)" == "" ] ; then
echo "$MOUNTPOINT/$SHARE is empty."
su root -c busybox umount -l $MOUNTPOINT/$SHARE
# Show some results
if [ "$RESULT" = "" ] ; then
echo "SUCCESS! $MOUNTPOINT/$SHARE has been unmounted."
echo "FAILED! $MOUNTPOINT/$SHARE could not be unmounted."
echo All done. You may close this script window now.
Hope this helps some of you. It sure stumped me how incredibly convoluted this simple and much needed procedure has become on Android 4.2.2... just because of that multi-account stuff and new restrictions on adb.
Script bits and nls_utf8.ko by H3g3m0n
More script bits by dafunk60 and jmtw000
Punchmod by Jann Horn
Punchmod info by idcrisis
Thanks man, looks awesome, I am going to try it on my 6800.
Do you know how to mount ext4 or ntfs sdcard on CM10.1 based roms?
Removed the original post, still trying to make it work!
I checked vermagic in some existing ko files and found that it is exactly the same as yours.
Sent from my GT-p6800 using Tapatalk HD
m0bster said:
Removed the original post, still trying to make it work!
I checked vermagic in some existing ko files and found that it is exactly the same as yours.
Sent from my GT-p6800 using Tapatalk HD
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You can try loading the UTF8 module without vermagic string as well, it should work on PAC. Or, make sure you have a blank space at the end of the vermagic string, it is required. Maybe read the short tutorial here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=41920265#post41920265
dfkt_ said:
You can try loading the UTF8 module without vermagic string as well, it should work on PAC. Or, make sure you have a blank space at the end of the vermagic string, it is required. Maybe read the short tutorial here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=41920265#post41920265
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I finally managed to mount cifs shares, after loading original cifs and punmode load of nls_utf8.ko.
But I mounted it with cifsmanager. The script always shows "failure to mount" !

[SCRIPT] Log CPU Usage with interval (Linux)

Hey guys, I've just decided to get inside of the Android development world. Anyways, I'm mostly a fan of Linux, so I've made my first Linux script, I know it's simple, but I've never interacted with the user before, or picked an output. When I knew that Android made use of Linux in its core, my interest on working inside it grew up faster than ever.
In my script, firstly, you type the filename. For compatibility reasons, it'll everytime save to /sdcard/filename. Then, it will ask you how many times you want the script to log everything, and lately, every how many seconds should it save everything to the file.
The script will save, before every entry at the log, the screen status (if it's on or off), that can help to, for example, if your device has been lagging as a result of a bad screen driver or UI error.
Last thnig: it also works on recovery (maybe it give some error, and if no dumpsys is present on your recovery's ramdisk, it'll save everything as OFF).
Remember to send it anywhere excepting from /storage and any sbudir, it won't work as the Android permissions system blocks script execution on those dirs.
# Wipe $logfile content in /sdcard (if any existing)
echo "Please type the filename where you want to save the log: "
read -r logfile
echo "" > /sdcard/$logfile
echo "Deleted previous log."
echo "SCREEN | CPU" >> /sdcard/$logfile
echo "Please type how many times the cycle must repeat: "
read -r maxcont
echo "Please type how many seconds will the interval take: "
read -r maxmin
# Here it counts how many times the logging script has been ran
while [ $cont -lt $((maxcont + 1)) ];
# That nested while takes control of how many seconds have passed in the current cycle
while [ "$contmin" -lt "$maxmin" ];
contmin=$((contmin + 1))
sleep 1
echo "C: $cont/$maxcont - T: $contmin/$maxmin"
# echo "$maxmin seconds passed."
# Logs the fist line of "busybox top" to a var
LOGVAR=$(busybox top -d 1 -n 1 | grep "idle")
# Logs the screen state (on or off) to another var
SCREENSTATE=$(dumpsys input_method | grep mScreenOn | tr -dc '[:alnum:]\n\r' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
# Saves a string that tells what it should expect if the screen is on
echo "ON: $LOGVAR" >> /sdcard/$logfile
echo "OFF: $LOGVAR" >> /sdcard/$logfile
cont=$((cont + 1))
echo "Show logged values? [Y/N]"
read -r SHOWLOG
case $SHOWLOG in
[yY] | [yY][Ee][Ss] )
cat /sdcard/$logfile
[nN] | [n|N][O|o] )
echo "Ok, goodbye. You'll see a what you've asked me to log in /sdcard/$logfile";
exit 1
*) echo "You must write Y or N to continue."
exit 0
For example, save it as script.sh (remember to save it using Unix codifcation, if you're running Windows, else, it'll tell you that it's unable to find many binaries, as long as Linux isn't ok with CR+LF and requires LF as newline). Then, send it to the sdcard (over USB or adb push script.sh /sdcard/) , now, run ADB shell. Type the following commands:
su -c "cp -f /sdcard/script.sh /data/local/;chmod 777 /data/local/script.sh"
Then, if you want to run it:
sh /data/local/script.sh
That's all, I hope you enjoy it and not so many people kills me for explaining and feeling so grateful for that simple script.

