[How to] Linux (Backtrack5) and OpenOffice3 - Acer Iconia A500

Backtrack5 and OpenOffice3.0
xMemphisx said:
Backtrack (http://www.backtrack-linux.org)
Backtrack-Linux.org, home of the highest rated and acclaimed Linux security distribution to date. BackTrack is a Linux-based penetration testing arsenal that aids security professionals in the ability to perform assessments in a purely native environment dedicated to hacking. Regardless if you’re making BackTrack you Install BackTrack, boot it from a Live DVD or thumbdrive, the penetration distribution has been customized down to every package, kernel configuration, script and patch solely for the purpose of the penetration tester.
Here is a guide to getting ARM Backtrack Running on the Iconia A500 (tested on Wifi Only Version, running 3.0.1)
After much frustration I have gotten the GUI part of the backtrack 5 arm release working with the Motorola Xoom.
This has only been tested to work on the Iconia A500 . But it should work just fine with any other device that supports linux, and should work especially well on anything with a dual-core processor (G2X, Atrix, etc.)
- Rooted Iconia A500
- Busybox installed (Find on market Busybox installer)
- androidVNC from the Android Market
- Terminal Emulator from the Android Market (which you should already have)
- Backtrack 5 for ARM with Gnome downloaded and setup (check the README file, and follow the instructions.)
Link: Backtrack 5 http://www.backtrack-linux.org/downloads/. This tutorial will assume you put Backtrack 5 in the folder /sdcard/BT5 like the README says.
Extract the zip file to your internal SDCARD folder (/SDCARD/BT5)
Open Terminal emulator and type
cd /sdcard/BT5
gunzip bt5.img.gz (take about 7-10mins)
sh bootbt
cd /sdcard/BT5
sh bootbt
BackTrack will start up in shell. You will get a red line that says "[email protected]:". To verify if you type:
ls pentest
It should echo back the folders in pentest, stuff like 'backdoors','database',etc.
At this point enter the following commands:
export USER=root
When you type in 'vncpasswd' this is to the the password for the tightvncserver. Since I only connect locally I just use 'qwerty' for my password, and then confirm the password. [Edit] Apparently you can skip this step, as the default password for vnc is simply, 'toortoor' (root backwards, twice).
When it asks if you want to create a view only password just type 'n' and hit enter. After you have your password setup for vnc start the server up.
[COLOR="Red"]startvnc 1280x800[/COLOR]
When this happens you will get a message confirming that "New 'X' Desktop is localhost:1" and a bunch of other random stuff below it (it isn't important unless there are errors listed).
At this point, press the "HOME" button and then open the application "androidVNC".
-In the "Nickname" box, you can name it whatever you like.
-In the "password" entry, use your password (mine is 'qwerty').
-In the "Address" box you can type in localhost (or leave it blank).
****Change the port from 5900 to 5901.
I also recommend setting the color-depth to 24-bit. After that press the "connect" button, and bam! You're rocking Backtrack 5 on your Iconia A500!!
In order to exit:
- Go back to Terminal
- Type [B]stopvnc[/B]
- Type [B]exit[/B]
you are back to android terminal environment and ur androidvncviewer will get disconnected.
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p-ille said:
I tested openoffice 3 and it works like a charm. It is not present in the original backtrack repository, so I had to add another source. I used the Debian repository. From the backtrack terminal I typed:
add-apt-repository deb *repository address* stable main contrib non-free
apt-get update
apt-get install openoffice.org
You can find the debian mirror for your country at
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For those who want to access SDCard/USBDrive from within BB5, please follow this:
p-ille said:
I did it!
To mount sdcard, external sd and usb storage in backtrack, you have to modify the bootbt script like this (changes in red):
perm=$(id|cut -b 5)
if [ "$perm" != "0" ];then echo "This Script Needs Root! Type : su";exit;fi
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
export kit=/sdcard/BT5
export bin=/system/bin
export mnt=/data/local/mnt
[B][COLOR="Red"]export stor=$mnt/root/storage
export sdcard=$stor/sdcard
export extsd=$stor/external_sd
export usb=$stor/usb_storage[/COLOR][/B]
mkdir -p $mnt
export PATH=$bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/games:$PATH
export TERM=linux
export HOME=/root[I]
[COLOR="Blue"]export USER=root[/COLOR][/I]
if [ -b /dev/loop2 ]; then
echo "Loop device exists"
busybox mknod /dev/loop2 b 7 0
mount -o loop,rw,noatime -t ext2 $kit/bt5.img $mnt[B][COLOR="Red"]
echo "mounting storage devices in $stor..."
mkdir -p $sdcard
mkdir -p $extsd
mkdir -p $usb
busybox mount --bind /mnt/sdcard $sdcard
busybox mount --bind /mnt/external_sd $extsd
busybox mount --bind /mnt/usb_storage $usb[/COLOR][/B]
mount -t devpts devpts $mnt/dev/pts
mount -t proc proc $mnt/proc
mount -t sysfs sysfs $mnt/sys
busybox sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
echo "nameserver" > $mnt/etc/resolv.conf
echo " localhost bt5" > $mnt/etc/hosts
busybox chroot $mnt /bin/bash
echo "Shutting down BackTrack ARM for Iconia A500"
[B][COLOR="Red"]umount $sdcard
umount $extsd
umount $usb[/COLOR][/B]
umount $mnt/dev/pts
umount $mnt/proc
umount $mnt/sys
umount $mnt
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Very nice indeed, will try it out very soon.............

Awesome, just what I have been looking for. I will try this when I get home tonight!

lpachuong said:
Here is a guide to getting ARM Backtrack Running on the Iconia A500 (tested on Wifi Only Version, running 3.1)
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3.1? maybe you means 3.0.1?

export USER=root
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You/can type
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without the need to -geometry 1280x800, and afterward after your session type
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
for a clean disconnect.
Just a faster easier way.

I got I/O errors while mounting devpts and sysfs (bootbt script)

peyotll said:
I got I/O errors while mounting devpts and sysfs (bootbt script)
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I had the same errors when i had ubuntu installed/and was trying to do this along side.. what I had to do was factory reset (I did so to get rid of ubuntu, there's probably an easier way) then tried backtrack again with no problem

Agosh13 said:
3.1? maybe you means 3.0.1?
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Hahahaha...I wish =)
Btw, please let me know if you have any special script/suggestion about this topic. I will update the original one so that everyone can get updated.
I'm trying to get OpenOffice running...sadly the ARM version is not that stable. Anyone has any resource on it?

Works perfectly! Thanks for this!

Thanks very much for this guide!
I'm having a strange issue though, hopefully someone can help. When I press the "m" key, rather than type the letter "m", it opens up the mail icon in the tool bar. Every other letter works fine, and I can't seem to find a way to edit this keyboard shortcut.
Anyone else have this issue, or now how to correct this?

thanks a lot - it will work for me without any error or something else
i use the latest update from acer (A500_1.141.01_EMEA_CUS7)

hmm, is there any trick to log off an turn off the system ? when i exit everthing an try to start again i will only see the backtrack wallpaper...
also i got an error in term-emu when i type in "exit".

I added the OP for how to exit.

Thanks for the guide, I have been waiting for something like this!
koprofile said:
Thanks very much for this guide!
I'm having a strange issue though, hopefully someone can help. When I press the "m" key, rather than type the letter "m", it opens up the mail icon in the tool bar. Every other letter works fine, and I can't seem to find a way to edit this keyboard shortcut.
Anyone else have this issue, or now how to correct this?
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doble-tap (right click) the mail icon in the tool bar and choose to remove it from panel. It should remove the keyboard shortcut also.
lpachuong said:
Hahahaha...I wish =)
I'm trying to get OpenOffice running...sadly the ARM version is not that stable. Anyone has any resource on it?
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I tested openoffice 3 and it works like a charm. It is not present in the original backtrack repository, so I had to add another source. I used the Debian repository. From the backtrack terminal I typed:
add-apt-repository deb *repository address* stable main contrib non-free
apt-get update
apt-get install openoffice.org
You can find the debian mirror for your country at

Thank you very much for this guide.
It works like a charm.
Just one question.
I suppose you use a bluetooth keyboard, because the virtual one doesn't seem to work with Backtrack. But is it possible to use a mouse ? Because my big fingers don't match the tiny icons and menu choices !!!
Thanks again.

p-ille said:
add-apt-repository deb *repository address* stable main contrib non-free
apt-get update
apt-get install openoffice.org
You can find the debian mirror for your country at
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Thank you for ur script. I haven't had time to play with it due to exams.Anyway, I added them to the original post so that everyone can find it easier.
Regarding to the keyboard...i tried with usb keyboard and it worked fine. I have a BT keyboard but haven't tried it yet. I don't think the mouse will work bcz it is restricted by the VNCViewer

Tanks for tour tutorial, but i'm having some issue running backtrack:
# sh bootbt
Loop device exists
ioctl LOOP_SET_FD failed: Bad file number
mount: No such file or directory
mount: No such file or directory
mount: No such file or directory
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
bootbt: cannot create /data/local/mnt/etc/resolv.conf: directory nonexistent
bootbt: cannot create /data/local/mnt/etc/hosts: directory nonexistent
chroot: can't execute '/bin/bash': No such file or directory
Shutting down BackTrack ARM For Xoom
I did check the md5sum of the archive,ok. Busybox ok.
Tanks for your help.

When it asks if you want to create a view only password just type 'n' and hit enter. After you have your password setup for vnc start the server up.
startvnc 1280x800
When this happens you will get a message confirming that "New 'X' Desktop is localhost:1" and a bunch of other random stuff below it (it isn't important unless there are errors listed).
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is it possible to use a different resolution? I tried to use 1280x768 (WXGA read on Wikipedia) but it didn't work.
Hi, Alberto

Now it works fine! thank you!
Sorry for my first post.
I just realize that I had confused the downloaded archive (.7 z, wich contain all stuff) and the compressed image (. gz), so I did not unpack image before running bootbt.
Unfortunately, the extraction of master archive did not work due to the soft used to extract .7z.
As i mentionned before I've checked the whole archive md5sum but did not check the extracted files.
bt5.img.gz was only 12.59 MB, extracted with androzip. (don't use it, at least for .7z!!)

is the wifi adapter working in monitor mode???


Install Debian or Ubuntu on ERIS! [Froyolinux]

This image has internet working and very nice and neat.
To use image copy to ext2 partition and mount
You will need an ext2 partition, you can use my rom and follow its install instructoins and these images and my rom work together perfectly!
download the mount.zip it contains linux a terminal command and linuxboot.sh using adb
This requires either an ext2 partition or, The img file on your sdcard/debain.img. Using ext2 partition is what is recomended.
adb push linux /system/bin/
adb push linuxboot.sh /system/bin/
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busybox mount -o rw,remount /
mkdir /mnt/linux
mkdir /sdcard/debain
mount -o rw,loop -t ext2 /sdcard/debain.img /sdcard/debain
mount -o rw -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /mnt/linux
dd if=/sdcard/debain of=/mnt/linux
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Now just type :
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Click to collapse
in the terminal and you will be connected
On first boot
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this should put you into a localhost:#
once in local host type:
nano /etc/init.android/rc_enter.sh​now add this to the file
There should already be this inside:
if [ 1 -eq 1 ]; then echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf; fi
/etc/init.d/hostname.sh start
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vncserver -kill :1
rm -r tmp
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
mkdir .X11-unix
cd ..
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To connect to vncserver use any vncserver app and use the following info:
username: localhost
password: android
host: localhost
port: 5901​
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the new debian.img is roughly 2.5 gigs so I would make enough room on your ext2 partition for 2.5 gigs at least, if you have any problems let me know
OK everyone here it is. Debian and Ubuntu works on ERIS. I have an image that you can download and extract to /sdcard/Ubuntu/ or /sdcard/debian Download One of the .rars below. To use correctly you must have a 2.2 foryo rom, and flash conaps defauctcfs7 loop enabled kernal
Also need a few other files that I have either told you how to or were to download. Follow the instructions and you will be fine.
I am sorry this is not A SELF INSTALLER or an APK BY any means, You must start from scratch and compile your debian, but I have shown the way with Conaps help you can easily install debian from this tutorial.
Debian with vncserver download and extract and push to /sdcard/debian
Ubuntu with vncserver, icewb-UI, and synaptic packagemanager, and firefox, download and extract and push to /sdcard/ubuntu
For Debian
in terminal type:
insmod /system/lib/modules/loop.ko
sh /sdcard/debian/installer.sh
chroot debian /bin/bash
For Ubuntu Version
in terminal type:
insmod /system/lib/modules/loop.ko
sh /sdcard/ubuntu/mount.sh
chroot ubuntu /bin/bash
to start tightvncserver and connect threw pocket cloud type:
vncserver -geometry 480x320 {-geometry 480x320 is optional}
open pocket cloud
server: localhost
Special thanks to Conap for creating his new DecafuctCFSv7.zip
Thanks to workshed for a nice keyboard fix
1. download Conap's loop kernal obviously.
2. Recomend downloading and installing conaps CELB (NOT CELEB LOL) ROM, But any 2.2 rom will work
Or Dualrom with loop kernal DualRomLoop
There is a tutorial on how to partitoin your sdcard there, although if you want to run dual rom with debian on second rom I would make my partition sizes as follows:
mkpartfs primary fat32 512B 300MB
mkpartfs primary ext2 300MB 550MB
mkpartfs primary ext2 550MB 900MB
mkpartfs extended 900MB 7948MB
mkpartfs logical ext2 900MB 975MB
mkpartfs logical fat32 975MB 7948
3. Install or flash conaps loop kernal, and conaps celb rom
4. Download this Linux.rar and extract to
Then wait for your phone to boot, and follow the rest of the instructions; I would let the phone idle for a few minutes just to let it settle down
5. Download Swapper from the market, Not Swapper 2. install and create a swap.swp file of 256 megs the most you can, and make sure its running when you continue with the steps so dont exit it, press home instead of the back arrow
In the terminal type:
insmod /system/lib/modules/loop.ko
sh /sdcard/debian/installer.sh
Then an easy chroot:
chroot /debian /bin/bash/
In the terminal type:
insmod /system/lib/modules/loop.ko
sh /sdcard/ubuntu/mount.sh
Then an easy chroot:
chroot ubuntu /bin/bash/
Or you can Install via gscript by running installer.sh in gscript then an easy chroot by typing in the terminal:
chroot /debian /bin/bash/
MAKE SURE TO SET YOUR PATH IN THE TERMINAL @ localhost:/ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games
first if that doesnt work try export USER=/root
One time install type:
A little clean up:
cd tmp
rm -r .X*
cd ..
gpg --recv-keys 9AA38DCD55BE302B
gpg --export 9AA38DCD55BE302B | apt-key add -
apt-get update
apt-get install tightvncserver
apt-get install lxde
to start tightvncserver and connect threw pocket cloud type:
vncserver -geometry 480x320
open pocket cloud
server: localhost
Originally Posted by Conap
6. Open up Terminal Emulator and type:
insmod system/lib/modules/loop.ko
busybox mount -o remount,rw /
mkdir debian
busybox mknod /dev/loop0 b 7 0
mount -o loop,noatime sdcard/debian/debian.img debian
mount --bind /dev/pts /debian/dev/pts
mount --bind /proc /debian/proc
mount --bind /sys /debian/sys
sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
chroot /debian /bin/bash
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games
cd tmp
rm -r .X*
cd ..
If you have problems make sure that you have succesfully installed Conaps Loop
by puting the loop.ko in your sdcard and by typing:
cd /sdcard
insmod loop.ko
If your phone reboots you probably need to make sure swapper is running correctly and you have task killer to kill most tasks
Sounds cool
This is the same spot I am at although I did it a little different. What I am stuck on is getting a ui running. Any luck with that? also anything i apt-get seems to fail...
list of wat is and isn't working?
great job though
My sd card is partitoned for Darktremor with a linux swap. Would I still need Swapper?
Sent from my ERIS using XDA App
Well i did the steps this way instead of using scripts.
1. insmod system/lib/modules/loop.ko
2. busybox mount -o remount,rw /
Forgot to write a step: mkdir image
3. busybox mknod /dev/loop0 b 7 0
4. mount -o loop,noatime sdcard/debian.img image
5 .cp -r image/* sd-ext/
6. mkdir data/local/debian/
7. mount -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /data/local/debian
8. mount --bind /dev/pts /data/local/debian/dev/pts
9. mount --bind /proc /data/local/debian/proc
10. mount --bind /sys /data/local/debian/sys
11. sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
12. chroot /data/local/debian /bin/bash
Now if you don't want to partition your sd card I beleive you can just chroot into the img itself instead of copying the files so you would skip steps 5-7 and change the paths in the other steps from data/local/debian/ to image/ This image was only 1.4 GB which could be made bigger i believe if you wanted more room. The debian.img just goes on the fat32 portion of your sd card. This was done using celbfroyo but all cm roms mount an ext partition as sd-ext i beleive. If your not using a cm rom you would probably need to mount the ext partition yourself.
Tuckface1 said:
list of wat is and isn't working?
great job though
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no screenies cause at this point we are just at a command prompt of debian with no ui...when we get a ui I will get some screenies for you. I am getting an internet connection.
Conap said:
no screenies cause at this point we are just at a command prompt of debian with no ui...when we get a ui I will get some screenies for you. I am getting an internet connection.
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ok I am getting ui with xwindows server but for some reason cant see login. I get a grey screen when connected to vnc
but under terminal I have web, and debian shell so its close
mjgdroid said:
ok I am getting ui with xwindows server but for some reason cant see login. I get internet with wget but doesnt let me download kde idk what ui are you going to get?
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i was attempting to get icewm but would take anything at this point. How do you get the ui with xwindows? i was trying through the androidvnc app. Is there a different app?
Conap said:
i was attempting to get icewm but would take anything at this point. How do you get the ui with xwindows? i was trying through the androidvnc app. Is there a different app?
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apt-get install tightvncserver (return)
apt-get install lxde (return)
i am using pocket cloud light
OK my phone just rebooted due to low memory I will be right back, but I posted what I did after I installed /ontime/sript.sh
apt-get install tightvncserver (return)
apt-get install lxde (return)
at wich point I can connect threw pockect cloud light , now I justneed a xwindows file or something
Any idea on how to get terminal not to shut out of localhost after we close it?
mjgdroid said:
Any idea on how to get terminal not to shut out of localhost after we close it?
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are you running it on the phone or through adb?....i still get could not connect to server in vnc and cloud ...
phone.... adb seems messy to me, and I want to know it works while I'm doing it : ok stupid stupid me, just realized why u are yousing adb lol omg
eventually i would assume we would want a script to run on phone to start it which should be simple...i did get lxde ui to load
mjgdroid said:
apt-get install tightvncserver (return)
apt-get install lxde (return)
i am using pocket cloud light
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Conap said:
eventually i would assume we would want a script to run on phone to start it which should be simple...i did get lxde ui to load
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can you log into debian I get a grey screen on pocket cloud maybe a different vnc?
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Windows\System32>adb devicess
'adb' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
C:\Windows\System32>adb devices
'adb' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
C:\Windows\System32>cd c:\
c:\>cd c:\sdk\tools
c:\sdk\tools>adb devices
List of devices attached
HT9C2HG16524 device
c:\sdk\tools>adb shell
# su
# su
# insmod /sdcard/loop.ko
insmod /sdcard/loop.ko
# su
# insmod /sdcard/loop.ko
insmod /sdcard/loop.ko
insmod: init_module '/sdcard/loop.ko' failed (File exists)
# sh /sdcard/debian/bootdeb.sh
sh /sdcard/debian/bootdeb.sh
modprobe: chdir(2.6.29-DecaFuctCFS-dirty-512f5dee): No such file or directory
←[H←[JAndroid Filesytem remounted as read/write
←[H←[Jmount: can't setup loop device: No such file or directory
mount: mounting devpts on /data/local/mnt/dev/pts failed: No such file or direct
mount: mounting proc on /data/local/mnt/proc failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting sysfs on /data/local/mnt/sys failed: No such file or directory
Custom Linux Pseudo Bootstrapper V1 - by Charan Singh
WEB: http://www.maharajafarms.com
EML: [email protected]
Starting init process
INIT: Debian booting.....
Running Linux Kernel
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
AutoMounter started
Type EXIT to end session
Make sure you type EXIT for a clean kill of Debian, Phone will reboot after shut
chroot: can't execute '/bin/bash': No such file or directory
Shutting down Debian
Processes killed......
Loopback device shutdown - success
Debian down
by Charan Singh
[email protected]
Rebooting device to ensure clean shutdown so debian doesnt eat memory ........
'su' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
c:\sdk\tools>cd c:\sdk\tools
c:\sdk\tools>adb shell
# insmod /sdcard/loop.ko
insmod /sdcard/loop.ko
# busybox mount -o remount,rw /
busybox mount -o remount,rw /
# busybox mkno /dev/loop0 b 7 0
busybox mkno /dev/loop0 b 7 0
mkno: applet not found
# busybox mknod /dev/loop0 b 7 0
busybox mknod /dev/loop0 b 7 0
# sh /sdcard/debian/bootdeb.sh
sh /sdcard/debian/bootdeb.sh
modprobe: chdir(2.6.29-DecaFuctCFS-dirty-512f5dee): No such file or directory
←[H←[JAndroid Filesytem remounted as read/write
mknod: /dev/loop2: File exists
←[H←[JCustom Linux Pseudo Bootstrapper V1 - by Charan Singh
WEB: http://www.maharajafarms.com
EML: [email protected]
Starting init process
INIT: Debian booting.....
Running Linux Kernel
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
AutoMounter started
Type EXIT to end session
Make sure you type EXIT for a clean kill of Debian, Phone will reboot after shut
xauth: (argv):1: bad display name "localhost:1" in "add" command
New 'X' desktop is localhost:1
Starting applications specified in /root/.vnc/xstartup
Log file is /root/.vnc/localhost:1.log
localhost:/# apt-get update
apt-get update
Hit http://ftp.de.debian.org lenny Release.gpg
Hit http://ftp.de.debian.org lenny Release
Ign http://ftp.de.debian.org lenny/main Packages/DiffIndex
Hit http://ftp.de.debian.org lenny/main Packages
Reading package lists... Done
W: There is no public key available for the following key IDs:
W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems
How do I get rid of the error no public key available for the folowing id's says to run apt-get update, but if i do that i get this error again to run apt-get update endless looop
pocket cloud and tightvncserver working
This sounds promising, but what ui do you hope to run in the end?
Sent from my FroyoEris using XDA App
Nevermind. I read the original thread. Good luck to you all.
Sent from my FroyoEris using XDA App
to get rid of the key error i ran
gpg --recv-keys 9AA38DCD55BE302B
gpg --export 9AA38DCD55BE302B | apt-key add -
(Thanks to workshed for figuring that part out)
i still was having trouble running apt-get install whatever though...
i am able to log in through vnc and cloud now....
Not sure why but each time I chroot in I have to go in and remove all the .X files and directories from the tmp/ folder. Also have to run the command:
export HOME=/root
that can be added to bash.rc once i manage to edit it
I then run vncserver and it asks for a password.
then through cloud or androidvnc i use localhost and port 5901 and put in the password i entered above. I can't seem to get a keyboard on androidvnc so i think i'm gonna try cloud again.

[TUT] Linux in chroot on your iconia

So, many of you want to run a full-size linux on your iconia. Unfortunately due to the fact that acer are a bunch of stupid mofos not releasing kernel source code and do not allow to flash unsigned ROMs we'll have to run it in chroot within android.
First thing to do is to get yourself a rootfs of linux. You can use angstrom, ubuntu.. I'm building debian using multistrap, the config is below. You'd better use pre-built ubuntu/backtrack and skip up to somewhere between steps 4 and 5, unless you have experience with dpkg and apt-get.
packages=screen openssh-server alsa-utils wireless-tools wpasupplicant nmap netcat
Now we need to get it to iconia somehow. Running it from microsd would be incredibly slow and internal ssd is formatted to vfat. So let's loop mount it.
1. Create the loopback image
#700 mb
dd if=/dev/zero of=debian.img bs=10M count=70
mkfs.ext2 -f debian.img
2. Mount it as you always do.. on your desktop yet
mkdir /mnt/debian
mount -o loop -t ext2 debian.img /mnt/debian
3. Copy the desired files.. As a root user, you can cd to the rootfs (generated by multistrap) and
tar cvp . | tar xvp -C /mnt/debian
4. unmount the image.. (umount /mnt/debian) and copy to the /sdcard. I copy to the /sdcard/linux/debian.img. Also, I use the /sdcard/linux/uroot directory to mount the image on the tablet.
5. now, you need adb or terminal emulator and superuser permissions ('teh rewt')
Now let's make some script, name it android_sh and put it to /bin in /sdcard/linux/uroot. And make it executable (chmod +x /bin/android_sh)
export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
export USER=root
export HOME=/root
export TERM=linux
if [ -z "`pidof Xtightvnc`" ] ; then
vncserver -geometry 1280x740 -depth 8
kill -9 `pidof Xtightvnc`
rm /tmp/.X11-unix/X*
rm /tmp/.X*lock
/bin/bash -
Ok. now make another script, in /sdcard/linux
if [ -z "`grep $LOOPBASE/$LOOPTARGET /proc/mounts`" ]; then
echo "mounting $LOOPFILE"
echo "$LOOPFILE already mounted"
for i in dev proc sys
echo "processing $i"
if [ -z "`grep $LOOPBASE/$LOOPTARGET/$i /proc/mounts`" ]
echo "mounting $i"
mount -o bind /$i $LOOPBASE/$LOOPTARGET/$i
echo "$i already mounted"
if [ -z "`grep $LOOPBASE/$LOOPTARGET/dev/pts /proc/mounts`" ]
mount -t tmpfs none $LOOPBASE/$LOOPTARGET/dev/pts
echo "chroot into $LOOPBASE/$LOOPTARGET"
chroot $LOOPBASE/$LOOPTARGET /bin/android_sh
now, execute it (sh /sdcard/linux/chroot.sh). You should be in root shell now. If you're building debian using multistrap, configure the packages (dpkg-configure -a). Remember I told you to keep out of debian? Dash package is somewhat broken so you may need to lurk through mailing lists to make it install.. And you need to manually add your sid/testing mirrors to the aptitude config.
So what now? Install tightvnc server (in debian/ubuntu, use apt-get update; apt-get install tightvncserver), exit the shell and launch chroot.sh again.
If you're building rootfs yourself, don't forget to install some x desktop environment. I use lxde on debian, it is lightweight and starts automatically with tightvnc
Now, you can use the vnc client on android to connect to your X11. When chrooting, tightvnc wil tell you the number of x session, so use it as the last digit of the port (5901, 5902 etc). I welcome suggestions on how to improve the android_sh to cleanly kill all tightvnc servers and remove temporary files so that the port number is always the same
In the end you may or may not get something similiar to this:
I recommend you to install Hacker's Keyboard which will give you the tab key, esc and arrows simultaneously and allow to use cool software like vim and emacs without pain
Cool...But I got stucked at the first step. Where can I get debian.img?
you create a new file named debian.img using dd, then you format it to ext2 using mkfs.. well. you can just take backtrack image from xoom. essentially it's just ubuntu with some software added
I'm just curious why you chose ext2 as opposed to ext4? Given that the filesystem is actually a file on a filesystem, I sort of understand ext2, especially considering you can mount it with the ext4 driver now.
This probably sounds like a stupid question, but for some reason I cannot use bash?
It may be that my paths are not configured properly, but i dont have a bin at the "/" level. I have looked in /system/bin and /system/xbin, but have not found bash there either.
I installed busybox and have been able to perform root tasks, so I am not sure what I missed.
because.. you don't have bash.. you should have it in your chroot. if you need it in android, just install it (like http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=537827)
I installed bash according to the link you posted, but I still don't have a /bin outside of /system. I did change the above scripts to reflect this by saying:
#!/system/bin (but then I get the error 'event not found')
My prompt reads: "sh-3.2#" after reboot, which I understand is bash replacing the stock terminal.
I tried creating the /bin directory in the root, but even with root terminal, it said it was read only. Do I have to remount the root and then create a /bin directory?
When I rooted, I don't remember their being a lengthy discussion about bash installation, or the creation of a /bin directory.
I welcome all suggestions, as I am trying to learn more about the inner workings of the tablet, but still have little experience.
you need bash only in the linux in chroot and therefore do not need to modify scripts.
mount -o remount,rw /system
cp bash /system/bin
chmod 755 /system/bin/bash
mount -o remount,ro /system
then you can start bash by typing 'bash' in shell
I have tried and I still can't get it run. I am not used to Linux stuffs and scared that I may screwed up my tab. Can you please pack the required files and upload it so that we can follow easier? something like this http://www.secmaniac.com/may-2011/backtrack-5-on-motorola-xoom-in-10-minutes-or-less/ would be great.
Thank you.
PS: I sincerely want to get BackTrack on my tab so that I can run R on this
moved to http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1094237
sp3dev said:
because.. you don't have bash.. you should have it in your chroot. if you need it in android, just install it (like http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=537827)
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I ended up installing bash, but I still had problems with chroot and getting the scripts to run, so I decided to reverse what I was doing. In the process of trying to remove the bash shell and replace with the stock sh, I must have messed something up.
I tried a factory reset, and when I loaded back up again, I can't get wifi to connect. My suspicion is that there is at least two separate things wrong:
-My shell is somewhere in permission limbo or non-existant
I try running >adb shell and I get:
"- exec '/system/bin/sh' failed: No such file or directory (2) -"​
-The permissions on my wpa_supplicant are probably messed up, hence I can't connect to wifi
Any suggestions?
Well I tried a few more things:
-Tried copying over bash to /system/bin, got an error that it is a read-only file system. Funny, because I need shell (chmod?) in order to repair the shell, those bastards.
-Tried installing apk using adb, got same message about 'sh' missing. I think I will have to reflash a system.img, but I can't seem to find the Wifi-US with a working link.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Hey guys, could you upload and send me the link of a video of this working? Cause I love the idea of it but I'm not sure if its really practical
Sent from my A500 using XDA Premium App

Installing BackTrack5 onto the Motorola Atrix 4G

As I am not allowed to post this where it should be, this seems to be the next best place.
Hardware Needed:
* The Motorola Atrix 4G (without this you wont be going very far)
* Atleast a 4 Gb SD card
* a way of transfering data from your computer onto the SD card (The supplied USB cable or an SD adaptor)
Apps Needed:
* SuperUser (If your on this site, you most likely already have this)
* Just about any Terminal Emulator will work (I used Better Terminal Emulator Pro)
* Any VNC Viewing Client (I used androidVNC)
* A Busybox installer (I used Stericson's BusyBox installer)
Software used:
* I used the BackTrack5 version posted by msullivan, found **HERE**:
I used a slightly edited version of the bt file from the bundle
just copy and paste over the original bt file:
perm=$(id|cut -b 5)
if [ "$perm" != "0" ];then echo "This script requires root! Type: su"; exit; fi
busybox mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
export kit=/sdcard-ext/BT5
export bin=/system/bin
export mnt=/data/local/bt5
mkdir $mnt
export PATH=$bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/games:$PATH
export TERM=linux
export HOME=/root
if [ -b /dev/loop7 ]; then
echo "Loop device exists"
busybox mknod /dev/loop7 b 7 0
#mount -o loop,noatime -t ext2 $kit/bt5.img $mnt
losetup /dev/block/loop7 $kit/bt5.img
mount -t ext2 /dev/block/loop7 $mnt
mount -t devpts devpts $mnt/dev/pts
mount -t proc proc $mnt/proc
mount -t sysfs sysfs $mnt/sys
busybox sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
echo "nameserver" > $mnt/etc/resolv.conf
echo "nameserver" >> $mnt/etc/resolv.conf
echo " localhost bt5" > $mnt/etc/hosts
echo "Ubuntu is configured with SSH and VNC servers that can be accessed from the IP:"
ifconfig eth0
echo " "
busybox chroot $mnt /bin/bash
echo "Shutting down BackTrack ARM"
umount $mnt/dev/pts
umount $mnt/proc
umount $mnt/sys
umount $mnt
losetup -d /dev/loop7
Installation Steps:
1. Make sure you have enough space to work with (atleast 4Gb).
2. Edit the bt file with the above coding.
3. Copy over the BT5 folder onto your SD card however you see fit, I just used a SD to USB adaptor that I got with my SD card.
4. Disconnect the USB cable if you have it connected.
5. open your Terminal emulator and type:
su <ENTER>
6. Type:
cd /sdcard-ext/BT5 <ENTER>
7. Type:
sh bt <ENTER>
8. The bt file should run, and leave you with a red command prompt.
Hit the home button.
9. Open your VNC Viewer and enter the login information.
Nickname: BackTrack5
Password: root
Port: 5901
The screen size still needs adjusting however as I believe it is set at 800×480 currently.
Sick. Just sick.
Cant wait to crack some Wifi with this. Anyone test this out and get a successful crack?
I haven't looked too far into it, however I do believe that this is almost useless as a "cracking" distro on ARM hardware. AFAIK many things don't/can't work. for instance injecting is a no go (real turn off for me, but that is what a netbook is for).
Until we get better drivers for the wifi, we don't have injection, or monitor mode. I've also found editing scripts can be a ***** because the on screen keyboard is either in the way, or the enter doesn't work as enter if using nano, running vi really hoses things up. My external bluetooth keyboard helps with this, but a bluetooth mouse while it works, is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay (no really) too sensitive on the Atrix. Hooked up to an external monitor in webtop mode it works much better, but I've not tried running backtrack from there.
Yeah I did not even consider the ARM architecture. Very good point.
Do they make a Rosetta type app for Linux? Anyone know? That could at least help use get past the Architectural limits.
Still not thinking straight, that app is for PPC users.
In the beginning where the script says "sdcard-ext/bt5" could I edit that to say "sdcard/bt5" in order to boot it from my internal phone memory?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
BravoMotorola said:
In the beginning where the script says "sdcard-ext/bt5" could I edit that to say "sdcard/bt5" in order to boot it from my internal phone memory?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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stupid 10 character limit...
Exthero said:
As I am not allowed to post this where it should be, this seems to be the next best place.
Hardware Needed:
* The Motorola Atrix 4G (without this you wont be going very far)
* Atleast a 4 Gb SD card
* a way of transfering data from your computer onto the SD card (The supplied USB cable or an SD adaptor)
Apps Needed:
* SuperUser (If your on this site, you most likely already have this)
* Just about any Terminal Emulator will work (I used Better Terminal Emulator Pro)
* Any VNC Viewing Client (I used androidVNC)
* A Busybox installer (I used Stericson's BusyBox installer)
Software used:
* I used the BackTrack5 version posted by msullivan, found **HERE**:
I used a slightly edited version of the bt file from the bundle
just copy and paste over the original bt file:
perm=$(id|cut -b 5)
if [ "$perm" != "0" ];then echo "This script requires root! Type: su"; exit; fi
busybox mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
export kit=/sdcard-ext/BT5
export bin=/system/bin
export mnt=/data/local/bt5
mkdir $mnt
export PATH=$bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/games:$PATH
export TERM=linux
export HOME=/root
if [ -b /dev/loop7 ]; then
echo "Loop device exists"
busybox mknod /dev/loop7 b 7 0
#mount -o loop,noatime -t ext2 $kit/bt5.img $mnt
losetup /dev/block/loop7 $kit/bt5.img
mount -t ext2 /dev/block/loop7 $mnt
mount -t devpts devpts $mnt/dev/pts
mount -t proc proc $mnt/proc
mount -t sysfs sysfs $mnt/sys
busybox sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
echo "nameserver" > $mnt/etc/resolv.conf
echo "nameserver" >> $mnt/etc/resolv.conf
echo " localhost bt5" > $mnt/etc/hosts
echo "Ubuntu is configured with SSH and VNC servers that can be accessed from the IP:"
ifconfig eth0
echo " "
busybox chroot $mnt /bin/bash
echo "Shutting down BackTrack ARM"
umount $mnt/dev/pts
umount $mnt/proc
umount $mnt/sys
umount $mnt
losetup -d /dev/loop7
Installation Steps:
1. Make sure you have enough space to work with (atleast 4Gb).
2. Edit the bt file with the above coding.
3. Copy over the BT5 folder onto your SD card however you see fit, I just used a SD to USB adaptor that I got with my SD card.
4. Disconnect the USB cable if you have it connected.
5. open your Terminal emulator and type:
su <ENTER>
6. Type:
cd /sdcard-ext/BT5 <ENTER>
7. Type:
sh bt <ENTER>
8. The bt file should run, and leave you with a red command prompt.
Hit the home button.
9. Open your VNC Viewer and enter the login information.
Nickname: BackTrack5
Password: root
Port: 5901
The screen size still needs adjusting however as I believe it is set at 800×480 currently.
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I get an error when doing "sh bt".
I get "bt: 36: Syntax error: end of file unexpected (expecting "then")"
BravoMotorola said:
I get an error when doing "sh bt".
I get "bt: 36: Syntax error: end of file unexpected (expecting "then")"
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Is your bt folder on your "internal" or external sd card? If it's the sdcard-ext, you'll need to edit the bt script to point to the correct location.
barry99705 said:
Is your bt folder on your "internal" or external sd card? If it's the sdcard-ext, you'll need to edit the bt script to point to the correct location.
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Hmm, tried a lot of things, ended up going to the OP of the original Backtrack on Android thread and use his original file instead, working now. But now I have a new problem, (lol) how can I change the screen resolution of the BT5 GUI to match the Atrix's screen? I've looked all over for this. I just can't find out how...
BravoMotorola said:
Hmm, tried a lot of things, ended up going to the OP of the original Backtrack on Android thread and use his original file instead, working now. But now I have a new problem, (lol) how can I change the screen resolution of the BT5 GUI to match the Atrix's screen? I've looked all over for this. I just can't find out how...
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once you start up backtrack, you need to edit /usr/bin/startvnc . Change that last line to
vncserver -geometry 940x520
barry99705 said:
once you start up backtrack, you need to edit /usr/bin/startvnc . Change that last line to
vncserver -geometry 940x520
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Thanks and yes I did see that somewhere, I just had no clue what file to edit. So is it possible to install things like Flash on Firefox on here or is the no package installer for this? Gosh, sorry I'm asking so much...thanks for the help so far
BravoMotorola said:
Thanks and yes I did see that somewhere, I just had no clue what file to edit. So is it possible to install things like Flash on Firefox on here or is the no package installer for this? Gosh, sorry I'm asking so much...thanks for the help so far
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Firefox is already installed. Not sure if flash is there since it's so insecure.
Laptop dock
After installing BT5 to Atrix 4G, can the laptop dock be used to run BT5?
I just wanted to throw a thanks out there to Exthero (since you only have 2!) for the start up script. Couldn't get it working until i used yours.
I'm having a blast with this
NISVermeer said:
After installing BT5 to Atrix 4G, can the laptop dock be used to run BT5?
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easiest way is on wifi:
see what your ip is
$ ifconfig
use a vnc server on your computer connect to ip address in ifconfig (port 5901 default for this chroot)
anyone know if or where the atrix wireless drivers are for this?

[HowTo] homebrew your custom Ubuntu image for Iconia A500

I'm posting this in a new thread as requested...
There is a simple way to preapare a custom Ubuntu image file compiled for ARMEL with only the packages and functionalities you need.
For this procedure you will need
- a linux machine with working ADB (I tried it on a x64 ubuntu machine)
- a rooted Iconia A500 with busybox installed
- a little knowledge about what you're doing, but just a little.
1. Install Rootstock
on your linux machine, open up the terminal and type
sudo apt-get install rootstock
If you use at least Ubuntu Karmic, it should automatically pull all the dependencies, otherwise you'll have to manually install Qemu and a newer debootstrap.
2. Create the tarball
you're ready to download the packages and prepare the tarball.
Remember: rootstock doesn't automatically include a kernel, so you'll have to manually include it in the package list
Here's the syntax for a basic run (run "man rootstock" for all the parameters):
sudo rootstock \
--imagesize [COLOR="Red"]<IMAGE_SIZE_IN_GB>[/COLOR]G \
Here's an example for a 2GB image with OMAP kernel and a complete Kubuntu-desktop distribution:
sudo rootstock \
--fqdn ubuntu \
--login ubuntu \
--password ubuntu \
--imagesize 2G \
--seed linux-image-omap,kubuntu-desktop
In --seed you can specify whatever package you want. You could start with just the kernel and build-essential, then add whatever you need. A good start could be like this:
--seed linux-image-omap,build-essential,lxde,tightvncserver,openssh-server
This will give you a running ubuntu with a very light, performance-oriented desktop environment (lxde) with ssh and vnc.
Remember: It's still possible to add new packages with apt-get from chroot whenever you want.
Once you have chosen the packages you want, you just have to press enter and rootstock will automatic download the packages and prepare the tarball.
You'll end up with a file named "armel-rootfs-<TIMESTAMP>.tgz"
3. Prepare the img file
This is very easy and quick:
dd if=/dev/zero of=arm_ubuntu.img bs=1MB count=0 seek=[COLOR="Red"]<SIZE_IN_MB>[/COLOR]
The seek parameter defines the size in MB of your image. make it as large as you want, it should at least be as big as the size you selected for the tarball (2G in my example).
Remember: 1 GB = 1024 MB
Now we format the image. Since the Iconia supports ext4 file system, we can use it!
mkfs.ext4 -F arm_ubuntu.img
You may want to pass other flags to define advanced options, labels and reserved blocks, but this is the least you need to make it work.
4. Decompress
Now we have to mount the img file in a loop:
sudo mount -o loop arm_ubuntu.img /mnt
and decompress the tarball into it.
sudo tar -C /mnt -zxf armel-rootfs-<TIMESTAMP>.tgz
It's done!
This is the right time to put custom scripts in /mnt/usr/bin like this one to start the vnc server with the correct geometry for the A500:
rm -fr /tmp/.X1*
vncserver -geometry 1280x752
NB: the A500 screen is 1280x800, but the honeycomb statusbar (1280x48px) is always on top. To avoid panning to show the ubuntu menu bar, we just subtract those 48 pixels from the ubuntu vertical resolution.
Now we just umount it.
sudo umount /mnt
5. Load on the tablet and get it running
The script to mount and boot is derived from the one in the Backtrack 5 Thread.
Load the img file on the tablet with
adb push arm_ubuntu.img /sdcard/ubuntu/arm_ubuntu.img
It will take a loooong time and there's no progress bar, so just have faith.
Next, we prepare the boot script. The only thing you need to do is to put your username in (the one you chose in rootstock).
perm=$(id|cut -b 5)
if [ "$perm" != "0" ];then echo "This Script Needs Root! Type : su";exit;fi
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
export kit=/sdcard/ubuntu
export bin=/system/bin
export mnt=/data/local/mnt
mkdir -p $mnt
export PATH=$bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/games:$PATH
export TERM=linux
export HOME=/home/$USER
export stor=$mnt/home/$USER/storage
export sdcard=$stor/sdcard
export extsd=$stor/external_sd
export usb=$stor/USB_storage
if [ -b /dev/loop2 ]; then
echo "Loop device exists"
busybox mknod /dev/loop2 b 7 0
mount -o loop,rw,noatime -t ext4 $kit/arm_ubuntu.img $mnt
echo "mounting storage devices in $stor..."
mkdir -p $sdcard
mkdir -p $extsd
mkdir -p $usb
busybox mount --bind /mnt/sdcard $sdcard
busybox mount --bind /mnt/external_sd $extsd
busybox mount --bind /mnt/usb_storage $usb
mount -t devpts devpts $mnt/dev/pts
mount -t proc proc $mnt/proc
mount -t sysfs sysfs $mnt/sys
busybox sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
echo "nameserver" > $mnt/etc/resolv.conf
echo " localhost ubuntu" > $mnt/etc/hosts
busybox chroot $mnt /bin/bash
echo "Shutting down Ubuntu ARM for Iconia A500"
umount $sdcard
umount $extsd
umount $usb
umount $mnt/dev/pts
umount $mnt/proc
umount $mnt/sys
umount $mnt
Once done, we can save the file as startubuntu and adb push it to the tab. (the same folder as the img is fine)
Done! We run it by invoking the startubuntu script from the android terminal emulator (must be in superuser mode)
I hope you found this how-to useful.
And we use this distro via our tablets ssh client?
EDIT: sorry my bad Never read code while tired
i am running ubuntu natty.
and i got this error:
Setting up wireless-crda (1.13) ...
Setting up linux-image-2.6.38-8-omap (2.6.38-8.42) ...
Running depmod.
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.38-8-omap
/bin/df: Warning: cannot read table of mounted file systems: No such file or directory
Not sure if it is fatal. rootstock has created successful the rootfs
reida010 said:
i am running ubuntu natty.
and i got this error:
Setting up wireless-crda (1.13) ...
Setting up linux-image-2.6.38-8-omap (2.6.38-8.42) ...
Running depmod.
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.38-8-omap
/bin/df: Warning: cannot read table of mounted file systems: No such file or directory
Not sure if it is fatal. rootstock has created successful the rootfs
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Same happened to me. Totally not fatal. the tarball is good.
For everyone out there:
I would like your help with testing. I have a crash on start problem with firefox in all the images I tried. Does any of you have the same issue?
i get
Loop device exists
then i did
echo "$kit/arm_ubuntu.img"
and i get
but then i get
mount: cannot setup loop device: No such file or directory
any ideas?
Because of firefox.
i read a while ago a tweet about a bug in meego and ubuntu in firefox for arm.
when it is this bug then you should try firefox trunk because it is fixed.
but i cannot refind it :-(
I was searching for that today, thanks mate. Nice Tutorial =D
reida010 said:
but then i get
mount: cannot setup loop device: No such file or directory
any ideas?
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i have the same problem. You should make loop file not in /mnt/sdcard, but in /mnt/external_sd.
Kh_Shad said:
i have the same problem. You should make loop file not in /mnt/sdcard, but in /mnt/external_sd.
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That would apply only if you put the image file in the external MicroSD, if you have put it in the internal memory (as described in the tutorial) the path is /mnt/sdcard. Also, the speed of the internal memory is better.
i found out how i can make it work
but it's strange.
i don't works when i do
sh ./startubuntu
but with this it works fine:
/system/bin/sh ./startubuntu
Is this maybe because i didn't use adb.
Someone told me that copy paste might change the permissions (what the ****! really?)
on my tablet startubuntu is not executable.
And it doesn't change anything when i do chmod 755 startubuntu
but after moving it to /system/bin chmod works fine.
After then i can always just run
and ubuntu is up and running.
(many thanks by the way :-D)
Sorry guys, will this method produce a native Ubuntu install similair to how Wubi works? Or is this like the chroot methods were we have to VNC into the distro from within Android?
It is native!!!
but you need vnc to access the xserver
On my n900 i used xephyr but i don't think this is working for android because afaik they don't use X. (n900 is so cool for linux geeks ;-D)
if you mean with 'native' that it will replace android -> no -> it is a chroot
Yeah that answered my question. Thank you
I'm not going to bother until there is a native distro running with full system resources. I guess with the current bootloader situation that day may never come :-(
It failed in creating the image for me... and it seems like a error in the package linux-image-2.6.38-8-omap
Need to get 37.4 MB of archives.
After this operation, 98.3 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Get:1 //ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ natty/main wireless-crda armel 1.13 [15.0 kB]
Get:2 //ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ natty/main linux-image-2.6.38-8-omap armel 2.6.38-8.42 [19.8 MB]
Get:3 //ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ natty/main devio armel 1.2-1build1 [16.9 kB]
Get:4 //ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ natty/main flash-kernel armel 2.28ubuntu19 [13.1 kB]
Get:5 //ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ natty/universe kubuntu-mobile armel 1.218 [2720 B]
Get:6 //ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ natty/main linux-firmware all 1.52 [17.5 MB]
Get:7 //ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ natty/main linux-image-omap armel [2394 B]
Fetched 37.4 MB in 5min 29s (113 kB/s)
Selecting previously deselected package wireless-crda.
(Reading database ... 9309 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking wireless-crda (from .../wireless-crda_1.13_armel.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package linux-image-2.6.38-8-omap.
Unpacking linux-image-2.6.38-8-omap (from .../linux-image-2.6.38-8-omap_2.6.38-8.42_armel.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package devio.
Unpacking devio (from .../devio_1.2-1build1_armel.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package flash-kernel.
Unpacking flash-kernel (from .../flash-kernel_2.28ubuntu19_armel.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package kubuntu-mobile.
Unpacking kubuntu-mobile (from .../kubuntu-mobile_1.218_armel.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package linux-firmware.
Unpacking linux-firmware (from .../linux-firmware_1.52_all.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package linux-image-omap.
Unpacking linux-image-omap (from .../linux-image-omap_2. ...
Setting up wireless-crda (1.13) ...
Setting up linux-image-2.6.38-8-omap (2.6.38-8.42) ...
Running depmod.
Failed to run depmod
dpkg: error processing linux-image-2.6.38-8-omap (--configure):
subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Setting up devio (1.2-1build1) ...
No apport report written because MaxReports is reached already
Setting up flash-kernel (2.28ubuntu19) ...
Setting up kubuntu-mobile (1.218) ...
E: Second stage build in chroot failed !
E: Please see the log to see what went wrong.
Setting up linux-firmware (1.52) ...
I: Cleaning up...
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-image-omap:
linux-image-omap depends on linux-image-2.6.38-8-omap; however:
Package linux-image-2.6.38-8-omap is not configured yet.
dpkg: error processing linux-image-omap (--configure):
dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
No apport report written because MaxReports is reached already
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
I: Umounting temporary Image
I keep getting a failure also!
Ceck out both of my log files below.
tholmewood said:
Sorry guys, will this method produce a native Ubuntu install similair to how Wubi works? Or is this like the chroot methods were we have to VNC into the distro from within Android?
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It is a chroot/vnc method, currently the only method available to run linux on this device, because of the locked bootloader... I seriously hope for a chance to dual boot in the future.
i was wondering what packages are needed in order to create an ubuntu netbook Edition? Is the A500 powerful enough for that kind of interface?
Thought you guys might be interested in this post.
Have fun!
Have you tried firefox daily?
Did it work?
reida010 said:
Have you tried firefox daily?
Did it work?
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Not really, my job is killing me these days... I'll try it asap!
sent from my Iconia A500
p-ille said:
Not really, my job is killing me these days... I'll try it asap!
sent from my Iconia A500
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You realize what a pain that tutorial is to follow? Could you please provide a pre built image at least if asking for scripts is probably way too much?

Install full Linux OS on note 10.1 2014 using Linux deploy.

If we can install full Linux OS on note 10.1 2014, then it will become the truly laptop replacement.
It seems that Linux deploy is very promising, but it require a truly working root
Someone used Linux deploy to install full Linux OS on note 10.1 2012 and turned note into a full Linux laptop when needed.
Can someone savvy give it a try?
I've played around with a few installers and in the terminal by hand for a few hours. I am not able to grant permission to chroot. Even with root. I will look into this in the future.
dasmoover said:
I've played around with a few installers and in the terminal by hand for a few hours. I am not able to grant permission to chroot. Even with root. I will look into this in the future.
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someone managed to install Linux on note3
Since note 10.1 2014 is essentially an enlarged note3, above information maybe helpful for you
Got Linux deploy (linuxonandroid) app working with work
Hello, Sorry meant to say Complete Linux Installer in the topic, not Linux Deploy!
I tried the Linux Deploy project with no luck. The post that was in this thread got me to the point that you need to apply a patch in the source code ShellEnv.java and then recompile. It sets it up so it prefaces all commands in the script with su when run. I was not able to recompile the code nor anyone that could give it to me. So I moved on to the Complete Linux Installer linuxonandroid app http://linuxonandroid.org/ I ran into the same problems but I was able to get around it because the script that is used to starts the Linux distribution is editable it is bootscript.sh placed in /data/data/com/zpwebsites.linuxonandroid/files this script is automatically created when you walk through the setup/install process while you are downloading an image file going through the setup process you can edit this file as it will be created at that point, where ever you see "$bbox and a xxxxx" in the script you change it to "su $bbox and xxxxxxx" so basically you have to preface all these points which there are a lot of with su. This is part of the situation. Second part is that you will need to setup the mount point for the loop directory by hand and you can see this in the script, then you will need to mount the loop directory and then create each directory inside to what is specified in the script.Then unmount the loop directory, or reboot and then you can finish the setup and launch the distribution.
You may run into errors along the way and you will need to correct them as needed. This is no easy task to setup unless you are familiar with linux and what the script is doing. Sorry I have no easy way but I was able to get it running with the Ubuntu small images to even include the display, still having so issues getting the xwindow to display correctly in the other large images which are close to a full distribution.
All my work was done with a terminal emulator, root explorer, a text editor, Complete Linux Installer(linuxonandroid from ZPWebSites), and a VNC client. Oh and using the spen and Bluetooth keyboard helps as it takes more time with just the touch interface and keyboard for what needs to be done.
It is possible to get running but you have to work at it, took me 3 hours to work through all the issues and I am familiar with Linux and its tools.
Hope this gets you in the direction you need because it was important to me to get this working for what I do. I have sent updates to the developer to hope he can automate this in the future. With Samsung's Android implementation with multiple user config it messes with the security context of scripts because each command can be run through an interactive terminal session. But the script needs to pass SU with the commands to get it to work.
I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 WIFI P600 and should work with the other models too because not specific to a model. Seems this work with a Galaxy S4 as well since they are setup the same in the OS from what I have found.
quser1 said:
Hello, Sorry meant to say Complete Linux Installer in the topic, not Linux Deploy!
I tried the Linux Deploy project with no luck. The post that was in this thread got me to the point that you need to apply a patch in the source code ShellEnv.java and then recompile. It sets it up so it prefaces all commands in the script with su when run. I was not able to recompile the code nor anyone that could give it to me. So I moved on to the Complete Linux Installer linuxonandroid app http://linuxonandroid.org/ I ran into the same problems but I was able to get around it because the script that is used to starts the Linux distribution is editable it is bootscript.sh placed in /data/data/com/zpwebsites.linuxonandroid/files this script is automatically created when you walk through the setup/install process while you are downloading an image file going through the setup process you can edit this file as it will be created at that point, where ever you see "$bbox and a xxxxx" in the script you change it to "su $bbox and xxxxxxx" so basically you have to preface all these points which there are a lot of with su. This is part of the situation. Second part is that you will need to setup the mount point for the loop directory by hand and you can see this in the script, then you will need to mount the loop directory and then create each directory inside to what is specified in the script.Then unmount the loop directory, or reboot and then you can finish the setup and launch the distribution.
You may run into errors along the way and you will need to correct them as needed. This is no easy task to setup unless you are familiar with linux and what the script is doing. Sorry I have no easy way but I was able to get it running with the Ubuntu small images to even include the display, still having so issues getting the xwindow to display correctly in the other large images which are close to a full distribution.
All my work was done with a terminal emulator, root explorer, a text editor, Complete Linux Installer(linuxonandroid from ZPWebSites), and a VNC client. Oh and using the spen and Bluetooth keyboard helps as it takes more time with just the touch interface and keyboard for what needs to be done.
It is possible to get running but you have to work at it, took me 3 hours to work through all the issues and I am familiar with Linux and its tools.
Hope this gets you in the direction you need because it was important to me to get this working for what I do. I have sent updates to the developer to hope he can automate this in the future. With Samsung's Android implementation with multiple user config it messes with the security context of scripts because each command can be run through an interactive terminal session. But the script needs to pass SU with the commands to get it to work.
I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 WIFI P600 and should work with the other models too because not specific to a model. Seems this work with a Galaxy S4 as well since they are setup the same in the OS from what I have found.
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Can you upload the edited script?
dasmoover said:
Can you upload the edited script?
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Yes, I will try. One thing is that the script is producing errors when you try to Exit the running distro with syntax errors on a couple of commands and I have not been able to fix them, they looks like script issues from the generated script, still need investigation and I have contacted the developer. Only way I have been able to get the system to unmount the loop device after an exit is to restart the tablet because of the script errors. Also you will need to create all the file system in the loop directory as the script is not doing it automatically.
---------- Post added at 09:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 AM ----------
Tried to attach file so keep getting error so pasting the script here. Just so you know this is an auto created script on setup so not sure if it is different for each install.
# Linux boot script V8 for Android v4.3 #
# Built by Zachary Powell (zacthespack) #
# and Martin Møller (Tuxling) #
# Thanks to: #
# Johan Vromans #
# Marshall Levin #
# Vaykadji #
# and to everyone at XDA! #
# Feel free to edit/use this script as you#
# like but credit Linuxonandroid.org #
# $ver: V8 #
# This is a function we use to stop the #
# script in case of errors #
error_exit() {
echo "Error: $1"
exit 1
# Set up variables #
if [ -f /data/data/com.zpwebsites.linuxonandroid/files/busybox ]; then
export bbox=/data/data/com.zpwebsites.linuxonandroid/files/busybox
elif [ -f /data/data/com.zpwebsites.linuxonandroid.opensource/files/busybox ]; then
export bbox=/data/data/com.zpwebsites.linuxonandroid.opensource/files/busybox
export bbox=/system/xbin/busybox
export usermounts=android # Base folder all user mounts are done in, should be moved to app later
export imgfile=$(dirname $0)/ubuntu.img # Default image file, another can be set by using an argument
export bin=/system/bin
export mnt=/data/local/mnt
export USER=root
if [[ ! -d $mnt ]]; then mkdir $mnt; fi
export PATH=$bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/games:$PATH
export TERM=linux
export HOME=/root
# Handle arguments if present #
if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then
if [ -f $1 ]; then # Is full path present?
elif [ -f $(dirname $0)/$1 ]; then # Is only a filename present?
imgfile=$(dirname $0)/$1
error_exit "Image file not found!($1)"
# If a md5 file is found we check it here #
if [ -f $imgfile.md5 ]; then
echo "MD5 file found, use to check .img file? (y/n)"
read answer
if [ $answer == y ]; then
echo -n "Validating image checksum... "
$bbox md5sum -c -s $imgfile.md5
if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
echo "FAILED!"
error_exit "Checksum failed! The image is corrupted!"
echo "OK"
rm $imgfile.md5
# Find and read config file #
# or use defaults if not found #
cfgfile=$imgfile.config # Default config file if not specified
if [ -f $imgfile.config ]; then
source $imgfile.config
# Set Swap up if wanted #
# #
if [ $use_swap == yes ]; then
if [ -f $imgfile.swap ]; then
echo "Swap file found, using file"
echo "Turning on swap (if it errors here you do not have swap support"
swapon $imgfile.swap
echo "Creating Swap file"
dd if=/dev/zero of=$imgfile.swap bs=1048576 count=1024
mkswap $imgfile.swap
echo "Turning on swap (if it errors here you do not have swap support"
swapon $imgfile.swap
# Set up loop device and mount image #
echo -n "Checking loop device... "
if [ -b /dev/block/loop255 ]; then
echo "FOUND"
echo "MISSING"
# Loop device not found so we create it and verify it was actually created
echo -n "Creating loop device... "
su $bbox mknod /dev/block/loop255 b 7 255
if [ -b /dev/block/loop255 ]; then
echo "OK"
echo "FAILED"
error_exit "Unable to create loop device!"
su $bbox losetup /dev/block/loop255 $imgfile
if [ $? -ne 0 ];then error_exit "Unable to attach image to loop device! (Image = $imgfile)"; fi
su $bbox mount -t ext4 /dev/block/loop255 $mnt
if [ $? -ne 0 ];then error_exit "Unable to mount the loop device!"; fi
# Mount all required partitions #
su $bbox mount -t devpts devpts $mnt/dev/pts
if [ $? -ne 0 ];then error_exit "Unable to mount $mnt/dev/pts!"; fi
su $bbox mount -t proc proc $mnt/proc
if [ $? -ne 0 ];then error_exit "Unable to mount $mnt/proc!"; fi
su $bbox mount -t sysfs sysfs $mnt/sys
if [ $? -ne 0 ];then error_exit "Unable to mount $mnt/sys!"; fi
su $bbox mount -o bind /sdcard $mnt/sdcard
if [ $? -ne 0 ];then error_exit "Unable to bind $mnt/sdcard!"; fi
if [[ ! -d $mnt/root/cfg ]]; then mkdir $mnt/root/cfg; fi
su $bbox mount -o bind $(dirname $imgfile) $mnt/root/cfg
su $bbox mount -o bind /sys/fs/selinux $mnt/selinux
# Checks if you have a external sdcard #
# and mounts it if you do #
if [ -d /sdcard/external_sd ]; then
su $bbox mount -o bind /sdcard/external_sd $mnt/external_sd
if [ -d /Removable/MicroSD ]; then
su $bbox mount -o bind /Removable/MicroSD $mnt/external_sd
# This is for the HD version of the Archos 70 internet tablet, may be the same for the SD card edition but i dont know.
if [ -d /storage ]; then
su $bbox mount -o bind /storage $mnt/external_sd
# Mount all user defined mounts if any #
if [ -f $imgfile.mounts ]; then
echo "Mounting user mounts"
cd $mnt
if [[ ! -d $mnt/$usermounts ]]; then su $bbox mkdir -p $usermounts; fi
echo "# Script to unmount user defined mounts, do not delete or edit!" > $imgfile.shutdown
echo "cd $mnt/$usermounts" > $imgfile.shutdown
cd $mnt/$usermounts
for entry in $(cat "$imgfile.mounts"); do
if [[ -d $ANDROID ]]; then
echo -n "Mounting $ANDROID to $usermounts/$LINUX... "
if [[ ! -d $mnt/$usermounts/$LINUX ]]; then su $bbox mkdir -p $LINUX; fi
su $bbox mount -o bind $ANDROID $mnt/$usermounts/$LINUX &> /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
echo FAIL
if [[ -d $mnt/$usermounts/$LINUX ]]; then su $bbox rmdir -p $LINUX; fi
echo OK
echo "su $bbox umount $mnt/$usermounts/$LINUX" >> $imgfile.shutdown
echo "su $bbox rmdir -p $LINUX" >> $imgfile.shutdown
echo "Android folder not found: $ANDROID"
echo "cd $mnt" >> $imgfile.shutdown
echo "su $bbox rmdir -p $usermounts" >> $imgfile.shutdown
cd $olddir
echo "No user defined mount points"
# Sets up network forwarding #
su $bbox sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
if [ $? -ne 0 ];then error_exit "Unable to forward network!"; fi
# If NOT $mnt/root/DONOTDELETE.txt exists we setup hosts and resolv.conf now
if [ ! -f $mnt/root/DONOTDELETE.txt ]; then
echo "nameserver" > $mnt/etc/resolv.conf
if [ $? -ne 0 ];then error_exit "Unable to write resolv.conf file!"; fi
echo "nameserver" >> $mnt/etc/resolv.conf
echo " localhost" > $mnt/etc/hosts
if [ $? -ne 0 ];then error_exit "Unable to write hosts file!"; fi
# Chroot into ubuntu #
su $bbox chroot $mnt /root/init.sh $(basename $imgfile)
# Shut down ubuntu #
echo "Shutting down Linux ARM"
#for pid in `lsof | grep $mnt | sed -e's/ / /g' | cut -d' ' -f2`; do kill -9 $pid >/dev/null 2>&1; done
for pid in `su $bbox lsof | su $bbox grep $mnt | su $bbox sed -e's/ / /g' | su $bbox cut -d' ' -f2`; do su $bbox kill -9 $pid >/dev/null 2>&1; done
sleep 5
# Unmount all user defined mounts if any #
if [ -f $imgfile.shutdown ]; then
echo "Unmounting user defined mounts"
sh $imgfile.shutdown
rm $imgfile.shutdown
su $bbox umount $mnt/root/cfg
su $bbox umount $mnt/sdcard
su $bbox umount $mnt/external_sd
su $bbox umount $mnt/dev/pts
su $bbox umount $mnt/dev
su $bbox umount $mnt/proc
su $bbox umount $mnt/sys
su $bbox umount $mnt/selinux
su $bbox umount $mnt
su $bbox losetup -d /dev/block/loop255 &> /dev/null
for those brave enough ,try SELinux Permissive Kernel,maybe all problems will be solved.
robertchow said:
for those brave enough ,try SELinux Permissive Kernel,maybe all problems will be solved.
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Yes the kernel in the thread you posted allows for Linux function in Complete Linux Installer. After the kernel is installed either use Wanam Xposed and disabling SELinux to set as always Permissive, or using "setenforce 0" in terminal(this is only for the session and once the system reboots will go back to Enforcing or if "setenforce 1")
At that point if you use getenforce at a terminal will show as Permissive and Linux will boot normally with full function.
My hat goes off to the developer of the kernel because now I have everything on the tablet I need.
FYI on my Ubuntu large installs I am running into a new SELinux issue, even with it in Permissive doing an apt-get upgrade, causes issues with an error related to invalid security context selinux, cant remember the full error. I am not seeing this with the Fedora large image. When this happens with the Ubuntu ones it breaks the KDE GUI and the Application menu ends up blank. The error occurs when install packages try to address the Ubuntu Group security, packages like colord is just an example which do a security group change. Still plowing through how to fix. Till then using Fedora which I haven't used in years
I tried with the large Ubuntu image and get an error as well with apt-get update...not being too conversant on Linux on Android, I would like to find out if you had a fix or a resolution from the developers? Might have to stay with the Xperia Z Tablet for Linux in the meantime...
Fedora 19 via Complete Linux Installer. Have Selinux Permissive Kernel, Selinux Mode Changer, and root of course. Otherwise FW is stock MJ6.
Just a few remarks:
The Fedora image is a bit small for a full blown Linux desktop. I copied the contents to a larger 8 GB image. Had to reformat the SD card with exFAT in order to store the image there. Copying was done on a desktop computer because MTP connection just stops at 4 GB.
Changes to scripts include changing the mount command for external_sd to /storage/extSdCard in boot script. Once Linux is up and running, change /root/init.sh, find the line that starts vncserver and append -dpi 300, otherwise fonts in Linux are barely readable. Wigdets are still kind of small but at least the fonts are readable now.
If you get a connection refused in AndroidVNC, you may have to set a password on the Linux terminal for user, that is su - fedora, then vncpasswd.
Todo: find out why second start of Linux fails on loop mount busy and why shutdown complains about umount of dev.
So, my note happily runs KDE desktop, LibreOffice, and kile for LaTeX. The latter was the main reason for putting Linux on the note.
caferick said:
Fedora 19 via Complete Linux Installer. Have Selinux Permissive Kernel, Selinux Mode Changer, and root of course. Otherwise FW is stock MJ6.
Just a few remarks:
The Fedora image is a bit small for a full blown Linux desktop. I copied the contents to a larger 8 GB image. Had to reformat the SD card with exFAT in order to store the image there. Copying was done on a desktop computer because MTP connection just stops at 4 GB.
Changes to scripts include changing the mount command for external_sd to /storage/extSdCard in boot script. Once Linux is up and running, change /root/init.sh, find the line that starts vncserver and append -dpi 300, otherwise fonts in Linux are barely readable. Wigdets are still kind of small but at least the fonts are readable now.
If you get a connection refused in AndroidVNC, you may have to set a password on the Linux terminal for user, that is su - fedora, then vncpasswd.
Todo: find out why second start of Linux fails on loop mount busy and why shutdown complains about umount of dev.
So, my note happily runs KDE desktop, LibreOffice, and kile for LaTeX. The latter was the main reason for putting Linux on the note.
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Thanks for the post. I played around with linux on my note 2 and have been waiting to get it running on my 2014. How well does it handle linux?
Sent from my SM-P600 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Duly.noted said:
How well does it handle linux?
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It runs reasonably well. I guess the limiting factor is disk I/O, or SD I/O in this case. I run KDE 4 in desktop mode with graphical desktop effects disabled and most of the KDE services like indexing disabled. It takes about 15-20 seconds from finished boot to desktop. Once the desktop is up and running, opening apps like LibreOffice is fast enough. Feels like with the first generation Atom netbooks. KDE is a resource hog, it would probably make sense to go for something that is lighter on resources but I chose KDE for girlfriend compatibility. She only knows KDE and I won't force her to learn the XFCE way or something even more obscure like Gnome3 http://forum.xda-developers.com/images/smilies/tongue.gif .
Vncserver runs at native full screen, ie 2560x1600 at 300 dpi. There was a noticable screen redraw lag when closing windows. That was easily fixed by disabling the desktop background image. I have not yet done any high load tasks. Only opened LibreOffice and kile for a quick check.
I have a cheapo foldable bluetooth keyboard. Need to get a small bluetooth mouse. Any recommendations? Or a small keyboard/touchpad combo I can take with me when traveling.
To Caferick - Fedora 19 step by step
Hi can you explain step by step how u got the Fedora 19 to wor pleasek? where i can find the bootscript?
Amadyl said:
Hi can you explain step by step how u got the Fedora 19 to wor pleasek? where i can find the bootscript?
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Hum, a step by step guide would be rather longish. To answer the question: Complete Linux Installer scripts are located in /data/data/com.zpwebsites.linuxonandroid/files. There is the bootscript.sh. However, editing it is not strictly necessary. It should work as is. Alright, let's see
* need root on your device along with the usual suspects like busybox and terminal emulator (both on Google Play)
* need selinux set to permissive -> flash selinux permissive kernel (to be found in xda forums) and install something like SELinuxModeChanger (Play) set to always change SELinux mode to permissive, check by rebooting and then Configuration > General > Device Info, it should say Permissive
* useful apps include a decent file manager (I like TotalCommander), ZIP extractor (ZArchiver), text editor (Jota), these make things somewhat easier
* required app: AndroidVNC (Play)
1. Install Complete Linux Installer from Play
* start the app and open the menu by touching the < sign at the top left
* choose installation guides (or the like, my interface is not English)
* choose Fedora 19, there are four tabs, work through them in sequence, second tab presents a download button, if you have not yet installed Terminal and AndroidVNC you can use the two other buttons to do it now
* third tab asks you to unzip the downloaded image, the ZIP will probably be in /storage/emulated/0/download, move it to the root of your external SD card, unzip with Zarchiver
* there should now be a new folder fedoraXXXXX with two files in it, the fedora-*.img and an md5 file, you can safely delete the md5 file and maybe rename the image to something like fedora.img, likewise for the enclosing folder
* read the rest of tab 3 and 4
2. Start Linux
* go back to CompLinInstaller menu and push the second entry labeled Start
* a page will open and probably say Ubuntu in the drop down combo box above the Start button, change it to Fedora and type in the path to the image, like /storage/extSdCard/fedora/fedora.img
* push the Start button
* a terminal will open and a few lines will fly by. If everything goes well, you will be asked to set passwords two times, just use a trivial one like 12345678, you can change it later if you are paranoid about passwords
* you will be asked to set the resolution for VNC, type 2560x1600 which is the native resolution of the tab
* you will be asked whether you want to autostart VNC, type y
* you will be asked whether you want to start SSH server, type n
* your choice will be saved right beside the image file, in my case the file is called fedora.img.config, you can change it with any text editor
3. In the chroot terminal
* still in the terminal, the prompt should now say [email protected]
* while you are there, type su - fedora , the prompt should change to [email protected]
* type vncpasswd to set a password for VNC access, just use the same password as above, then type exit
* you are back at [email protected] If you have a keyboard (bluetooth or USB), you can edit the file init.sh with vi and append -dpi 300 to vncserver startup line. This setting will take effect at next start because vncserver. If you do not have a keyboard or do not know vi editor, you can skip this for now.
4. VNC
* start AndroidVNC, Nick: fedora, Password: 12345678, Address: localhost, Port: 5900, Color Format: 24-bit color (4bpp), Connect
* you should now see a linux desktop with tiny fonts
* hit the tabs config button to bring up AndroidVNC options, change input mode to touchpad
* you can now move the linux pointer with your finger on the display
5. Shutdown
* in VNC Linux logout just as you would log out of any other Linux desktop
* terminate VNC session by choosing Disconnect from AndroidVNC config menu
* switch to the still running terminal and type exit
* Linux now stops, wait a few seconds and close the terminal
There are still some minor problems with shutdown which I am trying to trace. A subsequent start of Linux will not work because of busy devices. So best reboot the tab and try again.
That's it for the base setup. Uh, the text is long indeed. Has it worked for you so far? Next comes customization
Corrections welcome, I typed this down from memory...
So we need to create script ourselves, when i've done it, i was set resolution to my tablet's resolution, then all is poor to see, that words and windows is too small to work, so it's horrible at the moment, but else works good enough. Is anyone know how to get normal UI on that big resolution? Sorry for my bad english.
Hey guys is there a walk through on how to increase the IMG size for fedora in a windowc pc ? i al ready have the SD partitioned just need to encrease the size to 10 GB
sits at boot up
My device is rooted, chroot installed, vnc installed, and busybox installed.
I install SELinux Permissive and systems sits at bootup screen. never boots to OS at any point. Just sits and the Samsung screen.
I have the Galaxy Note 10.1 SM-P600 (2014 Edition).
How long does it sit at the Samsung Boot screen before finally booting the rest of the way?
I installed using Odin 3.09.
I have running Ubuntu (xfce) on my Note 3 with Linux Deploy. VNC is not the way, it is slow. You should use framebuffer mode and you will be astonished how nice its running. Also, I modified xorg.conf for the phone to only react to stylus input and the stylus button to be right click. This setup is also working on my Note 10.1 old edition.
mdalacu said:
I have running Ubuntu (xfce) on my Note 3 with Linux Deploy. VNC is not the way, it is slow. You should use framebuffer mode and you will be astonished how nice its running. Also, I modified xorg.conf for the phone to only react to stylus input and the stylus button to be right click. This setup is also working on my Note 10.1 old edition.
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Can we use it without linux deploy, because it doesn't work on sm-p605? Can you point us to some guide or documentation? Thanks.

