New to droid X and Wanna root....HELP! - Droid X General

I have had probably 8-12 Android handsets. I recently switched to an iPhone from my EVO and I hated my iPhone. I wanted to go with something pretty similar to my EVO so I checked out the screen, specs, user reviews, etc. The Droid X sounded great, but since having it, it locks up, freezes, and Lags like a G1. This NOTHING like my EVO and is disappointing to say the least.
I'm really hoping that a custom ROM can speed up the interface and possibly help with the battery life. Any recommendations? I don't want to theme, or interest in changing the bootlogo, etc... I just want a nice and FAST phone.
I use a lot of apps...I DON'T let any apps refresh automatically though. I also use Launcher Pro. Thanks in advance.
(Please don't tell me to read the sticky. I have. I need some real life experienced reviews....maybe people who have had an EVO or who understand what I want. Thanks)

system6 said:
I have had probably 8-12 Android handsets. I recently switched to an iPhone from my EVO and I hated my iPhone. I wanted to go with something pretty similar to my EVO so I checked out the screen, specs, user reviews, etc. The Droid X sounded great, but since having it, it locks up, freezes, and Lags like a G1. This NOTHING like my EVO and is disappointing to say the least.
I'm really hoping that a custom ROM can speed up the interface and possibly help with the battery life. Any recommendations? I don't want to theme, or interest in changing the bootlogo, etc... I just want a nice and FAST phone.
I use a lot of apps...I DON'T let any apps refresh automatically though. I also use Launcher Pro. Thanks in advance.
(Please don't tell me to read the sticky. I have. I need some real life experienced reviews....maybe people who have had an EVO or who understand what I want. Thanks)
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LMFAO, i wrote the sticky, which has instructions on how to root and while I havent had the time to update everything I did cover some ROMs which include what you have asked for, so not quite sure what else you could be looking for.... But if you really want an explanation:
Root the phone using z4root and then try out a ROM like Rubix Focused 2.0.1. Drod2169 built the ROM and I am currently using it. The interface is very quick and responsive. He has added in multiple governor settings for overclock which include a conservative governor to allow for better battery life. You can use apps like Droid Overclock (jrummy16) and setCPU to change these governor settings as well. Rubix does very well when overclocked if that is something you are interested in.
If you are looking for a ROM that still has some Blur components in it, then try out Apex 1.4.1 or Rubix 2.0 Blurry. Both are very responsive and have some of the blur that certain people out there are looking for. Last but not least, it seems a great majority of people like Liberty 1.5. I used the ROM for quite some time, and it is very responsive, but a lot of people seem to have issues with lag or reboots. I never had this issue, so I can't quite speak to that issue...
ROM's are really more of a matter of personal choice. Try out a few and see what you like.
As far as a comparison to the EVO... my roommate has one, and 2 of my other best friends have one. I have done MULTIPLE benchmarking tools on their phones to compare against my X (on multiple ROMs). None of their tests have beat mine... In my opinion, the only differences between the EVO and the X is this:
1) Evo has unlocked Bootloader to allow custom kernels so you can run ROMS like CynanogenMod (but given time, CVPCS is compiling CM for the X)
2) Evo has front facing camera for those who can't wait to talk to people via a webcam.
3) Evo has a slightly quicker GPU (graphics processing unit) than the X, but winds up limited to 30FPS for the most part. Some of the benchmarks I have seen on the X jump it up to 62FPS on tests I have run.
4) Evo runs sense from HTC. If you want a "Sense" feel... some have made themes that look just like Sense....but you said you don't want a theme.
That's about it...

SysAdmin-X said:
LMFAO, i wrote the sticky, which has instructions on how to root and while I havent had the time to update everything I did cover some ROMs which include what you have asked for, so not quite sure what else you could be looking for.... But if you really want an explanation:
Root the phone using z4root and then try out a ROM like Rubix Focused 2.0.1. Drod2169 built the ROM and I am currently using it. The interface is very quick and responsive. He has added in multiple governor settings for overclock which include a conservative governor to allow for better battery life. You can use apps like Droid Overclock (jrummy16) and setCPU to change these governor settings as well. Rubix does very well when overclocked if that is something you are interested in.
If you are looking for a ROM that still has some Blur components in it, then try out Apex 1.4.1 or Rubix 2.0 Blurry. Both are very responsive and have some of the blur that certain people out there are looking for. Last but not least, it seems a great majority of people like Liberty 1.5. I used the ROM for quite some time, and it is very responsive, but a lot of people seem to have issues with lag or reboots. I never had this issue, so I can't quite speak to that issue...
ROM's are really more of a matter of personal choice. Try out a few and see what you like.
As far as a comparison to the EVO... my roommate has one, and 2 of my other best friends have one. I have done MULTIPLE benchmarking tools on their phones to compare against my X (on multiple ROMs). None of their tests have beat mine... In my opinion, the only differences between the EVO and the X is this:
1) Evo has unlocked Bootloader to allow custom kernels so you can run ROMS like CynanogenMod (but given time, CVPCS is compiling CM for the X)
2) Evo has front facing camera for those who can't wait to talk to people via a webcam.
3) Evo has a slightly quicker GPU (graphics processing unit) than the X, but winds up limited to 30FPS for the most part. Some of the benchmarks I have seen on the X jump it up to 62FPS on tests I have run.
4) Evo runs sense from HTC. If you want a "Sense" feel... some have made themes that look just like Sense....but you said you don't want a theme.
That's about it...
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The sticky is EPIC...honestly, it's just data and info. I guess I am looking more for opinions. Thank you for the insight.
I had an EVO and that thing had not once, ever, locked up or froze. 2nd day on my Droid X after a hard reset and it is SO laggy.
Unlock screen even lags to get to home. IDK.... I def don't want the "blurware", but the benchmarks on this phone are impressive. It's response and use have not been, in my opinion.
My wife has the Samsung Vibrant and the specs are amazing for that phone too, but NEVER have I seen a phone lock up and freeze so much. She gave her old G1 to my mom and it's like they run at about the same speed.
I'm real tech savy, a huge phone nerd, etc....I just really didn't like my iPhone. I use Apple products for everything else as I am an audio engineer by profession, but the iPhone was SO limited. I had to hack the crap out of it to get basic things that are available on freebie candybar phones.
One thing I have noticed is that it seems to build my photo cache REALLY slow. Now... I have 14 GBs of photo/video on their, but everytime I open a gallery it takes forever to load. It is getting better about this, slowly but you think my unit is defective, I am expecting too much, or the more I play with it and let it buld a good cache, etc, it will run better?
Thanks for responding, and THANK YOU for the sticky... If I decide to root that thing will be a lifesaver!

system6 said:
The sticky is EPIC...honestly, it's just data and info. I guess I am looking more for opinions. Thank you for the insight.
I had an EVO and that thing had not once, ever, locked up or froze. 2nd day on my Droid X after a hard reset and it is SO laggy.
Unlock screen even lags to get to home. IDK.... I def don't want the "blurware", but the benchmarks on this phone are impressive. It's response and use have not been, in my opinion.
My wife has the Samsung Vibrant and the specs are amazing for that phone too, but NEVER have I seen a phone lock up and freeze so much. She gave her old G1 to my mom and it's like they run at about the same speed.
I'm real tech savy, a huge phone nerd, etc....I just really didn't like my iPhone. I use Apple products for everything else as I am an audio engineer by profession, but the iPhone was SO limited. I had to hack the crap out of it to get basic things that are available on freebie candybar phones.
One thing I have noticed is that it seems to build my photo cache REALLY slow. Now... I have 14 GBs of photo/video on their, but everytime I open a gallery it takes forever to load. It is getting better about this, slowly but you think my unit is defective, I am expecting too much, or the more I play with it and let it buld a good cache, etc, it will run better?
Thanks for responding, and THANK YOU for the sticky... If I decide to root that thing will be a lifesaver!
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I think the type of sdcard you have also makes a difference. If you have a new class 6 card instead of what the phone comes with (I think it is like class 2 or 3) then the read/write speed should be a lot better. I have been using the latest Rubix ROM for about 2 weeks now, and I don't experience any lag or reboots/freezing. I really like this ROM, and actually talk to Drod2169 (the developer) a decent amount. I would take a look at Rubix or Fission 2.5.7 as these are both blur-free ROM's.
I am also a huge tech nerd/geek. I have tweaked the crap out of my X. I have probably tried every ROM/theme there is for this thing, and right now I'm sitting solid on Rubix. I also used Darkslide 4.2 Blurless for a while. It is a ROM built by BBCrackman and some others over at mydroidworld. I would suggest trying Darkslide out. It is pre-themed by the makers of the ROM but I think it has been the most reliable and snappy ROM I have used besides Rubix 2.0.
If you have questions, shoot them at me in here, or hit me up on gchat.
[email protected] More than happy to help out where I can.

SysAdmin-X said:
I think the type of sdcard you have also makes a difference. If you have a new class 6 card instead of what the phone comes with (I think it is like class 2 or 3) then the read/write speed should be a lot better. I have been using the latest Rubix ROM for about 2 weeks now, and I don't experience any lag or reboots/freezing. I really like this ROM, and actually talk to Drod2169 (the developer) a decent amount. I would take a look at Rubix or Fission 2.5.7 as these are both blur-free ROM's.
I am also a huge tech nerd/geek. I have tweaked the crap out of my X. I have probably tried every ROM/theme there is for this thing, and right now I'm sitting solid on Rubix. I also used Darkslide 4.2 Blurless for a while. It is a ROM built by BBCrackman and some others over at mydroidworld. I would suggest trying Darkslide out. It is pre-themed by the makers of the ROM but I think it has been the most reliable and snappy ROM I have used besides Rubix 2.0.
If you have questions, shoot them at me in here, or hit me up on gchat.
[email protected] More than happy to help out where I can.
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Thanks a million for the cool info and not just a "NOOB RTFM!" response!
I will check out both!


A little help for an Incredible user

Hey guys. I'm an Incredible user, but my girlfriend has an Eris. I'm tired of hearing her ***** about the speed of the phone, and how it occasionally locks up on her, so (now that the easy root method for leakers is out) I'm about to root her phone and install a custom ROM (hopefully).
Now, I have a few questions for you folks since I'm not familiar with the Eris community at all (and I have some time constraints since she needs her phone back).
1. I'm looking for a ROM recommendation. What I'm looking for is something extremely stable and fast. I don't need any bells/whistles. She doesn't use tethering, at all but it must have GPS/Camera/Bluetooth/MMS working. Don't really care if it has Sense, but if there is something fast/stable WITH sense, that would not be a bad thing. Most important things are speed and bug-free (or damn close). Froyo would be nice (obviously).
2. I am unfamilar with overclocking. I come from a phone where you overclock by installing a hydra kernel, so I don't know how this works on the Eris. It sounds like I will have to manually set up overclocking in SetCPU, and I'm not familiar with the application. If anyone can give me some tips on how to do this, or recommended settings that would be AWESOME. One thing to keep in mind is that this is not my phone, so I won't have time to tinker with trial and error (in other words I won't be able to start testing at 850mhz and work my way down until it's stable).
I know this is a lot to ask, but I'm hoping some of you guys will be able to help me out given the circumstances. Thanks in advance.
Asterdroid said:
Hey guys. I'm an Incredible user, but my girlfriend has an Eris. I'm tired of hearing her ***** about the speed of the phone, and how it occasionally locks up on her, so (now that the easy root method for leakers is out) I'm about to root her phone and install a custom ROM (hopefully).
Now, I have a few questions for you folks since I'm not familiar with the Eris community at all (and I have some time constraints since she needs her phone back).
1. I'm looking for a ROM recommendation. What I'm looking for is something extremely stable and fast. I don't need any bells/whistles. She doesn't use tethering, at all but it must have GPS/Camera/Bluetooth/MMS working. Don't really care if it has Sense, but if there is something fast/stable WITH sense, that would not be a bad thing. Most important things are speed and bug-free (or damn close). Froyo would be nice (obviously).
2. I am unfamilar with overclocking. I come from a phone where you overclock by installing a hydra kernel, so I don't know how this works on the Eris. It sounds like I will have to manually set up overclocking in SetCPU, and I'm not familiar with the application. If anyone can give me some tips on how to do this, or recommended settings that would be AWESOME. One thing to keep in mind is that this is not my phone, so I won't have time to tinker with trial and error (in other words I won't be able to start testing at 850mhz and work my way down until it's stable).
I know this is a lot to ask, but I'm hoping some of you guys will be able to help me out given the circumstances. Thanks in advance.
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evil eris is fast stable and sense built. has some bells and whistles but smooth. and there are other very stable fast sense roms , i just prefer an AOSP vanilla rom instead.
setCPU is just a set of slide bars for the most part that control highest and lowest settings in mhz, 768 being highest stable average setting, 806 being highest reported (very few)
Thanks for the info. do I need to install a custom kernel to go along with evileris or is that all I need to flash?
I wouldn't suggest Evil Eris since 4.0 is coming out but if you can wait until then you can try to. I might suggest XTRom, it seems to be stable without any features missing.
Actually some phones can get to 825mhz but that's very rare I've only seen that in two cases, I suggest trying 768, it's the most stable speed for the general eris user (some unlucky folks can't get passed 710mhz.)
Basically download setcpu, put it on the phone, click "autodetect" and you've got your speeds. I suggest setting a heat profile to around 42 degrees at your highest priority.
I also suggest not going under 160mhz, the phone freezes up at 19mhz.
For screen off/ standby you can do 160-480mhz
For regular under 100% battery I suggest 748mhz max and 245mhz min.
No kernels necessary, just use "autodetect"
Ok. One more question. I've got the android SDK installed from when I rooted my incredible. Can you point me toward a guide that will explain how to get ADB access on the Eris?
Edit: One thing I forgot to mention. This IS a phone with a leaked 2.1 OTA installed.
Nevermind. Got it
K, if you've got any other questions I'd be happy to answer.
I have done the exact same thing you are doing, and EE was where I wound up too. Here are my thoughts however.
EE does FC a bit more than stock, its fast though. If you need to do it now,I would consider the Xtr Sense rom as a start, then hell, let me know if its worth switching to.
If you have a little time to wait, I would do EE4. The negative aspect of doing this for a girlfriend, or wife, is they don't tend to have the patience we have with bugs. To them it is not some dev busting his ass to help make their phone better... its "oh crap he is going to 'fix it' again". And sadly no matter how good you are at fixing things, that one mistake you made back in 1997 will haunt you for life!
Morkai Almandragon said:
I have done the exact same thing you are doing, and EE was where I wound up too. Here are my thoughts however.
EE does FC a bit more than stock, its fast though. If you need to do it now,I would consider the Xtr Sense rom as a start, then hell, let me know if its worth switching to.
If you have a little time to wait, I would do EE4. The negative aspect of doing this for a girlfriend, or wife, is they don't tend to have the patience we have with bugs. To them it is not some dev busting his ass to help make their phone better... its "oh crap he is going to 'fix it' again". And sadly no matter how good you are at fixing things, that one mistake you made back in 1997 will haunt you for life!
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Exactly why I needed something super stable. Hopefully EE does the trick because I'm done flashing it
I'm setting up OC right now. Hopefully this will be nice and stable.
I've only got a half hour to finish lol.
She's pretty good about me hacking her phone, though, so I'm sure flashing EE4 won't be a problem. I just want to wait until it's got all the kinks worked out.
Hungry Man said:
I wouldn't suggest Evil Eris since 4.0 is coming out but if you can wait until then you can try to. I might suggest XTRom, it seems to be stable without any features missing.
Actually some phones can get to 825mhz but that's very rare I've only seen that in two cases, I suggest trying 768, it's the most stable speed for the general eris user (some unlucky folks can't get passed 710mhz.)
Basically download setcpu, put it on the phone, click "autodetect" and you've got your speeds. I suggest setting a heat profile to around 42 degrees at your highest priority.
I also suggest not going under 160mhz, the phone freezes up at 19mhz.
For screen off/ standby you can do 160-480mhz
For regular under 100% battery I suggest 748mhz max and 245mhz min.
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Just a suggestion for your SetCPU settings. You shouldnt have such a big jump i.e. 245-748 because it causes lag alot of times from the major change in cpu jumping. Try 768 - 528 then screen off 378-248. Since changing mine to something similiar to his it runs smoother coming out of sleep. Stock when I got a text message it would vibrate then three seconds later make the notifcation sound. Now since changing setCPU like this it does them the same time. Just a suggestion.....Good Luck Bro....By the way eris lighting bolt it damm good and so is white widow even though some peole dont like the cook of the latter for some reason
Thanks for all the help guys. She's soooo much happier with her phone now. The difference in response time is huge.
Now, I do have one last question/request. Can you guys recommend some themes that work with EvilEris 3.0?
I'd prefer ones that can be pushed through recovery rather than have to use Metamorph, if possible.
Edit: Sorry. One more. A keyboard with a voice to text button while in both landscape and portrait.
yeah white widow definitely probably one of the more impressive roms for speed ,stability and battery life. .
Asterdroid said:
Thanks for all the help guys. She's soooo much happier with her phone now. The difference in response time is huge.
Now, I do have one last question/request. Can you guys recommend some themes that work with EvilEris 3.0?
I'd prefer ones that can be pushed through recovery rather than have to use Metamorph, if possible.
Edit: Sorry. One more. A keyboard with a voice to text button while in both landscape and portrait.
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if you use a cynagon mod rom then I have found a theme called enoch that I love and its flashable. It is a black theme but looks really good.
As for the keyboard there is an XDA HTC IME keyboard with voice to text on here somewhere just search........
Congrats on getting everything running.

[Q] Getting an Aria soon, do you like your Aria?

I am being issued an Aria by ATT to replace my Alltel Hero.
How do you all like your Aria? Does it run smooth with stock ROM and Sense?
My Hero was kinda sluggish and I ended up putting Cyanogenmod on it. I am looking forward to going back to Sense with my new Aria.
Love it!!!!!!!
Sent from my HTC Liberty using XDA App
I love my Aria. I've been on the stock ROM since day one and I've updated my unit to the stock Froyo ROM. I have to say its pretty slick and runs quite smooth for the most part. If you're using it primarily for work, I don't think it'll be much to complain about. I do have to note at this point, my phone isn't an AT&T phone so I don't have all that bloatware
I hope you enjoy your Aria as much as I do mine.
I had no problem with the stock htc sense it worked perfectly and was very fast imo. I just wanted to mess around with the phone so i rooted and flashed it. But I have no problem with the stock
I love mine. I recommend rooting it and flashing a custom ROM - Liberated Aria if you like the stock Sense UI, CyanogenMod if you want to have more of a standard Android experience - to take full advantage of the phone.But either way, stock or modified, the thing is a joy to own and use.
Haven't had this phone for very long, but I already love it.
Comparing this to the iPhone and Samsung Captivate, I would choose this simply for its size.
Just put on Liberated Froyo.
It was quite simple to do, and now I don't have att's **** stuck on it, and I can actually install apps.
I would highly recommend this phone, that is, if you don't want to wait for the new ones that should be coming out soon.
Solid construction and relaiable - I never turn mine off. I use it when working out - sometimes intensly (Triat training). It has taken some spills and keeps on rollin!
Definately use one of the ROMs found on these forums - I choose Liberated Froyo.
I would also recommend a CPU tuner as some apps are a little slow & jittery on the Aria (ie Angry Birds) - I use Overclock Widget to control the CPU and it has solved all the jittery apps.
a little small but it has its advantages for being its size, to be honest i get a little tired of typing messages on this screen.
stock rom runs great, att bloatware sucks, rooting it is a piece of cake for this phone though and attn's liberated froyo is even more awesome than stock.
overall no problems, used it for about 7 months now, just a little annoyed at the small screen.
This phone is amazing. I'm extremely happy with it. And it even has gingerbread thanks to the guys over at cyanogenmod.
It's great to be able to run Froyo-only apps on the roms here...otherwise the stock one is competent.
Excellent phone. Like everyone else has said, it's great stock, or rooted. Very smooth. I choose to run CM7 nightly's, overclocked to 864mhz with profiles. Just like butter!
Thanks guys, I am so looking forward getting my Aria. It sounds like a pretty decent upgrade over the CDMA Hero.
This Liberated Froyo ROM, does it have a webpage with all the features it has?
And you can overclock these things to 864mhz? My Hero is slightly overclocked, like 528 to 620 something with CM6 ROM.
Yes you CAN oc it up to 864. But nothing above 806 is recommended. I usually keep my maximum at 767 but it runs just fine at the stock speed of 600.
dmwagner said:
Thanks guys, I am so looking forward getting my Aria. It sounds like a pretty decent upgrade over the CDMA Hero.
This Liberated Froyo ROM, does it have a webpage with all the features it has?
And you can overclock these things to 864mhz? My Hero is slightly overclocked, like 528 to 620 something with CM6 ROM.
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The liberated froyo from is HTC Sense Froyo (2.2) without the bloatware.
Thanks for all the replies guys, you got me set on the right track once I get the phone.
dmwagner said:
Thanks for all the replies guys, you got me set on the right track once I get the phone.
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You won't be disappointed.
Sent from my cm7 Aria using XDA App
great little phone, not the most powerful, but for its size, it packs everything you need, and plenty speedy. especially with the cm and liberated roms which makes the experience even better.
Love it. No lock ups Yet, ive flashed a few different custom roms, and i do like liberty one the best.
so far.
but yes good phone.
It's an amazing phone. If you have a Hero, it's the same size, so you won't notice much of a difference. Everyone says it's not very powerful, well, it's a beast on it's own right, especially if you overclock it to 806mHz (I'd recommend that, any more is too fast and drains life of the processor), and it's a piece of cake to modify! CM7 is the best, CM6.1.1 is good as well. If you like Sense, I'd recommend Liberated Eclair, and not Liberated Froyo. Liberated Froyo's battery will last you eight hours if lucky.
The only issues I have are the fact it's quite easy to chip/shatter the glass and the battery life is weak unless you use CM, imo.
tribestros said:
It's an amazing phone. If you have a Hero, it's the same size, so you won't notice much of a difference. Everyone says it's not very powerful, well, it's a beast on it's own right, especially if you overclock it to 806mHz (I'd recommend that, any more is too fast and drains life of the processor), and it's a piece of cake to modify! CM7 is the best, CM6.1.1 is good as well. If you like Sense, I'd recommend Liberated Eclair, and not Liberated Froyo. Liberated Froyo's battery will last you eight hours if lucky.
The only issues I have are the fact it's quite easy to chip/shatter the glass and the battery life is weak unless you use CM, imo.
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Notice your mix of applications and usage pattern will affect battery life. I am running Liberated FR008 with the HTC HK kernel and I can easily get over 20 hours of usage out of a charge. I have 3 emails accounts with background sync always on; 1 using MS Exchange, one using Hotmail and the third is my Gmail account. I always run with wifi turned on since I have access points at both home and work and I also have BT turned on.

CM7 relevance on the Atrix

A little history: 4 years ago i bought and owned (still own) a G1 - HTC Dream - and ever since custom Android roms were available I have been very happy to try out the latest and greatest. I think jesusfreke being the first but cant remember now its such a long time ago. Then along came cyanogen with hhis rom, brilliant. There were so many new options and the speed increase was great. and because of this rom I kept my G1 for over 3 years as my main phone. When the time came that cyanogen stopped supporting the G1 I decided it was time for an upgrade and decided I would get the Atrix based on its powerful specs and all of the other amazing features it has.
So 8 months on I now have an Atrix on which I have tried nearly all available roms and am currently running the latest version of Aura. (not an endorsement for Aura, simply a statement). Included in my trials was CM7, which i was so excited about when i first heard that development was happening. However since installing CM7 and trying it out for around a month I have to say that amongst all of the other roms for the Atrix it is not the holy grail that it has been on other phones. In fact in its current incarnation its relevance it questionable on the Atrix particularly when reading that the devs are struggling to find solutions to getting some of the features working.
I know that there are many people that bought the Atrix because it was powerful. But, it does have other features that, although not unique are certainly what helps to give the Atrix an edge over the competition. Webtop for example is a feature that used only ocassionally is a valuable asset to the device and simply discard it at for a tweak that boosts performance by mere micro seconds is a poor trade. it would be the same as buying a convertible ferrari and removing the button that puts the roof down - it saved some weight and the car can now accelerate to 60mph marginally faster but you cant put the roof down anymore. So you might as well have bought a hard top ferrari which already went faster. The same theory as buying the Atrix, if you want that extra bit of speed, might as well buy the SGSII.
So, there it is. Thats why i run a different rom at the moment, because all of the features are available and quite honestly with a bit of tweaking i can no longer either see of feel any difference in speed to CM7 and my battery lasts a perfectly acceptable amount of time for a smartphone (Depending on my usage). For those of you who might start mentioning blur as being the reason to move to CM7 that is another area where devs of other custom roms have done a fine job of removing anything really noticable and anything else that I found annoying I simply used TB and personal preference to sort out. (Although i havent yet figured out the accounts manager and anyway of getting rid of that awful blur interface. Maybe one day)
In conclusion, no ROM is perfect and as much as I admire the devs work I simply don't think that CM7 is relevant on the Atrix.
i think it greatly depends on what your needs/desires are for your phone. i bought my atrix with zero intentions of using the fingerprint scanner or webtop. in the months before CM7 came out, i never even tried them out on stock or custom ROMs.
i really enjoy the extra features that CM7 adds to my atrix (however small they may be). the only downside ive experienced is inconsistent battery behavior, but i cant narrow it down so im not even sure its a cyanogen thing.
any ROM is relevant if there are people who want to use it. it may not be relevant for you, or anyone who is set on webtop/FPS. but to each his own. thats the beauty of open-source right??
It's to each their own, I guess. If someone wants CM7 on their phone, they're going to go for it. Some people are benchmark fiends, others just like the feel of it.
Completely agreed with fischwrap. Many people bought the Atrix because it was the fastest phone at release date, or the best price/performance ratio one. That people might or might not care about the fingerprint scanner (a lot of people in fact don't like the power button placement and use volume to wake, some others don't even use a lockscreen, let alone a fingerprint scanner) or about webtop (believe it or not people without HDTVs or LCDs exist )
And I know the 'don't care or need' side has at least 5300 people on it
turl1 said:
Completely agreed with fischwrap. Many people bought the Atrix because it was the fastest phone at release date, or the best price/performance ratio one. That people might or might not care about the fingerprint scanner (a lot of people in fact don't like the power button placement and use volume to wake, some others don't even use a lockscreen, let alone a fingerprint scanner) or about webtop (believe it or not people without HDTVs or LCDs exist )
And I know the 'don't care or need' side has at least 5300 people on it
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Same here. I also purchased it with eager anticipation that devs would also get it for the same reasons and port CM7. You guys kick major ass. Took a bit more blood, sweat and tears because of the bootloader but our Atrix's are rockin' now!f
i think the Atrix can truly shine regardless of what ROM you use. it's an extremely powerful phone and that will show in any comparison. The kernel plays a very large part in determining performance as well though. Even if you are on standard clock speeds with one of faux's kernels you'll have amazing benchmarks and real world results, and even more so if you choose to overclock. CM7 is a great ROM for every phone, and i don't believe it's relevance to the atrix should be in question, but merely its relevance to you. i've been an android guy for quite a while dating back to the G1 days as well (Do you remember the ROM bible? we need one of those for the Atrix! ) and i shed a silent tear when those forums got moved to the legacy and low activity sections. but this is much like when Sense ROMs started appearing for the G1. Bluetooth and Camera commonly didn't work on them, and some people said they wouldn't use Sense until those were fixed. FP Scanner and Webtop are tenfold less essential than either of those, yet some won't use CM7 until those are fixed. it really just comes down to what you look for in a phone and what you use the most.
I don't use webtop (although no fingerprint took me a long long time to get over), as such CM7 offers some features such as notification power management, being able to adjust lowest screen brightness, having control over when the phone vibrates, etc. THe extensive control CM7 allows you that other Motoblur based roms does not alone is really worth it for me. I can see your point but it's rather ridiculous to suggest CM7 is not relevant. It is still by far the best rom on Atrix at the moment if you're able to live w/o webtop/fingerprint scanner.
lilhyper said:
I don't use webtop (although no fingerprint took me a long long time to get over), as such CM7 offers some features such as notification power management, being able to adjust lowest screen brightness, having control over when the phone vibrates, etc. THe extensive control CM7 allows you that other Motoblur based roms does not alone is really worth it for me. I can see your point but it's rather ridiculous to suggest CM7 is not relevant. It is still by far the best rom on Atrix at the moment if you're able to live w/o webtop/fingerprint scanner.
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Best rom for the Atrix is one that allows those 2 features. Phone is incomplete without it. Design wise
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n1ckr0th said:
i think the Atrix can truly shine regardless of what ROM you use. it's an extremely powerful phone and that will show in any comparison. The kernel plays a very large part in determining performance as well though. Even if you are on standard clock speeds with one of faux's kernels you'll have amazing benchmarks and real world results, and even more so if you choose to overclock. CM7 is a great ROM for every phone, and i don't believe it's relevance to the atrix should be in question, but merely its relevance to you. i've been an android guy for quite a while dating back to the G1 days as well (Do you remember the ROM bible? we need one of those for the Atrix! ) and i shed a silent tear when those forums got moved to the legacy and low activity sections. but this is much like when Sense ROMs started appearing for the G1. Bluetooth and Camera commonly didn't work on them, and some people said they wouldn't use Sense until those were fixed. FP Scanner and Webtop are tenfold less essential than either of those, yet some won't use CM7 until those are fixed. it really just comes down to what you look for in a phone and what you use the most.
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Legacy devices, yeah that's where my beloved tilt(Kaiser) got moved to. I love Android but I do miss the kaiser days I remember running android from the sd card on the kaiser lol. At first touch screen was not working, no camera, no bluetooth, no wifi, and by the time I left the kaiser they had that stuff working.
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andrew.cambridge said:
Best rom for the Atrix is one that allows those 2 features. Phone is incomplete without it. Design wise
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I disagree. A rom may have those 2 features but run like a G1 while another can be missing those 2 features and run smooth as butter. It is dependent on taste but I'd pick the latter.
The thing that sets the Atrix apart was the FP and the webtop. I don't use either, and I use cm7.
But without those 2 features enabled, it just another phone. Fast phone tthough. But not the best rom, IMO.
Homebase is the best rom for THIS phone. Smooth as butter and full functionality of the phone. I love CyanogenMod, its fast as hell, very stable. But it does the same stuff my little Aria does.
I'm tired, don't know if this makes sense to anyone else.
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rjmcloughlin said:
A little history: 4 years ago i bought and owned (still own) a G1 - HTC Dream - and ever since custom Android roms were available I have been very happy to try out the latest and greatest. I think jesusfreke being the first but cant remember now its such a long time ago. Then along came cyanogen with hhis rom, brilliant. There were so many new options and the speed increase was great. and because of this rom I kept my G1 for over 3 years as my main phone. When the time came that cyanogen stopped supporting the G1 I decided it was time for an upgrade and decided I would get the Atrix based on its powerful specs and all of the other amazing features it has.
So 8 months on I now have an Atrix on which I have tried nearly all available roms and am currently running the latest version of Aura. (not an endorsement for Aura, simply a statement). Included in my trials was CM7, which i was so excited about when i first heard that development was happening. However since installing CM7 and trying it out for around a month I have to say that amongst all of the other roms for the Atrix it is not the holy grail that it has been on other phones. In fact in its current incarnation its relevance it questionable on the Atrix particularly when reading that the devs are struggling to find solutions to getting some of the features working.
I know that there are many people that bought the Atrix because it was powerful. But, it does have other features that, although not unique are certainly what helps to give the Atrix an edge over the competition. Webtop for example is a feature that used only ocassionally is a valuable asset to the device and simply discard it at for a tweak that boosts performance by mere micro seconds is a poor trade. it would be the same as buying a convertible ferrari and removing the button that puts the roof down - it saved some weight and the car can now accelerate to 60mph marginally faster but you cant put the roof down anymore. So you might as well have bought a hard top ferrari which already went faster. The same theory as buying the Atrix, if you want that extra bit of speed, might as well buy the SGSII.
So, there it is. Thats why i run a different rom at the moment, because all of the features are available and quite honestly with a bit of tweaking i can no longer either see of feel any difference in speed to CM7 and my battery lasts a perfectly acceptable amount of time for a smartphone (Depending on my usage). For those of you who might start mentioning blur as being the reason to move to CM7 that is another area where devs of other custom roms have done a fine job of removing anything really noticable and anything else that I found annoying I simply used TB and personal preference to sort out. (Although i havent yet figured out the accounts manager and anyway of getting rid of that awful blur interface. Maybe one day)
In conclusion, no ROM is perfect and as much as I admire the devs work I simply don't think that CM7 is relevant on the Atrix.
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Bang On ..i have to agree..
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andrew.cambridge said:
Best rom for the Atrix is one that allows those 2 features. Phone is incomplete without it. Design wise
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I agree that CM7 is not the perfect rom and sacrifices are required. However, using Blurr-based roms you're also sacrificing the functionality of CM7. And judging from the number of people flashing CM7, at significant part of the community prefers the CM7 functionality over fingerprint and webtop.
I feel this both suggests there is a big part for CM7 and it should be in the conversation of one of the best roms. Hopefully one day Blur-based roms will integrate CM7's customizability (unlikely) or CM7 will get a working fpscanner and webtop.
I think CM is more than relevant for the Atrix!
I have bought the Atrix with the lapdock and I have tested Motoblur as well as Aura and have used the lapdock. Before I have used a htc Hero with CM for nearly 2 years.
I really like the possibility of the lapdock in connection with a kind of webtop or similar functionality. But due to my long experience with CM on my Hero, I have tried CM-7.1 despite the fact that I do not have webtop or at least hdmi-mirroring in a sufficient screen-resolution, because I have missed the score of customization of CM.
And I am absolutely satisfied with CM. At least for my personal usage, it IS the best available ROM. It is faster and smother than the other, have many more convenient settings like configurable screens, buttons and LED-notification. Everything in an efficient way. And CM has an exceptional battery-life, I got roughly 30% more battery time.
OK, I am a little bit missing webtop, but I am hoping hdmi-mirroring will be working soon ;-) I have used the FP on Aura, but I really do not miss it, because I was used to unlock with menu-button with my hero, so I stick to that, because it is faster than FP.
If I could acquire a cheap Lapdock I would, I really want to use this phone to it's full potential.
imhuy said:
I disagree. A rom may have those 2 features but run like a G1 while another can be missing those 2 features and run smooth as butter. It is dependent on taste but I'd pick the latter.
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I don't think the CM7 mod can really be considered stable.
I have a good amount of trouble with lag, slow internet, fc's, and obviously the features that don't work.
Hopefully in time they can improve it more.
I've tried many roms on mine and finally decided to settle on stock 2.3.4 U.A.E retail. It is very nicely done.
CM7 is plenty relevant to the Atrix. If it weren't, then there wouldn't be 5,485 people using it (according to CM's official device statistics page*). A lot of people bought this phone for its raw power, and could care less about webtop or the fingerprint scanner. The team doing the port said they want to add that at some point, and the fingerprint scanner at least on some level is working on unreleased builds.
This isnt to mention that once an official (by CM) release is out, CM could provide an excellent base for ROM developers who dont like blur. Blur is fast on the Atrix, but still isnt as fast as vanilla android. Once ICS comes out, we'll definetly get it before blur roms do as well.
At the moment, blur roms have an edge in that they fully support the hardware and have more chances of being bug free. But it wont be long before that all changes.
If you want guaranteed stability, webtop or the fingerprint scanner, use a blur rom. Otherwise, use CM7. If you dont care and just want a phone, use stock. Just because some people prefer one type doesn't invalidate the significance of the other.
Look for Olympus
Jotokun said:
CM7 is plenty relevant to the Atrix. If it weren't, then there wouldn't be 5,485 people using it (according to CM's official device statistics page*).
Look for Olympus
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How are they able to track this? That's cool.
treehumper said:
How are they able to track this? That's cool.
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When you boot CM for the first time, you're given the option of sending them statistics data. That can be turned off at any time by going Settings > CM Settings > System > Anonymous statistics
Since its opt-in, there are probably more users than that.

Any good kernels?

For the VZW variant of the G2?
The reason I ask, is that it will take awhile for the custom ROMs to work as well as the stock one. To be honest, vanilla android is kinda boring and outdated looking. It doesn't have a lot of polish, and a lot of the manufacturers add ons don't work at all, or properly. Then you have stability issues, etc... Very few custom ROMs work as well as stock in my experience.
But what about an optimized kernel? Something that leaves the phone functioning 100% as it was intended to, but maybe gets rid of lag or adds performance?
I hope you're wearing your flame suit
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shook187 said:
I hope you're wearing your flame suit
Sent from my LG-D801 using xda app-developers app
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I know, right?
Tonight on Fox, WHEN NERDS ATTACK!
But seriously, I have rooted and ROM'd every phone I have had going back to the iPhone 3.. the Droid X... the THunderbolt, Rezound, RazR, EVO 4G, RazR HD, and now the G2.
And on every phone except for the Droid X, the custom ROM's never ran as well as stock. I know, sacrilege, right? But at the end of the day, just being able to brag that "I have a ROM" to my nerd friends(of which I am one), wasn't enough of a benefit to have to give up features, have glitches, workarounds, reboots, etc...
I still run them on my N7, because those seem to work fine and do add stuff above and beyond what Android comes with. But vanilla android is ugly. I like some of the stuff my phone comes with, like virtual voicemail. I like the Quick Remote app, and other stuff that looks nice and works well.
The DroidX ran like crap stock, reboots all the time, and only when I put CM on it did it run properly, but that was the exception...
I removed the bloat from my stock phone, but if there was a great kernel that would make it even smoother, or improve battery life even more but leave everything else working, that would be ideal IMHO.
I don't want to give up features that my phone came with, and custom ROMs are always a compromise...
That's odd.... I've ROMed all my devices (since Donut) as well and never had any stability issues. Bad luck for you.
There is only one so far, here:
It has linaro compilation, some extra governors and schedulers, and undervolting abilities. However there are some issues with the camera that he has yet to update. I used it for a few days and loved it! Now I am trying out an AOSP rom.
I agree with you on the stock vs. AOSP issue. It really depends on the phone though. On the HTC Rezound, there was so much work done just to get all the features of CM working that it never really panned out, and I just used (and loved) a Sense based highly-customized rom. It performed better, plain and simple. But on other phones AOSP is a lot faster than any stock rom, since it is so lightweight.
For this phone, it looks like I will be AOSP all the way from here on out! The roms out already are amazing. Once the very few issues get solved, and custom kernels come out, this will be the fastest AOSP phone out there no doubt. Add to that the knock-on, and it has a leg up on the competition. Yep, this phone will rock for years to come.
drkow19 said:
There is only one so far, here:
It has linaro compilation, some extra governors and schedulers, and undervolting abilities. However there are some issues with the camera that he has yet to update. I used it for a few days and loved it! Now I am trying out an AOSP rom.
I agree with you on the stock vs. AOSP issue. It really depends on the phone though. On the HTC Rezound, there was so much work done just to get all the features of CM working that it never really panned out, and I just used (and loved) a Sense based highly-customized rom. It performed better, plain and simple. But on other phones AOSP is a lot faster than any stock rom, since it is so lightweight.
For this phone, it looks like I will be AOSP all the way from here on out! The roms out already are amazing. Once the very few issues get solved, and custom kernels come out, this will be the fastest AOSP phone out there no doubt. Add to that the knock-on, and it has a leg up on the competition. Yep, this phone will rock for years to come.
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I agree on some of that. But when you take a phone and slap AOSP on it, how is it any different than any other phone at that point? It might have more power under the hood, but other than that, it reduces the phone to what every other phone running AOSP is. Might as well be an iPhone at that point.
There are some good ROMs out there, no doubt. And as a phone gets to the end of life they can breath new life into a device. My problem with the RazR HD was that by the time they cracked the bootloader, most Devs had moved on to newer devices.
Maybe if I see one worth switching to my opinion will change... But when I see a new thread and read it and I see that it has spontaneous reboots, or knock on doesn't work, or the camera is weird, or an app that is important to me doesn't work, then I have to ask myself, what's the benefit? To go from 33k to 34k in Antutu? haha
SquireSCA said:
I agree on some of that. But when you take a phone and slap AOSP on it, how is it any different than any other phone at that point? It might have more power under the hood, but other than that, it reduces the phone to what every other phone running AOSP is. Might as well be an iPhone at that point.
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I see the problem here: you're a hipster!
I am a technology guy, have been since I was 10. It doesn't matter what other people have, I just care about the performance and features of the devices I have. I just can't understand your viewpoint here.
Your thought on benchmarks is not true at all. AOSP roms often benchmark worse than stock roms. That is indeed the case for this phone. But benchmarks don't tell the whole story, and ANDROID benchmarks are a mess. But somehow even while benchmarking slower, the AOSP roms are faster at pretty much every task in Android.
Also, to a lot of people (including me) bare-bones AOSP has every feature needed. Anything else can be downloaded from the market.

I'm starting to be alienated from Android

I've been using Android since 2011 but I'm not happy with it. It always looked like laggy to me but I always didn't care.
Now I'm with HTC One and I'm not happy again. Apps, customization options, etc. are amazing but, even after reading tons of person's "This phone i very smooth, stable" I just can't find this phone smooth or stable nor Android OS. When I install a rom (with fully wipe of course), 1 or 2 day I satisfy with it, it starts to lag, and late responses etc.
I hate IOS either but still, after usign my brothers iphone for a minute, I hate from my phone.
But I don't want to leave Android. When I need to buy a new phone, I always select Android ones because I always believed that the next one will be much more smoother because of new processors etc. but even with the 2013's flagship phone, it hasn't happened yet. (at least for me) :laugh:
What are yours comments??
Note: I didn't open this thread to blame on Android. I just wondered yours comments.
serkanhiziroglu1998 said:
I've been using Android since 2011 but I'm not happy with it. It always looked like laggy to me but I always didn't care.
Now I'm with HTC One and I'm not happy again. Apps, customization options, etc. are amazing but, even after reading tons of person's "This phone i very smooth, stable" I just can't find this phone smooth or stable nor Android OS. When I install a rom (with fully wipe of course), 1 or 2 day I satisfy with it, it starts to lag, and late responses etc.
I hate IOS either but still, after usign my brothers iphone for a minute, I hate from my phone.
But I don't want to leave Android. When I need to buy a new phone, I always select Android ones because I always believed that the next one will be much more smoother because of new processors etc. but even with the 2013's flagship phone, it hasn't happened yet. (at least for me) :laugh:
What are yours comments??
Note: I didn't open this thread to blame on Android. I just wondered yours comments.
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What rom are you using? And what apps? My HTC One is plenty smooth
That's how I was with my old phone. You just need to look up phone statistics and read reviews online. A good phone at a decent price. Don't buy a used or referbished. I agree though. Android isn't the best, but it does get me through my needs.
Sent from ALCATEL One Touch Fierce
HiddenSanctum said:
What rom are you using? And what apps? My HTC One is plenty smooth
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Firstly thank you for your answer.
I tried tons of roms including ARHD, Insertcoin, GPE Roms, CM. Now I'm with InsertCoin and ElementalX (tried stock kernel too) and after 2 days I got laggy again. I think its not important for me anymore because whenever I ask a question about smoothness I get answers like apps, roms and I try them. I don't install any apps more than 10. Apps I install are generic apps like Twiitter, WhatsApp, TitaniumBackup, Cache cleaner.
Scripts said:
That's how I was with my old phone. You just need to look up phone statistics and read reviews online. A good phone at a decent price. Don't buy a used or referbished. I agree though. Android isn't the best, but it does get me through my needs.
Sent from ALCATEL One Touch Fierce
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I got One after watching tons of reviews and its said that its a fast phone. I think I'm obsessed with this smoothness expectation from Android because I used Nexus 4 for 4 months too and I wasn't happy with that too. But still, N4 was much more stable than One for me. :laugh:
I think I know what you're talking about. The phone seems perfectly fast after you install a new rom but then it slows down a lot over time. I have had the same issue with my One and my older S2. But now my phone seems to be really fast all the time with the 4.4.2 GPE. It's a stock ROM but I added some of my own stuff to it. I've been on the same rom for about 2 or 3 weeks now and it seems pretty smooth. Not even the UI stutters anymore. I also used App Ops to fix the battery drain issue with the Kit Kat update and now the phone is perfect. You should try a converting your phone to GPE and see how that is for you. I'm currently very happy with how my phone performs, it ranks high in benchmarks without any overclocking and gets much better battery life as well.
Prophet16 said:
I think I know what you're talking about. The phone seems perfectly fast after you install a new rom but then it slows down a lot over time. I have had the same issue with my One and my older S2. But now my phone seems to be really fast all the time with the 4.4.2 GPE. It's a stock ROM but I added some of my own stuff to it. I've been on the same rom for about 2 or 3 weeks now and it seems pretty smooth. Not even the UI stutters anymore. I also used App Ops to fix the battery drain issue with the Kit Kat update and now the phone is perfect. You should try a converting your phone to GPE and see how that is for you. I'm currently very happy with how my phone performs, it ranks high in benchmarks without any overclocking and gets much better battery life as well.
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To be honest, your phone is probably laggy because you've rooted it and have flashed the software and firmware multiple times. Run a stock HTC One and it's buttery. Any time I root or jailbreak a phone, I regret it after a while because it seems to screw up the device. I had the 4 and 4S, both were jailbroken and were laggy as hell. My HTC One is pretty unresponsive and laggy, but my girlfriends HTC One is perfect. This phone will definitely be the last phone I ever root/jailbreak.
I have an HTC One
Have always wanted to be on Android, but never really got the "right" feeling for it... tried Samsung Galaxy Nexus when it came, later I tried Samsung Galaxy S3 4G. Thought that one would be a sure thing... seemed it was the android phone every one had.... but was really disappointed... most the poor body, and the sound?
Had an iPhone 5 at this point, got it from work as then hit the market. Had used ios devices before too. They where always smooth and worked.
I always did jailbreak my devices, so you could customize a lot.
But did a 3:rd try for Android, with the HTC ONE.
And this time I aint turning back, sure the build quality in apples products is hard to beat, and I like the screen size a bit more. Even if I have big hands I still feel most phones today are 2hands phones, more or less. Anyhow!
HTC ONE, is running really smooth, I have used a couple of roms, back with Viper at the moment with the ElementarX Kernel.
I never feel that my phone is slow or laggy. Using Nova Launcher.
Would like to run a stable CM 10.2 or 11 thou
I think I experienced this on stock ROM, when my phone was new you could say the smoothness gradually decreased as it filled up with rubbish I guess.
But on ARHD 40.3 I haven't had a problem. Been rocking this ROM since 40.3 was released and see no reason to upgrade or change. Happy where I am with performance and battery life.
While I feel that 4.4/KitKat's new ART runtime does help smooth things out compared to Dalvik, I agree that it's not quite on par with iOS. This is just in scrolling action, though. I feel the One is plenty fast when it comes to processing power and touch response time.
I think it all depends on what you are comparing this phone to. My previous phone came out awhile ago, so of course the HTC One feels very smooth for me.
For me, the smoothest rom is vanilla Android, namely GPE. AOSP roms (like CM) seem to stutter when scrolling, such as in the Settings menu.
If you are comparing Android to iOS, however, there was a post a couple of years ago stating that it is because of how Android renders the interface that makes it laggier than iOS. This is not the post itself, but it breaks it down:
in my opinion,
Facebook or 3rd party integration is the problem; un-link facebook account or at least use your phone without internet connection (3G or wifi i mean) for testing.
i am a one user, with stock 4.3 and happy with it
Thread closed,
As this is not directly related to the HTC One and has become a bit of a phone comparison thread, this is classed as an OT thread and has been clsoed. Please see the link in my signature for OT section in XDA. This would be a better place for threads of this type.

