Bright Spot: Nova vs Epson - EVO 4G General

First off, this isn't a thread about which screen is better.
There are 2 different types of screens on the HTC Evo 4G. One is a Novatec and the other is an Epson. I want to know if one type of screen is more prone to the bright spot than the other. If you don't already know which screen you have, you can tell one of 2 ways:
Option 1: Open ADB Shell or Terminal Emulator and type the following:
dmesg |grep -i epson
dmesg |grep -i nova
One will come back with results and the other will come back blank. Whichever one has results, that's the screen you have.
Option 2: Change your brightness in settings. Epsons change brightness instantly while Novas fade.
What is a bright spot? On many Evos, a brighter spot will start to appear over time. It usually starts about 1 inch above the back button. It is most noticeable on a completely white screen.
So tell me, XDA, do you have an Evo with a Nova or an Epson and do you have a bright spot on your screen? Please answer via the poll before posting. Thanks!
I have a Nova with a small bright spot.

Nova screen, HW 002, original google IO conference phone, 2 bright spots, one over the b and a smaller one in the center.
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Nova. Two bright spots.

Nova from June - no bright spots
Refurb Nova from October - huge, trailing bright spot
New 0004 Epson from December - no bright spots

I had a Nova from June and it had one bright spot. Now I have a replacement evo with a Nova and it has no bright spots. Both hardware version 0003.

June 002 Nova with 2 bright spots One 1" above the back button, and one small one near the middle like others previously mentioned.

bwillet said:
Nova screen, HW 002, original google IO conference phone, 2 bright spots, one over the b and a smaller one in the center.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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Same. I absolutely hate it and it drives me nuts, so I got a Shift. Which is way quicker, somehow.

I've had 6 or 7 evo's. My very first one was a 002 Nova, and it had a huge bright spot. Since then, 2 of them have been epson's, the rest nova's. All have been perfect.

I'm on my 3rd screen because of the bright spot. Sprint keeps trying to tell me that it's normal and happens to all touchscreen phones including the iphone, even though NONE of the display EVO's have the spot.

So, does anyone have an Epson screen with the bright spots?

I have 003 hardware with a Novatec screen with no bright spots. Actually my third screen tho. First one had dust under the screen, 2nd one had a cracked bezel near the power button and they replaced the screen assembly.
Any correlation between overclocking the phone or heat in general with bright spots? Mine isnt/wasnt ever overclocked.

Luckily for me I have no bright spots. Launch Day EVO had none either, got it replaced in September. So far so good

0003 with nova and two bright spots
I've got an 0003 with a nova screen and two nasty bright spots. Are you guys having any luck with Sprint fixing these? I bought mine in October of last year, so I'm way outside the 30 days. I haven't tried yet but this has been aggravating me more and more recently. If you did take it in, did you go back to stock first? While root has nothing to do with it, I'm sure they'll want to argue the point.

0002 Nova here, I hadn't noticed it before, but I just looked and it looks more like an L, but yeah there's a bright spot there, there's also a smaller one like right above the Search button...
I'd be curious to know if sprint is replacing these as well...

003 nova from june had one. Got a refurb last month 004 nova almost in the same spot.

002 release day nova and my screen has one bright spot over the back button that is only visible when the stock splash screen is showing and the brightness is all the way up
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

timtlm said:
June 002 Nova with 2 bright spots One 1" above the back button, and one small one near the middle like others previously mentioned.
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Same here. Launch day 002 Nova.
Spot above back showed up very early, spot in middle took a couple of months. Both have gotten a little worse as time goes by.
Didn't take it in a while back when we didn't have root for one of the updates, and now the 004 hardware is out, and doesn't work with a lot of stuff. Kinda drives me nuts, but not as much as fighting with 004 hardware

Epson screen and no spots here
Sent from my Evo while i should be working

playbeasy said:
I've got an 0003 with a nova screen and two nasty bright spots. Are you guys having any luck with Sprint fixing these? I bought mine in October of last year, so I'm way outside the 30 days. I haven't tried yet but this has been aggravating me more and more recently. If you did take it in, did you go back to stock first? While root has nothing to do with it, I'm sure they'll want to argue the point.
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So I took mine by the Sprint "repair center" tonight. They said since I didn't have total equipment protection they would have to charge me for the new screen, it was $35 which isn't a big deal so I said sure.
Unfortunately they didn't have any new screens. They had one that was on a phone they were sending back and the guy said he'd give it to me, but did point out a scuff on the bezel. He said that he'd be happy to put a new one on it when they got one but I could have that one for free. I decided to take him up on it. To me a scuff on the bezel is no where near as annoying as the bright spots on my screen.
So...he takes my phone apart and puts the new screen on. Powers it up and sends me on my way once it's booted. It was at the point I got into the car and tried to unlock it that I realized the touch screen didn't work. Went back in, he takes my phone apart again. Apparently a ribbon cable on the inside wasn't connected right. He hooked it up and booted my phone (without the SD card in) and the touch screen worked. Unfortunately when it booted something was clearly not right, probably because the SD card wasn't in. My launcher was sense instead of launcher pro and my wallpaper had been set to one I used a while back. No biggie I thought, I'll just restore my nandroid backup from yesterday. So I go home, and then realize when I get into recovery to restore that my volume rocker doesn't work. SNAP. Back to the Sprint store. The guy at the store then informed me that it appears that the actually buttons on the board are broken and it's not the rocker switch at all. phone went down in the computer as having a "known issue" and now I'll be receiving a free replacement. Unfortunately that probably won't happen for a couple days or possibly until Monday. What really stinks about the whole mess is somehow I don't even have the Android market on my phone so I've got a seriously beat up device. :-/

Yes, you should be able to get your screen replaced for $35 if you don't have insurance and free if you do have insurance. Unfortunately the new screen may eventually develop a new bright spot & as others have mentioned you may end up worse off than you started. Keep responding to the poll please.


Hue Changes When Screen is Tapped

Hi all, I was wondering if anyone else is having the same issues as I am with my new 6800. I have noticed that on occasion the screen will change to a very light greenish hue when I press on the screen with the stylus. The screen immediately changes back to normal once I pull off the screen. This seems to happens several times throughout the day. Is this normal? Any possible fix? or return it? Thanks for your help!
Great forum BTW...
Yes, sometimes I do notice the hue change, but it doesn't happen very often. I don't believe it's a defect since I've seen it in more than one Mougls (though one had it worse than the other; the hue alternates with every tap or key press). Some expert opinion on this would be nice.
Not normal~! The first batch of Moguls did not have this issue and they came with a harder screen to the touch. the HTC replaced the screen to a inferior quality resulting to this issue. I am a witness to this. We have to live with it or nag enough about it. I personally made Sprint and HTC replace my Mogul4 time for this and every replacement had this issue. So to prevent myself from being dropped from, the service I will just suck it up. Sad indeed. But i least I gave them hell for it.
If what you're saying is true, then perhaps the three bright spots on my screen (from pressure against the carrying case) is also a result of this inferior screen. Curse HTC for their cheap antics!
SINNN said:
Not normal~! The first batch of Moguls did not have this issue and they came with a harder screen to the touch. the HTC replaced the screen to a inferior quality resulting to this issue. I am a witness to this. We have to live with it or nag enough about it. I personally made Sprint and HTC replace my Mogul4 time for this and every replacement had this issue. So to prevent myself from being dropped from, the service I will just suck it up. Sad indeed. But i least I gave them hell for it.
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I guess I'm going to go ahead and just live with it. I really don't want to go through the hassle of returning it just to get another that has the same issue or possibly something worse. Thanks all for your input.
not a hardware issue, really.
You'll notice the scroll wheel also sometimes causes it.
Its a driver issue... when any input is received (screen tap, hardware button, etc...), the screen hue shifts every so slightly. Most don't notice it.
Some people on ppcgeeks have reported that depending on the rom you use, sometimes it goes away.
Dishe said:
not a hardware issue, really.
You'll notice the scroll wheel also sometimes causes it.
Its a driver issue... when any input is received (screen tap, hardware button, etc...), the screen hue shifts every so slightly. Most don't notice it.
Some people on ppcgeeks have reported that depending on the rom you use, sometimes it goes away.
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Sorry, But I already went thru issue with HTC and SPrint. Neither both know why but they call it a defective unit. Reason why I state that the screen is different because I am furtunate to have bought 2 Mogul on the first day it was released. One for me and one for my GF. Then my Mogul ended up breaking its Stylus clip form the housing of the phone so like a moron I went over to have it replaced my Sprint thru the manufacture warranty. Spring decided to give me a onetime replacement thru the warranty. So when the phone got here first thing I noticed was a yellow color hue to the backlight and the screen kept changing from somewhat bluish tint to yellowish tint using any buttons including the scroll wheel and taping the screen. Immidietly I called Sprint and explained y frustration with this new usnit. They concluded that it was a defect. So the next mogul shipped had the same issue exept this one had a back backlight that kept shutting off. Again I sent it back and the forth mogul that I received had AGAIn a yellow look to it and dimmer backlight. I called Sprint and they said again that it was defective and to send it back. Now i finally got my 5th Mogul and this time the backlight was not yellow but more of a cold bluish color but more acceptable. It was not as brite as my first mogul but I just gave up on getting mogul after mogul and just decided to keep this one because I am sure If I send it back then Sprint will send me another yellow colored hue backlight again. How do I know that all my backlight on all those Moguls were kinda funny? Because I had my GF mogul in which was one of the first moguls sold. And comparing all the moguls to hers you can definately tell they are different. Also I must note that her screen is harder than all the new Moguls that i got. ALl my replacements including my current Mogul have a softer screen. Very noticable. That why I know for a fact that they changed screens to a inferior quality to cut cost. I must recommend everyone with this same issue to have them call Sprint and have them replace your unit. This way they can force HTS from replacing screens int he near future. Here is a pic of a mogul with a yellow hue backlight that flikers different colors when tapped or using the scroll wheel. You can see how the Mogul on the right is soo much whiter like it should be, this is my GF mogul. Her manufacture date is May 3 2007. One of the first batch of good moguls. Now you can see that my story is real and I am not lying or making up anything about the screen being different. So its not a driver issue. Its a DIFFERENT SCREEN all together. Remember when you break you mogul and have it replace.. compare both screen before you decide to stay with your replacement.
PS. My GF screen is very White and Bright and never flickers different colors when tapped. Its rock solid. And also if I tap it normaly I can really feel a different in how much harder her screen feel. Im 100% this is a very superior screen ALL moguls should come with. But we are not HTC and cant forced them to switch back
SINNN said:
My GF screen is very White and Bright and never flickers different colors when tapped. Its rock solid. And also if I tap it normaly I can really feel a different in how much harder her screen feel. Im 100% this is a very superior screen ALL moguls should come with. But we are not HTC and cant forced them to switch back
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Wow from reading people's comments I didn't think it was that bad. After seeing your picture though, that is completely unacceptable. Send a letter to HTC along with the photo and demand they send a replacement!
You know... im sick of having to wait a week for replacement AFTER REPLACEMENT from sprint and the same bad screen i get. But i will emal HTC and see what they say.

Just swapped out my EVO and got the replacement. Two new things on the EVO.

I just wanted to say that I got my EVO replacement due to the screen separation issue. Anyway, as soon as I got the replacement phone I noticed two things that were different from my first EVO.
1. The back cover: The back cover on this EVO is a little darker than my original and seems to be made of that scratch resistant rubber plastic on phones like the Palm Pixi. It's not as rubbery as the Pixi but it's there and it's definitely different from my first phone.
2. Screen Brightness: The screen on the replacement is much brighter than my first EVO. Even at the highest setting on my original I was a bit disappointed coming from the Nexus One. This second phone is easily as bright as the N1.
Could the phone really be a little different this early on in production?
Whats the hardware version?
It says 0003. I never checked my first EVO though.
I received an 0003 on launch day. It does not have any of the issues so far that people have been plagued with.. I have noticed that the light from the buttons bleeds through to the lcd screen which is annoying and is more obvious depending on what is being displayed on the screen. There is not screen seperation or light gap between the frame though.
I have one of the first batch EVOs and mine says version 0003 as well. Maybe they didn't bother changing that information?
I wish there was a way to compare. Either way, I'll probably wait and see if my EVO gets any worse within my 30 days before I ask them to swap it out for a newer version. But I also don't have too many issues with it. My touch screen works properly (not sure if there's an issue or not because I tried it on my pillow again this afternoon and it worked fine) and my screen has not separated yet (though the light does still leak through a teeny bit).
I have version 2 and I haven't had any of the issues people are mentioning. Hopefully I don't have to swap mine out.
Sent from my EVO using tapatalk.
I've got a v2 and no issues except for the ground one which I don't really give a crap about.
I have version 002 and I don't have any problems I hope. I do get the problem with my screen not mounted correctly so when it is on a table the screen is not working properly
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All 3 of ours were 0002 from on launch day; all 3 have the glass problem and mine has the blown speaker problem.
Hoping when they get them back in stock, the exchanges will be better.
Yeah, I also have a 002, most likely because I have a Google IO phone. It seems to have none of the problems that are being talked about—not even light leakage or touchscreen. Only problem out there is the 30FPS cap and that's established to be kernel/firmware. Seems like the first true production run of EVOs had some shoddy work...
booloobunny said:
I just wanted to say that I got my EVO replacement due to the screen separation issue. Anyway, as soon as I got the replacement phone I noticed two things that were different from my first EVO.
1. The back cover: The back cover on this EVO is a little darker than my original and seems to be made of that scratch resistant rubber plastic on phones like the Palm Pixi. It's not as rubbery as the Pixi but it's there and it's definitely different from my first phone.
2. Screen Brightness: The screen on the replacement is much brighter than my first EVO. Even at the highest setting on my original I was a bit disappointed coming from the Nexus One. This second phone is easily as bright as the N1.
Could the phone really be a little different this early on in production?
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Odd because my Evo is from launch day and has the rising screen issue but it also has the same back cover and very bright screen you seem to be describing on your replacement. I kept comparing my Evo to my HD2 and saying wow the Evo screen is so much nicer and brighter for some reason.
boredmug said:
I received an 0003 on launch day. It does not have any of the issues so far that people have been plagued with.. I have noticed that the light from the buttons bleeds through to the lcd screen which is annoying and is more obvious depending on what is being displayed on the screen. There is not screen seperation or light gap between the frame though.
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Have you tried pressing down on the glass just below the 4 touch buttons? I had the light leakage since day one but I had read about it in a few tech blogs who demoed the Evo before launch and said they noticed that so I figured it was just a flaw to live with on most if not all Evo's. But now that my screen raised up and can move up and down a bit, when I press down hard enough (which isn't very hard), the light leakage goes away until I remove my fingers or until the screen decides to pop back out later.
Guess I am not the only one noticing this:
Hardware check
How do i find out what version of phone do i have, is it on the box with all the bar codes?
Toethumbs said:
How do i find out what version of phone do i have, is it on the box with all the bar codes?
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Menu >> Settings >> About Phone >> Hardware Information >> Hardware Version
Second EVO (replacement for first.
Im currently on the second EVO now and I too niticed a difference in the brightness from the first one. This one it brighter and the bottom 4 buttons are evenly lit on this EVO. The Hardware on this current EVO is 0003. I dont know what the first EVO was. I am currently waiting for sprint to get more in stock so they can send me a 3rd replacement. This model has the yellowish vertical lines in the screen,
Today I went to use the front facing camera and the phone froze, rebooted, and now uses the back cam no matter what setting I put it on. It seems like the front cam is nonexistent. I have done a factory reset and still nothing. I dont understand what happend to HTC's quality controll from Hero to EVO. The Hero I had had ZERO issues and now these phones are falling apart right out of the box. Way to go HTC!!!
I have 002, having the glass issue along with light bleed. Right now it's not that bad when I have a case on it. But I am going to get TEP and get a new phone a year lol.

white evo 004 hboot 2.10 fw3.70 novatek screen!!!

Just got my brand new evo 4g 2 hrs ago its a white 004 w hboot2.10 de 3.70 out of the box screen looked like purple,so I checked via terminal emu,dmesg and guess what its a novatek screen not epson,I thought these where pong gone w 002/ and some 003 but these is a brand new one....should I keep or exchange so I can try to get an friend is a best buy mobile employee he will swap it ,but is it worth swapping?
Are you dissatisfied with the screen? If its not bothering you, then exchanging for a different one seems like a waste of time.
My current evo is an epson, my first two were novateks. The epson sucks.
_MetalHead_ said:
My current evo is an epson, my first two were novateks. The epson sucks.
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Care to add some more info as to why epson sucks so much?
It is incredibly washed out compared to both of the novas. The whites are kind of yellow, and the blacks aren't nearly as deep. It is a lot duller all across the spectrum. Also, for some reason it seems that the dithering is more noticeable on the epson, though that could just be me being nitpicky. When I first got it, as soon as I turned it on my heart sank and I was extremely disappointed. Side by side with the nova it looked like a joke. I have gotten used to it now but man I miss my last one. Also, neither of my novas had the purple problem, both had a nice deep black to them.
It's all a matter of personal preference.
Let me give my own personal experience with BOTH screens...
I have owned both novatech and epson equipped EVO's. Here's my opinion on the matter. First things first, OP keep your 0004 novatech EVO! It's very rare and a very good combo to have.
My experience is this: My very first brand new EVO was a 0003 with a Novatech. I never thought anything was wrong with it's screen whatsoever and my wife's EVO is exactly the same with a novatech. Last month I had to do a warranty exchange due to constant random reboots and my replacement was a brand new 0004 EVO in the original tv dinner box. As soon as I booted it up for the first time in the store I noticed right away the screen just didn't look right so I fired up my first EVO and put them side by side. To my suprise the difference is VERY noticable.
My first impressions and complaint about the new screen was that it looked "dull" and less vibrant. Also the whites where not as bright. I was hesitant at first to leave the store with the new EVO because I didn't think I was going to be able to get used to the "dull" whites on the new phone. But I had no choice because my original EVO had terrible reboots and was beyond usable.
So once I got home and used the new epson 0004 EVO, I slowly got used to it and was perfectly fine with it. After using the new phone for a couple of days it actually seemed normal and at that time I got my wife's 0003 Novetech EVO and compared them side by side. Right away I saw that her EVO had a pinkish/purplish tint to it compared to my new EVO, especially when viewing it at an angle or from across the table. After comparing them for a few minutes I quickly realized that my new epson screen actually had more accurate colors than my wife's novatech. So I shrugged it off and used my epson for several weeks with no complaints or concerns about the differences. I can honestly say that it's all a matter of user preference and neither screen is better or worse in the grand scheme of things.
But just a few days ago I had to exchange my epson EVO again due to technical problems and a bad antenna. Low and behold when I went to the Sprint store to pick up my new EVO it was another 0003 novatech. I knew immediately when I booted it up because I'm very familiar with both screens now. I was hesitant at first to accept the new novatech phone but quicky came to the reality that it is just as good as the epson and I remembered it has a brighter screen with brighter whites which is fine by me. The pinkish'purplish tint is not noticable once you take the phone and start using it. It's only noticable if you put both novatech and epson side by side. You will quickly adapt to either screen just fine. ...The same way you get used to other peoples LCD TV's with slightly different color temps. It's no different, trust me. I'm VERY picky and if I can adapt then so can anybody else.
The only other significant differece between the two screens is the way they change brightness levels and the dimming. The novatech has a very smooth transission when adjusting screen brightness while the epson screen uses step by step increments. Also the epson screen does not have a gradual dim when the screen goes to sleep, it is instant on and instant off. Personally I prefer the novatech's gradual smooth screen dimming and brightness adjustment over the epson. To some of you it may not matter, to others it might be the big deciding factor. Both screens work fine and I will settle for either one if I ever have to do another warranty exchange or insurance replacement.
I hope my opinions on this was helpful for those of you still wondering which screen is best suited for you.
EDIT: you can adjust the color temperatures of both screens by flashing "" and then installing the .apk called "Calibrator-5.1-Universal.apk. Just such here in the EVO forums, I think it's in the general thread. Works most excellent on my novatech!
How could I check which screen my evo has? I know its a 0004 for sure I got it after Xmas.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
Great comparison review. Thanks!
Sent from my Evo using XDA App
Well I just wanted to know if there's was a difference on performance and display I just realized my WiFi won't connect stays on obtaining up address but never connects...
I think tx_dbs_tx sums it up nicely, I have a novatech but know a couple of people with epsons and it's really just preference. You can always adjust the colors if it looks too purple for you.

Problem with my SuperAmoled Plus Screen!

When i received the phone today (around 3pm uk time) after an hour playing around with it i noticed 3 dark thick lines on the bottom half of the screen (on a gray background) i thought nothing of it at first and continued to use the phone.
Only just now i thought there must be a problem so i displayed a full white image and you could really notice those 3 thick dark lines. I then changed the screen brightness to max, min then back to auto and it was gone... BUT! when the screen dims a bit just before turning off i can see those 3 thick lines again just for those few seconds before the screen turns off.. it doesnt really effect me but it annoys me that they are there.. plus there might be problems with it in the future. I'm gonna go to my local Carphone Warehouse tomorrow and see if they can replace it.
I just want to know if any one else has had this screen problem.
Do the lines correspond to anything that is on the screen often like the keyboard or some sort of widget you have on your home screen?
These SAMOLED screens suffer from image retention and possibly burn-in. I've noticed it on my original galaxy as well as the Nexus S. As long as the lines go away after a few seconds it should be nothing to worry about. If you notice them there always then that could be a problem... usually the easiest way to see them is on a flat gray background.
RedBlueGreen said:
When i received the phone today (around 3pm uk time) after an hour playing around with it i noticed 3 dark thick lines on the bottom half of the screen (on a gray background) i thought nothing of it at first and continued to use the phone.
Only just now i thought there must be a problem so i displayed a full white image and you could really notice those 3 thick dark lines. I then changed the screen brightness to max, min then back to auto and it was gone... BUT! when the screen dims a bit just before turning off i can see those 3 thick lines again just for those few seconds before the screen turns off.. it doesnt really effect me but it annoys me that they are there.. plus there might be problems with it in the future. I'm gonna go to my local Carphone Warehouse tomorrow and see if they can replace it.
I just want to know if any one else has had this screen problem.
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oh boy, its too soon to be having any burn in. might be another issue.
my nexus one has burn in of the status bar at the top. and i can see a burn in of my entire keyboard on a white image. after more than a year of using the phone, oh well. but the status bar burn in was there within the first month.
dinan said:
Do the lines correspond to anything that is on the screen often like the keyboard or some sort of widget you have on your home screen?
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the lines are:
1: just above where the 4 icons are at the bottom of the screen
2: where the page numbers are (dots)
3: just below the other 4 icons (widgets)
Thing is that these lines are solid and have no breaks in them.. so i dont think its the 3 points i gave above this.
I know it's too early for burn-in but some screens (might I say... all?) come from the factory with some sort of flaw. None of them are perfect and most have flaws so imperceptible that most people wouldn't notice. Every nexus S and Galaxy I've seen had some sort of area or line or multiple lines on the screen which were a bit different color, not as bright, or something along those lines. Some are worse than others, and I noticed the flaws right after taking it out of the box brand new. (I've been through about 6 Nexus S's between me and a few friends).
It's not really the same as a traditional LCD/LED screen since there's not a big backlight. Each pixel is individually lit and some may have specifications that are just on the edge of within manufacturer limits. There's almost 400,000 pixels on the screen... the chances of all of them being created identically is slim to none.
If it bothers you I say just take it back and get an exchange, showing them the problem area on the screen. Just hope your new one will be "less flawed" =)
dinan said:
If it bothers you I say just take it back and get an exchange, showing them the problem area on the screen. Just hope your new one will be "less flawed" =)
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Yeah, The last phone i had, had problems with the camera.. i went through about 5 of them and i ended up with one that was the same as the first one i had.
Can you guys have a look at yours?
Just open up a pure white image and check.. if there are no lines wait till it dims the screen and check again... thanks.
Did you put a screen protector on it???
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Skycake 21 said:
Did you put a screen protector on it???
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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No not yet.
Dang... The screen protector I put on my sgs has imperfections in it that make the screen appear to have dis coloured pixels in a straight line, but alas, this is not your issue..
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Skycake 21 said:
Dang... The screen protector I put on my sgs has imperfections in it that make the screen appear to have dis coloured pixels in a straight line, but alas, this is not your issue..
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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which screen protector did u get? so i know not to buy it =)
Also ill post the results tomorrow if any one is interested.
take a screen shot of the problem? might not show but worth a try, then post it.
if it is really faulty, you should contact the seller to replace it.
I am really sorry for you, I will personal be mad if my long waited SGS2 comes with a super amoled plus faulty screen
Picture or it didn't happen... that's the moto
mkrmec said:
Picture or it didn't happen... that's the moto
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well i dont have a good quality camera. You might of seen it before i changed the brightness settings but now that i have its kind of faint and you can only see it when the screen dims..
Gonna go to carphone warehouse now be back later
well before i went i called up all the carphone warehouses near me and none of them have stock.
I was told i only have two options:
1: go to a carphone warehouse and exchange.
2: go to a carphone warehouse and get a refund then order it online again.
So i should get a new one by tomorrow.. or atlest on friday.
no poroblems like that with mine. Screen is freaking perfect. On a side note i liked doing this test because I love staring at the screen.
well.. i went to a carphone warehouse.. and they had two instock. I exchanged it.. screen is fine but.. now after i got home i can see a mark/ dig inbetween the screen and the bezel (where the gap is)
again it doesnt really effect me but god.. now that i know its there.. i notice it so much that.. i might exchange it again Y_Y
This happens to me every single time i buy a new phone >.<... trust my luck!
RedBlueGreen said:
well.. i went to a carphone warehouse.. and they had two instock. I exchanged it.. screen is fine but.. now after i got home i can see a mark/ dig inbetween the screen and the bezel (where the gap is)
again it doesnt really effect me but god.. now that i know its there.. i notice it so much that.. i might exchange it again Y_Y
This happens to me every single time i buy a new phone >.<... trust my luck!
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well well well.
Went to lakeside since the one near me closed at 7pm.
Changed the phone again and this one had the lines on the screen and a dig in the silver bezel. She gave me another phone and the screen was perfect and there are no digs on the silver bezel...
In 2 days iv had my hands on 4 different S2's lol..
Last phone i had i also had 4 of them cause of XXX problems.. thought i was gonna beat it today and have 5 XD
Geebuz wept! I'm getting mine in from the UK tomorrow. I hope for hell sake it doesn't have imperfections. The ship back to the UK would be a disaster and if that one has a dig in the bezel upon return I'd blow a valve!
as far as i know. this is the grid pattern on the super amoled screens. however. because of the poor QA/QC of the screens, some of those grid patterns are more visible than other area of the screen.
the whole super amoled is about lines on a grid pattern. if you notice more deeply, you will see that you also have those " lines " some where else on the screen yet they are not visible as the one you noticed.
i had to go through 4 galaxy S1 to get a good one where the pattern isnt "visible " through the whole screen.
its a defective unit. mainly poor Qa/QC. if you can live with it, it wont do you any harms. or get bigger. if you cant, then change it.
or and make sure you dont have a dud phone with piss poor yellow white on high brightness or pink gray on low brightness. because thats also a defect in super amoled screens.

Dark patch on screen

Has anybody else noticed a dark patch on the edge of their screen? Along the top side of my screen, I can see it going off white when browsing a website in portrait mode for example.
It's like the back light isn't working properly there or something. Anybody else got this, should I get a replacement?
It's not hugely visible but it's noticeable on a white screen at any brightness level
Idk, it's up to you. I have light bleed in my right hand corner that is always visible, unless your in a well lit room on 0% brightness. I can't decide whether or not I want to send mine back though because of how common these backlighting issues seem to be.
Yeah. Mine is flawless otherwise. Its so barely noticeable I think I'll just get used to it.
Same ha ha, other people can't even spot it when i point it out to them on auto-brightness.
Yes, I noticed mine right away, but like others have said, its hardly noticeable. It doesn't bother me at all...
Sent from my Nexus 10 baby!
Same thing here. Most noticeable on a solid white background. I'm starting to think it's not a lighting problem but something to do with the way the panel is manufactured. If I hold the tablet in landscape so it's perpendicular to my face with my eyes lined up with the camera, the brightness is even across the panel. As soon as I tilt the bottom towards me, the brightness falls along the top edge. Makes it seem more like a viewing angle issue related to the way the layers are assembled or maybe a difference in pressure on the panel along that edge.
I decided to live with it because it's very rare that I have an app running in full screen that puts a light background across that area.
Same issue for me as well
jtown said:
Same thing here. Most noticeable on a solid white background. I'm starting to think it's not a lighting problem but something to do with the way the panel is manufactured. If I hold the tablet in landscape so it's perpendicular to my face with my eyes lined up with the camera, the brightness is even across the panel. As soon as I tilt the bottom towards me, the brightness falls along the top edge. Makes it seem more like a viewing angle issue related to the way the layers are assembled or maybe a difference in pressure on the panel along that edge.
I decided to live with it because it's very rare that I have an app running in full screen that puts a light background across that area.
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I had the same issue with my first unit, did RMA and got second one. Second one had the exact same issue. Finally decided to get refund. The play store customer support said that there were few people reporting it already. This might be a design issue as well- the way device is tapered differently at the edges(backlight might not be aligned properly), two strong magnets near camera etc. Just speculating.
Dark patch here too. RMA process underway. 1/3 of screen has yellow tint. Noticeable when reading on white background. Annoyance.
boominski said:
Dark patch here too. RMA process underway. 1/3 of screen has yellow tint. Noticeable when reading on white background. Annoyance.
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Keep us posted on the replacement device!
Same problem here. I received my Nexus 10 yesterday and notice dimming primarily (exclusively?) along the long edges. While reading a web page with a white background in portrait mode I found myself wondering if chrome was adding a gradient to the edges for some stylistic effect, but realized that made no sense. I observed the same problem with Firefox, and then I installed a screen testing app and observed the dimming with a solid white screen.
It sounds like this is probably a manufacturing/design error. Now I have to decide whether it's worth the rigmarole of exchanging the device, probably to no effect. I guess this is the risk you take when purchasing a device sight-unseen.
If you bought it from a store it would still be unseen, since it would be in the box. I had the same problem with the iPad 3. It took me three exchanges to get one with an acceptable screen. All of them had dark, blotchy, yellow patches. By all accounts it's due to the adhesive glue they use. We shall see what the replacement brings. Order is currently at the 'pending' stage.
I also have this on my screen. Right side when in portrait mode. You can't see it in landscape, which is weird. My wife and I have decided to keep it, though, as everything else about it is perfect. Plus, this defect, if you want to call it that, does not detract from our enjoyment and uses.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk HD
I don't have a dark patch on mine, I just received it yesterday.
boominski said:
If you bought it from a store it would still be unseen.
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To clarify, I meant that I'd never had the opportunity to use *any* Nexus 10 in person. Had I done so, and noticed the dim edge, it would have at least raised the possibility that there was a design or manufacturing issue.
Speaking of which, I examined an in-store Nook HD+ display unit yesterday and what do you know: it had the same dim edge issue.
By the way, where did you hear about the adhesive glue explanation?
jmcharles said:
I also have this on my screen. Right side when in portrait mode. You can't see it in landscape, which is weird. My wife and I have decided to keep it, though, as everything else about it is perfect. Plus, this defect, if you want to call it that, does not detract from our enjoyment and uses.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk HD
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"Right side" doesn't really tell us anything haha.
eallan said:
"Right side" doesn't really tell us anything haha.
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Very well. Same side as the camera.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk HD
jmcharles said:
Very well. Same side as the camera.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk HD
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Mine has--I assume--the same dimness along the entire length starting about 1/4" from the bezel along the "top" camera edge. It is actually somewhat distracting when reading a book in portrait mode. If I flip the screen around so that the dimness is on the left edge, for some reason I find it much less annoying. Unsure if this is a warranty replacement issue though. I haven't found another Nexus10 to see in person yet.
deisner said:
By the way, where did you hear about the adhesive glue explanation?
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It was all over the iPad forums when the iPad3 came out. Plenty of people with dodgy screens. Some reported success in leaving brightness turned up to max and plugged in for 24hrs etc to dry. But may have been placebo. It could also be an entirely different cause other than adhesive. After all, what do I know? In any case, mine's heading back, but the replacement is still stuck on 'pending'
I had a rare bit of luck. Somebody sat next to me on the bus yesterday evening and pulled out an oddly familiar black tablet. I explained the problem I was having and asked if I could examine his Nexus 10. His device had a perfect display, with no detectable dimming near the edges. So the issue appears to be a manufacturing defect, not a design flaw, and something that could in principle be solved with a replacement unit.
I called Google last night and have my RMA email. I'll ship it off this weekend.
deisner said:
I had a rare bit of luck. Somebody sat next to me on the bus yesterday evening and pulled out an oddly familiar black tablet. I explained the problem I was having and asked if I could examine his Nexus 10. His device had a perfect display, with no detectable dimming near the edges. So the issue appears to be a manufacturing defect, not a design flaw, and something that could in principle be solved with a replacement unit.
I called Google last night and have my RMA email. I'll ship it off this weekend.
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I would love it if you would come back and post if the replacement has or does not have the issue.

