Is Stream low on Steam - A7 General

So I go over to the Android developer's page And I see new SDKs for Android 3.1 and 2.3.4 then I look at how Stream is still releasing slow fixes for the A7 on 2.2...WTH?!? What has to happen for the A7 to get 2.3.x and what's going on that no new 3.0 devices have dropped but, the SDK for 3.1 is here?
What is this business with Android and Google delay delay and no crowd calming explanations? Does anyone have some insight here?


android 2.2 on the way according to some intell

not my artical just found it orig web page
replace dot = .
Android 2.2 is coming. What features do you want?
By Taylor Wimberly on Apr 20267
The majority of Android phones are still running an outdated firmware, but that hasn’t slowed Google from advancing their mobile operating system. Everyone knows the next version of Android (codenamed Froyo) is on the way and the rumors (1, 2) are beginning to pick up that the Nexus One will receive it soon.
Based on the data from our analytics reports it appears Google has already begun testing on their next firmware – Android 2.2. Google engineers have routinely given codenames to future builds of Android (Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, etc.), but they don’t receive a point release till they are finalized and nearing distribution.
We have shared this reporting data before and people are always quick to point out that it can be easily faked, but I have spoke with additional sources familiar with the matter who confirmed Android 2.2 is currently being tested.
The feature set for Android 2.2 was frozen long ago, but it remains mostly unknown. Google decided last year that they would no longer publish public roadmaps for future versions of Android. Based on the information we can gather, it appears Android 2.2 will mainly focus on performance enhancements.
Some of the rumored features for Android 2.2 include:
•JIT compiler
•Free additional RAM
•OpenGL ES 2.0 enhancements
•Flash 10.1 support
•Fixed problem with “crazy screen” / Resolution of cross multitouch
•Activation of Color Trackball
•Enable FM radio
Some of these features are plausible and others we have no clue.
The JIT compiler has already been confirmed by Google and we expect to find out new details during Google I/O. Android engineers will be leading a discussion that informs devs how to test and tune their apps to work with the new compiler.
Additional free RAM should come thanks to the new Linux kernel being used in Froyo. Google is moving from 2.6.29 to the newer 2.6.32 which makes it possible to address the extra RAM. This has already been done in custom ROMs like CyanogenMod so expect this feature for sure.
I’m no expert on OpenGL, but it has long been rumored that Froyo (or a future build) will add new APIs to the Android NDK which will let Java devs have full access to the OpenGL ES 2.0 library.
Flash 10.1 is coming in the first half of the year. It is entirely possible it could be tied to a future Android firmware and be included with an OTA update.
We have already addressed the HTC touch sensor issues. It sounds like a future software update could be used to clean this up a little.
Multicolor trackball notifications are definitely coming. Android hackers like ChainsDD have already unlocked this feature for users of custom ROMs. Google advertised the multicolor trackball during its launch of the Nexus One, but the feature was cut from the final Android 2.1 build.
When it comes to the FM radio, I have no idea. Other HTC phones on a similar Snapdragon platform (Desire and Incredible) include the FM radio so it’s not out of the question that the N1 has it too.
I spoke with Google’s Eric Tseng during CES and he told me there were many secrets left in the Nexus One that we would discover later.
When is it Android 2.2 coming out?
Circle May 19th on your calendar. This is the opening day of Google I/O and I’m anticipating the release of Android 2.2 (and maybe the Flash 10.1 beta) will be tied to this event. Google has provided every developer attending the event a free Droid or Nexus One, so it is possible to see a simultaneous release on both devices.
I’m really curious how first generation devices are going to play with this release. We are expecting most phones to receive Android 2.1 this month, so it will be interesting to see how Froyo fits in. Some of the Android engineers have been talking about Froyo on the Google boards and it is unclear if the HTC Dream and Magic will be able to support it since they only have 192 MB of RAM.
p.s. if in wrong spot please move it im a tootal newb

leaked confimation that there will be a phone version of honeycomb

If you have played with the honeycomb emulator in the Android SDK, you might of been disapointed that it looked like honeycomb was only for tablets, but an insider at HTC has leaked some info about the new HTC Revolver, allegedly shipping with honeycomb. this is great news hopefully meaning google are working on a smartphone version of homneycomb aswell
The next version of Android after Honeycomb is reportedly merging Honeycomb and regular android together according to Eric Shmidt at MWC

Android Wear on MotoACTV?

Any chance this will ever happen? Anybody working on it?
Hope so!
Not too sure there would be much point as one of the main features of Wear is the ability to interact by voice which the Motoactv can't do as it has no mic IIRC. I'm going to wait for some watches to hit my local CEX and swap my Motoactv for one TBH.
I doubt it because the MotoACTV runs Android 2.3 and Android Wear is based on 4.4. Older processors like the one in the MotoACTV don't play well with Android 4.x unless there's a major development project, which there isn't.

Android TV Development for Raspberry PI 2

I am currently starting development on Android TV for the Raspberry PI.
Not actual Android TV, but an android OS with all possibilities like Android TV.
The main reason for this project is that the most of the TVs that have HDMI have no support for the Android TV. With this you can get that experience without buying a new TV.
If you know any project like this, or have heard of someone starting a similar project, please inform me in this Thread.
And also would you like to see something like this for the raspberry PI? If you have any questions or suggestions, please write.
We are searching for developers, so please if you are interested please PM-me.
The project will be open source!
Hi, I was curious to know if this is still an active project?
Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk
If someone was able to port an Android based ROM over, it would be pretty easy seeing as you would only need to port apks and stuff at that point....
The reason for me being here is: Amazon prime instant video isn´t working any more @ Kodi/XBMC etc. and it is unsure if it will be working ever again... (According to lordk @ kodinerds)
So the best solution will be using the app @ Android and i think there will be more raspberry pi2 user changing over to android.
If you need a tester, i´m ready for it.
Hristijan_95 said:
I am currently starting development on Android TV for the Raspberry PI.
Not actual Android TV, but an android OS with all possibilities like Android TV.
The main reason for this project is that the most of the TVs that have HDMI have no support for the Android TV. With this you can get that experience without buying a new TV.
If you know any project like this, or have heard of someone starting a similar project, please inform me in this Thread.
And also would you like to see something like this for the raspberry PI? If you have any questions or suggestions, please write.
We are searching for developers, so please if you are interested please PM-me.
The project will be open source!
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Whoa! Nice idea! Here are some threads which I guess can help You out:
Cyanogen 12.1 test builds for Raspi2
Hope these help in some way.
Would love you for this?
There is a kind lollipop running.
FWIW the marshmallow AOSP build from peyo works, and has GPU accel mostly working I believe. Other info here. Every other build I have found seems to be based off his and a handful of other peoples work.
I just tried a few forks of Android x86 on my RasPi 2 and all of them lagged like hell...
I would be very interested in Android TV on my RasPi 2, if it works without laggs.
JulianAT said:
I just tried a few forks of Android x86 on my RasPi 2 and all of them lagged like hell...
I would be very interested in Android TV on my RasPi 2, if it works without laggs.
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Considering that RasPi's are all either ARMv6 or ARMv7 class cores, I very much doubt you tried any X86 Android ports on your Pi2.
Found the android google group and appareantly there are some folks that got GPU accleration working with android 6.0 on the pi 2, check out the video...
Oh i so hope someone will get this done...
I'm looking for a working youtube TV (like it should, not the addon in Kodi) so i can use the youtube app directly, not via Yatse..
Also would like to play around with android on my pi2..
miked63017 said:
FWIW the marshmallow AOSP build from peyo works, and has GPU accel mostly working I believe. Other info here. Every other build I have found seems to be based off his and a handful of other peoples work.
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Would be nice if they also supported the Pi2. Looks like it's mostly Pi3 there
Hello, I need some help!
I have a raspberry pi 3 model, with the raspbian OS installed, and i'm trying to make GUI menu with some buttons, and when i click it will start applications installed on the raspbian, like Kodi, Libre Office and others or a page browser.
But the problem is that I can't make it. I already tried the Glade and the Python but that doesn't allow me to do what I really want.
Does anyone know such a program?
Android based ROMs for Raspberry Pi - (Index of Android based ROMs for Raspberry Pi)
AOSP/Android TV for Raspberry Pi 3 -
LineageOS 14.1 (Android 7.1.2) for Raspberry Pi 3 -
RaspAnd Nougat 7.1.2 for Raspberry Pi 3 -
RTAndroid -

Is 2.0.305 likely to be the last update for the UltraTablet?

I've seen a 2.5 mentioned elsewhere, but with 3.X out in the wild now (which our chipset doesn't support...thanks Nvidia) are they still actively working on bug-fixes for the 2.X series or have they moved on?
There are a number of issues that I have with this tablet that, to be honest, are starting to outweigh my love of it and seriously starting to damage my calm. No one glitch is catastrophic on it's own, but little annoyances that add up to a more frustrating experience than I think my money should have bought me. I can live with them if I have to; I can live with being annoyed and learning to work around it's "early adopter foibles" as I've started to call them, but I'm hoping it's still maintained and I don't HAVE to.
ETA - I should also edit it to add that most of my gliches seem to be caused by a less than strong wifi signal. This tablet seems to really really hate weak wifi and will start doing all kinds of funky stuff. Comparitively fewer glitches (though some) when connected to my wifi at home. But a truly frustrating experience as soon as I connect it to my terrible wifi at work)
Paulie76 said:
I've seen a 2.5 mentioned elsewhere, but with 3.X out in the wild now (which our chipset doesn't support...thanks Nvidia) are they still actively working on bug-fixes for the 2.X series or have they moved on?
There are a number of issues that I have with this tablet that, to be honest, are starting to outweigh my love of it and seriously starting to damage my calm. No one glitch is catastrophic on it's own, but little annoyances that add up to a more frustrating experience than I think my money should have bought me. I can live with them if I have to; I can live with being annoyed and learning to work around it's "early adopter foibles" as I've started to call them, but I'm hoping it's still maintained and I don't HAVE to.
ETA - I should also edit it to add that most of my gliches seem to be caused by a less than strong wifi signal. This tablet seems to really really hate weak wifi and will start doing all kinds of funky stuff. Comparitively fewer glitches (though some) when connected to my wifi at home. But a truly frustrating experience as soon as I connect it to my terrible wifi at work)
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Jide has your money and that's all about which they care. They have more resources working on free Remix for PCs than they do for the Ultra Tablet. They should rename it the Orphan Tablet.
Can you download the WIFI Analyzer app, please? And tell us what ur signal readings are.
Mouse Not working 100% with Jide Ultratablet
Hi Jide,
I have logged a few calls over the past year relating to my Bluetooth mouse that randomly disconnects from the Ultratablet from time to time and or when the mouse goes into power save mode. When this occurs, the only way to get the mouse to work again, is to un-pair the existing mouse on the tablet, then switch off Bluetooth, then switch Bluetooth back on and re-pair again from scratch. Obviously I do this 15 to 20 times a day because of the mouse going into sleep mode when I walk away from my device. From time to time, also while I am working, it randomly disconnects as well.
I have tested the mouse on my Samsung tablet, with no disconnects. Also have tested it on both a few Microsoft laptops and Apple Mac machines with no disconnects.
I have been told by your support, that they are aware of the issue and working on it. It is almost 1 year later and I still have not been given a resolution. I am on the latest official build.
My question is simple. When will this be fixed? (Can it be fixed?)
It's been the last update we have had in a long time... can anyone confirm? I'm 100% sure it's the last major update unless someone can figure out a way to let us install a different ROM on here.
As far major upgrades (ie. migration from Remix OS 1.0 > Remix OS 1.5 > Remix OS 2.0) we don't foresee one. However, as the below thread is trying to do, we're trying to figure out what bugs are affecting users out there so that we can work on an update that will improve your overall experiences.
Thus far, we're working on:
1. @tomlogan1's issues he shared with us through private message
2. including Android's Nov 1 and Nov 6 security patches that has a fix for the Linux "DirtyCow" issue
3. an audio stuttering issue that is happening for certain audio apps
If you'd like to contribute to the list of issues we're working on, please list them (along with your Remix OS version number) in the thread I shared above. Thanks.
Bwangster12 said:
It's been the last update we have had in a long time... can anyone confirm? I'm 100% sure it's the last major update unless someone can figure out a way to let us install a different ROM on here.
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Posted this in the wrong thread.
See post:
remix problems
RemixOS_Jason said:
As far major upgrades (ie. migration from Remix OS 1.0 > Remix OS 1.5 > Remix OS 2.0) we don't foresee one. However, as the below thread is trying to do, we're trying to figure out what bugs are affecting users out there so that we can work on an update that will improve your overall experiences.
Since you are abandoning us, is there anyway I can load another version of Android over the Remix OS?
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Abandonment implies that we won't even put out fixes, which we're working actively on now based on the feedback that has been given us.
However, again, there is no way for Ultratablet to be upgraded to Remix OS based on Android versions higher than 5.1 (Lolipop). The chip in the Ultratablet is only supported up to Lolipop. There is nothing we can do about that since this is a decision that NVIDIA made for the Tegra 4 chipset. This decision is not something we have control over.
If you do load other versions of Android over Remix OS, the biggest issues are how it responds to keyboard & mouse and how it orientates apps.
dboyd1950 said:
RemixOS_Jason said:
As far major upgrades (ie. migration from Remix OS 1.0 > Remix OS 1.5 > Remix OS 2.0) we don't foresee one. However, as the below thread is trying to do, we're trying to figure out what bugs are affecting users out there so that we can work on an update that will improve your overall experiences.
Since you are abandoning us, is there anyway I can load another version of Android over the Remix OS?
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Upgrades and bug fixes
RemixOS_Jason said:
Abandonment implies that we won't even put out fixes, which we're working actively on now based on the feedback that has been given us.
However, again, there is no way for Ultratablet to be upgraded to Remix OS based on Android versions higher than 5.1 (Lolipop). The chip in the Ultratablet is only supported up to Lolipop. There is nothing we can do about that since this is a decision that NVIDIA made for the Tegra 4 chipset. This decision is not something we have control over.
If you do load other versions of Android over Remix OS, the biggest issues are how it responds to keyboard & mouse and how it orientates apps.
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You mentioned that there will be no further upgrades to the OS due to hardware restrictions. You also mentioned that you would upgrade the V2.0 software and provide bug fixes, etc. The Mini keeps getting V2.0 upgrades and bug fixes. Please can you provide an estimated time frame when the next upgrade for V2.0 will be released for the UltraTablet?

