[Q] Contacts problem - XPERIA X10 General

Hoping someone can help, My Mrs phonebook is screwed up, she has duplicate entries for every contact she has. For example her contact for me has duplicated numbers;
Basically the same numbers and email address are listed over and over again for every contact.
Ideally i would like to import them to the pc and then edit and send back to the phone.
I have tried Google sync and doing it by gmail - no good. kept coming up with delete limit exceeded when i sync'd and now gmail has lost the contacts!
Sony Ericsson sync would not import contacts full stop. It sync'd calendar with no problems but contacts remained blank.
Can anybody help or suggest an alternative??

lol same happened to me

Check that the display options are not showing multiple sources for the same contact, if so turn these sources off.
My suggestion would be to copy all contacts to your google account, and manage them there, then turn of all other sources for contacts.


My Contacts VS. All Contacts

I think this is the answer many of us are looking for to only have My Contacts Sync not all contacts.
Go to People->Menu->View->uncheck "Show auto Gmail Contacts" and "Google"
So you should only have Only contacts with phone #'s and Phones if you want.
Also here is a link to the Google Gmail Contact help section discussing this problem with 1.5 so a few things you will notice are different.
Hope this helps.
This solved the problem of syncing just My Contacts. This will not sync all contacts!
when i do it, it doesn't do anything.
with "Google" unchecked, the accounts sync doesn't do anything because the People app isn't even searching through my Google account for the contacts (but it is checked in the Data & Synchronization setting screen)
If Google is selected then it will pull All Contacts, The only downside to syncing Only contacts with #'s is if you only email someone they wont show.
See, Google expects you to keep your contact list clean and in good order. They figure that if you have a contact in all contact then you probably want them on all synced devices. So if you want it to work a different way you have to be tricky. This is an amazing phone and Android does have some limitations but we can't have everything. I also think that people would start complaining that this contact or that contact is on their phone if Android had to many options and one got switched on accident. So this is my work around and anyone that i know that I contact that doesn't have a # I put in a bogus one and then they show up.
i have a more shoddy way of working around it, though i'm experience problems with contact sync in general right now
what you could do is just use another Google account and use that one to solely sync your contacts. just export from your main account and import to the contact only one, and sync from there
however, my problem right now is that the phone won't do any sort of contact sync at all with contacts. anyone know why this might be?
Did you flash the 2.1 file? If so try to reinstall it.

[Q] Exchange Sync / public contacts

i set up syncing our exchange server. back in the days with my htc sensation it synced only my private contacts. the s4 synced all public contacts. now i have like 8000 contacts on my phone. how to get rid of them and sync only my private contacts of the exchange server?
it seems like, it is only possible to sync all folders.
i tried to use the workaround, but the whatsapp sync already used all phone numbers, so i also have like 1000 new whatsapp contacts, i even never seen in my life....
the next problem is, the contacts may be hidden, but if you try to find a contact in the phone app, the hidden contacts by groups won't be hidden and it's nearly impossible to find a contact very fast.
that "feature" is really disappointing. i also don't know what to do now? should i start deleting contacts? i'm affraid the sync will delete them in our exchange server. but how to delete them only in whatsapp?
my solution:
- stop sync with exchange
- clear whatsapp data / cache
- delete all exchange contacts with kies
- send all contacts from my old htc phone to the s4

How to stop duplicate contacts (microsoft exchange)

Hi i use Microsoft exchange so my contacts stay synced with outlook (cause kies is a pos)
anyways every once in awhile i get duplicate contacts (only shows one contact but when i click on there contact i see "1" Facebook icon and "2" squares icons indicating exchange contacts meaning my achange contact duplicated and if i leave it long enough i sometime get 3 exchange contacts)
from what i read when the conact app on your s4 crashes it screws up and make doubles of all ur exchange contacts
has anybody found a solution
only solution iv been using is removed my exchange account from my phone then readd it BUT then all my facebook links with different names dont link up and i need to manually link again which is a hugee pain espically when u have to do this every few week
so anybody have any solution thanks!!

Need help on Contacts and Call Log

I am a new user of Galaxy S4 with Android 4.4.2 (first time Android user) and I have issues with the contacts how it is at present and wanted your help to get those resolved.
I have Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Skype, Exchange account, WhatsApp are synced in the device, but I have disabled Contact Sync for all of these. So now if I go to Contacts screen I can see only Device Contacts which is GOOD .
Issue 1: Search
When I search for contact in the contacts screen the search result includes contacts from Gmail, WhatsApp etc as well along with the device contacts. How can we get rid of these?
From where contact search pull these Gmail contacts even if those are not available inside contacts screen? Same happen when I search for contacts from Compose message screen.
Issue 2: Call Log
The Call Log by default include all Call Log and Message Log. We do have a View Filter where we can set ALL Calls Only and this is a temporary fix for the view to show only Call Log. Next time I open Log I see both of them. Is there a way I can fix this?
It's coz you must have previously synced your contatcs with Gmail / fb. Try deleting them all and adding them again from the backup. Also check the truecaller settings if any.
river-mystique said:
It's coz you must have previously synced your contatcs with Gmail / fb. Try deleting them all and adding them again from the backup. Also check the truecaller settings if any.
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Thanks river-mystique, Yes when I setup the device with the Gmail ID it did auto synced contacts and later I disabled the Sync. So how can I remove all contacts and restore from backup? Or I need to factory Reset and Sync with Samsung Account? Also no True Caller.
Another question: If I factory reset and Sync with Samsung account (Where I have my contacts and SMS synced) and setup Gmail Again, will the device try to sync Gmail Contact again, as during device setup with Gmail there is no Option to disable Sync types. I think it is only available after the device is configured.

Contacts Confusion

Another newb question to the Samsung. My contacts are an absolute nightmare and I can't figure out how to get them under control. I went in and disabled (I think) sync on as many things as I could find (exchange, facebook, etc). I also went through and manually deleted a bunch of contacts I didn't want. Went in there today and BOOM. Contacts are a chaotic mess again. How do I fix this? How can I mass delete contacts and start over if it comes down to that?
#frustrated ex-apple person here.
Facebook always screws mine up, so I never sync it ever.
I'd just sync your google ones and then go fix them on contacts.google.com
NomadRT said:
Another newb question to the Samsung. My contacts are an absolute nightmare and I can't figure out how to get them under control. I went in and disabled (I think) sync on as many things as I could find (exchange, facebook, etc). I also went through and manually deleted a bunch of contacts I didn't want. Went in there today and BOOM. Contacts are a chaotic mess again. How do I fix this? How can I mass delete contacts and start over if it comes down to that?
#frustrated ex-apple person here.
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You need to disable sync on all the apps. Contact can be sync from Gmail, Facebood, Google+ etc.. Make sure you go into each and stop all the sync, then delete all the existing contacts (most of them just have email address with no phone number associate), then restore your original contact list. If you don't have the original contact list then you need to modify your current one to your liking, then export it out to your sdcard. This will be your core original list. In the future if anything happened to your contact list, you can easily delete all then import your original list and you're back. The quickest way, is to select display only "phone" contact then other none phone number contacts will disappear when you open contact.
You can tell the phone which contacts to display by account. I have mine set to only display Google. This way I don't have to worry about what syncs and doesn't, and can link the contacts between accounts so it'll show their Facebook picture for them.

