[MISC] offering web-hosting for devs/ projects - G2 and Desire Z General

Hey all!
I did notice that others are offering this kinda thing in other device sections of xda, and I wanted to contribute in some other fashion besides donations as well.
I'd like to cordially offer no-cost web hosting to G2/Vision/DesireZ, Incredible S, Amaze 4G & Nextbook tablet developers/ project teams from within a massive web-hosting account I have had for a few years now.
If anyone is curious with questions or anything, just send a PM.
All I ask in return is perhaps some twitter following or a website link, or random help with getting my Desire-Z exactly as I like it (lol) or anything non-monetary. I just wanna help facilitate storage/transfer of stuff/ etc. I also ask you do as much as you can to keep your web-facing pages secure and free from malicious use as well.
(S)FTP and HTTP(S) access of course. More details if you PM.
I can also say it's nearly unlimited space/bandwidth.
Domain names would be standard $10 each, but a subdomain is suggested to avoid any of those kinds of fees.
I'm doing this also because I hate rapidshares and megaupload types of services putting a limit to the speed and quantity of files we can exchange in this community.
Please understand I have no malicious intent or fraudulent desires with this. It's purely to support the community. Both my friend and I own the account and we both have Android phones (me: HTC Desire-Z, him: HTC Desire).

bump for adding 2 devices to the options.

bump for adding the Amaze 4G



So for quite some time, there has always been issues and complaints about users not being able to download roms from the links posted by the devs on new releases and/or updates (4shared, Rapid share, Mega upload to name a few)
with that being said they are always complaining and begging for someone who gets a complete download to re-upload with a mirror, to make their lives easier...understandable. But if there's one thing I know, "Most" devs hate it when users fill their threads up with a bunch of links...why? well that’s simple:
It confuses others (especially noobs) as to which link is the correct one and the one intended for download by the OP. This means that if someone put a faulty link/mirror that contained a bad file, un-signed zip, or their own custom version of the rom/mod that they decided to play "dev" with and screwed it up rendering it full of bugs...the Dev and/or OP has to deal with the complaints when that user comes back to post. Leaving him confused and dumbfounded as to what the hell they are talking about because nobody else is reporting these issues.
Download count just so happens to be very important to a lot of devs. It gives them a general idea of how many users are flashing their work, which can not only make them feel appreciated and needed by the community because of all the attention...but also create a ratio of problems to success. Example, 300 users download, only 50 come back to report bugs, the rest either don't post at all (I call them ghost readers) or give good feedback. Now, out of that 50 only 7 reported bugs can be legitimately confirmed, which means the other 43 people either did not follow directions clearly, or already had some other stuff going on that effected their experience. Why are these numbers important? Because, if the numbers of bugs are high...the dev knows to update quickly and correct things, if the number of user errors are high...the dev knows he needs to re-adjust his instructions or make them more clear and descriptive so that nobody misunderstands. And if the number of successful flashes are high...well...you know. And all of this can be based on number of downloads...which other users screw up when they post their own links!
Lost and forgotten is what all these mirrors, linked threads/topics, and uploaded fixes by random users become when the topic is over populated (especially big named threads like Eugene, CM, Wes Garner etc). So if the thread has 105 pages and an important link was dropped by a user that proved to be helpful way back on say...page 23! How in the hell is anyone who hasn't been following the entire topic to know that? And nobody in their right mind, who has a life, is going to sit there and skim all 105 pages. So if you must, or feel, that you have a useful link pertaining specifically to the topic that can help others, the best resolution would be to PM it to the OP, so that they can update the first post where all users can easily refer back to if need be.
Now with the why covered, let's move on the the what. And the what is what I have to offer:
A hosting service that I paid for out of my own pocket. This is my way of contributing to the community, as I do not offer donations, sorry. But for the exchange of helpful information, resources, mods, and great roms! I hereby offer all devs, and I do mean DEVS ONLY (yes that includes themers) the use of this hosting service is at no cost to them.
How beneficial is this you ask?​
For Devs:
unlimited online storage space for all zips, rar's, and other files that are specifically related to the xda development (No personal storage like mp3's, movies, and family portrait please)
direct download links! No pop-ups, No ads, No human text box verifications
unlimited links- they never run out of time or number of downloads they will stay on the internet forever!!!! (or until you remove it)
Detailed info- keeps track of number of clicks, page views, downloads, you name it, you get your own personal page to view this statistics at any time
No size limit! Big or small, you upload it all (multiple uploads at once supported as well) I have not seen anything in any of these forums over 200mb...so if you're running up 1-2 gigs of use in a matter of days I will be investingating your usage!
For users
No more 4shared yay! Lol
No time wait (30 secs, 90 secs or whatever) Downloads start immediately after clicking the link!
No pop-up or separate browser pages to go to, download starts without the need to open a new page or tab, so you can easily continue on reading through the forum you are in
Links are never broken-they will always work until the OP removes it
No signing up, no memberships.. paid or free, just download. Same benefit as downloading links uploaded directly through Xda, except you don't have to be logged in to click these!
To keep things under control and fair I will only allow 3 request per week for access to this service. I'm not sure how many devs are registered and active but I'm quite sure there are a lot. Eventually all devs who are interested will have the opportunity, but for my own conveyance I will only take 3 request a week, because I will not be online everyday to take all request, this also give me the time to help each individual to get set-up and answer any questions they may have.
I do not discriminate by phone make or model. All devs are welcome to this offer regardless of what phone they developed for. However; I will only post this thread here in the Vibrant forums, well, because that's the phone I use. But Mods are more than welcome to sticky it or link the word to other locations so that all devs can read. My only rules are:
Must be and already have been a member of XDA for at least one year.
Must provide at least two links to their work contributed here in the xda forums
Must have a valid email address and/or twitter account. (simply so that I can contact and update you if any changes or problems occur)
Must only use this service for the development of roms/themes/mods. Please do not take advantage of my kind heart, and use this hosting service for your own personal purpose, I will know, and I will take away privileges.
How to sign up for this?​
Simply PM me if you are interested... with the above^^ requirements, and I will give you all the details and instructions you need.​
Unfortunately, I will not start taking request until Monday of next week, a relative has just passed away a couple of days ago, and I am closing a deal on a new home, trying to fit time for a funeral, and moving all in one week can be a headache. But you are welcome to start sending me request if you like, but as I said I will only deal with 3 at a time. So if you send a request and don't hear back, please do not continue sending me your inquiry. Your voice has been heard and will be responded as soon as I get to you. Thank you.
Wow, I'm not a dev or anything like that but this is real nice of you. Kudos to you sir.
Working in the er its nice to know when your help is appreciated. So thank you.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
bguzmanz2 said:
Wow, I'm not a dev or anything like that but this is real nice of you. Kudos to you sir.
Working in the er its nice to know when your help is appreciated. So thank you.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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This will not only help the devs, but the forum community in general, making it much more easier on both ends, so i thank you for this. Kudos to you.
You might also want to post this in the Dev sub-forum too. It's over here --> Vibrant Android Development.
Thanks for providing the service.
I hope you have some serious monthly download allowences. I do some hosting not related to XDA and I'm easily pushing 30Gig a month, which spikes even more depending on releases.
What your doing is awesome none the less.
If you find that you are pushing some serious downloads you could always turn some builds into torrents and use your machine as the master seed and let others help out that want to help out. Lord knows my machine at home has been seeding many Linux builds over the past months.
Not to disrespect you in any form or way, I appreciate this thread to the developers but this idea has been made quite a while ago since the first-generation of Android phone (G1).
AndroidSPIN has been around for a long time and has provided hosting for developers and their ROMs as well as a pretty organized database.
zephiK said:
Not to disrespect you in any form or way, I appreciate this thread to the developers but this idea has been made quite a while ago since the first-generation of Android phone (G1).
AndroidSPIN has been around for a long time and has provided hosting for developers and their ROMs as well as a pretty organized database.
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Yes, I already know this. But please understand this is specifically for xda...androidspin is its own website in itself, also still has its limitations as well as ads and opens new pages/tabs for downloads. My service does not do that, and is without limits.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
That is very helpful, and I appreciate it. But no I have no monthly cap, and I pay for my services once per year.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
kizer said:
I hope you have some serious monthly download allowences. I do some hosting not related to XDA and I'm easily pushing 30Gig a month, which spikes even more depending on releases.
What your doing is awesome none the less.
If you find that you are pushing some serious downloads you could always turn some builds into torrents and use your machine as the master seed and let others help out that want to help out. Lord knows my machine at home has been seeding many Linux builds over the past months.
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Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Kudos to you sir
Sent from my Samsung Vibrant
try it and soon you will get email from your hosting company of over usage. Unlimited in your contract means nothing.
They might make you pay for overusage by saying that you abused their network.
Klyentel said:
That is very helpful, and I appreciate it. But no I have no monthly cap, and I pay for my services once per year.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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Congrats I wish I had an unlimited bandwith host. I can get away with gigs of storage, but they caped me around 60gig a month.
Anyways hope it works out.
good luck, ive tried this a few times but seems like devs like those crappy upload sites. i'm gonna take a guess and say you are on a site like hostgator or something with "unlimited" bandwidth, watch it cuz its only unlimited untill you use to much resources.
Just an idea.
Why don't we create a distributed system using available tools/software like torrent files.
We need one or more torrent server/tracker and list of volunteers to be reliable seeders. Once you sign as a seeder, you will receive a list of # files you'll seed 24/7 until you receive an updated list.
I don't mind seeding 5-10 files 24/7.
We can retire any file at any time if there is no interest and archive it.
By archiving i mean switch to more "standard" way of hosting it like http or ftp access.
And when a new release is out the downloading will be even faster.

Possible Valuable Help

Hello! I've come in contact with Greg Kumparak who wrote this arictle. I sent him the following email:
Hey Greg!
First off, i wanted to say after joining twitter just minutes ago, I was scrolling through your tweets and found them very funny and helpful.
Next, I was reading an article you wrote involving conflipper and the Microsoft Kin. To jog your memory, the Kin is the disaster phone Microsoft intended to market for teens. I have also been fairly active in a group at XDA Developers attempting to crack the Kin Two phone now sold by Verizon. There have been significant advances toward the ability to write and edit files on the phone itself. I'm sure you'll find our endeavorvery interesting and I'd be happy to explain all the details. In a nutshell: the phone is more secure normal phones, runs off a form of Win7Mobile, is sold as a "feature phone", and, without a doubt, has potential to rival smart phones. Of course, since the phone uses WiFi, these abilities (one could say, smartphone-like) do not require a data package. If thats not bang for the buck, I don't know what is.
Anyway, I'd like to know If you think the story of this phone and its ability to have apps is worth writing an article on. Some pretty exciting things are going on with the device, currently there is a facebook group getting in contact with Personal Communications Devices (company) and a group of HTML experts writing our free version of Microsoft old cloud system for the kin, kin.com.
If you dont think this article can make it, I understand. Either way, however, I was hoping you could give me an email address for conflipper because I'd like to shoot him an email asking about what he found in the kin ROMs and how he got in.
Thanks for you'r time, I'm sure your a busy man,
(My Name Here)
He replied minutes later by saying something alone the lines of "I'm interesting and want more details" (I dont want to quote him w/o permission). He also informed me that conflipper is retired and his old site is here. I would like to set up a skype/phone chat with Greg for the mutual benefit of us both. In his favor, he is interested and would possibly like to write an article about our homebrews. To the benefit of us, I'm sure he has many contacts and a published article could attract the attention we need.
I would like a few key people to be on the line with Greg in order to present all aspects of the Kin-Hacking World. Don't hesitate to mention anything I should be presenting to him. If you feel you should be included in the phonecall/skype please state why. I would like JohnKussack to be there also. EDIT: I plan to show him the concept document the dev group (from the facebook group) has on google docs.
Feel free to comment/leave your opinion.

Cyanogen Hijacked?!

I read online that Cyanogen got hijacked, went to check it out.. And apparently it's true!
Some idiot they trusted held the site for ransom and now they're moving to cyanogen.org
This is taken from http://www.cyanogenmod.org/blog/psa-transition-to-cyanogenmod-org
We at CM are very trusting of our members, showed by both respect and permissions granted to those people we consider part of the team. Last month, this trust was violated in a substantial way. In the spirit of openness, here is what happened.
CM’s history is well established, with Cyanogen releasing his original ROM for the G1 on XDA forums. Back then, there was no “CyanogenMod” in terms of the organization and structure that we have today. The builds were hosted on Steve’s personal machine, the original server was a donation of spare kit from Phaseburn. And due to the small size (and lack of funds), the CyanogenMod.com domain was bought by a third-party back in 2009 and donated to CM, when CM was a much smaller project and had no online presence besides XDA.
Fast-forward 3 years, we have 3 extremely powerful build boxes donated by the community and an army of developers, contributors, and supported devices. But, a little over a week ago, things took a bad turn. The person owning the CyanogenMod.com domain was caught impersonating Steve to make referral deals with community sites. When confronted and asked to hand over control of the domain amicably, he decided he wanted 10K USD for it, which we won’t (and can’t) pay.
We contacted those he had established deals with, only to discover that the person tasked with maintaining our web presence was setting up deals under the CM name, and impersonating Cyanogen himself. Plenty of satisfying evidence was provided by those sites / entities to make us certain that this wasn’t a misunderstanding or one-time thing.
This leaves us at a critical impasse. Being trusted with CM’s web presence means this member had control over the CM social network accounts (Twitter/FB) as well as domains (cyanogenmod.com). We have changed ownership of the social media accounts. When asked again to make the transition nicely, he responded with the following
“Hi, so you think by removing all my access across the infrastructure was going to be a great idea? We had a chat yesterday, you’ve decided to end this bitter. How about I just change the DNS entries right now. CM will practically go down.”
Refusing to be extorted for funds, and then being threatened is “ending it bitter”? Today, it happened: all of our records were deleted, and cyanogenmod.com is slowly expiring out of the Internet and being replaced by blank pages and non-existing sites. @cyanogenmod.com e-mail is now being directed to a mailserver completely out of our control, too.
We have begun the dispute process with ICANN to reclaim our domain. In the meantime, please utilize CyanogenMod.org and all applicable subdomains.
As mentioned, this member also managed our Google Apps for Business account, and therefore our @cyanogenmod.com email addresses. These addresses should be considered discontinued until further notice. We will be contacting the Google team to reclaim rights to the apps account. In the meantime, please contact [email protected] for any devrel questions or other issues. A mailserver is being established to transition devrel and other support email addresses. We will provide those when they are finalized, and they will utilize the .org domain.
We don’t like how this played out, and we are deeply hurt. Likewise, we are deeply saddened at the confusion this may have caused the community. We will continue to be open about the what, when, how, but unfortunately, we may never know the ‘why’ – though greed comes to mind. The team itself has not made a profit off of CM and that is not our goal. But to have one of our own betray the community like this is beyond our comprehension. We will update you all as things progress.
Know that we are pursuing every available legal means to regain control over our domain.
Please note, all donations that were given directly to Cyanogen (aka [email protected]) did indeed reach their destination and are not affected.
If you are a company out there that believes they have also entered into agreements with “CM” by this person impersonating Steve, please contact [email protected]. We’d like to get a handle on how widespread this was before we file charges.
-The CyanogenMod Team
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Ah.. Nvm.. Got sorted apparently.. See below xD
Domain situation has been resolved
November 15th, 2012
(ciwrl wrote this, I’m just posting on his behalf so this is resolved)
So earlier today we put up a post on what prompted us to transition to our new CyanogenMod.org domain. We refrained from identifying the ex-member out of respect for his privacy and career outside of CM. Suffice it to say you guys aren’t slouches, and figured it out on your own.
With that said, the ex-member in question contacted us and has agreed to hand over control of the CyanogenMod.com domain. This was done as amicably as these things can be, and CM did not pay the fee he requested.
We will still be using CyanogenMod.org as our primary domain, and the .com address will simply redirect to this new domain. Ironically enough, ‘.org’ is better than ‘.com’ as we are not a commercial entity, and is far more in line with how CyanogenMod is structured.
We received a common question, that we’d like to take a moment to answer. Some of you contacted us mentioning that you had previously donated to a different address. When the forum began, up until about 3 months ago, the forum utilized this other address as the mechanism for forum donations and establishment of the ‘Donator’ badge. Donations made to this address prior to three months ago were used for the CyanogenMod forum IPB licence and forum related costs and were not misappropriated.
On a side note, we have also gone through internal restructuring to make sure that this sort of thing doesn’t happen again. Nobody has control over everything, and there is no longer such a large single-point of failure. Our lessons have been learned.
We ask that you please not perform any vigilante actions, we do not condone any such thing; just let this fade.
We want to move on, get you the builds you expect from us, and not mess around with distractions.
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Wow. Some people...

[VM/App] Looking for Devs for LARGE project

Hello Developers,
The reason I am calling for some Developers is because I am creating a solution
(for both personal and Commercial) for Android Cloud VM's using AOSP.
Some of you might be thinking, well why would someone need that? why not just use a physical device? or even just host your own VM?
Well here is what I am doing with this project:
1. Anroid Cloud VM's can come in handy with products not open to I-devices.
Using an Android VM on say an iPod Touch or iPhone would spare the trouble of hacking or even buying a second device.
2. Maybe you cannot afford such a device because you just spent all your money on an iphone or blackberry and need access to an android device.
3. on a personal/business Smart phone, you can install this cloud device and use it for its oppiste use. (E.G on a business phone, use the VM to run personal apps, like email, web browsing, and other personal related stuff.)
The list goes on but you get the idea.
What I need to start off this project is:
-an iPhone/ iOS developer
-An android Developer (I only know Visual Basic so It is hard for me to learn a new language.)
-Some beta testers for when the team plans to release said software.
-Might need a C# or another VB.net or even a PC Java developer
In return for developers I can give per person (Sorry no teams as far as specific development.)
Depending on sales of the application(s) and other related items I can offer:
- 5% <--> 10% of sales Untaxed per developer. (depends on how many sales and how many developers.)
-Might be able to, depending on sales, donate devices.(Dev's Choice.)
-Unlimited access to said Cloud VM's. (I think that's a given yeah?)
I already have the plan laid out. I just need the resources.
If you seem interested and are willing to take the risk with me, PM with contact information (I am comfortable with IRC, Texting, or Phone calls.)
If you do not want to give away such information but still want to inquire about this project, Google Voice a free nubmer and send that number to me so I may contact you.
NOTE: Mods, I put this post here in hopes of finding a dev quickly, If I have in anyway posted to the wrong part of the forum, please move and contact me so I know.
Thank you.
Reserved- Q/A
Having some experience in large operations like this. I offer this input.
First. You are taking on a huge project. You will need some sort of financial backing to provide the back end server hardware for all of this. Second. Licensing. Third. I cannot see something like this being completed easily or in the near future with one dev per section. You will definitely need teams. Your biggest of which will be setting up the remote system. Plan of action should either be cutting down on the need for so many Devs to make it more beneficial to the dev. Shoot me a pm if you would like more info or help.
Not saying its not possible. definitely a lot to consider tho
Sent from my Verizon Galaxy S3 running CyanogenMod 10.1 Nightlies
atc3030 said:
Having some experience in large operations like this. I offer this input.
First. You are taking on a huge project. You will need some sort of financial backing to provide the back end server hardware for all of this. Second. Licensing. Third. I cannot see something like this being completed easily or in the near future with one dev per section. You will definitely need teams. Your biggest of which will be setting up the remote system. Plan of action should either be cutting down on the need for so many Devs to make it more beneficial to the dev. Shoot me a pm if you would like more info or help.
Not saying its not possible. definitely a lot to consider tho
Sent from my Verizon Galaxy S3 running CyanogenMod 10.1 Nightlies
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Well, I have the hardware, AOSP is opensource and seeing as I am not selling android to consumers, but instead offering a service of which they can access said Software, which to my understanding is under GPL. But I could be wrong, on any note, I will PM you because it seems you a knowlegdable on this kind of topic.

Best Type Of Ad To Promote Mobile Apps

Best type of ad to promote mobile apps
When advertising your app to other countries start from the grass roots level which is pinpointing the countries which you will advertise first. This is important so will have a much clearer picture on who you would will to sell you app to.
Once you establish the list of countries the next thing that you should do is to localize your app. English may be the medium where individuals from different countries understand each other but what else could you do to attract more people to your app? Incorporate their local language in your app. Not all people can thoroughly understand English and are drawn to pay more attention to things that they could understand.
Now after doing all those things, you need to find a DSP (demand side platform) which has self-serve RTB(real time bidding) capabilities like Bluagile and start creating mobile web and in app campaigns. This is the most affordable, convenient and efficient way to run your campaigns. Using a DSP lets you connected with more or less 30 differennt ad exchages which means accessing more traffic than you can ever imagine over 200 countries worldwide. The cost wouldn't be a problem since it's a self-serve RTB you can bid whichever rate you would think would be best suitable for the campaign. Another great thing about this is that they have a brand safe inventory which is accessible through static banners. DSPs usually providereportings on their platform which is far better than getting separate reports from various blogs, article and sites. Creating a buzz in the world wide web is the best way to get more people interested in something new and investing in CPM (cost per 1000 impressions) is the perfect fit to achieve that goal.
To sum it all up, you're creating a mobile campaign using static banners to ensure bot free traffic at a very cheap and affordable cost and you can view the reportings on one area which is very convenient. Learn more about Bluagile by visiting the site:
bluagile . com
Dear colleagues!
In this text below, I want to warn you about the scam danger from "Advertze" company.
We signed the traffic purchase agreement, made the prepayment of $2000 and after that Advertze disappeared.
I'll give you a summary of the situation that happened while negotiating with Advertze.
Our company, Hotger, is the user of MyMediaAds platform, which was the reason of finding and choosing Advertze.
We contacted Aaron Lopez, a manager of the company and the dialogue was started right away.
We have signed the document and received signed invoice for $2000. We did the payment for this invoice by bank transfer and sent the Swift payment confirmation, then we asked them to confirm the payment receiving. After that our partners disappeared, no one answered the phone or email.
We decided to contact Advertze the other way. Our manager added Aaron Lopez( the one who disappeared after payment) on skype. He answered surprisingly quick, started asking about work details and about prepayment!during the discussion Aaron Looez asked for email address. Because we all have same domain it was probably familiar to him. As soon as he saw the email address Aaron disappeared within 2 minutes and deleted our manager from skype and never contacted us again.
This second situation left no doubt, that Advetze is a scam company. They steal not only money but your precious work time.
This is why we want to spread this information as much as possible. Dear colleagues, our company Hotger is warning you, to avoid any contact with Advertze company. Beware of scammers never discuss any prepayments. We, Hotger company, strongly believe that this text should be spread as much as possible in order to avoid the same situation that happened to us.
Wishing you peace, happiness and good honest partnerships.

