Using Rain-X to prevent fingerprints. - Eee Pad Transformer General

Has anyone tried using Rain-X? I'm probably going to give it a shot by cleaning the entire screen, and then applying it to a rag, and then onto the screen itself. From what I've heard, it will last for about a week, but it's supposed to be pretty effective.
I'm not a clean freak or anything, but they're very visible unless it's in a dark room or some place without much ambient lighting. If anything, it's helped with how frequently I wash my hands.
I'll be reporting back if I put a coat on!

not sure why this would work. rainx is like an oil. oil doesnt mix with water, thats why it just flies right off your windshield when your driving. your fingers produces oil, not water. like dissolves like. i doubt this will work. please update us on this though.

I didn't have any Rain-X on hand when I first heard about this, so I used carnauba wax instead. It still gets fingerprints, but they're not as noticeable and they wipe away easier.
Rain-X doesn't necessarily repel oils, but it does fill in the microscopic pores in the glass, making for a smoother surface that makes it harder for things to stick to it.

Search the forum for about 10 diff threads regarding this subject for more detailed info if your worried about chemicals in rainx etc.
I have been using it for about 5 months on various devices. usually 3 coats at one time will last me about 1 month or so with very little fingerprints and the ones i do get wipe off very easy.
It works great.


Fixing Scratches on the Front Screen?

I've done a fair bit of searching both here and elsewhere online, and I've yet to find anything relating to a successful repair method for small surface scratches on the front screen (which may perhaps be impossible).
I've been going without a screen protector/case for the last few weeks, and despite being über careful, I have a very small scratch in the middle of the front screen. Not a show-stopper by any means, but enough to give me pangs of annoyance every time the light catches it.
Has anyone found a way to fix/conceal this kind of thing, which from what I understand is pretty difficult with a glass touch-screen?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Westibone said:
I've done a fair bit of searching both here and elsewhere online, and I've yet to find anything relating to a successful repair method for small surface scratches on the front screen (which may perhaps be impossible).
I've been going without a screen protector/case for the last few weeks, and despite being über careful, I have a very small scratch in the middle of the front screen. Not a show-stopper by any means, but enough to give me pangs of annoyance every time the light catches it.
Has anyone found a way to fix/conceal this kind of thing, which from what I understand is pretty difficult with a glass touch-screen?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
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I wonder if you can use rubbing compound on it? Also would a screen protector cover it? Don't feel bad I have a pocket full of dust under my screen. I just wonder why they didn't make a headphone jack plug.
The first thing I am going to try is to go after work today, get a screen protector, and see if that helps reduce the visibility of the scratch (in addition to obviously preventing new ones).
On the one hand I feel silly for stressing over it, but on the other....well, what can I say?
If I continue to keep waking up in cold sweats, I might have to resort to more hardcore methods...
About the only thing you can do, that I know of, is cover it with a screen protector. That is what I had to do on my previous phone when the screen got scratched. Fortunately, once I put the screen protector on it you couldn't see the scratches any more.
You might be able to fix it by putting toothpaste in the scratch and wiping it clean
strung said:
You might be able to fix it by putting toothpaste in the scratch and wiping it clean
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Use toothpaste or jeweler's rouge (for normal glass at least)
I had one minor scratch on mine and tried fixing it with toothpaste. Didn't work. It actually made the problem worse by creating a bunch of tiny microscopic scratches around it so now it looks smudged right around the scratch all the time unless I'm always wiping it clean with a microfiber cloth.
Luckily for me, I'm getting the Evo replaced with a new one when my local store gets their new shipment in. I have some light leakage and a spot on the screen that is lighter than the rest of the screen (looks almost like a burn spot) which is a great excuse for me to return it and start fresh (and this time with a protector).
I'm not listening to these "scratch tests" for phones anymore. After babying my phone for a month and STILL mysteriously ending up with a scratch out of the blue, I can't risk not having a screen protector anymore.

How to polish plastic

Polishing plastic is the same as polishing anything. The one major concern is what you use and making sure it is chemically compatible with the material you are polishing. Test it by doing the inside and apply and rub lightly then look at after it sat for 30 seconds or so. You will be able to see if it reacting or not.
Second thing, is how deep the scratch is, because if it is real deep you will polish out the scratch and the result is a dip in the material where the scratch used to be as a result of removing enough material to get the scratch to disappear.. That itself may be a worse than the original scratch..... it all depends. So, you have to use your discerning eye to evaluate is the "fix worse than the existing damage".
a Light very shallow scratch--- you can use rotten stone (get at a art supply or some hardware stores) and linseed oil. You can use other oils but this one is the standard historically (because this is the oil that makes up oil paint in artist paints). Take a few drops of the oil and put on the surface to be polished and apply a little of the rotten stone and rub in a circular motion with a soft cloth (I like an old tee shirt 100 % cotton). The advantage of doing this method is the rotten stone is the cutting and polishing agent. That means you can control how much you want to use. Use more at first, clean it off and use less the second time, then on the final pass use even less. You can make plastic look like optical glass with enough effort. Try to refrain from using a machine to speed up the process... doing this as it will heat up the surface and REALLY F-UP the whole thing. I have had excellent results doing repairs this way.Just doing by hand takes longer and more patience.
If the scratch is really deep then, you can live it OR.... you find a compatible clear hard setting plastic glue or fill (this can be hard to find you need to know what the material really is) that will correctly bond to the material that needs repair. Now--- you will need to fill the scratch (divit) with this carefully, only filling the scratch and then let set for 24 hours or until it is totally dry. Then do the exact procedure as mentioned above. Remember.... if you use fill the surfacing MUST be perfectly clean otherwise, you will trap debris in the fix.
This fix can be done on almost anything as long as the material will not absorb the oil of grab the rotten stone. There are other things you can use but this is what we use when repairing antique and ancient items. hope that helps-- good luck

My screen is a dust magnet, anybody have the same issue?

I am currently not using a screen protector and I've noticed my screen is a dust magnet. I get an substantial amount of dust latching on to my screen (if it was just a bit I wouldn't bother). Is there any liquid solution I can use to make the screen more dust resistant? I am currently using lens cleaner and disposable microfiber cloths to clean my screen. Anybody else getting the same issue?
I just ordered a SGP crystal clear screen protector because I noticed how popular they were on the forums... but it won't arrive for another week.
maybe u should clean up in ur cave
If by cave you mean the city of Toronto (yes I collect dust while walking around the city), then yeah I'd like to. But all the mayoral candidates are crap and our politicians are corrupt as hell. Cleaning ain't gonna happen. Thanks for the suggestion though.
almaalma74 said:
maybe u should clean up in ur cave
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Haha funny
But it's a real problem with a real solution (2.2-only)...
Go to settings
then click display
then scroll down
turn 'dust collector' off
that should do the trick!
This is my first time running into snarky people on xda, everybody else has been nothing short of helpful.
I'm noticing my phone screen is collecting more dust than all my other gadgets; I'm just wondering if anybody has had a similar issue.
There is no need to try to insult my intelligence. Thank you very much.
Turn your phone upside down when you place it on something, should do the trick lol
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
hahaha the replies made my day xD xD
Now that I think of it, I have never seen dust on the screen of my SGS, even though I live in a relatively polluted city. I guess it just gets wiped off by my fingers while, you know, I'm actually using the phone.
rasebo said:
Now that I think of it, I have never seen dust on the screen of my SGS, even though I live in a relatively polluted city. I guess it just gets wiped off by my fingers while, you know, I'm actually using the phone.
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Thanks for letting me know.
Since I've got the phone I've been cleaning my screen with a camera lens cleaner solution. I'm just concerned I may have wiped off a coating off the glass, or the solution itself made the surface more adhesive. I'm sure it won't be a problem once the SGP protector arrives.
I know nothing about the hardware so please correct me... The screen is capacitive thus using electricity to detect touch. If for some reason the shielding is broken i can imagine it is a little bit static thus attracting dust. It could well be that my assessment is bs.
happens to my phone too.
My guess is that you have rubbed off our dissolved some sort of coating. I've had mine here in Vancouver (so the same Bell model, probably) for a couple of months and have never noticed anything I'd describe as dust, maybe some good old sweat and grease.
If you don't mind my asking, why were you cleaning the screen in the first place? Why use any sort of cleaning liquid if you're gonna clean it at all? Wouldn't the microfiber cloth, or kimtech wipes be enough? But again, why do it at all?
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA App
Recent study reveals germs and bacteria make your phone more dirty then a toilet seat.
I don't need a study to tell me that, the toilet seat is one of the cleanest parts of your house.
Still, you don't see people washing their money, their keyboard, or their dish sponge obsessively...
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA App
I guess you could try brasso gadget clean or something. I have never tried it but its meant to be anti static. Hope that helps.
Personaly i clean my phone weekly not for the germs but to remove crusts. I use lcd screen cleaner btw. But if you'll ever have to take care of a baby you will quickly get into the habit of cleaning everything.
this is now getting way off topic, as I'm sure the baby isn't playing with the i9000
but to keep that train of thought going, first time parents do tend to clean everything thoroughly (and hourly), but by the time you have your second or third you realize there's really no need to scrub everything with antibacterial sprays...
anyway, I'm curios whether someone knows if a capacitive touchscreen, gorilla skin, or the SGS's implementation of both has some kind of coating that's vulnerable to being taken off with lense cleaning fluids that's the brasso stuff. I have been using the sgp ultra clear. Its pretty decent thought nothing will beat the bare screen. And I have noticed it is slightly less responsive. Before with use the slightest touch it would register my finger. Now it seems like I need to apply abit more pressure.
Also when applying the screen protector be VERY careful. I wasted the first one because of dust getting underneath. very annoying so be careful and do it somewhere dust free and as quickly as possible.
Although I wash my face with biotherm homme exfoliating face wash twice a day, I don't have the best skin in the world. I tend to accumulate oils as the day progresses and my phone tends to share a bit of it. With that said, it was necessary for me to clean the phone every so often. The reason I used lens cleaner was because it was readily available and I figured if it was gentle enough for a camera lens, it should be more than apt for glass.
I'm just speculating there may be an anti static layer I've cleaned off. I wouldn't be surprised if there was (I mean they do sell anti static sprays). Atm, I'm just waiting for my SGP Ultra Crystal screen protector.
In the worst case I'll also try Brasso and/or an anti-static spray.
As for applying the protector, I think I'm going to use the steamy washroom method.
Btw, thanks to all who have added constructive suggestions and input, I really appreciate it.
I now have the same problem on my new Pixel 7 Pro I bought like a month ago. It's screen is dusty whenever I get it out of the pocket no matter what pants.
Searched everywhere and can't find anything useful. My first guess is some kind of static electricity. I've tried:
• other phones
• anti-static screen cleaner
• letting the battery die and keep it uncharged for like half a day.
• a bunch of different jeans/pants
• even tried vaccum cleaning my pockets and trying to pick up anything that's impossible to see with human eye by a lint roller and duct tape.
Putting on a screen protector film or tempered glass would be my last resort.
After 30 minutes in pocket it looks like this. It's really embarrassing when I have to get it out in front of other people. Also attaching a photo of my pocket so you don't think they are messy or something. Other phones do not have this problem in the same pocket

Hate Fingerprints on your Tablet? Try this...

So okay, these are Touchscreen devices. Does that mean we have to just live with it, having the hi-res, beautiful display hampered by grungy fingerprints, and swipe marks? Not if I can help it (and I can!)
People who own these devices fall into two camps:
1) The ones that detest the fingerprints, and are super annoyed at how quickly the display gets marked up. Constantly wiping screen with a cloth, cleaning pad, wipes etc.?
2) The ones who don't give a crap.
For the former, of which I am a member, I have two really good ways of almost eliminating the print problem. It's not 100% but it goes a long way to do to resolving the issue. This is a 2 step process:
First, get some Rain-x or another brand of that type of glass treatment. It's designed for car, to make rainwater run off, and keep bug and crap from sticking to the glass. Pretty amazing stuff actually. Personally I don't think other brands are as good. Treat the screen with it 2x to start, then once a week or a bit more often (I do this about every 4-5 days) Leaves the glass feeling super smooth and slippery. It's an amazing feel, but really doesn't last that long. Also note I have no idea if there are long term effects that would have any effect on the durability of the screen, but is IS glass, hardened or not. I did this to my HTC Phone for years with no negligible effect that I could ever tell.
Second: Wash your hands! They now have signs in all the bathrooms with instructions for morons who have trouble with this complex procedure.
Seriously though... I am not done. Like me, you may have noticed that after washing your hands thoroughly (did you remember to make a good lather?) your fingers end up clean. Too clean! As in "Squeaky Clean" and as you may also have noticed, this does not lend well to swiping on glass (even glass that is super slick with Rain-x) Here is the solution. Powder. Talcum Powder or Baby Powder. Sprinkle a tiny bit on your palms, & finger tips, wipe it in well.
This works AMAZINGLY well. Sounds like a big pain, but its really not, and after both Rain-x and a little talc, let's say 4-5 minutes to take care of, you can sit and use your tablet four HOURS and barely see a trace of any prints.
Of course it all goes to **** when you star eating fried chicken while web browsing, but I can't resolve EVERY problem now, can I? (Hmm, I wonder if those nitrile gloves would work on a capacitive touchscreen...)
Uh what exactly is in rain-x? Whatever it is, I doubt the company envisioned people coming into daily contact with. Similarly, talc is a product that can be carcinogenic when used daily. However it would likely take many years.
Here's a safety sheet on rainx.
While it doesn't seem awful as it's mostly water and alcohol (I don't know what some of the other chemicals are) it is only approve for occasional contact and it does warn the the product cancause drying and make one more susceptible to skin issues.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
I just my jacket sleeve to wipe
I've noticed that if it's squeaky clean it becomes harder to scroll and swipe so I leave it a little dirty/oily. The only thing I can't stand is dust.
I'm definitely a number 2. I can't remember the last time I wiped the screen. I wonder what the white stains are...
Screen protectors.
While I'm not particularly a fan of screen protectors, I was testing one recently for my Transformer and it fits perfect and you can't notice it... and one of the bonuses is that it doesn't show finger prints.
The Transformer is REALLY bad for finger prints. I've even had other people point it out. While I'm typically anal about finger prints, I use my TF too much to sit there and wipe it down every 5 minutes... and its summer so I'm not wearing sleeves.
I plan on writing a review for the screen protector after a few more days of using it. I haven't wiped it off yet since I cleaned the screen to apply the protector and it looks clean still.
Screen Protectors could help
player911 said:
Screen protectors.
While I'm not particularly a fan of screen protectors, I was testing one recently for my Transformer and it fits perfect and you can't notice it... and one of the bonuses is that it doesn't show finger prints.
The Transformer is REALLY bad for finger prints. I've even had other people point it out. While I'm typically anal about finger prints, I use my TF too much to sit there and wipe it down every 5 minutes... and its summer so I'm not wearing sleeves.
I plan on writing a review for the screen protector after a few more days of using it. I haven't wiped it off yet since I cleaned the screen to apply the protector and it looks clean still.
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I guess if it's a satin or similar, non-gloss it would be a big improvement over the stock glass... What brand did you get? I have gotten pretty good about laying them on a phone display, might be another story getting a perfect placement on a 10 inch screen!
bobloblaw1: Talc is dangerous? Kill me now! I would stay away from electronics entirely; according to Greenpeace: "Electronic devices are a complex mixture of several hundred materials. A mobile phone, for example, contains 500 to 1000 components. Many of these contain toxic heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium and beryllium and hazardous chemicals, such as brominated flame retardants." Better sell the Transformer and switch back to smoke signals... oh ****, that smoke is just FULL of carcinogens... Want to sell that SCH-I500 cheap?
I don't think I would recommend this. Rain-X is for use on the external surface of a windshield. It has some staying power. Lord knows what extended contact can do to your skin or if there are other more subtle things that can occur to the sensitive lining of the nostrils or eyes.
I just have a suede cloth i use when I notice prints
Hmm, an anti-glare screen protector is ALOT easier! Plus, it also reduces the glare and you won't have to lug around rain-x and talcum powder with you....
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
goodintentions said:
I'm definitely a number 2. I can't remember the last time I wiped the screen. I wonder what the white stains are...
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lol...and i mean i actually loled. TMI though
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
SmartAs$Phone said:
Too clean! As in "Squeaky Clean" and as you may also have noticed, this does not lend well to swiping on glass (even glass that is super slick with Rain-x) Here is the solution. Powder. Talcum Powder or Baby Powder.
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Another cool trick is to actually dry your hands after washing. It works equally well...
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
Dried Rain-x wont hurt you. Just use latex gloves when applying if you're paranoid about skin contact.

S8+ Fingerprint sensor scratches!!

So upon inspecting my phone this morning under direct bright lighting I noticed very light scratches going across my fingerprint sensor. I always kept my phone in a case since day one. I realized it's not made of glass and will scratch overtime but why didn't sammy just realize this could be a problem overtime. Even placing your finger on it with the slightest dirt can make fine abrasions but it's not noticeable under normal lighting conditions.
So to solve this problem I placed a small piece of clear tape over it that i cut myself and It works like a charm!! Looks good too! Works 100% of the time. Let me know guys if you had this problem.
perez6481 said:
So upon inspecting my phone this morning under direct bright lighting I noticed very light scratches going across my fingerprint sensor. I always kept my phone in a case since day one. I realized it's not made of glass and will scratch overtime but why didn't sammy just realize this could be a problem overtime. Even placing your finger on it with the slightest dirt can make fine abrasions but it's not noticeable under normal lighting conditions.
So to solve this problem I placed a small piece of clear tape over it that i cut myself and It works like a charm!! Looks good too! Works 100% of the time. Let me know guys if you had this problem.
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Every single Samsung that has fingerprint sensor is prone to scratches since it is plastic.
So far I don't have any scratches on the sensor, but to make sure it stays that way I might just do what you did, OP. Is it still as reliable in terms of scanning with the tape on?
Same here.
MindlessNevada said:
So far I don't have any scratches on the sensor, but to make sure it stays that way I might just do what you did, OP. Is it still as reliable in terms of scanning with the tape on?
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It works just as perfect, I made sure it's the thin clear tape that's used to wrap gifts and it's been a huge peace of mind since I know it won't get any worse.
Very small scratches on mine. Slightly disappointing but most Samsung's buttons/fingerprint scratch pretty easy I just expected this not to be as bad with it being at the rear and not used as a home button like previous models.
Just posting this here in case it helps anyone since it helped me. I didn't have any scratches on my Maple Gold S8+ in the 3 months I had it before I passed it on to my wife -- but when I got by Midnight Black one, I got scratches on it within a week even after being very careful with it. Very bad quality for a device that costs a good sum of money. Samsung has the money and should do what Apple does and protect its sensor with a Sapphire-coated cover. I've never had scratch issues on my any of my iPhones with TouchID (5S to 7 Plus).
Anyway, I was able to get rid of the scratches on mine using Meguiar's Scratch X 2.0 (costs 10 bucks or less)
1. Just put a small amount of Scratch X 2.0 on a Q-Tip;
2. Apply it to the fingerprint sensor; try to spread it evenly;
3. Let the Scratch X dry;
4. Once it's dry/caked-up, use a micro-fiber cloth (not the 3M variety for cars or 'gadget cleaning' because those can be abrasive too --
but the ones that come with prescription glasses). Here's a good example.
5. Gently rub-off the caked-up cleaner using light steady strokes.
As a precaution, you may want to cover the surrounding Gorilla Glass area (and lens) with 3M Magic tape so you can avoid getting the Scratch X solution on these areas. It says not to put on glass surfaces on the bottle but I've not encountered any issues.
Your home button should look pretty good/scratch-less afterwards. I know it certainly helped with mine. There's some very slight loss in shine initially but after a while, the button goes back very nearly to what it used to look like. It doesn't affect the sensor and the appearance holds up on inspection even under direct lighting. I don't have a handheld buffing tool with a soft tip just yet but I think I could get better results with that.
Anyway, I hope this helps you guys like it helped me.
Nothing new. Same stories with other Sam phones before esp S7/S7 Edge. Sam simply don't want you use your phone for too long time, just upgrade every year or shorter. Anothet idea: Sam want to lower cost to make phones or have lower part/build quality than some others
I am using an s9 plus and I'm worried it might get scratched as well so I put tape on it but it doesnt read

