Battery Tips? - G2 and Desire Z General

I just want to know what I can do to improve my battery on CM7 nightly 32. I'm at 21 hours now and almost dead. Yet I see people get stuff like 2 days and 10 hours... I have tasker and the only profile I have is when the screen goes off it turns mobile data off (not sure If it works so I also use apndroid). I NEVER use wifi, bluetooth, or high brightness. I do however have gps on so in case I lose my phone is lost or stolen I can track it. So there's no way I'm disabling that. I have tried juice defender but figured since it can't effectively disable data for 2.3.3 I saw no point in the app. Any tips?
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App

Sorry for the typos, I'm half asleep and there's no editing option in the xda app... atleast add it to the premium version!
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App

21 hours on moderate use is great battery life. 12 hours is usually the measuring stick for smartphones, less is bad, greater is good.
Don't know who you saw getting two days plus, but they are either not touching their phone or have an extended battery.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2

Best way to extend battery life is to get an extended or high capacity battery. I just got the Mugen Power pack, not the chunky one, and im in the process of breaking it in.
On my stock battery i was getting about 17hrs of moderate use. Almost no talk but alot of texting, engadget and youtube mostly on wifi with gps always on. That might give you an idea, plus, there are countless battery related threads on here.
Will post back in afew days after my Mugen has cycled afew times.
Sent from my Virtuous Desire Z 1.0.1 using XDA App

I have 4 stock replacement batterys and never plug my phone in to the charger. When my phone is at about 5% i just take one out and pop the next one in and charge them in the wall... I know its not the answer you want but I never have a problem with battery life lol

I would agree that 21 hours is great battery life on this phone. I can get a week of battery life on my phone if I put it in airplane mode and stick it in my desk drawer =P
Not sure how big of an impact the tasker profile has. Unless your screen is off for long periods of time I would think that it might harm the battery life because every time you touch the device, it has to 'search' and connect to the tower again.
You can try running the phone at the stock CPU speed to see if that has an improvement on your battery life. I currently run the same 1017/245 as you with a screen off profile set at 245/245.
For me, as long as I can make it through a day's use, the battery life is fine. With moderate use I can go about 15-18 hours and heavy use I'm at around 12. The car charger in those cases is a life saver.
Bottom line is, battery life really depends on your usage habits. Those people getting days out of their phones likely aren't using them very much...

well i have setcpu set at 806 max and 245 min. screen off is at 245/245 and on powersave governor. other then that its on ondemand. i also have profile set to reduce the CPU based on battery. I have it set to <101% its at 806/245 , <41% its at 768/245 and less then 25 is 368/245. i realize that these are low speed but i hardly ever get lag and i use it for everything, music, video, youtube, internet, twitter, facebook, xda , and a here and there gmail. i guess if im getting exceptional battery life... anyone want some tips?

I find the more variation I put into profiles on setcpu, the worse my battery life gets. Theory - it is constantly watching and making changes based on your CPU needs and battery. So I have mine set to 1113-1113 performance, 245-245 powersave screen off, 245-245 powersave 45degrees+ and for your mobile data, try just having a widget to turn it on and off as you need it. You probably don't need it on everytime you turn on your screen do you?
Sent from my SilverBullet "HTCDesireZ running CM7"

The apndroid widget eventually gets out of sync with on/off with the data... I think its gingerbread. Most apps can't effectively turn the radio off. I hope they make one soon!
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App

I find the stock battery to be not that great. I bought the Chichi batteries way back in October (when they were still considered cheap) and theyve been great. I havent really done any new tests since October, but back then (before I had a data plan) I was getting atleast a day and more (from 100% to dead) with moderate usage.
I'd look for a high capacity battery, though they seem to be expensive now.

Kevin001111 said:
The apndroid widget eventually gets out of sync with on/off with the data... I think its gingerbread. Most apps can't effectively turn the radio off. I hope they make one soon!
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
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The power bar widget that comes with cm7 works perfect for me. Turns onoff Wi-Fi/apn/GPS/brightness/airplanemode
Sent from my SilverBullet "HTCDesireZ running CM7"

I just tested out my battery the other day. I got a day and 13 hours and I was at 19 percent. Wifi is a big battery killer, and brightness is too.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App

Ill post a battery success story...sounds nerdy lol. And i live at my own home with my own family lol.
My mothers g2 is rooted and running cm7 nightly 29 or 30, I installed it last week. I asked her today for the first time how the battery was after a week. She is using an aftermarket 1800mah battery, wifi only at home, she was almost at 32 hours and had 39% battery left!!!!
Not sure of all settings but i put it on 1113mhz, on demand with min 368, autobacklight, wifi only at home, bluetooth is always connected and on. Talk is about 70% of her usage overall. 4 gmail accounts. I did not install set cpu at all. I even stopped it on my phone because it didnt help me one bit.
Not too shabby. I was at 57% with some texting but a lot of gps usage for latitude and wifi always on even when not at home.
sent from the rooty tooty fresh and fruity cm7 nighly powered G2

here is what i get out of a day (battery consumption for specific tasks are mentioned in percentages measured using juiceplotter)
wifi on constantly
display set to 24% brightness
background sync enabled (google, weather 6hrs, whatsapp and facebook once a day)
45 min video (rockplayer no h/w decoding) 15%
1 hr browsing+chat 15%
30 min calls 6%
20 min music+chat 5%
20 min general usage 5%
1 hr flash streaming 15%
24 hrs standby 24% (@ 1% for every hr of standby)
15% battery remaining after 24 hrs i.e. low battery warning.
i disabled the use wireless network option under locations and always on mobile data
and get much better battery life, also i use wifi constantly when available (which is 90% of the time), it is much better for battery life than using 3g or gprs/edge.
pretty amazing battery life IMO i am very happy.

So i have cycled my Mugen 1800mA battery acouple times. on average, i'm able to get about 27hrs of heavy use. Here are some settings as a baseline:
Always on Data
Wifi always on
Auto brightness
1GHz clock speed
massive amounts of text use
massive amounts of screen on time
will report back in afew days time after some more cycles.


Battery, it's now time to exchange you!

I'm so giddy right now. I've ordered an OEM battery for my Vibrant, and i should be getting it any day now. The reason for me ordering a new battery is limited usage time. Lately when flashing any ROM, I make sure It is at 100% charged. I will normally get about 4.5 or less hours of usage - using a little app named 'Battery Left'.
I don't use a task killer. Ever. I know this has some controversy signed to this, but the Android OS is engineered without issue regarding this.
I Use WiFi whenever I can (uses a fraction of the power 3G radios use). When I CAN'T use WiFi, I make sure it's turned off so it's not wasting power scanning for hotspots.
I make sure GPS is off whenever i'm not using it.
I set display timeout to 30 seconds, set brightness to Auto, or manual and the lowest. Little trick, if Brightness is on manual, you can adjust it on the fly by swiping left or right across the task bar.
I let the battery TOTALLY discharge at least once (twice is better) and then charge to full. This doesn't condition the battery, this just calibrates the battery metering software, so that it knows for sure where zero is, making the metering more accurate.
I try to use a darker colored wallpaper, blacks and reds and deep greens and blues use less power than lighter tones, and white is the worst.
I get a half-day out of my rooted Vibrant on T-Mobile, and I actually use it as a phone (amazing huh?), PDA, game machine, ebook reader, etc, it's not just in my pocket on standby. Battery life has nothing to do with it being unlocked/rooted.
I understand the biggest reason why people think THEIR particular smartphone has some sort of battery problem: They just got it, and are using the hell out of it. We tend to not set it down in the first few days/weeks, we're always fiddling with it, showing it to our friends and co-workers, etc. Once the new and shiny wears off, and we settle into more "normal" usage patterns, we start noticing that we get a lot more battery life out of the device. Some people think that the battery is now "broken in", but the truth is, the USER is broken in.
Some of my POWER hungry apps I use on a daily basis is 'SportsTracker' which I use riding my bicycle to and from work (7.3 miles one way). SportsTrack uses my GPS and tracks my ride in REAL time. It sends a link to Facebook and Twitter, where my friends, and family can watch me go. This app uses about 17% of my battery - one way. So, at the end of the day, just using SportsTracker it uses at least 35% of my battery.
Speaking to the heavy users, how many hours do you normally get using your Vibrant?
With 20-30 calls a day, 20-50 texts, dozen or so emails and listening to music and just geeking on the phone Axura 30 hrs before it is 15% Trigger 24 hrs before 15%, but then, that's how it works for me. Since I got rid of stock roms, I have had ZERO battery problems, I only use Task manager. Deleted all the bloat and I have screen set to 50%. Battery is no longer an issue
With Bionyx 1.3 I let the phone sit idle (exchange email running in the background though) from 8AM and till 4PM it took only 15%
Skype+music+movie for around 1 hours and it's down 15% more (now 70%)
I guess it'll last 1.5 day normal use and 2 days idle use
oka1 said:
With 20-30 calls a day, 20-50 texts, dozen or so emails and listening to music and just geeking on the phone Axura 30 hrs before it is 15% Trigger 24 hrs before 15%, but then, that's how it works for me. Since I got rid of stock roms, I have had ZERO battery problems, I only use Task manager. Deleted all the bloat and I have screen set to 50%. Battery is no longer an issue
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That's a great battery life. My bionix eats more battery on almost the same usage. I have around 76 user apps installed and some bloater. One thing I have noticed using system panel is when I sleep, my phone sleeps with me and uses an average of 1% battery per hour. Is that good? I still I think im not getting optimal battery life when im actually using the phone.
Sent from my Samsung Vibrant (Bionix-V 1.2.1) using XDA Premium app
You guys think that's good battery life? Nah, this is good battery life.
I always got 20-30hours a charge with most of the Bionix roms. However with Bionox 1.3 I struggle to get more than 12 hours with the same usage. I did notice that new app BLN (using your soft keys as notifications) was reported on some other roms as a battery drainer, so I have uninstalled via Titanium. I will report back tomorrow if that is the issue. I still use KA5 modem, so that part has always been a constant
Weird. I'm on 1.3 as well. I'm 15 hours into my charge with normal usage on 3G/WiFi and I've got 25% left.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
I'm 15hrs in running Bionix-v 1.2 and i have 42% left. That's with GPS on all in pocket from unplugging to about 3:30pm. Then only light use.
Days that I use heavily I'll have to plug in around 4pm. I'm not too happy with my battery life. I love my phone...but my old iPhone 3G had top notch battery life! lasting 3 days without charging.
Is it not weird how these times fluctuate so much between users?
Will the new Galaxy S 4G battery fit in our phones? Or will it even be worth it?
Do you have the superpower app? It saves my battery big time when phone is sleeping.
Sent from my Vibrant running Bionix V 1.3 using XDA App
I ordered a batter charger, two spare regular batteries and one spare extended battery last month for my vibrant.
Now I keep a spare charged battery in my pocket and I no longer have to plug my phone in anywhere I go. I just swap batteries and put the dead one on the charger when I get back home.
If I am going to be away from home for more than 24 hours then I put in the extended battery which gives me about 2 days worth of use.
Its a bit of a pain to have to be down for a minute when the battery is dying, but I am more content using the phone this way since I can now keep it with me instead of leaving it upstairs or on my office desk to charge.
My phone is on the stock KA6 kies and from 8-8:30 it is off the charger on 3G. When I get to work it is on WIFI with WIFI Calling(no signal indoors) from 8:30-12:00 and goes back on 3G. then at 12:30 it goes back on WIFI(calling) and sits like that till 5:00. Usage during that time, some email viewing, 10 txt or so, 5 min phone calls and that is it!! from full charge at 8am to 5 pm I'll be at 45-50% battery left and what you read above is all I do with it all day. Battery life is horrible. Not much I can do(unless someone has an idea to fix the issue) as I need WIFI calling otherwise why have a cell phone?
Food for thought
My phone is on the stock KA6 kies and from 8-8:30 it is off the charger on 3G. When I get to work it is on WIFI with WIFI Calling(no signal indoors) from 8:30-12:00 and goes back on 3G. then at 12:30 it goes back on WIFI(calling) and sits like that till 5:00. Usage during that time, some email viewing, 10 txt or so, 5 min phone calls and that is it!! from full charge at 8am to 5 pm I'll be at 45-50% battery left and what you read above is all I do with it all day. Battery life is horrible. Not much I can do(unless someone has an idea to fix the issue) as I need WIFI calling otherwise why have a cell phone?
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So 16 hours with 3G and WiFi Calling on all the time...on the STOCK Samsung crap? Thats pretty awesome man. WiFi calling is a HUGE drain. Spend the $2 on an app called SystemPanel. It will tell you exactly what is taking up CPU Cycles which, of course, uses battery.
I go 24 hours on a charge with routine use. Granted, everyone's use is different. But I got two days with the KA7 modem on Bionix V. I see no difference with 1.3 (haven't used it enough to tell). Granted, I had WiFi Calling frozen and was on EDGE most of the time and turned on WiFi when I needed it. I've observed WiFi Calling using excessive CPU cycles when it isn't even on. Its pretty poorly coded. I recommend freezing wifi calling when you aren't using it.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
You guys think that's good battery life? Nah, this is good battery life.
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LAY OFF THE photoshop :>>>
You guys think that's good battery life? Nah, this is good battery life.
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LAY OFF THE photoshop :>>>
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Don't hate.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
i got 2+ battery backup =.="
Tarzanman said:
I ordered a batter charger, two spare regular batteries and one spare extended battery last month for my vibrant.
Now I keep a spare charged battery in my pocket and I no longer have to plug my phone in anywhere I go. I just swap batteries and put the dead one on the charger when I get back home.
If I am going to be away from home for more than 24 hours then I put in the extended battery which gives me about 2 days worth of use.
Its a bit of a pain to have to be down for a minute when the battery is dying, but I am more content using the phone this way since I can now keep it with me instead of leaving it upstairs or on my office desk to charge.
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Where did u get the charger and battery from? Also thinking about getting those!
Sent from my Samsung Vibrant (Bionix-V 1.2.1) using XDA Premium app

SyndicateROM Frozen (EB13) - Battery Life Thread

Hey guys,
Just created this thread so we could all have our battery life info in once place and keep the dev thread from getting cluttered.
Please post the following info:
1. Standard or Fully Loaded version
2. Total hours unplugged and percentage
3. Details (percentage and time) for each service
4. And any pertinent details such as apps used (juice defender), or extended batterys
Also, please don't forget to calibrate, airplane bug fix, and kill that drm.
Ex. (will edit with final time)
1. Loaded
2. Total - 8h50m @66%
Display - 55m 78%
Cell standby - 8h50m 9%
Wifi - 6h40m 7%
Phone idle - 7h54m 4%
Voice - 1m 3%
4. Juice defender, setcpu @ 100/1000
Ideally we want to wait for a full drain to post stats but this is just an example. Thx guys looking forward to seeing what you all are getting.
Just installed it will get back to you in a couple of days after recalibrating my battery.
Btw, i hear Juice defender does more harm than good...
bighuta said:
Just installed it will get back to you in a couple of days after recalibrating my battery.
Btw, i hear Juice defender does more harm than good...
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Hm I'll have to test with it on and off. I use it because I get spotty service in my house and don't want it searching for signal all the time.
My explanation for for seeming disparity in battery results:
mcdavid said:
My explanation for for seeming disparity in battery results:
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Interesting. I think you are right, we are essentialy minimizing out idle drain to a certain extent. However, even activily using my phone it drans slower than stock with this rom. My next run ill try and use it all day to see what I get.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
adrift02 said:
Interesting. I think you are right, we are essentialy minimizing out idle drain to a certain extent. However, even activily using my phone it drans slower than stock with this rom. My next run ill try and use it all day to see what I get.
I dont get 30 hours with heavy useage. I what to know what people think heavy usage is
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Battery drain
Hello everyone, noob here. I can't post in the development forum on this but it pertains to the battery and charge to a degree. Maybe someone here can help me in some sort of way.
I rooted and flashed the SyndicateROM Frozen yesterday, used it all day and never a hiccup. This thing is lightning fast and props to the dev's but here is the only issue I found. This morning after waking up I noticed the phone was stuck on the ACS android startup icon. I plugged in to charge last night and it's like it froze the phone when it reached full charge. Anyone else experience this?
Thanks for any help that I receive.
heroforme said:
I rooted and flashed the SyndicateROM Frozen yesterday, used it all day and never a hiccup. This thing is lightning fast and props to the dev's but here is the only issue I found. This morning after waking up I noticed the phone was stuck on the ACS android startup icon. I plugged in to charge last night and it's like it froze the phone when it reached full charge. Anyone else experience this?
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I think I read in the dev thread that it's a known problem with the kernel? Or maybe it was the rom... or CWM? anyways the dev's know about it. Just don't charge your phone when it's off.
Battery for me seems to be a lot better than stock, but I'm always charging here and there... today I'll let it run without charging for 4-5 hours and I'll report back. Using a lot of setCPU profiles.
heroforme said:
Hello everyone, noob here. I can't post in the development forum on this but it pertains to the battery and charge to a degree. Maybe someone here can help me in some sort of way.
I rooted and flashed the SyndicateROM Frozen yesterday, used it all day and never a hiccup. This thing is lightning fast and props to the dev's but here is the only issue I found. This morning after waking up I noticed the phone was stuck on the ACS android startup icon. I plugged in to charge last night and it's like it froze the phone when it reached full charge. Anyone else experience this?
Thanks for any help that I receive.
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Are you charging it with the power OFF? Lots of people were posting issues of freezing when charging with the battery off --- and I think the probs are related to CWM -- not the ROM. Only charge while the phone is on -- and you should not see problems.
I put on to charge with the power on last night because I had set the alarm to wake me up and it never did so that is when I noticed it. I don't think I've ever charged it with the power off, even when it was stock.
Maybe the dev's will come up with a fix sometime in the future. As for now, I'm happy as hell 'cause this ROM is great.
heroforme said:
I put on to charge with the power on last night because I had set the alarm to wake me up and it never did so that is when I noticed it. I don't think I've ever charged it with the power off, even when it was stock.
Maybe the dev's will come up with a fix sometime in the future. As for now, I'm happy as hell 'cause this ROM is great.
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Did this just happen once? If it doesn't happen over and over, I wouldn't consider it a bug. I have only heard of issues like you describe with the power off.
I'm looking at 12 hours on ACS Frozen on average. I haven't even gotten close to the rumored 30 hours with "heavy use" I think my use has been moderate. My battery use log only only lists display 98% and cell standby 2%. This confuses me. I do more than sit there staring at my homescreen.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
rygran87 said:
I'm looking at 12 hours on ACS Frozen on average. I haven't even gotten close to the rumored 30 hours with "heavy use" I think my use has been moderate. My battery use log only only lists display 98% and cell standby 2%. This confuses me. I do more than sit there staring at my homescreen.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
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How you use your phone makes a difference and while 30h is possible, I don't see it happening with heavy use unless that is little display use. Below is my most recent "heavy use" run. Basically tried to use the phone all day, xda app, browsing, mainly wifi, 0% screen brightness.
1. Loaded
2. 8h7m @5%
Display - 5h33m 95% <- serious display use which kills the phone quick
Wifi - 4h56m 2%
Cell standby - 8h7m 2%
Voice - 4m30s 2%
4. Setcpu @100/1000, juicedefender, 0% brightness
Pretty good considering the insane display usage. With normal use I get over 20h so that just shows how fast it kills your battery. Going to do an "extreme" run next to include heavy cpu use (play emulators all day haha).
adrift02 said:
How you use your phone makes a difference and while 30h is possible, I don't see it happening with heavy use unless that is little display use. Below is my most recent "heavy use" run. Basically tried to use the phone all day, xda app, browsing, mainly wifi, 0% screen brightness.
1. Loaded
2. 8h7m @5%
Display - 5h33m 95% <- serious display use which kills the phone quick
Wifi - 4h56m 2%
Cell standby - 8h7m 2%
Voice - 4m30s 2%
4. Setcpu @100/1000, juicedefender, 0% brightness
Pretty good considering the insane display usage. With normal use I get over 20h so that just shows how fast it kills your battery. Going to do an "extreme" run next to include heavy cpu use (play emulators all day haha).
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You did that with a standard battery? I haven't seen anyone post more than 4 hours of display "time on". That's impressive. Maybe I should try 0% brightness. I have mine at 25%. Are you on "Conservative" on SetCPU?
rygran87 said:
I'm looking at 12 hours on ACS Frozen on average. I haven't even gotten close to the rumored 30 hours with "heavy use" I think my use has been moderate. My battery use log only only lists display 98% and cell standby 2%. This confuses me. I do more than sit there staring at my homescreen.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
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The 98% means that 98% of your battery use is coming from the screen. Click on where is says 98% and look at see what the use details are (the "time on"). Generally, most people are getting less than 4 hours of display time on with a single charge. The explanation is that some people stretch 4 hours of display time over 30 hours of use. In other words, the people who are getting 30 hours of use only have their screen on 10 - 15% of the time (or less).
mcdavid said:
You did that with a standard battery? I haven't seen anyone post more than 4 hours of display "time on". That's impressive. Maybe I should try 0% brightness. I have mine at 25%. Are you on "Conservative" on SetCPU?
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Yes, using the standard battery. Setcpu is on conservative. I always use 0% as it looks great (kick it up tp 25-50% outside). I think I was able to get that long of display use due to minimizing cpu usage and other services. All I did is browse in dolphin and use xda app. And, that was pretty much all on wifi. Only change was the hour I was at the dog park on 3g and I recorded a 5 min video.
I bet my gaming session tomorrow will kick it down to ~4 hours
With phone calls, texting, and music player, I average between 16-18hrs. If I start to web browse or watch videos then about 8-12hrs. Very impressed with this ROM to say the least.
1. Standard
2. 31 @ 5%
3. don't have that it was yesterday
4. standard battery, auto brightness, overclocked to 1.2, wifi on when I was at home and 3g at work.
I calibrated the day after froyo dropped. I didn't do the airplane thing and I thought drm was not in this rom. So in other words I didn't do any fancy stuff.
I will note today I tried 1ghz (which is undervolted) with 4G on all day (I have a repeter on my roof at work) and after 14.5 hours I am at 30% with about the same concistancy of usage as yesterday.
Edit: I only have 1 gmail syncing right now. We will see if I get these magical numbers when I put my other 2 gmail accounts and my 3 actice sync exchange accounts on Monday.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I'm getting mixed battery life. The first day on the rom/kernel I dropped down to 79% in 9 hours, with medium use (no web browsing). I was getting 1% drop every 1-2hrs, and thought it was amazing. Today I tried to be really conservative and didn't use it at all and it dropped 4-5% every hour WHILE IDLE.
Anyone else experiencing the same problem? It seems to happen after a reboot to be honest.
NOTE: If I disable data network mode, battery life is amazing,
I'm not sure about my battery life. I charge mine differently than the average person though. I charge it at work and leave it in my desk, because I use it a lot during my lunch break or whenever I get any downtime. When I get home it's usually at about 70%, and it remains unplugged until the next day. I used to have to charge it at home and at work.

Battery Rubbish?

hey there
basically, last night i:
1)wiped battery stats
2)discharged till phone shuts off
3)turned phone on again so it turns off again
4)went to sleep with it charging
5)woke up 9 hours later, on 100%
so if its fully charged, battery ETA is only giving it 7 hours and 44 minutes estimated time, WITHOUT WIFI, GPS OR MOBILE DATA, AND 25% BRIGHTNESS USING 'BRIGHTNESS PROFILES' APP. isnt this like.... rubbish? this is my setup
stock battery
cyanogenmod 7.0.3 w/ Eugene's Smartass overclock kernel V9
*******Setcpu profiles: default 245/1228 smartass
Screen Off 192/368 conservative (100 priority)
Temp >38.5C 245/806 ondemand (priority 80)
Charging 368/1459 ondemand (priority 78)
battery <10% 245/368 ondemand (priority 71)
battery 15% 245/768 ondemand (priority 60)*********
ADW launcher w/honeycomb theme
-no widgets!-
i dont want to buy one of those bulky batteries, as it wont fit in my school blazer. the question is, how do i extend my battery?
Sounds like a duff battery. I get about 20 hours with everything on on stock rom.
Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk
oh okay thanks, where could i buy a decent battery, adding no bulk but not too expensive?
I'm wondering the same thing... the Desire Z only comes with a 1300mAh battery... My previous phone had a more powerfull battery (2100mAh) and that was an older model WM6 smartphone (which was rubbish on power savings) and it would outlast the desire Z... Even after two years of extensive use, the old phone's battery is better then this phones brand new battery
I've been unable to find any official HTC batteries for the Desire Z which pack more juice...
At the OP. What is your signal strength like? Mine is rubbish at work as I work in a converted barn and that makes a big difference to the battery life.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
at home i ALWAYS have 3/4 bars out of 4
btw i am also using JuiceDefender, if that would make a difference :L...
since the OP, ive been on facebook for about 30-40 mins, already 82% battery.....
Have a look through the accessories section. Lots of threads about replacement batteries.
Sent from my 'SilverBullet' HTCDesireZ running CM7
I am in the process of 'breaking in' a new 1800 MuganPower battery. Fits perfectly with no mods needed.
It should take a few more charges etc to settle down, so things should theoretically improve.
I pulled the plug off charge 6.5 hours ago.
I have it set to use wifi when at home, and 3g for the phone connection (I have a 3G femtocell at home).
When I leave my home area, it switches off 3g and wifi and drops to 2g.
I have made a couple of 2 minute calls, checked my emails and twitter, and was out of the house for say 1.5 hours earlier.
I have had a couple of texts to which i replied.
I am on 95% charge now, and pretty pleased with that.
I've got the same mugen battery, and get through a full day easily no matter what I do. Screen full bright, wifi always on, some internet, games, gps.... etc. Only 7 hours of battery to me sounds terrible.
since my last post, i havent touched the phone at all, and its got 66% charge -__- i seriously need a better battery, may buy the mugen, would you say they are worth it?
xT4Z1N4TRx said:
since my last post, i havent touched the phone at all, and its got 66% charge -__- i seriously need a better battery, may buy the mugen, would you say they are worth it?
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Have you made sure there are no apps or services that are using to much?
Sent from my 'SilverBullet' HTCDesireZ running CM7
Are you using the Google News and Weather widget? I still don't know why, but it was murdering my battery. Soon as I removed the widget, battery life shot back up.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
nope, no widgets except the built in analogue clock.
the battery usage is used by mobile standby, wifi, display etc. no apps....
xT4Z1N4TRx said:
nope, no widgets except the built in analogue clock.
the battery usage is used by mobile standby, wifi, display etc. no apps....
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What percentage per section(standby, display) is being used?
Sent from my 'SilverBullet' HTCDesireZ running CM7
mobile standby 33%
wifi 28%
phone idle 28%
display 5%
im surprised its been 10h 15m and im still on 58%
the battery seems okay when not touching the phone, as i have only checked facebook for 2 minutes, and sent around 10 texts (been playing football)
looks like imma turn off wifi when not using it from now!
When I first got my Desire Z when it first came out I was pretty disappointed in the battery life. I tried programs like juice defender and minimized every possible battery sucking option I could find. I could maybe get 12 hours of use out of it so I bought a 1800mAh MuganPower battery which gave me maybe 15 hours instead. Pretty poor I thought but what more could I do?
A couple of months ago I finally did a factory reset after encountering a lot of frustrating little bugs, some of which had been around since the phone was new. Since then not only has my phone worked a lot better and faster, but battery life is MUCH improved. My phone now consistently lasts 24 - 30 hours with the same usage or more than I was using it before. So obviously buggy software can make a huge impact on battery life and it's not something you are going to be able to easily discern as to what program(s) are causing the problem.
Hmmm im not sure then..
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
Okay, played a bit of speedx 3D, heavy texting and facebook/gochat, still on 31%. Battery seems ok, still going to invest in a better one though, as using the phone for games or internet heavily drains the battery, whereas standby seems to be quite good, but need to turn off wifi. I will see how it fairs tomorrow, and post a picture.
Sent from my HTC Desire Z using XDA App
28% for wifi seems really high. I always have wifi on and it only takes up 6%.

Help, my battery life is horrible.

Help, my battery life is horrible, even for an X10.
I lose ten percent in 3 hours, mostly on idle. And cell standby is always on top. Any idea why this is so.
Sent from my rooted, JITed, X10, using my fingers, my eyes, one of my brain's four cores (Take that tegra 2), and Oh, the XDA app.
dante2086 said:
Help, my battery life is horrible, even for an X10.
I lose ten percent in 3 hours, mostly on idle. And cell standby is always on top. Any idea why this is so.
Sent from my rooted, JITed, X10, using my fingers, my eyes, one of my brain's four cores (Take that tegra 2), and Oh, the XDA app.
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Same here..............................first 10% dies quick, seems to settle sa little after thay
ddi you check any background app that could be running for updates (timescape, weather...etc), these apps tend to cosume battery for updates even phone is in idle
if you are not sure which one it is try turning off the traffic and see if the battery still drains crazy, if it behaves normal I would say one or more of your apps running in background is the cause
no even i got same problem since i installed wolf's 3.5 and later my battery drains very fast !!! was using the wolf;s v3 before battery was very gud ... even all apps which m running now used to run before !!
Try wipe battery stats then fully charged it and calibrate it.
Use battery calibration, you can get it from market.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
Okay, I'll try these. And Yes, my battery lasts a lot longer when I disable data. But could it have something to do with the baseband.
Sent from my rooted, JITed, X10, using my fingers, my eyes, one of my brain's four cores (Take that tegra 2), and Oh, the XDA app.
Did all the above stuff before now battery is going more lost 51% in just less than three hours ...ya I jus sent 10 msges 1 hour online radio and display at 75% brightness ...
What next then ????
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
It could take a few days for your battery to settle down after you have done a callibration.
Can you get cpu spy from the market and see if you phone is going into deep sleep, there could be some app that is using up your battery
the first 10% of the battery dies very fast and it's some kind of "trickle charge" to top off the battery. it settles down to a steady depletion after 89%.
3G eats all your battery, also check if your CPU maintains high clock speed all or not.
Yeah. As other have stated, download CPU Spy and leave you phone in standby (and not charging) for a while. Then check CPU Spy and make sure the phone is going into "Deep Sleep", as well as running at lower than 998 MHz. You may have to refresh within CPU Spy (via the menu button).
Also, if you're not connected to a wifi network, turn off WiFi. Otherwise the phone will search for a network regularly, wasting battery power.
my personal suggestions was, try to put brightness below around 50 or 60 percents.. its good enough even under bright places.. or you can try to raise the refresh frequency for those application you using such as beautiful widget / facebook update interval.. and try turn off those gps/wifi or any data traffic that running if you are not using it.. lastly also put the brightness to 0, if you are idle from using the phone or just to listen on songs, use earphone if possible.. thats what i do, its probably messy but its work quite well
Okay, THANKS. I'll try all these and report back.
Once again, Thanks y'all.
Ok it depends on alot of stuff
1.your baseband
2. Flash 2.1 wiped everything in xrecovery then flash any desired rom.
3.turn off backgroundd and auto sync
4.gps turn it off when not using it
5. Data turn it off also
6. Put brightness to 50%
Sent from my X10i using XDA Premium App
My cell standby is always high, usually around 30% of my battery use. I don't remember it being like that when I was running FreeX10 2.2 or even SE 2.1 for that matter.
acerulz said:
no even i got same problem since i installed wolf's 3.5 and later my battery drains very fast !!! was using the wolf;s v3 before battery was very gud ... even all apps which m running now used to run before !!
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I actually had a dramatic improved battery life from v006 to V3.5. Then even longer battery life on V3.6. Before, my phone runs out of battery after one, two hours of gaming. Now I can play for four hours.
Eight hours of standby without wifi, data still took around eight percent. mine doesn't have the 400 hours sony claims to have either.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
My battery life dropped after installing FPS UNCAP 54. Dramatically.
It's stock, rooted ROM.
It's counting downwards like a counter on a gas station!
From 100% to 1% in cca. 1 hour.
I find that GPS is the biggest drainer on battery so if you use that a lot that might be the problem. Also make it so your phone is only using 2G when you aren't actively using your phone (aka idling in your pocket) you might have slower synching but it isn't like you are using your phone during this time anyway.
dazbaz996 said:
It could take a few days for your battery to settle down after you have done a callibration.
Can you get cpu spy from the market and see if you phone is going into deep sleep, there could be some app that is using up your battery
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if you are sure it is not rom related. get Green Power Free from the market. i suffered the same issue. now i can get up to 2 full days without charge...
rkonert said:
My cell standby is always high, usually around 30% of my battery use. I don't remember it being like that when I was running FreeX10 2.2 or even SE 2.1 for that matter.
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Actually, that's good, it'd mean there is no-brainer task eating your juice in the background
Mostly there're three main thing to check out, some of these were mentioned. If you read it and feel it's a little bit too hard, jump to the end.
(1) Deep Sleep, check it through CPU Spy or SetCPU, if the phone idle, it should go to deep sleep
(2) App usage, since 2.3 arrive, it's much harder to check. Try "SystemPanel (Lite)"
In most case, it'd be these 2.
(3) Another one is to check the memory usage vs. minfree, the most essential one is "AutoKiller Memory Optimizer".... probably your custom ROM might have optimized these value already. But sometime the problem is that your normal usage has overloaded the minfree level, (too much background app, too much widget, too much sync) which cause the OS to shutdown some task while it'd be re-opened a few second afterward, this cause a stupid battery drainer loop.
Use AutoKiller Memory Optimizer, it'll show u 6 slots with amount of free memory, the trick is the free memory shouldn't be close to the forth slot.
HOWEVER, if this sound too complicated for you, I suggest first try to remove the widget one-by-one, uninstall some background apps to see if it gets better.
You could blame ROM, but the problem is not the ROM itself, the devs just try to optimize their ROMs for most users, some essential ROMs provide stability without many tweaks, meaning that you could just put 20 widgets without much troubles. An optimized ROM is a trade-off between multi-task and performance. That's why it's not work on some people.
Maybe you have an app keeping your phone awake, hence x10's gb runs at 998 mhz all the time, that could drain the s**t out of your battery, download setcpu from market, i lose 1% every 1 or 2 hours, im on stock 2.3 pre rooted by doomlord
Sent from my x10a"i"(running 2.3.3 root)

Bad battery life anyone ???

For those of u with bad battery life and notice battery drain even while not using the phone juice defender really works wonders on the s3. It has literally doubled my battery life. I easily get through more than a day now an it just feels more like this is how the battery is suppose to be behave. The down side being ur data isn't always switched on when ur phone is in satndby
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
dreamdestiny said:
For those of u with bad battery life and notice battery drain even while not using the phone juice defender really works wonders on the s3. It has literally doubled my battery life. I easily get through more than a day now an it just feels more like this is how the battery is suppose to be behave. The down side being ur data isn't always switched on when ur phone is in satndby
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
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I found juice defender in the past to be a battery problem instead of a solution.
what's your battery now? how much juice do you get?
I think that anyone who experiences bad battery life should exchange their phone or battery. I can go two days without recharging and still have 29 % left. That 29 % might even last me through the 3rd day but I would prefer not to risk it.
I did a little test today.
I unplugged the phone at 7am when i got up.
I only turned it on for a couple of seconds, twice, to check battery level, and it had gone down to 75% by 9am. (so by 9am, no more than 1 minute max screen-on time)
Is that worse that others?
My battery does (like everyone else's) immediately drop to 99% on unplugging it - actually, sometimes 98% right away.
I'm surprised anyone gets more than a day's worth out of it?
I also noticed, when it was on my desk, that the screen switches on, on it's own every now & then. Maybe every half hour or so?
Is that also normal?
I'm having a bit of trouble with my battery aswell. I only have 54% left with only 1h15 screen on time and that was only for some texting and browsing.
Is this normal or should I go back to he store to check the battery?
Also, should I try the free version of Juice Defender or is it not worth to use it unless you have the paid version?
Sent from Galaxy S III
Today I'm at 43% after 12hrs 7min the other day was 53% after 1day 6hrs use totally stock just rooted minimal usage tasks killed and ram cleaned via long press home I've had phone since launch and am still very impressed that's why I haven't tried a new e rom yet as I was a flashaholic on my s2 but never past 24hrs on stock
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
greatcapp said:
I did a little test today.
I unplugged the phone at 7am when i got up.
I only turned it on for a couple of seconds, twice, to check battery level, and it had gone down to 75% by 9am. (so by 9am, no more than 1 minute max screen-on time)
I also noticed, when it was on my desk, that the screen switches on, on it's own every now & then. Maybe every half hour or so?
Is that also normal?
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Dropping 25% in 2 hours time with a display on time of 1 minute is definitely much more drain than normal. My phone usually drops around 2-3% per hour if it's unused on my desk.
I also find it weird that your display switches on every now and then by itself.
You have a lot of apps that poll the net for data in the background? (facebook, twitter and so on)
Are you on wifi when this happens, or mobile data?
Try turning off sync altogether some day and see how much it drains your battery per hour.
Hi all ,
Today is my 1st day with new s3 bought yest. night and coming from s2,
My s3 was full charged this morning, and after abt 12 hrs of normal use ( some calls + facebook + whatsapp + viber . . . . . ) battery level is 60%.
I think that by this way new s3 battery will stay normally 2 days . . .
If people are experiencing high battery usage its because of your apps. All battery saving apps do is turn off your data or tweak your syncing.
On wi-fi with no much syncing, you should get about 1-2% drain per hour. On mobile date this goes up to about 2-4% per hour.
Tips for battery save.
- Switch off Google Back up & restore
- Accounts and sync, switch off what you don't need
- Email exchange accounts can be set with a "off-peak syncing"
- Be thorough with news and local based apps. Turn off auto syncing or reduce the frequency in which they sync.
- A good way to check which apps are using data when idle is by going into settings > Data usage. When you click on any of the apps listed, it will show how much data is used in fore/back ground. The ones with high background usage you might want to investigate. You can also disable the app from using data in he background by setting yourself a data limit
- Apps like Facebook, Google+ are battery hogs. So if you don't need it, uninstall.
My battery is awesome so far. 2 days with normal use and 3.5-4 days of light use...
Why does the a battery need to last two days? Can't you charge it over night?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
20blks said:
Why does the a battery need to last two days? Can't you charge it over night?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
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It doesn't need to but better mpg is always welcome
I am highly impressed by the battery life.
with extreme useage yesterday, i got 6 hours + screen on time
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
jhericurls said:
If people are experiencing high battery usage its because of your apps. All battery saving apps do is turn off your data or tweak your syncing.
On wi-fi with no much syncing, you should get about 1-2% drain per hour. On mobile date this goes up to about 2-4% per hour.
Tips for battery save.
- Switch off Google Back up & restore
- Accounts and sync, switch off what you don't need
- Email exchange accounts can be set with a "off-peak syncing"
- Be thorough with news and local based apps. Turn off auto syncing or reduce the frequency in which they sync.
- A good way to check which apps are using data when idle is by going into settings > Data usage. When you click on any of the apps listed, it will show how much data is used in fore/back ground. The ones with high background usage you might want to investigate. You can also disable the app from using data in he background by setting yourself a data limit
- Apps like Facebook, Google+ are battery hogs. So if you don't need it, uninstall.
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+1 to this. Apps are usually the culprit.
sohebq said:
with extreme useage yesterday, i got 6 hours + screen on time
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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It really depends on your usage. Screen on time tells something, but not everything. For example watching a hd-video eats far less battery than surfing on the internet with 3g. But still, the battery life is great, so no disagreement there.
My battery so far so good
Standard, not too heavy, day by day usage
One thing not mentioned so far is wi-fi. If you are connecting to a 'dodgy' router, this is going to eat into battery life. So if you aren't using it, switch it off.
batman372 said:
Hi all ,
Today is my 1st day with new s3 bought yest. night and coming from s2,
My s3 was full charged this morning, and after abt 12 hrs of normal use ( some calls + facebook + whatsapp + viber . . . . . ) battery level is 60%.
I think that by this way new s3 battery will stay normally 2 days . . .
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lol let battery more cycle of charging, will improve in one week
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

