Phone(Radio) not working - Tried various ROM/Radio - HD2 General

Basically at first, my HD2 had a problem with voice reception on other end, sent it to Hong Kong for Warranty, came back with reception good but device constantly restarting, turns out it needed a new Board, send it back to HK for a New Board, came back with a New board.
And now the Phone does not work.
I have tried the following official ROMS :
.51.22_2_Ship - "X" on the phone icon, cant detect sim at all, will
not let me turn Phone on with wireless controls
"Operation failed" while trying to make a call.
I have tried custom Roms, the current one I am using is the Maelus ROM, 3.2.2
And details on my boot up are :
2.08.50 05
15 34 50 07u
3.14 04666 8G
I even tried Task29 before flashing to the Maelus ROM.
It just doesn't let me turn my Phone on, whenever I go into the settings, and the phone is off, and I tap it, the little progress swirly thing appears in the middle of the screen, then stops and the phone does not go to the "ON" position.
With all those 3 roms I've tried (2 of the official HK ones from HTC Website), and also the Maelus custom rom, I cannot get the Phone to work.
It only worked once when i got the phone back on a good reception area, but now here I can't even actually turn the phone on.
Could anybody Reccomend me a Custom ROM + Radio Version to switch to, i don't know if the official ones didn't work I don't know what to do.
at the moment I got Maelus ROM on with the radio 2.08.50 05, I'm going to upgrade the radio to a slightly newer one to see if that helps. my HTC is on charge at the moment.
Has anybody experienced this issue before, and know any fix? I'm willing to try anything.
EDIT - Actually the Phone does turn on, e.g I can slide the slider on the options to "ON", but it does not pick up the carrier/provider or get any signal, any suggestions welcome.

time to return it again. Just make sure to put on a stock rom/radio/spl before you do so

Trying a newer radio is all you can do as far as software goes as the radio is the software side of what controls reception on your phone. Go to the HTC HD2 Master Radio Thread and download the newer versions of radios. There is eight radio versions newer than the one you have so I would just start at the Leo_RADIO_2.10.50.19_2 and work my way up to the Leo_RADIO_2.15.50.14**. If none of the eight radios solve your issue than download the official stock ROM for your HD2 from HTC. com using your serial number from your HD2 to confirm it is the ROM for your HD2 and the go to the Flash your ROM/Radio via microSD thread to learn how to flash it via SD card so you will be reverted back to complete stock ROM, SPL, radio, and Splash screen. Then send it back for further repairs as it is no more you can do software wise. Good luck hope you get your HD2 working properly again.

Thanks for the reply.
I really don't know what to do other than try different radios, it seems that the people in Hong Kong that work for HTC don't know how to repair phones, it's been returned to me from warranty twice with defects that weren't present in the first place. They fix one defect and it comes back with another.
It seems to not get any signal in some areas where previously it would e.g in lower signal suburbs it gets NO SIGNAL at all, i'm wondering if there is some aerial unit that they forgot to plug in on the board or something, or is it all integrated.
It's so annoying as they want me to pay them to send it back, so I use about $60 to and from every time, and it's about a 3-4 month wait every time. I don't know if I should request they just give me a whole new phone because nothing seems to be right.
I think the SPL program by Cotulla now has the option to put a factory SPL back on.

kidcash said:
Thanks for the reply.
I really don't know what to do other than try different radios, it seems that the people in Hong Kong that work for HTC don't know how to repair phones, it's been returned to me from warranty twice with defects that weren't present in the first place. They fix one defect and it comes back with another.
It seems to not get any signal in some areas where previously it would e.g in lower signal suburbs it gets NO SIGNAL at all, i'm wondering if there is some aerial unit that they forgot to plug in on the board or something, or is it all integrated.
It's so annoying as they want me to pay them to send it back, so I use about $60 to and from every time, and it's about a 3-4 month wait every time. I don't know if I should request they just give me a whole new phone because nothing seems to be right.
I think the SPL program by Cotulla now has the option to put a factory SPL back on.
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Wow that is crap man! It cost you 60 bucks to ship it to them and then 3 to 4 months before you get it back, that is totally unacceptable to me. I would most definitely request a replacement if I was you and tell them that you want the phone shipped to you with return shipping already paid so all you have to do is ship them your current HD2 back to them after you have received the replacement HD2. If you have had to wait that long and pay 60 bucks twice then I feel like you are entitled to a replacement HD2 as they twice have not returned a working HD2 to you.
Yes the HSPL utility by Cotulla does allow you to revert back to a factory SPL, but I suggest you use the SD card flashing method as it insures that you install the correct SPL for the ROM you flash, unless you know the correct SPL you had befor flashing any ROM to your HD2, this is the easiest eway of reverting your HD2 to total stock. One process vs two processes if you flash the ROM via USB.

The radio isn't the problem, if your issue was reception, or battery drain, then yea, it could be the radio, but the symptoms you describe can't be radio version related.
I'd be screaming @ the repair shop that sent you back a defective unit.

I do have an question from a friend of mine wondering about this: If he got an HTC HD2 T-Mobile version (unlocked), and he want to use the 3G AT&T bands (he is currently under their contract), is there a radio file he can use to unlock the bands so he can use the 3G network rather be stuck on EDGE? Also this is proven not to brick the device (a radio version that users on this site are using themselves to make this possible)?
If so, can someone point me in the right direction on acquiring the file? The device already has the HardSPL installed and it is running a cutomized Windows Mobile 6.5.3 ROM image (I did this for him so he can have the better ROM than the stock T-Mobile version). The SIM is unlocked as he is using it on AT&T but he is only on EDGE for now. Thank You very much

TKETZ196 said:
I do have an question from a friend of mine wondering about this: If he got an HTC HD2 T-Mobile version (unlocked), and he want to use the 3G AT&T bands (he is currently under their contract), is there a radio file he can use to unlock the bands so he can use the 3G network rather be stuck on EDGE? Also this is proven not to brick the device (a radio version that users on this site are using themselves to make this possible)?
If so, can someone point me in the right direction on acquiring the file? The device already has the HardSPL installed and it is running a cutomized Windows Mobile 6.5.3 ROM image (I did this for him so he can have the better ROM than the stock T-Mobile version). The SIM is unlocked as he is using it on AT&T but he is only on EDGE for now. Thank You very much
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can can not use ATT 3G bands on a tmobile HD2, it doesn't have the hardware to support it.

Well an update, I took the phone to a local repair shop, and surprise surprise, the antenna wasn't even connected, it was broken in half the antenna clip, so I had to pay $200 to get that fixed....... the signal is good, but at times it will drop out, whether the initial breakage of the antenna caused it to be not so good even when repaired I don't know, they put a whole new antenna in though, maybe the refurbished board that HTC HK Put in (The repair guy said they use Refurb boards), is causing the problem.
So HTC is a slack company, that can't employ people to properly repair their phones, just putting it out there. They say they can't replace the phone.
I am thinking of selling this one and getting a T-Mobile one (I am in Australia), is there any advantage of getting a T-Mobile other than the added 1024mb Memory? Does it have better signal or run faster? I want another HD2 so wondering which flavor I should get if it comes to that.

Hi. I am not sure that the 1024 is limted on other devices if you hack the Bootloader and put in a different ROM version. I believe the official ROM for the devices native to your country locks out the remaining ROM space, as it may do with the amount of RAM as well. I would have to look that up. I assume that most HTC HD2 handsets would be built generally the same (with the exception of the GSM chip as I have been informed).
The T-Mobile version, i believe will not allow you to use the 3G bands in your country if you are using Telstra Wireless (unless it uses the 1700 mhz spectrum as well as the 850 for its 3G). In the USA the equivolent would be AT&T and i have also been informed that the T-Mobile version HD2 will not pick up the band, no matter what you may try to do (like flashing the radio firmware).

kidcash said:
Well an update, I took the phone to a local repair shop, and surprise surprise, the antenna wasn't even connected, it was broken in half the antenna clip, so I had to pay $200 to get that fixed....... the signal is good, but at times it will drop out, whether the initial breakage of the antenna caused it to be not so good even when repaired I don't know, they put a whole new antenna in though, maybe the refurbished board that HTC HK Put in (The repair guy said they use Refurb boards), is causing the problem.
So HTC is a slack company, that can't employ people to properly repair their phones, just putting it out there. They say they can't replace the phone.
I am thinking of selling this one and getting a T-Mobile one (I am in Australia), is there any advantage of getting a T-Mobile other than the added 1024mb Memory? Does it have better signal or run faster? I want another HD2 so wondering which flavor I should get if it comes to that.
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As you live in Australia I suggest you get a Telstra HD2 if 3G is important to you. If not go for the T-Mobile HD2 it is great, but then again I have never used any other HD2.


Another phone bites the dust...

Well, I've had my phone for about 8 months, and so its first major fault has developed. As of last Friday, it will no longer connect to the 3G network, and barely hold a 2G connection. Wifi/GPS radios are fine, so I'm guessing something with the internal aerial has gone screwy. Reflashed with original t-mob roms which have had no effect, back to WM5 (eugh) and still the same.
Had to laugh at T-mob though, they wanted me to hunt out another 3g t-mob subscriber to try their sim, and try my sim in their phone. Either that, or visit a T-Mob store. Grrr.. Managed to loan a Tytn off the boss for a couple of days, my sim goes straight to HSDPA so deffo the ameo. So T-Mob are having it back for a few days to try and resuccitate it back to life, fingers x'd its back to a state where it looks like its not been furkled with too much.
I could have taken it to a t-mob shop for them to send off, and helpfully they would have sent me a txt when it was ready for collection - as I then pointed out to the nice lady on the phone, how would I receive said message when my phone is AT YOUR FRIGGING SERVICE DEPARTMENT. Poor show from T-Mob, but what was expected. Still, at least I'm not completly off the grid at the mo.
Oh, and I had Radio 1.5 and WM 6.1 image on the phone at the time, and it was during a voice call the phone rebooted and then wouldn't work, so i'm guessing somethings maybe overheated and gone pop...
Digital.Diablo said:
Well, I've had my phone for about 8 months, and so its first major fault has developed. As of last Friday, it will no longer connect to the 3G network, and barely hold a 2G connection. Wifi/GPS radios are fine, so I'm guessing something with the internal aerial has gone screwy. Reflashed with original t-mob roms which have had no effect, back to WM5 (eugh) and still the same.
Had to laugh at T-mob though, they wanted me to hunt out another 3g t-mob subscriber to try their sim, and try my sim in their phone. Either that, or visit a T-Mob store. Grrr.. Managed to loan a Tytn off the boss for a couple of days, my sim goes straight to HSDPA so deffo the ameo. So T-Mob are having it back for a few days to try and resuccitate it back to life, fingers x'd its back to a state where it looks like its not been furkled with too much.
I could have taken it to a t-mob shop for them to send off, and helpfully they would have sent me a txt when it was ready for collection - as I then pointed out to the nice lady on the phone, how would I receive said message when my phone is AT YOUR FRIGGING SERVICE DEPARTMENT. Poor show from T-Mob, but what was expected. Still, at least I'm not completly off the grid at the mo.
Oh, and I had Radio 1.5 and WM 6.1 image on the phone at the time, and it was during a voice call the phone rebooted and then wouldn't work, so i'm guessing somethings maybe overheated and gone pop...
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Let's hope they give you a new replacement since it is still under warranty. Who knows, may be even a 7510?
Digital.Diablo said:
Well, I've had my phone for about 8 months, and so its first major fault has developed. As of last Friday, it will no longer connect to the 3G network, and barely hold a 2G connection. Wifi/GPS radios are fine, so I'm guessing something with the internal aerial has gone screwy. Reflashed with original t-mob roms which have had no effect, back to WM5 (eugh) and still the same.
Had to laugh at T-mob though, they wanted me to hunt out another 3g t-mob subscriber to try their sim, and try my sim in their phone. Either that, or visit a T-Mob store. Grrr.. Managed to loan a Tytn off the boss for a couple of days, my sim goes straight to HSDPA so deffo the ameo. So T-Mob are having it back for a few days to try and resuccitate it back to life, fingers x'd its back to a state where it looks like its not been furkled with too much.
I could have taken it to a t-mob shop for them to send off, and helpfully they would have sent me a txt when it was ready for collection - as I then pointed out to the nice lady on the phone, how would I receive said message when my phone is AT YOUR FRIGGING SERVICE DEPARTMENT. Poor show from T-Mob, but what was expected. Still, at least I'm not completly off the grid at the mo.
Oh, and I had Radio 1.5 and WM 6.1 image on the phone at the time, and it was during a voice call the phone rebooted and then wouldn't work, so i'm guessing somethings maybe overheated and gone pop...
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I had the same problem. It turns out that t-mobile's signal strength is not up to much in many areas. I was about to return my ameo for the third time (they insisted that it was the ameo at fault) but when I learned that it was t-mobiles' rubbish comms, I held on to it for a few weeks. Yesterday, I tried to make it sim-free and bricked it. Makes a lovely paperweight until someone can come to the rescue!!
Hi I have a x7501 so how do you get 3g to work and what plan from t-mo do you need?...Thanks...TJ
TrekkerJmm said:
Hi I have a x7501 so how do you get 3g to work and what plan from t-mo do you need?...Thanks...TJ
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If you're talking about 3g for T-mo in America and not Europe, I don't think they have 3G as yet but they do have EDGE which is 19,99 unlimited. And now they carry a 99.99 unlimeted voice, text and sms, plan. Hope this information helps. Oh and you posted the question in the wrong thread.
Well, it would appear that the mobo or a radio chip has been replaced on it. Its due back tomorrow I think, but the repair companies website indicates what whilst the serial number is the same, the IMEI is different.
@ Bishee, I was pretty certain it wasn't the network at fault, as it was the same wherever I used it, and at home and work, I get a good HSDPA signal (sometimes dropping back to 3G when the networks congested). And it didn't change for the 3 or 4 days before it got sent back to t-mob.
@ Trekkerjim - If your not in the US (although given the model number you quote, seems to indicate this) it should work with 3G from the off, however you must have a 3g capable sim card (I've seen this a few times) and you must make sure the radio is set to the correct frequency (or auto). For people in the UK on t-mob that don't have the settings, I posted up a cab somewhere on the ftp xda site which configures the settings correctly.
Anyway, fingers x'd its all sorted now, so I'll let you know how it looks once I've gone through the fix process (olipro unlocker, WM 6.1 e.t.c. )
I got my 7501 up and running on Rogers 3G with the help
of one of their techie sales type,it's working fine with a
pay-as-you-go simcard.
Phone's back, and I'm not sure if its a replace or refurb - the job notes say a mobo swap and also unit swap. I can confirm that the case is all new and shiny and the screen printing on the case is all back to 'new' condition.
Came back with Radio
O/S Build: 5.2.1620 (Build 18125.0.4.2).
If anyone wants this version (UK T-Mob), send me the distructions on how to extract the rom from the phone and I'll sort it out - you have until PK4 arrives

Terrible connection strength

Since I took advantage of the orange ****-up and moved to O2, i just cant make phone calls from home.
From other places its fine, but at home its awful.
I have tried the O2 sim in another phone and its perfect, so I dont think its the phone masts.
I have spoken to O2 and they tell me the account is provisioned but unavailable to send my HTC the settings as they dont support the phone at all.
Is there anything I can do?
Sometimes it happens, you can always try a different radio. Some radios will improve reception in different areas. As an extra quirk, some can even improve battery life!
Take a look here for more info:
Just a word of caution however, you might want to get your HD Security unlocked first before flashing a new radio.
Can you list what ROM/loader/radio version you're using (I assume that you've unlocked an Orange handset)? Sometimes if you've got mixed up versions, the signal quality will suffer - see for someone with a similar problem after flashing their phone.
Different phones will always show some variation in connectivity; it's just a fact of life - but at most about 30% variation. If your other handset has 5 bars and the HD has one or zero, something is wrong with it. Also, since your handset is unlocked it might help to try a payg SIM from another operator (getting a free SIM is easy, and if you don't make calls it won't cost you to stick it in and look at the signal). We carry one from every operator, just in case we're stuck in a region with bad coverage and need to call someone urgently.
More info
I have tried a few different ROMs but currently using Duttys 6.5 R12 revised rom.
Radio is currently 1.14 but I have tried 1.16 in the past with no improvement.
My handset is unlocked (using the link on this forum).
In the other phone (an old Nokia) its perfect signal, 5 bars, but in the HD it ranges from 4 bars to none and all inbetween, quickly changing all the time too.
I might try and get hold of a PAYG O2 sim and see if thats any different.
c_lee said:
Can you list what ROM/loader/radio version you're using (I assume that you've unlocked an Orange handset)? Sometimes if you've got mixed up versions, the signal quality will suffer - see for someone with a similar problem after flashing their phone.
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Read through that and my bootloader screen is fine and shows SPL 1.56 Olinex security unlocked.
So I dont think thats the problem.
I have the same problem!
Got the HD yesterday, and reception goes from 0 to 4 bars all the time. When sim is in my other pdas it fine. I have an unlocked HD on o2.
My bootloader screen shows SPL-1.54.0000
Tried an orange sim and got 4 bars
Telephone connectin strength
I have the same problem.
At home impossible to call. On the road connection is regularly lost (when moving from one ground station to the next I suspect). This feels like the coverage problems in de mid 90s.
ROM 1.56.404.1
Provider Proximus
New sim did not help
onverbe said:
I have the same problem.
At home impossible to call. On the road connection is regularly lost (when moving from one ground station to the next I suspect). This feels like the coverage problems in de mid 90s.
ROM 1.56.404.1
Provider Proximus
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19/10 I asked for a new sim card from my provider but that has made no difference.

T-mobile HD2, unlocked and won't connect to O2

I purchased an HD2 from eBay, it was locked to T-mobile. I immediately purchased an unlock code, installing my old iPhone sim (making O2 aware of what I was doing) and punching in the unlock code. All appeared well, however it won't connect to the telephone network. I'm getting the GSM icon and I can strangley check emails when out and about sometimes. But I can't make nor receive calls.
I've taken the T-mobile ROM off and replaced it via HSPL with ...
Which is the standard O2 ROM. It throws up the following error when searching for networks and trying to connect to O2.
"cannot register on selected network, choose another network".
I've tried everything and I'm just about losing it, smashing the phone passed my mind at one point.
I've tried my sim in another O2 HD2 and it worked fine, on all account. His O2 sim didn't work in my phone, which is annoying. So the issue is with the handset.
Before I go insane, I don't suppose someone knows a very easy solution to this issue?
OS Version - 5.2.21864 (21864.5.0.81)
Manilla Version -
ROM Version - (70315) WWE
Radio Version -
It's sat next to me on the desk with an exclamation mark on the network icon but the mobile web icon is connected.
Very srtange.
automatic network selection brings back a failure to connect, however manual selection brings back all UK providers, selecting O2. I get "cannot register".
I wonder if it's something to do with O2 barring the handset? Brand new before I opened it. Also it was locked to T-mobile.
There must be a very simple explanation for this I hope.
Sounds like you may have to contact T-mobile for an unlock code.
TomH01 said:
Sounds like you may have to contact T-mobile for an unlock code.
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I've paid this company ....
[unlockdata dot co dot uk for a code and have used it, however that does appear to be the issue from what I can see.
They sent me a code, when placing my O2 sim in the phone asked for it, I entered it and all appeared well. However it must not be the case deep down in the phone somewhere.....
are you sure it hasnt been blocked by t-mobile? Could well be an insurance scam: data usually works on blocked phones whereas GSM doesn't.
Well I've took my O2 sim card out and stuck my T-mobile one back in and the T-mobile one works and the O2 one doesn't, but I can't make calls.
Did some diggging that this ....
I've not been able to use the phone due to it actually being barred from service. Please use the below link ..
www . checkmend . com / uk / verify
With the certificate ID of - CM4510856-D4848
Looks like it's not stolen or lost, but just barred. I wonder why.
Is there any way I can get this removed?
Its blocked then: blocked and barred are the same thing. More than likely the seller has sold the device then immediately reported it lost/stolen to claim a new one and thus not only have a new phone buy also a nice slice of cash in their back pocket.
There is no way that the phone will be barred without having been reported as either lost or stolen and there is also no way of having it unblocked unless you are the original owner, haven't made an insurance claim, and ring T-mobile with the blocking password provided when the loss was first reported to the police.
Personally I recommend you lodge a claim with PayPal immediately as any other line of enquiry will only serve to delay the inevitable: you will not get the phone unblocked.
Best of luck sorting it out.
Complaint logged with Paypal, just have to wait and see what comes of it. Included the link to the file saying it's barred, let's see what the seller has to say about that.
c*ck omlette that he is
Thanks so much for the info and shoulder to cry on, heh heh.
All the best, Sii
Good luck with it mate, hope you get it sorted quickly.
Well I spoke to T-mobile and they said "no idea why we blocked it, it's not listed as stolen or anything, there you go, unbarred".
I can make calls on my T-mobile sim, however it still REFUSES! to connect to O2, even though I've put in the unlock code supplied by the company listed above.
Spoke to O2 customer support and T-mobile, no bars on the phone, no issues are barring by either provider. Just refuses to connect to O2.
Any ideas?
If not, anyone want to buy a £360 2 day old HD2?
siilomax said:
Well I spoke to T-mobile and they said "no idea why we blocked it, it's not listed as stolen or anything, there you go, unbarred".
I can make calls on my T-mobile sim, however it still REFUSES! to connect to O2, even though I've put in the unlock code supplied by the company listed above.
Spoke to O2 customer support and T-mobile, no bars on the phone, no issues are barring by either provider. Just refuses to connect to O2.
Any ideas?
If not, anyone want to buy a £360 2 day old HD2?
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i would try and get a different SIm from o2 maybe?
or even try flashing a different radio.
Audio Oblivion said:
i would try and get a different SIm from o2 maybe?
or even try flashing a different radio.
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I've had 3 sims from O2 already this week, they've been really cool about it.
I've also had to ROMS on, the original t-mobile one, and the latest HTC ROM too.
I can't for the life of me figure out what the problem is, it's very annoying.
I may just put it up for sale on the bay of E, it works perfectly on T-mobile.
I'll try some other flashes this evening and see if that fixes it, however I don't think it will. FUnny thing is that it won't connect to the network but the large [G] connects, which does make me believe it's something radio based.
Been told to check the following ....
Yes in the sim card options type mepd
Network active - locked
Network disabled / inactive - unlocked
ANy ideas how?
Bit of an obivous thing really, but did you have to go through connection setup when you put the O2 SIM in?
johncmolyneux said:
Bit of an obivous thing really, but did you have to go through connection setup when you put the O2 SIM in?
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Yes, and it won't connect/register/logon/access the O2 network.
This is the confusing thing, it can see the network but won't register with it
im not sure exactly which ROMS you have tried so i dont know whether they would have included a radio update... to be sure flash the radio ONLY!
Audio Oblivion said:
im not sure exactly which ROMS you have tried so i dont know whether they would have included a radio update... to be sure flash the radio ONLY!
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Can anyone on O2 UK please list the Radio flash they're using and working with?
I did list the ROM I'm currently using in my first post.
I tried this with the originally installed T-mobile ROM (unknown details, apologies) the latest HTC ROMs (United Kingdom 1.48.405.2 and WWE:1.66.405.2) direct from their UK site and then the O2 listed in my first post.
I'll give everything another go tonight, seriously running out of steam on this topic though
siilomax said:
Can anyone on O2 UK please list the Radio flash they're using and working with?
I did list the ROM I'm currently using in my first post.
I tried this with the originally installed T-mobile ROM (unknown details, apologies) the latest HTC ROMs (United Kingdom 1.48.405.2 and WWE:1.66.405.2) direct from their UK site and then the O2 listed in my first post.
I'll give everything another go tonight, seriously running out of steam on this topic though
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Im on 02 using radio on mr.vandalay's Leo Lite V2.1 WWE Rom (highly recommended) With HSPL and works like a charm only mod ive need to do is the reg tweek to get mms full size.
Hope this helps mate good luck
mynamesteve said:
Im on 02 using radio on mr.vandalay's Leo Lite V2.1 WWE Rom (highly recommended) With HSPL and works like a charm only mod ive need to do is the reg tweek to get mms full size.
Hope this helps mate good luck
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Excellent, thanks so much for the information, I'll give that a stab when I get in after work. To save me hunting around, I don't suppose you'd be so awesome as to link to the ROM
Thank for everything guys, I just hope this ROM update fixes something ....

hd2 t mobile unlock problems

hello friends, ask you about a strange problem.
i've bought a hd2 t mobile from USA ebayer, unlocked and with WINDOWS PHONE 7. I put my Italian SIM (vodafone italy) and notice that i can't use it. call seller and he wrote me unlock code. don't remember if after this i have tried to call, or if have seen the signal strenght, but i have changed to android. the seller used magldr 1.10, but i experienced that with this version the system had restart and restant such as looping mode. so i've found magldr 1.13, and this one permits to android to start.
Now everything runs well, except i can't call. the phone runs, because i can do emergency calls, and with another SIM, 3G italy, an UMTS provider, in some places i can use it normally. but is very poor signal, the most is absent. when i put inside Vodafone SIM i have no signal at all. Close to this i have italian LEgend HTC with Another Vodafone SIM and Full signal. if i ask to find network, even with vodafone, he finds only 3G.
If this problem come from bad unlocking, s there something to do to solve it? i though to try to unlock it againm but now it doesn't ask me for code. so what to do? lock it and unlock again? is possible?
another problem: with phone there is a 16 gb Sd card. i see only 200 mb, before i thought was damaged, but trying to reinstall wP7, i have read on a site that is WP7 that format 200 mb for working. now, how can i do to take back the entire 16 gb of space?
eziofulk said:
hello friends, ask you about a strange problem.
i've bought a hd2 t mobile from USA ebayer, unlocked and with WINDOWS PHONE 7. I put my Italian SIM (vodafone italy) and notice that i can't use it. call seller and he wrote me unlock code. don't remember if after this i have tried to call, or if have seen the signal strenght, but i have changed to android. the seller used magldr 1.10, but i experienced that with this version the system had restart and restant such as looping mode. so i've found magldr 1.13, and this one permits to android to start.
Now everything runs well, except i can't call. the phone runs, because i can do emergency calls, and with another SIM, 3G italy, an UMTS provider, in some places i can use it normally. but is very poor signal, the most is absent. when i put inside Vodafone SIM i have no signal at all. Close to this i have italian LEgend HTC with Another Vodafone SIM and Full signal. if i ask to find network, even with vodafone, he finds only 3G.
If this problem come from bad unlocking, s there something to do to solve it? i though to try to unlock it againm but now it doesn't ask me for code. so what to do? lock it and unlock again? is possible?
another problem: with phone there is a 16 gb Sd card. i see only 200 mb, before i thought was damaged, but trying to reinstall wP7, i have read on a site that is WP7 that format 200 mb for working. now, how can i do to take back the entire 16 gb of space?
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If I were you I'd flash back to the Stock TMOUS ROM and make sure the phone is mechanically sound before doing any more software installs. If the phone doesn't work from a stock ROM, then the device is defective. You have too many variables that could be causing the problems. Get back to stock and then add one thing at a time to your device.
EDIT: An unlock code should work regardless of what you do with the phone, so I don't think that is the issue.
Ok first off what radio version do you have on the HD2 as this might be your reception problem. Certain radio versions work better in certain areas but the latest version seems to work well for everyone. TO flash a different radio version to your HD2 go to "[RADIO] The HTC HD2 Master Radio Thread" and download the radio version you want to use, you may want to try several different ones until you find one that works for you. If you have the international HD2 with 512MB ram you can flash any radio version. If you have the TMOUS HD2 you can only flash radio versions2.06.50.xx and up, do not flash a 2.04.50.xx, 2.05.50.xx, or any x.xx.51.xx tradio version to a TMOUS as it will brick the phone. If you have all whit external buttons at the bottom of the HD2 you have a international model, if you have a green send button and a red end button it is a TMOUS. Put your HD2 into the multicolor bootloader screen by holding the volume down button down while powering on, connect your HD2 via USB and wait for the Serial in the white bar of bootloader to change to USB then flash the radio.
To get your full 16GB back on your memory card you will have to reformat it cause WP7 puts a funky format on the SD card as it uses the SD card as the internal memory. The easiest way to do this is to get a SD card adapter and put your SD card in it then stick it in a digital camera and format it with the camera then format it with your computer using fat 32, this will give you your full 16GBs back.
thank you both for help. i have already tried to go back to original rom and windows 6.5 for Tmous. no way. but it can call, emergency call runs and with a 3G SIM i can call. the seller said he unlocked hd2 in USA before sending me, i had to unlock it again wit my sim. so there is something strange. seems it has a low signal power, and refuse GSM signal. tomorrw i will take it in a lab for testing of signal. then i will wite here again.
eziofulk said:
thank you both for help. i have already tried to go back to original rom and windows 6.5 for Tmous. no way. but it can call, emergency call runs and with a 3G SIM i can call. the seller said he unlocked hd2 in USA before sending me, i had to unlock it again wit my sim. so there is something strange. seems it has a low signal power, and refuse GSM signal. tomorrw i will take it in a lab for testing of signal. then i will wite here again.
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Are you saying you could not flash it back to stock, or that after the flash it appears to be still locked?
i flashed back, removed Hspl, putting a rom on SD and renaming leoimg.***.
then i have installed an original win 6.5 rom.
the same i've done today again, only with a rom for win 6,5.
notice: in win 6,5 the IMEI was longer, finished with a 01 more than other view from android doing *#06#- may be is not important.
the only way to see a carrier working is to put 3G sim and the correct APN.
eziofulk said:
i flashed back, removed Hspl, putting a rom on SD and renaming leoimg.***.
then i have installed an original win 6.5 rom.
the same i've done today again, only with a rom for win 6,5.
notice: in win 6,5 the IMEI was longer, finished with a 01 more than other view from android doing *#06#- may be is not important.
the only way to see a carrier working is to put 3G sim and the correct APN.
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Ok someone correct me if I am wrong please as I am going on what I consider to be basic knowledge of both subjects here. But the APN settings are basically just for your data/internet connection to work properly with the carrier you have as you have to access their servers to go online.The radio is what is in control of voice communication along with the phone hardware. The hardware also has control over the data connection to but it is more to the extent if you can use 2G, 3G, or 4G. So in summary if you are having voice problems change your radio version, if you are having data connection trouble check your APN settings.
thank yo for your help.
i have took back the phone from LAB.
no way, there is a hardware damage, due, may be, to transport from USA to Italy. the involved side is in reception, the chip is damaged due to accidental shock, and has a very low activity. only where the signal is full, the damaged filter let it work, but it's always a strange way to do it, totally full signal and no signal in a few seconds. T.Mobile is not supported by european HTC, so i must send back the phone in USA

No signal Tmous HD2

Please help me fix my beloved HD2 I have replaced my HD2 with one I purchased off ebay a few weeks ago, as the hardware on my old one failed. Anyway, it turns out that the one I purchased off ebay is a TMOUS HD2. Anyhow, the phone works perfectly in every operation, except the most vital feature, cellular connection!
On the original Windows Mobile 6.5 rom, I just get an exclamation mark where the signal should be. When I search manually on network selection I can only see Orange that comes up. This is no use to me as I am on GiffGaff (ran on the O2 network).
On android, under the status screen I can see that there is signal being recieved, but most of the other boxes say things like provider unknown etc. The signal says something like 103db, -3asu (these are only the figures I remember), so I can see that some signal is working.
On windows phone it says No Service on the phone icon. I have tried the APN tool and it still does not work
What could this be? I have reflashed some different radios and it still does not work. The simcard worked perfectly with my previous european HD2. I have now spent about 8 hours tonight trying to get it working ;(
Many thanks
speedyracer5 said:
Please help me fix my beloved HD2 I have replaced my HD2 with one I purchased off ebay a few weeks ago, as the hardware on my old one failed. Anyway, it turns out that the one I purchased off ebay is a TMOUS HD2. Anyhow, the phone works perfectly in every operation, except the most vital feature, cellular connection!
On the original Windows Mobile 6.5 rom, I just get an exclamation mark where the signal should be. When I search manually on network selection I can only see Orange that comes up. This is no use to me as I am on GiffGaff (ran on the O2 network).
On android, under the status screen I can see that there is signal being recieved, but most of the other boxes say things like provider unknown etc. The signal says something like 103db, -3asu (these are only the figures I remember), so I can see that some signal is working.
On windows phone it says No Service on the phone icon. I have tried the APN tool and it still does not work
What could this be? I have reflashed some different radios and it still does not work. The simcard worked perfectly with my previous european HD2. I have now spent about 8 hours tonight trying to get it working ;(
Many thanks
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run htc connection setup obtained from the htc marketplace part of the windows phone marketplace. those numbers you see under android is the signal strength numbers. did you not know you were buying a tmous phone from ebay and not the european version? the phone should still work as the hd2 is a quad band phone.
anyway, the connection setup app is what you need. make sure your cellular connection is on in settings.
speedyracer5 said:
please help me fix my beloved hd2 i have replaced my hd2 with one i purchased off ebay a few weeks ago, as the hardware on my old one failed. Anyway, it turns out that the one i purchased off ebay is a tmous hd2. Anyhow, the phone works perfectly in every operation, except the most vital feature, cellular connection!
on the original windows mobile 6.5 rom, i just get an exclamation mark where the signal should be. When i search manually on network selection i can only see orange that comes up. This is no use to me as i am on giffgaff (ran on the o2 network).
On android, under the status screen i can see that there is signal being recieved, but most of the other boxes say things like provider unknown etc. The signal says something like 103db, -3asu (these are only the figures i remember), so i can see that some signal is working.
On windows phone it says no service on the phone icon. I have tried the apn tool and it still does not work
what could this be? I have reflashed some different radios and it still does not work. The simcard worked perfectly with my previous european hd2. I have now spent about 8 hours tonight trying to get it working ;(
many thanks
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you should try different roms. I had it before and after switched to cm7 it gone
hjhjhj said:
run htc connection setup obtained from the htc marketplace part of the windows phone marketplace. those numbers you see under android is the signal strength numbers. did you not know you were buying a tmous phone from ebay and not the european version? the phone should still work as the hd2 is a quad band phone.
anyway, the connection setup app is what you need. make sure your cellular connection is on in settings.
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hey man, cheers for the reply! I thought that it was a european phone, the pictures showed a generic HD2 with white buttons, so they must have just used a stock picture, I was quite happy that it was a tmous one, because of the extra ROM. Anyhow, in windows phone 7 I did actually run the HTC connection setup, and configure it to giffgaff, but I still cannot call people as it says there is no service :/ I have reinstalled android and the signal strength is -95dBm and 0asu, is that a bad signal?
Legolas90 said:
you should try different roms. I had it before and after switched to cm7 it gone
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I just installed typhoon's cm7, but I had no such luck ;(
try locking the radio to 2G GSM in settings & see if you can get on the GiffGaff network.
Try some other sims to help eliminate a network issue.
Mister B said:
try locking the radio to 2G GSM in settings & see if you can get on the GiffGaff network.
Try some other sims to help eliminate a network issue.
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I have enabled 2G in the android preferences on the typhoon rom, I have also inserted a different simcard (BT) and the same issue occurs
Could it be a radio issue? I have my suspicions that this is a refurb phone, could the antennas not be touching the chassis properly?
speedyracer5 said:
I have enabled 2G in the android preferences on the typhoon rom, I have also inserted a different simcard (BT) and the same issue occurs
Could it be a radio issue? I have my suspicions that this is a refurb phone, could the antennas not be touching the chassis properly?
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I just wiped data/factory reset in the recovery, rebooted phone and got signal for about a second. I got two texts through and now the signal has gone, now it is at 0dbm and 0asu????
Sounds odd, try a WM6.5 rom such as NRG & one of the top radios such as linked in my sig & see if you get it working then move on to ROM of your choice or pin it down to hardware issue ...
I have a TMOUS HD2 & have used it fine on Orange, Vodafone in the UK. If issue persists on WM6.5 I would suspect hardware issue !
Mister B said:
Sounds odd, try a WM6.5 rom such as NRG & one of the top radios such as linked in my sig & see if you get it working then move on to ROM of your choice or pin it down to hardware issue ...
I have a TMOUS HD2 & have used it fine on Orange, Vodafone in the UK. If issue persists on WM6.5 I would suspect hardware issue !
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Hey, cheers for trying to help!
I installed the stock WM6.5 rom and suddenly I got 5 texts and there were 4 bars of signal. A minute later all signal was gone and no matter how hard I tried I could not get any
This was after I opened up the phone and made some fixes.
It turns out the phone is a refurb unit that the seller was trying to sell as brand new! I was first alerted to this when I saw the original sticker seal was replaced with a Chinese one, and the grill near the earpiece had dirt in it. Most of the antenna prongs on the mainboard were bent down, so I bent them back up. All of the screws that were meant to be securing the main board down were also missing. This is a word of warning to those buying off ebay. The company I bought this off were a very large Chinese company, but it would appear that they refurbish phones, make them look new and try to sell them as new, and most of them work. The link to the seller is below:
Do not buy from them!
Thanks for everyones help with this, I have given up trying to fix this piece of ****, anyone have any ideas what I can do with two broken HD2's? Any buyers?
speedyracer5 said:
Any buyers?
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PM me!

