[APP] Final Customization for Chefs! - Downoad now!! - New video too! - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Final Customization
What is it?
It's another chef application for having a final step on customizing their ROM. Final Customization runs after AutoRun, SDAutoRun, UC has finished and made a soft reset to the phone.
Basic Flow
First Boot
--> Screen Calibration(skipped in other ROMs)
------> Customize
----------> Soft-Reset
--------------> Final Customization 1st run and will popup application choices
--------------> and the installation begins. Then after the isntallations, it will
--------------> ask if the user want's to soft-reset or not.
--------------> if YES, the phone will soft-reset. If NO, Final Customization exists and
--------------> show the final message.
Why need such another Customization?
Final Customization gives users a chance to decide what application they want to install from the ROM and "from" the ROM means a CAB or REG that is cooked in the chef's cooked ROM.
But why they have to decide which application they need to install?
Simply because not all users like the application we included in our ROM. Me my self is a Chef, and I know some users don't like my application, so I'd like to give them a chance to decide if they want to install that application.
Another benefit for the chefs is you can control the Manila/Sense.
- You can Stop the Manila/Sense then install the cooked cab or reg and Start the Manila/Sense.
- You can Restart the sense after you installed the cooked cab.
So what does it support?
Final Customization can install CAB and REG(requires dotFred Task Manager) and you can execute any files as long as your ROM supports it like running a Mort Script if you have Mort Script included in your ROM, or you can execute EXE files, Play an audio, video, etc!
How does it execute these files?
Final Customization can understand some commands such as:
soft-reset the device. Final Customization knows if it's not yet done installing the user selected apps.
Some of your CABs or REG entries might require Manila/Sense to load first. So I made a way to monitor the Manila/Sense if its already loaded and running.
This of course is associated with has_manila command. You can stop the Manila/Sense then install the CAB or execute a REG then start the Manila/Sense after the installation.
After you the CAB or REG installed. You can start the Manila.
You might want to execute some REG that doesn't really requires the Manila/Sense to stop and start before and after the installation. You can just execute the REG and restart_manila.
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S3VideoDrivers.cab!|Install 3D Drivers;
reset!|Soft-Reset and Apply Video Drivers;
WiMoSpeed_614mhz.lnk|Overclock CPU to 614.4Mhz;
paint.cab|MSPaint Like Application;
reset|Soft-Reset but optional;
DefaultSenseWallpaper.CAB|Default Sense Wallpaper;
these commands (not case sensitive) are saved in a file called cablist.txt. As you can see, they all had semi-colon at the end that acts as a separator between the commands. You can also add TAB or Spaces to make your code cleaner..
Other thing you'll notice is the PIPE character which separates the command and the friendly name that will show in Installation Choices window.
and the "!" after the file, which means, the file is important and cannot be unselected from the choice lists.
command|Friendly Name
command!|Friendly Name
The .CAB, .REG, and .LNK you saw there are files.
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Okay, so how do I really use it?
I will provide the EXT package which contains the initial files needed from Final Customization then you can add whatever you want to include such as CAB or .REG or probably .PROVXML but make sure your ROM supports .PROVXML file types.
cablist.txt file is also included then you can just update it.
another file is included named FinalizeSetup.app.config which contains the parameter used by WCELOAD.exe and your final message after the installation is done. Be careful on WCELOAD parameters! Here are some WCELOAD parameter informations.
<add key="wceload_param" value="/delete 1 /noui /silent "{0}""/>
<add key="final_word" value="Installation is done. Have fun!"/>
AHA! Finally the preview. I just made a sample video for you guys to watch. Sorry but I have to keep silent (again)
A possible issues of Final Customization.
It cannot respond to custom actions when installing a CAB. In regular CAB installation, some installation popups a window aobut agreement and stuff and you have to accept the agreement. So Final Customization cannot handle that.
If you think you can handle that via WCELOAD parameter. Please let me know.
Final Customization can also execute control panel applets such as running Regional Settings but the problem I saw was when executing 2 applets, Final Customization did not wait for the 1st one to finish but instead, it executes the next applet.
Sending a bug report
Final Customization has a logging feature for bug hunting references. It is located in \GambitLogs folder. Please send all the contents to me
and finally, the download file!!

Version 1.2.1 - October 02, 2011
- GUI fixed again.
-- fixed the left position of that lists
Version 1.1 - September 26, 2011
September 24, 2011
- initial release

Doing a test with your setup without cooking it
Basic Registry Information
FinalizeSetup.exe will terminate immediately if ran for the 1st time because it will try to read a key in the registry to check if it's ready for final setup.
if FinalizeSetup.DoFinalSetup has a value of 1, then FinalizeSetup will show. So if you're running it for the 1st time, run it again to show up the Final Customization window.
FinalizeSetup.exe stores all the cablists.txt script in the registry. So, if you have some updates in your cablist.txt, make sure to delete that key first
if FinalizeSetup.IsDone has a value of 1, then FinalizeSetup.exe will terminate because the final setup was done.
FinalizeSetup.Status = 2, means the phone soft-reset
FinalizeSetup.Status = 1, FinalizeSetup.exe is installing.
Running FinalizeSetup.exe
1. Copy all the necessary files somewhere in your SD or Main Storage and put them in one folder.
-- FinalizeSetup.exe
-- Gambit.Runtime.dll
-- Gambit.IO.dll
-- Gambit.Configuration.dll
-- FinalizeSetup.app.config
-- cablist.txt
- and other required files (.lnk, .exe, .cab, etc)
2. Running FinalizeSetup.exe
Check the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\GambitCreativeSoftware and delete these 3 NVP.

Hi Nullstring
Congratulations for a brilliant idea, let's hope all cooks will adopt it

Thanks for sharing this, as a Chef I know how useful this actually is
Sadly, not sure if that many WM chefs are still around.
But nonetheless thanks for sharing this !

madnish30 said:
Thanks for sharing this, as a Chef I know how useful this actually is
Sadly, not sure if that many WM chefs are still around.
But nonetheless thanks for sharing this !
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hopefully this is not really late I just started making my own ROM for WM

download now!!

GUI Patch update.
Check download file Post #2

any feedbacks?

Thanks for this Nullstring, working well and it definitely allows users to customize more to their liking.

New Relase
Version 1.2.1 - October 02, 2011
- GUI fixed again.
-- fixed the left position of that lists
added new tutorial in Post #3

hello, sorry if I have not yet updated this thread about the development progress of this app. The app is already using JSON as it's configuration and data and there is already an desktop application that can be use to build your setup configuration.
anybody want it?


OEM and CAB Requests?... Let this be your source thread..

can some one upload User OEM for the new WM6 Kitchen for these programs..
1. LG Menu (LG Prada Today Plugin)
2. Pocket CM 0.19
3. Vicsoft UI Tweaker
4. MT Software Today Agenda V1.1
5. Pocket CM Keyboard 0.13
6. FtouchFlo 1.4.1
I wanna include these programs into my kitchen for future flashing...
if u can send me the download link for all of them i will turn them to OEM packages for u
hi thanks.. here they are
Mod Edit: Pocket CM links removed per Pocket CM website instruction:
"Is it free?
Yes it is free, for your personal use only (in short: you can use for anything you want, you can't just redistribute it... however you can point anybody to this website). Even more if you want it to stay free, please make donation. Anything is appreciated and will encourage me to continue the development of it as a freeware. To make a donation please use:
Can I post this application to my website?
If you want to post information about this application, please reference this website. Do not provide direct download link.
Also because feedback and comments is important to me, please drop me a mail (qpouplard // gmail.com).
If you want to publish this application on your site, please contact me first. "
So, go here to get it:
here's the lg plugin
alright then..will start making them now
okay.. thanks
Lets keep this thread open for any one who needs to get help on OEMs.. rather than waiting for the new OEM package to come out..
thanks for your help
pocketCM 0.19
download here: http://pocketcm.com/phorum/read.php?18,8733
2 xda2jj: read first act then - for next time and dont change posts w/o notifying "poster". At first i posted direct dwn, but then i changed it to Quentin's site.
today agenda
PCM keyboard
these are in the OEM.rar for the 6700 helmi kitchen. Not sure what else you are needing.
I know they are already in the kitchen.. But i want the updated versions.. unless there is already an updated OEM package that i dont know about.. the OEM Package I have was released 12-17-2007..
Well, I can tell you this much. The BuildOS that is in the works now will actually pull updated OEMs from the web. So, I guess you could learn to update OEMs which really isnt that hard once they are setup or hang tight for the new BuildOS.
Holy Crap!
That's great news!
The new builld os is capable of accessing the web to get OEM updates?.. thats Friggin awesome!
Would it be able to look for new OEMs as well as Updating current OEMs?
I can't wait.. can you give us a clue on when this new BuildOS would be available?
can any one attach the new BuildOS here please...the oems will take time as im running Vsita and ill have to setup my lappy as it has vista..sorry
Here are some of my OEM packages
Hi guys, Not so sure Tene wants his cabs posting, maybe check.
Have someone the program "Notes" from WM6 as a cab. file ?
i doubt it - it's in OEMapps(i think) with everything else, and to take only one app and properly check all Reg.Keys for it..... Not worthy even to think about it
Here it is. credit to Dutty Throy.
phsnake said:
i doubt it - it's in OEMapps(i think) with everything else, and to take only one app and properly check all Reg.Keys for it..... Not worthy even to think about it
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Anyone with cab files can now build their own packages - thanks to Ervius! And Alex!
This attached tool is part of Alex's Kaiser Kitchen but it'll create OEM packages that can be used across all kitchens...
ather90 said:
can any one attach the new BuildOS here please...the oems will take time as im running Vsita and ill have to setup my lappy as it has vista..sorry
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Moe5508 said:
Anyone with cab files can now build their own packages - thanks to Ervius! And Alex!
This attached tool is part of Alex's Kaiser Kitchen but it'll create OEM packages that can be used across all kitchens...
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something is wrong with your file it will not extract. its only 26 k is that possible? well let me know as I have several programs I want to turn into OEM and most of the other programs Ive tried dont work.
hey thanx for this..its works on vista ultimate..but i cant make it open CAB files..it only re-makes prev built packages
Got it to work..it uses a CAB manager to analyse cab files..its available by the name MSCEInf
the package creater looks for MSCEInfen if the settings are in english or it will look for MSCEInfit if the language is in italian
im attaching the required file..its by default named to MSCEInfen
Here are the Orignal Instruction by the developer :
Converting Cabs to Packages with Ervius Package Creator
If you haven't read someone elses guide before and tried their method of making an OEM package, consider yourself lucky. The manual processes described by some, going through the lengthly process of extracting a CAB file, converting SETUP.XML to registry formats, creating an INITFLASHFILES.TXT manually and so forth takes A LOOONG TIME and I applaud all of those OEM Package builders who used the old methods, because those methods for creating an OEM package was truly an error prone exercise in futility and patience!!!
The method I describe below is semi-automated and uses Ervius Package Creator & Benthon's MSCEInf.exe. Everyone should thank Ervius & BenThon, because we now can convert a cab to an OEM package in a matter of minutes instead of hours...
Setting up & running for the first time
You can skip this entire step if you're using the Kaiser ROM Kitchen w/ Alex's latest updates, as I've included all the files for you. Go ahead and select 'p' from the ROM Kitchen menu and then jump down to 'Steps to convert cab to OEM package'.
All of the files below, plus the cab or the OEM package folder must be in a folder on your C: drive! If not, you will have problems running this program. It's a limitation created by Ervius, not me...
Download and uncompress BenThon's MSCEInf.exe and Ervius Package Creator to the same directory
Rename MSCEInf.exe to MSCEInfen.exe
Run packages creator 5 4.exe. When running for the first time, you will see the following two error messages:
"Error reading Settings file. I delete it!!!" - Click on OK.
"Unhandled exception has occurred in your application..." - Click Continue.
Check the following boxes (settings will be saved in settings.ini for future execution)
Select 'ENG' to change to English.
Check 'Prefix files for duplicate in package subfolders'
Check 'Enable options'
Steps to convert cab to OEM package
Click on 'Open CAB file' and select a cab file to convert.
Click on the 7th icon from the left, 'Extract CAB files with original names in a folder'.
When the folder selection menu comes up, click on 'OK' regardless of the location shown. It will create a folder named after the cab in the same directory where the cab is located.
It will seem like nothing happened, but be assured that the files have been extracted. Click on the X to close the window.
If you really forgot to click on 'extract' and nothing was extracted, an error message will appear - "U've cancelled creating package from cab analyzer... exit!"
The next window that appears, known as the 'initflashfiles tab' is for executable and help file links. Select which files you want your links and the folders to place them. Select and apply for each link and when finished, click done to proceed.
You're now back to the main menu. The UUID for DSM and RGU has been pre-generated. You have the option of going back to 'open initflashfiles tab', creating option.xml with a group, or completing the package.
Once you have chosen the appropriate options.xml category, click on 'Complete Package.
Your cab has now been converted to an OEM package in a subdirectory where the original cab resided.
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ROM Chefs: SDAutoRun gives customziation to everybody!

User Customization is a config.txt file that's located on an SD card which can install cab & xml files located there too! Think about it: this gives anyone who loads your rom the ability to automatically install their preferred apps/settings as part of customization. Here's how to make your next ROM UC capable:
Cook the attached SDAutoRun.exe into \windows
if AutoRun.exe isn't already in \windows then place a copy there too. Note: some devices don't have a compatible AutoRun.exe. If you have issues, try the attached version.
Replace the "RST: Reset" line in config.txt with "EXEC:\windows\SDAutoRun.exe"
That's it! SDAutoRun will do the final reset unless it encounters a file called SDConfig.txt in the root directory of the storage card. If it sees this file, it will restart autorun and install cabs/configure settings from SDConfig.txt which can point to files that are also located on the SD card.
What's important is this: If every chef uses this system then ROM junkies will be able to freely move between ROMs. If you decide to include this in your next cooked ROM, then make sure you indicate that it's UC capable. I'd really like to make this a standard because it will greatly ease the time consuming task of re-installing apps/settings.
UC v2.0 is now Live!
Works with non-WWE ROMs & Internal Storage Roms. SDAutoRun uses the registry to determine the default name for the Storage Card now. For newer devices, this key might be missing altogether so just cook it in. The "Folder" value points to the actual location that contains sdconfig.txt. Here's the key:
"Folder"="Storage Card"
Automatically corrects SDConfig.txt formatting errors. Extra/missing tabs, spaces, newline characters etc are corrected before passing to autorun.exe.
New string value "SDAutoRunVersion" created in HKLM\comm contains "2.0". This will help debug SDConfig.txt file issues in the user thread.
SDAutorun v2.0 is fully compatible with all SDConfig.txt files created to date. Additionally, there now shouldn't be a config file users can throw at it that it won't re-format to the following template:
Commands will be left justified into the first 5 characters and space filled
Parameters will be left justified to the 6th character and trailing whitespace will be removed
Lines that don't contain a command will not be passed to autorun. Note: To determine validity, I only check for a ":" in postion 4 or 5 here to allow for future command expansion.
if no valid commands are encountered, then a file containing only "RST: Reset" will be created
SDAutoRun is not signed so security must be relaxed in HKLM\Security\Policies\Polices by setting the value 0000101a to a 1.
SDConfig.txt cannot be Unicode.
Here's a link to the User's side of ROM customization:
ROM Flashing Junkies: User Customization is here!
If you build a UC capable ROM, be sure to link to the above thread. Also shoot me a PM and I'll add your ROM to the UC capable list.
The key here is that UC is an automated, unattended configuration. Setting it up is done out of the Hard Reset window and once its on your SD card, it works any time you hard reset. Automated is good because it allows mass customization from a business standpoint too. Any business using a UC capable ROM can set up a single "ROM customization" SD card then give it to their IT staff for the daily provisioning of company software/branding on new devices. Your UC capable ROMs have business appeal now!
We are also working on tools that will simplify the XML/SDConfig.txt file creation process. Several good ones have already surfaced in the Users thread.
Useful Stuff
OEM Package for Kaiser
I think this is/will be a great standard! Well done Sleuth for initiating this.
Genius idea.
Good news: doedoe is looking at building a provisioning tool! Now we have two developers working on this. We can sure use more help though. See the user thread for more info!
Good But What S About Cab Wich Prompt For Choosing Languages Or Some Parameters To Be Installed ?
Very nice.
For flashing junkies it's necassary yes, after each flash all your favorit apps auto installed is awsom, nice one Sleuth
a request
can someone make it for all devices/ for example wizard? that will be awesome
Hehe many many thanks.
I tried to get this working with the standard AutoRun from SD but i couln't get it working.
Screw Extended Rom completly.
Great Work.
Making A bookmark.
character said:
can someone make it for all devices/ for example wizard? that will be awesome
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ROM chefs should be able to use UC on any ROM. Post a link on your favorite ROM Chef's thread if you want to see UC.
SETOUF said:
Good But What S About Cab Wich Prompt For Choosing Languages Or Some Parameters To Be Installed ?
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Those will need to be researched by the community. Post findings in the user thread (see page 1 for the link)
Awesome application.. so simple I'm amazed it took this long for someone to think of it!
I've cooked it into my ROM.. but I haven't released it so it cant really count as a UC compliant ROM..
It's definitely useful though and I'd love to see others using it. Thanks Sleuth
Already Found in Kin0kin ROMS
Great idea; however Kin0kin released a couple of roms some time ago that do this plus his final WM6 rom is also capable of auto install of applications off a storage card in this way.
And why not change the reg
\Storage Card\autorun.exe
\Storage Card\config.txt
Most ELF roms don't use Ext rom Auto installs any ways.
I still think this is a good cause because he's trying to get more people into doing this.
Instead of one or a few cooks integrating this.
Sleuth255 said:
sorry. AutoRun, by HTC design, cannot install apps to your storage card.
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Well it shouldn't be hard to patch cab files hardcoded to a path on SD Card. (once i have found all my software back) But not something for a regular user nope.
Sorry to hear that Limitation still exists, seeing your actually using the Original Autorun.
I was allready removing this from my Roms.
Noonski said:
And why not change the reg
\Storage Card\autorun.exe
\Storage Card\config.txt
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that's pretty much what SDAutoRun does. It reconfigures the reg settings as you indicate and re-runs autorun. First however, it changes SDconfig.txt referenced cabs to RO since on a kaiser at least, the reg settings to prevent post installation CAB removal are ignored by AutoRun. Also, if no SDConfig.txt exists or there is no SD card installed, then it generates a quick one line config.txt containg the RST: command then re-runs autorun. On a Kaiser at least, the RST: command also re-activates the radio first. Without it, the device comes up with the radio disabled. I figured this scheme would maintain compatibility across all devices.
The standard is the important thing though as you indicate. You don't need to incorporate SDAutoRun in the manner I suggest. Whatever scheme works best for you is fine as long as it meets the following specifications:
user config occurs after all other autorun config
if SDConfig.txt is found on the storage card, set up the registry and re-run autorun
if SDConfig.txt is missing or there is no storage card installed then perform the final RST:
don't remove CABS from the storage card after installation.
I just thought my little 31K pgm was the easiset way to accomplish this. On deck is a way to do this even if the user renames the storage card...
Well looks like you can ad me to the list after monday.
I'm going to strip The new 6. rom to the bone and make some custom cabs hardcoded to SD card installation for the stripped Apps that can work from SD.
Cool... shoot me the link to your support thread when you do & I'll put it up on pg 1 of the UC user thread.
Regedit setting
Sleuth255 said:
HKLM\Security\Policies\Polices by setting the value 0000101C to a 1.
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Can someone tell me what's "a 1"?
"0000101C"=dword:a 1??
Strange that it's contain hardcoded paths ...! The name of my Storage card is Speicherkarte and so it's useless for me!
Probably a dumb question but where would I put this file in the base kit I have. I have a base kit for wm6.1 on titan. Ide love to cook up a rom but I dont know where this file goes.
smarvest said:
Can someone tell me what's "a 1"?
"0000101C"=dword:a 1??
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set the value "000101c" to a 1 ie:

MSCEInf Version 2.4

Contributions of version 2.4
1) In Tab « Files », if SETUPDLL present ("setup.dll") :
- This dll is now in the ListView (Properties - Context Menu - and Drag and Drop are allowed on this DLL)
- The SETUPDLL is marked in red
- An icon is shown in StatusBar to show its presence
- The Hint of the StatusBar specifies its presence
2) Other Bug Corrections for column sort and especially in XML window.
And now :
- If never clicked on a column -> alphabetic sort
- If clicked on the same column -> reverse sort
- If not in the same ListView or not clicked on the same column -> alphabetic sort
3) Help and History are now available by clicking on the System Menu (Top Left on the Caption)
Thanks again to Le Sage (CodePPC forum moderator) for his help and advices.
MSCEInf file-copy glitch...
Hi Benoît,
Thank you for such a useful application. I genuinely would have little-to-no clue what was going on during the tirade of CAB installs on my Diamond without this splendid tool.
Just one small bug for hopeful resolution in the next release...
The InfCEOpen and InfCEView directories that are created in the %temp% directory are not cleared when a new .CAB is directly loaded in to the program.
The user would have to completely close then re-open the app to clear these folders before processing a new .CAB accurately.
A example of this issue would be as follows:
Two .cab files 'cab1' and 'cab2' contain a file with the same filename (testfile.exe), but each cab has a different version of 'testfile.exe'.
The first loaded cab1 will create the InfCEOpen directory and write the 'testfile.exe' (Version-cab1) both into the directory and then to the drag/drop location.
The cab2 file is directly loaded into the same MSCEInf session window and appears to load correctly with all new listed files displaying fine.
The new testfile.exe from cab2 is now dragged and appears to write a new file to the drag/drop location. This should be the testfile.exe (Version-cab2), however it is still copying the initial testfile.exe from cab1 (Version-cab1).
Looking in the InfCEOpen directory shows the cab-internal named file such as "000CABB2.004" which is the correct version, however it was unable to rename it prior to the drag/drop copy as the initial cab1 file still exists in the InfCEOpen directory.
Hope this detail is all useful and once again the application is superb, so thank you for all your work and effort.
Best regards,
Adam R. Hirshfield
T-Mobile (UK) Ltd.
Core Networks
Thanks for your comment Adam ! There is not a lot of comment for this program so I appreciate it (I have lost my hairs on this program !)
I have already seen this bug before but I have forgotten to find something to correct it !
Maybe in future version...
Feedback for bug-fixed version.
BenThon said:
Thanks for your comment Adam ! There is not a lot of comment for this program so I appreciate it (I have lost my hairs on this program !)
I have already seen this bug before but I have forgotten to find something to correct it !
Maybe in future version...
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Your personal attention and support in resolving this issue was fantastic. No issues with the version supplied with new 'temp blanking' code. We have been using it daily (if not hourly) since you kindly supplied it and works exactly as expected - and for unexpectedly great value!
I would suggest it is certainly safe to release the new version for anyone who may be unknowingly caught out by the issue I was experiencing. Now using the ThemeGen software too which is also highly recommended...
Looking forward to continued feature expansions and updates. We would gladly pay/donate for this product instead of being forced to use the existing OCP "WinCE CAB Manager" or "CabWUZ", which is currently our only CAB-building solution. Are you at any time in the future considering adding CAB creation (file additions/editing) or 'REG/XML --> CAB' conversion features to this product.
It is already superb for viewing and would be a welcome competition to the OCP products.
Please keep me in mind for any required preview/beta testing assistance and I will be delighted to provide feedback.
Best regards,
Thanks for your encouragements Adam !
ahirshfield said:
Are you at any time in the future considering adding CAB creation (file additions/editing) or 'REG/XML --> CAB' conversion features to this product.
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I have no more hairs on my head ! So, I do not think that I will tranform MSCEInf in a Cab Builder. Nevertheless, you can do this with MSCEInf :
Put the Cab in MSCEInf and get the rebuilt INF file.
Extract all the files with the program (with tree folders).
Modify the INF File as you want.
Change the files you want in the folders where MSCEInf put extracted files.
And use CabWiz to build your own Cab !
To mimic OCP software (99 $ ...) I have to write a parser and a syntaxic corrector... and so on... Really, a hard piece of work !
Thanks again for your feedback, Adam !
If I manage to awake the webmaster of CodePPC, I would publish the new version of MSCEInf with the corrections (the version I sent to you, Adam).

[DEV] ROM Tools

I'm currently working on a few tools, and want to know what features would be liked by cooks/users or anyone really.
The first tool is an exe generator for hot fixes. Simply put, you plug some files into it, and it generates an exe that can be run on the target device which will do all the hot fixes.
The advantages it gives:
No more cabs!
Can use a custom icon for the exe if desired
Things like messing around with setup.dll files doesn't need to happen, and an application can be launched after install if wanted
Files can be deleted
File properties can be changed
Can use XMLs
Can edit registry
Can install files
Since it's written in native C++, it should run without a hitch on WM5+ devices, whether or not they have .Net whatever...
The second tool is an AutoRun/UC/whatever like system that simply searches through a folder, finds all cabs/xmls/provxmls and then installs them. This means there's no reliance on autorun for parsing config files, or any other requirements. Again, it's written in native C++ so is better
Any suggestions/ideas would be welcome!
Oh, and once I've got slightly further, both these will be released as open source. Probably.
l3v5y said:
I'm currently working on a few tools, and want to know what features would be liked by cooks/users or anyone really.
The first tool is an exe generator for hot fixes. Simply put, you plug some files into it, and it generates an exe that can be run on the target device which will do all the hot fixes.
The advantages it gives:
No more cabs!
Can use a custom icon for the exe if desired
Things like messing around with setup.dll files doesn't need to happen, and an application can be launched after install if wanted
Files can be deleted
File properties can be changed
Can use XMLs
Can edit registry
Can install files
Since it's written in native C++, it should run without a hitch on WM5+ devices, whether or not they have .Net whatever...
The second tool is an AutoRun/UC/whatever like system that simply searches through a folder, finds all cabs/xmls/provxmls and then installs them. This means there's no reliance on autorun for parsing config files, or any other requirements. Again, it's written in native C++ so is better
Any suggestions/ideas would be welcome!
Oh, and once I've got slightly further, both these will be released as open source. Probably.
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Wow, this sounds very very promising. Can't wait!
yeah some user friendly and easy to understand specialy editing the rom or making add/remove programs EASILY is the best specialy to noobs like me when cooking ROMS all in one tool with advance AI for error checking
Sounds very attractive. go on my friend.....
Sounds good mate
I'm looking for a tool to easily make a setup.dll. Like setup.dll maker/generator/wizard.
Seems the only tools I can ever found is from e-pocketsetup, but that company was sold to another company and the product was never available since then.
I know cooks hate a cabs with a setup.dll. But seems without setup.dll a cab installer can not execute some little complicated actions. And it is impossible to make a setup.dll without grasp a computer language like c++.
Edit: Found another one: setupdllcreator , but it's not strong enough and not freeware.
Edit: If these can be realized, a setup.dll maker is much less needed:
No more cabs!
Can use a custom icon for the exe if desired
Things like messing around with setup.dll files doesn't need to happen, and an application can be launched after install if wanted
Files can be deleted
File properties can be changed
Can use XMLs
Can edit registry
Can install files
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But we need above mentioned fubctionalities to be DYNAMIC, like:
Can detect availability of certain reg entries or installed apps, base on the result to decide which variants of install files to be installed, or whether some supporting apps like netcf or mortscript to be installed. Or can detect device id, resolutions, drivers to decide what to do.
Otherwise it still can not completely replace setup.dll.
But if dynamic actions can be executed, wow that's a dream of developers & hackers and even common users can benefit from that, a real revolution !
woww can wait for realese
l3v5y said:
Any suggestions/ideas would be welcome!
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So I'm posting my requests again, the idea is this: It will be much helpful if I can know what is happening/changed in the registry after I did anything to my WM devices. So maybe you can develop a tool to monitor & log the real-time changes of registry. Or at least we can have a registry-comparision tool on ppc.
Another thing is it seems we don't have a file structure viewer on ppc, not the stuff like total commander etc., want to export the file structure to a file like .txt or .jpg.
Update: Now my idea is clearer for this, what I suggest would be a System Snopshot program to realize this:
Can make a system snapshot to record the registry content, file structure, ram usage etc.
The snapshot can be initialized in the similiar way of CapSure screen capture program, i.e., a hardwre button, a fixed time, a screen tap, a program launch, etc., defined by user.
Can choose a full system snapshot or only on selected part of registr, file system etc.
Can generate a file containing the recorded system condition.
Can compare any two system snapshot result and generate a comparision chart/change log.
So I've posted my requests as per your request, whether or not you'll do it is not my business lol.
Update: Found SK Tracker, cost EUR9.95, so forget this one. Why I did not know it in the past?!

XDA_UC_NET - Chef's requests

Hi, Chefs! =)
I'm going to add an option to run on second (or first) boot to my new program XDA_UC_NET. It's almost like original XDA_UC, but C# based, gives feedback to user and saves installation log, so you can see if any errors happened, it supports environment variables for different folders and some other enhancements.
Now it's almost portable - you can run it any time you want from Start menu, select any folder and install files from this folder.
But chefs ask me to add autorun mode - just as original XDA_UC.
I want to implement it this way
Chef adds to registry path to folder that must be processed by XDA_UC_NET.
Chef adds to registry parameter to tell program if it should run on 1st or 2nd boot.
Chef adds to registry parameter to tell program if it should wait for some time before popup.
XDA_UC_NET starts, read these parameters, display your message (if any, in any language) from given folder. If folder is not found - tell user that it's time to copy this folder to device. At the end XDA_UC_NET installs stuff from this folder like original XDA_UC.
What do you think? Are there any other suggestions how to implement autorun feature?
Will be great to not have that config.txt and of course to have it full potencial like:
1.- search for cabs into #Storage card# (any lang of course)
2.- Maybe a nice image here installing in a animation bar
3.- install this... then this... and at this point hide the UC screen to click some prompt messages from instalation action in many cabs
3.- run this file (lnk, exe)
4.- select any TSK
Finally restart device
this will allows chefs to not add cabs into ROMS to be executed at first boot.. lighter roms you know (i know i can make it posible with SDconfig.txt but not all ppl likes to edit the file every time you know)
Thats my recomendations
Oh BTW we just can make a lnk into startup folder and it will run in first run or maybe you can consider as an idea that you already have make it posible to delete that lnk at the end of the first customization.. or ask you if you want to add more second time the rom boots...
+ Que PPC said:
Will be great to not have that config.txt
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already done - it's main idea of XDA_UC, put your files in your folder and you are ready.
1.- search for cabs into #Storage card# (any lang of course)
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already done - program search given folder, I think it is enough
2.- Maybe a nice image here installing in a animation bar
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in current version program displays every step -
"Install CABs silent"
"Install MSCRs"
and so on.
3.- run this file (lnk, exe)
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there are two options - run and wait, or just run and go next.
I never used this feature for myself, so, please tell me what is the best?
4.- select any TSK
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As far as I know almost all new themes for WM6.5 are distributed as cab files.
And there is a problem in original XDA_UC with Cook.tsk - it's old WM6 version. But I will search for options...
Finally restart device
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already done

