[Q] The increase of GPU Fps have a bad effect on 2D display - Huawei Ideos X5 U8800

Sorry for my English
I don't konw whether it only happens on me,but I want to clame that,because it‘s really make my device very convenient.
when I install Stockwell's MIUI-110711,The problem appeared,While I touch screen,and move it,I found the screem was Flicking,and several lines of serrate on it.The 2D display become very awful.So I change the kernel.When I use the kernel that did not modify the fps(neocore test:45fps) ,My device tune to normal,but if I use the new kernel which has modify the fps(neocore:54fps),the 2D display became less responsive,So I hope if anyone can solve this problem,Thanks very much.

jiangheng90 said:
Sorry for my English
I don't konw whether it only happens on me,but I want to clame that,because it‘s really make my device very convenient.
when I install Stockwell's MIUI-110711,The problem appeared,While I touch screen,and move it,I found the screem was Flicking,and several lines of serrate on it.The 2D display become very awful.So I change the kernel.When I use the kernel that did not modify the fps(neocore test:45fps) ,My device tune to normal,but if I use the new kernel which has modify the fps(neocore:54fps),the 2D display became less responsive,So I hope if anyone can solve this problem,Thanks very much.
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Thanks for your post, probably a good idea for any kernel devs to ensure vsync is enabled then, no doubt this will affect some other users.

i have the same problem with the new francokernel and its because the v-sync is off in tha kernel allowing up to 54 fps. this causes asynced frames which doesnt look very nice. if there is a way to turn v-sync on please somevody respond

I am very aware of that. I'll do some tests and see what happens with it enabled in terms of gaming performance.
Sent from my Huawei u8800 using XDA Premium App


TF3D Performance

Hi all,
I have been searching high and low on XDA and using Google to try and find some answers to this but I have not had any luck. I've looked through the wiki and other threads. I'm sure that if I had looked when I first got my HD I would've found answers but now I can't. Did they ever exist? Anyway, my question....
My friend has a Diamond and his TF3D interface speed is amazing compared to mine. I have the stock rom and my TF3D version is 1.3.35350.1_1630.38.
The reason I ask now and didn't follow any developments when I first got my HD (around a year ago) is that I just installed SPB MS2. Now I am trying TF3D again but it is so slooooooow?
Another thing, my friend can just swipe his finger across the tab bar at the bottom and the different tabs load. Mine, I have to tap each button to see the relevant tab and even then, I wait sometimes half a second, sometimes a second or two. Edit: Sorry, wasn't pressing hard enough however, it is still slow at loading?
If it is suggested that I flash the ROM, I've never done this and so when doing so, do you lose all the installed programs and such? If yes, I have SPB Backup and so would doing a backup, flash ROM, run backup put me back to how my phone was pre-rom flash?
Thanks for any help offered.
Try searching this forum for a tweak software such as Tweak HD. If you install this and configure it with the adviced settings (ADV) your HD will be a lot faster.
You can also try and install the new VGA Driverpack from the project you can find in the ROM development section.
ThaDoc said:
Try searching this forum for a tweak software such as Tweak HD. If you install this and configure it with the adviced settings (ADV) your HD will be a lot faster.
You can also try and install the new VGA Driverpack from the project you can find in the ROM development section.
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Thanks for the reply. I've installed HDTweak (did see this before) but was hoping for some registry tweaks instead. Would rather know what does what instead of installing an application that is supposed to perform certain changes/improvements.
See what happens after installing HDTweak.
Oh, I did also install the new Driverpack but found that games played slower. Maybe this has something to do with the screen having to draw more frames and so stressing the CPU more to do the same thing as if the driverpack wasn't installed? I'll post this question in that thread just to keep this one specific to TF3D!
wayneywoo said:
Hi all,
I have been searching high and low on XDA and using Google to try and find some answers to this but I have not had any luck. I've looked through the wiki and other threads. I'm sure that if I had looked when I first got my HD I would've found answers but now I can't. Did they ever exist? Anyway, my question....
My friend has a Diamond and his TF3D interface speed is amazing compared to mine. I have the stock rom and my TF3D version is 1.3.35350.1_1630.38.
The reason I ask now and didn't follow any developments when I first got my HD (around a year ago) is that I just installed SPB MS2. Now I am trying TF3D again but it is so slooooooow?
Another thing, my friend can just swipe his finger across the tab bar at the bottom and the different tabs load. Mine, I have to tap each button to see the relevant tab and even then, I wait sometimes half a second, sometimes a second or two. Edit: Sorry, wasn't pressing hard enough however, it is still slow at loading?
If it is suggested that I flash the ROM, I've never done this and so when doing so, do you lose all the installed programs and such? If yes, I have SPB Backup and so would doing a backup, flash ROM, run backup put me back to how my phone was pre-rom flash?
Thanks for any help offered.
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Are you sure? i had a diamond and the tf3d was crap even with the stock rom, i can use the swipe gesture on my HD to move from page to page aswell, and pages load pretty much instantly with mine, sounds like your device hasnt been optimed enough, just like a pc after extended use, it will become slow and unresponsive if you dont keep the file system and registy optimised
wayneywoo said:
Thanks for the reply. I've installed HDTweak (did see this before) but was hoping for some registry tweaks instead. Would rather know what does what instead of installing an application that is supposed to perform certain changes/improvements.
See what happens after installing HDTweak.
Oh, I did also install the new Driverpack but found that games played slower. Maybe this has something to do with the screen having to draw more frames and so stressing the CPU more to do the same thing as if the driverpack wasn't installed? I'll post this question in that thread just to keep this one specific to TF3D!
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Be sure to go through all HDTweak settings. Change values to ADV under the performance section.
i agree you have to....
optimize your device to its fullest capacity..i have stock rom ... on hd and have used hd tweak, plus few other applications found here, like driverpack 3 , gfxboost.. and few registry tweaks .etc...i am very impressed with touch ( sensitivity ) , speed of opening of most applications (yes ,some does have slight lag ) but overall, programs eg..file exployer,programs..settings etc..open instantaneous ...
( i also set sensitivity,finger pressure in hdtweak to very high )
i further hardly swipe manila ..."home " tab and it slides ,right through to last tab ( settings tab ) on manila ( vice versa)
my advice is also optimize ,( trail and error ) and seach, seach ..xda threads..
good luck

I'm tired of enduring the vsync disabled!

hi all,
Sorry for my bad english...
During scroll or when i play in game or when i watch a video, i have the "breaks" of crappy, this is very very irritating for me ! I don't understand why everyone ignores this.
The only thing I find on the web is this: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=500499
After search in keys reg, i found this:
"ID"="4.3in WVGA Optrex"
"ID"="VGA Sharp Gordon"
You know exactely where i can activate the vsync ?
Well, no answers ...
Yet you are all concerned! This didn't embarrasses you not?
To illustrate the problem, see:
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screen_tearing
- youtube.com/watch?v=O8_fbUfVRZg
- youtube.com/watch?v=L0ZhDGTVm4M
lo said:
Well, no answers ...
Yet you are all concerned! This didn't embarrasses you not?
To illustrate the problem, see:
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screen_tearing
- youtube.com/watch?v=O8_fbUfVRZg
- youtube.com/watch?v=L0ZhDGTVm4M
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I saw this too,but it happens only when I slide open the phone in some apps.
I have same problem in my x2,and can't find any way to solve it ,I search vsync in registry,change 0 to 1,but it also ''screen tearing''
ps,x1 seem not has this problem...
What can we do to solve this?
Sorry to my bad english.
Warning: I have placed only the non-HTC tweaks here and HAVE NOT TESTED THEM YET. Any changes you apply or programs you use will be at your own risk!
I would have tested this already if I could but I will only be able to after a few days when I get my new X2 (again). I just wanted to give possible solutions besides turning on Vsync.
Activating VSync only will not solve your problem because screen tearing is usually caused by a combination of bad video and file access configuration.
To answer your request here is what I found for the VSync registry location (please confirm this):
And here is a list of possible tweaks for the X2:
Original post by g.lewarne is: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=629388.
HKLM/System/GDI/GLYPHCACHE To: 524288 (change both keys in there)
This allows for much smoother font rendering, especially when scrolling
HKLM/System/StorageManager/Filters/fsreplxfilt/ReplStoreCacheSize To: 131072
This creates a filesystem 128k sector cache filter, improves data throughput from ROM to RAM (probably) and does seem to improve indexing response and file browsing.
EDIT: file explorer just loaded my “Windows” directory in half a second with this enabled , and the screen does not tear when scrolling the list either any more
HKLM/Drivers/Display/VMMaxHeapSize To: 33554432
This changes the VideoMemory max heap from 16k to 32k
HKLM/Drivers/Display/Settings/SMI2 AllocSizeMB To: 32
HKLM/System/GDI/Drivers/Bpp To: 24
Now this IS interesting. I dont know if its just me, but were HTC holding out on us display wise? Changing the BitsPerPixel (colourdepth) from 16 to 24bit, for some reason, whether the display is actually capable of true colour or not, not only MAKES THE SCREEN LOOK BETTER but its also FASTER
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Finally a tool for boosting graphics:
Can somebody test the above a provide a feedback thru all the points Xareth suggested us?
I'm not able to do this my X2 is not available for a a month or so.
Who is coming up with these crappy settings? Most of them are NONEXISTENT in my X2!!! And many of the rest are already much higher!
This is not a HTC phone and has no such hardware and NOT most of those HTC specific windows registry settings a HTC phone has.
Please post only registry settings and changes of such, which are existing in the X2.
Thank you!
I agree.
I think all that Xareth says, comes from the HD2... But I tried to add the non-existent keys => nothing !
And i have already tried GfxBoost, NeoS2007 and SpeedBooster, this hasn't solved the problem.
I think that without hardspl, nobody knows anything do
What happens when you try to help and warn in CAPITALS that you have not tested it.
Thank you all for your replies to my post above.
First of all, really sorry to have disappeared but I have entered a new job and have been busy as heck to reach a stable setup.
Even though the testing of the reg keys failed, I am happy that it at least has gotten us closer to finding a solution since we found out they did not work
What next? Well, what else! Gotta try to find other ways. This time I can test since I have my X2 and am using it regularly.
@lo: don't give up, don't assume it's the end! I am now checking if it has to do with the SD card access (delayed reading).
@michaelthemage: I know you are frustrated and want a working answer at once, but:
1. this is a community forum not a support centre so don't assume I or anyone else is making up any crappy settings. We're just trying to find the right answers.
2. and yes, I can make mistakes just like you or anyone else. For example you did not read my first line saying I did not test the settings since I did not have a device to test with! Demanding much?
3. I don't think we can limit things to X2 only registry settings because first of all, it's not out there in the open to know which settings are only for X2! I removed the obvious HTC reg keys and went on from there. I think that is the next best thing to finding an answer, instead of hitting a dead end. I ask you to also try to find an answer or at least post something more constructive.
4. Sony previously worked with HTC (HTC was making the components for previous Sony devices) and therefore it is logical there may be some HTC keys which are applicable. I will tell you right now many fixes that work for HTC work for the X2! Have you ever wondered why? Of course I may be wrong too but I'm trying to find out if I am!
5. Let's go on to hardware. Many smartphone manufacturers are only integrators. Even HTC buys its parts from another company in China. So don't tell me it does not have similar hardware to HTC until you have opened both companys' phones and confirmed (which I have btw, the opening not the confirming). It's like saying LG Laptops do not have LCD screens like Samsung Laptops when Samsung manufactures the LCDs for LG.
Get a life!
Dude, I don't have the time nor inclination to answer this crap in several paragraphs. Still these reg settings are crap and somebody posting this crap is responsible if any noob applies them and screws up their phones. That is the crap! That's it!

Overclocking the Treo Pro is possible!!

Ok, Before I start, I'd just like to note that this is my very first Thread on XDA, so if this is the "wrong section" and what not, sorry.
Now, If somebody has already figured this out and has a source, please direct me towards it, because I simply couldn't find it, Googling for my life! But I actually figured out a way myself and thought I'd share it in case this is still unheard of.
It's quite simple really, from my research on the CPUs that are in these HTC Devices, I figured MSM7kCpuSpeed should do it, but whenever I adjusted the clock in there, the phone froze, even under clocking froze the phone, then after toying around with other clocking programs, I discovered the phone apparently does some kind of auto CPU Scaling CONSTANTLY, so I looked for a way to disable this, and found Pocket Hack Master. and to my surprise, it worked! MSM7kCpuSpeed no longer froze the phone with the Auto Scaling disabled!
So here's how to in short:
1. Download and install Pocket Hack Master, and under File > Edit > Settings > Advanced. Tick "Disable Device Built-in Scaling" then tap "Ok" and then "Minimize" Make sure Pocket Hack Master DOES NOT CLOSE! Keep it open and MINIMIZED.
2. Download and install MSM7kCpuSpeed, Overclock and enjoy!
I've only gotten my Treo Pro up to about 730mhz without any crashing. but this actually works! I haven't tested with some kind of Benchmark, but I tested with many different emulators, and they are indeed much faster!
And that's it! Enjoy!
Hi there, I tried your overclocking solution but I got a problem, when I try to run MSM7kCpuSpeed I get an error message and the application does not open. I have Pocket Hack Master running with the mentioned setting activated.
Any ideas? I installed MSM7CpuSpeed v2. Looks like the device is not supported from what I have read in the MSM7CpuSpeed thread. I have the unlocked GSM Treo Pro. Perhaps you are running the CDMA device?
Would love to overclock my Treo Pro.
Yea, I do have the CDMA version, but I don't see why that would make the program not work... Unless the GSM Version really has a different CPU? and not just clocked at a different level.
Maybe you need Compact Framwork 3.5 or higher? I dont know if its needed to run MSM7kCpuSpeed, but give that a check.
Both the CDMA and GSM versions of the Treo Pro have the Qualcomm MSM7201 chipset. The difference is the clock speed; the CDMA runs at 528MHz, while the GSM runs at 400MHz.
Thanks for the info.... hummm, I just checked and my TP has CF 3.5 installed. Maybe it has to do with my ROM. I am using Mordaz 6.5 21884 in Spanish. Are you in 6.5 or maybe 6.1? Perhaps the language?
guilledil said:
Thanks for the info.... hummm, I just checked and my TP has CF 3.5 installed. Maybe it has to do with my ROM. I am using Mordaz 6.5 21884 in Spanish. Are you in 6.5 or maybe 6.1? Perhaps the language?
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I'm using a 6.1 - 21057 rom from RaiderFan, English.
Well, I really don't know what to tell you. this really does work... for me at least...
... Hmmm, I don't know if this could have something to do with it, but I am using RealVGA at 96 DPI.
I'm using the same rom but in Dutch. Anyways I also get the same failure report.
Well I'm going to instal another rom today, so I will let you know if that is a game changer.
edit: Tried with the 21903 and 28.... (both 6.5) but still nothing and the same error.
xXHawkeyeXx can you maybe post the details about which pocket hack master and MSM7kCpuSpeed you used for overclocking?
I do got a question regarding the battery. It seems that the apps are really draining my battery, do you also notice that or is it just me?
ruben__ said:
xXHawkeyeXx can you maybe post the details about which pocket hack master and MSM7kCpuSpeed you used for overclocking?
I do got a question regarding the battery. It seems that the apps are really draining my battery, do you also notice that or is it just me?
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Im using PHM (Pocket Hack Master) Version 4.36.062, Msm7kCpuSpeed Version 2.
As for battery, I've been able to keep my Treo Pro steady at 768mhz, and theres only a very small decrease in battery life.
Hmmmm.... You know, I had discovered 2 different ways to overclock the Treo Pro, I didn't even bother mentioning the other method, because its a bit tricky and requires you to be fast, but it seems more reliable, however it only has 1 clock choice and thats 768mhz.
well, here it is: You need to download NueOverclockTest (Google NueOverclockTest, wont let me post links)
After you install it, theres 2 ways to do this, if your lucky, you can just open PHM to stop the CPU scaling, then just go ahead and use NueOverclockTest to overclock to 768 Mhz. However for me, after I did that a few times, it didn't seem to work anymore untill i started doing it the tricky way, witch goes like this.
First, you have to have PHM CLOSED, then you gotta have a way to open PHM real fast, either by setting one of your keys to open it, or whatever, next what you do is this, open up NueOverclockTest and click "ok" twice till it gets to the "Your current clock speed is xxx.xx Mhz, set clock speed to 768.00 Mhz?", when it gets to that menu, sit and wait for about 10 seconds, whats happening at this point is your Treo Pro's CPU is scaling a bit for whatever reason, and by waiting 10 seconds, it should scale to 400Mhz and sit there, if you click "Ok" while it isn't scaled to 400mhz, the phone will just freeze, now, IMMEDIATELY after you click "ok", open PHM as fast as possible, otherwise before it can open and stop the scaling, your phone will just reset back down to 400mhz...
there is 1 problem though, these instructions are for my Treo Pro witch is clocked at 528, as you already know.... I don't know if its the big jump in CPU clock that freezes the phone, but if is, jumping from 400 to 768 might still be too big of a jump and will just freeze....
now, if it does work for you, the way I check to make sure I did it fast enough, is to use Nue Clock Control to see if it says "768mhz". I also use Nue Clock Control to clock my phone back down, Because closing PHM and letting it scale back down automatically only froze my phone. Letting my phone go to sleep also freezes it.
Well, thats it! Good luck!
xXHawkeyeXx, thank you so much for the tutorial!
But it is probably the device itself. None of the hacks worked for the GSM version, I even downgraded to wm 6.1 but nothing.
Still happy with 6.1 though =)
ruben__ said:
xXHawkeyeXx, thank you so much for the tutorial!
But it is probably the device itself. None of the hacks worked for the GSM version, I even downgraded to wm 6.1 but nothing.
Still happy with 6.1 though =)
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Awww, but we can't just give up there...
Its been confirmed that both devices use the same exact CPU, just clocked to a different default level. The oddest thing is, there's no reason Msm7kCpuSpeed shouldn't be starting up, I'm about ready to hard reset my phone and starting clean to see what exactly it was I did without noticing to get Msm7kCpuSpeed to start...
It would be a darn shame, I love the Treo Pro, and want other fellow Treo Pro owners to experience the joy of overclocking.
Yea, 6.1 does seem to run better IMO.
...well, if I can convince my self to try a hard reset, I'll let it be known, just that it would be a lot of work setting my phone up again.
Hi guys, I have not been able to try another ROM yet, I will give it a try in the weekend.
Ruben__ about the ROMS you tried, were they in english? Sometimes developers create their apps in english and do not support another languages...
Edit: looks like a couple of posts in the MSM7K... thread point to the Treo Pro.
guilledil said:
Hi guys, I have not been able to try another ROM yet, I will give it a try in the weekend.
Ruben__ about the ROMS you tried, were they in english? Sometimes developers create their apps in english and do not support another languages...
Edit: looks like a couple of posts in the MSM7K... thread point to the Treo Pro.
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Yeah, but it looks like the guy in that first post has his info a bit backwards... The CDMA Treo Pro isn't the one with the 400 Mhz clock.
At any rate, looking forward to hear how that trying a different ROM goes. Perhaps it was that all along since you both weren't using English ROMs.
I'll be trying this on my unlocked GSM Treo Pro, with stock English ROM build 19216.1.0.5, this weekend and report back my findings.
Just tried with 6.5 21884 Mord4z ROM in english (GSM unlocked Treo Pro) but unfortunately the same error message when opening MSM7... maybe other ROMS might work. I hope someone else has better luck than me!
xXHawkeyeXx said:
Awww, but we can't just give up there...
Its been confirmed that both devices use the same exact CPU, just clocked to a different default level. The oddest thing is, there's no reason Msm7kCpuSpeed shouldn't be starting up, I'm about ready to hard reset my phone and starting clean to see what exactly it was I did without noticing to get Msm7kCpuSpeed to start...
It would be a darn shame, I love the Treo Pro, and want other fellow Treo Pro owners to experience the joy of overclocking.
Yea, 6.1 does seem to run better IMO.
...well, if I can convince my self to try a hard reset, I'll let it be known, just that it would be a lot of work setting my phone up again.
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That is some real Palm Treo Bro-ttitude!
But seriously don't! It is a pain to set things up again.
@ guilledil
I have tried different roms and nothing worked for me but I did find a program which is not that great but it does something. It's called 'speedbooster' and it doesn't really 'overclock' the phone but let you prioritize the cpu for program's. It will also let you improve the video speed but it's not that noticeable and it really drains my battery.
I think we gsm'ers are stuck @ 400 mhz
MSM failed to run on my stock unlocked GSM Treo Pro. It complained about the Compact Framework being too old on my device.
@hockeyfan: I think stock GSM does not have CF installed by default. In Mord4z 6.5 21884 ROM it comes installed. You could try installing CF 3.5 but it is not working for me in wm6.5.
@ruben__: I have been using Speedbooster for quite some time now and it does what it says... it is not overclocking but it is something. Guess other Treo Pro owners could try it. Well, we tried it but as you said, we GSM'ers only get 400 mhz!!
there's no way to overclock treo pro.i've tried many ways,but all lose.

[Q] What do I miss if I install Android on Blackstone?

Dear friends,
Please let me know the cons and pros of Android on Blackstone (Touch HD).
- Camera
- Game
- Appz
- Smoothness
- Speed
- Bluetooth
- Wifi
it depends on build but you should try out the new FRX07 it has most (if not all) of the things working very well,i personally am using GBX0A which is alpha version but the way i compiled it somehow gave it enormous stability and reliability....you should try for yourself and see if it fits you...
One other larger setback with Android would be battery standby. It's quite poor, I think, at the moment. Efforts are being made for increasing standby but I don't think our Blac is targeted for that.
farukb said:
it depends on build but you should try out the new FRX07 it has most (if not all) of the things working very well,i personally am using GBX0A which is alpha version but the way i compiled it somehow gave it enormous stability and reliability....you should try for yourself and see if it fits you...
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Can you describe what you mean by "the way I compiled it"?
There is much newer code in the GB tree than what is in the release for GBX0A, so if you built the system image yourself, that might explain it .
- Camera - Works on Blackstone. Current Kernels have support for camera.
- Game - We have okay resolution so games with WVGA are not problems for us but problem is that resolution is quite high for Adreno 130.. So quite lacking of performance
- Appz - They are very good.
- Smoothness - With Jit + My kernel its working good (Neocore 29.8 Due to 30 FPS cap.. but you cant except that every app will work smoothly..
- Speed Its okay even from Sd card.. But i told you my reason..
- Bluetooth Pairing/sending is working. But A2DP is not working
- Wifi Seems to work fine.. Sometimes lower speed but its okay..
arrrghhh said:
Can you describe what you mean by "the way I compiled it"?
There is much newer code in the GB tree than what is in the release for GBX0A, so if you built the system image yourself, that might explain it .
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it's the particular kernel and rootfs i used...i really have a daytime long battery and rock solid build...just don't remember which ones...maybe i could provide the img so you can check it
farukb said:
it's the particular kernel and rootfs i used...i really have a daytime long battery and rock solid build...just don't remember which ones...maybe i could provide the img so you can check it
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Well the kernel is easy to figure out - in Android, Settings -> About -> kernel version. If in WinMo, just look at the name of the modules file...
rootfs is a little harder. Date/timestamp can help, assuming you extracted it directly to your card. Otherwise... I guess md5, but you really think there's a particular kernel&rootfs that are just completely bulletproof? Sounds like snake oil to me .
For me the biggest problems for daily use are:
- Bluetooth: Calls and A2DP are not working. I have long hours on the car...
- Call speaker: it's not working.
- Music stuttering: improved on the FRX07, but not solved (there is a patch on an old kernel but it has not been updated).
- Random freezes and SODs.
I also miss some WM6.5 apps and some Manila 2.5 features
The pros list is long, so better to run from SD and have the best of both worlds. it is a pitty that we can't run both at the same time...
It's a pity that we can run both at the same time...?
I'm all for NAND, but until Android is stable, I think it's great that we can run both at the same time. That way if there's something you just have to have that WinMo provides, you can just boot back to it...
arrrghhh said:
Well the kernel is easy to figure out - in Android, Settings -> About -> kernel version. If in WinMo, just look at the name of the modules file...
rootfs is a little harder. Date/timestamp can help, assuming you extracted it directly to your card. Otherwise... I guess md5, but you really think there's a particular kernel&rootfs that are just completely bulletproof? Sounds like snake oil to me .
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i know how to check the current kernel but the thing is that old one did something when i first ran haret with it...although i'm not sure if rootfs leaves any trace of previous commits,so it may have nothing to do with rootfs
Thank you dear friends.
I will try FRX07.
The tit aaarrgh(troll)
Sent from my FroyoB THUNDERBOLT V1 using Tapatalk
Neopeek.com and tiad8.com for a friendly forum with no sarcastic childish comments from aaaarrgh(troll)
Sent from my FroyoB THUNDERBOLT V1 using Tapatalk
mrbennett said:
The tit aaarrgh(troll)
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mrbennett said:
Neopeek.com and tiad8.com for a friendly forum with no sarcastic childish comments from aaaarrgh(troll)
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Uh... what? I only see childish comments from you my friend.
Don't tell people to go to another site, that's childish. If you have a problem with me, then ignore me.
Some apps but not many.
Sent from my tiadriod nand
I have a question. I installes FRX07 on my blackstone and everything seems to work oké, but the sound. I don't seem to be able to get any sound out of the device, no ringtone (with incoming calls), no sounds with music, no sounds with video etc. Does anyone have any idea?
Oasis2000 said:
I have a question. I installes FRX07 on my blackstone and everything seems to work oké, but the sound. I don't seem to be able to get any sound out of the device, no ringtone (with incoming calls), no sounds with music, no sounds with video etc. Does anyone have any idea?
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Hrm, I have heard of this issue before. Unfortunately I don't remember a specific resolution.
I would try to reboot, see if that changes anything. Also, check the volume - make sure it's turned up (there's several different volume controls, check Settings -> Sound).
Assuming those simple things don't solve it, you might want to try the 'grabbing at straws' method. First, I would simply delete the data.img and let it create a new one on boot. Let the phone sit after you see the lock screen for a few minutes. Then try to use it, try to preview a ringtone. Still failing? Format the SD card with the HP Tool (full format, FAT32) and I would start over completely with the directions in FRX07.1 thread.
If it's still failing, try another SD card. Rinse & repeat. Still failing!?!? Well, I'll probably have to send some logs to the developers, because I don't know what else could be done to triage. Something else must be awry. Pull system and kernel logs with the app GetLogs - in AndroidApps\Other.
Not much...
Hey man,
You won't really miss much (if anything) switching to android.
- Camera = ok but better in winmo
- Game = some work perfectly, some are laggy and others plain old just won't work
- Appz = ditto above
- Smoothness = depends on how much you want to fidddle with different configurations
- Speed = ditto above but also varys from build to build
- Bluetooth = haven't tested..
- Wifi = works well
Running Android off the sdcard isn't really isnt all that bad apart from the fact that sometimes though it can be a bit fiddly getting everything to work together for a smooth experience builds, kernels, gapps, resizing partititions.... ect but once thats all over i think it beats winmo
and plus if your a fiddly guy (i dont know why you would be here if you wernt ) then you will enjoy working it all out

modify touchscreen sensitivity?

hi guys any way for modify touch sensibility ? any app or from terminal just modifing parameters in android files?
im on a ms2 a953 with gingerbread 2.3.4 italian.
the phone is rooted.
diavolobianco said:
hi guys any way for modify touch sensibility ? any app or from terminal just modifing parameters in android files?
im on a ms2 a953 with gingerbread 2.3.4 italian.
the phone is rooted.
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sorry, but now no apps can do this
i`ve read around that is possible tune sensitivity by modifing some android files.
anyone know how?
for samsung by modifing some values in file /sys/class/touch but there isn`t touch in my files
Unfortunately, it's not possible on M2 afaik.
Try to install CM7, it has been improving a lot of features.
Enjoy and sorry for my brazilian english
strange that is not possible!
custom roms modifies the sensitivity!
with root u have full access to all system files! strange that there is no file on ms2 that contains sensitivity values
Moto embedded touch sensitivity on kernel. So, unless you can modify kernel, there is no easy way to modify touch.
will5 said:
Moto embedded touch sensitivity on kernel. So, unless you can modify kernel, there is no easy way to modify touch.
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oh understood ! thx dude.
bad motorola hope google will change something in the future of moto phones!
When im charging my phone, my touch goes crazy !
When i touch with my finger Acroos screen is too tight !
sorry,I don't think we can modify it,either
diavolobianco said:
i`ve read around that is possible tune sensitivity by modifing some android files.
anyone know how?
for samsung by modifing some values in file /sys/class/touch but there isn`t touch in my files
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What about trying to copy the touch file from the samsung phone into your milestone and see if it overrides?
The fact that touch sensitivity is controlled by a kernel module does not mean that this module behaviour cannot be controlled by a configuration file in /etc
on the contrary
every person with a minimum knowledge of linux systems should know that...
uhm never tried.where i should copy it? and samsung s2 ha otherd values dont know if it works i could fuk up my phone?
diavolobianco said:
uhm never tried.where i should copy it? and samsung s2 ha otherd values dont know if it works i could fuk up my phone?
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I would copy it in the same location as the samsung phone
I just would not change the values to zero so that your phone would always be able to catch your touch and you can do your changes.
in order to demonstrate whether your phone is more or less sensitive I would try to write with a stylus
But it could be that the motorola display does not have the property to change sensitivity, irrespective of the software side of things
edpocesar said:
When im charging my phone, my touch goes crazy !
When i touch with my finger Acroos screen is too tight !
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This is usually caused by voltage leaks in 3rd party chargers. My moto, samsung and iphone charges are all fine, but this multi charger one I bought is crazy. It has a slighty different voltage/ampage. Apparently this can be fatal to a samsung galaxy s2's touch screen. Lucky our phones are solid little units
Sent from my A953 using XDA App

