FACT- Xoom will get updated review scores - Xoom General

with motorola unrolling a 3.0.1 honeycomb update and flash now giving hardware acceleration, its safe to say xoom is slowly tapping into its potential..and theres more in store.
obviously the hardware thats promised but the performance gain is going to be great.
i guess im sounding like a fanboy when i say this but it really ticks me off to see the IPAD2 score on engadget and the xoom.
if they dont update xooms score as these updates come through and others (4g, micro sd slot, bigger **** in pants) i will have no choice but to eat a great nyc steak medium rare with a nice cold beer after work.

dudeimgeorge said:
with motorola unrolling a 3.0.1 honeycomb update and flash now giving hardware acceleration, its safe to say xoom is slowly tapping into its potential..and theres more in store.
obviously the hardware thats promised but the performance gain is going to be great.
i guess im sounding like a fanboy when i say this but it really ticks me off to see the IPAD2 score on engadget and the xoom.
if they dont update xooms score as these updates come through and others (4g, micro sd slot, bigger **** in pants) i will have no choice but to eat a great nyc steak medium rare with a nice cold beer after work.
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Dude, get the steak anyways! Substitute the beer for a scotch and you're all set!

Personally, I'm going to go with a ginger seitan taco and a tequila/mezcal old fashioned.

FACT - Chuck Norris owns a XOOM and gives it three thumbs up!
Seriously, though. I doubt they'll change their score. Did you read the iPad 2 review they did. He said "iPad 2 isn't just the BEST tablet. It's the ONLY tablet on the market."

Engadget is useless anyways. Who cares what they rated the Xoom. Their reviews hardly ever offer any unbiased information.

I like Engadget but there's no denying that they have an Apple bias. That's fine, as long as I like the device I couldn't care less what any fanbois think.

I dropped engadget from my feeds after that line.
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I only read engadget for breaking news, etc. I've found their reviews are extremely opinionated and biased and so I don't bother to read them anymore. They always say Android is good but not great, that it's half-baked and not where it should be, and they always give the iPhone and other Apple products (like the insanely overpriced Macbook) the highest reviews and hardly fault them for anything. To say the least, I find that kind of thing annoying coming from one of the most popular blogs on the web. They call themselves journalists but I'm not sure I believe that...
I will say I do still read reviews done by Chris Ziegler. He uses Android phones daily and doesn't own an iPhone, so unlike Joshua Topolsky, I rarely find Apple bias within Chris's reviews. But Josh does most of the big profile reviews (Xoom, etc.) and so I don't read those done by him. I know what I'm going to find were I to click into the review: an unfiltered display of Josh's love for all things Apple. And he ends every review the same way: "(insert apple product name here) is the single best (insert device category, i.e. phone or tablet) on the market today."
Reviews are mostly just opinion most of the time anyway, so I don't think I'm missing much. If an Android product has a big enough flaw to not be worth buying, I'll find that out before a review would be posted anyway.
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so true, i love engadget on everything except apple. its boggles my mind how biased they can be, its just not right. ars technica is so good with proper technology reviews.
my theory also is because of the massssiivvee ipad infactuation, this leads to a slow down on technological innovation, really. Paying high amounts of money for standard tech specs (namely their laptop products) and ipad as well (ram, cpu)
anyways, i dont want to sway too far into this flame ****, people like how it looks and thats its highest value. Bleh
Ill probably have a single malth scotch then.

Updated reviews would be nice, but I wouldn't hold my breath. I will say that if Motorola is able to get out some significant fixes before the WiFi-only version of the Xoom drops, like Flash support (3/18 woohoo!), then hopefully people would just simply do a review of the WiFi-only version and then say that all this also applies to the 3G version that was available initially. Motorola does need to get their marketing act together as you don't often (if ever) get a second chance to make a first impression. I would love to see a Xoom commercial that copied a bit from the iThing commercials where they simply show the apps. For the average user, showing that Android has a lot of the apps that they want will do way more than implying that your tablet can turn into a space ship...

Bauxite said:
I dropped engadget from my feeds after that line.
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I just did the same. ****'em
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Reviews are too biased with them... replaced my feed a while back.

engadget is known to have an apple bias. joshua topolsky even wrote an editorial just praising apple paragraph after paragraph.
but i'm starting to think they do it on purpose to generate more page views. seriously. most engadget readers are anti apple, yet engadget, owned by AOL, is wholly on the side of Apple and its sleazy marketing tactics.

aohus said:
engadget is known to have an apple bias. joshua topolsky even wrote an editorial just praising apple paragraph after paragraph.
but i'm starting to think they do it on purpose to generate more page views. seriously. most engadget readers are anti apple, yet engadget, owned by AOL, is wholly on the side of Apple and its sleazy marketing tactics.
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Exactly this. I like Engadget for everything else, but they don't give Android a fair shake at things.
When you introduce a "new" line of products*, the base assumptions about it are yours to define. A lot of people can't shake the conception that a tablet =/= an iPad. An iPad is a version of a tablet. It's not the base, simplest (all jokes aside) form of one. Android gets points deducted because it's not iOS when it never claims to be. That's where Engadget and other reviewers get everything wrong.
*I know Apple didn't invent the tablet. But for all intents and purposes, it might as well have.

reviews have been a smoke and mirrors show for a while especially in the technology space. there are so many different ways folks use their devices, it makes it tough to do it. I was all gun ho until i found out native mail didn't work with my exchange, then i saw reviews of how touchdown is on par and even rumors they are looking to fix the exchange side certificate issues, might as well get in on the ground floor

there are people out there that are absolutely clueless about Xoom and they will always, and i'm sure some of you guys experienced it, say "is that iPad2?". instead of saying "no", i just let them play with it and show them all the applications. then i'll tell them this is actually Google's tablet - honeycomb.
they're just dumbfounded afterward.


Article from techcrunch about xoom

What are your thoughts?
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tumbes20000 said:
What are your thoughts?
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Apple has TechCrunch in its pockets....that site is absolutely horrid and untrustworthy
beside my hurt feelings as an android and xoom fan.
The arcticle is a little one-sided. And a sad thing about todays journalism is, that its all about controversy and polemics.
I think it's a fair article. Honeycomb has problems and bugs that are hurting consumer adoption and like it or not, the Xoom wasn't a good enough device to make people ignore those flaws.
It's too heavy, the screen is very poor, and it shipped with two major features disabled.
Maybe some of you guys would prefer to be mollycoddled and told nice things, but tough.
For the record, Kincaid has historically been a bit of an android fan. Siegler is the shameless, illogical Apple fanboy.
That was more like a critical opinions expressed rather than a fair review.
I mean, holy ****, he doesn't even mention the point that honeycomb is a platform built from scratch...he even stated that the xoom with its honeycomb platform can't never ever get close to the ipads perfection. Noooo...ipad with a phone os, ios, has been around long enough for bug fixes, isn't any better than the honeycomb. In fact its dead simple and too familiar for a long time user to get boring. But this guy surely doesn't get bored after probably all 5 years using the damn iPhone.
one more thing, what kind of reviewer in the world complains about the f*cking home button look like a goddamn up arrow. It doesn't.
PS: this is off topic but I'm sitting at Starbucks, a Guy asked me if my xoom is an ipad. Right in the middle of my anger, I told him: ipad sucks. This is the Motorola xoom running android, much better. Then I get the usual "what is android". Holy cow, I should've just told him yeah this is an ipad, It sucks.
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wang1404 said:
That was more like a critical opinions expressed rather than a fair review.
I mean, holy ****, he doesn't even mention the point that honeycomb is a platform built from scratch...he even stated that the xoom with its honeycomb platform can't never ever get close to the ipads perfection. Noooo...ipad with a phone os, ios, has been around long enough for bug fixes, isn't any better than the honeycomb. In fact its dead simple and too familiar for a long time user to get boring. But this guy surely doesn't get bored after probably all 5 years using the damn iPhone.
one more thing, what kind of reviewer in the world complains about the f*cking home button look like a goddamn up arrow. It doesn't.
PS: this is off topic but I'm sitting at Starbucks, a Guy asked me if my xoom is an ipad. Right in the middle of my anger, I told him: ipad sucks. This is the Motorola xoom running android, much better. Then I get the usual "what is android". Holy cow, I should've just told him yeah this is an ipad, It sucks.
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The writer is an Android user. The user experience on the iPad is currently better than on Honeycomb, something which I'm sure will improve in the near future. But that's the future.
Why should he mention that it was built from the ground up? Who the hell cares other than us early adopters? What's important to the consumer (ie his readers) is how well executed it is and right now it still needs work.
His job is to offer an objective view of the platform, not make excuses for it. The latter, apparently, is your job.
>His job is to offer an objective view of the platform
We must be reading different blog posts. It's an opinion piece. Opinions are by definition not objective.
@OP: My thought is that you should pay less attention to blogger pundits with the usual juvie "us-vs-them" argument. It's not a sum-zero game. One doesn't have to lose for the other to win. I think both iOS & Android will do well.
The more interesting question would be, who else besides the two frontrunners will likely make the cut? One would have to count in Windows 8, if only because of the sheer size of the Windows installed base.
WebOS is a dark horse, and QNX is a REALLY dark horse. And MeeGo for now seems to be a horse without a home.
After reading the article, I didn't really think it was all that bad. It was the telling of personal anecdotal experience with an early-release Honeycomb tablet. He likes the Galaxy better. Fine. My own experience with the Xoom has been delightful. I will be happier when there are more made for tablet apps available in the market but that will come in time.
I've read a number of complaints about the weight of the Xoom, and while it was a little heavy to me at first, I've gotten used to it and now I kind of like the "feel." I haven't used the iPad so I can't comment on how they compare. I've read other reviews that favored the Xoom over the iPad. I think it is going to come down to personal preference. This is the whole reason why there are both multiple brands and multiple models within brands.
There are reasons why I personally choose not to go apple and it is not because they make lousy hardware. It has more to do with the amount of (in my opinion tyrannical) control they are determined to exercise over their products. Some people think that even this is a good thing; I don't. The guy in the article has his opinion, I have mine.
e.mote said:
>His job is to offer an objective view of the platform
We must be reading different blog posts. It's an opinion piece. Opinions are by definition not objective.
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Thanks for that. I was just thinking this thread could do with being bogged down in semantics.
Replace 'objective' with 'informed and balanced' then. Because that's precisely what the article is.
Some of you guys are unbelievable. An Android user writes an article expressing optimism for the future of the platform and the entire piece is rubbished because he has the temerity to mention (correctly, in my opinion and the opinion of most reviewers) that the Xoom was a flawed first attempt. Good work.
hatworthy said:
The writer is an Android user. The user experience on the iPad is currently better than on Honeycomb, something which I'm sure will improve in the near future. But that's the future.
Why should he mention that it was built from the ground up? Who the hell cares other than us early adopters? What's important to the consumer (ie his readers) is how well executed it is and right now it still needs work.
His job is to offer an objective view of the platform, not make excuses for it. The latter, apparently, is your job.
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He doesn't seem to be an android user to me. And it wasn't objective. His opinions were all over the place. The weight is judged by preference. I, am a skinny guy, likes the feel of the weight in my hand.
Again, the home button looking like an up arrow doesn't demonstrate the objective view either. That is clearly how much he's disliked honeycomb. Its a practice of fanboyism bringing the smallest thing to show how bad a product is.
If the article is categorized as a review, bring it to where a review should be. Don't involve with other products then compare and contrast them.
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>Replace 'objective' with 'informed and balanced' then. Because that's precisely what the article is.
That's the problem with opinions. If it agrees with your view, it's "informed and balanced." If it isn't, it's "trash and fanboyish".
I'm not sure how "informed and balanced" the piece is when it's based solely on one person's experience with one (OK, two) specific device, running one specific version of HC (3.0.1). Pieces like these are afflicted by what I call the-world-revolves-around-me syndrome, ie if I like it, it's great, if I don't, doom & gloom shall follow.
This, regardless of what the writer thinks of the Android platform. Just because he thinks well (or poorly, whatever) of Android's chances doesn't mean his opinion is worth any more than the space-filler that it is.
And we're back to the subjectivity non-argument again.
You can always tell when somebody lacks debating skills. They always play for the solipsistic stalemate.
wang1404 said:
PS: this is off topic but I'm sitting at Starbucks, a Guy asked me if my xoom is an ipad. Right in the middle of my anger, I told him: ipad sucks. This is the Motorola xoom running android, much better. Then I get the usual "what is android". Holy cow, I should've just told him yeah this is an ipad, It sucks.
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Why are you complaining?
Even my girlfriend calls my xoom an ipad. "Can i have your ipad for a moment"
while I don't necessarily disagree with some of the HoneyComb criticisms, or Xoom criticisms in this article TechCrunch is a poor site, with terribly written articles.
The article referenced in an earlier post for example:
"Holding the Xoom with one hand isn’t difficult in the slightest, but it isn’t effortless either."
Suggesting that holding it with one hand isn't effortless, suggests that that there is a certain degree of difficulty, more then 'slightest'. This guy claims that "I’m not going to do a detailed run-through of the hardware specs (which aren’t my forte)..." if talking about hardware specs is not your forte why are you writing an article on a site called "TechCrunch"? Unless you are a great writer, which clearly he is not. TechCrunch hurts my brain.
Also by the way most of the criticisms he mentions are not something you can say about the Xoom with the 3.1 update, which is pretty dope. No FC's better responsiveness throughout, and the browser doesn't suck anymore.
>TechCrunch is a poor site, with terribly written articles.
Yes, TC has terrible writers, but so do the vast majority of tech blogs. Sadly, the techies who read them usually aren't the more discriminating types, and tend to confuse them for real journalists.
"Informed and balanced"... hahah, I'm still chuckling about that one.
Gadget blogs are good for gadget news, not for analytical pieces or op-eds about state of the industry.
Hatworthy seems to be the only one in this thread with half a brain. The Xoom IS heavy.. You cannot hold the Xoom with one hand facing down while looking up for a long period of time. How do I know? I have owned a ipad 2, Xoom, and bb Playbook.. Xoom is uncomfortable to hold in CERTAIN positions. The screen is subpar compared to those tabs named. And is 'unstable' compared to iOS not so much QNX. The Xoom also came with no 4G and SD support ...neither do the competition you say? Well it wasn't promised and used as a marketing ploy like the Xoom thus is the issue.
If the Xoom came with a screen atleast equal to the iPad and Honeycomb was just a tad more stable the Xoom if provided different models I.E 16GB,32,64,etc and was lighter would easily be the best.
You don't mention hardware specs in a cconsumer report my mom doesn't care what's in the computer but how it runs.
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I don't get the 2% of the folks who scream from the rooftops that the screen is not as good as most of the other platforms. I'm not in love with any of them. We have each of them in our lab. They are all horrible for getting anything significant done and the iOS device is the most useless closely followed by the Playbook. I'm glad that my primary reason for getting the Xoom was not so much for work, but maybe next year or the year after, we'll vetsome real utility out of these suckers.
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3devious said:
I don't get the 2% of the folks who scream from the rooftops that the screen is not as good as most of the other platforms. I'm not in love with any of them. We have each of them in our lab. They are all horrible for getting anything significant done and the iOS device is the most useless closely followed by the Playbook. I'm glad that my primary reason for getting the Xoom was not so much for work, but maybe next year or the year after, we'll vetsome real utility out of these suckers.
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2%? No offense but why pull a imaginery number out the sky to back your claim? I'm positive a-lot more than "2%" if coming from an iPad 1 or iPad 2 would not look at the Xoom's screen and immediately notice a difference. This is a 'Tablet' no bigger than 10" and used developed as a multimedia hub. No one said the screen is bad because it's not!! It's just not as good as it should be for the price ....
fuyajo said:
Why are you complaining?
Even my girlfriend calls my xoom an ipad. "Can i have your ipad for a moment"
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Jesus, its time for the world to end now. You've got to train her. I trained my girl she was wanting me to get an ipad but I got super talkative and blows all the things about the opacity. Then she understood and now she's calling the xoom by its right name.
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>Jesus, its time for the world to end now.
Not until Saturday.

This Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 review is so bad it's funny

Foxnews.com (I'm laughing already) posted a brief story about the Galaxy Tab 10.1.
So yes, the Samsung Galaxy Tab feels nice in the hands, it's got a nice display, and the hardware works well. But who's buying a device like this? Do you walk into a store with a blindfold on, feel around for devices, and say, "You know what? That one feels nice. I'll take that one."
Let's talk about applications, for one thing. Samsung has included about six apps of their own on top of the standard Android package. Subtract them, and you're left with a bunch of shoddy applications that aren't really made for Honeycomb, the operating system running on this device.
There are a bunch of other Android apps, of course -- 65,000 of them or so -- but very few quality ones, and there are very few application developers who are really sinking their teeth into this platform at this to date.
For instance, there are very few good Twitter clients, and very few news readers. Want to browse headlines? You'll be hard pressed here.
So should you buy this device? I can't in good conscience tell you to go out and spend $400 on this half-baked experience when the fully baked iPad experience can be had for just a few dollars more.
Unless of course you want to go shopping blindfolded.​
Where to start?
* The picture before clicking on the story is of the 10.1V model.
* Android has a lot more than 65,000 apps (granted tablet optimized ones are much fewer).
* It's not a $400 tablet.
* I don't wear a blindfold when buying a tablet, but comfort is very important since I have to hold the thing in my hand.
I'm not gonna debate which is better. That's a matter of opinion. But wow, this story was just absolutely bad. Gave me a chuckle.
LOL fox news never ceases to amaze me with their stupidity and lies
Sadly people will read that and be influenced by it. Tech journalism is a toilet bowl.
How these people end up on " name " sites is beyond me.
This is that same station that has Glen Beck. What do you expect from them?
Obviously 'The Daily' isn't selling enough iPad subscriptions. Poor NewsCorp, this is what they've been reduced to.
He's truly an Apple Fan Boy. There was not one thing he liked about the Samsung and the Google experience it seemed. I have an iPad as well, but I prefer using the Android tablets. Yes, Apple has more apps, but many of the apps I use are crippled. For instance, DropBox & SugarSync apps for Android has a lot more features than the iPad version. That was one of the reasons why I went Android.
He's knocking the screen layout of the Samsung, because the Ipad is more suited for portrait mode. I have no problems with the widescreen format, because many laptop screens are pretty much the same format.
I'm glad I came across other reviews on the web. If this was the only review on the net, I'm sure people would definitely stay away from Android.
One thing I've noticed, is that ipad users are mentioning the GT10.1 low weight as a drawback. IIRC one of the great features the IP2 had over IP was lower weight. Of course when someone makes a lighter tablet than the IP2, it's a bad thing...
I never go tablet shopping blindfolded..... Im scared i would end up with an iPad
Actually there are some issues being reported from the early adaptors and I for one agree with some of the review given by Fox. I will not go along with any Fanboys from any tablet manufacture (Including those on this forum) but when I here some hands on users complaints at this early stag, this will consern me in not buying at first launch.
Case in point just today...
I hope all of you will take a break in bad mouthing a report when some of the story is true and confirmed by a few users.
SR45 said:
Actually there are some issues being reported from the early adaptors and I for one agree with some of the review given by Fox. I will not go along with any Fanboys from any tablet manufacture (Including those on this forum) but when I here some hands on users complaints at this early stag, this will consern me in not buying at first launch.
Case in point just today...
I hope all of you will take a break in bad mouthing a report when some of the story is true and confirmed by a few users.
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If the story actually complained about specific issues like browser lag or this so called screen response issue (I'm not seeing it), that would at least be somewhat credible.
The story is laughable because it's so factually incorrect and substanceless, and just seems to want to bash a product that I am not sure the author even touched.
SR45 said:
Actually there are some issues being reported from the early adaptors and I for one agree with some of the review given by Fox. I will not go along with any Fanboys from any tablet manufacture (Including those on this forum) but when I here some hands on users complaints at this early stag, this will consern me in not buying at first launch.
Case in point just today...
I hope all of you will take a break in bad mouthing a report when some of the story is true and confirmed by a few users.
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The browser lag typing in text boxes using the browser is not just a Samsung GT issue. It's a HoneyComb issue. I'm sure future updates will address this issue. I had the same issue with my Acer.
BlackOtaku said:
Obviously 'The Daily' isn't selling enough iPad subscriptions. Poor NewsCorp, this is what they've been reduced to.
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I just thought this was bad journalis, but of course, you're right on the money! With Foxnews being owned by NewsCorp which have a material stake in the success of ipad exclusive 'The Daily', of course, they have to trash Honeycomb Tablets ...
I bought one today, cause I wanted one. My $ and all. Don't watch foxnews propaganda either. That's for the dumbed down folks.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
Ravynmagi said:
Foxnews.com (I'm laughing already) posted a brief story about the Galaxy Tab 10.1.
So yes, the Samsung Galaxy Tab feels nice in the hands, it's got a nice display, and the hardware works well. But who's buying a device like this? Do you walk into a store with a blindfold on, feel around for devices, and say, "You know what? That one feels nice. I'll take that one."
Let's talk about applications, for one thing. Samsung has included about six apps of their own on top of the standard Android package. Subtract them, and you're left with a bunch of shoddy applications that aren't really made for Honeycomb, the operating system running on this device.
There are a bunch of other Android apps, of course -- 65,000 of them or so -- but very few quality ones, and there are very few application developers who are really sinking their teeth into this platform at this to date.
For instance, there are very few good Twitter clients, and very few news readers. Want to browse headlines? You'll be hard pressed here.
So should you buy this device? I can't in good conscience tell you to go out and spend $400 on this half-baked experience when the fully baked iPad experience can be had for just a few dollars more.
Unless of course you want to go shopping blindfolded.​
Where to start?
* The picture before clicking on the story is of the 10.1V model.
* Android has a lot more than 65,000 apps (granted tablet optimized ones are much fewer).
* It's not a $400 tablet.
* I don't wear a blindfold when buying a tablet, but comfort is very important since I have to hold the thing in my hand.
I'm not gonna debate which is better. That's a matter of opinion. But wow, this story was just absolutely bad. Gave me a chuckle.
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I have to agree with them on apps. Android apps have always been sub par to apple apps. Other than that this tab is 100% worth it, even with the lag i find myself using it much more than my ipad
Jnn1 said:
I just thought this was bad journalis, but of course, you're right on the money! With Foxnews being owned by NewsCorp which have a material stake in the success of ipad exclusive 'The Daily', of course, they have to trash Honeycomb Tablets ...
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In my humble opinion, Fox News is never stupid without a reason. They typically strive to appeal to a conservative, Christian market (just like their UK cousin, the Daily Mail), and generally I think try to avoid stepping on the toes of anyone within their target demographic. (Everyone else though, is more than fair game) That's because they are a business. I honestly think it's their stake in the iPad that allowed this to even make it on the Fox News website, because they had to know that such a flippant and dismissive article would draw the ire of Android fans; and certainly, there must be some conservative Android users.
Srikar_NBK said:
LOL fox news never ceases to amaze me with their stupidity and lies
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What lies?
While I disagree with the review and find non-tech sourced reviews to be generally lackluster, people here (and in general) give Fox way too much trouble. From what I've seen, they're (at worst) as good as anyone else.
levenite said:
What lies?
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Watch GB...
Article = bad tech journalism or outright propaganda...
As for the tablet - The glass pulling away is a real issue, how severe is yet to be determined. The browser lag is somewhat expected, hopefully fixed soon. Video playback issues cannot be fixed on this tablet unfortunately.
As for someone saying the weight of this tab is a negative, that is just retarded. My iPad 2 still feels heavy after reading for 5 hours (which I did for the first time yesterday).
Enjoy your sexy piece of hardware fellas... It really does look awesome
cypherx82 said:
While I disagree with the review and find non-tech sourced reviews to be generally lackluster, people here (and in general) give Fox way too much trouble. From what I've seen, they're (at worst) as good as anyone else.
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Ehh, like I said, they're a business. So is every other 24 hour cable news station, they all have weaknesses and annoying quirks (and quacks). I know I'm guilty of leading it in that direction a bit, but I don't think this thread should become a 'let's bash Fox!' thread. (Or Glenn Beck, he's leaving Fox anyway )
aboveliquidice said:
Watch GB...
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I watched maybe 20 minutes of him yesterday (second time ever, first being when he was randomly on a few months back at 2 AM) and he made complete sense. Of course, that doesn't mean he's never said stupid stuff. (Far from it.)
I have yet to form an opinion on him, as most of the criticism I've heard of him was along the lines of "right wing loon", "Tea Party fascist", etc. which means nothing to me.

Apple fanboy + Xoom = Bad

The description alone sickens me.
wow... I feel dumber now. That kid has no business talking about any piece of hardware, especially one he has no understand of.
He clearly thinks its way too complicated to use a lockscreen. What was really funny was he would quickly murmer stupid ass things under his breath to make it seem funny. Example... "The battery life is not what you would expect it to be.... yeeeahh."
All I heard was Apple has this, iPhone has this, he doesnt even know the Xoom is the first actual tablet running a real tablet OS.
All in favor of punching the crap outta this guy say aye. AYE!!!!
Couldn't even finish watching the whole thing. It seemed like the video was made on impulse as he blindly fires off inaccurate facts ( the one that got me was mixing up the USB and HDMI). I can see why it only has 59 views.
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Simple OS for simple people I suppose. Unless you jailbreak and such, after about a month or so the apple OS gets boring to me.
I stopped the video when he wasn't sure if it had 4G I mean LTE that is what Verizon calls it right? So in other words he doesn't know what hardware the device has but qualifies himself to review the device. OK,.. next
That's why my jailbroken itouch has been sitting in my junkdrawer since I got my Droid X a year ago. There's only so much you can tinker with before it gets monotonous. Plus the battery has gotten so bad it only works plugged in.
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zone23 said:
I stopped the video when he wasn't sure if it had 4G I mean LTE that is what Verizon calls it right? So in other words he doesn't know what hardware the device has but qualifies himself to review the device. OK,.. next
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But isn't that what makes apple fanboys fans of apple "Simple devices for simple people"?
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
What a fool. That video didn't even deserve my time. I certainly hope he doesn't handle his iPad like he did that Xoom, I'm sure it wouldn't be able to stand up to that kind of abuse...
J3bu5Cru57 said:
But isn't that what makes apple fanboys fans of apple "Simple devices for simple people"?
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
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Exactly thats why they only have one button anymore than that and its too confusing for them.
My ping is 24 MEGA SECONDS... wtf
Yes, but I suppose there has to be a device for every type of person. It's just annoying how people try to compare the devices (iPad vs Xoom) when they are both at opposite ends (proprietary - open source) of the spectrum each with there pros and cons.
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crimson12 said:
My ping is 24 MEGA SECONDS... wtf
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LOOOL....:-D I didn't catch that in the video. Must have been in the part I didn't watch.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
I was trying to watch with an open mind until he said he had 34 mega second ping. What's that...about a year? This will make for some pretty long scrabble games.
It's a worthwhile clip in regards to UX. The person has difficulty grasping the HC UI, as he himself admitted a couple of times. That would be an issue Android needs to address, once HC gets out of beta, as I think he is representative of the larger population.
I don't think it's to anyone's benefit to act superior and nitpick on the person's lack of technical acumen. Nothing indicates that he has a pro-Apple or anti-Android bias. He had prior experience with the iPad, and would naturally use it as a yardstick. Given the market penetration the iPad will have had once Android (and other platforms) finally gets going, I think it will be true of many.
e.mote said:
It's a worthwhile clip in regards to UX. The person has difficulty grasping the HC UI, as he himself admitted a couple of times. That would be an issue Android needs to address, once HC gets out of beta, as I think he is representative of the larger population.
I don't think it's to anyone's benefit to act superior and nitpick on the person's lack of technical acumen. Nothing indicates that he has a pro-Apple or anti-Android bias. He had prior experience with the iPad, and would naturally use it as a yardstick. Given the market penetration the iPad will have had once Android (and other platforms) finally gets going, I think it will be true of many.
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I'm pretty sure the larger population would know better and try to learn about their device before they use it (as they would naturally be afraid of doing something wrong). Especially before making a video of it. The name "ILIVONMYIphone" (I live on my iPhone) and the smart remarks he made doesn't signify he's pro apple? And I don't think anybody is acting superior to him. But it's also not to anyone's benefit to watch an uninformative and biased review such as that.
If names and labels were an indication of credibility, then you may want to change yours.
What I've read in this thread is a bunch of Android fanboys making fun of a non-techie's experience and acting snobbish.
[Insert nerd snort] Yah my comments were a little snarky. My damn android-fanboitis was acting up a little bit.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
There are some names that are, and some that aren't. My name is clearly a joke and also what this discussion is not about. And if he was a "non-techie" he wouldn't have an ipad, iphone, heck he wouldn't even have a youtube. So he obviously has some sort of tech knowledge. Especially claiming "...its more outdated then the iPad 1 and iPhone 3GS or 4. I think the 3GS would be faster than it." (which also indicates he's pro apple). Also, there is a huge difference in android fanboys and people who just see a bad review. Not because of what they were reviewing or anything. Just the fact that it was biased, and uninformative makes it horrible. There are xoom bashing videos where they at least got the specs right. And those are fine.
e.mote said:
If names and labels were an indication of credibility, then you may want to change yours.
What I've read in this thread is a bunch of Android fanboys making fun of a non-techie's experience and acting snobbish.
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Since we are on a Xoom forum, I would expect posters here to be somewhat offended at what seemed to be a poorly made, derisive review of a complex device that we are working hard to master. Maybe we should just be completely objective and rise above the negativity, but I for one feel protective of the Xoom and the Xoom community, and want it to be successful, so our wonderful developers can continue to invest their hard work to support it.

BS article, we should all email eweek/Ziff Davis and complain

If you can't get to the link somehow, this is what [email protected] had to say (dated today) about why our Iconia should be on the extinction list. I'll let you spot the multitude of BS. If you get a chance, email him and tell him to do some research before he opens his mouth on the 'net.
"It’s hard to find too many worthwhile features in the Acer Iconia Tablet that can’t be found in other devices. The slate comes with a 2-megapixel camera, a dual-core Tegra 2 processor, and a 10.1-inch display. However, it’s running Android Honeycomb 3.0—an issue for those looking for the more-reliable Android 3.1. Combine that with the fact few people even know about the device, and it might not be long before the $400 tablet fades from the market."
What an uninformed asshole.
so sales numbers is the only thing he equates to a good product, well then the ford focus must be one of the best cars on the road
Why bother? Clearly he is an Apple Fanboi. He slammed every major player in the Android Tablet Market.
Easy fun happyness
Just read the last 50 articles he had posted. Quite obvious who is getting a check from whom.
Or perhaps his outdated and silly info is a true "review", right? Too bad many people will be fooled into letting a "review" like this influence their choice of tablets to purchase.
Xnine1964 said:
Why bother? Clearly he is an Apple Fanboi. He slammed every major player in the Android Tablet Market.
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Google the name and go to page two and it starts to make much more sense
For real
Check out this article - android 2.2 vs. Ios. http://tinyurl.com/237lz3f
i hate fanboyism at its finest. I do not like apple but damn i at least respect what they have done.
Honestly, why would we care what some dude says about the Iconia.
Sent from my MOTWX435KT using Tapatalk
I wonder how someone so misinformed about so many products is still allowed to write about them.
This really makes you wonder what the editor of this publication does all day, this all falls back in his lap.
PapaTim said:
I wonder how someone so misinformed about so many products is still allowed to write about them.
This really makes you wonder what the editor of this publication does all day, this all falls back in his lap.
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that's called Free Speach
What an idiot, though, such an easy job/money for him.
eWeek needs to just change their name to biweekly and be honest about it.
Load of BS. Obviously XDA folks are clued in to the merits our A500 or whatever. Whatever happened to reliable journalism? I love my A500 - it serves my needs perfectly and latest ROMs for Android 3.2 show promise to make A500 an iPad killer.
Sent from my A500 using xda premium
I took it a step further and emailed eweek's editor [email protected]:
In reference to http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Mobile-and...in-HP-TouchPad-on-the-Extinction-List-691746/ - Enterprise Mobility: 10 Tablets That Should Join HP TouchPad on the Extinction List
I have got to say this article is riddled with technological errors that make me wonder if a) anyone fact checked Mr. Reisinger's work and b) did he even use any of these products before his apparent bias declared that they should die?
Case in Point the Acer Iconia Tab 1/11 in this article:
"It’s hard to find too many worthwhile features in the Acer Iconia Tablet that can’t be found in other devices. The slate comes with a 2-megapixel camera, a dual-core Tegra 2 processor, and a 10.1-inch display. However, it’s running Android Honeycomb 3.0—an issue for those looking for the more-reliable Android 3.1. Combine that with the fact few people even know about the device, and it might not be long before the $400 tablet fades from the market."
The only thing right here is the name, the processor front camera, and the display size. His argument seems to hinge on the fact that it's running Honeycomb 3.0?? Despite the fact like every android tablet - they all shipped with 3.0 and were quickly upgraded to 3.1 and 3.2 - just like the Acer Iconia was upgraded over 3 months ago. The Tablet sports 2 cameras, just like the iPad - and just like the iPad has a lower resolution front camera, but at 2-megapixal in the front and 5 in the back it's still got better resolution than the ipad2 - so I'm unclear why the camera is anything but a postive. He doesn't even discuss any of the tablet's unique features like being the only Andorid tablet in his list that sports a full size usb connection or its rave reviews across the web including Ziff Davis' own PC Magazine which gave it a good rating in April of 2011. The fact that the a500 has been outselling more "well known" tablets like the Motorola Xoom should say that in fact there are a few more people who know about this tablet than Mr. Reisinger's leads on.
It is my hope that after an editorial review of this article it can be corrected to at least include the facts, not just blind rambling from someone who obviously isn't a fan of Android tablets.
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entropy.of.avarice said:
Google the name and go to page two and it starts to make much more sense
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I understand.
Top 5 reasons Don Reisinger sucks:
1. Because he does
2. Because he really does
3. Because he really, really does
4. Because he really, really,really does
5. Because his mother abandoned him as a child in a Starbucks with a sign attached that said "He sucks"
Just saying.
What a tool, well I sent him an email anyway, not like it could penetrate his brain.
Wow, that guy is a complete asshat. i emailed him, for what good it will do. I'm sure his reign of douchebaggery will continue unabated. I mean, he is entitled to his opinion, no matter how wrong, but at least hire a fact-checker or possibly just read the listed specs on the manufacturer's website before spouting such verbal feces.
I've also emailed this assclown (cc'd to his editor). I take issue not only with his options and mis-information regarding the Iconia, but with the article as a whole. I realize that editorials are opinionated, but that doesn't release a journalist from being honest and fair.
For starters, there his blatent opinion that 7" is too small for a tablet. I cannot see how millions in combined sales can possibly be disregarded as "redundant". AFAIK, the Galaxay Tab 7 is still the best selling non-Apple tablet to date. They still seem to be in solid demand now, with even the resale value holding up in the 75% or better range (at least in the Toronto area). As someone in the tech sale industry, at least half of non-Apple tablet sales I see are 7" devices.
Also, dismissing yet to be released products, i.e. the Cisco Cousin, is just rediculous.
Plus, the article is riddled with factual inaccuracies and misleading statements.
Lastly, I take issue with his dismissal of Asus as a non-"mainstream" company. The Eee PC defined the netbook market. You would be hard pressed to find a consumer who has shopped for a netbook who HASN'T heard of Asus.
I expect more journalistic integrity from a Ziff-Davis publication, but perhaps I'm living in the past.
Sent from Vera, my Iconia A500; All dressed up going places!
Wow that was funny! Seems the only tablet allowed to live is the one with the least features. The writer might just be mentally challanged, but whoever published that should be more responsible to the readers. Freedom of speach should not be an excuse for bad journalism.
Sent from my A500 using XDA Premium App
BrianDigital said:
so sales numbers is the only thing he equates to a good product, well then the ford focus must be one of the best cars on the road
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Well put.
I guess that makes the A500 a sleek sports car to the Ipad's Dodge Neon-like sales numbers.
I wrote a scathing reply to Ziff Davis, critical of the article and rebutting the claims. It will probably go straight to the trash folder, but its worth a shot.

Most biased review of the galaxy s 3 I have read yet.

This review screamed "apple fan boy" from the start. Smdh at so many android haters in the world. Especially one who works for a irrelevant news outlet
He says the s3 has an outdated processor. Is he serious? Thy shows me he knows nothing about this phone
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA
phyba said:
This review screamed "apple fan boy" from the start. Smdh at so many android haters in the world. Especially one who works for a irrelevant news outlet
He says the s3 has an outdated processor. Is he serious? Thy shows me he knows nothing about this phone
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA
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First of all who is "examiner.com"? Secondly, the author lost all credibility with me when he wrote: However, you definitely feel the height and length when talking on the phone for a long time.What the heck is the difference between height and length?
Ansextra said:
First of all who is "examiner.com"? Secondly, the author lost all credibility with me when he wrote: However, you definitely feel the height and length when talking on the phone for a long time.What the heck is the difference between height and length?
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Lol. Good point. Wth does that mean??
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That poor soul... c'mon guys give your sympathy to another iSheep added to the flock, scared to broaden his horizons. I pity the foo.
Sent from my Sprint Galaxy SIII using XDA Premium
He's more than entitled to his opinion but he should write about it intelligently.
Think the author of this article still drinks from a sippy cup, and needs to be led places, because he obviously has no thoughts of his own and is hand fed his knowledge from his mommy.... LOL... that or his IQ is very low.
All kidding aside this was so funny. I always love the apple fanbois.
I had the first iphone (before android was out), and I was part of the guys that was hacking it at version 1.02 of IOS, and figuring out jailbreaking and such.
I have owned Macs since the early 90s, but the iphone in my opinion is a kids toy, compared to Andriod based phones (much more customize-able, and "hack-able")
From the author of the article, "Fabio, any dual-core processor is outdated. The US version uses a dual-core processor."
I wonder if he even knows that his iPhone is outdated now.
El Nivek said:
From the author of the article, "Fabio, any dual-core processor is outdated. The US version uses a dual-core processor."
I wonder if he even knows that his iPhone is outdated now.
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Why is this guy even writing tech articles he obviously knows nothing about technology.
Ummm... Because anyone can call themselves a blogger and publish what they want?
I'm fed up with apple BS. I just had an argument this morning about android and ios with one of my close friend's who's also in IT. I'm an android fanboy but i can clearly say without any hesitation that apple does make great products. I had an iphone4, an ipad, and an apple tv. Good stuff. As much as I like their stuff, I don't think it's necessarily better; Just different. I like having a choice. I've been with android since day one and know that android is just as capable as any ios device, and in some cases more capable. I love than I can get a phone in any size shape or color from any carrier. Apple people think that's bad for some reason.
Ever listen to any of their presentations? They sound like this.
"70% of apple users upgrade to the latest version of our OS 100% more than any other OS. Today we're announcing that everyone can get the latest version for only... $20"
Does that make any sense to you? They actually said something like this at WWDC2012. Every one of their slides and charts has all sorts of skewed information and apple sheep eat it right up. Like when they say that the ipad has over 200k apps designed for it, then they diss android. But they don't mention that every single android app since ICS built for both phones and tablets. Nah they leave that part out.
Apple gets praised for selling OS updates for $20.
Windows gets slammed for giving people service packs for free.
Apple gets praise for updating it's last two iphones, but google gets slammed for only upgrading their last two and not the every other manufacturers phones. It seems unfair, and simply childish at this point trying to talk to apple people. God (for those who believe in him/her) could come from heaven and say that Android is really better, and apple people would still deny it.
This writer should be ashamed of himself for not only drinking the cool-aid, but for letting it skew his review and putting out bad information to consumers.
just left a nice comment under the name LearnGadget
Apparently many many people are annoyed with him...
Oh this kid clearly has never had 4.8" in his hand before
master acehole said:
Oh this kid clearly has never had 4.8" in his hand before
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He probably has in his mouth.
"The GPS eats a lot of battery life fast, so it's important to keep this off when you don't need it"
What? Really? So the phone uses GPS 24/7 now?
Herp derp Captivate Tapatalk 2
pizz0wn3d said:
"The GPS eats a lot of battery life fast, so it's important to keep this off when you don't need it"
What? Really? So the phone uses GPS 24/7 now?
Herp derp Captivate Tapatalk 2
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Yeah that guy is a tool that doesn't know what he's talking about.
That article is funny, he's obviously clueless.
He comments later, "any dual-core processor is outdated."
This one is pretty funny too, not as bad but some of the claims are really biased-sounding.
It's at gadgetreview . com, can't post links...
"Compared to the Galaxy S II, the newer Galaxy S III looks plasticy and somewhat poorly built. The back panel is a single bendable plastic glossy slab, and the front is all display. Compare that with the iPhone, or any recent high-end smartphone, and the GS3 looks like a kids toy from the back. "
"My opinion is that iOS is still the stronger operating system; it’s simpler, easier to manage, and anyone switching between the two OS’s will be better off with iOS in any case."
"Samsung has included some great additions using their user interface, but it isn’t likely going to make the overall OS better than iOS. "
I don't think the guy has even held a gs3. And a simpler os does not make a better os. And any iphone ive used is always cluttered because the home screen holds all the apps.
I just sent him this in an email, not because he doesn't like a phone that I do, but because he's an idiot! Lol
Dear uninformed,
Wow is all I have to say! I own several smartphones and one of those is a US Galaxy S3 variamt. I'm well aware that you did not ever actually use one of them before you wrote this review.
If you in fact have used any of them, then you have zero credibility when it comes to technology! Even if you don't care for the phone, which I personally like but there are others I care for more, your conclusions of outdated processor, bad camcorder, and camera is not as good as the s2, are so completely far off from what is obvious to even a smartphone beginner!
Total crap journalism, and absolutely the most uninformed, uneducated, clueless "tech journalist" (if that's your title at this.... Blog Site?) that I have ever layed eyes on!
By the way, we are having a hell of a time laughing our asses off at you in a thread dedicated just for you at XDA!

