2.3.3 List Of safe Apps To Remove - XPERIA X10 General

Here we go!
Found these over in the Arc forum, Im guessing most will be the same.
List updated, now with complete descriptions for all APKs.
This is a handy reference guide I had posted on my local forum, the list of apps may not be identical to everyone else, but the core ones are there. Hope it's helpful here too!
Feel free to let me know if this is helpful or if there's any additions or corrections needed to be done.
WARNING: Rooting and removing System apps is at personal choice and risk of lost of warranty and damaging the phone.
WARNING: Always make a complete backup of ALL the system apps before removing any in case of accidental deletion.
DISCLAIMER: This is only a reference guide. I will bear no responsibilities if by referencing this guide through your own discretion damages your phone in any way.
Apps that are unsafe to remove or are linked to phone's capabilities:
(Keep them if you want access to all of your phone's features.)
Note: Many of these only run when needed while a few of them are persistent services that are about 1mb sizes. While removing them may give you a few mb more, keeping them is rather insignificant.
Note: Some of them can also be removed if you have replaced or removed the main app they are tied to, but read the descriptions carefully!
AccountAndSyncSettings.apk --- Account and Sync Settings
AdobeFlashPlayer.apk --- Adobe Flash Player
AntHalService.apk --- Hardware Abstraction Layer
ApplicationsProvider.apk --- Search Applications Provider (ASP service)
Bluetooth.apk --- Bluetooth Share
bootinfo.apk --- Download Agent
CalendarProvider.apk --- calendar storage
CertInstaller.apk --- Certificate Installer
CredentialManagerService.apk --- Credential Manager Service
CustomizationProvider.apk --- regionalization
CustomizationSimPayType.apk --- regionalization
CustomizedApplicationInstaller.apk --- regionalization
CustomizedSettings.apk --- regionalization
DefaultCapabilities.apk --- hardware capabilities
DefaultContainerService.apk --- Package Access Helper (web container service)
device-monitor.apk --- plug and play monitoring
DMClient.apk --- Software Updater
DownloadProvider.apk --- Market Download Manager
DrmDialogs.apk --- DRM sync service
DrmProvider.apk --- DRM Protected Content Storage
enhancedusbux.apk --- usb driver
FastDormancy.apk --- Network Fast Dormancy
FmRxService.apk --- FM receiver service
genericappinstaller.apk --- application installer service
GoogleBackupTransport.apk --- Android Backup Service for apps
GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk --- calendars sync
GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk --- contacts sync
GoogleServicesFramework.apk --- google services framework
InfiniteView.apk --- phonebook info page
LiveWallpapersPicker.apk --- Change Live wallpapers
LocalContacts.apk --- phone contacts
Maps.apk --- google maps
MarketUpdater.apk --- android market updater
MediaProvider.apk --- Media Storage (Ringtones, Notifications)
MtpAppGB.apk --- Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
NetworkLocation.apk --- Network Location Manager (Location Services, Check-in, Geo-tagging)
OMAClientProvisioning.apk --- OTA network settings download
OmaV1AgentDownloadServices.apk --- OTA services download and purchase/billing services
PackageInstaller.apk --- package installer
Phonebook.apk --- Phonebook
PicoTts.apk --- SVOX Text To Speech service (used by navigation/translators/dictionaries)
ReadyToRun.apk --- OMA Sync extension
SemcCameraApplication.apk --- Camera
SemcContactsProvider.apk --- Contacts Storage
SemcHdmiControlService.apk --- HDMI CEC
SemcHdmiEnabler.apk --- HDMI
SemcPhone.apk --- Keypad Dialer
SemcSettings.apk --- Sony Ericsson Settings Menu > Connectivity/Settings Download
SemcTelephonyProvider.apk --- Dialer Storage
ServiceMenu.apk --- Service Menu
Settings.apk --- System Settings
SettingsProvider.apk --- Settings Storage
ShutDownAnimation.apk --- Shutdown Animation
SoundPicker.apk --- Sound picker
Sync.apk --- OMA account services
SystemUI.apk --- Notification bar
Talk.apk --- Google Talk
TtsService.apk --- Android Text To Speech Service
usb-mtp-update-wrapper.apk --- MTP extension polling
usb-mtp-vendor-extension-service.apk --- Sony Ericsson MTP extension
UseragentProvider.apk --- User Agent Storage
UserDictionaryProvider.apk --- user dictionary storage
Vending.apk --- Android Market
VerifyCertificatesDummyAppApplication.apk --- Certificate identifier
VerifyCertificatesDummyAppMedia.apk --- Certificate identifier
VerifyCertificatesDummyAppPlatform.apk --- Certificate identifier
VerifyCertificatesDummyAppShared.apk --- Certificate identifier
VoiceDialer.apk --- Voice Dialer
VoiceSearch.apk --- Voice Search
VoipCallLogProvider.apk --- VOIP Call Log
VpnServices.apk --- VPN Services
WapiCustomization.apk --- WAP settings
WapPush.apk --- WAP push (for receiving MMS)
Safe to remove:](These apps can be removed without ill effects to the Arc's health.)
*Note: New APKs from the 2.3.3 update.
AccessoryKeyDispatcher.apk --- event listener (unsure of trigger, hardware and handsfree keys work without it.)
Calculator.apk --- default calculator
CdfInfoAccessor.apk --- Software Component Descriptions
chinesetextinput.apk --- chinese keyboard
com.sonyericsson.androidapp.foursquare_ext_ts3.apk --- Timescape Foursquare Extension
com.sonyericsson.androidapp.timescapefeedsplugin.a pk --- Timescape Feeds
com.whatsapp.apk --- Whatsapp
*CoreNotificationPublisher.apk --- Lock Screen Notifications
CrashSMS.apk --- Diagnostics Tool (debug helper)
datatrafficswitch.apk --- mobile data on/off widget
DigitalClockWidget.apk --- clock widget
DownloadProviderUi.apk --- default browser downloads folder
EventStream.apk --- Timescape
EventStreamPluginCallLog.apk --- Timescape Call Log Extension
EventStreamPluginFacebook.apk --- Timescape Facebook Extension
EventStreamPluginTelephony.apk --- Timescape Telephony extension
EventStreamPluginTwitter.apk --- Timescape Twitter extension
facebook.apk --- Facebook
*FBCalendarSync.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Calendar Sync
*FBMediaDiscovery.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Media Discovery
*FBMusicLike.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Music Like
*FBNotificationPublisher.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Facebook Notifications
*FBSetupwizard.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Setup Wizard (not needed to setup or for FB Integration to work)
GenieWidget.apk --- News and Weather
Gmail.apk --- Gmail app
GoogleFeedback.apk --- Market Feedback Agent (forceclose reporting for apps installed from Market)
GooglePartnerSetup.apk --- Google Partner Setup (no longer needed after setting up Gmail)
GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk --- google quick search box
HTMLViewer.apk --- HTML viewer (view HTML files directly from file manager)
IddAgent.apk --- Anonymous Usage Stats
JapaneseIME.apk --- japanese keyboard
LearningClient.apk --- learns user typed words for default keyboard
letsgolf_A_353.apk --- Let's Golf game
LiveWallpapers.apk --- Live wallpapers pack
LivewareManager.apk --- Liveware Manager
MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk --- Live wallpaper
MediaWidget.apk --- Media shortcuts widget
MediaUploader.apk --- My Uploads for Youtube uploading (not needed if just watch Youtube)
MusicWidget.apk --- default Music player widget
*NotificationProvider.apk --- Lock Screeen Notifications Storage
officesuite.apk --- Office Suite
OmaDatasyncService.apk --- Sony Ericsson Sync
PhotoWidget.apk --- Picture Frame widget
*playnowclientarvato.apk --- Playnow Store (replaces the 2 APKs in the list directly below)
playnowappinstaller.apk --- Playnow updater
playnowclient.apk --- Playnow
POBoxSknPink.apk --- japanese keyboard skin
POBoxSknWood.apk --- japanese keyboard skin
Protips.apk --- Pro Tips widget
qcsemcservice.apk --- RIL extension for default browser
Radio.apk --- FM radio
retaildemo.apk --- retail demo
SecureClockJava.apk --- web clock service (some DRM or Secure services may use this, restore if you need it.)
SemcCrashMonitor.apk --- debugger
SemcDlna.apk --- media server
*SEMCFacebookService.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Service
SEMCSetupWizard.apk --- setup wizard
SemcVideoEdit.apk --- video editor
SoundRecorder.apk --- sound recorder
StatusSwitch.apk --- Status switch widget
Stk.apk --- Sim Tool Kit
Street.apk --- Google Street view
SyncWizard.apk --- Sony Ericsson Sync Account
timescapelegacywrapper.apk --- Timescape plugin
TimescapeSpline.apk --- Timescape widget spline
TimescapeWidget.apk --- Timescape widget
touchnote.apk --- Touch notes postcard
trackid.apk --- TrackID
*UnsupportedHeadsetNotification.apk --- Possibly a notification when pairing with unsupported bluetooth headsets
usersupport.apk --- Support
VisualizationWallpapers.apk --- Live wallpaper
WallpaperPicker.apk --- Sony Ericsson Wallpapers
widgetdigitalclock.apk --- clock widget
widgetonoff.apk --- widget on/off toggles
YouTube.apk --- YouTube
Can be replaced:(These apps can be safely removed and be replaced by preferred third party apps of the same function.)
Warning: Sony Ericsson's home launcher should not be removed until after another third party home launcher has been installed and properly set up to take over it's function.
Note: Depending on the third party calendar app of choice, it may be advisable to setup your calendars using the default calendar app before removing it.
Note: Most third party messaging apps cannot send and receive MMS if the stock messaging app is removed.
Note: Removing the default clock widget will also remove the alarm feature. Ensure your clock of choice has alarms or have another alarm app installed.
Browser.apk --- default web browser
Calendar.apk --- default calendar
Conversations.apk --- default messaging
Home.apk --- default home launcher
SemcDeskClock.apk --- default clock and alarm
SemcEmail.apk --- default email app
SemcGallery3D.apk --- default gallery
SemcMusic.apk --- default music player
textinput-tng.apk --- default keyboard
How To: To remove the system apps, use Titnaium Backup from the market.

without rooot?

hamed1297 said:
without rooot?
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Can't be done yet unless it's a pre rooted image
Sent using telepathy!

Not all are safe dude...
please slash down your list.

What the hell? Seems to be he want to remove all of these apps??????

Wow!! that list seems huge.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App

abrarabbu said:
Not all are safe dude...
please slash down your list.
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Great comment - really helpful. Which ones then????!!!

I am running pre rooted gb deleted most of everything on his list except fb stuff I use the Facebook app so I kept it. So far so good
Sent from my X10i using XDA App

If you guys read properly, the first list is apk's that should NOT be deleted.
The second list shows apk's that are safe to be removed.

Tidied it up a little

Question how to remove them?

I have this question too how to remove them?

Now that we have root thanks to Azuzu, you can use titanium backup.
Sent from my X10i using XDA Premium App

does titanium backup remove apps?

thats mean I go to titanium backup, select the app i want to remove and tap unistall, if im not wrong.

I believe this has to be done with the Flash Tool. Plug your phone under flash mode and go into clean option.
Here´s a link to it. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=10881307&postcount=5

ok guys I did it, yes you can remove apps with titanium backup, easy and fast.

Hey buddy,
Very useful information! keep up the good work!

sony x10 2.3.3 allready rooted !! and working

I use Titanium backup, however I tend not to uninstall unwanted app, just "freeze" them. That way if something weird does happen you can always "unfreeze" it.


[TUT] [LIST] Play Sony ICS removable apps

Play Sony ICS removable apps
Hello all, I decided to write a little tutorial on how to remove system apps from the ICS official port by nickholtus and a list of wich system apps are safe to remove to make your rom way more smooth (Most apps are the same on other ICS Sony (Beta) roms)
Disclaimer: I am not to be held responsible for any damage you may do to your phone (wich shouldn't happen if you BACKUP)
Download root explorer/es file manager or whatever explorer wich supports root acces you prefer (titanium backup also is good for removing them, but it doesnt show the full app names wich I do in this list)
Navigate to the /system/apps/ directory
Select all the apps you want to remove with multi select
Choose move if you want to back up them up, and move them to a backup folder on your SD card or just delete them
reboot and done
Delete them from the update.zip before flashing
Now these apps are safe to remove without losing any major features
antradioservice.apk (ANT Radio Service)
AntHalService.apk (Interface to the ANT Radio Chip)
AppEnabler.apk (Enables or Disables Facebook and ANT integration)
Bluetooth.apk (Bluetooth)
Browser.apk (Default Browser)
Calculator.apk (Calculator App)
Camera.apk (Camera App)
chinesetextinput.apk (chinese keyboard)
datatrafficswitch.apk (Data on/off widget)
DigitalClockWidget.apk (digital clock widget)
EventStream.apk (Part of Timescape)
EventStreamPluginCallLog.apk (Part of Timescape)
EventStreamPluginFacebook.apk (Part of Timescape)
EventStreamPluginTelephony.apk (Part of Timescape)
EventStreamPluginTwitter.apk (Part of Timescape)
Exchange.apk (Exchange Client for E-mail)
FBIAppShare.apk (Share Apps on Facebook)
FBMediaDiscovery.apk (Facebook Media Scanner)
Galaxy4.apk (Live Wallpaper)
Gmail.apk (Gmail)
GMS_Maps.apk (Google Maps)
GenieWidget.apk (Weather & News Widgets)
GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk (Calendar Sync)
GoogleLyricsPlugin.apk (Lyrics Plugin for the Stock Music Player)
GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk (Google Quick Search Widget)
HoloSpiralWallpaper.apk (Live Wallpaper)
Home.apk (Sony Launcher, only delete this when you have another launcher installed!!)
InfiniteView.apk (That Infinite View button in the Stock Music Player App)
JapaneseIME.apk (Japanese Keyboard)
livewaremanager.apk (Live Ware Manager)
LiveWallpapers.apk (Stock Live Wallpapers)
LiveWallpapersPicker.apk (The menu from wich you add live wallpapers)
MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk (Live Wallpaper)
MusicWidget.apk (Stock Music Player Widget)
NoiseField.apk (Live Wallpaper)
officesuite.apk (Stock Office App)
OmaDatasyncService.apk (part of Sony Sync)
PhaseBeam.apk (Live Wallpaper)
PhotoWidget.apk (Photo Widget)
PicoTts.apk (Text To Speech)
playnowclientarvato.apk (Play Now)
POBoxSknPink.apk (Skin for Chinese Keyboard)
POBoxSknWood.apk (Skin for Chinese Keyboard)
Protips.apk (Homescreen Tips)
PSpocket.apk (Playstation Pocket App)
PSStore.apk (Playstation Store)
Radio.apk (Radio)
SemcCalendar.apk (Sony Calendar)
SemcCrashMonitor.apk (Crash Reporter)
SemcMusic.apk (Stock Music App)
semcsuite.apk (Playstation Suite)
SEMCSetupWizard.apk (Setup Wizard)
SemcVideoEdit.apk (Video Editor)
SoundRecorder.apk (Sound Recorder)
StatusSwitch.apk (Status Switches Widget)
Stk.apk (Sim Toolkit)
storefront.apk (All the new stuff that has something to do with Fun&Downloads. Removes 3 items from the app drawer that belong to that game thing)
Street.apk (Google Maps Streetview)
Sync.apk (Sony Sync)
Talk.apk (Google Talk)
talkback.apk (Voice Feedback (Accessibility Option))
TimescapeSpline.apk (Part of Timescape)
TimescapeWidget.apk (Part of Timescape)
trackid.apk (Track ID)
UpdateCenter.apk (Update Center)
usersupport.apk (User Support)
VisualizationWallpapers.apk (Live Music Visualization Wallpapers)
VoiceDialer.apk (Voice Dialer)
VoiceSearch.apk (Google Voice Search)
WeatherWidget.apk (Weather Widget)
widgetonoff.apk (most On/Off Widgets
WikipediaPlugin.apk (Wikipedia Plugin for the Stock Music Player)
Youtube.apk (Youtube)
YouTubeKaraokePlugin.apk (Karaoke Plugin)
YouTubePlugin.apk (Youtube Plugin for the Stock Music Player)
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If you found this guide or list useful,
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​If I forgot an app, mistyped something, or if you DO get system instability, please post!
also credits to CyanogenMod and Flo95 since I copy pasted some app descriptions from them, and to nickholtus for his awesome ICS port
Very useful, thanks.
Would you happen to know how we can get the default ICS messaging, phone, contact, email and calendar applications instead of the Sony versions?
3dawg said:
Very useful, thanks.
Would you happen to know how we can get the default ICS messaging, phone, contact, email and calendar applications instead of the Sony versions?
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You could try to extract the apps from the CM9.0 rom .zip , paste them in the /system/apps directory and setting permissions to rw-r--r-- but I'm not sure since I haven't tried yet
I'll try that, Thanks.
EDIT: LOL I've caused boot loops. It worked for the calendar and Messaging applications, but replacing the phone, contacts, email and settings.apk has caused a bootloop lol.
Time to reflash..
Do you know how to remove the data disabled notification you get when you switch on the phone with data disabled? Thanks
RiThBo said:
Do you know how to remove the data disabled notification you get when you switch on the phone with data disabled? Thanks
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Just swipe it away, you can't make the message not appear (I think) since it is built in somewhere
d_zen said:
Just swipe it away, you can't make the message not appear (I think) since it is built in somewhere
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Oh, ok thanks. BUt i thought i saw a rom which said that it had removed it Maybe Gin2ICS - i cant remember
RiThBo said:
Oh, ok thanks. BUt i thought i saw a rom which said that it had removed it Maybe Gin2ICS - i cant remember
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That's a gingerbread based rom, you could ask Vokal1992 who made it how he did it
Thanks, especially for the info on what they are.
I find it easier to delete them on a PC before flashing.
Sent from my Xperia Play
MilkyJoePD said:
Thanks, especially for the info on what they are.
I find it easier to delete them on a PC before flashing.
Sent from my Xperia Play
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Hey thanks I didn't even think of that! Will add that to the tutorial
Sent from my Sony Ericsson Xperia Play GSM using TapatalkXDA
RiThBo said:
Oh, ok thanks. BUt i thought i saw a rom which said that it had removed it Maybe Gin2ICS - i cant remember
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http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=944070&stc=1&d=1331584229 - Don't thank me, Thank JJdoctor, for ICSBeta
3dawg said:
I'll try that, Thanks.
EDIT: LOL I've caused boot loops. It worked for the calendar and Messaging applications, but replacing the phone, contacts, email and settings.apk has caused a bootloop lol.
Time to reflash..
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Glad to hear at least calendar and messaging apps worked I do know that te settings.apk for CM9 is way different from the sony settings.apk so that just had to cause bootloops
Sent from my Sony Ericsson Xperia Play GSM using TapatalkXDA
is there anyway to remove facebook inside xperia?
Jmayorga96 said:
is there anyway to remove facebook inside xperia?
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ofc just remove the apk
Sent from my R800i using Tapatalk 2

4.3 rooted / what apk's can we delete?

Thought some people will find this useful...So as the name says, what apk's can we delete from "root unistall" but without harming phones stability/performance, or maybe increase battery life/ free more ram?
Sent from my C6903 using xda app-developers app
Install custom rom... You will get better performance, battery life and more free ram.
Wysłane z mojego C6903 przy użyciu Tapatalka
Sony's account manager and the Unlimited app for a start, the only thing I left of the Sony stuff was the Walkman/album/movies trio.
What's about all these Facebook and social services an plugins? Can they all be removed savely? I already removed the Facebook spyware, so I don't need them.
Riemen said:
What's about all these Facebook and social services an plugins? Can they all be removed savely? I already removed the Facebook spyware, so I don't need them.
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My phone's not rooted, but I disabled those Facebook social services. Seems fine
Vaith said:
Install custom rom... You will get better performance, battery life and more free ram.
Wysłane z mojego C6903 przy użyciu Tapatalka
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I Don't wanna take a risk and be one of t 100 people Who bricked their devices
Sent from my C6903 using xda app-developers app
piponxs said:
I Don't wanna take a risk and be one of t 100 people Who bricked their devices
Sent from my C6903 using xda app-developers app
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This people don't know how to install properly custom roms. I installed 4.3 custom roms few times and as you can see my phone is working great.
Mine's working with better performance, less battery drain and more free RAM but some are unsure in things like flashing.
I deleted everything that had FB or Facebook in it's file name and some other apps as well. If you are not sure if an app is necessary for the device, just rename the extension to .bak or move it to your SD. When there's an issue you can just rename/copy back again, set correct permissions and nothing will have changed.
sent from my Xperia Z1 using tapatalk / gesendet vom Xperia Z1 mit Tapatalk
Time for my experience to shine here..
I've gone in and removed a ton of services and apps from the system after rooting my 4.2.2 device, using TiBu. If you choose to follow this guide, you do so at your own risk. I will not assist you in repairs if your device stops functioning, however you're welcome to POST (don't PM) questions about whether I have a specific item frozen or removed from my device.
All carrier related apps, in my case, Rogers Canada, such as Rogers Navigator, One Number, etc, can be safely removed.
All "Xperia" plugins can be safely removed. These include the social media for Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, etc.
All Google store applications can be removed EXCEPT the Play store for apps - Removable entries include Google Play Books, Google Play Movies, etc.
All Playstation related items can be removed, if you don't use them.
Most, but not all mini-apps can be removed. You must keep the calculator, clock and timer apps unfrozen and installed, or else the task switcher refuses to open and Xperia Home FC's. If you use a different launcher, I'm not sure what your experiences will be.
You can uninstall any stock apps like Calendar, Calculator and what not, but they must be replaced by the Google versions available on the play store. Do not try to uninstall/freeze them if you plan to use a 3rd party app.
Tasks, Notes and other "Sony" apps can all be removed (Albums, Walkman, etc).
Smart Connect, Throw and Photo Services can be safely frozen, but not removed.
Camera Apps can be safely frozen, but not uninstalled. Camera refuses to operate without those plugins present. 3rd part apps also refuse to operate (tried with Vignette, and CameraZoom FX).
Freezing the camera apps also removes the "slide" functionality of the lock screen, so if you remove them completely then you can't swipe to unlock your device.
Exchange Services can be frozen, but not uninstalled. If you're confident you'll never need to add another sync account to the device you can uninstall it. If you uninstall it and try to add an account such as a Google Address, or similar, then the Settings app FC's.
Messaging app can be safely removed or frozen if you have a replacement app to accept SMS and MMS (such as Hangouts). If you don't have a SMS/MMS app and you freeze or uninstall the messaging app, then your device will reboot whenever you receive a message.
All Mirrorlink related items and services can be frozen, but not uninstalled.
RetailDemo can be frozen or removed.
SensMe Slideshow can be frozen.
Setup Guide, Sketch, Top Contacts, TV Launcher, and all unused stock themes can be frozen or uninstalled safely.
You can safely remove the Xperia Home launcher if you use an alternative launcher, however a factory reset on the device will cause it to stop functioning completely, and in order to recover it you'll need to Flashtool (and subsequently unlock your bootloader) to repair it. I DON'T RECOMMEND YOU DO THIS
You can safely remove the Xperia Keyboards, however like above, Factory Reset will cause the device to become completely unusuable. I DON'T RECOMMEND YOU DO THIS
Wiltron said:
Time for my experience to shine here..
I've gone in and removed a ton of services and apps from the system after rooting my 4.2.2 device, using TiBu. If you choose to follow this guide, you do so at your own risk. I will not assist you in repairs if your device stops functioning, however you're welcome to POST (don't PM) questions about whether I have a specific item frozen or removed from my device.
All carrier related apps, in my case, Rogers Canada, such as Rogers Navigator, One Number, etc, can be safely removed.
All "Xperia" plugins can be safely removed. These include the social media for Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, etc.
All Google store applications can be removed EXCEPT the Play store for apps - Removable entries include Google Play Books, Google Play Movies, etc.
All Playstation related items can be removed, if you don't use them.
Most, but not all mini-apps can be removed. You must keep the calculator, clock and timer apps unfrozen and installed, or else the task switcher refuses to open and Xperia Home FC's. If you use a different launcher, I'm not sure what your experiences will be.
You can uninstall any stock apps like Calendar, Calculator and what not, but they must be replaced by the Google versions available on the play store. Do not try to uninstall/freeze them if you plan to use a 3rd party app.
Tasks, Notes and other "Sony" apps can all be removed (Albums, Walkman, etc).
Smart Connect, Throw and Photo Services can be safely frozen, but not removed.
Camera Apps can be safely frozen, but not uninstalled. Camera refuses to operate without those plugins present. 3rd part apps also refuse to operate (tried with Vignette, and CameraZoom FX).
Freezing the camera apps also removes the "slide" functionality of the lock screen, so if you remove them completely then you can't swipe to unlock your device.
Exchange Services can be frozen, but not uninstalled. If you're confident you'll never need to add another sync account to the device you can uninstall it. If you uninstall it and try to add an account such as a Google Address, or similar, then the Settings app FC's.
Messaging app can be safely removed or frozen if you have a replacement app to accept SMS and MMS (such as Hangouts). If you don't have a SMS/MMS app and you freeze or uninstall the messaging app, then your device will reboot whenever you receive a message.
All Mirrorlink related items and services can be frozen, but not uninstalled.
RetailDemo can be frozen or removed.
SensMe Slideshow can be frozen.
Setup Guide, Sketch, Top Contacts, TV Launcher, and all unused stock themes can be frozen or uninstalled safely.
You can safely remove the Xperia Home launcher if you use an alternative launcher, however a factory reset on the device will cause it to stop functioning completely, and in order to recover it you'll need to Flashtool (and subsequently unlock your bootloader) to repair it. I DON'T RECOMMEND YOU DO THIS
You can safely remove the Xperia Keyboards, however like above, Factory Reset will cause the device to become completely unusuable. I DON'T RECOMMEND YOU DO THIS
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Thanks for sharing!!!
Sent from my C6903 using xda app-developers app
Safe to remove
Here are a list of apk which are safe to remove without affecting the performance.
AccessoryKeyDispatcher.apk — event listener (unsure of trigger, hardware and handsfree keys work without it.)
Calculator.apk — default calculator
CdfInfoAccessor.apk — Software Component Descriptions
chinesetextinput.apk — chinese keyboard
com.whatsapp.apk — Whatsapp
com.sonyericsson.androidapp.foursquare_ext_ts3.apk — Timescape Foursquare Extension
com.sonyericsson.androidapp.timescapefeedsplugin.a pk — Timescape Feeds
CoreNotificationPublisher.apk — Lock Screen Notifications
CrashSMS.apk — Diagnostics Tool (debug helper)
datatrafficswitch.apk — mobile data on/off widget
DigitalClockWidget.apk — clock widget
DownloadProviderUi.apk — default browser downloads folder
EventStream.apk — Timescape
EventStreamPluginCallLog.apk — Timescape Call Log Extension
EventStreamPluginFacebook.apk — Timescape Facebook Extension
EventStreamPluginTelephony.apk — Timescape Telephony extension
EventStreamPluginTwitter.apk — Timescape Twitter extension
facebook.apk — Facebook
FBCalendarSync.apk — Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Calendar Sync
FBMediaDiscovery.apk — Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Media Discovery
FBMusicLike.apk — Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Music Like
FBNotificationPublisher.apk — Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Facebook Notifications
FBSetupwizard.apk — Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Setup Wizard (not needed to setup or for FB Integration to work)
GenieWidget.apk — News and Weather
Gmail.apk — Gmail app
FoogleFeedback.apk — Market Feedback Agent (forceclose reporting for apps installed from Market)
GooglePartnerSetup.apk — Google Partner Setup (no longer needed after setting up Gmail)
GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk — google quick search box
HTMLViewer.apk — HTML viewer (view HTML files directly from file manager)
IddAgent.apk — Anonymous Usage Stats
JapaneseIME.apk — japanese keyboard
LearningClient.apk — learns user typed words for default keyboard
LiveWallpapers.apk — Live wallpapers pack
LivewareManager.apk — Liveware Manager
MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk — Live wallpaper
MediaWidget.apk — Media shortcuts widget
MediaUploader.apk — My Uploads for Youtube uploading (not needed if just watch Youtube)
MusicWidget.apk — default Music player widget
NotificationProvider.apk — Lock Screeen Notifications Storage
officesuite.apk — Office Suite
OmaDatasyncService.apk — Sony Ericsson Sync
PhotoWidget.apk — Picture Frame widget
playnowclientarvato.apk — Playnow Store (replaces the 2 APKs in the list directly below)
playnowappinstaller.apk — Playnow updater
playnowclient.apk — Playnow
POBoxSknPink.apk — japanese keyboard skin
POBoxSknWood.apk — japanese keyboard skin
Protips.apk — Pro Tips widget
qcsemcservice.apk — RIL extension for default browser
Radio.apk — FM radio
retaildemo.apk — retail demo
SecureClockJava.apk — web clock service (some DRM or Secure services may use this, restore if you need it.)
SemcCrashMonitor.apk — debugger
SemcDlna.apk — media server
SEMCFacebookService.apk — Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Service
SEMCSetupWizard.apk — setup wizard
SemcVideoEdit.apk — video editor
SoundRecorder.apk — sound recorder
StatusSwitch.apk — Status switch widget
Stk.apk — Sim Tool Kit
Street.apk — Google Street view
SyncWizard.apk — Sony Ericsson Sync Account
timescapelegacywrapper.apk — Timescape plugin
TimescapeSpline.apk — Timescape widget spline
TimescapeWidget.apk — Timescape widget
touchnote.apk — Touch notes postcard
trackid.apk — TrackID
UnsupportedHeadsetNotification.apk — Possibly a notification when pairing with unsupported bluetooth headsets
usersupport.apk — Support
VisualizationWallpapers.apk — Live wallpaper
WallpaperPicker.apk — Sony Ericsson Wallpapers
widgetdigitalclock.apk — clock widget
widgetonoff.apk — widget on/off toggles
YouTube.apk — YouTube
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Advanced debloating

Everyone knows about System Apps which can be removed so i thought id share what you can delete more to save even more Space.
I have modded iHackers 2.1 AROMA Version from 740 MB to 334 MB with deleting all Apps i dont want and the things i listed here.
Be careful what you delete as i warned you so its not my fault if you break something afterwards.
Google Now [Not tested yet]
[files for Offline Search but nowadays you are connected to a Network always anyway so if you don want you can delete this maybe]
FaceLock [Unlock Phone with your Face] [Safe to remove]
Text to Speech [Safe to remove]
system\app\GoogleTTS.apk [Available at Google Play Store]
PC Companion Installer for PC [Safe to remove]
Ringtones, Notification... [Safe to remove]
Xperia Apps, Wallpapers and more.... [Not stored in System/app like Xperia Privilege App] [Safe to remove]
I am going to copy/paste a post I made earlier in another thread about the same thing. This was done on Stock 4.2.2, rooted, locked Bootloader C6906
All carrier related apps, in my case, Rogers Canada, such as Rogers Navigator, One Number, etc, can be safely removed.
All "Xperia" plugins can be safely removed. These include the social media for Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, etc.
All Google store applications can be removed EXCEPT the Play store for apps - Removable entries include Google Play Books, Google Play Movies, etc.
All Playstation related items can be removed, if you don't use them.
Most, but not all mini-apps can be removed. You must keep the calculator, clock and timer apps unfrozen and installed, or else the task switcher refuses to open and Xperia Home FC's. If you use a different launcher, I'm not sure what your experiences will be.
You can uninstall any stock apps like Calendar, Calculator and what not, but they must be replaced by the Google versions available on the play store. Do not try to uninstall/freeze them if you plan to use a 3rd party app.
Tasks, Notes and other "Sony" apps can all be removed (Albums, Walkman, etc).
Smart Connect, Throw and Photo Services can be safely frozen, but not removed.
Camera Apps can be safely frozen, but not uninstalled. Camera refuses to operate without those plugins present. 3rd part apps also refuse to operate (tried with Vignette, and CameraZoom FX).
Freezing the camera apps also removes the "slide" functionality of the lock screen, so if you remove them completely then you can't swipe to unlock your device.
Exchange Services can be frozen, but not uninstalled. If you're confident you'll never need to add another sync account to the device you can uninstall it. If you uninstall it and try to add an account such as a Google Address, or similar, then the Settings app FC's.
Messaging app can be safely removed or frozen if you have a replacement app to accept SMS and MMS (such as Hangouts). If you don't have a SMS/MMS app and you freeze or uninstall the messaging app, then your device will reboot whenever you receive a message.
All Mirrorlink related items and services can be frozen, but not uninstalled.
RetailDemo can be frozen or removed.
SensMe Slideshow can be frozen.
Setup Guide, Sketch, Top Contacts, TV Launcher, and all unused stock themes can be frozen or uninstalled safely.
You can safely remove the Xperia Home launcher if you use an alternative launcher, however a factory reset on the device will cause it to stop functioning completely, and in order to recover it you'll need to Flashtool (and subsequently unlock your bootloader) to repair it. I DON'T RECOMMEND YOU DO THIS
You can safely remove the Xperia Keyboards, however like above, Factory Reset will cause the device to become completely unusuable. I DON'T RECOMMEND YOU DO THIS
Things i removed, If there any leftover related to these do advice
Thank You
Excellent lists, keep the good work up.
Wiltron said:
[*]You can safely remove the Xperia Home launcher if you use an alternative launcher, however a factory reset on the device will cause it to stop functioning completely, and in order to recover it you'll need to Flashtool (and subsequently unlock your bootloader) to repair it. I DON'T RECOMMEND YOU DO THIS[/LIST]
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Why do you say unlocking the BL is necessary? It should be no problem to flash to whatever FTF after booting into flash mode.
I've tried previously using Emma (or whatever it was called from SonyMobile). To use FlashTool it tells me the BL needs to be unlocked.
Now as we´ve got 4.4.2 running the debloat list could get an update, doesn´t it?
I debloated too much, I guess.. My camera doesn´t work properly any more, it doesn´t focus and taking pictures freezes the cam app.
Have to watch out better before kicking out too much ^^
Wiltron said:
I've tried previously using Emma (or whatever it was called from SonyMobile). To use FlashTool it tells me the BL needs to be unlocked.
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For Emma you do, try going to flashtool.net and using that flashtool, it does not require unlocking the boot loader
Sent from my C6903 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
kischde said:
Now as we´ve got 4.4.2 running the debloat list could get an update, doesn´t it?
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Click to collapse
thank you
Another one...
AccessoryKeyDispatcher.apk — event listener (unsure of trigger, hardware and handsfree keys work without it.)
Calculator.apk — default calculator
CdfInfoAccessor.apk — Software Component Descriptions
chinesetextinput.apk — chinese keyboard
com.whatsapp.apk — Whatsapp
com.sonyericsson.androidapp.foursquare_ext_ts3.apk — Timescape Foursquare Extension
com.sonyericsson.androidapp.timescapefeedsplugin.a pk — Timescape Feeds
CoreNotificationPublisher.apk — Lock Screen Notifications
CrashSMS.apk — Diagnostics Tool (debug helper)
datatrafficswitch.apk — mobile data on/off widget
DigitalClockWidget.apk — clock widget
DownloadProviderUi.apk — default browser downloads folder
EventStream.apk — Timescape
EventStreamPluginCallLog.apk — Timescape Call Log Extension
EventStreamPluginFacebook.apk — Timescape Facebook Extension
EventStreamPluginTelephony.apk — Timescape Telephony extension
EventStreamPluginTwitter.apk — Timescape Twitter extension
facebook.apk — Facebook
FBCalendarSync.apk — Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Calendar Sync
FBMediaDiscovery.apk — Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Media Discovery
FBMusicLike.apk — Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Music Like
FBNotificationPublisher.apk — Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Facebook Notifications
FBSetupwizard.apk — Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Setup Wizard (not needed to setup or for FB Integration to work)
GenieWidget.apk — News and Weather
Gmail.apk — Gmail app
FoogleFeedback.apk — Market Feedback Agent (forceclose reporting for apps installed from Market)
GooglePartnerSetup.apk — Google Partner Setup (no longer needed after setting up Gmail)
GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk — google quick search box
HTMLViewer.apk — HTML viewer (view HTML files directly from file manager)
IddAgent.apk — Anonymous Usage Stats
JapaneseIME.apk — japanese keyboard
LearningClient.apk — learns user typed words for default keyboard
LiveWallpapers.apk — Live wallpapers pack
LivewareManager.apk — Liveware Manager
MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk — Live wallpaper
MediaWidget.apk — Media shortcuts widget
MediaUploader.apk — My Uploads for Youtube uploading (not needed if just watch Youtube)
MusicWidget.apk — default Music player widget
NotificationProvider.apk — Lock Screeen Notifications Storage
officesuite.apk — Office Suite
OmaDatasyncService.apk — Sony Ericsson Sync
PhotoWidget.apk — Picture Frame widget
playnowclientarvato.apk — Playnow Store (replaces the 2 APKs in the list directly below)
playnowappinstaller.apk — Playnow updater
playnowclient.apk — Playnow
POBoxSknPink.apk — japanese keyboard skin
POBoxSknWood.apk — japanese keyboard skin
Protips.apk — Pro Tips widget
qcsemcservice.apk — RIL extension for default browser
Radio.apk — FM radio
retaildemo.apk — retail demo
SecureClockJava.apk — web clock service (some DRM or Secure services may use this, restore if you need it.)
SemcCrashMonitor.apk — debugger
SemcDlna.apk — media server
SEMCFacebookService.apk — Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Service
SEMCSetupWizard.apk — setup wizard
SemcVideoEdit.apk — video editor
SoundRecorder.apk — sound recorder
StatusSwitch.apk — Status switch widget
Stk.apk — Sim Tool Kit
Street.apk — Google Street view
SyncWizard.apk — Sony Ericsson Sync Account
timescapelegacywrapper.apk — Timescape plugin
TimescapeSpline.apk — Timescape widget spline
TimescapeWidget.apk — Timescape widget
touchnote.apk — Touch notes postcard
trackid.apk — TrackID
UnsupportedHeadsetNotification.apk — Possibly a notification when pairing with unsupported bluetooth headsets
usersupport.apk — Support
VisualizationWallpapers.apk — Live wallpaper
WallpaperPicker.apk — Sony Ericsson Wallpapers
widgetdigitalclock.apk — clock widget
widgetonoff.apk — widget on/off toggles
YouTube.apk — YouTube
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Inviato dal mio C6903 utilizzando Tapatalk
See Below post (or if you're a mod, delete this post, leave the one below it)
This list will be ongoing. If you're reading this message, there's more edits and what not coming this way.
I am currently using an Xperia Z1 C6906, Locked Bootloader that is rooted with dual recovery and NUT's 14.3A.0.681 (Android 4.4.2, Kit Kat). This is the stock rom, a fresh flash (no data backup/recovery).
If anyone knows how to export a list of currently installed/unfrozen apps from TiBu, I'd be happy to post that. Currently, all I have figured out how to do is export the entire list, but it doesn't specify if it's frozen or not.
Update (Mar 28, 1142hrs): I'm almost finished tweaking, but am having a problem with the stock EMAIL client. It's frozen, but something in the OS is calling it and is causing a "Unfortunately EMail has stopped" window appearing what I estimate to be once every few hours.. usually every 6 hours.. As soon as I figure out what's causing this, I'll post the guide and list of apps I have frozen, so you can safely remove without fear of crashes, stability degradation and boot loops
I don't understand why this thread doesn't get more love.
I'd rather remove system apps and freezing things than to install other roms..
sveintore said:
I don't understand why this thread doesn't get more love.
I'd rather remove system apps and freezing things than to install other roms..
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kischde said:
My camera doesn´t work properly any more, it doesn´t focus and taking pictures freezes the cam app.
Have to watch out better before kicking out too much ^^
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Same happened to me here when I was deleting system apps, but I didn't delete that much, Only 8 files, 4 apks and 4 odexs.
Anyway, I used flashtool to flash the ftf I made from my SUS updating my mobile (I uploaded it and posted it in the mega collection, it's Global LTE) and then unlocked bootloader, hotbooted doomkernel to go to TWRP Recovery, and flashed NUT's DualRecovery for LB and flashed the latest SuperSU zip and rebooted to system.
Then connected it to my PC to restore my TA backup and lock the bootloader.
Now I have full root stock firmware on locked bootloader.
I don't know why but I feel that I went waay off-topic.
Is the de-bloating extreme if all the system related apps only are between 90-92 installed total, in /system, after reboot (after wiping cache and Dalvik Cache in recovery)?
Sent from my SGP311 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
kischde said:
Now as we´ve got 4.4.2 running the debloat list could get an update, doesn´t it?
I debloated too much, I guess.. My camera doesn´t work properly any more, it doesn´t focus and taking pictures freezes the cam app.
Have to watch out better before kicking out too much ^^
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It had something to do with mirrorlink apps, I unfreezed them and the camera came back to life :good:
dedei said:
It had something to do with mirrorlink apps, I unfreezed them and the camera came back to life :good:
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Anyway someone can create a script which does all this?
I think it would be useful have if possible
JayGB2011 said:
Anyway someone can create a script which does all this?
I think it would be useful have if possible
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[UPDATED]: Reference List and Functions for All Touchwiz Software

Guide Updated for Lollipop in post 2 below! This first post is for Kit-Kat releases
Removing these apps WILL remove functionality, break some of your menus, lead to force closes, and reduce the capability of your device. I am not responsible for what you remove and you have been warned
*Freezing these Apps will have the same effect as uninstalling them and is a much safer option for the user. Please consider freezing first and then uninstalling after you have tested the device.*
I originally set out to make this a list of "safe" to remove software for users bold enough to remove them if they didn't want that feature. The "Apps removed" list is still that original work, but what it has turned into instead is a reference library of all the Samsung apps and what they do. This is a work in progress and I will need the help of the community to keep it accurate, updated, and relevant. The way I have the software listed is the exact name as it shows in Android Tuner. I may edit this post later to include APK names, but for now this is the list as I can report it. The annotations I've added are intended to be as accurate as possible and some provide references for why I think they do what they do. If you know what one of these does and want to add to it or correct me (cause I am wrong a lot) please post and tell me so I can change the descriptions. If we do this right many people can benefit from this, including devs, who want to remove unneeded features from Touchwiz and maximize their ROM's efficiency.
Tools I Used:
Android Tuner (I use Pro but you can use normal for this as well)
*Please backup your apps when you remove them. Also after removing several system files please reboot and wipe cache/dalvik before noting phone performance.
(You MUST install and run Viper4Android (Or HERE if you use Rapture) before removing things from this list)
Reference List/Apps Removed:
3DTourViewer (Removes 'Tour' feature from Samsung Gallery app/Reference: HERE)
Active Applications (the engine that keeps track of open programs for the widget)
Active Applications widget (The widget that closes the app)
Adapt Sound (Adjust call sounds and custom headphone settings)
AirWakeUp (Wakes up the device by running palm over it)
AllShare FileShare Service (Samsung Fileshare engine)
Application Installer (Preload installer for stock software to restore removed apps)
Automation Test (Phone dialer code for system test/Reference: HERE)
Backup (SCloud Backup Application/Works with Samsung Account)
Beacon Manager (Part of QuickConnect Software)
Beaming Service (Mobeam Beam service coupons and barcodes/Reference: HERE)
Briefing (This is the homepage where you swipe left and it shows news stories on Touchwiz Launcher)
Bubbles (Live wallpaper)
Calculator (Talking caculator. Why it talks, I'll never know)
Calendar (do not remove "Calendar Storage")
Calendar Widget (do not remove "Calendar Storage")
CapabilityManagerService (Reports plugging or unplugging of headphones/headset)
Car Mode (Hands-free software for car rides with many controls)
Car Mode Remote (Part of Car mode software; no idea what else it interfaces with)
ChocoEUKor (Samsung font option)
ChromecastServerService (Removal Could break Chromecast functions)
Clock [Digital Easy] (Clock widget for 'Easy Touchwiz')
Clock [Digital] (Digital Clock Widget)
CloudAgent (Samsung Cloud Backup and Restore Service/Reference: HERE)
com.samsung.android.app.watchmanagerstub (Gear Watches & possibly Android wear device component)
com.sec.android.app.sbrowsertry (No idea/Linked with Stock Samsung Browser in some way)
com.sec.android.app.wfdbroker (Engine for Samsung file sharing service)
com.sec.android.gallery3d.panorama360view (No idea/part of gallery function?)
com.sec.android.pagebuddynotifsvc (Used with Page Buddy Service)
com.sec.android.sviewcover (Controls S-View Cover/Do not remove if you have Flip Cover)
CoolEUKor (Samsung font option)
DCMProvider (Part of Direct Connect Software)
demo stub (Preload installer that reinstalls apps you remove on reboot provided by Tmobile)
DeviceKeystring (Removed from XstrestoLite as test software/Reference: HERE)
DiagMonAgent (No idea)
DirectShareManager (Samsung Sharing Manager)
DSMLawmo (No idea/part of DSMForwarding.apk)
Dual Clock [Digital] (Clock Widget for Touchwiz)
Easy settings (Settings available for Easy Touchwiz Launcher)
EasyOneHand (Resizes screen for single-handed use)
EasySidePanel (Part of EasyOneHand)
ELM Agent (Samsung Multi-user support/Reference: HERE)
Email (Email service for anything besides Gmail)
EpdgTestApp (Part of Page Buddy Service)
EpsonPrintService (Epson printer driver interface for printing from device)
Exchange services (Part of Email app)
Favorite Contacts (Widget for Favorite Contacts)
Flipboard (News providing app that works with 'Briefing' above)
FWUpgrade (Update software for Samsung/Not needed if using custom ROM)
Gear VR Service (New Gear VR from Samsung interface software)
Gear VR Shell (Wrapper? for Gear VR Software)
Health and Safety (Information pop-ups for S-Health and other apps)
Health Service (Needed for S-Health)
HP Print Service Plugin (Print spool driver for HP printers and printing from device)
IndexService (Indexing service, similar to windows, and connects with SFinder for file location)
Internet (Stock Samsung browser)
Live Weather (Live Weather wallpaper from Yahoo)
Magnifier (Accessibility option for magnifying the screen and text)
Mobile Print (Another Print Spooler for printing from phone)
Mobile Tracker (Allows you to track phone if stolen)
MobilePrintSvc_CUPS (CUPS is the linux printing service used for printing from device)
MobilePrintSvc_CUPS_Backend (Extra driver/wrapper for CUPS software and printing)
Multimedia UI Service Layer (No idea/interfaces with Stock Samsung Music Player)
Music (Stock Samsung Music player)
Music Controller (No idea/part of Samsung music player?)
My Files (Samsung file browser)
My Interests (If you use travel wallpaper this updates the lock screen wallpaper)
My Places (Location widget)
Nearby Devices (Part of NFC capabilities)
Nearby service (Part of NFC capabilities)
OCR Service (Optical Character Recognition for reading text with camera and within PDFs/Reference: HERE HERE )
Phase Beam (Live wallpaper)
Photo Note (Converts pictures taken with camera into editable document with S-Pen/Reference: HERE)
Photo Studio (Picture editing software with stock Samsung camera)
Post_T_Promo (Equivalent of Samsung Preload that re-installs T-mobile software if removed)
Print Spooler (Ability to print from your device)
Private Mode Service (Allows for Private Mode to be enabled or disabled)
Quick Connect (Searches for nearby devices for wireless sharing/Reference: HERE)
Quick Connect Interaction Service (Part of the above sharing service)
RoseEUKor (Samsung font)
SFinder (File finder added by Samsung)
Samsung Account (Account with NUMEROUS ties to software. Do not remove unless you know you don't need this)
Samsung Billing (Used for app purchases in Galaxy App Store)
Samsung Calendar SyncAdapter (Relays calendar information to Samsung cloud backup)
Samsung Cloud Data Relay (Part of Samsung cloud backup and restore)
Samsung Cloud Quota (Part of Samsung cloud backup and restore)
Samsung Contact Syncadapter (Backs up your contacts to Samsung cloud service)
Samsung Content Agent (Used with Samsung Link Software?)
Samsung Galaxy (Samsung Social network sync which connects contacts to Facebook, Twitter, etc./ Reference: HERE)
Samsung Galaxy Apps Widget (Widget for the Samsung Galaxy app store)
Samsung Keyboard (Removal Breaks Ultra Power Saving Mode)
Samsung Link Platform (Remote sharing of media between devices)
Samsung Link Platform Connectivity (Connection interface for Link Platform above)
Samsung Memo SyncAdapter (Syncs your saved memos to Samsung cloud service)
Samsung Print Service Plugin (Another Printing driver for printing from device)
Samsung Push Service (If you use the Galaxy app store this alerts you when Samsung software you have installed needs to be updated)
Samsung SBrowser Syncadapter (Syncs your bookmarks from the stock browser to Samsung's cloud service)
Samsung Setup wizard (Samsung login wizard used for first setup)
SamsungSans (Samsung Font)
SapaMonitor (Audio monitoring system/possibly related to CapabilityServiceManager for detecting headphones?)
Screen mirroring (Samsung software used to display phone screen to Samsung TVs)
Setup Wizard (Stock Android Setup Menu for first boot after clean install or factory resetSafe to remove but if removed you will have to add accounts manually!)
Shots & More (Photo editing software)
SmartcardManager (Interfaces with certain SIM cards and other security related cards/Reference: HERE)
SmartcardService (Background service associated with SmartcardManager)
Sound Detectors (Keeps microphone active for certain sounds)
SoundAlive (Installed and successfully ran Viper4Android before removal)
Studio (Photo editing software)
TMServerApp (Linked to Samsung Drivelink or Samsung Mobile software/Reference: HERE)
Touchwiz Easy Home (Easy Launcher for Touchwiz)
Travel Wallpaper (Wallpaper? Yeah, no idea)
Trim (Video editing software available in AOSP/Reference: HERE)
Video (Samsung's proprietary video player and says it is Samsung in the APK name)
Video Clip Studio (Video editing software)
Video Trimmer (Samsung video editing tool)
VPN Client (Needed for Android VPN protocols and available in AOSP so it does not need to be removed)
VpnDialogs (Part of VPN protocols and found in AOSP so it does not need to be removed)
VRSetupWizardStub (Software setup for GearVR Hardware)
Weather (Weather widget from the main Touchwiz screen)
Wi-Fi Direct (Wi-Fi file sharing)
Wi-Fi Direct Share (Wi-Fi file sharing)
wssyncmlnps (Samsung Updater/Reference: HERE)
Stats Removing Software Above (Base: Rapture v2.3)
System Partition: 632 MB
Apps Removed: 83 (not including Google Apps which I moved to /data partition)
Clean Boot RAM Usage (System): 343 MB
Clean Boot RAM Usage (User): 143 MB
Clean Boot Kernel Usage: 422 MB
Total RAM: 908MB
Battery loss per/hr: 0.5% (according to BBS)
Functional Features with My List:
All S-Pen Functionality (Menus, screen write, S-Note, etc)
Google Now activation screen on/off
Camera functionality
Camera Voice Commands
Phone, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Calls, NFC etc.
Pebble functionality
Chromecast functionality
Viper4Android Installed (Power Saving Driver)
3Minit Battery Settings
Wi-Fi Calling
Fingerprint Scanner
Samsung Keyboard (For Ultra Power Saving Mode)
Touchwiz Launcher (As a fallback to Nova)
Ultra Power Saving Mode
Unknown Apps List/Removed Apps Being Tested (Highly Experimental!):
AutoPreConfig (No idea/Seems no one does: LINK)
com.android.sharedstoragebackup (needs further testing/no idea)
com.sec.android.SamsungDrmProvider (may control things like Netflix or Music content/Remove with care)
com.sec.android.soagent (No idea, possibly security related?/Reference: HERE)
com.sec.bcservice (Security related to syscope and SecSettings/Reference: HERE)
Context Service (Shares phone usage stats with Samsung devs/Reference: HERE)
Enterprise SIM Pin Service (no idea/likely security and knox related)
Enterprise VPN Services (no idea/VPN service related to knox?)
Intelligence Service (No idea/Removed from Xstrestolite/Reference: HERE)
Interaction Control (No idea/interfaces with weather widget perhaps?/Reference: HERE)
Market Feedback Agent (Works with the Play Store providing statistics and usage information)
MDMApp (Does a LOT for security/Reference: HERE)
Smartcard Manager (No idea/Security smartcard manager perhaps?)
SmartcardService (No idea/Something to do with security smartcards perhaps?)
SnsImageCache (Where social media contact pictures and media are saved)
Sysscope (No idea/security related/see "com.sec.bcservice" link above)
Tasks provider (No idea/Quick Google search shows everyone removes it)
Other Software Explained: I Don't Recommend Removing or Freezing Most of These
AirWakeUp (Found under accessibility options; used for hand gestures associated with waking the device and other functions)
Android System (Core Android process//Never remove or freeze this is you value a working device)
Assistant Menu (Part of the settings menu that allows for customization of your accessibility options)
AudioConnectionService (No idea, but I'm not bold enough to remove it)
Automation Test (A phone dialer and manufacturer's testing application to ensure working hardware)
AutoPreconfig (No idea//Likely associated with Samsung
Basic Daydreams (This is associated with the daydream function used with docks and other screensaver options)
Bluetooth Share (If you remove this functional bluetooth features WILL fail//I removed it and bluetooth would not activate)
Bluetooth Test (This is the testing application for ensuring that bluetooth is functional in the factory hardware tests)
Calendar Storage (If you remove this your calendar will not launch or sync to Android server)
Camera (Fairly self-explanatory//Can be frozen or removed if you have a replacement, but this is why you bought the phone...right?)
Camera Test (Factory test menu for the camera hardware)
Certificate Installer (Used for accepting and revoking of Internet certificates with the Android OS)
ChromecastServerService (This is going to control your Chromecast connection availability//can be removed if no Chromecast used)
ClipboardSaveService (Samsung's clipboard interface program//I haven't tested it removed, but this one is not the stock android clipboard)
Clock (Android clock app//I HIGHLY discourage you from removing this)
Clock Settings (If you have Potato Clock installed this service will be here and is the settings menu for Potato Clock)
Color Adjustment (Samsung's screen color program that allows you to choose color settings//Don't remove)
com.android.backupconfirm (no idea; perhaps part of Android cloud service backup to Google servers?)
com.android.browser.provider (no idea; part of Android browsing capabilities I assume?)
com.android.keyguard (This is your lockscreen//DO NOT FREEZE OR REMOVE)
com.android.providers.partnerbookmarks (no idea; not sure it is needed and have removed it personally but don't know what it affects and it is part of standard android system [AOSP])
com.android.wallpapercropper (Cropping tool for wallpaper//Removing or freezing causes wallpaper changes to crash)
com.qualcomm.interfacepermissions (no idea and I sincerely think this interfaces with the CPU/GPU so I'd leave it alone)
com.qualcomm.qcom_qmi (no idea; personally would not touch)
com.qualcomm.timeservice (no idea; personally would not touch)
com.samsung.android.sdk.spenv10 (This is your S-Pen software//If you remove it the S-Pen will do nothing fun)
com.samsung.authenication.gba (No idea; likely security layer for Samsung applications//I have not removed this)
com.sec.android.app.chromecustomizations (no idea, probably an interface for Google Chrome's addons or sync capabilities)
com.sec.android.app.FlashBarService (This is your Multi-Window feature//You can remove this if you don't care about the feature, but I don't know what else it affects [read: at your own risk])
com.sec.android.app.minimode.res (no idea; I'd only be guessing putting something here)
com.sec.android.app.sbrowsertry (this is software that links the stock Samsung Browser to Android//Can be removed if you don't use stock browser)
com.sec.android.app.SmartClipService (S-Pen feature//Can be removed, but Smart Clip won't work on Air Command menu and possibly other side effects)
com.sec.android.chromecastservice (part 2 of chromecast functionality//can be removed if you don't have a Chromecast)
com.sec.android.SamsungDrmProvider (no idea as mentioned previously//I've left it in, it uses negligible resources and likely has an important role with the OS)
com.android.visualeffect.res (no idea; but part of the original AOSP so I would leave it in)
com.sec.chromecast.remoteplayer (part 3 of Chromecast services//Can be removed if you don't use Chromecast)
com.sec.ims (All services related to IMS in any fashion is related to Wi-Fi Calling//Do NOT remove if you use a T-mobile device and/or Wi-Fi Calling)
com.sec.imsservice (All services related to IMS--in any fashion--is related to Wi-Fi Calling//Do NOT remove if you use a T-mobile device and/or Wi-Fi Calling)
com.sec.phone (Don't remove if you like placing calls)
ConfigUpdater (no idea; couldn't even begin to guess)
Contacts (You contacts app//Freezing or removing this causes major issues with the Samsung Framework: Do so at your own risk)
Contacts Storage (The AOSP app for saving your contacts information//leave it in)
Context Service (no idea; I only know this is a Samsung service and I have no idea what it does or affects)
CSC (Part of the standard AOSP OS and dialer code entry information//can be removed but I don't recommend it)
DeviceKeystring (no idea; can't even begin to guess)
DeviceTest (Another factory test option for your device and part of AOSP software)
Dialer Storage (AOSP and where recent numbers dialed and other dialer information is stored)
Dictionary (AOSP dictionary for auto-correction and reference information//leave it in)
DigitalPenSDK (no idea; I can't prove it, but I think this is related to your touchscreen driver for the active digitizer)
Direct Pen Input (no idea; makes the S-Pen an active stylus is my guess//Don't remove if you like your S-Pen)
Documents (no idea; perhaps related to Google Drive?//I wouldn't remove it)
Download Manager (You need this for downloads to work//DO NOT remove)
Downloads (This is the UI for the Download Manager service above//It can be removed, but I wouldn't do it)
EmergencyManagerService (Related to Emergency mode//You can remove it, but I wouldn't)
EmergencyProvider (Related to Emergency mode//You can remove it, but I wouldn't)
External Storage (no idea; I think it is related to the MicroSD card but I don't know//I wouldn't remove it)
Factory Mode (no idea; I assume it is related to the factory hardware tests)
Filter Installer (no idea; I wouldn't remove this)
Filter Manager (no idea; I wouldn't remove this)
FilterProvider (no idea; I wouldn't remove this)
FixmoISA (no idea; related to security//Reference: HERE)
FlashAnnotateSvc (no idea; couldn't even guess)
Fused Location (no idea; related to Google location service?)
Gallery (Samsung picture gallery//Don't remove it, it breaks part of the camera functionality)
GestureService (no idea; related to Google service//I wouldn't remove it)
GlanceViewMk (Related to recent apps button//I don't recommend you remove this as it is part of AOSP)
Google Account Manager (Keeps Google account login info//Do not remove)
Google App (Google!//If you remove this version from /system you CANNOT activate the "OK Google" with the screen off)
Google Backup Transport (no idea; but related to Google so I don't recommend removing it)
Google Calendar Sync (Syncs your calendar to Google servers//I don't recommend removing it)
Google Contact Sync (Syncs your contacts//don't remove this)
Google One Time Init (Google service//Do not remove)
Google Partner Service (Google service//Do not remove)
Google Play Services (Critical Google service//DEFINITELY do not remove)
Google Services Framework (Critical Google service//DEFINITELY do not remove)
Google Text-to-Speech (Critical for OK Google voice reading//can be removed but I wouldn't recommend it)
HTML Viewer (no idea; important for web viewing?)
HwModuleTest (More factory test software)
IMS Settings (All services related to IMS in any fashion is related to Wi-Fi Calling//Do NOT remove if you use a T-mobile device and/or Wi-Fi Calling that being said others have said it can be removed, but I wouldn't personally)
IMSLogger+ (All services related to IMS in any fashion is related to Wi-Fi Calling//Do NOT remove if you use a T-mobile device and/or Wi-Fi Calling that being said others have said it can be removed, but I wouldn't personally)
InCallUI (Important for dialer and phone calls//Do not remove it)
Input Devices (no idea; driver for inputs perhaps?//Don't remove it)
Interaction control (no idea; related to Samsung settings features//I recommend it not be removed)
Internet (Stock Browser//Can be removed if another browser is put in place)
IPsec Service (Security related service for AOSP//Don't remove this)
IWlan Settings (important for Wi-Fi Settings//Do not remove)
Key Chain (Contains password information for app logins//Do not remove)
Launcher (Part 1 of Touchwiz interface//it can be FROZEN if you have another launcher to save RAM HOWEVER: Several force closes if you remove it!)
Live Wallpaper Picker ( Just what it says//Force closes if you try to access Live Wallpaper)
LocationServices (Google Location service//Do not remove)
LogsProvider (no idea; logs something? I'm a simple man)
Manage accessibility (This is part of Samsung's settings//I don't recommend removing this)
Mapcon Provider (no idea; couldn't even begin to guess)
Media Storage (no idea; driver for internal/external SD card?//Don't remove this)
Messages (Samsung messaging app//Can be frozen or removed if you have another SMS program in place)
Mobile Tracker (Samsung feature for tracking phone in the settings menu//Can be removed but I wouldn't)
MTP Application (Driver for MTP interface//Do not remove)
MyScript Resource Manager (no idea; couldn't even begin to guess)
Nfc Service (Needed for NFC//Do NOT remove!)
OMACP (no idea; couldn't even begin to guess)
Package Access Helper (Part of Android package installer//Do not remove)
Package Installer (Android Package Installer//Do NOT remove!)
PacProcessor (no idea; couldn't even begin to guess)
Perso (no idea; couldn't even begin to guess)
Phone (If you like making calls with your phone this should stay)
Photo note (S-Pen feature//I don't recommend removing unless you don't want this feature)
PopupuiReceiver (no idea; couldn't even guess)
Preconfig (no idea; couldn't even guess)
Private Mode Storage (This allow private mode to function//This can be removed but for stability I would NOT remove it)
ProxyHandler (Proxy handling for Android//I would leave this alone)
Remote controls x3 (There are three of these and one is likely linked to the IR Blaster//I do not recommend removing these)
RilNotifier (Ril are system files that store phone information//DO NOT REMOVE)
ringtonebackup (no idea; I'd be guessing)
RootPA (no idea; I'd be guessing)
S-Voice (Voice commands for the phone//This can be removed HOWEVER: If removed screen-off OK Google command will not work. You need this file and the original Google App that come installed to make the screen off version work)
Safety Assistance (Critical part of Emergency mode service//Can be removed, but I recommend against it)
Samsung Camera Filter (no idea; I know it is part of the camera app but I don't know its role//I'd leave it alone)
Samsung keyboard (Stock keyboard//Can be removed if another keyboard replaces it HOWEVER: If you remove this Ultra Power Saving mode will NOT function properly unless you modify it with UPSM. I recommend you leave this in)
Scrapbook (Tied to gallery in some way; I do not recommend removing this due to people's reports saying it causes a force close and I'll locate the link later)
Screen Write (S-Pen feature of Air Command//I would leave this in unless you don't use S-Pen at all)
Secure UI Service (no idea; couldn't even begin to guess)
to be continued...
My Thanks goes to:
Google! You make me smarter or at least appear smarter. Thank you for that
Linux - My OS of choice
Samsung - You may use Touchwiz, but I love your phones
@iB4STiD for ALL his amazing ROMs
The Alliance Team for their spectacular ROM releases and amazing customization
@edgarf28 for the inspiration and his work on XstrestoLite for the S5
@fAiLOfax for his AMAZING reference work found HERE
The XDA Community and all their posts
*If I forgot anyone they will be added as soon as I remember
Lollipop List of Software that can be frozen for AOSP Experience:
As a reference I am using AllianceROM v1 on COD6 as my base for this release because it is a full ROM (nothing removed) as a starting point. See Post 1 above for the software I used for removal and explanation of most Samsung software.
com.facebook.appmanager (could break contact pictures from Facebook)
com.facebook.system (same warning as above; I don't use Facebook and even if I did it would be a user app)
Google Drive
DT Ignite
Facebook (This is better as a user app because it can be greenified)
Google Play Books
Google Play TV & Movies
Google Play Music (moved to user app)
Google Play Newstand
Hancom Office 2014
Hangouts (moved to user app)
Google Maps
Milk Music
Pages Manager
S Health
S Note
Smart Remote
T-Mobile My Account
T-Mobile Name ID
T-Mobile TV
T-Mobile Visual Voicemail
Frozen Apps (Being tested for stability):
Active Applications (RAM Usage Monitor)
Active Applications Widget (RAM Usage widget)
AllShare FileShare Service (Samsung App that allows sharing files over Wi-Fi)
ANT+DUT (Low power fitness tracking controller--If you have a workout device that uses this you know it)
ANT HAL Service (Low power fitness tracking controller)
ANT Radio Service (Low power fitness tracking controller)
ANT+ Plugin Service (Low power fitness tracking controller)
Application Installer (This application used to auto-reinstall removed software--seems it no longer functions)
Backup (Part of Samsung Account Backup client--if you need it don't freeze it)
BeaconManager (Part of Samsung Quick Connect Software--if you need it don't freeze it)
Beaming service (Used with coupon scanning application from Samsung--if you need it don't freeze it)
BlurbCheckout (Coupon scanning service app--if you need it don't freeze it)
Briefing (The screen at the far left of the Touchwiz Launcher that does news--if you like this feature don't freeze it and keep Flipboard as well!)
Bubbles (Live wallpaper found it stock Android--you are welcome to keep it, if not in use it does not impact system resources)
Calculator (If you like it, keep it. I just don't like it)
Calendar (25.25MB) (This is the actual Calendar app from Samsung--if you freeze it, it will not sync)
Calendar (2.33MB) (This is the widget for the Samsung Calendar--if one goes they both should go)
Car Mode (This is a feature that allows for hands-free driving--I don't use it)
CarModeRemote (Assistant app to Car Mode above--if you freeze one then freeze them both)
Clock (digital easy) (Easy Mode Touchwiz clock widget)
Clock (Digital) (Clock widget)
CloudAgent (Part of Samsung's sync software--if you don't backup to Samsung account freeze it)
com.sec.android.app.sbrowsertry (This is the sync tool for the Samsung stock browser--I use Chrome so I freeze this)
DiagMonAgent (Used with T-Mobile My Account app for monitoring phone actions--freeze this because this community doesn't like spyware)
Dual Clock (Widget)
Easy Settings (If you use easy mode this is the settings menu--if you use normal Touchwiz freeze this)
EasyOneHand (As long as you don't run Easy Mode you can freeze this)
EasySidePanel (As long as you don't run East Mode you can freeze this)
Email (If you use it, don't freeze it--I use Gmail so I don't need it)
Exchange Services (If you use the stock Email app above do not freeze this)
Favorite Contacts (Widget that can be safely removed)
Flipboard (If you use Briefing--far left Touchwiz screen--you must leave this installed) Note: Can be installed as a user app for Greenifying
Gear VR Service (Self Explanatory)
Gear VR SetupWizardStub (The setup program for Gear VR)
Gear VR Shell (You need this if you have a Gear VR)
Health and Safety (Because I like to live dangerously)
Health Service (If you use S-Health this cannot be frozen)
Help (Because I don't need Samsung's Help menu--I have Google and XDA)
IndexService (If you don't use S-Finder this can be frozen)
Internet (This is the stock Samsung browser and if you use another browser this can be safely frozen)
KNOX (FREEZE BUT DO NOT REMOVE--things have changed and this is tied to the system settings)
KNOX II (FREEZE BUT DO NOT REMOVE--Seriously, we don't know what changes have been implemented yet surrounding this)
Launcher (I froze this accidentally, but Touchwiz still seems to work with it frozen--if you use Touchwiz as your launcher do not freeze)
Live Weather (I don't need another live wallpaper--thanks anyway Yahoo)
Multimedia UI Service Layer (Works hand-in-hand with the Samsung stock music app--if you use Music Player don't freeze)
Music (Stock Samsung Music player)
Music Controller (Don't freeze this if you use stock music player)
My Files (Samsung File Manager)
My Interests (Another live wallpaper that tracks your locations and preferences)
My Places (Works in conjunction with My interest so if you freeze one, freeze them both)
Phase Beam (Stock AOSP live wallpaper--this does not impact performance unless it is being used)
Photo Screensaver (I don't have any idea how to make this app work--3 out of 4 dentists freeze it)
Photo Studio (Samsung software for editing photos)
Post_T_Promo (This is T-Mobile's auto-installing application--freeze this)
Power Sharing (I don't know what this does, but I don't trust it)
Print Spooler (If you print from your device do not freeze this)
Quick Connect (Samsung software for connecting to other devices)
S-Finder (Indexing application for your media and files--if you freeze this then freeze IndexService as well)
Samsung Account (If you do anything with Samsung you need this installed)
Samsung Billing (Used to pay for apps in Galaxy App store)
Samsung Calendar SyncAdapter (Syncs stock Samsung calendar to Samsung servers)
Samsung Cloud Data Relay (Used for backing up to Samsung Cloud)
Samsung Cloud Quota (Samsung Cloud Sync)
Samsung Contact Sync adapter (Sync contacts to Samsung servers)
Samsung Content Agent (Manages your multimedia with Samsung's servers)
Samsung Galaxy (Not named properly--this is SNS and is used to sync your contact pictures from Social media)
Samsung Link Platform (Used for connecting Samsung devices to other Samsung devices like TVs)
Samsung Link Platform Connectivity (Ensures connection reliability for the app above)
Samsung Memo SyncAdapter (Syncs your S-Note Memos to Samsung servers)
Samsung Mirrorlink (How many apps do they really need of sharing things with other screens?)
Samsung Print Service Plugin (If you print from your phone leave this running)
Samsung Push Service (Notifies you of Samsung app updates from the Galaxy Store)
Samsung SBrowser SyncAdapter (Syncs bookmarks and other browser info to Samsung servers)
Samsung Setup Wizard (This is the setup screen for Samsung account--after initial setup it can be frozen)
Samsung SyncAdapters (The system of backing up to Samsung servers)
Scrapbook (Picture stuff? Freeze this, don't remove it as there have been issued reported with removing it)
Screen Mirroring (Seriously Samsung?)
Shot & More (This is photo editing software found on the phone)
Slow Motion (Video mode capture setting--if you use special features with the camera do not freeze this)
SmartCardManager (My suspicion is that this relates to Android system support for Smart Cards and those don't work on any phone I know of)
SmartCardService(See above)
SNSImageCache (Cache for storing contact pictures imported from Facebook--tied to the other apps so if you left those on leave this on as well)
Software Update (You know these only come from XDA--but, if you still like to get your updates OTA leave this unfrozen)
Software Update (See above)
Studio (Photo editing software)
Touchwiz Easy Home (If you don't use Easy Mode this can be frozen)
Trim (Camera editing feature--do not remove if you use advanced camera features)
Video (AKA com.samsung.everglades.video--AKA an extra video player for no reason)
Video Clip Studio (Video editing software)
Video Trimmer (Video editing software)
Wi-Fi Direct (Another file-sharing app over Wi-Fi)
Wi-Fi Direct Share (self-explanatory)
Some Tips from Me for What It's Worth:
-If you're not sure you'll use it then freeze it first -- there is nothing worse than removing an app and discovering not only that you needed it, but that it is a pain to re-install
-Making a system app a user app is good for battery saving because it can be easily greenified
-Get 3C Toolbox Pro: not only does it remove and backup software it also optimizes libraries, cleans deleted data to speed up read/write times, controls kernel settings, and can be set to automate tasks. It is amazing software
-RAM Usage is handled differently in Lollipop because of ART so this list is not used to free RAM. This is to freeze applications that would take up resources that we don't use or want running
-If you follow this guide and remove all of these apps I highly recommend clearing cache and dalvik--a few removed apps is fine for ART but if you remove a lot of them it is important to give it a clean database to start with. Then run TRIM with 3C or something similar
-Support the devs! Don't thank this post, thank the dev of the ROM you are using and consider donating to them! Note 4 users are incredibly lucky to have so many talented developers. Show them that they are appreciated!
Will be doing this when I get home from work. Thanks!
unibomber said:
Will be doing this when I get home from work. Thanks!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm excited to hear about your results. Please post them good/bad/or indifferent and if you encounter any problems try to let me know what the circumstances were. My hope is that we can get to a point where this information could be used to strip down a ROM and let the user put back the particular software they needed and nothing more.
Also if you have any suggestions to submit for removal and you know what feature it is a part of just let me know. :good:
I have found removing one of these files has made the recent app button almost instant. I don't know which one is the one that made it faster.
Unused ram is wasted ram
unibomber said:
I have found removing one of these files has made the recent app button almost instant. I don't know which one is the one that made it faster.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Very cool. I hadn't tested the multi-task button since doing my slimming down, but now I am going to try it out.
CheesyNutz said:
Unused ram is wasted ram
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Unused/unwanted programs waste my RAM.
Compare two setups. The first is stock software exactly the way it comes with Facebook, ChatOn, Hancom, Twitter, Air Wake Up, Direct Answer, etc. Many of these programs you don't use are set to launch at boot. You can verify this by checking the Startup Manager tab of Android Tuner. On boot stock RAM usage is full of programs I don't necessarily need running in memory and the Android OS has to use its memory management routines in order to close those apps and fill the RAM with apps I launch.
The second setup is my setup which boots with on 908MB of RAM used and the RAM is filled by programs I launch and want to stay in memory without having to close other programs in the background that Samsung gave priority.
(less programs closed = less CPU routines = lower battery usage)
Which setup is more efficient for the end user? This post isn't about stripping it down so I don't ever use the RAM, it is about creating a library of information about what these programs do so users can remove what they want and run a system tailored to their needs; not the needs of the many.
Edit: is anyone running pure stock and can tell me what RAM usage is on a clean boot? I genuinely cannot remember its been so long.
-Added some new descriptions/explanations
-Discovered error in original list "com.sec.android.app.SmartClipService" is part of S-Pen feature. I put mine back.
-Added some references for where I found my information
-Added a few people to the 'Thanks' section. Take the time to thank them when you can!
Thanks for this! Now, just to be sure, if i remove/freeze all of those under "Reference list/apps removed", I won't lose the "functional features with my list" features??
I'm glad I could help!
gretschpr said:
Thanks for this! Now, just to be sure, if i remove/freeze all of those under "Reference list/apps removed", I won't lose the "functional features with my list" features??
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I did add a few back that if removed would break certain features, but the descriptions are bolded. Otherwise, yes if you remove things from the reference list it should still function similarly to mine.
However, if you run into anything weird using that list (force close/crash/unusable feature) let me know so we can track it down and know what it does.
Edit: @gretschpr you MUST install Viper4Android before removing AdaptSound and SoundAlive so that you have a mixer control installed. Otherwise, potential force closes.
Much thanks! I'll give it a try!
Hey guys
I don't have a T-Mobile note 4 but I have and N910G which i have been debloating since day one.
Currently I have about 200 apps on my note 4 whilst retaining wifi, bluetooth, camera, and s-pen functionality. I do not use chrome cast, NFC or Health applications so those things dont work with my current configuration.
Below is a list of currently installed system apps on my note 4:
3Minit Battery Settings 2.2 (com.three.minit.minitbatterysettings)
Accounts (com.keramidas.virtual.ACCOUNTS)
Active applications 2.1.14090411 (com.sec.android.app.taskmanager)
AdAway 2.1 (org.adaway)
Application Widgets (com.keramidas.virtual.APP_WIDGETS)
AudioConnectionService 1.0.69809.141137 (com.samsung.android.sdk.professionalaudio.app.audioconnectionservice)
AutoPreconfig 2.0.0 (com.sec.android.AutoPreconfig)
BadgeProvider 1.0 (com.sec.android.provider.badge)
Bluetooth Pairings (com.keramidas.virtual.BLUETOOTH_PAIRINGS)
Bluetooth Share 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.bluetooth)
BluetoothTest 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.sec.android.app.bluetoothtest)
Calculator 1.0 (com.sec.android.app.popupcalculator)
Calendar Storage 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.providers.calendar)
Call log (com.keramidas.virtual.XML_CALL_LOG)
Camera 3.0 (com.sec.android.app.camera)
Camera Test 1.0 (com.sec.factory.camera)
Certificate installer 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.certinstaller)
ClipboardSaveService 1.0 (com.samsung.clipboardsaveservice)
ClipboardUIService 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.samsung.android.clipboarduiservice)
Clock 1.0 (com.sec.android.app.clockpackage)
Colour adjustment 1.0.81023.161641 (com.samsung.android.app.colorblind)
com.android.backupconfirm 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.backupconfirm)
com.android.browser.provider 4.4.4-1227136 (com.android.browser.provider)
com.android.keyguard 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.keyguard)
com.android.providers.partnerbookmarks 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.providers.partnerbookmarks)
com.android.sharedstoragebackup 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.sharedstoragebackup)
com.android.wallpapercropper 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.wallpapercropper)
com.qualcomm.interfacepermissions 1.0 (com.qualcomm.interfacepermissions)
com.qualcomm.qcom_qmi 1.0 (com.qualcomm.qcom_qmi)
com.qualcomm.timeservice 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.qualcomm.timeservice)
com.samsung.android.sdk.spenv10 3.0.191 (com.samsung.android.sdk.spenv10)
com.sec.android.app.FlashBarService 1.0 (com.sec.android.app.FlashBarService)
com.sec.android.app.minimode.res 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.sec.android.app.minimode.res)
com.sec.android.app.msa 1.0.21 (com.sec.android.app.msa)
com.sec.android.app.mss 1.0.28 (com.sec.android.app.mss)
com.sec.android.app.SmartClipService 1.0 (com.sec.android.app.SmartClipService)
com.sec.android.SamsungDrmProvider 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.sec.android.SamsungDrmProvider)
com.sec.android.soagent 1.140911 (com.sec.android.soagent)
com.sec.android.visualeffect.res 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.sec.android.visualeffect.res)
com.sec.bcservice 2.0 (com.sec.bcservice)
com.sec.ims 1.0 (com.sec.ims)
com.sec.phone 1.0 (com.sec.phone)
commonimsservice 1.0 (com.samsung.commonimsservice)
ConfigUpdater 4.4.4-1227136 (com.google.android.configupdater)
Contacts 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.contacts)
Contacts Storage 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.providers.contacts)
Context Service 2.0.4 (com.samsung.android.providers.context)
Country, Language, Time zone (com.keramidas.virtual.COUNTRY_LANG_TZ)
CSC 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.samsung.sec.android.application.csc)
Data usage (Policy & Stats) (com.keramidas.virtual.DATA_USAGE)
DeviceKeystring 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.sec.android.app.factorykeystring)
DeviceTest 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.sec.factory)
Dialer Storage 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.providers.telephony)
DigitalPenSDK 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.qti.snapdragon.digitalpen)
Direct pen input 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.samsung.android.writingbuddyservice)
Documents 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.documentsui)
Download Manager 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.providers.downloads)
Email (com.android.email)
Exchange Services (com.android.exchange)
External Storage 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.externalstorage)
Factory Mode 1.0.77689.154388 (com.sec.android.app.parser)
Filter Installer 1.0.50175.108748 (com.samsung.android.app.filterinstaller)
Filter Manager 1.0 (com.sec.android.app.filtermanager)
FilterProvider 1.0.36228.86018 (com.samsung.android.provider.filterprovider)
FixmoISA 2.2 (com.fixmo.isa)
FlashAnnotateSvc 1.0.68212.138926 (com.sec.spen.flashannotatesvc)
Fused Location 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.location.fused)
Gallery 1.0 (com.sec.android.gallery3d)
GestureService 1.0.75352.150446 (com.samsung.android.app.gestureservice)
Google Account Manager 4.4.4-1227136 (com.google.android.gsf.login)
Google Backup Transport 4.4.4-1227136 (com.google.android.backuptransport)
Google Calendar Sync 4.4.4-1230475 (com.google.android.syncadapters.calendar)
Google Contacts Sync 4.4.4-1227136 (com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts)
Google One Time Init 4.4.4-1227136 (com.google.android.onetimeinitializer)
Google Partner Setup 4.4.4-1227136 (com.google.android.partnersetup)
Google Play services 6.5.87 (1599771-030) (com.google.android.gms)
Google Play Store 5.0.38 (com.android.vending)
Google Services Framework 4.4.4-1288895 (com.google.android.gsf)
HwModuleTest 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.sec.android.app.hwmoduletest)
IMS Framework 4.1.0 (com.sec.ims.android)
InCallUI 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.incallui)
Input Devices 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.inputdevices)
Intelligence Service 1.1 (com.samsung.android.intelligenceservice)
Interaction control 1.0.80536.161058 (com.samsung.android.app.accesscontrol)
Key Chain 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.keychain)
Keyguard wallpaper updator 1.0 (com.samsung.android.keyguardwallpaperupdator)
LocalFOTA 1.0.43113.103181 (com.LocalFota)
LocationServices 1.0 (com.qualcomm.location)
LogsProvider 2.0 (com.sec.android.provider.logsprovider)
MDMApp 1.0 (com.samsung.android.mdm)
Media Storage 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.providers.media)
Messages (SMS & MMS) (com.keramidas.virtual.XML_MESSAGES)
MTP application 1.0 (com.samsung.android.MtpApplication)
Multimedia UI Service Layer 1.0 (com.sec.android.mmapp)
Music 1.0 (com.sec.android.app.music)
Music Controller 1.0 (com.sec.android.app.musiccontroller)
My Files 1.0 (com.sec.android.app.myfiles)
MyScript Resource Manager 1.3.0 (com.visionobjects.resourcemanager)
OM Customize 2.3 (com.sec.android.omc)
OMACP 1.19.140831.75655.156309 (com.wsomacp)
Package Access Helper 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.defcontainer)
Package installer 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.packageinstaller)
PacProcessor 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.pacprocessor)
Perso 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.sec.android.app.personalization)
Phone 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.phone)
Photo studio 5.5.141 (com.sec.android.mimage.photoretouching)
PopupuiReceiver 1.6 (com.sec.android.app.popupuireceiver)
Power Sharing 1.0 (com.samsung.android.app.powersharing)
Preconfig 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.sec.android.Preconfig)
ProxyHandler 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.proxyhandler)
RilNotifier 1.0.0 (com.sec.app.RilErrorNotifier)
RootPA 2.0072 (49652) (com.gd.mobicore.pa)
S Planner 1.0 (com.sec.android.widgetapp.SPlannerAppWidget)
S Planner 1.0 (com.android.calendar)
Samsung Camera Filter 1.0 (com.sec.android.filter)
Secure UI Service 1.0 (com.qualcomm.qti.services.secureui)
Security Storage 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.sec.android.providers.security)
SecurityManagerService 1.0.14 (com.sec.android.service.sm)
Selfie alarm 1.49 (com.sec.di.SmartSelfShot)
Service mode 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.sec.android.app.servicemodeapp)
Service mode RIL 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.sec.android.RilServiceModeApp)
SetDefaultLauncher 1.0.46483.101733 (com.sec.setdefaultlauncher)
Settings 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.settings)
Settings Storage 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.providers.settings)
SettingSearchProvider 1.1 (com.sec.providers.settingsearch)
Shell 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.shell)
ShootingModeProvider 1.0 (com.samsung.android.provider.shootingmodeprovider)
Shot & more (com.arcsoft.magicshotstudio)
SLocationLibrary v3.7h (com.samsung.location)
SmartcardManager 1.7 (com.sec.smartcard.manager)
SmartcardService 3.1.0 (org.simalliance.openmobileapi.service)
SPenKeeper 1.0.79814.158294 (com.sec.android.app.SPenKeeper)
Street View (com.google.android.street)
Studio 1.5.81 (com.sec.android.mimage.sstudio)
SysScope 1.2.50kc (com.sec.android.app.sysscope)
System UI 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.systemui)
Tasks provider 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.sec.android.providers.tasks)
TcpdumpService 1.0.14 (com.sec.tcpdumpservice)
TetheringAutomation 1.0.1 (com.sec.automation)
Trim 3.40 (com.samsung.app.video)
Unified Daemon 140926.01 (com.sec.android.daemonapp)
USBSettings 1.0 (com.sec.usbsettings)
User Dictionary 4.4.4-N910FXXU1ANK4 (com.android.providers.userdictionary)
Video 1.0 (com.samsung.everglades.video)
Video Clip Studio 4.49 (com.sec.android.app.storycam)
Video Player 1.0 (com.sec.android.app.videoplayer)
Video trimmer 134.7.ms_hw (com.lifevibes.trimapp)
ViPER4Android FX (com.vipercn.viper4android_v2)
Voice Recorder 2.14 (com.sec.android.app.voicenote)
VolteConfigurationMenu 1.0 (com.sec.android.voltesettings)
Wallpaper (com.keramidas.virtual.WALLPAPER)
WallpaperPicker 1.0 (com.sec.android.app.wallpaperchooser)
Wi-Fi Access Points (com.keramidas.virtual.WIFI_AP_LIST)
Wi-Fi Access Points (com.keramidas.virtual.XML_WIFI_AP_LIST)
WlanTest 1.0.0 (com.sec.android.app.wlantest)
WlucTest 1.1 (com.sec.android.app.wluc)
X-Note Restart Method 3.0 (com.xnote.reboot)
This is pretty much a debloated X-Note Rom. The reason why i use X-Note is so that I can have a black theme (settings menu, dialer, etc).
After a fresh reboot RAM usage sits at 1.17GB after 5 minutes of idle time. After some use (phone calls, facebook, messenger, etc) it sits around 1.4-1.6gb. After a day or so, it sits around 1.7gb. At which point I will just reboot the phone (I usually do this in the morning after a fresh charge). That being said, you don't need to reboot the phone and it will perform smoothly for days (never gone more than a few days without having to reboot for one reason or another - usually flashing stuff lol)
After I have sucessfully used the phone with frozen apps, after about a week or two, i will remove the apps permanently from the rom. Currently the system Rom partition has 2.16GB free of 3.7GB.
Let me know if you have any questions and i apologise if this post is not suitable for T_mobile devices.
This is a great list! Had about 20 that I didn't know I could remove. Total of 184 apps when I boot up very nice!
That sounds about right!
It gets addictive trying to figure out what can and can not be removed. haha
Thanks for this list, my phone seems a bit snappier now and no fc's.
Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
d12unk13astard said:
Thanks for this list, my phone seems a bit snappier now and no fc's.
Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
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I'm glad to hear it! Keep testing and if you see anything strange please report it so we can pin down what app it is. I'm going to revise it when Lollipop comes out, but it will require EXTENSIVE testing. Enjoy!
Awesome. have been looking for something like this. I am stock rooted Tmobile Note 4 and since I am in India I do not need ant tmobile stuff. An list where I can find tmobile apps which are safe to remove.
sidhak said:
Awesome. have been looking for something like this. I am stock rooted Tmobile Note 4 and since I am in India I do not need ant tmobile stuff. An list where I can find tmobile apps which are safe to remove.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This list should help. http://forum.xda-developers.com/note-4-tmobile/general/experiencing-lag-t2914618
Someone should make a rom

Best custom rom & list bloatware safe to remove?

Hey guys,,
I just rooted my device using Cf-autoroot and worked flawlessly. And I wanted to install custom rom but have no idea what's the best one (for daily use & all features are working).
And also, while still consider which custom rom to install, I wanted to remove all bloatware but I dunno which one save to remove? Do you have any grand 2 bloatware list that save to remove?
Thank you and all the best XDA team!
Hi there.
I cannot give you a list that a sure deal, if you decide to remove something just check what it does before. Try freeze those apps insted before you delete.
You can use two apps from playstore
1. No bloat
2. System app remover (root)
Both will do the job. In NoBloat you can even delete a file and save backup.
I did remove the apps below and i have no problems at all, some will be in system\app folder, some will be in system\priv-app folder.
I did replace few apps like music player, video player, clock. So i didnt mind removing the stock one.
Here is my personal debloat:
Accuweather widget
Accuweather phone
Alarm widget
Basic dreams
Chat on
Clock package - i use clock from playstore.
Cloud agent
Digital clock
Google drive (drive.apk)
Easy favorite contact widget
Easy launcher
Easy settings
Gms maps (or maps)
Google search widget
Google tts
Group play
Interactive tutorial
Mobileprintsvc HP
Mobileprintsvc Epson
Mobileprintsvc Samsung
Music fx
Music2 (google music)
*all* S cloud apk's
*all* Yahoo apk's
There might be few other that i removed and cant remember right now
Good luck and BACKUP system app and priv-app folder before.
Sent from my SM-G7105 using XDA Free mobile app

