what are the laws - content from websites - Android Software Development

Hey guys,
I'm writing an app to display comics from a website and I'm wondering what the laws are with this. If people use my app instead of going to the website, they would not see the ads, therefore costing the website money. Also, if I put ads in my app, I'm making money by using someone else's content. This doesn't sound right. At the same time though, one could argue that this is really no different from making a web browser. All I'm doing is displaying information that is publicly available to anyone. Anyway, any clarification would be excellent.
Samuel Maskell

Well, the way I see it is now in days its well...you could get a way with it...
I mean its the same as if someone were to make a website that copies from another website but the copy ends up being better then the original...
I mean, I am sure that their was meant to be copyright laws against this, but its way to late to start enforcing them because now in days most sites do copy other sites...
So actually it is just a matter of if it would bother you that the owner of the site looses a tiny bit of money.

Since you aren't displaying the website in its original form, you are pulling copyrighted content off their website and displaying it in your app without their consent. I doubt anyone would bother suing you, but at most I could see the website trying to get the app pulled from the Market.

add144 said:
Since you aren't displaying the website in its original form, you are pulling copyrighted content off their website and displaying it in your app without their consent. I doubt anyone would bother suing you, but at most I could see the website trying to get the app pulled from the Market.
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On that note a question comes to mind is it the site owners comic as in did he make it? Because if hes not even the original maker of it hes problem not going to even try to get ur app taken off mainly because overall he would have done the same thing; plus I dont see the app effecting the website to much...Well, unless ur making 4-5 apps(iphone, ipad, android, android honeycomb, windows 7).

The site only displays original content, but yeah, I don't think they would care too much. I'm not particularly worried about getting sued or anything. I really don't see that happen. I just figured I'd ask to see if anyone had had a similar experience in order to avoid running into any problems they might have seen. Anyway, I'll just publish it when it's done and if he asks me to remove it, I'll do just that. Or maybe I'll send the guy an email and see how he feels about it..
Anyway, thanks everyone. You've been very helpful.

In the US it's illegal. The following refers to web sites but an app is really the same thing...
When creating a Web page, you CANNOT:
* Put the contents of another person's or organizations web site on your Web page
* Copy and paste information together from various Internet sources to create "your own" document. [You CAN quote or paraphrase limited amounts, if you give credit to the original source and the location of the source. This same principle applies to print sources, of course.]
* Incorporate other people's electronic material, such as e-mail, in your own document, without permission.
* Forward someone's e-mail to another recipient without permission
* Change the context of or edit someone else's digital correspondence in a way which changes the meaning
* Copy and paste others' lists of resources on your own web page
* Copy and paste logos, icons, and other graphics from other web sites to your web page (unless it is clearly advertised as "freeware." Shareware is not free). Some organizations are happy to let you use their logos, with permission - it is free advertising. But they want to know who is using it. They might not approve of all sites who want to use their logo.

There is no law stoping you from creating an app that would display a specific part of a website. If this was the case a browser would be illegal.

You need to think of this from its simplest case...the website that is being copied is YOURS.
Say you design a web page of some sort. A blog, some graphic icons, some CARTOONS. How would you like to see some Apple or Android app that all of a sudden has YOUR web page creations on it for profit? I would be pretty pissed And find a way to stop you. LOL
I would carefully check the web page for something like "No portion of this page may be reproduced or copied without consent of "blah, blah" in the fine print.
Similar to re-broadcasting sports game, or more common, DRM with regards to music files.
I would error on the side of caution

whiteguypl said:
There is no law stoping you from creating an app that would display a specific part of a website. If this was the case a browser would be illegal.
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Bingo. Show me one case involving iphone or android and I will bow down.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

A browser displays the whole website - a major difference.
sent from my SGS, CM7 2.3.3

Not true. What about a browser that supports Flash vs. one that doesn't? What about a browser that doesn't even support CSS? I don't see how this law could hold up without making a browser illegal.
I have an idea I will share with you all now (hopefully some one will steal it and make a billion dollars, as I will probably never do it and I want to use this app). My idea is for a new kind of webbrowser that rips out all formatting (no css), and instead just grabs content and formats it according to user-submissions (3rd party css pulling content from multiple sites).
According to some here, this app would be illegal, however, I call it a new form of webbrowser, I do not include any content/pages, users do by creating a page format and linking it to content from any online source. To call this illegal is to kill innovation and is unfair since it is just a new form of page rendering and many different webbrowsers have much different page rendering for the same site.
If someone is serious about working with me on this project, please send me a PM.
EDIT: If you think about it, my idea really is what APPs are. Many people make many apps for 3rd party websites like Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter, etc. My idea is one app to rule them all... a browser that works more like an app, and people make html scanners + page layouts instead of making full apps. The idea makes any and every webpage work like an app.

The world is not fair - so why are you complaining?
You can do what you want, but live with the consequences.
Pulling content with the aim to alter it, is as a fact in most western countries illegal. If someone would want to provide only content, he would made an API, e.g. via Rest, SOAP or alike.
sent from my SGS, CM7 2.3.3

What about FireFox with Ad block plus? Is that illegal? It modifies webpages and prevents them from getting ad revenue.
What about simply blocking ads by adding "ads.*" to your hosts file? Is that illegal too?
A browser downloads HTML, and then downloads pictures and renders them on the page. Why can't an "alternate browser" download the same pictures and use them in an alternate html layout?
There are a ton of "fake" apps in the Android market that simply open a page in a "lite" webbrowser. Almost every "Chrome App" is just a link to a webpage that loads them fullscreen. Are they all illegal if from a 3rd party?
I think linking to any portion of web content is a free for all as long as you do not store and re-distribute the content. I think my argument would stand up in court.

Adblocker are an infringement against most AGB/ Eula / Usage agreements.
And yes, I there are many offensive apps in the market. If you are in iran, mostly any violation against foreign law is legal - it depends on the country.
Better example: YouTube - most content violates local law, but YouTube, now Google has sufficient influence and money to deal with it. Do you?
sent from my SGS, CM7 2.3.3

Your browser argument is stupid. The browser is displaying the original website. Hes talking about pulling copyrighted content off of a website, for his own profit. Those are completely different.
This is definitely illegal, but you probably won't get in trouble for it.

Lakers16 said:
Your browser argument is stupid. The browser is displaying the original website. Hes talking about pulling copyrighted content off of a website, for his own profit. Those are completely different.
This is definitely illegal, but you probably won't get in trouble for it.
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Actually he was using the browser as kind of an example I believe...And what you just said sounds a lot like what other sites do(aka arcade sites, autoblogs).

It's someone else's content. It's as simple as that.
If you want to make an app to display content you didn't create, then contact them the creator. Maybe you can write the app in excahnge for driving traffic to his cartoons.
The browser argument doesnt apply because browsers are general purpose applications that display any content the user requests, not specific content.
What it comes down to is intent. The same can be said for linking to pirated content.
Law is about nuance. Intent matters -- and this holds true in the digital age. You can't shoe-horn analogies of a broswer or linking or adblock onto this. Each of those holds a different purpose and accomplishes different goals by different means and most importantly for different REASONS.
Motive and intent matter.

I think I might write about this subject in my blog!

Legally, you're breaking copyright laws in several countries by taking other people's copyrighted material and showing it in a context they didn't authorise you to.
Whether they'll sue - who knows - whether they'll get your app removed - who knows - the law, app rules and reality don't always meet. You can do something quite legitimate and have your app remove anyway and apps which break the law are often ignored.
The idea of context is quite important - as is intent - but generally speaking, taking someone's work and doing ANYTHING with it, without their consent, is violation of copyright (the 'right' to 'copy' their work).
p.s. if you were charging for your app, that would be worse again (arguably, you're passing-off someone else's work as your own).

Even if he states the copyright - he uses a digital copy for his own good, fame, money - doesn't matter. It's an violation of copyright.
sent from my SGS, CM7 2.3.3


Google and privacy

I´m interrested in Android as well as in the tm G1.
Now the G1 is announced here in Germany for the second of february.
My problem at the moment is, that I have read and heard, that google is collecting data (everything)! So if you read the "terms and conditions", what do you think about that or don´t you care? I mean they have the rights over everything you load/send/post/get....and more!
How do you handle that fact personally for you?
That's just the nature of the emphasis on cloud computing. Personally my stance is simply to not conduct any business on my G1 that I would mind Google knowing/datamining. Regardless of what companies claim in their privacy policies, the very best way to 100% guarantee your data will be misused is simply to not willingly give it out.
Edit: also keep in mind that the (potentially) datamining portions of Android generally revolve around those apps and services which are closed-source apps provided by Google that are not a part of the Android Open Source Project. These include for example the Market, GMail, GTalk, and so forth.
ok, I get your point, but what is the G1 without Gmail/Calendar etc.
And thats all google.
Because of the poor response on my question I think that the majority doesn´t care about google´s data collecting hype.
In my eyes their acting is scary....imagine the details they know about you and many many other people....
just my opinion...
They don't collect any personal information. Not only that but they don't have people looking at these records. A computer does all the work, and is only used to find keywords.
Look at this site's search (the one on xda not google) it works by taking every word and putting it in a database and when you search the word it shows the corresponding posts. so post1 has wordA and post2 has wordA and wordB, and when you search for wordB you only get post2. The same concept is in place for google... except it goes one step further. The spider takes out words that are not needed. Well they have been using this for your GMail for sometime as well. It is why they have excellent spam control and it is why google is so awesome. They use the same process to check emails when you click links. Basically they are just trying to find out who uses what sites for what reasons. If they figure out all this they can better help you and the company you were visiting.
Chances are if you are on a site that is doing something illegal Google already knows it exisists.
someone can always watch if they want, on a g1 or PC, or anything connected. Just don't do anything dumb.
i think its obscene and absurd how gung hoe they are with it. If you want access to the playstore gawdam they better have every member of your family and every person you've ever met profiled as well as around the clock location tracking with a serial # and every keystroke on your device. And dont you dare make any attempts to disable any of their spyware or you can kiss YouTube apps and the play store goodbye. Its pathetic what they've done to Android and its users. And the reason it pisses me of the most is because I don't even really use free apps. They're all either paid for or open.

Market F***ing Spam

I have come to a point where I can no longer sit back and watch our system be bombarded with spam apps. It hurts android as a system and will be its downfall, open or not.
I sent tips to Gizmodo, Engadget, BGR, and all others that have can reach a large audience.
I for one am sick and tired of all the bull**** I see in the market. Open system or not, its getting out of hand. I can't be the only one fed up with the situation. To all android users please voice your hatred of people abusing the rules. Just because its not illegal does not make it ethical or allowable
These are a few links to help people realize how bad this problem is and how bad it will become.
Who cares if we have 50,000 apps and upwards of 15,000 are complete crap. There are 20 real offenders with about 1,000 apps each. 1,000!! each. Thats ridiculous.
Almost 50% of our applications do nothing. Absolutely nothing. I love my N! and have been an Android user since the G1. I have watched our open system is being abused and ransacked by idiots.
Anyone else fed up with this do something to fix it rather than sit back.
I know this is not so much about the N1 than it is Android in general, but I wanted people to see it and spread the word.
These are some websites to look at
I'd noticed a lot of reviews mentioning Pocket Empire, all across the Market, earlier today, it's a pain in the arse, and highlights the fact that you really can't read just a few comments left, and assume they'll be accurate.
Yes it is totally our of hand. The Pocket Empire developers have been encouraging their users to go to the market and download any and all Free apps they dont have to pay for. Then to leave feedback score of 5 for the unrelated app with a comment promoting their Pocket Empires and a referral code. So as well as the comments being BS so are the star ratings they are leaving, which do not reflect the underlying application.
Here are some threads discussing it.
Nexusone Stop spamming the Android Market Pocket Empire players
People advertise everywhere for "pocket empires"- can this spam be curtailed somehow?
How about all the people who were getting their knickers in a knot about the sentence "this message was not sent by tapatalk" sink their teeth into this one.
It is of far greater significance and has the potential to undermine the android market. The lack of action by google to date on this issue (ie not banning PE) suggests to me that they want the market to self regulate.
So lets get together and do something about this Pocket Empire mob.
Yeah the stupid spam comments about "join pocket empires and receive 100 credits" is really getting annoying, not to mention the complete random and totally useless apps that have been coming onto the market lately.
You can at least use appbrain as an alternative, because it filters out the vast majority of Spam apps. But it cannot filter all the PE Spam comments.
Well yesterday, the dev of Pocket Empires sent an ingame message out saying the following:
Hey everyone. We are laying down a new "dont spam other games" policy due to the amount of spame that's been being spread around. Starting May 1st any comments past that date will have their referral code banned for a week. Thanks for your assumed cooperation and enjoy!
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Seems like the dev is trying to put a stop to it at least for now.
Sistum Id said:
Well yesterday, the dev of Pocket Empires sent an ingame message.....
Seems like the dev is trying to put a stop to it at least for now.
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Yes but they are just going through the motions of saying the right thing. Crying Crocodile Tears. How do you honestly think they are going to police their threat of one week bans?
If they were serious about it, they would
1) be telling their users to go back and undo the damage they have done. Which would involve removing spam comments left for other apps AND setting ratings stars to average.
2) removing the referral code system altogether, so that once they no longer can Spam the market they do not just move to every other forum know to man. Such as some smart arse adding a PE referral in this very thread which will no doubt happen soon enough.
I would really like to see Google pull PE from the market altogether for some time as a penalty. But probably wont happen as they want the market to self regulate.
POCKET EMPIRES = POX it must be eradicated
Quick add me on pocket empire!
My code is [email protected]
I'll pay that one ;-)
KnightMAREcrow said:
These are some websites to look at
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Yeah, I opened that thread over there. What bothers me the most is how easy it would it be for google to give us the tools to crush spam.
From where I see it, there are two distinct problems right now:
1) the spam apps (those by Michael Quach, Zeittman, etc).
The easy solution: allow the users to filter out specific words and developers. Then, if a given number of users filter out a developer, consider him "uninteresting" and relegate his apps to the bottom.
2) the PE spam in other apps and games.
The easy solution: if a given number of users report a given number of posts as spam (e.g. 50 individual users report 50 individual messages) consider them spam and filter out every message that is 90% similar to them (e.g. they have mostly the same words but the referral code changes).
These would be completely automatic and would require absolutely no human interaction on part of Google. It's so easy it makes me want to go to their offices and slap the person in charge in the neck.
I reckon a simpler solution to the PE SPAM with referral codes is as follows:
Restrict feedback entries to known words. So if a user enters anything that is not a word, such as a referral code, serial number or email, then it would get rejected. There is absolutely no reason for legitimate feedback to contain any word or string of characters that is not in a dictionary.
logger said:
There is absolutely no reason for legitimate feedback to contain any word or string of characters that is not in a dictionary.
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What about diminutives, etc? Also, What if I want to point to a related app that is better in my opinion? I have done that in the past.
Fair point.
However, for simplicity, blocking non words would go a long way to fixing the referral code issue, while allowing most feedback. It may be better to point out the shortcomings of an application, than to refer readers to an alternative. I know if I was a developer, I would be annoyed if feedback pointed to a competitors product. I trust I got my point across here, using only common words and no diminutives. Common diminutives could be added to the dictionary in any case.
logger said:
However, for simplicity, blocking non words would go a long way to fixing the referral code issue, while allowing most feedback.
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The operative word here being "most". I get your point, but I think self-regulation would be better on the long run. I don't think the best way to fix an annoying situation is to introduce another annoying situation, even if it's less annoying than the first one; and I sure would be pissed if I was writing a comment and the Market rejected it because one of the words I used was not in the dictionary.
logger said:
It may be better to point out the shortcomings of an application, than to refer readers to an alternative. I know if I was a developer, I would be annoyed if feedback pointed to a competitors product
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I would be too, but honestly: I don't write comments to please developers, I do it to give other users good advice. Isn't that precisely the point of the comments system?
If you refuse to use it after I've showed you this, or knew about it already and didn't use it, then don't start another thread like this. You have your out.
And please don't use the "we shouldn't have to use a 3rd party app." This is mother####### XDA, we use what we have to in order to get things done quickly and smoothly.
ATnTdude said:
And please don't use the "we shouldn't have to use a 3rd party app." This is mother####### XDA, we use what we have to in order to get things done quickly and smoothly.
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Yeah, let's leave the rest of Android users on their own. We're mother####### XDA, we don't care about things working right or not if we can make them work for US!
Who cares about the health of the Market? Who cares if it deters people from using Android? We're mother####### XDA!
ATnTdude said:
If you refuse to use it after I've showed you this, or knew about it already and didn't use it, then don't start another thread like this. You have your out.
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Of course we know about appbrain. Before you go sprouting off, Just read some the feedback comments in http://www.appbrain.com/browse/apps/?apps=free for example Shazam and you will immediately see they are not filtered and that the SPAM comments we have been discussing reside there as well.
Any yes I have asked appbrain if they would consider filtering the SPAM comments from their site. Hopefully they will.
In this instance, I believe the market should regulate itself. There has been enormous growth and with it comes the BS. I'm of the mind to believe this will be addressed.
Legalize it. Don't criticize it.
1) the spam apps (those by Michael Quach, Zeittman, etc).
The easy solution: allow the users to filter out specific words and developers. Then, if a given number of users filter out a developer, consider him "uninteresting" and relegate his apps to the bottom.
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i agree.. i think the user should be able add any developer to their personal 'blacklist' that will just simply hide them from view in the market.
also, a more in depth search is needed. filter by keywords you want, keywords you dont want, categories, rating, total downloads, active installs, developers country, downloads to time in market ratio, etc, etc... i mean come on how hard is this to implement when your the top search provider in the entire world.
edit: also, this spam crap is hurting the legit devs. without proper filters or search, it is an uphill battle to not fail. i mean, how will the casual user even know your app exists when 50 apps above it and 50 apps below it are all spam.

WallpaperGate may be a conspiracy against Android reputation...

A few blog and newspaper are reporting the discovery disclosed by 2 Apple hacker at blackhat conference. (if they are not apple fanboy then they sure look like they are)
As much as I do care about data security and think that some people may not be careful enough about what they carry on their phone, I dislike reading such story without much proof, I truly hope Google will put an end to this by posting something about it.
The funny part is that the application made by their company (lookout) is asking for MUCH MORE right than the wallpaper they are pinpointing, I am also wondering about their genome project and I am wondering if they used that "virus scanner" to gather application info from the people who used it (that being said without any proof, just my gut feeling exactly like their theory on those wallpaper)
On a more positive side I hope this will raise some people awareness about what they install on their phone even rom's could one day get compromised but I do not think we are there yet...
So the whole point of this post is to ask all the blogger around to get back to those 2 security researcher and ask them to provide proof (source code) of the malware they found so that we can put an end to this story either way...
The more people will switch from the Apple to Android, the more hate and dirt there will be about Android.
It's just getting started.
Personally, it's fun to watch, they gonna lose anyway.
DarkDvr said:
The more people will switch from the Apple to Android, the more hate and dirt there will be about Android.
It's just getting started.
Personally, it's fun to watch, they gonna lose anyway.
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I do respect apple for bringing some great innovation but I am concerned about the lack of quality coverage I see in some blog and online news paper, I mean nobody seem to have asked proof or a second opinion on quite a few recent post (like the 80% of android user would not buy another one story...)
As for the winner or looser, as long as user win I am fine with this war...
I saw this and it seems like propaganda....they took all the time to write the article but neglected to mention the application name.
britoso said:
I saw this and it seems like propaganda....they took all the time to write the article but neglected to mention the application name.
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They did publish the name of the app, In fact a LOT of different one since this is simply a program that download wallpaper from various theme. the guy have flooded the market with all of the different theme he offer.
http://www.androidcentral.com/rogue-android app-stealing-data-according-security-firm#comments
If you look at the update they wrote to change a bit the story of what the application does, the developer seem to be a bit lost about this.
Either way if this app is really a malware then they should have contacted google, and they should have published the EXACT description of what they do, instead they talk about their market analysis ...
Some fact, about time!
Here's the developer answer so android central http://www.scribd.com/mobile/documents/35072457
Now let's see if Google has something to say about this WallPaperGate... in the mean time it look like they SUSPENDED all the developer app
Personally I have no problem with those wallpaper app, I do not use lookout tho since I believe it's asking for too much right and I am not convinced it does something at all
How about "flickey wallpaper" ? I use that one, and it rhymes with the listed application.
adambenjamin said:
How about "flickey wallpaper" ? I use that one, and it rhymes with the listed application.
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Hey thanks for pointing this program (flikie) it's great!
The right requested by flikie are quite normal so I installed it, I do not use picture as wallpaper usually but I do like to watch them!
Back to the topics, I think the developpers in general should review their apps and make sure they do not ask for undue right!
Application to protect yourself
I personally use aSpotCat to screen what the application are using as right on my nexus one, it is free and allow you to revise the right of installed app
If you know of other app that can prevent malware from spreading please post them
thats how it is in an open system. some people will exploit it.
thats a trade off of the android market.... we will get spyware eventually.
I agree with antikryst... this happens on any platform. Don't look like iPhans and deny the truth and deflect the blame. These guys may or may not have an agenda, but they didn't "seem" to make this stuff up.
I call partly BS
The wallpaper apps in question cannot access your contact's phone numbers, SMS messages or personal information.
Check out the manifest permissions on the apps in question. It is the last item that is the problem.
modify Delete
!Your location
coarse (network-based) location
!Network communication
full Internet access
!Phone calls
read phone state and identity
The permission only allows the app to read the IMEI number of your phone (your hardware's unique identifying number), your phone number, and your currently programmed voice-mail number. If you hard coded your voice-mail password as part of your voice-mail number, then they have that too.
They shouldn't be stealing this info, and Google should separate "read phone state" from "read identity", but the stories on this app stating that your SMS's and contacts being stolen and sent to China just plain wrong.
johnp263 said:
They shouldn't be stealing this info, and Google should separate "read phone state" from "read identity", but the stories on this app stating that your SMS's and contacts being stolen and sent to China just plain wrong.
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And, unfortunately, that stemmed from the original article written at VentureBeat being incorrect. The presenters never actually said SMS and browser history were compromised. I know that at least Engadget was contacted and informed that the article at VentureBeat was incorrect, and VentureBeat also corrected their article to indicate that SMSs and browser histories were not being compromised. But at the start, it was too late, and from there, it was a game of telephone.
Here is a blog post by one of the presenters to clarify everything.
amnigo said:
And, unfortunately, that stemmed from the original article written at VentureBeat being incorrect. The presenters never actually said SMS and browser history were compromised. I know that at least Engadget was contacted and informed that the article at VentureBeat was incorrect, and VentureBeat also corrected their article to indicate that SMSs and browser histories were not being compromised. But at the start, it was too late, and from there, it was a game of telephone.
Here is a blog post by one of the presenters to clarify everything.
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What a douche bag. The initial commentary about the apps was essentially "It's stealing you babies and your babie's babie's babies".
But I guess actually telling what the app actually does is a little less exciting than what they did.

Primer: Software Naming Conventions

It has been brought to my attention that many android application developers have no idea how to properly class their applications by name. Here we will review a few common terms specific to this context.
Here is a list of terms in no specific order which we will review in this document.
Lite / Basic
Firstly let me start by saying that the word 'free' should never be in an application title. There are exceptions to this rule. For example a video game might have the word free in its title, such as 'free world defenders.' It should be clear to the developer that the word 'free' should not be used in an application title in reference to the cost of ownership. In practice this is at best unprofessional and untidy.
It may seem to the beginning developer that this would add clarity and destinction to a specific release of an application but this is an unnecessary clarification as most applications are already classified by price categories. At best all the developer has achieved is lengthening the title of the application and flagged it as possibly unworthy of usage. Most people don't expect to get much of anything for free. Keep this in mind when you develop your freeware applications.
I have also found that many developers have taken the word 'professional' entirely out of context. Instead of providing an example just yet, let us explore what the word professional actually means.
pro·fes·sion·al adj.
a. Of, relating to, engaged in, or
suitable for a profession: lawyers,
doctors, and other professional
b. Conforming to the standards of a
profession: professional behavior.
2. Engaging in a given activity as a
source of livelihood or as a career: a
professional writer.
Let's apply this definition in the context of software applications. Joe is a blogger. He blogs all day about his life. In fact there is almost nothing that Joe would not blog about. Joe decides that he could get more blogging done if he could quickly post his thoughts from his mobile. Joe goes to the market and he finds three things: Blogger Free, Captain's Blog, and Blogger Professional.
Joe thinks for a second... He decides right off the bat that he is no ordinary blogger and that he does not want deal with advertisements, so he overlooks Blogger Free without hesitation. Joe thinks that Captain's Blog sounds interesting. He decides to look it over because Blogger Professional sounds like it may have more features than he is really interested in. Joe is happy with Captain's Blog, and it is the first thing he blogs about saying: "I'mma live happily ever after!"
The term 'professional' implies that your application will employ features useful to the individual who requires industry standard adherence to specific guidelines laws, regulations, or operating procedures. Users in this market will have certain expectations. It is important that whenever you use the tagline 'Professional' that you have done your research and tested your product in the field with real professionals.
Usually products that employ groundbreaking features or features that can't be found anywhere else attempt to call themselves professional, but as stated before this term is at best reserved for industry professionals who require specific functionality. The proper tag for this kind of application is 'advanced.' Because it provides advanced functionality.
Some applications are so prolific that they require two tags such as 'professional advanced' or 'professional basic.' Yes, there is a 'professional standard' (no pun intended) as well as many other combinations. use whatever makes sense. I call these titles of prestige.
The term 'standard' implies, that an application meets or sets "the bar" by which applications that perform similar functions must reach to begin to consider themselves competition. It also implies that there is more to come or more to be had from this application and it's descendants or even its competition.
The term 'basic' or 'lite' is essentially the same as the term 'standard' but basic/lite implies the bare minimum required to achieve an acceptable effect. Usually this is an application with reduced functionality in order to meet a restriction on cost, time space, or otherwise.
The term 'premium' implies that your software is giving the best functionality there is, or the best functionality that it has to offer. this term should not be used lightly by any developer who wants to be taken seriously in the world of software engineering.
Trialware implies that an application has either full or limited features on the basis of time or functionality. Trialware is not freeware and should never display advertisements for anything other than itself. It is a platform for you to exhibit your product and the main idea is to sell YOUR full product. This is when you call your product a 'Trial.'
The difference between a trial and a demonstration may seem vague but it is not so. It should suffice to say that a 'trial' can be upgraded or unlocked, and a 'demonstration' can be replaced or succeeded with the final product. A demonstration may also have advertisements for other programs or services offered by the developer or its affiliates.
If you like this paper let me know! This is my first draft. Feel free to comment constructively and chat amongst yourselves with proper regard to the topic.
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Here is something else that I had not thought of while drafting this document. The term 'full' is like the term 'free' it is completely redundant or otherwise pointless to state that an application incorporates all of its functionality.
I am not yet sure where I stand on the term 'donator' but I am sure I would like to know what the application is donating to. If it is feeding starving children I would like to pat it on the back and send my donation in as well.
The terms 'plus' and 'extended' were not covered either. These terms are highly acceptable and they imply that the application has extra functionality which is not available in other versions.
These terms work very well with titles of prestige or as new ones. For example: 'proffesional standard plus,' 'standard plus' or 'extended basic.' These can be shortened into abbreviations to create some interesting artifacts such as 'PSP,' 'SP,' or 'EB.'
If you are running a charity, consider using the terms '+,' 'plus,' 'extended,' or the abbreviated forms instead of 'donator.'
- Posted via mobile
Uh, what's the point? We're programmers not English Majors LOL
I'm thinking of calling my next app "Professional Lite Standard Trial Free FartMaker+ Version 0.0019a Beta"
No sarcasm...honest
Rootstonian said:
Uh, what's the point? We're programmers not English Majors LOL
I'm thinking of calling my next app "Professional Lite Standard Trial Free FartMaker+ Version 0.0019a Beta"
No sarcasm...honest
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You should do this, the reviews alone would be great
Rootstonian said:
Uh, what's the point? We're programmers not English Majors
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I failed 7th grade twice and dropped out of high school in the 9th grade. So what's YOUR point?
It's okay I understand you are neither professional nor do you aim to be. I taught myself everything I need to know in the field.
I have over 10 years programming experience and I can program in more than 7 different languages including assembler. My point is if you don't try to do anything better you never will. Good luck with fart maker.
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Scientia est potentia.
Knowledge is power. Is it for me to decide what you do with it?
- Posted via mobile
I understood your point was making jokes before you ever made your first post to this thread.
There are exceptions to this rule. For example a video game might have the word free in its title, such as 'free world defenders.'
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Fart Maker PLSTF
Interesting artifact.
datajosh said:
You should do this, the reviews alone would be great
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I agree.
If you like this paper let me know! This is my first draft. Feel free to comment constructively and chat amongst yourselves with proper regard to the topic.
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I don't believe the topic of this thread suggests that the readers are searching for jokes.
Since we are on the topic of making jokes...
Rootstonian said:
"Professional Lite Standard Trial Free FartMaker+ Version 0.0019a Beta"
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Free trial demo (FTD) Would make a better artifact than 'trial free' for this application.
LOL. Try less jokes and more focus.
SERIOUSLY, I'm not kidding
- Posted via mobile

#freekodi | SPMC dev tries to get unpublished on the Amazon Appstore

Under the light of the recent developments - Amazon has banned Kodi from distribution on all of their plattforms, proclaiming it was "soliciting illegal use" without giving any insight into their though process, or even one argument - developer Koying is showing flag as well and is currently trying to withdraw his build of Kodi from the Amazon app store.
SPMC is the second most commonly used Media Center on Android, after Kodi - containing tweaks that make it more suitable to be used on some Android devices.
Read on from here:
@AFTVnews.com: I'm hoping you could pick up on this one as well.
edit: Background information:
This is off topic I believe, not because the mods are out to get you. Kodi and SPMC have never been compatible with the FireTV via the Amazon App Store. This belongs is a Kodi, SPMC or Amazon Fire Phone forum. Just saying if you are looking for a reason why your posts are getting deleted.
Using Amazon App Store Shortcuts to start Kodi and SPMC - which are the most popular sideloaded apps on the Fire TV, is the most common way of accessing your Media Centers on the Fire TV.
Also - the reason Amazon gave for pulling Kodi out of distribution has ramifications that by far exceed affecting only users who were dependent on the official distribution channel (Amazon Appstore). Amazon basically stated, that the most popular open source video player on Android devices should be considered illegal, without giving out any of the reasoning.
Also, every second thread in here is about Kodi and or SPMC - so there is a topical nature to this. Especially, as Amazons move very likely was triggered as a result of conflicting interests in the Fire TV segment of their product lines. Remember that Amazon has no problem still openly selling Kodi Boxes through their goods based marketplace.
In addition - the notion of developers trying to leave the Amazon ship as fast as possible, is a sentiment worth noting as well.
Ok fair enough. Your thread, I'll see my way out. You are looking at the bigger picture of what this could impact and the mods will allow it or not. Obviously a big deal for you if you specifically called it out to Koying like that. You going to ask the Plex devs next?
But again, this is a thread about removal of Kodi/SPMC from the app store. This is different than threads on Kodi usage via sideloading. The app store removal has no impact on FireTV users besides the shortcut not being available. And there are plenty of documented workarounds for this.
Plex plays ball with content holders requests to a point, where someone interested in publishing an addon with them, can even specify which plattform (that Plex supports) he doesnt wants his addon to work with - for example, because he wants people not to be able to access the content on a TV, or wants to drive them to his own 10 foot interface.
Plex also has vouched to vet all addons they provide, prior to releasing them. The content holders pay for that privilege.
Their answer to such a request would already be predetermined.
Still, this whole episode is an attempt to clamp down on user interests by Amazon and frame Kodi to be "something illegal" without offering their thought process, or reasoning.
This should be able to be discussed in this forum. I'd ask the moderators once more to reconsider censoring this discussion, because it has already caused considerable waves.
You can read Cory Doctorows position on the topic from 2010 here:
This is what we are currently trying to fight against. While XDA moderators are closing down the topics.
Apple still provided its users with player software they could use to play their files on during the last transition, Amazon is now actively moving against the most commonly used video player software out there during this transition. If we dont care to actively speak out on behalf of Kodi, when a major 500 company is trying to sideline and extinct open source media center use on their platforms - it will shape this industry and our future concept of what we should be able to do with our devices.
Content vetting, by corporations - is nothing I would welcome as the new normal.
Thank you to everyone who brought this to my attention. http://www.aftvnews.com/spmc-requests-app-withdrawal-to-protest-kodis-removal-from-amazon-appstore/
And then - nothing, at least in here. Please dont be afraid to talk about Amazons unprecedented move to declare a Video Player "illegal".
I would really like to force this conversation.
To kindle some of the dialogue on topic - SPMC tries to get pulled to force the conversation here. To NOT allow people to flee to a convenient alternative, that is not tarnished by having become Amazons target, on grounds that arent publicly declared. Changing the app doesnt solve the issue.
So what is the next step - if we cant provoke Amazon to provide a public statement, while they decided to declare war on media players - we have lost. You have lost. You can then fast forward a few decades and tell your grandchildren the boring story, of how you've stood by and were too afraid to make your voice heard, when Amazon outlawed general purpose software on Android devices.
Media outlets right now are reporting on it, but they are taking the strange aura of - "it is outlawed" - with them, between the lines. No one is willing to not call it "a mistake", but an attack on consumer rights.
If this dialogue doesnt get started - and I am willing to take the time and argue on one side, Amazon will just sit this one out, and it will be allowed to become a precedent.
in german we have a word for someone declaring that a person or a concept has fallen out of the authorities favor. It is called vogelfrei and it translates to "as free as a bird" but in effect it describes that this person has been stripped of all of their rights and property - and that this had been made public to be made an example out of. This is what currently is happening to Kodi.
If you have an opinion, if you want to show some support, please voice it. It only takes a few voices to get a dialogue started.
its no surprise amazon hates it.. it alows users to get for free what amazon charges way too much for...
them keeing it off the app store is a good thing really.. it gives less attention to certain plugins as the muggles wont be able to get as easily. so certain plugins will have less heat on them.
psycon said:
its no surprise amazon hates it.. it alows users to get for free what amazon charges way too much for...
them keeing it off the app store is a good thing really.. it gives less attention to certain plugins as the muggles wont be able to get as easily. so certain plugins will have less heat on them.
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But, what if you dont care about prolonging the life of certain plugins, by actively "pulling heat off of them".
What if you are a Kodi developer and you come to work tomorrow, launching your project files and have this strange feeling in your stomach - that you are now one of the bad guys, because you dont have submitted to corporate forces to include DRM in your software that will only allow certain extensions to work.
By what mode of thinking do you not pronounce this world crazy - because google does none of that on youtube, and only recently has pulled in extension distribution on Chrome in house, because of the profit motive (officially it is to "protect our users from rogue apps and viruses"). Because Calibre, the most commonly used tool to convert eBooks to Amazons azw format - even for submitting them to Amazon themselves, also has a plugin infrastructure and scraping built in. No one even cares to think to declare it "facilitating illegal use" because of it - in fact it is facilitating Amazon eBook creation for commercial use, if anything.
Amazon has closed down Fire TVs to a point, where there is only one viable distribution channel on it to get programs from for most people. Now they start to ban general purpose software on it, whenever it gets popular enough to compete with their own product offerings declaring it "facilitating illegal use" and not giving any explanation?
Heck, all Amazon products could be declared to be illegal tomorrow, when we are following the explaination that is taking form here - if Amazon would be forced to release a statement as to why they consider general purpose software illegal, we could then take this definition and apply it to them to see if they are adhering to the same standards, when it fits their business interests. This is what this whole episode is about.
You cant declare something "facilitating illegal use" and not give out any reasoning. You cant start banning media players from your distribution channels, and believe, that the world tomorrow will go on the same way it has before.
Just remove all CD burning software, all flashdrives, all MP3 Players, all eReaders, even the Fire TV itself - from your storefront, while you are at it, because you just engaged in a serious example of fostering double standards - when you think, that you can get away with it, without too much publicity.
What about, the prospect, that as a Kodi developer you care about the "muggles" - and you dont care so much about the dumb pirates who will always shout out "it costs too much", regardless what you throw at them? But you also care about open access - and dont believe that every content that can be played back by your software should have to be vetted by you first.
What if you dont believe in putting in DRM hooks into your software project, so it can be considered "marketable" in the minds of whoever currently is promoting his digital agenda?
Amazon is no more legal than Kodi. In none of what they are doing, selling, promoting or declaring. They just are better at promoting double standards. And when they speak out a ban, most journalists headlines follow their messaging - not even stopping for one second to question what is happening here.
What if you are a Kodi developer that was encouraged to do this work through being sought out as a participant in Googles "Summer of Code" programs year, after year, after year - and all of a sudden your work is being dragged through the gutter - once your featureset has been copied and no one sees any use for your position not to be willing to pronounce what is considered "officially too naughty for an Apple Appstore". Which by the way - also contains political satire, because the mid west likes his ways.
If you are under 30, why all of a sudden are you thinking like your dad?
Sorry this was a dud for you, but nobody cares. You aren't starting a revolution. SPMC is the #3175 ranked app on Amazon. It hasn't even been updated since 13.4, so I doubt the developer cares that much. And again, it doesn't change a thing. We'll just sideload it like we always have. Until Amazon actually blocks this from running, save your breath. All you have done here is helped Amazon get content they don't like removed. Really, prod the TVMC dev next. Amazon will love you. That is much higher ranked and actually includes piracy.
Amazon does have the right to remove and app without reason, just as Koying, Kodi or anyone else has a right to remove their app at their request. It is given in the same terms, sections 6, of the developer agreement. If you don't like it, don't use their store and sign the terms and conditions. They don't owe you or anyone else an explanation.
App Availability; Withdrawal. We may determine in our discretion to make any App available through our Program.
And having you spout your craziness all over each place this is posted makes it look like #freekodi being pioneered by a crazy person. Some people follow the crazies, but not the masses. You, personally, are pushing them away. So you should stay quiet if you want to see this succeed with whatever you are trying to do. Just some advice.
Also, you have insulted AFTVNEWs and XDA directly on this forum. You lambaste anyone for going to "clickbait blogs" to get fed an opinion. Yet you turn right to them when it fits your agenda. You sir are a hypocrite. No one is listening to you.
jpeg42 said:
Sorry this was a dud for you, but nobody cares. You aren't starting a revolution. SPMC is the #3175 ranked app on Amazon. It hasn't even been updated since 13.4, so I doubt the developer cares that much. And again, it doesn't change a thing. We'll just sideload it like we always have. Until Amazon actually blocks this from running, save your breath. All you have done here is helped Amazon get content they don't like removed. Really, prod the TVMC dev next. Amazon will love you. That is much higher ranked and actually includes piracy.
Amazon does have the right to remove and app without reason, just as Koying, Kodi or anyone else has a right to remove their app at their request. It is given in the same terms, sections 6, of the developer agreement. If you don't like it, don't use their store and sign the terms and conditions. They don't owe you or anyone else an explanation.
App Availability; Withdrawal. We may determine in our discretion to make any App available through our Program.
And having you spout your craziness all over each place this is posted makes it look like #freekodi being pioneered by a crazy person. Some people follow the crazies, but not the masses. You, personally, are pushing them away. So you should stay quiet if you want to see this succeed with whatever you are trying to do. Just some advice.
Also, you have insulted AFTVNEWs and XDA directly on this forum. You lambaste anyone for going to "clickbait blogs" to get fed an opinion. Yet you turn right to them when it fits your agenda. You sir are a hypocrite. No one is listening to you.
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Seems ike you are doing exactly what you tried to talk down to me for doing. When I opposed the idiot that started this thread you said I was wrong for doing it, now you are doing the same exact thing that I did. We are both right to call him out because he is wrong about everything and is super ruude to everyone.
To the OP, nothing you say is factual and nobody cares what you have to say. There are many other sites and ways to obtain Kodi so if Amazon does not want Kodi in their store it is totally fine. Kodi was removed a week before you even said anything about it and you would not have even known it was removed if you did not read it on AFTVNews.com. Kodi was removed on June 6th, and you didn't even know so its clear that if you cared you would have been checkin up on it. The same site (AFTVNEWS.com) you say you hate is where you get all of your info.
Its clear that the only reason you care about Kodi is the same reason Amazon decided to remove it. If Kodi did not give you an easy way to view illegal content you would not care at all. You are just paranoid that Amazon is gonna block you from using Kodi and take away your convenient way of finding and watching illegal streams. I do not hear you complaining about any of the other apps they removed. As a matter of fact you challenged anyone to name another app that Amazon has removed and when I named Modern Combat 5 you made an excuse about them removing it and said that MC5 was just a COD ripoff. You cannot complain about them removing Kodi and saying they are attacking us by doing so, if you are not gonna defend other apps too. Like I said, its clear why Kodi is the only app that matters to you, cause you do want to pay for TV and movies and you are scared that Amazon is gonna do something to block Kodi on your device. Let me help you stop compaining, Amazon is not gonna block Kodi or any other versions of Kodi, I promise, now get over it.
porkenhimer said:
Seems ike you are doing exactly what you tried to talk down to me for doing. When I opposed the idiot that started this thread you said I was wrong for doing it, now you are doing the same exact thing that I did. We are both right to call him out because he is wrong about everything and is super ruude to everyone.
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Yes, I apologize for that. I have seen the light. I am going to take the advice I gave to you back then. I am going to ignore this user. I am just as much responsible for his continued rants by responding to them.
jpeg42 said:
Yes, I apologize for that. I have seen the light. I am going to take the advice I gave to you back then. I am going to ignore this user. I am just as much responsible for his continued rants by responding to them.
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You never gave me that advice at all. You simply talked down to me for no reason. I am pretty sure it was simply because you took something I said wrong even after I apologized and told you what I actually meant you kept trying to insult me everytime i would post something. You're just as bad as the OP. When someone says something you do not agreee with you try to insult them. Its understandable tryin to talk down to the OP, cause he really is going way overboard with his nonsense, but you are rude to people even when they have done nothing wrong. Not only were you rude to me for no reason, you attacked me when I was not even talking to you on the Kingroot thread, then cheered the guy on that I was talking to. Its cool though, cause I realize now that you are just a know it all that just wants to be heard, so feel free to insult me anytime if it makes you feel better about yourself.
porkenhimer said:
You never gave me that advice at all. You simply talked down to me for no reason. I am pretty sure it was simply because you took something I said wrong even after I apologized and told you what I actually meant you kept trying to insult me everytime i would post something. You're just as bad as the OP. When someone says something you do not agreee with you try to insult them. Its understandable tryin to talk down to the OP, cause he really is going way overboard with his nonsense, but you are rude to people even when they have done nothing wrong. Not only were you rude to me for no reason, you attacked me when I was not even talking to you on the Kingroot thread, then cheered the guy on that I was talking to. Its cool though, cause I realize now that you are just a know it all that just wants to be heard, so feel free to insult me anytime if it makes you feel better about yourself.
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Whatever man. You ramble like crazy and I call you out for it. I'll never respond to you again too. Promise.
jpeg42 said:
Whatever man. You ramble like crazy and I call you out for it. I'll never respond to you again too. Promise.
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I hope not, cause all you are doing is trying to cause drama. Who tries to insult someone for doing something then does the same exact thing they tried insulting someone else for doing, then apologizes when they get called out on it? You, and that should tell you how rude you are to others. Lame as hell for you to be rude then turn right back around and do the axact same thing you told someone else not to do.
Once again, this topic is being closed.
You can "force" this discussion elsewhere. It's only bringing drama to XDA, and we don't like drama here. It disrupts the love! :highfive:
This is a site for developers and development. Every time this has been brought up, arguments ensue. And frankly, its irrelevant to the purpose of this site.
No more of these rant threads please, or they will follow this one to the Closed file.
Thank you,
Forum Moderator

