Motorola Feedback Network - Xoom General

My experience with the MFN thus far has been positive. I would encourage Motorola Xoom (and other Moto Device) owners to sign up for this feedback network. According to their community manager Matt who regularly posts in the forums there they are expanding this program.
Currently, members of the MFN who signed up prior to the 3.1 release are pretty much all enjoying the benefits in the form of being the first handful to have 3.1 pushed to their device. This group of people have been for the last 24 hours running their devices through its paces.
This morning, Motorola tweeted that the update would be pushed out over the coming week(s) and at this point the baton is in the hands of Google.
Sign up for the MFN Here:
You can read the original thread about MFN Here:
I joined MFN and I am very happy to have done so.

Waste of time for those of us outside the US, they don't care about keeping us informed or even helping without information on updates.
Macbots drool as I XOOM through the Galaxy to my hearts Desire.


Shall we sign up for Moto FeedBack network?

I just went to Moto Atrix 4G official forum, and saw this post by moto:
When a phone first launches, we are extremely eager to understand what owners are experiencing. We watch these forums carefully for feedback.
But at times we want to gather feedback in a more systematic way. That's when we turn to the Motorola Feedback Network.
The Motorola Feedback Network (MFN) is a group of owners who basically raise their hand to provide us with help and feedback. As a member of the Motorola Feedback Network, you can be included in various studies and feedback opportunities. Most of our research is survey-based, but we also do private and public benchmarking studies and beta-testing of software. Joining the MFN will not guarantee that you get to beta-test software, but our goal is to draw all our testers from the MFN. You can't win if you don't play!
We are trying to grow our MFN teams faster for new phones.
Will you please click here and sign up today? Thanks!
(To learn more, check out this blog post.)
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Motorola Bootloader Petition (>10K sigs & Moto Response)

Visit Groubal and sign the petition:
Facebook Page:
UPDATE (14th June 2011):
We are now over the 10,000 mark.​
I have now spoken with Motorola and gotten confirmation that Motorola plan to unlock every device that will get an update in the second half of this year. This will include maintenance & firmware updates, but is still subject to Carrier approval.
The promising sign is that Verizon has already allowed Motorola to unlock a device on their network, the Xoom, which utilizes the unlockable/re-lockable model that Motorola intends on using across their devices.
I'm still looking to work with Motorola in the coming months to help see if we can make this a smooth process for Motorola and the community.
You can read the article here:
Please share this where you can and keep it alive. I will continue to work with Motorola to see if we can get this thing torn wide open.
UPDATE (26th April 2011):
We are now at ~8,700 mark.​
Motorola has now responded to me, stating that they are looking at unlocking bootloaders across their devices late 2011.
The article for the story can be found here:
We're still seeking clarity around whether this will be for current devices or only future devices.
I couldn't have gotten this far without the support of everyone here. You guys and girls have been a huge support and help me turn this snowball into a wrecking ball.
Please share this where you can and keep it alive. I will continue to work with Motorola to see if we can get this thing torn wide open.
Previous Update (4th April 2011):
We are now at ~7600 mark.​
We're starting to slow down from our initial boom, so I have now set up a Facebook page to see if we can wrangle in some supporters that don't use Twitter or XDA.
I will need your help getting this out there. So share the facebook page where you can.
I'm also looking to see if anyone is interested in helping me Moderate the page. Please PM if you are.
Original Post:
Hi All,
I have created a Groubal (online petition) to get a response from Motorola on it's bootloader policy.
>>This petition started for the Atrix, but I made sure that it was for Motorola's overall Bootloader Policy. I have reached 200 signatures in 2 weeks, but now believe it's time to expand this out of the Atrix space and into the larger Motorola Dev community.
You guys and your silly petitions. They wont and don't ha e to do anything.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
DarrellRaines said:
You guys and your silly petitions. They wont and don't ha e to do anything.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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What can I say, I'm idealistic.
IMO waste of time.
Moto thinks they're God. Also, odds are your gorilla glass will be cracked before this bootloader.
On the other hand, class-action lawsuit is more appealing. Somehow get a lawyer to argue the users right to UTILIZE the hardware, as moto isn't. Lawsuits are the only thing corporations understand.
I did sign it, but I got no hopes...
tical2k said:
IMO waste of time.
Moto thinks they're God. Also, odds are your gorilla glass will be cracked before this bootloader.
On the other hand, class-action lawsuit is more appealing. Somehow get a lawyer to argue the users right to UTILIZE the hardware, as moto isn't. Lawsuits are the only thing corporations understand.
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While litigation may be the way in the U.S. it is not the way in the land down under. We have Government appointed watchdogs that provide avenues for complaints and comments. If a complaint is sufficiently raised to an Ombudsman the company the complaint is about is charged a fee for every day the complaint is not resolved.
Unfortunately the Atrix is not commercially available in Australia and thus I cannot pursue this in a typical Australian way.
If suing the pants of Motorola is likely to work, then I encourage any U.S. Citizens to do so (but only after carefully considering the cause and affect).
I am simply encouraging everyone to focus their complaints rather than spreading it across so many channels and losing it's potency.
Also: in all honesty, it's not really wasting that much time, since I would normally be wasting this time flashing experimental Roms, which I can't do due to obvious readons.
Signed and linked to on Facebook. It's no more a waste of time than flashing a rom...
edit hehe. You beat me to the waste of time comment
Signed it just a second ago!
I'll sign but this has a much lower chance of succeeding than the AT&T service petition, and I'm not convinced we'll see many results from that one.
CC Lemon said:
I'll sign but this has a much lower chance of succeeding than the AT&T service petition, and I'm not convinced we'll see many results from that one.
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But there's no harm in trying is there?
I think that when compared with the DroidX and Droid2, this phone will be available around the world. Verizon is one of the only carriers that still uses CDMA and thus smaller consumer base for the Droid series Motorola phones.
Once the Global Atrix's are released we should see a lot more attention as well as the European Unions attitude towards anti-competitive behaviour might force an inquiry.
Once again, I'm a tad idealistic and am very keen for your support as well as your constructive feedback.
signed~! but i only put 1% of my hopes in this and the rest 99% in the developers to crack the bootloader themselves!!
I support your cause; I have signed.
irenic said:
signed~! but i only put 1% of my hopes in this and the rest 99% in the developers to crack the bootloader themselves!!
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Well put. I signed.
With the new SBF file available we could start seeing more development, but would still be great to hear something from Motorola.
haha.. as if motorola cares. you already bought, its a done deal! they even promised 1080p recording on the specs sheet followed by "(in the future update)".. i seriously dont think there will be an update on this thing..
before you buy, they promise lots of things, "in the future update".
after you gave buy and after a while try asking for the update.. these f*cktards will just say... "what update?"
my hope leans more on supporting the developers who are working hard to crack this wonderful device.. rather than wasting time begging to motorola after you shelled out that sum.
noblewolf said:
haha.. as if motorola cares. you already bought, its a done deal! they even promised 1080p recording on the specs sheet followed by "(in the future update)".. i seriously dont think there will be an update on this thing..
before you buy, they promise lots of things, "in the future update".
after you gave buy and after a while try asking for the update.. these f*cktards will just say... "what update?"
my hope leans more on supporting the developers who are working hard to crack this wonderful device.. rather than wasting time begging to motorola after you shelled out that sum.
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Completely agree, but in all honesty, I had the time to waste.
The Dev's really are the ones that will get the bootloader unlocked or bypassed before motorola even decides to do anything.
The Dev threads are starting to get really exciting.
Sent from my MB860
Just a reminder to anyone who wants to get an official statement from Motorola to go to
and tweet or facebook to as many as you can.
Continuing the Battle
So we're up near the 200 signature mark now for the Petition. I've been in touch with Motorola about 6 times in the last 2 weeks, not giving up on this one though.
My last response from them was:
Dear Irwin,
I do apologize but there is no definite timeframe yet for the announcement of the bootloader solution for our mobile phones. Updates for the Motorola ATRIX will be posted first at I'm so sorry for that inconvenience.
We hope that you find this information useful and look forward to assisting you in the future.
For information about Motorola products and services, please visit us at
Thank you for contacting Motorola e-mail support.
Best Regards,
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So it's not a flat out denial of an imminent bootloader solution, but we're no closer either.
I will now create similar posts in the other Motorola forums on XDA and see if we can get our Brothers & Sisters to join the party.
I know there are a lot of skeptics, but I will keep trying. I don't have the skill to help the Dev's crack the phone, but I do have the patience to make our voices heard.
ikenley said:
So we're up near the 200 signature mark now for the Petition. I've been in touch with Motorola about 6 times in the last 2 weeks, not giving up on this one though.
My last response from them was:
So it's not a flat out denial of an imminent bootloader solution, but we're no closer either.
I will now create similar posts in the other Motorola forums on XDA and see if we can get our Brothers & Sisters to join the party.
I know there are a lot of skeptics, but I will keep trying. I don't have the skill to help the Dev's crack the phone, but I do have the patience to make our voices heard.
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"bootloader solution" can mean anything. it can even mean staying with their locked bootloader is their solution.
dLo GSR said:
"bootloader solution" can mean anything. it can even mean staying with their locked bootloader is their solution.
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Very concise point, but if you review this statement, then it's in context.
Which is all included in the Groubal.
Signed. Maybe someone should design a B&W 8.5x11 printout that can be posted at universities to drum up support... I'm in a CS program and I'm sure there are more than a couple who would take the 2 seconds necessary to sign- I just don't know any of them personally!

Operation #MotoBBB

Operation #MotoBBB:
I really don't know how useful making a new petition at is going to do, given that OP MOSH didn't lead us anywhere. But I feel that this + the BBB complaint rally may take us somewhere. Because, for each new BBB complaint, Motorola receives a brand new complaint, a brand new email to reply to and each email they ignore, the more their ratings and ranking and reputation will be affected at BBB.
So, here is the new petition
The aim of the petition is to get an apology from Motorola and Verizon, get all our Bootloaders unlocked AND get all the devices released within 18 months of the ICS release date to be updated to ICS.
The aim of the BBB complaint is to submit a personal, one on one complaint to Motorola. The way this works is that Motorola will get an email detailing the complaint and they should respond to it within a month, else it will count negatively on their ratings at BBB. An XDA member named iBolski already did this and he got a very detailed response. So this seems to be effective.
Secondly, I and several other users at the Droid X2 forums have also filed a complaint. Though we didn't get a response yet, I feel that Motorola is taking its time as it wants to respond correctly. So, I feel that this is adding pressure to them. Nevertheless, the fact that they MUST respond, otherwise face consequences definitely means that if a sizeable number of people complain, they will be under severe pressure.
So far 9,279 people signed the OP MOSH petition. I can't imagine how much pressure this will cause if each person who signed that petition also filed a BBB complaint. So many BBB complaints in such a short time would firstly be a record and secondly will be a huge pressure on Motorola who HAVE to respond to each and everyone of them, else face consequences.
Therefore, I URGE you to file a BBB complaint, even if you Don't sign the petition. But please do sign the petition once you file a complaint since that way I will know how many of you guys filed a BBB complaint!
Attached is a template letter for filing for the BBB complaint AND instructions on how to do so!
May we prevail! Please do submit this thread as a news tip! The more people know about this, the stronger we get! If you want to follow my ongoing struggle with Motorola, go to:
Instructions to File BBB Complaint + Template Complaint
God speed!
P.S: Moderators, upon consulting with a few xda members I felt that this is NOT spamming as I am soliciting the help of members across several forums. Hence, please do not ban or in other ways punish me. If this is spam, kindly let me know, since I have done this for the first time and moreover, as can clearly be seen from the post I am bringing forth a genuine concern that needs me to post this across all Motorola android phone forums! Thank you for understanding.
I understand what you are trying to do, but AT&T are my provider. They won't apologise for anything. The Atrix was released before the Google 18 month agreement, so that won't fly, and AT&T controls the bootloader unlock issue through contract with Motorola, at least for AT&T users. Sorry, but that's the reality for most people. BBB won't/can't do anything about complaints from AT&T customers regarding Verizon, bootloader unlock, or ICS (which has been announced for 3rd quarter).
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
CaelanT said:
I understand what you are trying to do, but AT&T are my provider. They won't apologise for anything. The Atrix was released before the Google 18 month agreement, so that won't fly, and AT&T controls the bootloader unlock issue through contract with Motorola, at least for AT&T users. Sorry, but that's the reality for most people. BBB won't/can't do anything.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
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Yeah, I understand that Atrix is under AT&T. Still, it isn't like Verizon is any different from AT&T. They are just as stubborn and fixed on not unlocking Bootloaders as AT&T. Hence, we have just as good a shot as any other service provider. I also agree that the 18 month thingy won't apply to this. However, that was written generically. Moreover, if you note on the Motorola Android Software Update page, you can see that Atrix IS getting ICS!!! How ironic that a phone which is beyond the 18 month window gets the ICS update promise but a phone like mine, the Droid X2, which is within said time frame is not getting it, or at least it is not confirmed yet, though an xda member who did file a BBB complaint got info from Moto that we are not getting ICS. Anyway, I am happy for you guys!
Anyway, that is besides the point. The point is the more people file BBB complaints, the more pressure on Motorola since they HAVE to answer all those complaints, else face some consequences, albeit probably minor ones.

[Q] Possible Update or SCAM???

Just got this email tonight from Survey Monkey on behalf of [email protected]........
Thanks for joining the Motorola Feedback Network. We are inviting owners of the Motorola ATRIX 4G on AT&T to participate in an early preview of a new software release, and provide feedback. If you are not currently using a Motorola ATRIX 4G on AT&T, please excuse and ignore this email.
Click this link -- -- to take the enrollment survey if you wish to take part. Note that you must be a member in good standing of the Motorola Owners' Forums to be included. The registration window could close without notice so please respond as quickly as possible.
This is a confidential test under the terms of the Motorola Feedback Network. Do not post any details or information about this on any public sites.
Thanks -- please understand that start times are always fluid. We ask for your patience if you register but don't hear from us right away.
Motorola Owners’ Forums
Motorola Feedback Network
Looks like a scam, then when you click the link, it wants your Full name, username on the forum, and your IMEI # of your cell phone.
There is already a thread with this same topic. Closing....

One Plus One [India Thread] latest updates & Invites Discussion

MOD EDIT: Thread closed. Please use the existing thread, thanks!
[Announcement] Week 49: Get ready, India. We are coming
VikasAdministratorStaff Member
Hello everyone,
It always feels great to bring smiles to our ardent followers. We appreciate the positive feedback received on our previous week’s announcement. This week we have even bigger and better news to share - something that everyone has been waiting patiently to hear.
Firstly, we are thrilled to confirm that the One will be available for our Indian users in December. We can’t wait to bring your favourite phone to your hands. As all the details have now been perfected and last-mile hurdles have been cleared, the exact launch date will soon be announced in the coming days on our forums.
As announced earlier, the product will be exclusively available through our e-commerce partner for users who have a valid India-specific invite. This is to ensure that all of our fans across India can easily buy the product online or through a mobile app without having to worry about payments, logistics or support.
The other key element that everyone has been waiting for is price. While we obviously can’t share the price at the moment, I can confidently suggest that it is priced at a very competitive price point.
Secondly, we have recently launched a contest to win India specific invites in celebration of our first anniversary. We are totally impressed with the enthusiasm and creative talent of our Indian fans. To our passionate fans, thanks once again and a sincere request to share your entries on your favorite platforms as well to spread the love. Today is the last day of our very first*India specific contest and you can still submit your entry here*by 10.30 PM today if you have not participated yet.
In case, you were not able to participate or did not win the coveted invite this time, don’t worry this is just the beginning and we have many more surprises up our sleeves in coming days. But for now, we’d like to thank all the participants and congratulate lucky winners who will get an opportunity to own the mighty One very soon.
How soon? Well, sooner than most people expect. We pride ourselves in positively surprisingly our fans and this time will be no exception.
Lastly, we have few other smaller yet important good news to share. The Indian team is set to expand as we have narrowed down our search to handful of individuals and will hopefully have them on-board very soon. In addition, we will be moving to our first local office next month. Recently, we also crossed*5,000 likes on our Facebook page*in less than a month. Do join us on Facebook in case you have not already done so.
We are excited to work together with you as we move forward. Keep watching this space for more updates as we will be back very soon. As always, your feedback and suggestions are welcome.
Never Settle.
Dear friends,
As our first birthday grows closer every day, we’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about the people who made this all possible. Our fans in India have been extremely passionate and supportive over the past 11 months, and we want to take this time to say thank you.
To show our appreciation to our friends in India, this contest will award 100 winners with the first India-specific invites for the OnePlus One. Enter to win by creating a “Never Settle statement.” Your statement can be anything that begins with #NeverSettle, such as “#NeverSettle for less than the best.” or “#NeverSettle for boring.” Post a picture of yourself holding your statement to enter the contest.
Please submit your entry to this thread. Winners will be chosen randomly in 48 hours and a confirmation email will be sent 24 hours after closing. All 100 winners will receive an India-specific invite for the One.
Read our Terms & Conditions below.
Take a photo of yourself displaying your #NeverSettle message (i.e. “#NeverSettle for less than 100%”).Reply to this thread with your #NeverSettle photo (only one entry per person).

