Lost Phone Help - Desire HD General

I have lost my phone, I know where I left it but its not there now someone must have picked it up. I have tried ringing it to see if a friendly kind has picked it up and is attempting to get it back to me but it goes straight to the answer phone so either its out of signal, switched off or the phone was found by a not so nice person and they have already swapped the SIM card.
In desperation I logged into HTC Sense and locked the phone and submitted a message? Will this work??
Now that I have locked the phone will I still be able to ring it in case someone answers?
I paid in excess of £450 for this phone unlocked from Carphone Warehouse : ( and desperately need it back.
Any ideas.

Report it lost to police, other than that I dunno. If you get it back install Prey, just google it and everything you need to know is there.


Sadly htc sense is a joke. Anyone with half a clue can bypass it with a factory reset.


Sim card issues?

Was wondering if anyone had any ideas what might be going on. I have an orange spv m700 unlocked, and re-radioed to make GPRS work on vodafone payg sim.
The phone works fine 90% of the time, but occasionally, I'll miss calls when I knew I was in an area with reception. I then get the message off vodafone call minder saying I missed a call, sometimes immediately. Sometimes I've even had people next to me ring, and not got through even though I had reception - though most of the time it works, so its hard to diagnose.
I was beginning to suspect that it might be something wrong with the sim, as it used to happen with my old phone (same sim), so I rang vodafone to get some help but they said they couldnt find my phone and so couldnt help me.
Has anyone any ideas? Do I need a sim update? How can I get one?
(incidentally, I cant get mms working (using settings off this forum) but arent particularly bothered, I just thought it might be related)
Sorry, no SIM card issues. I can assure you that because mine has same issues, asked my phone provider for a duplicated SIM, and with the new one, had exactly the same bug.
Right now, my S300 is in Htc hands, being serviced, no clue if it's gonna be fix, replaced or worse, being sent right back to my hands as was sent to them, because that has happened once already to me. Bought this PDA on 3/17 and it has already been sent to Htc twice, I only had it like 2 days in my hands. First time they did notthing, hope it doesn't happen again, and I'll get it back to me fixed, or I'll throw the PDA down the window and never buy any Htc device again.
Good luck mate, and if someone have some useful info on this, please share,as I would like to know the fate of my S300.
Good I didn't SuperCID it out of the box, and waited to check everything was OK.

Bricked Ozone Help

I believe I've bricked my Ozone. It powers on and stays at the HTC screen. I've done a factory rom update with no success. What are my options? Is there anyone on the forum that offers repair?
I'm in the same boat. Got a Verizon Ozone from a someone who decided that the phone was dead for good. It would be nice to get it up and running though as I'm kind of in need of a smartphone at the moment.
What I've heard is that all he tried to do was the official 6.5 upgrade but, in the words of Dr. House: everybody lies. The bootloader reads SPL-0.44.0000 and I've been able to flash the official 6.5 CEDAIMG.nbh from an sd card but nothing changes there either; it just sits at the first HTC screen.
Of all the options I've read about, the last is a goldcard but I have also read that the Ozone/Cedar doesn't have one yet. Is that worth looking into? Any ideas what's actually going on with the phone that makes it hang?
Hit the back button... sorry for the double post. =)
That's pretty much what happened to mine. I called HTC and sent the phone in for repair.
Keep this post updated as to how that goes. If it works out, I might give them a call too. Were you covered by any sort of warranty? Any big hurdles to jump over to get them to replace the device? Any cost to you?
Fingers crossed that it works out!
So far I believe it's covered under warranty. They called me Monday and asked for the factory sim card to repair it. I wonder if it needs the sim card in to do a factory rom install? I should hear back soon.
Hmm... That's kind of weird. I wouldn't think they would need it. =/ I just called PCD today and got the address for sending my mobile in with instructions to remove all cards. Hopefully someone else gets assigned mine. =)
My friend didn't dig up the SIM since I'm planning on using the phone between Washington and Vancouver, B.C. so, hopefully they don't ask for it in my case!
Thanks for the update!
Don't ship UPS. I did, and they charged me $16 - said it was because of their address.
Well, I'm off to the Post Office to send this thing to NY. Hopefully the turnaround time is reasonable and if they can't/won't actually fix it, I can get it back in case xda discovers anything out about this problem.
Let me know if you hear anything else about you phone.
I got mine back today. According to the paper work they had to replace the phones main board. This thing is bone stock. It's carrier locked too, I don't know how to unlock it. I can't program it because it wants me to press the send key to activate which dials *228. But I need to dial *22890. Dunno how to do this when it won't let me dial anything.
Time to try to do a non factory rom and brick it again!
I think it took about 3 weeks. Did you send yours with the sim card just in case they need it?
Did any ozone users try the new verizon 6.5 rom to fix the bricking?
I did. No luck.
I can deal with 3 weeks if need be... glad to hear your phone is back though! Are you on Verizon? I assume so if you're dealing with an Ozone but can never be too sure. =) What do you mean by "carrier locked"? Are you refering to the SIM slot? The stock Ozone comes locked to their Vodaphone SIM and you have to call Verizon or pay for an unlock code. If they changed the mainboard then it's probably like a brand new phone. HTC Snap on VZW Sim Unlock
I actually don't have a SIM attached to my account right now since I moved back to my old phone and the card is boxed up somewhere... =/ If they ask for it, I'll just be telling them that I don't have plans to be using it and will SIM unlock the phone when I go to the Phillipines. My phone just hit NY so, I'll let you know what happens to me!
Rhodium500 said:
Did any ozone users try the new verizon 6.5 rom to fix the bricking?
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Totally didn't catch this question up above! Yeah, I did also... using both the USB and SD card methods. The bootloader looked like it worked just fine but when the phone would go to boot for the first time, it would freeze at the first HTC screen. I mentioned this in another thread but the Sprint Snap apparently had an issue with similar symptoms which resulted in a hotfix from HTC..
I unpacked it and it looks like just a PRL. If only there was a hotfix like this for the Ozone; would have saved me a bit of time.

Help please???

I bought a Touch HD off ebay which was an orange original unit but was unlocked so I could use any sim in it. However, two weeks into buying it and it started to vibrate as soon as I switched it on. I contacted HTC who replaced the whole of the internal boards and sent it back to me. i got it back this morning and now its asking me for a sim unlock code??? I get a white screen saying the network is locked and a long box in which to put an unlock code.
Is there any way I can re-unlock the phone without putting this code back in or do you think I'm going to have to ask HTC for a code???
thank you very much for any advice given
Bessy regs
Well first of all, all Touch HD's vibrate when they are switched on, but I assume you mean it kept doing it and wouldn't stop with yours or something. And secondly I'm sure HTC won't give you an unlock code to re-unlock your phone as you say it is an Orange branded device, but it's worth asking them. If they won't help you then your only options are to take it to a shop to have it unlocked, or do it yourself at home via one of the many unlock websites. You'll have to pay for these options though.
thanks for the reply
Ive sussed that it is indeed been relocked back to orange. The have apparently sent me a new replacement phone so I will have to get it unlocked( tried an orange cheepo sim this morning and didnt get the request for a code)
I cant believe I didnt think about it properly but Im that up to my eye balls with assignments and essays for uni my mind has been all over the place this past few weeks LOL
I was wondering if the unlock software from Oilpro might do the trick. Ive priced locally and it means being without the phone for four days and paying......35 quid to unlock it.
Back in the day when I had my SP3100 the software was free but I realise that I havent been a really active member on the forum- mainly because you guys are so damned brainy and I dont feel I have anything to contribute like you do. Give me a camera and I can talk for days( am a tog doing a ba hons degree in photography) but phones and techy stuff about roms....well, Im at a loss. Maybe thats a course I should take next LOL
anyway, thank you for the reply. Much appreciated.
I'll try to find somewhere to get the unlock software at a reasonable price.
Bessy regs
forgot to say that it did indeed vibrate all the time when switched on( and got damned hot too) but that has now been sorted with a new phone.....
I did the OliPro way and it was easy to do. One of the cheapest options too I think.
Just tried to buy the unlock software from oliopro's site and tried to use paypal and it wont let me pay via that method. Its asking me to create an account and give my credit card details...
I'm not willing to give any details like that ATM and my money is tied up in a paypal account too.
If Oliopro is reading this any help gratefully received.
Bessy regs


im in a trip at miami
i took a cab to this club at night and my phone slipped out of my pocket in the cab, before i realized anything the cab drove off and then my phone was missing, i called it and a girl picked up and said she had it, so i took another cab to go meet her wherever she said she was but she wasnt there, i kept calling hte phone all night and it was ringing till about 3am when i stopped trying in order to get some sleep. i woke up now and im calling and its going straight to voicemail. that means she turned the phone off or took the sim out. the phone was at around 80% battery when i lost it with wifi and everything off so it would ahve lasted the whole night
so my phone is gone!! im wondering what i can do? im with rogers in canada, is there an insurance or lost phone insurance policy that i can bring up? or is there a way they can lock that phone's usage abilities through the VIN number?
Phone rogers and get tell them its stolen. They will ban the ime so it can't be used with any sim.
Use wavesecure in the future. It can lock, track and wipe your phone remotely. Sorry about your bad luck!
If you want it that bad you can go to the police and they can find it next time when someone turns it on.Or the service provider can lock it somehow and make it useless.
berbecverde said:
If you want it that bad you can go to the police and they can find it next time when someone turns it on.Or the service provider can lock it somehow and make it useless.
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Highly doubt that they have the time or resources for that unfortunately.
well i have a friend that bought a Iphone from unknown sources and next day the police was at his door asking about the phone.But this is in Hungary and a 400$ dollar phone theft is worth loocking into.I think there is someone who deals whit this kind of theft.But who knows.
berbecverde said:
If you want it that bad you can go to the police and they can find it next time when someone turns it on
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Thats what i did when my last phone was stolen from me, go to the police, they will make all your country carriers search for its imei in their network and they are able to locate it too.
I got my phone after 3 months thought. :-(
sent from my x10i that is banging for a 2.1 upgrade. ...
Sorry to hear about your phone dude how unfortunate. Like instigator008, you should call Rogers and tell them about your phone. Did you have your IMEI no. written down somewhere? cuz if you do I'm sure Rogers can lock the phone from anywhere within Canada. They might be able to track your phone too with the IMEI no. but I suggest next time you use a security app that tracks down your phone and locks it down as well. There's a couple of good ones but I'm not sure which. This reminds me I should do it myself too lol. Good luck buddy, and hope you get your phone back soon.
i lost my older 5800xm in a cab too, but im my case the cab driver called the contacts thqt r obvious to me "mom" "dad" and dropped it off himself, i gave him $50 and the phone itself
I am afraid Rogers will not block the IMEI, they do not do that at all unless it was stolen from one of thier locations. Silly I know. There is a lost/stolen program in place just call and see what they can do for you.. also if bough on a credit card there maybe something that can help you. Home insurance may also help.

Abnormal factory reset

I just purchased a s5 off craigslist for 350. Thought I did my homework and called Verizon to verify it wasn't lost of stolen. All checked out fine. So went ahead and purchased the phone, bought a sim card and called and activated it through Verizon. That all went find. But during setup of phone I get the abnormal factory reset screen. So I called Verizon, they told me to call Samsung, as I did. They told me to call back with my carrier on the line, again did so. At this point, both told me there's nothing they can do for me. That I needed to contact previous owner, so I did so. I said either give me the info or money back, they quickly said they would give my money back, (great!) we set a time up to meet and they never showed later that night they text me n said they have the info to call them. I did so but she said let me text it to you. Well that was yesterday morning, I've made several contacts to them with no response. So I went to the Web and also went to my brothers (which he is a developer, not a phone developer but he is much more knowledgeable than me). We looked for back doors, but all seem to be patched. I also recreated a Samsung account registering the phone to it, doing a factory reset, still nothing. Tried to flash it to a older version (4.4.4 & 4.4.2). But Odin couldn't get it to pass. I've tried calling the phone & text as its active but nothing shows up. I tried connecting ear phones to it and making the music screen come up, again nothing. I'm out of ideas and out of 350 at this post. hard lesson learned here about buying phones on Craigslist. But I figured I'd post this on here to see if anyone has any other ideas
Sounds like a big ole mess man im not sure if this will help but give it a go http://myandroid.nl/reactivation-lock-solution-for-galaxy-s5/ best of luck
Yeah completely retarded and I'm frustrated with myself for not looking into the phone more.. Unfortunately they have patched the bypass of the link you've posted.
Can you root the phone and install cm 12.1? defo wont nag you about accounts and stuff like that.
The reactivation setting is default on. That's what we believe is stopping Odin from allowing the root/flash to take place
so after dealing with samsung for many hours, they advsied me to send my phone in. I did so, after receiving it back, the issue was enver fixed. called them back and was advised there was nothing they could do by sending it in (so i wasted my time and money even doing that). now beyond pissed i was advised to take it to best buy and they have a Samsung desk there and could flash it.. (which i attempted to do several weeks ago and they said they couldn't help me). ive tried flashing myself as stated before but had no luck. does anyone have any backdoors/fixes they know? if you don't want it to be publicly known, you can email me just ask for it and ill give you my email.
thanks a bunch, hopefully i can come to some fix

