Would you still recommend buying an EVO? - EVO 4G General

Hey guys,
I used to have an HTC Hero, but it died on me and I had to switch back to my several years old Blackberry 8330. I have the opportunity to get the EVO but I'm trying to do some research. I have seen a lot of reviews talking about poor battery life, but I can't really tell if that issue has been fixed since the launch with the new updates. The phone itself looks great compared to my old Hero. Thanks guys.

I would. I also put my money where my mouth is. I bought one 2 months ago and just bought my wife one last week.
Battery life can be fixed with rooting and a custom rom and kernel or just buy the ext. battery.
I'm running Ultimate droid 3.3.1 (GB AOSP) with the tiamat 4.0.4 SBC kernel and a 2200mha battery. I have no problems getting 24 hours out of mine ( I may get better but I'm used to plugging in a phone overnight because I had a Blackberry that had to be plugged in every night)

I had the EVO 4G for almost a year, wouldn't recommend any one to get one now. I'd tell true tech enthusiasts who want an android phone to get the Nexus S 4G now, and the average user to wait for the EVO 3D to come out in 3 weeks.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk

meanmeanstride said:
Hey guys,
I used to have an HTC Hero, but it died on me and I had to switch back to my several years old Blackberry 8330. I have the opportunity to get the EVO but I'm trying to do some research. I have seen a lot of reviews talking about poor battery life, but I can't really tell if that issue has been fixed since the launch with the new updates. The phone itself looks great compared to my old Hero. Thanks guys.
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I've had the EVO since release. That following day.. seriously, I was heading to E3 with this phone the record and take pictures. knowing ahead of time what kind of battery life to expect (thanks to advanced reviews.) I not only bought a spare battery, but an external battery as well....
...I barely had enough juice to last me through a day.
Fast forward to now. (or yesterday... wait, what is today.. thursday?) And battery life isn't nearly as terrible. if I use the hell out of my phone, using an undervolted Kernel, not overclocked with brightness stuck at 40% and wifi turned on (not 4G) I might be able to squeeze 12hrs out of a single battery. MIGHT... that, again, HEAVY usage. like, lots of games, texts, checking facebook, pictures, etc. light usage, easily all day. definitely NOT a battery sipping phone by any means...but, it did get better.
if you have the chance to get an EVO for cheap, DO IT. it's a fantastic phone with a HUGE community. If this is through Sprint as an upgrade. Wait, there are a few phones over the horizon that, frankly, frightening me a little in that I think it might refuse operation and cut off oxygen supply to the living quarters (EVO3D and Galaxy S II, AKA: Galaxy Within. AKA: HAL 9000)

If I were you, I would probably wait for the EVO 3D which is just around the corner. The EVO is a great phone, and I will probably have mine another year because I'm still under contract. But since the EVO 3D is right around the corner, the EVO will lose support soon IMO. This can already be seen by the gingerbread update. Still sense 1.0...
Plus the 3D has dual core processors, among other things, which sounds pretty cool.
EDIT: Or wait for a different new phone, but as fast as technology improves I personally would not buy a phone that has been out for a year.

If your contract is up and you can get an upgrade, I'd go for the 3d. But if not and you're just buying the phone off someone, then you can't lose.

dude i would be on top of that evo like white on rice, i dont even think ill try to change mine for like another year, its just so customizable and overall complete, battery life is pretty good, not the best but its by no means bad. i get 12 to 30 depending on use

Hey guys,
Should have mentioned that I would not be buying this from Sprint. I bought my Hero in February 2010, and it died on me before the first year. I don't want to sign a new contract.

meanmeanstride said:
Hey guys,
Should have mentioned that I would not be buying this from Sprint. I bought my Hero in February 2010, and it died on me before the first year. I don't want to sign a new contract.
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ok... then... froma friend? craigslist? what are you going to be paying?
$100? do it. $150? probably do it. $200.... ehh... that is where it starts getting touchy for me.
Personally, I wouldn't go above $150 just because there are other things coming.

If you can get one for a good price I say do it, its a great phone.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

I've had my EVO since release day and have never regretted it. I love this phone. I will be upgrading to the EVO 3D if everything is OK with it. (Unlocked bootloader, Developer Support, etc)
I bought my wife an EVO yesterday to replace her POS Samsung Moment. She is thrilled! Soon lots of people will be selling their EVOs to upgrade to the EVO3D or other Sprint Android phone. I got my wife's from a guy that was forced to switch to AT&T by his employer. Got a perfect condition Hardware version 003 EVO with a screen protector, Otterbox, 3 batteries (2 extended and the original), an AC battery charger, and an extra USB cable for $250.
If you are planning to buy an EVO and not upgrading, I'd go for it. Unless you want to wait for the EVO3D. Soon you will be able to find EVOs cheap!

Yea buddy its so customizable I don't even really see myself as having jus 1 phone cuz ima flashoholic n change roms pretty much every other week n some roms fit the mood I'm in like if I wanna watch netflix n I kno ima be bored going somewhere I flash back to a 2.2 rom so I can watch but if not I'm on mik g v1.0 anywho I'm mo in love with my evo now than I was when I 1st got it

Evo is the best phone you could ever ask for. Hands down will go down in history lol unless of course they top the evo n 3D in the future lol
"Perfect is almost good enough"

I just purchased my Evo off a friend for 100$ a few days ago, and i've been playing with it non stop ever since.(rooting, flashing all sorts of roms, updating radio and wimax)
If you get a good enough deal, i'd say it's worth it.
And I replaced a moment with it, dear god what an upgrade.

just do it
its a sweet phone, im rooted with a 3500mAh battery and I've been gettin 1 day+ on sense 2.1 & 3.0 Roms, 2+ days on stock. if you aren't trying to get the evo 3D then the EVO is the next best thing (I know the nexus is bad ass and all, but I'm a HUGE sense fan, so I couldn't go with stock android)


Who here is going to move to the EVO when its relesed or shortly there after?

With all the excitement over this device who here is going to jump **** and move to the HTC EVO? I love my little Hero but this phone is awesome! I will probably just give the hero to my lady, but I'm worried development will halt after this is released. This has been a great learning device as we got it rooted to quickly and customization came shortly there after. Id like to here your opinions on the Hero and EVO. Exciting times for Sprint users
Day 1 purchase.
It's been fun... but good bye Hero, hello Evo!
I'm getting the Evo when it comes out!
Post root purchase.
abcdfv said:
Post root purchase.
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My upgrade is October so hopefully it will be by then.
WhiteWidows said:
My upgrade is October so hopefully it will be by then.
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Mine's in November, but I might bight the bullet to avoid a root-patch
Im not a fan of the size, So I will hold out for something better.
If the N1 drops on Sprint before the EVO even has a date and/or price then I will pick it up (the Nexus). If the EVO has a date and price when then happens, well, then it will depend.
I love all the cool phones dropping every 6 months anymore, but wow this is getting expensive!
If it were rooted and had real hardkeys, I'd be at Best Buy at 10am on October 9th to buy one & celebrate my 12-month anniversary. To be honest, I don't really like either the Nexus One or the Evo. The hypothetical phone I really want is an "Incredible" that's rooted and can take a minimally-tweaked N1 ROM almost straight from git and flash without drama. Then I could have my hardkeys, trackball, 850x480 display, enjoy SenseUI for now, but freely ditch it for NexusLand the moment I feel like it's getting in the way and limiting my upgrade options.
4G would be nice, but as it stands I barely have usable data service inside my house (if I disable 'hybrid' and try to force EV-DO, it flat-out doesn't work about 20% of the time, and is unreliable another 20-30%). Assuming WiMax propagation & signals are on par with Sprint's CDMA2000 service, I have every reason to suspect that my neighborhood will be as "urban fringe" for 4G as it is for EV-DO.
(edit)Actually, I take that back. I think part of my problem is the fact that my house shares a Sprint tower with a major regional mall 2 blocks away. Late at night, and in the middle of the afternoon on most weekdays, EV-DO works fairly well. But 4-9pm, and weekends... (((shudder))).
I plan to buy the EVO the day it hits the market. My Hero isn't eligible for the upgrade until December, but my wife and daughter are due April 1. I plan to have one of them delay upgrading so I can use their upgrade to get the EVO, then give them my Hero.
This is one nice benefit of having a plan with 5 phones. I usually have a phone ready for upgrade every 4 months or so.
Not me, I think it sucks.
Ohhh, I almost kept a straight face on that!
I live in Austin, which is crawling with WIMAX. I have been wanting a higher res vid cam. I kept playing with the HD demo here at the GDGT party a week ago (which has a similar sized screen). I've been seriously eyeing the Sprint Overdrive myfi hotspot. HDMI output??? Hello!!
There are just too many things that this phone has that I want. I am not rich but will be getting it even if I have to work nights to save up for it!
I'll be dropping it on my employee line ASAP. Hopefully they won't restrict it on us.
i wont give a shizz if my hero its able to upgrade or anything ill get it no matter what
Will you move to the EVO sub-forum with questions regarding a phone that's not labeled in this sub-forum when it is released?? (which was created 12 hours ago, and before this post?)
lol.. just playing
Since no large screen keyboard devices are coming ill most likely grab the evo.
What i really wanna know is if the great dev support we got for our heroes will be making the move to the EVO?
Flipz? Darch? Toast? etc?
I know Gbhil mentioned he will be switching between the Evo and the Hero due to size.
ill pass on it tbh...the thing is huge and i won't use half of the features. besides the fact i bet the price tag will be about $600+ without an upgrade fee applied.
im moving to the nexus.
fixxxer2008 said:
im moving to the nexus.
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Not being a ****, but have you done research yet?
You've seen the purple hue issues?
You've seen the hardware issues?(albeit 99% fixed)
Make sure you like this phone please... Try the **** out of it for your 7 days...
I just got my Hero less than 2 months ago, so I'll stick with it until upgrade time, by then they should have even more killer phones avail

Returning Epic, ordering Evo.

Hi all. I am a pretty active community participant and have been going back and forth between my lovely epic and the mighty Evo. And I have been torn and built back up and torn again. But I have come to a conclusion. I cant live without the community backing, and company backing. The Epic is amazing, it just seems to be missing something, and no that isnt Froyo lol. I have read up and down about the Evo and although it doesnt have the Sexy AMOLED screen, and the keyboard, I have decided I can live without them AND save 50 bucks! So I will be returning my Epic tomorrow and ordering an Evo online where they ship in 3-5 days. I can live for that time without it. I just feel the Evo is more sturdy, I have never been one for being a first adopter and I realize this now. I have heard some pretty bad things about the Evos battery life, is it really that bad, im guessing not but just need some input! Thanks
Another note and reason I am returning the Epic, I need a phone, not some super gadget lol. And the Epic is just amazing, the hardware is SUPERB and top quality, but I will admit I am a phone geek but have other priorities, so what if the Epic is faster on 2.1 than the Evo is on 2.2, I have heard this time and time again, and its not for me. Why am I rambling? Because I think a lot of other people are in the same ballpark. And its a hard decision, it really is.
If battery is an issue for you, then take the $50 you saved over to Seidio online and buy the 3500mAh Battery. You will never run out of Juice again. As far as sexy appeal, I am perfectly fine with the extended size. Its still lighter than a G1 with Stock battery in it (I had the Extended G1 battery as well for 2 years).
You won't regret it, just like you won't regret going back to the EVO.
Brutal-Force said:
If battery is an issue for you, then take the $50 you saved over to Seidio online and buy the 3500mAh Battery. You will never run out of Juice again. As far as sexy appeal, I am perfectly fine with the extended size. Its still lighter than a G1 with Stock battery in it (I had the Extended G1 battery as well for 2 years).
You won't regret it, just like you won't regret going back to the EVO.
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I have never had the Evo
I had the Hero and loved it
And I love Freshhhh
I cannot part with Fresh!
Yet this AMOLED Screen is EPIC!!!! Buttttt like I said, I need a phone and Evo had the best talk quality this is very important to me! Also the otterbox is too!
the battery lasts fine with the new htc kernel. Getting a minimum of 12 hours with VERY heavy use.
Also as far as speed comes into play, the evo is slightly faster on 2.2 then epic.
Last-Chance said:
the battery lasts fine with the new htc kernel. Getting a minimum of 12 hours with VERY heavy use.
Also as far as speed comes into play, the evo is slightly faster on 2.2 then epic.
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Hey last chance!!! Ive seen you over in the Epic forums! Ill be coming over here soon. I have one more question, I am returning my Epic to radioshack, I am within the 30 days obviously, If I return it do I get all my money back and my upgrade, I heard I did, or at least thats what best buy does. Also, can you order products from online through the radioshack store?
This question is at everyone too but seeing if last chance knows too lol
Not sure about that. i bought my evo on craigslist. Fully unlocked and custom rom already installed
Last-Chance said:
Not sure about that. i bought my evo on craigslist. Fully unlocked and custom rom already installed
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Got ya! What ROM are you running right now? I am planning on Fresh!!!
Blitzpwnage said:
Hey last chance!!! Ive seen you over in the Epic forums! Ill be coming over here soon. I have one more question, I am returning my Epic to radioshack, I am within the 30 days obviously, If I return it do I get all my money back and my upgrade, I heard I did, or at least thats what best buy does. Also, can you order products from online through the radioshack store?
This question is at everyone too but seeing if last chance knows too lol
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You can still return within the thirty days and get your refund plus your upgrade price. I know, I went through two epics the first week and got lucky they had some Evos come in the same day I returned the second one, so I opted for the Evo instead. Good luck!
ray90813 said:
You can still return within the thirty days and get your refund plus your upgrade price. I know, I went through two epics the first week and got lucky they had some Evos come in the same day I returned the second one, so I opted for the Evo instead. Good luck!
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Same with me, just hopefully they get Evos in, or else I will have to order online, which is no big deal Walmart has overnight shipping!
I am on my Second Epic and it has a whole line of pixels out, and I am NOT returning it another time lol...
Blitzpwnage said:
Got ya! What ROM are you running right now? I am planning on Fresh!!!
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Actually I had to return mine to stock. I accidently deleted my rsa keys, so my 4g is forever gone. Going to get it replaced through the insurance.
But I liked fresh the best. sense ftw.
Last-Chance said:
Actually I had to return mine to stock. I accidently deleted my rsa keys, so my 4g is forever gone. Going to get it replaced through the insurance.
But I liked fresh the best. sense ftw.
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How did you do that? Lol
That really sucks. I dont have 4G around here so no problem for me!
Blitzpwnage said:
How did you do that? Lol
That really sucks. I dont have 4G around here so no problem for me!
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not sure exactly. No one really knows how it gets deleted, but I guess I flashed something (probably radio and wimax updates), and it wouldn't work after that.

Thinking About an EVO..

I was wanting to upgrade my GSM Hero to the Desire HD, but do not have the cash at the moment.. lol, sooo, my sister is with Sprint, and i was looking at the EVO 4G, and, it seems like the same phone pretty much? I was just wondering what input the wonderful people at XDA have on the EVO? thank you^^
You will get great feedback on it for sure, but how do you have the gsm hero (are you in europe) and trying to get the desire hd?
Anyways the Evo is a desire hd without the new look and without the new sense most of the stuff is the same , and is great device, is the only phone the hold me this long to get another One(I got it back in june 2010 when it came out ) and is the best android device in Sprint at the moment (sorry I hate the epic 4g) if you coming from the hero you will definetely feel it faster and better (specially cause of the processor and the big screen ) and they have offer online to get it at 150$ or maybe less on contract
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
I am in the U.S. and i got the GSM Hero unlocked, and was going to do the same for the Desire HD, but.. at around $450.. I decided to have my sister put me on her plan through Sprint so i could get it a lotttt cheaper, I think i read it $199 after the mail-in rebate, so.. $299, and I don't think it is bad and i would have better service than T-Mobile.. -.-; (GSM Hero isn't compatible with their 3G....)
you should look for the EVO online .. can get it even cheaper.
there is a $125 additional credit if you qualify for porting from another carrier. search for the details.
The Evo is a great phone. Giant screen, fast, smooth, efficient, excellent developer support (if you ever want to root your phone and flash stuff), it has 4g, there's a huge selection of good cases and accessories.
The bad?
Battery life
Battery life
but we're fixing that,
I figured battery life could be fixable with the right ROM etc.. Rooting it a difficult process? My Hero was crazy hard due to it being the first Android phone I touched, haha, and wouldn't the cheapest be through Spring? With the rebate and money off for the contract?
factualpuddle said:
I figured battery life could be fixable with the right ROM etc.. Rooting it a difficult process? My Hero was crazy hard due to it being the first Android phone I touched, haha, and wouldn't the cheapest be through Spring? With the rebate and money off for the contract?
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Rooting the Evo is easy as pie.
EDIT: and there's an a phenomenal development community here that is very fast, very active, and very good. The community here in this forum makes the Evo the best phone in the world, IMHO.
Nope Amazon mobile got some good offers and root is easy with unrevoked, and there is guys too, Idk but I find it easy
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
Btw is at 99$ with contract in Amazon
Shipment is fast (unless is back order but good deal
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
jgalan14 said:
Btw is at 99$ with contract in Amazon
Shipment is fast (unless is back order but good deal
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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where you see the $99? lmao, i think i mightttt be a little tipsy, and i was gonna use unrevoked to root my girl's Incredible, but.. it seemed too easy to be true? lmao, and does that go with like, my sister putting me on her plan? lol
For what it's worth, I bought one on launch day and havent regretted it once. Even Sprint's customer service has been remarkable... which surprised me since I used them from 2000-2006 and it was always like dealing with "some guy" working out of the back of an old van...
There are now 5 Evos on our plan.
factualpuddle said:
I was wanting to upgrade my GSM Hero to the Desire HD, but do not have the cash at the moment.. lol, sooo, my sister is with Sprint, and i was looking at the EVO 4G, and, it seems like the same phone pretty much? I was just wondering what input the wonderful people at XDA have on the EVO? thank you^^
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The Desire HD is like a second generation EVO. Better display (SLCD), 50% more RAM, faster/more efficient CPU, a significantly better GPU, and way more internal storage.
At this moment it'd be kind of foolish to get a EVO. The newer HTCs are better, and their "real" next generation phones are just a few weeks away from being announced. TBH, the real handicap with the EVO is it's GPU and internal storage.
Well i paid for this month of T-Mobile, so it would be a couple weeks.. and Sprint is the cheapest way for me to get a new phone due to my sister being with them already..
I had the regular hero before the evo. I was happy with both.. Hero was al ittle dated tho.
You likely gonna get a more bias opinion here than anything else... but the EVO is a great phone. Of course it's fast and smooth and all that... but what makes it stand out IMO is the outstanding dev support for it.
The custom roms here range from Sense UI, to aosp like CM, even MIUI. I never tried MIUI but as far as the other roms, most are excellent. Smooth, awesome battery.. Devs constantly updating and making tweaks.
You also have a deep theme/mod section to play around with for the evo. The only knock I can think of is it is starting to slowly become dated.. but that doesn't at all make it a bad phone.
gigglebox said:
For what it's worth, I bought one on launch day and havent regretted it once. Even Sprint's customer service has been remarkable... which surprised me since I used them from 2000-2006 and it was always like dealing with "some guy" working out of the back of an old van...
There are now 5 Evos on our plan.
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Same here. Got it in June but the phone crapped with bootloop in Jan...called Sprint they shipped the replacement the next day. That's without the TEP...I've had best customer service experience.
Award Tour said:
The Desire HD is like a second generation EVO. Better display (SLCD), 50% more RAM, faster/more efficient CPU, a significantly better GPU, and way more internal storage.
At this moment it'd be kind of foolish to get a EVO. The newer HTCs are better, and their "real" next generation phones are just a few weeks away from being announced. TBH, the real handicap with the EVO is it's GPU and internal storage.
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What he said...Evo is a nice phone and everything,but it's soon becoming outdated.If i were you i'd wait a few more weeks.

[Q] Just bought an EVO

I have had the Epic since day 1 and within the first 3 days had to return the phone twice. Maybe another week later i had to have my third Epic replaced, mind you they were all brand new from the store not refurbished. The past week my most recent Epic has been freezing, microphone going out, texts being sent 3 days after they were meant to have been.... Well long story short i needed a new phone and ive always owned HTC's until the Epic. I have to say both phones are amazing, the Epics screen is hands down much crisper than the Evo's but the EVO's ram is slightly quicker. I would like the communities opinion on wether or not I should keep the EVO or get another Epic or keep the EVO till the 3d edition comes out which falls under my one month return policy What are the 3d's specs looking like compared to the others and is the 3d even going to be worth it? I have SPB mobile shell 3d and showd it to the manager up at sprint and he said that it is almost identical. Sorry if i ranted but im in a very happy mood right now.
Keep the Evo, run CM7 on it, and wait for the 3D.
This keep the E3D thing looks beast.
I say sell both old ass phones and get a Evo 3d or a GS2.
Thanks for the quick replies guys. im thinking im gonna to go the 3d route. it seems to be most logical deal. plus the 2 cores wont hurt . If anyone has any other information or opinions they are most welcome, thanks.
I have an Evo 4G. I've considered ditching it for an Epic, but only because I've missed the physical keyboard since I bought it (first day) and didn't know that the Epic or other physical-keyboard phones were coming. I'm running Sprint Lovers' 2.2, haven't put GB on because of bugs in it.
One note on the Evo 3g: as of now, the boot-loader is still locked. HTC says they will unlock it. No idea the timeframe.

Going to lay my Hero to rest...

Well, I have been wanting to upgrade to the Evo 3D but being a single dad of a 2 year old with a mortgage and all of lifes wonderful responsibilities it just has not been in the cards financially as the cheapest place I could find was $199 with a 2 year contract renewal (Been out of my 2 year contract for a month now on my Hero) but I received an email 2 days ago from WireFly for the Evo 3D for $49 with a new line or $99 with a 2 year contract renewal and after doing some more searching I am going to pull the trigger and order it first thing in the morning. I am so excited to get a phone with some horsepower compared to the Hero. Will I miss my Hero? Oh you bet I will. That thing has been a tank for me and so far the best phone I have ever had. And to think I went 2 years and not a single scratch in the screen and never once a screen protector. Dont worry, I will not get rid of it just yet. Going to use it as my iPod of sorts seeing as I am to cheap to actually buy an iPod.
Here is the link encase anyone else wants to jump on this deal. I don't know how long its going to last at that price - http://bit.ly/qdx5RG
Well, Im off to flash Jaybobs rom and try Firerats over data2ext and see if I can get this Hero going fast again. Been getting laggy on me lately and driving me nuts.
Try the liquidsense Rom with Jaybobs kernel instead It'll get you some practice on HTC sense before you get your new HTC lol. And its blazing fast
Sent from my HERO200 using xda premium
Been a few months since I was on a sense rom. Ran NFX 2.1 for a long time and loved it but decided to jump to GB and I love that too but have been thing of going back to 2.1 lately but just not sure. Maybe I will just to brush up on my Sense skills. lol
Well, Its official on it way. They say I will have it Tuesday the 20th but as luck would have it I will be out of town for work till Thursday night or Friday morning so I will have to wait till then.
In the mean time I flashed Jaybobs rom with Firerats set up and v6 supercharger and this little Hero is blazin fast now and I dont know if I want to give it up now. lol I am sure going to miss it. I will keep it as my MP3 player and GPS Speedo for in the boat and stuff. Just wont be my phone anymore. Im going to miss it...
But on to bigger and better things! Now I will be able to play Angry Bird without getting angry that its so laggy.

