Having problems executing a hello world (native) - Android Software Development

Hello all,
Just got my first android phone. I need to port a tiny C application I have to my phone. It worked when I compiled a static binary but now I'm trying to compile a dynamic one, but before that, I'm trying to run a native hello world on it but not having much luck. When I run it on the emulator, it prints "Hello world" and then segfaults after that. When I run it on the phone, it doesn't even get that far. It says link_image[1995] CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE.
These are my test files
#include <stdio.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
printf ("Hello world!\n");
return 0;

APP := test
INSTALL_DIR := /data/tmp
BIN := $(PREBUILD)/bin
CPP := $(BIN)/arm-eabi-g++
CC := $(BIN)/arm-eabi-gcc
CFLAGS := -I$(ANDROID_NDK_ROOT)/platforms/android-$(NDK_PLATFORM_VER)/arch-arm/usr/include -fno-short-enums
LDFLAGS := -Wl,--entry=main,-rpath-link=$(ANDROID_NDK_ROOT)/platforms/android-$(NDK_PLATFORM_VER)/arch-arm/usr/lib,-dynamic-linker=/system/bin/linker -L$(ANDROID_NDK_ROOT)/platforms/android-$(NDK_PLATFORM_VER)/arch-arm/usr/lib
LDFLAGS += -nostdlib -lc -disable-multilib
all: $(APP)
OBJS += $(APP).o
$(APP): $(OBJS)
$(CPP) $(LDFLAGS) -o [email protected] $^
%.o: %.c
$(CC) -c $(INCLUDE) $(CFLAGS) $< -o [email protected]
install: $(APP)
$(ANDROID_SDK_ROOT)/platform-tools/adb push $(APP) $(INSTALL_DIR)/$(APP)
$(ANDROID_SDK_ROOT)/platform-tools/adb shell chmod 777 $(INSTALL_DIR)/$(APP)
$(ANDROID_SDK_ROOT)/platform-tools/adb shell
$(ANDROID_SDK_ROOT)/platform-tools/adb shell $(INSTALL_DIR)/$(APP)
r: $(APP)
$(ANDROID_SDK_ROOT)/platform-tools/adb push $(APP) $(INSTALL_DIR)/$(APP)
$(ANDROID_SDK_ROOT)/platform-tools/adb shell chmod 777 $(INSTALL_DIR)/$(APP)
$(ANDROID_SDK_ROOT)/platform-tools/adb shell $(INSTALL_DIR)/$(APP)
@echo "Cleaning up..."
rm -f $(APP).o $(APP)
[[email protected] app]$ make run
/home/hacker/Projects/Android/android-sdk-linux_x86/platform-tools/adb shell /data/tmp/test
Hello world!
[1] Segmentation fault /data/tmp/test
[[email protected] app]$
Output (on the phone):
# /data/local/test
link_image[1995]: failed to link /data/local/test
What am I doing wrong?

I've never been successful with dynamic executables using a plain Makefile. I've always had to use the JNI approach with an appropriate Android.mk configuration. To do this, make an empty directory for your project. Within this directory, make a dir called "jni" and cd to it and copy your "hello.c" source file there. Add an Andriod.mk file that looks like this:
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := hello.c
Then, with the ndk path set appropriately (ie, on my system):
export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/src/android-ndk-r4b/build/prebuilt/linux-x86/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin/
just run the ndk-build script (again, modify to point to your ndk installation):
This will produce two additional directories in the dir above "jni": "obj" and "libs". In the libs/armeabi/ dir, you'll find your (non-stripped) executable.
Just curious, where'd you get the Makefile? It looks like it should work, but I can't really see where it is getting it's libc.so.

I got the Makefile from http://betelco.blogspot.com/2010/01/buildingdebugging-android-native-c.html
It's for Cygwin so I made a few changes. The last comment says I should link it against crtend_android.o to prevent the segfaults but that didn't work for me. Maybe I did something wrong. I'm not really a C programmer and the only experience I have is with writing extremely basic apps so, honestly, I don't know much about linking but I'm trying to let that not discourage me from trying. It usually takes me days to get something simple done but it feels great once I manage to get my app to work.
I'll try your approach in a few hours and post back.
Oh, and I thought I should mention my phone is running Froyo at the moment.
Since I'm completely new to writing code on the phone, I thought I should ask if it is a bad idea to push the app to the phone and run it directly or should I really be using the emulator instead (since I'm not an experienced programmer)? I've got a very old PC and the emulator is slow as hell on it so it'll be great if i can avoid that.

I visited that site and read over their comments and modified the makefile at the end to match my system (gentoo linux) and it works fine on my phone (HTC Inspire 4G). I didn't do the "make run" thing, but just "make" and then pushed it to my phone manually and ran it from an adb shell. Worked fine. I'm using the r4b plaform ndk so that might be something. I'll D/L the r5b ndk and check it out.

I tried what you suggested and it works perfectly. Thanks!

Gene Poole said:
I visited that site and read over their comments and modified the makefile at the end to match my system (gentoo linux) and it works fine on my phone (HTC Inspire 4G). I didn't do the "make run" thing, but just "make" and then pushed it to my phone manually and ran it from an adb shell. Worked fine. I'm using the r4b plaform ndk so that might be something. I'll D/L the r5b ndk and check it out.
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I still do have a segmentation fault... I stated all what I did here :
Any good idea would be appreciated !


[REF][DEV]Terminal Emulator Commands

Always wondered what the terminal emulator app does? Dont now what commands to type? Well this thread is all about that
The Android Shell
A "shell" is a program that listens to keyboard input from a user and performs actions as directed by the user. Android devices come with a simple shell program. This shell program is mostly undocumented. Since many people are curious about it I thought I'd write up some documentation for it.
Currently this documentation is incomplete, sorry!
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Common problems
The built-in shell has very limited error handling. When you type a command name incorrectly it will say "permission denied", even though the real problem is that it couldn't find the command:
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$ dir
dir: permission denied <---- this is a misleading error message, should say 'dir: not found'
$ ls
... listing of current directory
The PATH variable
The Android shell will run any program it finds in its PATH. The PATH is a list of directories. You can find out what your shell's PATH is set to by using the built-in echo command:
$ echo $PATH
Depending upon your shell, you may see a different result.
Built in Commands
Every shell has a few built-in commands. Some common built-in commands are:
echo -- prints text to stdout.
set -- sets shell variables
export -- makes shell variables available to command-line programs
cd -- change the current directory.
pwd -- print name of the current directory.
To find out what commands you have available to you, use the "ls" command on each of the directories in the PATH variable.
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Finding documentation for the Android commands.
Many of the Android commands are based on standard Linux (or bsd) commands. If you're curious about a command, you can sometimes learn how it works by using the "man" command on a desktop Linux or OSX (Apple Macintosh) computer. The Linux or OSX version of the command may be different in details, but much of the documentation will still apply to the Android version of the command.
Another source of documentation for people without a Linux or OSX machine handy is to use a web browser and use a web search engine to search for the text: "man Linux command-name".
List of commands
The following is a list of the commands that are present on a Nexus S phone running an Android 2.3.3 "user-debug" build. Many of these commands are not present on a "user" phone. (They are missing from a "user" phone because they are specific to developing or debugging the Android operating system.)
$ ls /data/local/bin
/data/local/bin: No such file or directory
Notice that by default there is no /data/local/bin directory. You can create this directory using the "mkdir" command if you like.
$ ls /sbin
opendir failed, Permission denied
The /sbin directory exists, but you don't have permission to access it. You need root access. If you have a developer phone, or otherwise have root access to your phone you can see what's in this directory.
$ su
# ls /sbin
# exit
Notice that the shell prompt changes from a '$' to a '#' to indicate that you have root access.
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Notice also that neither of the /sbin commands are useful to the shell -- the adb and ueventd files are 'daemon' programs used to implement the Android Debugger "adb" program that is used by developers.
$ ls /vendor/bin
Vendor/bin is where device vendors can put device-specific executables. These files are from a Nexus S.
$ ls /system/sbin
/system/sbin: No such file or directory
This directory does not exist on a Nexus S.
$ ls /system/bin
am is the Android Activity Manager. It's used to start and stop Android activities (e.g. applications) from the command line. Type am by itself to get a list of options.
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Command line audio file player.
Used to apply patches to android files.
Command line audio recorder.
BlueTooth daemon
Backup manager - type command by itself to get documentation.
Draws the boot animation. You may have to reset your phone to get out of this.
Copy the contents of a file to standard output.
Change the mode of a file (e.g. whether it can be read or written.)
Change the owner of a file.
Compare two files byte-by-byte
The dalvik virtual machine. (Used to run Android applications.)
Prints the current date and time
Convert and copy a file. By default copies standard in to standard out.
Shows how much space is free on different file systems on your device.
Send signals to processes.
Used to set up a file system link.
Prints the Android runtime log.
Lists files.
Make a directory.
A program that sends random events, used to test applications. (Like having a monkey playing with the device.)
Move a file from one directory to another. (Only on the same file system. Use "cat a > b" to copy a file between file systems.
List active processes.
Reboot the device.
Remove a file.
Remove a directory.
Starts the Android runtime.
Stops the Android runtime.
Shows which processes are currently using the most CPU time.
Prints how long your device has been running since it was last booted.
$ ls /system/xbin
Secure copy program. (Used to copy files over the network.)
Used to administer SQLite databases.
System trace command - use to see what system calls a program makes.
Start a shell with root privileges.
Versions of the Android Shell
Android 1.0 used a shell that had no tab completion or history editing.
Android 2.3 added history editing. You can for example use the up/down arrows to edit previous commands.
Other shells
Busybox is a program that contains a shell and a set of command line utilities. Search Android Market for "Busybox" and you should find some versions you can install. The Busybox shell includes tab completion and history editing. Some versions of Busybox for Android do not require that you root your phone.
Debian utilities
You can install the full Debian shell and utilities. (Debian is a popular desktop Linux distribution.) I don't know the details, and it may require a "rooted" phone. Try a web search for "Debian Android install".
Custom ROMs
Some custom ROMs come with their own shells and utilities. If you are using a custom ROM, check its documentation to find out what's available.
How can I view stdout outputs in terminal emulator window?
For example with dd command, not specifying output should display it at current terminal, like in linux, but actually doesn't. Any ideas?
Hey wanna troll someone's phone
Type in terminal "stop" lololol
Sent from my E15i using xda premium
Similar to linux terminal commands I use
Nice work though, great guide, thanks dude
Great guide, but you have forgot a very useful command: grep
It allows to apply filters to the output of the commands. The syntax is:
command | grep filter
For example, to list only the apk files inside a folder:
ls /folder/to/list | grep .apk
Great guide!
IMO dmesg is also important. Maybe you should add in a description for it?
Dmesg --> prints the Linux kernel output, which is different from the Android system output, logcat. Useful for checking hardware and to see if modules started up succesfully. Also useful for debugging in conjunction with logcat.
cat /proc/kmsg > /sdcard/dmesg.txt
Copies the dmesg output to a file fled dmesg.txt on the sdcard
cat /dev/log/system > /sdcard/logcat.txt
Copies the logcat output to a file named logcat.txt on your sdcard.
Also, you missed out the parted and e2fsck commands, used for partitioning and checking filesystem integrity.
Also, the command free (display free ram/swap) is not included.
Sent from my E15i using Tapatalk 2
Is there a command for check disk utility as in windows.. chkdsk...
my memory card is not working hence thought of running the check disk if possible...
dspPunk said:
Is there a command for check disk utility as in windows.. chkdsk...
my memory card is not working hence thought of running the check disk if possible...
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fsck_msdos /dev/block/yourdevice
For ext4 there's e2fsck
scandiun said:
fsck_msdos /dev/block/yourdevice
For ext4 there's e2fsck
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Dint get it... Sorry i am a so not into commands...
Kindly tell me the step wise solution... How can i see my device [yourdevice] which you have specified...
dspPunk said:
Dint get it... Sorry i am a so not into commands...
Kindly tell me the step wise solution... How can i see my device [yourdevice] which you have specified...
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I don't have a Xperia X8 actually, does it support mass storage mode for internal sdcard?
scandiun said:
I don't have a Xperia X8 actually, does it support mass storage mode for internal sdcard?
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I am having SGS2 and yes it supports mass storage for internal sdcard...
When i connect to my computer it shows only internal sdcard and not external card which is present in the external sdcard slot...
actually the problem is that my sdcard gets detected some times and sometimes it doesnt...
i searched a lot and many of them told that it is a kernel version issue.. i updated kernel still no luck..
then i got one thread which gave me the solution of check disk so was thinking whether terminal emulator has any commands for check disk..
Hi hetunandu, great guide,
but still I don't understand few things:
1: how to run a specific action of an app?
2: how to KNOW the exact sintax of possible actions of an app?
3: is it possible to launch these commands via SSH (through an SSH server)?
eg: I want to start a audio-recording app on my phone from my computer, AND start recording from remote. Is it possible?
Thank you
(and sorry for my english..)
JFI - Never run fsck on a mounted partition.. You will corrupt your data!
CtrlAltDelIrl said:
JFI - Never run fsck on a mounted partition.. You will corrupt your data!
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Usually fsck won't run on that case and you warn you, you will have to use the force option in that case.
reading traffic stats
I am trying to get the traffic stat getMobileRxBytes (or any other traffic stat) to output a usable result in the terminal emulator. The goal is simply to be able to copy the rx bytes total to be used in Tasker. However, I can't seem to be able to get any output. I would appreciate it if anybody knows the proper command/syntax to show this traffic data. Thanks.
I am on a stock rooted 4.1.1 Galaxy Nexus.
[Q] Is there a command to show some configuration ?
I have run this command on terminal emulator:
[email protected]:/ $ su
[email protected]:/ #setprop net.cdma.rstp.proxy.addr;
[email protected]:/ #setprop net.cdma.rstp.proxy.port 0;
[email protected]:/ #setprop net.cdma.httppd.proxy.addr;
[email protected]:/ #setprop net.cdma.httppd.proxy.port 0;
Is above command right..???
after that i ran "getprop" i don't see effect of that command.
Can you tell me the right way or command to change my rstp & httppd setting...? cause my Epic4G cannot play video streaming after flashing CM10 nightly.
permission denied
china telecom infotmic m7206 not root because no usb i want to root tablet pc
terminal is boot "permission denied" why
help me please ???
Any way to check Camera firmware version per http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2006128 ?
rooted Verizon SG3 on CM10.0
Hi... Before this I have rooted my phone since yesterday when I accidentally copy su file from "/system" to "/system/bin/" andnow I can't get root access because on Superuser I check the su version was 3.1.1 but there got red words maybe it try saying that I put su file in wrong location and I can't move it back because my root explorer can't get root access and it just show Root Explorer acess denied by Superuser. Terminal emulator also access denied. One more I'm using Sony Ericsson W8 and it can't unlock bootloader. Could someone help me to remove su file from "/system/bin". Thanks You
PutraMasyers97 said:
Hi... Before this I have rooted my phone since yesterday when I accidentally copy su file from "/system" to "/system/bin/" andnow I can't get root access because on Superuser I check the su version was 3.1.1 but there got red words maybe it try saying that I put su file in wrong location and I can't move it back because my root explorer can't get root access and it just show Root Explorer acess denied by Superuser. Terminal emulator also access denied. One more I'm using Sony Ericsson W8 and it can't unlock bootloader. Could someone help me to remove su file from "/system/bin". Thanks You
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Just root ur W8 again as u did before
see boot animation without rebooting

[Guide] How to build kernel from source on ubuntu 13.10...

Here are the steps to build your own kernel from source. This guide is showing you how to build your first the stock kernel on your own..... It is kick start for making things on your own way....
This guide applies to i9082/i9082L and general devices also.:laugh:
This guide assumes you have basic knowledge of linux and linux system configuration.
1. Ubuntu 13.10
2. patience...lots and lots of patience.
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Here starts the fun:-
1. Installing ubuntu 13.10.
This can be done in 3 ways and I am not gonna cover it all.
- along with windows ,i.e dual boot
- in virtualbox within windows
- as a windows application installation with "wubi" installer
For starting user i think second option, i.e installing in virtualbox is best.
here's starting tutorials
NOTE - you should have atleast 100 Gb partion for virtualbox.
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2. Getting the kernel source.
Download source from http://opensource.samsung.com/
Type i9082 in search box and download "GT-I9082_SEA_JB_Opensource_Update1.zip"
After download unzip the source into new folder in home directory.
Type in terminal from you kernel directory.
unzip GT-I9082_SEA_JB_Opensource_Update1.zip
Then extract tar.
mkdir kernel
tar xzf kernel.tar.gz -C kernel
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3. Setting up building environment.
Copied from http://soupdawg.wordpress.com/
All credits goes to
mysteriously inconspicuous
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Initializing a fresh Android Build Environment in Ubuntu 13.10 sucks, right? The instructions at the AOSP page are outdated and inaccurate. Near as I can tell, they try to have you install 2 JDKs, the first one not even being the correct link for Saucy Salamander, and the second being OpenJDK. Which might work. But I dunno about all that, I’d rather have Oracle’s official stamp when it comes to building for Android.
Currently most of the guides are up to 12.04 LTS, which is fine and dandy, but being on the cutting edge is nice too.
This guide applies to all variations of Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander 64 bit. Do not use the 32 Bit version. Also, PAY CLOSE ATTENTION when to use “sudo” and when to not. It can make things funky if you do something as root that you shouldn’t.
Much thanks goes out to Google, ProTekk, Canonical, and everyone else that I read a random paragraph here and snippet there.
First, let’s set up the correct JDK.
Many of you probably have some kind of wrong Java installed unless you’re starting with a fresh Ubuntu base, and even then maybe.
Let’s get rid of that. Copy and paste this into a Terminal window:
sudo apt-get purge openjdk-\* icedtea-\* icedtea6-\*
Follow the instructions to remove OpenJDK.
If you must keep it, it’s possible. But I’m not going to tell you how to do it here. I don’t want any chance of confusion or mistake.
Now copy and paste the following into the Terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
This will add the correct PPA to your system for updated builds of Java 6 JDK that are compatible with 13.10.
No more unrecognized Java version errors! And it will update automatically with the rest of your system.
Next, we actually need to install the package. More copy-paste:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install oracle-java6-installer
Follow the on-screen instructions. You have to Accept the Licensing Agreement to complete the install. Hopefully no human centipede clauses.
Let’s make sure the correct version of Java is activated, run the following Terminal command:
java -version
You should see something like the following:
java version “1.6.0_45″
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_45-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.12-b01, mixed mode)
Ok, back to a fresh Terminal prompt. Time for installing the guts to build stuff in Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg ccache lzop flex bison gperf build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev zlib1g-dev:i386 libc6-dev lib32ncurses5 lib32z1 lib32bz2-1.0 lib32ncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev:i386 libreadline6-dev:i386 lib32z-dev libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 libgl1-mesa-dev g++-multilib mingw32 tofrodos python-markdown libxml2-utils xsltproc readline-common libreadline6-dev libreadline6 lib32readline-gplv2-dev libncurses5-dev lib32readline5 lib32readline6 libreadline-dev libreadline6-dev:i386 libreadline6:i386 bzip2 libbz2-dev libbz2-1.0 libghc-bzlib-dev lib32bz2-dev libsdl1.2-dev libesd0-dev squashfs-tools pngcrush schedtool libwxgtk2.8-dev python
When that is done installing, run the following command in your Terminal window:
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libGL.so
That’s it on the package side of things.
You guessed it, time for more Terminal. This really is the easiest way, seriously. And it’s totally worth it when you’re basking in the glory of a bunch of people on XDA.
The binary for a program called “repo” will let you talk to git servers and download all that precious source code. That second part after the && allows it to be executable:
mkdir ~/bin && curl http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo ~/bin/repo && chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
Use your favorite text editor to open ~/.bashrc
I like nano:
sudo nano ~/.bashrc
At the very bottom, add the following line:
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
Save it. In nano that would be Ctrl-O and then Enter. Then Ctrl-X to exit back to a prompt. Restart bash:
source ~/.bashrc
That should be everything. Now you’re ready to build Android the right way. Luck!
4. Installing toolchain
Anyway, first order of the day is to get the official arm toolchain, which I'm going to install in /usr/local/share/ since I plan to keep using it for some time:
# cd /usr/local/share/
# git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.6
Cloning into 'arm-eabi-4.6'...
remote: Sending approximately 124.64 MiB ...
remote: Counting objects: 33, done
remote: Finding sources: 100% (33/33)
remote: Total 580 (delta 146), reused 580 (delta 146)
Receiving objects: 100% (580/580), 124.64 MiB | 715 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (146/146), done.
Now, let's add that arm toolchain to our path:
# export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/share/arm-eabi-4.6/bin
# arm-eabi-gcc --version
arm-eabi-gcc (GCC) 4.6.x-google 20120106 (prerelease)
Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
5. Compiling kernel
Now we need to set the variables that will tell the OS that we're cross compiling (again, something that you may want to do in your .profile using something like alias cross='export ARCH="arm";export SUBARCH="arm";export CROSS_COMPILE="arm-eabi-"'):
# export ARCH=arm
# export SUBARCH=arm
# export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi-
Finally, we can initialize our default config and get going:
Prepare source for new compilation
make bcm28155_capri_ss_baffin_rev05_defconfig
HOSTCC scripts/basic/fixdep
HOSTCC scripts/kconfig/conf.o
SHIPPED scripts/kconfig/zconf.tab.c
SHIPPED scripts/kconfig/lex.zconf.c
SHIPPED scripts/kconfig/zconf.hash.c
HOSTCC scripts/kconfig/zconf.tab.o
HOSTLD scripts/kconfig/conf
arch/arm/mach-capri/custom_boards/Kconfig:19:warning: defaults for choice values not supported
arch/arm/mach-capri/custom_boards/Kconfig:25:warning: defaults for choice values not supported
arch/arm/mach-capri/custom_boards/Kconfig:31:warning: defaults for choice values not supported
arch/arm/mach-capri/custom_boards/Kconfig:37:warning: defaults for choice values not supported
# configuration written to .config
# make -j*
OBJCOPY arch/arm/boot/zImage
Kernel: arch/arm/boot/zImage is ready
* stands for number of cpus your computer has.like my has 4 so I will make it j4
* bcm28155_capri_ss_baffin_rev05_defconfig is stock config, for cm11 you will have diffrent config and for some cutom kernel something else.
6. Crafting an Android boot.img
The format of this Android boot images can be found in the bootimg.h of the mkbootimg tool from the android platform/system/core source. I guess we have to start somewhere, and we'll need to produce our own images, so let's start by fetching and recompiling mkbootimg then.
# git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/core bootimg-tools
Cloning into 'bootimg-tools'...
remote: Counting objects: 92, done
remote: Finding sources: 100% (92/92)
remote: Total 19302 (delta 11674), reused 19302 (delta 11674)
Receiving objects: 100% (19302/19302), 5.87 MiB | 655 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (11674/11674), done.
# cd bootimg-tools/libmincrypt/
# gcc -c *.c -I../include
# ar rcs libmincrypt.a *.o
# cd ../mkbootimg
# gcc mkbootimg.c -o mkbootimg -I../include ../libmincrypt/libmincrypt.a
mkbootimg.c: In function 'main':
mkbootimg.c:245:9: warning: assignment discards 'const' qualifier from pointer target type [enabled by default]
# cp mkbootimg /usr/local/bin/
# cd ../cpio
# gcc mkbootfs.c -o mkbootfs -I../include
# cp mkbootfs /usr/local/bin/
New improved bootimg-tools can be found at.
# wget https://github.com/pbatard/bootimg-tools/archive/master.zip
lets compile from there
# cd /usr/src/android/bootimg-tools/mkbootimg/
# wget https://raw.github.com/pbatard/bootimg-tools/master/mkbootimg/unmkbootimg.c
# gcc -o unmkbootimg unmkbootimg.c
# cp unmkbootimg /usr/local/bin/
Now at last, you have the minimum of unmkbootimg, mkbootimg and mkbootfs installed in your path, and we can get going with our testing of the kernel.
I'll assume that you have a /usr/src/android/boot where you copied your boot.img, so let's get going....
# cd /usr/src/android/boot/
# ls
# unmkbootimg -i boot.img
kernel written to 'kernel' (4738320 bytes)
ramdisk written to 'ramdisk.cpio.gz' (516287 bytes)
To rebuild this boot image, you can use the command:
mkbootimg --base 0 --pagesize 4096 --kernel_offset 0xa2008000 --ramdisk_offset 0xa3000000 --second_offset 0xa2f00000 --tags_offset 0xa2000100 --cmdline 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 [email protected] androidboot.console=ttyS0 vc-cma-mem=0/[email protected]' --kernel kernel --ramdisk ramdisk.cpio.gz -o boot.img
# ls
boot.img kernel ramdisk.cpio.gz
As an aside that you don't need to run, but since it should be elementary that this is the basic functionality you want from a proper boot image unpack tool, we can confirm that the data provided by the unpack tool will produce a boot.img that is binary identical to the original one-
# mkbootimg --base 0 --pagesize 4096 --kernel_offset 0xa2008000 --ramdisk_offset 0xa3000000 --second_offset 0xa2f00000 --tags_offset 0xa2000100 --cmdline 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 [email protected] androidboot.console=ttyS0 vc-cma-mem=0/[email protected]' --kernel kernel --ramdisk ramdisk.cpio.gz -o myboot.img
# ls
boot.img kernel myboot.img ramdisk.cpio.gz
# cmp -l boot.img myboot.img
Moving on. Since we just want to test a kernel, we shouldn't really have to touch the cpio image (ramdisk), but then again, my goal here is to give you as many pointers as I can, so we might as well see how we craft our own ramdisk while we're at it. What we're going to do here, as an academical exercise, is add an it_works file at the root of the filesystem, which we'll look for after we booted, to confirm that can use our modified stuff all the way through.
# mkdir ramdisk
# cd ramdisk
# gunzip -c ../ramdisk.cpio.gz | cpio -iu
1841 blocks
# ls
charger init.superuser.rc
data init.trace.rc
default.prop init.usb.rc
dev lpm.rc
file_contexts proc
fstab.capri_ss_baffin property_contexts
fstab.goldfish res
init sbin
init.bcm281x5.usb.rc seapp_contexts
init.capri_ss_baffin.rc sepolicy
init.cm.rc sys
init.environ.rc system
init.goldfish.rc ueventd.capri_ss_baffin.rc
init.log.rc ueventd.goldfish.rc
init.rc ueventd.rc
# touch it-works
# ls
charger init.superuser.rc
data init.trace.rc
default.prop init.usb.rc
dev it-works
file_contexts lpm.rc
fstab.capri_ss_baffin proc
fstab.goldfish property_contexts
init res
init.bcm281x5.usb.rc sbin
init.capri_ss_baffin.rc seapp_contexts
init.cm.rc sepolicy
init.environ.rc sys
init.goldfish.rc system
init.log.rc ueventd.capri_ss_baffin.rc
init.rc ueventd.goldfish.rc
init.recovery.capri_ss_baffin.rc ueventd.rc
# find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip > ../myramdisk.cpio.gz
1850 blocks
# cd ..
# ls
boot.img kernel myramdisk.cpio.gz ramdisk/ ramdisk.cpio.gz
We're finally set for the last part, where we copy the kernel we compiled earlier, and invoke mkbootimg with the set of parameters we got from unmkbootimg, and use both our modified kernel and cpio image:
# cp ~/kernel/arch/arm/boot/zImage .
# ls
boot.img kernel myramdisk.cpio.gz ramdisk/ ramdisk.cpio.gz zImage*
# mkbootimg --base 0 --pagesize 4096 --kernel_offset 0xa2008000 --ramdisk_offset 0xa3000000 --second_offset 0xa2f00000 --tags_offset 0xa2000100 --cmdline 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 [email protected] androidboot.console=ttyS0 vc-cma-mem=0/[email protected]' --kernel zImage --ramdisk myramdisk.cpio.gz -o myboot.img
# ls
boot.img kernel myboot.img myramdisk.cpio.gz ramdisk/ ramdisk.cpio.gz zImage*
7. testing new boot.img
Finally, a custom boot.img we can test. Let's press on by copying this myboot.img file into the directory we have adb and fastboot installed and run the following ser of commands which, unlike what many other guides seem to advise (what the heck, guys?), is NOT going to flash the kernel/boot.img but simply run it from memory. This means that, in case there's any mishap, you can simply power the "grand" off and you'll be good as new:
# ./adb start-server
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
# ./adb reboot bootloader
# ./fastboot boot myboot.img
downloading 'boot.img'...
OKAY [ 0.223s]
OKAY [ 0.023s]
finished. total time: 0.246s
All in all, this looks fairly good. And a quick look to the root filesystem (through adb shell or through ssh) will also confirm that our it_works file is there, so we can also add whatever we want on the initial filesystem. Neat!
From there on, you can go ahead and tweak your kernel and initial filesystem exactly as you see fit. And after you have tested that everything works as it should, you can go ahead and flash the boot partition with your shiny custom boot.img, using:
ODIN or cwm flashable zip
This is last part...
8. making flashable files
Tar your boot.img file so it can be flashed with Odin.
tar cvf mynewkernel.tar boot.img
md5sum -t mynewkernel.tar >> mynewkernel.tar
mv mynewkernel.tar mynewkernel.tar.md5
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Note:- myboot.img is renamed to boot.img
9.Flashing kernel through ODIN
Flash mynewkernel.tar.md5 with odin under PDA. Please follow the flashing guides found in other posts.
Hope i help few of you...
Please HIT thanks if you find this helpful.:laugh:
Thankyou k2wl for this tutorial and pls also tell how to get pawitp source code for rom and kernel from his repositries : https://github.com/pawitp/android_device_samsung_i9082
Repo tool is not working because there is no android manifest file in his repository
Pls help me
mr.phantom said:
Thankyou k2wl for this tutorial and pls also tell how to get pawitp source code for rom and kernel from his repositries : https://github.com/pawitp/android_device_samsung_i9082
Repo tool is not working because there is no android manifest file in his repository
Pls help me
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run the following in terminal
$git clone https://github.com/pawitp/android_device_samsung_i9082.git
$ git clone https://github.com/pawitp/android_kernel_samsung_i9082.git
k2wl said:
run the following in terminal
$git clone https://github.com/pawitp/android_device_samsung_i9082.git
$ git clone https://github.com/pawitp/android_kernel_samsung_i9082.git
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well i already have done that cloning for cm11 but it had only downloaded files around 200KB and i dont think so that cm11 source code would be that much small
mr.phantom said:
well i already have done that cloning for cm11 but it had only downloaded files around 200KB and i dont think so that cm11 source code would be that much small
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That's not cm11 source. For that u need another tutorial.
Meanwhile try wiki.CyanogenMod.org
It has instructions for Building for new device
unmkbootimg.c:25:21: fatal error: bootimg.h: No such file or directory
#include "bootimg.h"
compilation terminated.
Getting this while compiling unmkbootimg
i actually am surprises that there are many unofficial CMs in high ends with HALO IN IT.. though our developers try to make rom as close to real one as possible...what if the users want halo integration (as developers only know it :/)
akiratoriyama said:
unmkbootimg.c:25:21: fatal error: bootimg.h: No such file or directory
#include "bootimg.h"
compilation terminated.
Getting this while compiling unmkbootimg
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try compiling as a root.
k2wl said:
try compiling as a root.
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How to convert zImage to boot.img
Or do I have to directly copy it ?
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raghavsharmaxda said:
i actually am surprises that there are many unofficial CMs in high ends with HALO IN IT.. though our developers try to make rom as close to real one as possible...what if the users want halo integration (as developers only know it :/)
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k2wl said:
try compiling as a root.
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akiratoriyama said:
How to convert zImage to boot.img
Or do I have to directly copy it ?
Sent from my GT-I9082 using Tapatalk
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read the last section of post, it covers the conversion of zimage to boot.img...
seems you compiled successfully.
But what about boot.img ?
We need a boot.img in /android/boot ?
Now at last, you have the minimum of unmkbootimg, mkbootimg and mkbootfs installed in your path, and we can get going with our testing of the kernel.
I'll assume that you have a /usr/src/android/boot where you copied your boot.img, so let's get going....
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Hi @k2wl.For the part "make -j8",if you don't mind putting a sign for others to only compile at the amount of their CPU have otherwise it will caused some error for others who are compiling
1 CPU= make -j1 with least error
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Really nice guide especially about packing the initramfs with the zimage to make boot.img.
Sent from my GT-I9082 using Tapatalk
akiratoriyama said:
But what about boot.img ?
We need a boot.img in /android/boot ?
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take one from my stock kernel zip....
Techix18 said:
Hi @k2wl.For the part "make -j8",if you don't mind putting a sign for others to only compile at the amount of their CPU have otherwise it will caused some error for others who are compiling
1 CPU= make -j1 with least error
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thanks for suggestion.
skullface said:
Really nice guide especially about packing the initramfs with the zimage to make boot.img.
Sent from my GT-I9082 using Tapatalk
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thanks....will modify more..
k2wl said:
That's not cm11 source. For that u need another tutorial.
Meanwhile try wiki.CyanogenMod.org
It has instructions for Building for new device
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ok will check it out and will you make a guide for that also??
mr.phantom said:
ok will check it out and will you make a guide for that also??
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if people wanted it, will make cm11 compilation from source tutorial for it.
Thanks to ya k2wl
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happy developing.....glad i helped you...
keep trying for learning new features...
k2wl said:
if people wanted it, will make cm11 compilation from source tutorial for it.
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Pls k2wl make a new tutorial which include cm11 compilation for grand from source and its kernel also
Hey @k2wl
Just wanted to say thank you for this comprehensive guide. Very detailed.
I never had any interest in tweaking a kernel. I am more of a java guy. But after reading your guide, I thought, why not?!
So I started working on it. Now I have a fully functional kernel compiled separately from the ROMs that I compile.
I even named it. Nebula Kernel.
Learning alot about kernels since I started working on it. As I am tweaking nebula for myself and i'll use this kernel as my daily driver so i'll add tweaks and governors according to me, the ones which I'll use. I like keeping things light and simple! I'll use your github for reference and help. If I face any problems, I'll ask you.
Thank you for the guide!

Compiling dropbear 2015.67 for Zenfone 2 (x86-64)

This is a guide on compiling the latest (as of 2015-06-24) dropbear SSH daemon (2015.67) for the Zenfone 2 but should also work for other x86-64 architecture Android devices. The guide is mainly based off the work from the blog http://blog.xulforum.org/index.php?post/2013/12/19/Compiling-Dropbear-for-a-Nexus-7-tablet which is an excellent guide to getting an older version of dropbear running on Android devices.
I've modified the patch made by the original author to work on the latest dropbear version. There are not much changes from ver 2013.58 to 2015.67. The main difference seems to be the support for Elliptical Curve encryption.
I did not write the original codes/patch myself and have not scrutinized it for any security issues. USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Here's the list of requirements :-
1) Dropbear 2015.67 source code - dropbear-2015.67.tar.bz2 (https://matt.ucc.asn.au/dropbear/releases/dropbear-2015.67.tar.bz2)
2) Patch to compile for Android - dropbear-v67-android-patch-20150629 (https://goo.gl/LBokgG)
3) A recent Linux distro (I use Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS) running x86-64.
4) Development tools i.e. C compiler, linker, etc... all the necessary tools to run configure, make, etc..
Steps :-
(1) Extract the source code to a directory of its own :-
tar xjf dropbear-2015.67.tar.bz2
cd dropbear-2015.67
(2) Patch the source :-
patch -p1 < dropbear-v67-android-patch-20150629
(3) Run configure :-
./configure --disable-zlib --disable-largefile --disable-loginfunc \
--disable-shadow --disable-utmp --disable-utmpx --disable-wtmp \
--disable-wtmpx --disable-pututline --disable-pututxline --disable-lastlog
(4) Run make :-
STATIC=1 MULTI=1 SCPPROGRESS=0 PROGRAMS="dropbear dropbearkey scp dbclient" make strip
(5) You should end up with a single static binary "dropbearmulti" which you should link dropbear, dbclient/ssh, dropbearkey and scp to.
./dropbear -h
Dropbear server v2015.67 [URL]https://matt.ucc.asn.au/dropbear/dropbear.html[/URL]
Usage: ./dropbear [options]
-A Android Mode, specify a user explicitly
-N Android Mode, user name
-C Android Mode, password
-R Android Mode, public key file (authorized_keys)
-U Android Mode, UID
-G Android Mode, GID
-b bannerfile Display the contents of bannerfile before user login
(default: none)
-r keyfile Specify hostkeys (repeatable)
dss /etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key
rsa /etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key
ecdsa /etc/dropbear/dropbear_ecdsa_host_key
-F Don't fork into background
-E Log to stderr rather than syslog
-m Don't display the motd on login
-w Disallow root logins
-s Disable password logins
-g Disable password logins for root
-B Allow blank password logins
-j Disable local port forwarding
-k Disable remote port forwarding
-a Allow connections to forwarded ports from any host
-p [address:]port
Listen on specified tcp port (and optionally address),
up to 10 can be specified
(default port is 22 if none specified)
-P PidFile Create pid file PidFile
(default /var/run/dropbear.pid)
-i Start for inetd
-W <receive_window_buffer> (default 24576, larger may be faster, max 1MB)
-K <keepalive> (0 is never, default 0, in seconds)
-I <idle_timeout> (0 is never, default 0, in seconds)
-V Version
I will assume you know what to do with the binary file generated so will not elaborate on the process.
Hope it works for you guys. I'll be happy to help out anyone who needs more details.
UPDATE: 2015-06-29
- I've updated the patch to fix dbclient/ssh client using password authentication.
Hi all,
For those of you using the dropbear ssh client and encountering a seg fault when using password authentication, I've fixed the patch now and it should be working.
wolfdude said:
I will assume you know what to do with the binary file generated so will not elaborate on the process.
Hope it works for you guys. I'll be happy to help out anyone who needs more details.
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Replacing the not working dropbear binaries of ARM-oriented SSHD servers with a link to this should solve the problem discussed here ...
is it right ?!
Thanks again
Val3r10 said:
Replacing the not working dropbear binaries of ARM-oriented SSHD servers with a link to this should solve the problem discussed here ...
is it right ?!
Thanks again
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In a nutshell, you will need to copy dropbearmulti to /system/xbin, create some symbolic links to it (dropbear, dropbearkey, dbclient, scp), run dropbearkey to generate your host keys, copy your client pubkey to /data/dropbear/authorized_keys and then startup dropbear with parameters like :-
dropbear -A -N root -R /data/dropbear/authorized_keys
Hope this helps.
wolfdude said:
[...] and then startup dropbear with parameters like :-
Hope this helps.
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Thanks. Got that.
Actually I mean I would replace - with the symlink - the x86 binary file inside one of the above mentionned packages, i.e. QuickSSHd or SSHDroid, to make them compatible with ZE55xML...
I'm trying and reporting here

TWRP Flags for BoardConfig.mk

Check out this script by @yuweng to auto(matically|magically) compile TWRP for your device!
Lately the TWRP Compiling guide, has been seeing a lot of newbies who were struggling with TWRP flags to ensure they compile a usable build. So without delay, here we go!
If no input has been suggested, assume true/false
@Android-Andi for some explanations here
@SdtBarbarossa for some more explanations here
@yuweng for HUGE amount of explanations provided through PM!
# Automatically implies these:
TW_OEM_BUILD := true
# Add EXT4 support
# Disable/enable SELinux. Only suggested when you want to enable SELinux support
# Remove MTP support
# No screen timeout
# disables things like sdcard partitioning and may save you some space if TWRP isn't fitting in your recovery patition
# this enables proper handling of /data/media on devices that have this folder for storage (most Honeycomb and devices that originally shipped with ICS like Galaxy Nexus
# HTC Dumlock for those devices which need it
Partition defines
# If your device has recovery as a second ramdisk of boot.img
# To prevent /boot partition not found error
# Removes the 'Reboot bootloader' button
# Removes the 'Reboot recovery' button
# Disable the battery percentage for devices where it doesn't work properly
# Same as above, for CPU Temperature
TW_NO_CPU_TEMP := true
# Allows you to map a custom keycode for power button, takes in a number, usually three digits
# Always use rm -rf to wipe
# Prevent TWRP from unmounting /system
# Removes USB Storage capability
# Inject TWRP as a second ramdisk for Samsung devices, which keep recoveries that way.
# Specify a path to the lun file on device
TARGET_USE_CUSTOM_LUN_FILE_PATH := "/sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun0/file"
# Not very sure, I guess it allows you to simply pop in the lunfile itself
TW_HAS_DOWNLOAD_MODE -- For Samsung devices
TW_SDEXT_NO_EXT4 -- Blocks EXT4 FS for SD-EXT partitions
# Forces use of /proc/cpuinfo for determining device id. Look here : https://github.com/omnirom/android_bootable_recovery/blob/android-6.0/data.cpp#l183-l184
# For older devices. See here :https://github.com/omnirom/android_bootable_recovery/blob/android-6.0/Android.mk#l383
# Decryption support for /data
TW_INCLUDE_CRYPTO -- General decryption modules
# On some device, TWRP backup folder name will show 0000000000 bcos cpuinfo has no serial number. Using this flag then it will use ro.product.model as the folder name instead of all 0000000000
# Set the path to the sysfs entry which controls the brightness
TW_BRIGHTNESS_PATH := /sys/devices/platform/s3c24xx-pwm.0/pwm-backlight.0/backlight/pwm-backlight.0/backlight
# A seconday path for the above
# Max brightness to prevent display damage
# Default brightness for TWRP
# Custom battery readout path, don't use the given path though, it is intended to be used for a full diagnostic.
TW_CUSTOM_BATTERY_PATH := /sys/class/power_supply/battery/batt_attr_text
# CPU temp sysfs path, if it is zero all the time.
# Remove the ability to encrypt backups with a password
# Timezone fixes for some Qcom devices.
# Supply a custom init.rc for the recovery
TARGET_RECOVERY_INITRC := device/htc/pico/ramdisk/recovery/init.recovery.rc
# Set the default language, if not english
# Specify architecture
# For people who would want to have ToyBox rather than Busybox
# Remove exFAT formatting binaries
TW_NO_EXFAT := true
# Remove SuperSU and stop TWRP prompts to install it
# An awesome way to take screenshots. Back-end improvement, no noticeable user side changes. Screenshots work without it too
# include Logcat daemon for help in debugging
# See here : https://github.com/omnirom/android_bootable_recovery/blob/android-6.0/Android.mk#L435
TARGET_USERIMAGES_USE_F2FS -- Include mkfs.f2fs for formatting partitions as F2FS
# Include a custom hardwarekeyboard.cpp . Can't see the point though.
TWRP_CUSTOM_KEYBOARD := device/lge/hammerhead/recovery/hardwarekeyboard.cpp
# Log touch input
# @yuwneg :My experience on MTK tablet, typical is RECOVERY_TOUCHSCREEN_SWAP_XY & RECOVERY_TOUCHSCREEN_FLIP_Y is use is pair as MTK vendor tend to use landscape LCD but a normal portrait Touch Screen !
TW_X_OFFSET -- X-Axis offset for borked displays
TW_Y_OFFSET -- Y-Axis offset for borked displays
# Smartwatch optimisation
TW_THEME -- New flag, takes in the following : portrait_mdpi, landscape_mdpi, portrait_hdpi,landscape_hdpi,watch_mdpi . It should be caps but when I was compiling a minute ago, it threw me an error and asked to de-caps it. So, see for yourself what works
TW_CUSTOM_THEME -- Use a custom theme like materialised by @z31s1g . Give the path to the contents here.
TWRP_NEW_THEME -- Old is gold. Put false to use the old one.
TW_EXTRA_LANGUAGES -- Set to true and enable localisation
TW_MTP_DEVICE -- Specify a custom device name for MTP
TW_TARGET_USES_QCOM_BSP -- Qcom specific enhancements
TARGET_PREBUILT_KERNEL -- Use a prebuilt kernel rather than building from source
TARGET_RECOVERY_PIXEL_FORMAT -- Use RGBA,RGBX,ARGB and whatever, I don't remember, see the main thread for that info.
TARGET_RECOVERY_OVERSCAN_PERCENT -- Defines the padding to leave around the screen edges
BOARD_USE_CUSTOM_RECOVERY_FONT -- Specify a .ttf file to use as default font
BOARD_CUSTOM_GRAPHICS -- include customised graphics backends if 3.0.0-0 broke stuff for you
Self Explanatory
BOARD_HAS_FLIPPED_SCREEN -- For people whose screens were mounted the wrong side across
TW_HAVE_X86_ACCELERATED_PIXELFLINGER -- Improvements for x86 based devices
ARCH_ARM_HAVE_NEON -- Take advantage of ARM-NEON optimisations
# remove TrueType fonts
# building of an OEM friendly TWRP. excludes SuperSu, uses Toolbox instead busybox, disables themeing. MORE INFOS TO BE ADDED
TW_OEM_BUILD := true
# Adds EXT4 formatting binaries
# exclude mtp from twrp (disable if you are not able to fix it device/kernel side, safes some space)
# screen will stay awake
# needed on devices without a recovery partition (some devices have recovery included im boot.img)
# removes the reboot option to boot into boooader, needed e.g. on samsung devices which use Download mode instead
# add an option in reboot menu to reboot into Download Mode
# some devices don't have a temp sensor, disable in such case to stop spamming recovery.log
TW_NO_CPU_TEMP := true
# recursive delete by default instead fotmatting (available optional inside recovery settings too)
# system won't be unmounted,
# don't blank screen (available optional inside recovery settings too)
# deprecated, use TW_INCLUDE_CRYPTO instead
# add support for encryption
# use a custom init.rc in recovery, add the path. Example:
TARGET_RECOVERY_INITRC := device/samsung/p3100/rootdir/init.twrp.rc
# ToyBox (disables busybox?)
# exclude SuperSu e.g. to save some space or for different other reasons (supersu still included bx default?)
# include f2fs support (make sure your kernel supports f2fs!)
# device resolution - deprecated, use TW_THEME instead
# define the theme for your device resolution, note: you can also use smaller/bigger themes because the theme get scaled for your deviceresolution anyway):
# 240x240 280x280 320x320
TW_THEME := watch_mdpi
# 320x480 480x800 480x854 540x960
TW_THEME := portrait_mdpi
# 720x1280 800x1280 1080x1920 1200x1920 1440x2560 1600x2560
TW_THEME := portrait_hdpi
# 800x480 1024x600 1024x768
TW_THEME := landscape_mdpi
# 1280x800 1920x1200 2560x1600
TW_THEME := landscape_hdpi
# auto copy files placed in device/$VENDOR/$DEVICENAME/recovery/root inside recovery ramdisk (e.g. init.recivery*.rc which get removed from recoveryramdisk by default). example:
TARGET_RECOVERY_DEVICE_DIRS += device/samsung/espresso-common
# path to a prebuild kernel (can be used if you are unable to compile a kernel yourself, e.g. if no kernel source available)
# swap x anf y axis for touch
# flip x axis for touch
# flip y axis for touch,
Gesendet von meinem LG-H815 mit Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 05:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:19 PM ----------
# don't include default init.recovery.usb.rc, provide your own or use needed defines inside init.recovery.$DEVICE.rc
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Android-Andi said:
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Thanks sir for the suggestions. I can see I've included the descriptions for most of them already, but I'll be sure to attribute to and add the rest tomorrow. I would be grateful if you could shed some light on the ones I've marked "NEED HELP"
MSF Jarvis said:
Thanks sir for the suggestions. I can see I've included the descriptions for most of them already, but I'll be sure to attribute to and add the rest tomorrow. I would be grateful if you could shed some light on the ones I've marked "NEED HELP"
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I've done those stuff offline from your gist[emoji14]have seen this thread after that but maybe you like the way i showed the defines as it's setup the way you would do in your BoardConfig.mk.
Haven't done those flags i am not sure about myself, maybe @_that or @Dees_Troy can bring light to some of them.
Gesendet von meinem LG-H815 mit Tapatalk
This thread is a great idea.
Especially with the update to twrp 3.0 with new flags.
I've been lucky enough to be able to guess/puzzle out/grab from other device trees enough to build and use the recovery on my personal devices, but information like this is very helpful to have consolidated.
Thanks for sharing.
Android-Andi said:
I've done those stuff offline from your gist[emoji14]have seen this thread after that but maybe you like the way i showed the defines as it's setup the way you would do in your BoardConfig.mk.
Haven't done those flags i am not sure about myself, maybe @_that or @Dees_Troy can bring light to some of them.
Gesendet von meinem LG-H815 mit Tapatalk
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Yeah, I just didn't have enough time to beautify it. Will gradually do so.
TW_CUSTOM_THEME := /path/to/theme/
this one is used to replace the stocktheme with a different one (like material-play)
the theme will be directly in ramdisk
TW_INCLUDE_INJECTTWRP := true — adds ability to inject TWRP into some Samsung boot images for Samsung devices that have recovery as a second ramdisk in the boot image
the second flag is quotes by dees_troy!
this has sonething to do with 3.10 kernels and a different naming in /include/linux/ion.h ... like a switch between old heap_mask and new heap_id_mask
Sent from my Xperia T using XDA Free mobile app
Nice initiative with this thread, this has been oh say 2 years too long in the making haha.
Not sure but I would imagine it overrides what TWRP detects nor do I see the difference between it and TARGET_RECOVERY_PIXEL_FORMAT. The only possible varible right now is RGB_565. BGRA_8888, RGBA_8888 and RGBX_8888 are not yet implemented.
Black list input devices that interfere with touch. For multiple input devices the delimiter is \x0a. You would basically build a special TWRP with TWRP_EVENT_LOGGING := true. Put it on the device and read the more verbose log to see what inputs you want to blacklist.
EDIT: Ah here is a copy of the wording I had in one of my xda posts about the subject and the commit link https://github.com/omnirom/android_bootable_recovery/commit/5742a40b87dfdc26df3bd9fe94197ae414ece546
TW_INPUT_BLACKLIST := accelerometer
TW_INPUT_BLACKLIST := "accelerometer\x0agyroscope"
This can be used to fix touch input on devices where an input
device is breaking touch processing in TWRP.
We are using new line chars to separate multiple devices and in
the make file you specify the new line character with \x0a which
is the hex code in ASCII for a new line.
The new line character might be a bit of a pain to use as a
delimeter, but it is highly unlikely that an OEM will ever name
an input device with a new line character in the name.
Change-Id: I255136b7a686909a23e649918c661843153c2853
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
and here is an example from my BoardConfig
TW_INPUT_BLACKLIST := "accelerometer\x0admard06\x0alis3dh_acc\x0alis3de_acc"
On a side note is there a link somewhere to fixing graphics issues induced in 3.0? I see a lot of talk about it but nothing substantial.
aicjofs said:
On a side note is there a link somewhere to fixing graphics issues induced in 3.0? I see a lot of talk about it but nothing substantial.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Not really. Slanty graphics can be fixed with linelength, but as such there's nothing on that front. You might wanna slap a recovery.log onto Dees_Troy at #twrp on webchat.freenode.net though.
Every version has new flags introduced & also flags deprecated...
TW_SCREEN_BLANK_ON_BOOT ( Deprecated on android-6.0 => Source, on some legacy devices, TWRP will not boot without this flag)
Dees_Troy said:
There are other build flags which you can locate by scanning the Android.mk files in the recovery source. Most of the other build flags are not often used and thus I won't document them all here.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Use the_silver_searcher, its extremely fast ! :good:
cd ~/cm/bootable
ag -ia "[URL="https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/c/16610/"]TW_INCLUDE_JPEG[/URL]" recovery/
256:#ifdef TW_INCLUDE_JPEG
361:#ifdef TW_INCLUDE_JPEG
367:#ifdef TW_INCLUDE_JPEG
61:ifneq ($(TW_INCLUDE_JPEG),)
176:ifneq ($(TW_INCLUDE_JPEG),)
126:ifneq ($(TW_INCLUDE_JPEG),)
ag -ia "[COLOR="Blue"]TW_FLASH_FROM_STORAGE[/COLOR]" recovery/
262:#ifeq ($(TW_FLASH_FROM_STORAGE), true) [COLOR="Blue"]Making this the default behavior[/COLOR]
As the code says, its already the default therefore you don't need to specify it again on BoardConfig.mk
ag -ia "[URL="https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/c/14099/"]TW_INCLUDE_NTFS_3G[/URL]" recovery/
440:ifeq ($(TW_INCLUDE_NTFS_3G),true)
201:ifeq ($(TW_INCLUDE_NTFS_3G),true)
At the omnirom gerrit, you'll find all commits though you gotta search for it or try this or this for TWRP related
ag -ia "[COLOR="blue"]TW_BOARD_CUSTOM_GRAPHICS[/COLOR]" recovery/
16: $(warning * TW_BOARD_CUSTOM_GRAPHICS support has been deprecated in TWRP. *)
ag -ia "[COLOR="Blue"]TW_DISABLE_TTF[/COLOR]" recovery/
165:ifeq ($(TW_DISABLE_TTF), true)
167: $(warning * TW_DISABLE_TTF support has been deprecated in TWRP. *)
192:ifneq ($(TW_DISABLE_TTF), true)
Source, further explanation here
__bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for localtime!
__bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for GMT!
__bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for posixr!
Fix tzdata on recovery.log => Source
AIO-TWRP-Compiler on BBQLinux
First step
Refer to here on how to setup BBQLinux either native boot, dual-boot or on VBox... :good:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Download the script & extract it to your HOME or if you are 100% sure that you have already setup a fully working Build Environment on Ubuntu or any other linux distro then remark these lines.
Start Terminal => Edit => Profile Preferences => Colors => unchecked => Use colors from system theme => Built-in schemes => White on Black => Close
BBQLinux => Menu => Administration => BBQLinux Python Switcher => Python 2
BBQLinux => Menu => Administration => BBQLinux Java Switcher => OpenJDK 7
Start the script with below command
sh twrp
Menu 1
You can use either OmniROM or Cyanogenmod repo to build TWRP
Choose either to use TWRP branch android-5.1 or android-6.0. Typically, for legacy devices with ICS or JB doesn't support TTF so if TWRP android-6.0 doesn't boot then you'll have to use android-5.1 branch.
You can either choose to use Full-Source or Part-Source. Compiled out recovery.img will have exactly the same size & files on ramdisk.
Yes, Part-Source is only using 41 of the projects to build a fully working TWRP. Syncing in progress. After syncing, you can refer to ~/AIO-TWRP-Compiler/sync.log for any error
Typically, when you have already downloaded the base repo, re-syncing it will only take a few seconds
Menu 2
Copy either your boot or recovery.img to ~/AIO-TWRP-Compiler folder
Key-in your vendor name
Key-in your device name
This step is extracting the ro.product.device & ro.product.model from your device directly which is typically require for identification when flashing update.zip from your vendor
Credits to RD osm0sis, the script will auto download osm0sis's unpackbootimg for mkbootimg arguments required for repacking recovery.img . . . :good:
mkbootimg arguments will be display & auto updated to the BoardConfig.mk
Part of the original mkvendor.sh script is adapted for the extraction of boot or recovery.img which also does the git initialization. If the ramdisk can be unpack then the recovery.fstab will be copied to the device tree folder, if not then it will create a basic MTK recovery.fstab, boot.mk & also BOARD_CUSTOM_BOOTIMG_MK. If you're not building for MTK then remove that line from BoardConfig.mk
You will need to add/ remove TWRP flags accordingly & manual edit on the TARGET_CPU_VARIANT either cortex-a7 or cortex-a9 for older MTK, refer to your device spec. Possible values are cortex-a5, cortex-a7, cortex-a8, cortex-a9, cortex-a15, krait, scorpion. Use generic for devices that do not have a CPU similar to any of the supported cpu variants
You will need to manual edit on the recovery.fstab to suit your device or TWRP-ify the extracted stock recovery.fstab
Menu 3
omni.dependencies is only a warning, will continue to build when you choose OmniROM repo
Make 4.1 is only a warning, will continue to build
Java 1.7 is only a warning, will continue to build
When you have build earlier, subsequent build will only take few minutes bcos of CCACHE... :good:
Menu 4
Updated Menu 4 support for Others. Or you can use Flashify or Rashr or above Others to install compiled recovery.img to your device, do check if they are compatible or it will brick your recovery or worse, whole device !
Key-in your device recovery partition path. Above is typical for LG
Done, test TWRP on your device to make sure it is working properly if not then add or remove flags accordingly & use Menu 3 to build again
Menu 5
Choose either Option 1 or 2, Option 2 is recommended & it won't take long if you are using Part-Source.
Menu 6
The script will auto open up a new browser for you to register a new account on github
Your device tree on github
bash script itself is self-explanatory. Thanks to the OP, he has offer to take over the maintenance of this script so hit your Thanks button to him... :good: If you found any error/ bug or have any new ideas/ features for this script then pm the OP or do a git pull request... :good:
Above is the detail explanation on the script GUI front-end, here i'll explained what the script actually does.
Menu 1
This menu will create a local_manifest.xml to remove unwanted projects based on your selection. When select Full-Source, it will also create local_manifest.xml to remove existing recovery & replace it with TWRP based on your selection.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<remove-project name="android_bootable_recovery" />
<project path="bootable/recovery" name="omnirom/android_bootable_recovery" revision="[COLOR="Blue"]android-6.0[/COLOR]" />
It is normal that OmniROM & CM will consistently add new projects to their repo when they introduce new features or functions to it. The beauty of this Part-Source is that even when projects grows, this script will grep -v only the needed projects for building TWRP on any base repo.
This Part-Source is the extreme minimal for building TWRP therefore some of the additional projects are needed when you use particular TWRP flags. As of today ( March 2016 ), it will build a fully working TWRP with only 44 projects on both OmniROM 4.4 & CM 11 base repo. In the future, Teamwin may also add a new feature or function then you will also need to add additional projects to it too or OP will update it based on your feedback. Refer to compile.log for details.
# Optional => TARGET_USERIMAGES_USE_F2FS := true
[COLOR="Red"]#[/COLOR]grep -v f2fs-tools ~/x > ~/x.tmp;mv ~/x.tmp ~/x
If you use TARGET_USERIMAGES_USE_F2FS := true then remove the remark #
# Optional => TW_INCLUDE_NTFS_3G := true
[COLOR="Red"]#[/COLOR]grep -v external/ntfs-3g ~/x > ~/x.tmp;mv ~/x.tmp ~/x
if you use TW_INCLUDE_NTFS_3G := true then remove the remark #
# Optional => TW_USE_TOOLBOX := true
[COLOR="red"][B]#[/B][/COLOR]grep -v external/toybox ~/x > ~/x.tmp;mv ~/x.tmp ~/x
[COLOR="Red"]#[/COLOR]grep -v external/mksh ~/x > ~/x.tmp;mv ~/x.tmp ~/x
If you use TW_USE_TOOLBOX := true then remove the remark #. toybox available on android-6.0/ cm-13.0 only, don't have such projects on android-4.4 but it'll work, refer to the end for more info.
# un-remark the below required for x64
[COLOR="Red"]#[/COLOR]grep -v linux-x86/aarch64/aarch64-linux-android-4.8 ~/x > ~/x.tmp;mv ~/x.tmp ~/x
[COLOR="red"]#[/COLOR]grep -v linux-x86/aarch64/aarch64-linux-android-4.9 ~/x > ~/x.tmp;mv ~/x.tmp ~/x
TARGET_ARCH := arm64
TARGET_CPU_ABI := arm64-v8a
TARGET_CPU_ABI2 := armeabi-v7a
TARGET_2ND_ARCH_VARIANT := armv7-a-neon
TARGET_2ND_CPU_ABI := armeabi-v7a
TARGET_2ND_CPU_ABI2 := armeabi
If you are building x64 TWRP then remove the remark # & update BoardConfig.mk accordingly. Take note, not available on android-4.4/ cm-11.0 base repo, use later base repo.
# un-remark the below required for kernel compiling if not using TARGET_PREBUILT_KERNEL
[COLOR="red"]#[/COLOR]grep -v linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.6 ~/x > ~/x.tmp;mv ~/x.tmp ~/x
[COLOR="red"]#[/COLOR]grep -v linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.7 ~/x > ~/x.tmp;mv ~/x.tmp ~/x
[COLOR="red"]#[/COLOR]grep -v linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.8 ~/x > ~/x.tmp;mv ~/x.tmp ~/x
if you are building your own kernel then remove the remark #
# Optional for x86 SoC
[COLOR="Red"]#[/COLOR]grep -v linux-x86/x86/i686-linux-android-4.7 ~/x > ~/x.tmp;mv ~/x.tmp ~/x
[COLOR="red"]#[/COLOR]grep -v linux-x86/x86/x86_64-linux-android-4.8 ~/x > ~/x.tmp;mv ~/x.tmp ~/x
[COLOR="red"]#[/COLOR]grep -v linux-x86/x86/x86_64-linux-android-4.9 ~/x > ~/x.tmp;mv ~/x.tmp ~/x
TARGET_ARCH := [COLOR="blue"]x86[/COLOR]
TARGET_CPU_ABI := armeabi
if you are building for Intel SoC then remove the remark # & edit the BoardConfig.mk accordingly
This script has been tested & it works on any base repo from OmniROM android-4.4, 5.0, 5.1 & 6.0 & Cyanogenmod cm-11.0, cm-12.0, cm12.1 & cm13.0 using Full-Source or Part-Source but why use Full-Source to build TWRP when Part-Source works, most importantly, you are not building OmniROM or Cyanogenmod but TWRP.... Using android-4.4/ cm-11.0 base repo has its advantage, compiled TWRP size will be smaller & it can build all version.
If you use android-6.0/ cm-13.0 then obviously you can only build TWRP android-6.0 only, just edit the line 62, 63 for OmniROM or 72, 73 for CM accordingly. Building TWRP android-4.4 on cm-13.0 or on OmniROM android-6.0 will result in a build error ! Later base repo won't build TWRP older version !
Many newbies doesn't know that OmniROM/ CM repo are incremental updates & they create a separate cm11, cm12, cm12.1, cm13 each & sync individually to each of these folders.
Above syncing cm-13.0 & as you can see, it is also using source from cm-10.1, 10.2 & 11. Syncing all to the same ~/omni or ~/cm folder will do.
Sometimes on certain devices, OmniROM android-4.4 or Cyanogenmod cm-11.0 base repo just won't boot then you can try by editing this line to android-5.0 or cm-12.0 & updating it will only take a very short time if you use Part-Source.
Menu 2
Device tree
This script will create a barebone minimal device tree for building TWRP. Anything less will result in a build error. It will create five files which is just sufficient to build a fully working TWRP using prebuilt kernel. It will build kernels too, just update the correct kernel config to BoardConfig.mk & remove the remark # needed projects for building kernels. However, i don't see the needs to build the same kernel with every TWRP new build, it will take a longer time to build, most importantly, you are not building a ROM.
$(LOCAL_DIR)/cm_[COLOR="blue"]device name that you have key-in[/COLOR].mk
TARGET_CPU_ABI := armeabi
TARGET_ARCH_VARIANT := armv7-a-neon
TARGET_CPU_VARIANT := [COLOR="blue"]cortex-a9[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]<= You only need to change this to suit your device[/COLOR]
BOARD_RECOVERYIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE := [COLOR="Red"]0x105c0000[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]<= You need to update this so that build will error out when the size exceed your recovery partition size[/COLOR]
TARGET_PREBUILT_KERNEL := device/TD2/9300/kernel
BOARD_MKBOOTIMG_ARGS := --base 10000000 --pagesize 2048 --kernel_offset 00008000 --ramdisk_offset 01000000 --tags_offset 00000100
[COLOR="Blue"]#MTK common twrp flags[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]<= You only need to change the below flags to suit your device[/COLOR]
TW_NO_EXFAT := true
TW_DISABLE_TTF := true [COLOR="red"]<= Will error out on TWRP android-6.0[/COLOR]
[COLOR="red"]#[/COLOR]TW_USE_TOOLBOX := true [COLOR="red"]<= You'll need extra projects for this flag, edit the script accordingly[/COLOR]
TW_THEME := [URL="https://github.com/omnirom/android_bootable_recovery/blob/android-6.0/gui/Android.mk#l96-L100"]portrait_mdpi[/URL]
[COLOR="red"]#[/COLOR]RECOVERY_SDCARD_ON_DATA := true [COLOR="red"]<= For [URL="https://twrp.me/faq/datamedia.html"]data/media[/URL] device[/COLOR]
TARGET_USE_CUSTOM_LUN_FILE_PATH := "/sys/devices/platform/mt_usb/gadget/lun%d/file"
# Inherit device configuration
$(call inherit-product, device/[COLOR="blue"]TD2[/COLOR]/[COLOR="blue"]9300[/COLOR]/device_[COLOR="blue"]9300[/COLOR].mk)
## Device identifier. This must come after all inclusions
PRODUCT_NAME := cm_[COLOR="blue"]9300[/COLOR]
$(call inherit-product, build/target/product/[URL="https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_build/blob/cm-11.0/target/product/full_base_telephony.mk"]full_base_telephony.mk[/URL])
# Time Zone data [COLOR="red"]<= This have been disable as some device will not boot, to enable it just remove the remark [B]#[/B] below[/COLOR]
PRODUCT_MODEL="i9300" \ [COLOR="Red"]<= This is where Menu 2 will get the ro.product.device & ro.product.model info[/COLOR]
PRODUCT_NAME := full_[COLOR="Blue"]9300[/COLOR]
device_(device-name).mk & cm.mk will be auto-created based on what you have key-in for the vendor & device name at Menu 2
For building recovery, you don't need to use full.mk, using it will result in need of extra projects on the Part-Source & it will also copy the extra fstab.goldfish & ueventd.goldfish.rc to the root of the ramdisk
# mount point fstype device [device2]
/boot emmc /dev/bootimg
/recovery emmc /dev/recovery
/system ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
/cache ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p4
/data ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5
/emmc vfat /dev/block/mmcblk0p6 flags=display="Phone Storage";settingsstorage
/sdcard vfat /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 flags=display="SD Card";storage;removable
/sd-ext auto /dev/block/mmcblk1p2
/nvram emmc /dev/nvram flags=display="Nvram";backup=1
/uboot emmc /dev/uboot flags=display="Uboot";backup=1
#/boot emmc /dev/block/platform/mtk-msdc.0/by-name/boot flags=display="Boot";backup=1
#/recovery emmc /dev/block/platform/mtk-msdc.0/by-name/recovery flags=display="Recovery";backup=1
#/system ext4 /dev/block/platform/mtk-msdc.0/by-name/system flags=display="System";backup=1
#/cache ext4 /dev/block/platform/mtk-msdc.0/by-name/cache flags=display="Cache"
#/data ext4 /dev/block/platform/mtk-msdc.0/by-name/userdata flags=encryptable=/dev/block/platform/mtk-msdc.0/by-name/metadata
#/nvram emmc /dev/block/platform/mtk-msdc.0/by-name/nvram flags=display="Nvram";backup=1;flashimg=1
#/external_sd auto /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 flags=display="External SDcard";storage;wipeingui;removable;backup=0
#/usbotg auto /dev/block/sda1 flags=display="Usb-Otg";storage;removable;backup=0
#/boot mtd boot
#/recovery mtd recovery
#/cache yaffs2 cache
#/data yaffs2 userdata
#/misc mtd misc
#/system yaffs2 system
#/sdcard vfat /dev/block/mmcblk0p1
#/sd-ext ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
recovery.fstab - Edit or delete whatever that is not relevant to your device. Use osm0sis AIK to unpack your stock recovery.img & TWRP-ify the recovery.fstab... :good:
# Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Mobile Communications GmbH
# Sec Class: Intel Confidential (IC)
# Android fstab file.
#<src> <mnt_point> <type> <mnt_flags and options> <fs_mgr_flags>
# The filesystem that contains the filesystem checker binary (typically /system) cannot
# specify MF_CHECK, and must come before any filesystems that do specify MF_CHECK
/dev/block/platform/soc0/e0000000.noc/by-name/ImcPartID068 /system ext4 defaults defaults
/dev/block/platform/soc0/e0000000.noc/by-name/ImcPartID069 /data ext4 defaults defaults
/dev/block/platform/soc0/e0000000.noc/by-name/ImcPartID070 /cache ext4 defaults defaults
/dev/block/mmcblk1p1 /sdcard vfat defaults defaults
/dev/block/platform/soc0/e0000000.noc/by-name/ImcPartID076 /nvm_fs_partition ext4 defaults defaults
/dev/block/platform/soc0/e0000000.noc/by-name/ImcPartID074 /misc emmc defaults defaults
/dev/block/platform/soc0/e0000000.noc/by-name/ImcPartID071 /boot emmc defaults defaults
/dev/block/platform/soc0/e0000000.noc/by-name/ImcPartID119 /recovery emmc defaults defaults
/dev/block/platform/soc0/e0000000.noc/by-name/ImcPartID120 /recoverym emmc defaults defaults
/dev/block/platform/soc0/e0000000.noc/by-name/ImcPartID001 /mobilevisor emmc defaults defaults
/dev/block/platform/soc0/e0000000.noc/by-name/ImcPartID013 /splash_screen emmc defaults defaults
/dev/block/platform/soc0/e0000000.noc/by-name/ImcPartID115 /mvconfig emmc defaults defaults
/dev/block/platform/soc0/e0000000.noc/by-name/ImcPartID118 /secvm emmc defaults defaults
Most latest Android devices are using fstab version 2 AKA fstab 2 while TWRP is using fstab 1. Eg. Above is my Intel X3 stock recovery.fstab
# mount point fstype device [device2]
/boot emmc /dev/block/platform/soc0/e0000000.noc/by-name/ImcPartID071
/recovery emmc /dev/block/platform/soc0/e0000000.noc/by-name/ImcPartID119 flags=display=recovery;backup=1
/imei emmc /dev/block/platform/soc0/e0000000.noc/by-name/ImcPartID022 flags=display=imei;backup=1
/mobilevisor emmc /dev/block/platform/soc0/e0000000.noc/by-name/ImcPartID001 flags=display=mobilevisor;backup=1
/mvconfig emmc /dev/block/platform/soc0/e0000000.noc/by-name/ImcPartID115 flags=display=mvconfig;backup=1
/secvm emmc /dev/block/platform/soc0/e0000000.noc/by-name/ImcPartID118 flags=display=secvm;backup=1
/system ext4 /dev/block/platform/soc0/e0000000.noc/by-name/ImcPartID068
/data ext4 /dev/block/platform/soc0/e0000000.noc/by-name/ImcPartID069
/cache ext4 /dev/block/platform/soc0/e0000000.noc/by-name/ImcPartID070
/nvm_fs_partition ext4 /dev/block/platform/soc0/e0000000.noc/by-name/ImcPartID076
/external_sd vfat /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 flags=display="Micro SDCard";storage;removable
/usbotg auto /dev/block/sda1 flags=display=USB-OTG;storage;removable
My TWRP-ify recovery.fstab. Typically, for ext4 partition, you don't need to specify flags=display= & backup=1, it will be taken care of by TWRP, for more info regarding fstab flags then refer to Main Thread for *RECOVERY.FSTAB*... :good:
RD osm0sis's unpackbootimg is able to extract --second <2ndbootloader-filename> & also --second_offset <address>
The repack arguments will be auto-updated to the BoardConfig.mk Thanks to RD osm0sis. Some TWRP flags ref taken from here... :good:
osm0sis's unpackbootimg also support --dt <filename> :good:
Some devices require additional info for factory update.zip then add it accordingly to the device tree, typically is your device_(device-name).mk. Look at other device tree here & here & here for reference. On CM base repo, you can also use mkvendor.sh... :good: However, you will need to manually edit certain files as no DEV has been updating it, currently it will result in a build error even when using Full-Source !
Do take note that even an extra space on some of the lines at BoardConfig.mk will result in a build error !
Menu 3
Below are the commands to build TWRP, thats it !
cd ~/omni
cd ~/cm
prebuilts/misc/linux-x86/ccache/ccache -M 25G
export USE_CCACHE=1
export LC_ALL=C
source build/envsetup.sh
lunch [COLOR="blue"]omni[/COLOR]_S939-eng [COLOR="blue"]<= S939 is the device name[/COLOR]
lunch [COLOR="blue"]cm[/COLOR]_S939-eng
make -j4 recoveryimage
Menu 4
Below command generically will work on most Android devices. Updates : Has updated this menu to support this, just key-in /path-to-your-device-recovery-partition
adb push [COLOR="blue"]$OUT[/COLOR]/recovery.img /data/local/tmp
adb shell su -c "dd if=/data/local/tmp/recovery.img of=/[COLOR="blue"]path-to-your-device-recovery-partition[/COLOR]"
To use the $OUT path, you must first source it then lunch your device name, refer to previous Menu 3 for info.
Menu 5
Option 1 is make clean
Option 2 is wipe the whole repo base folder except the hidden .repo folder. As mention on the script GUI front-end, after that, use Menu 1 will have all the files extracted out.
Menu 6
This menu is using curl to create github repo.
It is for you to publish your device tree either for diagnostic & debugging when you ask for help. It is also for you to share a working build so that others can refer to it when they make a build of their own or git clone yours & build it themselves.
Preface & Credits
Many newbies make mistake by using other DEV's device tree which is normally meant for building ROMs, using it to build TWRP therefore will result in alot of build errors !
Above script can also be use to build TWRP for any Android devices that uses standard Android header, except for Menu 4 which is specifically for MTK devices only. Just edit the script to add support for your device... :good: Updated support for other devices
This project was actually started way back at 2013 & this is the main reason why TWRP doesn't build is bcos of the tedious, confusing & wrong Build Environment setup, it is all so different on so many different linux distros & OSes version, i went on to developed Easy Magic TWRP.... Now i use Intel device & this script did build a working TWRP for it too.... :laugh:
That's why i strongly recommends BBQLinux for beginners, Thanks to RD codeworkx, i can guarantee that any Build Error is not cause by wrong BE setup as its already built-in on BBQLinux... :good:
The other reason TWRP doesn't boot is bcos of wrong mkbootimg repack arguments, Thanks to RD osm0sis for his awesome unpackbootimg... :good:
Since many newbies are having problems with building TWRP & flooding the TWRP thread here
Dees_Troy said:
This guide isn't going to be a step-by-step, word-for-word type of guide. If you're not familiar with basic Linux commands and/or building in AOSP then you probably won't be able to do this.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Which is actually meant for intermediate users, i've offered to share this script when OP decided to open up a new thread here for TWRP flags.... :good:
Credits Updates
Hacker432 for testing & feedbacks on this script, now it uses the ATC folder so that it'll support other languages other than English & TWRP will boot now when build on cm-12.1 base repo... :good:
OP for giving this script a glamour name ATC aka AIO-TWRP-Compiler... :laugh: :highfive: :good:
My TWRP doesn't boot
Try unpack/ repack your stock 3e recovery.img with AIK, push it to your device & if it doesn't boot then obviously your device is not using standard Android header & so does this script will not build a bootable TWRP. Try google your device info on how they did it, Eg. Sony devices uses BOARD_CUSTOM_BOOTIMG_MK for repacking boot & recovery.img & update it accordingly to your BoardConfig.mk
adb shell cat /proc/last_kmsg
adb shell cat /proc/last_kmsg > kmsg.txt
[U][COLOR="blue"]On Android-6.0 Marshmallow[/COLOR][/U]
adb shell cat /sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops
adb shell cat /sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops > kmsg.txt
Extreme minimal, TWRP require this only one flag TW_THEME := to build or it will error out. You will also need other flags as well, refer to the OP. Some devices won't boot when certain TWRP flag is used or not used bcos its not compatible with your device kernel ! Most legacy device doesn't support TTF & TWRP won't boot so you have to build with TWRP android-5.1 with TW_DISABLE_TTF := true flag
[URL="https://github.com/TeamWin/android_device_kazam_thunder_q45/blob/cm-10.2/BoardConfig.mk#l49"]TW_NO_EXFAT := true[/URL] [COLOR="Red"]<= To disable exfat[/COLOR]
[URL="https://github.com/TeamWin/android_device_kazam_tornado_348/blob/android-4.4/BoardConfig.mk#l50"]TW_NO_EXFAT_FUSE := true[/URL] [COLOR="Red"]<= To disable exfat[/COLOR]
[URL="https://github.com/carliv/device_elephone_p6000/blob/cm-11.0/BoardConfig.mk#l110"]TW_USE_TOOLBOX := true[/URL] [COLOR="red"]<= Using this flag will use toolbox instead of busybox[/COLOR]
Above are some of the flags that can cause TWRP not to boot up. If you are using Part-Source then you need to add additional projects to support these flags as most of them are disabled on the script. Just remove the remarks # from the script for that particular projects. More detail info refer to above post #11 Part-Source.
Refer to the most bottom Bug Report on how to obtain recovery.log, without it nobody is able to help you.
[URL="https://github.com/omnirom/android_bootable_recovery/blob/android-6.0/minuitwrp/Android.mk#l122-l130"]TARGET_RECOVERY_PIXEL_FORMAT := ABGR_8888[/URL]
The other reason it doesn't boot is that it actually does boot up but the screen is blank ! Try adb shell & it should work on this scenario.
Try different pixel format one at a time, one of them should work.
[URL="https://github.com/omnirom/android_bootable_recovery/blob/android-6.0/minuitwrp/Android.mk#l114-l116"]TARGET_RECOVERY_FORCE_PIXEL_FORMAT := RGB_565[/URL]
[URL="https://github.com/omnirom/android_bootable_recovery/blob/android-6.0/minuitwrp/Android.mk#l79"]RECOVERY_GRAPHICS_FORCE_USE_LINELENGTH := true[/URL]
[URL="https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/c/13948/"]TW_DISABLE_DOUBLE_BUFFERING := true[/URL]
When not setting any pixel format, the default is RGB565 & it should work on most Android devices. You can also try the above when non of them works.
If your existing device tree uses this & all the above doesn't work then drop by at TWRP IRC channel to get further help.
Miscellaneous Tips
As mentioned many times, most of the time build error is bcos of wrong BE setup, use BBQLinux & you'll get over it. If you have already build on other distro then refer to here on how to use this script or migrate the source code .repo to BBQLinux.
[URL="https://github.com/omnirom/android_bootable_recovery/blob/android-5.1/data.cpp#l828"]TW_BRIGHTNESS_PATH[/URL] [COLOR="blue"]<= If not define, TWRP will look for it [URL="https://github.com/omnirom/android_bootable_recovery/blob/android-5.1/data.cpp#l840-l841"]here[/URL][/COLOR]
[URL="https://github.com/omnirom/android_bootable_recovery/blob/android-5.1/data.cpp#l1076"]TW_MAX_BRIGHTNESS[/URL] [COLOR="blue"]<= If not define, TWRP will [URL="https://github.com/omnirom/android_bootable_recovery/blob/android-5.1/data.cpp#l56-l58"]set it[/URL][/COLOR]
[URL="https://github.com/omnirom/android_bootable_recovery/blob/android-5.1/data.cpp#l967"]TW_CUSTOM_BATTERY_PATH[/URL] [COLOR="Blue"]<= If not define, TWRP will use [URL="https://github.com/omnirom/android_bootable_recovery/blob/android-5.1/data.cpp#l972"]this[/URL] or [URL="https://github.com/omnirom/android_bootable_recovery/blob/android-5.1/data.cpp#l986"]this[/URL] [/COLOR]
[URL="https://github.com/omnirom/android_bootable_recovery/blob/android-5.1/data.cpp#l937"]TW_CUSTOM_CPU_TEMP_PATH[/URL] [COLOR="blue"]<= if not define, TWRP will use [URL="https://github.com/omnirom/android_bootable_recovery/blob/android-5.1/data.cpp#l942"]this[/URL][/COLOR]
TWRP has everything specified to standard Android path unless when it doesn't work then you'll need to find that out yourself. Do take note that some device doesn't support certain feature such as CPU temperature, battery level, mount USB storage & etc then refer to the OP for flags to disable it.
adb shell su -c "ls -R" > [COLOR="Blue"]myAndroid.txt[/COLOR]
Above command will list out everything on your device.
adb shell su -c cat /sys/class/power_supply/battery/capacity
Eg. Say the battery capacity doesn't work then look for that path at myAndroid.txt for something that says battery/capacity & specify it at BoardConfig.mk
adb shell cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp
If CPU temperature doesn't work then look for thermal/temp
adb shell
echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/i2c-gpio.24/i2c-24/24-002c/backlight/lcd-backlight/brightness
echo 255 > /sys/devices/platform/i2c-gpio.24/i2c-24/24-002c/backlight/lcd-backlight/brightness
If brightness doesn't work, look for lcd-backlight/brightness, Eg. above command should be able to change the level of brightness if that is the correct path as indicated at myAndroid.txt.
Sync corruption
git & repo is like a Super Intelligent Source Code Auto-Resume Downloader when working together . . . :good:
You can stop it at any time, restart it back & it will auto-resume. cm repo & source code is located at ~/cm/.repo, omni at ~/omni/.repo it is a hidden folder & to view hidden folder via File Manager, you need to press Ctrl + h
Sometimes you have corruption then repo sync wouldn't work & normally you just need to delete manifests, manifests.git, manifests.xml with a repo init & repo sync then you'll be back to normal.
If still this doesn't solve the problem then delete everything EXCEPT the folder project-objects & projects, both of this is the actual source code folder.
After this a repo init then repo sync & everything will be back to normal, i guarantee, done this many times, no worries . . . :laugh:
Sometimes when you have severe data corruption, above technique will not work then manually cd ~/cm or ~/omni then repo init then repo sync & see what repo & git has to say then follow the on-screen instructions to remove the corrupted projects.
Scroll back up & see what the error was, remove the corrupted project then repo sync. In this case is rm -rf ~/cm/.repo/projects/prebuilts/clang/linux-x86/host/3.5.git
Subsequent sync show above error. rm -rf ~/cm/.repo/project-objects/CyanogenMod/android_external_icu.git
rm -rf ~/cm/.repo/projects/external/jemalloc.git
rm -rf ~/cm/.repo/projects/system/extras/su.git
rm -rf ~/cm/.repo/projects/external/libcxx.git
rm -rf ~/cm/.repo/projects/external/libcxxabi.git
rm -rf ~/cm/.repo/projects/external/libunwind.git
rm -rf ~/cm/.repo/project-objects/CyanogenMod/android_external_busybox.git
And finally all corrupted projects has been removed, subsequent repo sync & all files will be auto-extracted out.
Corrupted .repo folder
i've make a back up of my .repo folder using tar.gz compression years ago & when extracting out, normally will end with data corruptions except if you use lrzip... :good: You will need to manually remove all the text files such as hooks, pre-auto-gc & commit-msg which is supposed to be a symlink files.
After you force overwrite extraction, a repo init & repo sync will end with above message.
You will need to manually delete all the hooks.txt file found at .repo folder
You will need to manually delete all the commit-msg.txt file
You will need to manually delete all the pre-auto-gc.txt file. You might need to repo sync --force-sync many times to overwrite all the corrupted projects & after that, you won't be getting any of these error messages again.
Syncing work tree error - Doesn't check out all files
This operation must be run in a work tree
Run the below command will give you hint
repo --trace sync -l
Above hints the corrupted projects so remove it => rm -rf /home/yuweng/cm/.repo/projects/frameworks/ex.git
repo sync still it doesn't extract out all the files so you need to run repo --trace sync -l again. Delete the hinted project => rm -rf /home/yuweng/cm/.repo/projects/frameworks/webview.git
When all error has been fixed, a repo sync & all the files will be extracted out correctly
Bug report
Zip & attach the ~/AIO-TWRP-Compiler/compile.log to your post when replying.
Refer to here on how to submit a proper TWRP bug report . . . :good:
How to obtain recovery log
adb pull /tmp/recovery.log -> Attach to your post
At TWRP -> BackUp -> After Backup go to Advanced -> Copy Log to SDCard
Typically you will find the recovery.log at
Typical Internal SdCard
/emmc/TWRP/BACKUPS/ [Your Device Name] / [Backup date] [ro.mediatek.version.release]
Typical External SdCard
/sdcard/TWRP/BACKUPS/ [Your Device Name] / [Backup date] [ro.mediatek.version.release]
Attach it to your post.
At TWRP console (Square button at button) -> You can view the log
If TWRP crash when executing certain menu/ function/ feature then you can use My Master Shifu _that gdb technique for debugging & submit the back trace to Teamwin so that they can fix it... :good:
Try IRC channel to get help directly, prepare all required info such as recovery.log, compile.log & android log, refer to here for the best timing . . .
@yuweng the script has really been thought over for a long time and you also have put in tons of work in it. Thanks for it man!
Thanks bro... :highfive: The script initially includes BE setup for Ubuntu that includes setting up of Python, Java, Make, Git, build packages, adb rules & etc, now its half the size bcos we don't need to do all that on BBQLinux... It has went thru alot of revision, i lost track, one has PhilZ Touch on it, one revision will detect the device info such as graphics resolution, emmc or /data/media device & etc, you can actually do wonders with adb shell, automated alot of stuff for BoardConfig.mk, all in all, this script has about 4 years of work in it...
yuweng said:
Thanks bro... :highfive: The script initially includes BE setup for Ubuntu that includes setting up of Python, Java, Make, Git, build packages, adb rules & etc, now its half the size bcos we don't need to do all that on BBQLinux... It has went thru alot of revision, i lost track, one has PhilZ Touch on it, one revision will detect the device info such as graphics resolution, emmc or /data/media device & etc, you can actually do wonders with adb shell, automated alot of stuff for BoardConfig.mk, all in all, this script has about 4 years of work in it...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
4 YEARS!!!! @Dees_Troy, @bigbiff, @_that this guy deserves a medal! And about the BE Setup, my good friend @thewisenerd had made an Android compiler which included a rather fancy dependencies check in a python program. I'll include it into AIO-TWRP-COMPILER as soon as I finish my school work for the week
Haha, they are all my Master Shifu's & they all have more experience than me on TWRP... :laugh: You are most welcome to add-in new features to it... :good:
yuweng said:
Haha, they are all my Master Shifu's & they all have more experience than me on TWRP... :laugh: You are most welcome to add-in new features to it... :good:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Experience?? They're encyclopedias on TWRP. But it's worthless if every humbug on the planet wants to compile it and doesn't even know what "ls -R " is supposed to do You're being a great help to everyone. I'll try and get them to try this when I can make it compatible for people who have already downloaded the source
Actually its quite easy but then again any wrong BE setup will result in build error that's why i strongly recommends BBQLinux for starters, its as easy as Ubuntu to setup, i can guarantee many will like the UI, Thanks to RD codeworkx.... :good:
mkdir ~/omni
cp -[COLOR="Blue"]R[/COLOR]f /path-to-your-existing-omnirom-folder/.repo ~/omni
mkdir ~/cm
cp -[COLOR="blue"]R[/COLOR]f /path-to-your-existing-cm-folder/.repo ~/cm
Remark or delete these lines & it'll work...
Updates - Migrating source code .repo to BBQLinux
So far my experience is that only lrzip is able to compress & extract source code .repo folder without data corruption... :good: Just open Ubuntu Nautilus File Manager & delete everything on your cm or omnirom except the hidden folder .repo
This hidden .repo folder is where the actual source code are, zipping it will be enough for migration, a repo init & repo sync will have all the files extracted out on BBQLinux ...
sudo apt-get install lrzip
cd /path-to-your-existing-[COLOR="Blue"]omnirom[/COLOR]-or-[COLOR="blue"]cm[/COLOR]-folder
lrztar -l .repo [COLOR="Blue"]<= Will take 10 to 20 minutes depending on your PC CPU, RAM & HDD[/COLOR]
[COLOR="blue"][U]To unzip it[/U][/COLOR]
copy [COLOR="Blue"].repo.tar.lrz[/COLOR] to [COLOR="Blue"]~/omni[/COLOR] or [COLOR="blue"]~/cm[/COLOR] folder accordingly
cd [COLOR="Blue"]~/omni[/COLOR] or [COLOR="blue"]~/cm[/COLOR]
lrzuntar .repo.tar.lrz
MSF Jarvis said:
Experience?? They're encyclopedias on TWRP. But it's worthless if every humbug on the planet wants to compile it and doesn't even know what "ls -R " is supposed to do[emoji14]You're being a great help to everyone. I'll try and get them to try this when I can make it compatible for people who have already downloaded the source
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Click to collapse
I don't know what it does but I compiled twrp( because twrp 3 doesn't want to work with my phone)In one month of work xD
yuweng said:
Actually its quite easy but then again any wrong BE setup will result in build error that's why i strongly recommends BBQLinux for starters, its as easy as Ubuntu to setup, i can guarantee many will like the UI, Thanks to RD codeworkx.... :good:
mkdir ~/omni
cp -rf /path-to-your-existing-omnirom-repo/.repo ~/omni
mkdir ~/cm
cp -rf /path-to-your-existing-cm-repo/.repo ~/cm
Remark or delete these lines & it'll work...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I use Ubuntu and I had several issues
Luckily I can compile without problems now
Thanks for your work
Inviato dal mio HUAWEI Y550-L03 utilizzando Tapatalk
AIO TWRP Compiler wiki
@yuweng, I have started writing down the wiki for this script at the Github repository. Would be grateful if you started writing the things you have mentioned here in that as well, and I'll proof-read it later on and also keep writing things myself

[GUIDE] Build AOSP ROMs and Kernels for the Note Edge.

Below are some guides on how to build your very own ROMs and Kernels for the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge gsm versions.
XDA is a great community that has taught me so much that I want to share what little I know with you, so you may also build roms and kernels on your own. As a long time follower of XDA, last year I decided to gen an account so I could start contributing and also so I could start thanking people for thier great work.
I started out on the Motorola Flipside, and quickly moved on to the Samsung Captivate Glide, where guys like @bubor and @steadfasterX were not only doing great work, but were willing to share thier knowledge. By God's grace, I made some roms and kernels for the Samsung Galaxy S4, and now for the Note Edge.
All of my work can also be seen in more detail at https://thealaskalinuxuser.wordpress.com/
These guides are specifically built for the Note Edge, but in principle are applicable in any phone/rom/kernel.
In this guide, I am using Ubuntu 14.04. You can use virtual box, virtual machine, or any other method, but I used it installed on the computer.
Post #1. Introduction and table of contents.
Post #2. Rom - How to build AOKP 6.0 for the Galaxy Note Edge (TBLTEXX).
Post #3. Rom - How to add apps to your rom.
Post #4. Rom - How to change the default background in your source.
Post #5. kernel - How to build just a kernel from a rom source.
Post #6. kernel - How to build just a kernel stand alone.
Post #7. Kernel - How to break down and make boot images.
Post #8. kernel - How to add CPU/GPU Governors.
Post #9. kernel - How to Overclock/Undervolt.
Post #10. kernel - "How to" on special projects like sound mods.
Post #2. Rom - How to build AOKP 6.0 for the Galaxy Note Edge (TBLTEXX).
Post #2. Rom - How to build AOKP 6.0 for the Galaxy Note Edge (TBLTEXX).
Step by step instructions for building AOKP 6.0 for the international variant of the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge
This is adapted from my previous writeup on building AOKP 6.0 for the T-Mobile variant of the Samsung Galaxy S4:
I have noticed that the build instructions on the AOKP website are a bit outdated. They date back to JellyBean. I would like to encourage other users to build more custom roms, and I thought that it would help if I show how to build one of the roms wich compiled successfully for me (Praise God!). It is my hope that these instructions are clear and easy to follow. Hey, if I can do it, anybody can do it!
<<<<< Step 1: Setup your system. >>>>>​
To be honest, this can be the most daunting part, because if you do not set this up properly, it just will not work. I use Ubuntu 14.04 on a HP Compaq 6715b laptop. I know, not a very ideal compiler, but it is what I've got. Here are the suggested packages, just open a terminal and paste this in:
$ sudo apt-get install bison build-essential bzip2 curl dpkg-dev flex g++-multilib git git-review gnupg gperf lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline-gplv2-dev lib32z1-dev openjdk-7-jdk libbz2-1.0 libbz2-dev libc6-dev libghc-bzlib-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 libncurses5-dev libreadline6-dev libreadline6-dev:i386 libx11-dev:i386 libxml2-utils lzop maven pngcrush pngquant python-markdown schedtool squashfs-tools tofrodos x11proto-core-dev xsltproc zip zlib1g-dev zlib1g-dev:i386
This will take a while. Once it is done, do this:
$ mkdir ~/bin && curl http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo && chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
$ gedit ~/.bashrc
Now you should see gedit open up your .bashrc file, to which you should add this at the very end, and save it:
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
Now you need to close your terminal and open a new one to get the PATH variables to stick. Actually, it wouldn't hurt to reboot your system after installing all of those programs we just installed. Your computer should now be primed and ready to go.
<<<<< Step 2: Download the source. >>>>>​
Here is a very short project for you that takes the computer a long time to complete. Open a terminal and start typing:
$ cd ~
$ mkdir aokp6
$ cd aokp6
$ repo init -u https://github.com/AOKP/platform_manifest.git -b mm
$ repo sync
You can now go outside, play with the kids, phone a friend, and then go to bed. When you awake the next morning, this might be done, depending on your internet connection!
<<<<< Step 3: Adding the device, kernel, and vendor trees. >>>>>​
In some cases, you can simply type the command
$ breakfast
and just choose your device, but at this time, the AOKP repository did not include a current device tree for the TBLTEXX phone, so we need to download one. Later, perhaps we can learn about adding them as dependencies or in your manifests, but for now, here are the links to download them, which will help you understand how this works, follow the link, and click the download button to download the zips. Yes some of these are from AOKP for other files you need. Be sure to grap the MM branch for this guide. There are now newer Nougat branches, which works the same as well, but this guide was written from MM.
Once you have downloaded them, unzip each one and rename them:
aokp_device_samsung_tbltexx --> "tbltexx" (Place in aokp/device/samsung/ )
aokp_device_samsung_tblte-common --> "tblte-common" (Place in aokp/device/samsung/ )
aokp_device_samsung_qcom-common --> "qcom-common" (Place in aokp/device/samsung/ )
device_qcom_common --> "common" (Place in aokp/device/qcom/ )
tblte_vendor_samsung --> "samsung" (Place in aokp/device/samsung/ )
kernel_samsung_tblte --> "tblte" (Place in aokp/kernel/samsung/ )
You may have to make the folders that they go into.
Now you should probably take a break before going on to the next step!
<<<<< Step 4: Editing the device, kernel, and vendor trees. >>>>>​
Now, go to the device/samsung/tblte-common folder and make any edits you want. It should work just the way that it is currently. This is where you could add apps, change features of your phone, etc. See the following posts for guides on doing that.
Note: Because repositories are constantly updated, I can only garuntee that this will work based on the files as they were the day of this writing. However, with all of this in place, if you follow this guide, it should work realatively the same as it did for me.
Now that all of the hard work is done, it is time to actually build something!
<<<<< Step 5: Start your build! >>>>>​
Phew! You have invested a lot of hours into this project, now it is time to actually put those files and time to use! Open up a terminal in your aokp6 folder and start typing:
$ . build/envsetup.sh
Which will output something like this:
including vendor/aokp/vendorsetup.sh
including sdk/bash_completion/adb.bash
including vendor/aokp/bash_completion/git.bash
including vendor/aokp/bash_completion/repo.bash
Now type:
$ brunch tbltexx
Which will start the long build process, it will output this:
including vendor/aokp/vendorsetup.sh
Got local manifest
Got local manifest
Checked dependency tree over :
NO_DEPS: device/*/tbltexx
AOKP_VERSION = aokp_tbltexx_mm_unofficial_2016-10-27_1015
TARGET_PRODUCT = aokp_tbltexx
TARGET_ARCH_VARIANT = armv7-a-neon
HOST_ARCH = x86_64
HOST_OS = linux
HOST_OS_EXTRA = Linux-3.16.0-73-generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-14.04-trusty
OUT_DIR = /home/alaskalinuxuser/Documents/projects/phones/compile/aokp6/out
And this:
.....edited for space.....
Import includes file: /home/alaskalinuxuser/Documents/projects/phones/compile/aokp6/out/host/linux-x86/obj/EXECUTABLES/acp_intermediates/import_includes
host C: libhost <= build/libs/host/CopyFile.c
build/libs/host/CopyFile.c:86:43: warning: unused parameter 'pSrcStat' [-Wunused-parameter]
static bool isSameFile(const struct stat* pSrcStat, const struct stat* pDstStat)
build/libs/host/CopyFile.c:86:72: warning: unused parameter 'pDstStat' [-Wunused-parameter]
static bool isSameFile(const struct stat* pSrcStat, const struct stat* pDstStat)
build/libs/host/CopyFile.c:104:42: warning: unused parameter 'src' [-Wunused-parameter]
static void printNotNewerMsg(const char* src, const char* dst, unsigned int options)
build/libs/host/CopyFile.c:531:69: warning: unused parameter 'isCmdLine' [-Wunused-parameter]
static int copyFileRecursive(const char* src, const char* dst, bool isCmdLine, unsigned int options)
.....edited for space..... Stuff like this will scroll by .....
Copy: /home/alaskalinuxuser/Documents/projects/phones/compile/aokp6/out/target/product/tbltexx/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libext4_intermediates/libipt_LOG.c
Copy: /home/alaskalinuxuser/Documents/projects/phones/compile/aokp6/out/target/product/tbltexx/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libext4_intermediates/libipt_MASQUERADE.c
Copy: /home/alaskalinuxuser/Documents/projects/phones/compile/aokp6/out/target/product/tbltexx/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libext4_intermediates/libipt_MIRROR.c
Copy: /home/alaskalinuxuser/Documents/projects/phones/compile/aokp6/out/target/product/tbltexx/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libext4_intermediates/libipt_NETMAP.c
target StaticLib: libip4tc (/home/alaskalinuxuser/Documents/projects/phones/compile/aokp6/out/target/product/tbltexx/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libip4tc_intermediates/libip4tc.a)
target thumb C++: keystore <= system/security/keystore/keystore.cpp
target thumb C++: keystore <= system/security/keystore/keyblob_utils.cpp
target thumb C++: keystore <= system/security/keystore/operation.cpp
.....edited for space.....
Notice that there were some "warning" flags in there. Warnings are not all bad, but they can be. In this case it works out okay. Hopefully, after many hours, you should see this:
______ _____ __ __ _____
/\ _ \/\ __`\/\ \/\ \ /\ _ `\
\ \ \L\ \ \ \/\ \ \ \/'/'\ \ \L\ \
\ \ __ \ \ \ \ \ \ , < \ \ ,__/
\ \ \/\ \ \ \_\ \ \ \\`\ \ \ \/
\ \_\ \_\ \_____\ \_\ \_\\ \_\
\/_/\/_/\/_____/\/_/\/_/ \/_/
===========-Package complete-===========
zip: /home/alaskalinuxuser/Documents/projects/phones/compile/aokp6/out/target/product/tbltexx/aokp_tbltexx_mm_unofficial_2016-10-27_0149.zip
md5: 46bc18249c61988e75aba813464692a3
size: 324M
Success! Praise God! Now you can put this on your phone and test it out! Hopefully everything will be working! For future use, now you can start making changes or edits, from backgrounds to kernels! Have fun and make lots of backups. Remember, sometimes it is really hard to undo a change that you make.
Hopefully we learned how to set up our system, get the source, add devices and kernels that are not in the source, and run the compiler. Like I said, this works on my machine, as of this writing. You may notice, that if you make this build, it will not be identical to the one that I have posted on XDA. That is because I have made a few edits, additions, and/or subtractions here and there. That is the great thing about Android and open source! It is now up to you to make it better, to make it unique, or to make it you. Good luck with those builds, and be sure to share and help the next guy or gal with their projects too!
Post #3. Rom - How to add apps to your rom.
Post #3. Rom - How to add apps to your rom.
Here is the commit for when I did this to aokp_device_samsung_tblte-common:
I like to add the Kernel Adiutor app to my TBLTE (Samsung Galaxy Note Edge) builds. I used to put it in the vendor directory. What I realized though, is that I can simply add it to my tblte-common repository under the devices. For my device, I have a tbltexx repository, which essentially sets a few flags and passes the buck to the tblte-common repository for building. So, I actually added the app to my tblte-common repository. Now, when I sync, it updates my tblte-common directory, and keeps my prebuilt app!
Here is what I did.
Added some folders:
In my tblte-common repository (dev/samsung/tblte-common) I added a directory called "prebuilt". In keeping with Android's common structures, I then created these two folders: "common" and in that folder, one called "app".
When you are done making directories, it should have a path like this:
Now, in the "app" folder, I placed my prebuilt app, the Kernel Adiutor app, which I named "ka.apk". I then made an Android.mk file in the "prebuilt" folder that looks like this:
# Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
# Prebuilt APKs
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := common/app/$(LOCAL_MODULE).apk
You can add as many prebuilt apps as you want this way, just make the above block for each app. Then you simply add them to your tblte.mk file in the tblte-common directory. You can substitute your device name here, it should work the same. Notice that the lines which have more than one app have the "" denoting that there are more files to add. Then the last app line does not have a "". Pretty simple, right?
# WJH adding kernel adiutor apk and selinux plugin apk.
# These are found in tblte-common/prebuilt/common/app
ka \
Now, when you run your build, it will include the apps that you have added to the list and placed in your folder!
Post #4. Rom - How to change the default background in your source.
Post #4. Rom - How to change the default background in your source.
Sometimes you just want to change the background. So, download a custom background and edit the jpg until it was the right shape and size. I typically use Gimp for that. Then:
After making the jpg into a 1920x1280 jpg file, I then used my home built script to make all of the "default_wallpaper.jpg" files. Here is the script:
echo "Changing name of jpg file."
mv *.jpg 1920x1280.jpg
echo "Converting to 1080x960"
convert -resize 1080x960 1920x1280.jpg 1080x960.jpg
echo "Converting to 960x800"
convert -resize 960x800 1920x1280.jpg 960x800.jpg
echo "Converting to 1440x1280"
convert -resize 1440x1280 1920x1280.jpg 1440x1280.jpg
echo "Converting to 2160x1920"
convert -resize 2160x1920 1920x1280.jpg 2160x1920.jpg
echo "Converting to 2880x2560"
convert -resize 2880x2560 1920x1280.jpg 2880x2560.jpg
echo "making folders"
mkdir ./drawable-hdpi
mkdir ./drawable-nodpi
mkdir ./drawable-sw600dp-nodpi
mkdir ./drawable-sw720dp-nodpi
mkdir ./drawable-xhdpi
mkdir ./drawable-xxhdpi
mkdir ./drawable-xxxhdpi
echo "copying and renaming pictures"
cp ./1080x960.jpg ./drawable-hdpi/default_wallpaper.jpg
cp ./960x800.jpg ./drawable-nodpi/default_wallpaper.jpg
cp ./1920x1280.jpg ./drawable-sw600dp-nodpi/default_wallpaper.jpg
cp ./1920x1280.jpg ./drawable-sw720dp-nodpi/default_wallpaper.jpg
cp ./1440x1280.jpg ./drawable-xhdpi/default_wallpaper.jpg
cp ./2160x1920.jpg ./drawable-xxhdpi/default_wallpaper.jpg
cp ./2880x2560.jpg ./drawable-xxxhdpi/default_wallpaper.jpg
echo "Complete."
echo "Move the drawable* folders to 'vendor/pac/overlay/common/frameworks/base/core/res/res' folder."
You have to have imagemagic installed on your machine to use this script. Then, simply place your jpg file in a folder by itself, and then put this script into the folder, and run it! Here is the output:
[email protected]:~/Documents/projects/phones/wallpapers/aokp/images$ ls
aokp.jpg picscriptphones.sh
[email protected]:~/Documents/projects/phones/wallpapers/aokp/images$ ./picscriptphones.sh
Changing name of jpg file.
Converting to 1080x960
Converting to 960x800
Converting to 1440x1280
Converting to 2160x1920
Converting to 2880x2560
making folders
copying and renaming pictures
Move the drawable* folders to 'vendor/aokp/overlay/common/frameworks/base/core/res/res' folder.
[email protected]:~/Documents/projects/phones/wallpapers/aokp/images$ ls
1080x960.jpg 2160x1920.jpg drawable-hdpi drawable-sw720dp-nodpi drawable-xxxhdpi
1440x1280.jpg 2880x2560.jpg drawable-nodpi drawable-xhdpi picscriptphones.sh
1920x1280.jpg 960x800.jpg drawable-sw600dp-nodpi drawable-xxhdpi
[email protected]:~/Documents/projects/phones/wallpapers/aokp/images$ ls drawable-hdpi/
[email protected]:~/Documents/projects/phones/wallpapers/aokp/images$
Once I moved the drawable folders to the vendor/aokp/overlay/common/frameworks/base/core/res/res folder mentioned above, I simply re-ran the compiler. Viola! Changed default background!
Post #5. kernel - How to build just a kernel from a rom source.
Post #5. kernel - How to build just a kernel from a rom source.
This is the easiest way to build a kernel for your roms, as it will create the bootimage file for you after making the kernel.
Make the kernel and boot image:
If you followed Post #2 to download all of the source, and even built a rom from it, you can now build just the kernel very quickly with only a few commands.
You can go to the aokp/kernel/samsung/tblte/arch/arm/config folder and edit your defconfig, in this case apq8084_sec_defconfig and apq8084_sec_tblte_eur_defconfig to make changes if needed.
Then, go to your aokp folder and open a terminal:
$ . build/envsetup
$ breakfast tbltexx
$ make clean
$ mka bootimage
Each one of those commands will create a lot of output, but the mka bootimage command will run the compiler, make your kernel, and your boot image. Now they are in the aokp/out/target/product/tbltexx/ folder as kernel and boot.img.
Make it a flashable zip:
Make a new folder and put this file in it:
Unzip that file and you will have everything you need. Simply put your boot.img file in this folder, and follow the included instructions to run zip.sh and make your boot.img flashable on any tblte phone.
Post #6. kernel - How to build just a kernel stand alone.
Post #6. kernel - How to build just a kernel stand alone, without Rom source...
For the record, I do not recommend building kernels this way, I recommend that you build them within your ROM source. This method will work, but is far more labor intensive.
Part 1 - The setup:
Go to
$ sudo apt-get install -y build-essential kernel-package libncurses5-dev bzip2 git make -y
This will take a while. Then:
$ cd ~
$ mkdir playground
$ cd playground/
$ mkdir toolchain
$ cd toolchain
Now type this for 4.9:
$ git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9
OR this for 4.8, but for this I recommend 4.8.
$ git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8
The output either way should look like this:
Cloning into 'arm-linux-androideabi-4.8'...
remote: Sending approximately 170.26 MiB ...
remote: Counting objects: 124, done
remote: Finding sources: 100% (124/124)
.........EDITED FOR SPACE..................
Resolving deltas: 100% (652/652), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
That will take a few minutes. Then:
$ mkdir kernel
$ cd kernel
$ git clone https://github.com/alaskalinuxuser/kernel_samsung_tblte.git
Cloning into 'kernel_samsung_tblte'...
remote: Counting objects: 49082, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (32/32), done.
.........EDITED FOR SPACE..................
Checking connectivity... done.
Checking out files: 100% (46422/46422), done.
This will take another few minutes, maybe longer, depending on your internet connection.
Part 2 - The kernel modifications
Before going further, this is when you can edit the files of the kernel, add things, remove things from the kernel itself. See the other posts here for how to do that. When you are ready, you can move onto the build.
Part 3 - The build
Open ~/playground/toolchain/kernel/kernel_samsung_tblte/Makefile, and go to line 195, it should say ARCH, edit it as such:
ARCH =arm
CROSS_COMPILE =/home/{YOURUSERNAME}/playground/toolchain/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-
$ cd ~/playground/toolchain/kernel/kernel_samsung_tblte/
$ make clean
$ make mrproper
You will likely see an error about TARGET, that is okay, just ignore it.
$ make menuconfig apq8084_sec_defconfig
$ make menuconfig apq8084_sec_tblte_eur_defconfig
After some scrolling text, you will see a menu option. Use the arrow keys and the space bar to make selections. Make any changes you want. Remember, not all changes are good. With this setup, you will need to make changes to make this function.
Once you are done, select exit. Then select yes to save your config.
Now that you are back at the command line, all you have to do is type one more command:
$ make
You will see a lot of scrolling text, like this:
arch/arm/kernel/return_address.c:63:2: warning: #warning "TODO: return_address should use unwind tables" [-Wcpp]
#warning "TODO: return_address should use unwind tables"
CC arch/arm/kernel/sched_clock.o
CC arch/arm/kernel/setup.o
CC arch/arm/kernel/signal.o
CC arch/arm/kernel/stacktrace.o
CC arch/arm/kernel/sys_arm.o
CC arch/arm/kernel/time.o
CC arch/arm/kernel/traps.o
CC arch/arm/kernel/atags_parse.o
CC arch/arm/kernel/cpuidle.o
This is good. Make is making your kernel.
If you are good, or lucky, then it will compile successfully, if not, it will error. Check your changes and use Google to search for errors if you need help. Again, I recommend to build kernels within the backdrop of ROM source, as I mentioned in the other post, it is much, much easier. This method will work, but you may have to add or change a lot of options in your config to make it happen.
Good luck!
Make it a flashable zip:
You will need to follow Post #7 and break down another boot image, insert your kernel, then re-pack that boot image with all of the proper arguments. This is the main reason I do not recommend building a kernel for Android outside of rom source.
Post #7. Kernel - How to break down and make boot images.
Post #7. Kernel - How to break down and make boot images.
Breaking down a boot image:
Okay, so first things first, STEP 1: downloads!
Download these things:
And download your boot image that you want to break down, if you have not already.
I am using Linux, Ubuntu 14.04. I did this previously from Debian Wheezy, so any Linux should work. You can also use a VM, virtualbox, etc. if you are on a Windows computer.
STEP 2: Unzip!
Go ahead and unzip the zipfile if you are breaking down a flashable kernel zip that you downloaded. Preferably in its very own folder. For my work, I made a folder called "playground" in my home directory to play around in. I will reference the "playground" meaning the main folder with everything in it. Now, in the playground, make a new folder called "bootimage". In the playground folder, copy the boot.img file to the bootimage folder.
STEP 3: Tools setup!
Copy the downloaded above tools into a new folder called "tools" in the playground folder. Open a terminal here and give these files executable permissions and copy them again to the bootimage folder:
$ cd ~/playground/tools
$ chmod 777 ./*
$ cp ./ ../bootimage
We copy this twice so we have backups of the tools in case we delete them accidentally.
STEP 4: Unpack the boot image!
Open a terminal and go to the bootimage folder, and start typing:
$ cd ~/playground/boot.img
$ ./unmkbootimg ./boot.img
You will see some output in the terminal that looks *kind of* like this:
$ ./unmkbootimg ./boot.img
unmkbootimg version 1.2 - Mikael Q Kuisma <[email protected]>
Kernel size 2992704
Kernel address 0x10008000
Ramdisk size 2196028
Ramdisk address 0x11000000
Secondary size 0
Secondary address 0x10f00000
Kernel tags address 0x10000100
Flash page size 2048
Board name is ""
Command line ""
This image is built using standard mkbootimg
Extracting kernel to file zImage ...
Extracting root filesystem to file initramfs.cpio.gz ...
All done.
To recompile this image, use:
mkbootimg --kernel zImage --ramdisk initramfs.cpio.gz -o new_boot.img
Whatever it says, copy and paste it, hand type it, screenshot, whatever it takes, write the output down, because this is the key to re-making your boot image!
Then, you can unpack it like so:
$ ./unpack-bootimg.pl ./boot.img
You should see something *like* this:
$ ./unpack-bootimg.pl ./boot.img
kernel written to ./boot.img-kernel.gz
ramdisk written to ./boot.img-ramdisk.cpio.gz
7607 blocks
extracted ramdisk contents to directory ./boot.img-ramdisk/
You will now have folders and files to play with!
Make changes to your boot image:
Now is the time to change any files you want, such as delete the kernel and put yours in instead, etc. I can not tell you much about this, since I don't know what you are doing in your boot image. Here is an example of me turning a Captivate glide cell phone into a Debian "laptop":
Re-pack the boot.img:
Okay, so you have made your changes, now it is time to put it back together. Go back to your playground folder.
$ cd ~/playground/bootimage
$ rm initramfs.cpio.gz
$ cd ./boot.img-ramdisk/
$ sudo su
<enter your password>
# find . | cpio --quiet -H newc -o | gzip > ../initramfs.cpio.gz
# cd ..
# mkbootimg --kernel zImage --ramdisk initramfs.cpio.gz --base 0x0 --cmdline 'console=ttyS1,115200n8 androidboot.selinux=permissive' -o new_boot.img
Note that the last part, "mkbootimg" needs to be all the stuff I told you to write down when you broke down your boot image, or it needs to be the new command line you want your boot image to use. The new_boot.img is your newly created boot image file, which you should rename boot.img, after you remove your old boot.img file from the folder.
-With heimdall, heimdall-frontend, or Odin, flash the new_boot.img to the boot partition of your phone, or make it flashable per Post #5 or Post #6.
Post #8. kernel - How to add CPU/GPU Governors.
Post #8. kernel - How to add CPU/GPU Governors.
Where to get CPU and GPU governors:
That is a really great question. Essentially, for CPU governors, you can pull them from any kernel by searching github. However, I recommend you pull from a kernel from either the same phone and/or kernel version. If you are using 3.10.40, but you pull from a kernel that is 3.10.84, there may be dependencies that are missing from your older kernel. In the case of the Nightmare example, I had to edit the governor itself to make it work with the kernel I was using.
For sure, if you follow this guide, you can always borrow mine
They will come from the drivers/cpufreq/ folder, and should be named cpufreq_{governor_name.c}. So, if you are looking for Nightmare, you can search github for cpufreq_nightmare.c, or use Google with "github cpufreq_nightmare.c".
GPU governors are a bit more complicated, see below for how to implement one, and then you can better see where to get one.
The non-technical guide to understanding CPU/GPU governors:
Adding CPU Governors:
Adding a kernel governor can be a Nightmare!
You can read the commit here: https://github.com/alaskalinuxuser/...mmit/19ba1b4f94d04877a5a783843a01c2494ecb1d5c
Okay, so a little play on words, especially since I am adding the Nightmare governor to the kernel, but it did turn out to be a bit of a problem child, fortunately, it was quickly corrected. As you can see, I did the standard additions, as well as adding the cpufreq_nightmare.c file: https://github.com/alaskalinuxuser/...94ecb1d5c/drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq_nightmare.c You can download it there.
The CPU Governor files are in the drivers/cpufreq/ folder, and all start with cpufreq_{DRIVERNAME}.
Added to drivers/cpufreq/Makefile, where the other cpufreq_*'s are:
.............EDITED FOR SPACE.......................
obj-$(CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_NIGHTMARE) += cpufreq_nightmare.o
.............EDITED FOR SPACE.......................
Added to drivers/cpufreq/Kconfig, where the other CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_*'s are:
.............EDITED FOR SPACE.......................
bool "nightmare"
Use the CPUFreq governor 'nightmare' as default. -WJH
Also added to drivers/cpufreq/Kconfig, where the other CPU_FREQ_GOV_*'s are:
.............EDITED FOR SPACE.......................
tristate "'nightmare' cpufreq policy governor"
'nightmare' - This driver is a modified PegasusQ.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the
module will be called cpufreq_nightmare.
For details, take a look at linux/Documentation/cpu-freq.
If in doubt, say N. -WJH
.............EDITED FOR SPACE.......................
Added to include/linux/cpufreq.h, right where the other CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_*'s were :
.............EDITED FOR SPACE.......................
extern struct cpufreq_governor cpufreq_gov_nightmare;
#define CPUFREQ_DEFAULT_GOVERNOR (&cpufreq_gov_nightmare)
.............EDITED FOR SPACE.......................
Added to arch/arm/configs/apq8084_sec_defconfig, right under "CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_POWERSAVE":
.............EDITED FOR SPACE.......................
.............EDITED FOR SPACE.......................
Adding GPU governors:
Comming soon.
Post #9. kernel - How to Overclock/Undervolt.
Post #9. kernel - How to Overclock/Undervolt.
Overclock an apq8084 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge!
You can see the commit on github here:
In my continuing quest to make a better kernel for the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge (TBLTE, N915T), I decided to tackle overclocking the kernel. There are already some overclocked kernels out there, but I decided to do something slightly different with mine. The distinguishing feature of my overclocked kernel is that it doesn't use any more power than it did before, and to God be the glory, it worked!
I also feel that when you overclock a chip, you are increasing the rate of failure, and the induced heat load. So I like to keep my overclocking light, less than 10% of the overall capacity that the chip was designed for. It is my hope that this will reduce wear and tear on the device while still providing superior performance.
Editing the tables for this chip was a lot simpler than for other chips I have worked on.
It all took place within the kernel/samsung/tblte/arch/arm/boot/dts/qcom/apq8084.dtsi file. Here is how it used to look:
.............EDITED FOR SPACE................
/* 2.7GHz RC1 */
qcom,speed2-pvs0-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 810000 76 >,
< 345600000 820000 88 >,
.............EDITED FOR SPACE................
< 2496000000 1120000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1135000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1150000 886 >;
And here was my change, from 2649600000 to 2688000000:
.............EDITED FOR SPACE................
/* 2.7GHz RC1 */
qcom,speed2-pvs0-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 810000 76 >,
< 345600000 820000 88 >,
.............EDITED FOR SPACE................
< 2496000000 1120000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1135000 849 >,
< 2688000000 1150000 886 >;
That's right, I only made a 39MHz change. I feel this was appropriate to keep the device cool and continue to use the same voltages. So it is essentially a 39MHz boost with no noticable consequences. Of course, I had to do the above to each speed and pvs table in that file.
Then, I needed to edit this portion:
.............EDITED FOR SPACE................
qcom,[email protected] {
reg = <0 4>;
compatible = "qcom,msm-cpufreq";
qcom,cpu-mem-ports = <1 512>;
qcom,cpufreq-table =
< 300000 300000 1144 800 >,
< 422400 422400 2288 800 >,
.............EDITED FOR SPACE................
< 2572800 1728000 16250 10101 >,
< 2649600 1728000 16250 10101 >;
.............EDITED FOR SPACE................
To this:
.............EDITED FOR SPACE................
qcom,[email protected] {
reg = <0 4>;
compatible = "qcom,msm-cpufreq";
qcom,cpu-mem-ports = <1 512>;
qcom,cpufreq-table =
< 300000 300000 1144 800 >,
< 422400 422400 2288 800 >,
.............EDITED FOR SPACE................
< 2572800 1728000 16250 10101 >,
< 2688000 1728000 16250 10101 >;
.............EDITED FOR SPACE................
It actually was the only time I have overclocked a kernel on the second try. Don't think too highly of me, though, I spent hours reviewing kernel edits for overclocking by various other kernel developers on GitHub. If you are looking to do the same, you should spend some time looking at working code for others, and then make your own tables.
If you try this on your own, you may have multiple tries where the phone will not even boot, or crashes while you use it, so be careful, make small changes, and be courageous, because this is usually not a simple one stop process.
If you were to compare my tables with everyone elses, you would see that I have done it differently than my contemporaries, even though we reached similar, or in some cases, identical results. I like to keep the code clean, short, and sweet. Often when overclocking, most kernel developers will add more lines to the tables. I have found that while that may be the best to maximize use, my method is much simpler and easy to implement, as well as follow, and that is what Linux should be all about, keeping it simple. It also makes it easier for "stock" kernel hot-plug controllers like MPDecision.
Under-volt a Samsung Galaxy Note Edge:
So, back to our ealier example of the overclocked chip, now we want to change the voltage. Doing that is easy, getting viable, stable, working results is much harder. Consider our code from the kernel/samsung/tblte/arch/arm/boot/dts/qcom/apq8084.dtsi file:
.............EDITED FOR SPACE................
/* 2.7GHz RC1 */
qcom,speed2-pvs0-bin-v1 =
< 0 0 0 >,
< 300000000 810000 76 >,
< 345600000 820000 88 >,
.............EDITED FOR SPACE................
< 2496000000 1120000 813 >,
< 2572800000 1135000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1150000 886 >;
To change the voltage, one only has to edit these multiple pvs trees.
Consider this line:
< 2572800000 1135000 849 >
It means:
< Frequency Voltage Amperage (? or cycles) >
So, in the above table, the 2572 MHz frequency uses 113.5 mv.
And, in the above table, the 2649 MHz frequency uses 115 mv.
So, to under-volt you could edit it like so:
< 2572800000 1120000 849 >,
< 2649600000 1135000 886 >;
This would cut down the voltage used on each of these frequencies. The problem is, however, if you go too low, you may cause the kernel to crash. Notice that in my overclocked kernel, I under-volted it to the same as the 2649 MHz frequency, even though I am using it at 2688 MHz. So, use with caution, and have fun making adjustments! I recommend only small changes or even only one change at a time.
Post #10. kernel - "How to" on special projects like sound mods and I/O schedulers.
Post #10. kernel - "How to" on special projects like sound mods and I/O schedulers.
How to add an I/O Scheduler to your kernel:
Praise God, another great addition to the TBLTE kernel was that of adding the FIOPS I/O scheduler to the kernel. What is an I/O scheduler? Well it is the part of the kernel that handles, or schedules, input and output. Particularly, this has to do with writing and reading to and from media, like your hard drive, flash drive, etc.
So, how do we do that? How do we add I/O schedulers to our kernel?
Well, for the TBLTE kernel, I will show you what I did, and you can add to your kernel similarly.
Go to the block folder in your kernel source. The first thing that you need to do is add the fiops-iosched.c file. Whatever I/O scheduler you want to add will be named like this: {NAME-iosched.c} you can search Google or github for them, or take them from my source if you would like.
Once you put your fiops-iosched.c file in your kernel's ./block/ folder, you can now edit two other files in that folder. You need to add the new scheduler to the make file, so it knows to make it, you can do that like so:
Open ./block/Makefile and add this line after the other *-iosched.o lines:
obj-$(CONFIG_IOSCHED_FIOPS) += fiops-iosched.o
Notice that it just uses the name of the iosched file, but with an ".o" extension instead of a ".c" extension. The ".c" file you added earlier will create a ".o" (object) file that the Kernel needs to use to "make" the kernel.
Now edit the ./block/Kconfig.iosched file like so:
tristate "FIOPS I/O scheduler"
default y
The FIOPS I/O scheduler. WJH.
This way, when you are moddifying your configuration, you can select to build it. Notice that it is a "default y", essentially, I am telling the config file creator to allways assume I want to build this, unless I choose not to. You can also eddit the "---help---" portion to say anything you want. I put my initials in there so I can find it easily with the search tool.
Now open your configuration file. For the stock builds, that would be ./arch/arm/configs/ap88084_sec_defconfig, and add this line:
Note that you could also do this through
$ make menuconfig
You may also note, since we gave it a "default y" in the Kconfig.iosched file, we don't actually need to add this to our configs, as it will be built by default, but I like to declare what I am building in my configs so I remember what I am doing.
There you go! Now when you build your kernel again, the FIOPS I/O scheduler will be added in. It is remarkably simple, just the way I like it. You can read the commit here: https://github.com/alaskalinuxuser/...mmit/f80320a895612bd1379ca789f88f1d6dfd6e68f9
I will teach you to build Nougat roms here also, if you are interested.
I appreciate the help with teaching me what I need to do with our Note Edge. As far as I know, I need Linux, latest OpenJDK for building with Nougat and beyond. I have read up some basics, but I don't know all the particulars that go into the Note Edge.
---------- Post added at 07:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:12 PM ----------
[/COLOR @AlaskaLinuxUser
I would also like to ask, you mentioned earlier in the guide that you had an HP Compaq 6715b. How long were compile times? I have an HP Elitebook 8540w with an Intel i5 520m, so I am assuming that compile would probably take about 6 hours?
DaKillaz98 said:
I appreciate the help with teaching me what I need to do with our Note Edge. As far as I know, I need Linux, latest OpenJDK for building with Nougat and beyond. I have read up some basics, but I don't know all the particulars that go into the Note Edge.
I would also like to ask, you mentioned earlier in the guide that you had an HP Compaq 6715b. How long were compile times? I have an HP Elitebook 8540w with an Intel i5 520m, so I am assuming that compile would probably take about 6 hours?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No problem.
Your laptop should work. It took me 11 hours to compile on my old laptop. Now I use a server with 24 GB of ram, 8 cores (2x4 core 2.0 GHz) and it takes 3 hours to compile. I can only guess, but it will likely take 6 hours on your machine. The great thing is, starting with Nougat, the builds now use Ninja, so you can see the progress in percentage. Before, in MM and down, we just had to wait, without knowing how far along it was. We could guess by looking at the files, but it is not always built in the same order.
Okay, to get started. If that laptop is your machine, you can't set up a virtual box, because you need all 8 GB of ram (unless you have more than that). So, I recommend installing Ubuntu 14.04, 64 bit. 14.04 is still Google's preferred OS for building Android, but you can do it on other systems. I recommend for now that you do install 14.04 or 16.04 as your build environment. Once you get good at the builds, then you can experiment with other OS' for the builds.
After you install that, follow post #2, with these changes for Nougat:
I am only listing the changes, otherwise, follow the steps as is.
<<<<< Step 1: Setup your system. >>>>>
sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 lib32ncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32z-dev ccache libgl1-mesa-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc unzip bzip2 dpkg-dev git git-review lib32readline-gplv2-dev lib32z1-dev libbz2-1.0 libbz2-dev libghc-bzlib-dev libncurses5-dev libreadline6-dev lzop maven pngcrush pngquant python-markdown schedtool squashfs-tools tofrodos
After you install that, but before you install the "curl repo" part, install openjdk-8-jdk per here:
Now continue by curling the repo per the instructions.
<<<<< Step 2: Download the source. >>>>>
$ cd ~
$ mkdir aokp7
$ cd aokp7
$ repo init -u https://github.com/AOKP/platform_manifest.git -b nougat
$ repo sync
<<<<< Step 3: Adding the device, kernel, and vendor trees. >>>>>
For each of these download links (t-mobile added and links updated):
https://github.com/AOKP/device_qcom_common --> Yes, this is a little old, but so is your phone.
And the only change for renaming:
aokp_device_samsung_tbltetmo --> "tbltetmo" (Place in aokp7/device/samsung/ )
<<<<< Step 4: Editing the device, kernel, and vendor trees. >>>>>
No changes.
<<<<< Step 5: Start your build! >>>>>
No changes. But....
Not required, but if you want the capacitive buttons to work correctly, before you compile, do this from the aokp7 directory:
$ sh device/samsung/tblte-common/run_before_compiling.sh
It runs a little script that overwrites the generic keyboard layout.
Now you can continue with the
$ . build/envsetup.sh
When you get to brunch tbltexx:
$ brunch tbltexx
-- OR --
$ brunch tbltetmo
To build for the international or T-mobile versions.
Okay, that should get you started. I will gladly assist once you get rolling.
I guess I should have asked: Are you planning to build MM or Nougat? I figured Nougat, so do the above to build Nougat. For learning purposes, you could follow the guide as written to build MM instead.
For some reason, my post didn't go through. Anyways, I tried to mention I am building Nougat, and waiting until I go up to my Grandparents where they have an HP Workstation with an Intel Core 2 Quad q9600 and 6gb ram, their computer is more dedicated for the job. But for bow, I have been running new LineageOS builds with Micky387's RR kernel and his Key Layout files, so I may build kernels only on my laptop. If will probably post up a zip including the keylayout files and my own built lineageos kernel for now so people can have new builds until I start building explicitly for the Note Edge.
DaKillaz98 said:
For some reason, my post didn't go through. Anyways, I tried to mention I am building Nougat, and waiting until I go up to my Grandparents where they have an HP Workstation with an Intel Core 2 Quad q9600 and 6gb ram, their computer is more dedicated for the job. But for bow, I have been running new LineageOS builds with Micky387's RR kernel and his Key Layout files, so I may build kernels only on my laptop. If will probably post up a zip including the keylayout files and my own built lineageos kernel for now so people can have new builds until I start building explicitly for the Note Edge.
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Sure. Good luck.
Sent from my LG-H811 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
Thanks for the help and support on this. It is highly appreciated.
AlaskaLinuxUser said:
Sure. Good luck.
Sent from my LG-H811 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
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Sorry about my large absence from this ROM build. My computer had broken down, so I worked on fixing it, also found a cheap PC on eBay which will serve builds much better. Intel i5 2400 with 8gb ram and 500gb hdd, so I should have a lot more room and power for builds. I had also started my own TouchWiz project called Slaughtered ROM and was busy with that, I will soon set up the build environment and get that going, thank you again for the guide and sorry for how long I had been busy.
I will start with AOKP, but probably push towards Resurrection Remix and possibly seeing if I can build AOSP O on the Edge.
DaKillaz98 said:
Sorry about my large absence from this ROM build. My computer had broken down, so I worked on fixing it, also found a cheap PC on eBay which will serve builds much better. Intel i5 2400 with 8gb ram and 500gb hdd, so I should have a lot more room and power for builds. I had also started my own TouchWiz project called Slaughtered ROM and was busy with that, I will soon set up the build environment and get that going, thank you again for the guide and sorry for how long I had been busy.
I will start with AOKP, but probably push towards Resurrection Remix and possibly seeing if I can build AOSP O on the Edge.
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No problem, I hope the guide will help you as you get started. I can't answer every question, but if you have problems let me know, I'd be glad to help if I can.
Sent from my LG-H811 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
AlaskaLinuxUser said:
No problem, I hope the guide will help you as you get started. I can't answer every question, but if you have problems let me know, I'd be glad to help if I can.
Sent from my LG-H811 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
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Thanks for your help! I have synced RR repo's, I wanted to try building RR, and am in the process of setting it up with the device-specific stuff, afterwards I will start building.

