[Q] Could some Fascinate Devs take a peek at The Continuum - Fascinate General

Wow, i take a look at these forums compared to where i am from, and i am blown away There are so many active developers, and so many contributors.. i will admit that i am minorly jealous
I come from the land of the Continuum, this phone's little sister... Which, in my opinion, has great potential to be such a great phone
But, over at our forums.... There has been a whole lot of "null" when it comes to development... We have our one Dev who has committed himself to us, and we highly appreciate him and all he does<3
But, i was curious if, even for a day or to, a couple of the amazing, talented, and honestly great Devs over hear could come and take a slight peek at our phone?
I would normally find this rude, to intrude on this whole different society like this, but since these phones are so much alike, i was hoping it wouldn't be that much trouble
If any of you devs are even considering helping our poor souls out, you will find that we over at the Continuum homebase have a pretty realible and dedicated testing ground.. Alot of people are willing to put there "stuff" on the line to help out with anything you want us to do...
Our source code is on the samsung website, we have a couple dumps, we have root, and we have a (for the most part) working CWM...
If anyone is willing to help,
Thank you very much

I'd be willing to come back if someone would set Bubby323 in his place and tell him to knock off the bull****.
Last time I tried to help, i got an inbox full of PMs of him arguing with me, and trying to one up me, and one time, even blatantly telling me not to release cwm to continuum users because HE wanted to.
Then a straight week of "help me" pms so he can get his kernel compiled properly.
If you guys can set him straight, I'll come back and see if I can help. Otherwise, you are allowing a 14 year old kid ruin the chances of the phone getting any help. I'm not gonna compete with nonsense.

Delete me....

I vote for you to please come back, don't let others with childish behavior ruin it for the rest of us. We sure needs your experties with kernel and ROMs to help us out. I hope to see 2.2 updates soon.
Please consider

Adrynalyne, I'm with you 100%. Bubby has contributed NOTHING, and does not run the place. I might be willing to test some things on my phone, however the last modifications I made to my Continuum bricked it, so I'm going to be wary with this device. The Eris was a trooper and took a lot of abuse. The Continuum seems to be a bit more dainty.

This is exactly why i don't put my tine and effort into a communtiy that doesn't deserve it for the good people here you know who you are, the people that have gotten to know me, they know how i am. I come here to try and help you guys out and i get pelted in the face because im not doing anything? Pardon me for wanting to develope for you guys and expand my knowledge. I go to ask someone wiser than me for help and i get told that im too young. It always goes back to that, that in to young like are makes a diffrence. I ask for help understanding something i want to comprehend and im refused an explanation based on my age. Glad to know that the community is so kind. Not. Im not going to give up and leave you guys so others can say through out the fact im too young and couldn't do anything anyways. Im still here and im not leaving.
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bubby323 said:
This is exactly why i don't put my tine and effort into a communtiy that doesn't deserve it
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just felt like quoting that

I just posted a root method on the continuum board that worked on my wifes phone tonight.
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Officially, jt and adryn are my fav devs. So take care of those two and they will take care of you.

I vote for you to come back and helps us out adrynalyne of course that is if you want to. Like TrailBlazer said we have alot of people inlcuding my self that are willing to do alot of testing on there phones.

You're IRC channel is empty, I feel so alone

Its pretty dead everywhere. I posted a cwm package for folks to try early yesterday on xda and there is still no response.
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bubby323 said:
This is exactly why i don't put my tine and effort into a communtiy that doesn't deserve it for the good people here you know who you are, the people that have gotten to know me, they know how i am. I come here to try and help you guys out and i get pelted in the face because im not doing anything? Pardon me for wanting to develope for you guys and expand my knowledge. I go to ask someone wiser than me for help and i get told that im too young. It always goes back to that, that in to young like are makes a diffrence. I ask for help understanding something i want to comprehend and im refused an explanation based on my age. Glad to know that the community is so kind. Not. Im not going to give up and leave you guys so others can say through out the fact im too young and couldn't do anything anyways. Im still here and im not leaving.
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Thank you for everything you have done, and hopefully will do..
I have no doubt that you have decent intentions for us, and i appreciate all that you are trying to do..
But lets put all this behind us, okay? We over at the Continuum boards want development, and we would really appreciate both you and Adry working on it I mean, we are spoiled We would rather have double development So, please... We don't mean anything bad by it, we just want some things getting done, you know?
oh, and get on IRC..
adrynalyne: I tested it and it worked! Thank you so much! (My reply was in the Continuum forum)


Open Letter to Eris Users About Root

Dear Eris Users who Are Waiting for Root,
I'd like to start by addressing all of you as a large audience. I may ask certain groups to leave. I hope they will respect that wish and then come back and join the larger group when I am done with each piece.
We all got the Droid Eris from Verizon. We all got it for different reasons. A lot of you, if not all of you, are here because you wanted an HTC phone that was rooted. You wanted the custom roms, the themes, the su privileges. This shining aura that was "root" was so appealing, that you took a plunge and bought the device before any work was really done on that. Now, some of you feel that you should receive, neigh, deserve root. I am so saddened by what this community, Eris users, not XDA, has turned into. The disbelievers, the demanders; what are you still doing here, complaining? Just leave if you have something mean to say.
To everyone: I'm a firm believer in the idea that if you don't have something important, information wise/helpful, to say on the forum, then don't post at all. I try to keep my fingers off the keyboard, and I have for a long time, but I cannot hold my silence. I used to post every day. I used to be excited to get onto XDA and see if something new had happened while I was away. When we got our own section of the forum, I was overjoyed! (Not really, but we needed a section) We had a pristine new subforum to play around in, and we trashed it. Our original root thread had to be closed because of how off topic and ridiculous it was. Our new thread has gone to crap and turned more into a flame war, than a place where we are looking for exploits and posting findings. Sadly, I wouldn't blame XDA for shutting that one down too. We, as a whole, have alienated developers and are now in danger of not getting root for a number of reasons.
No one deserves root, just like no one deserves $20 from a random stranger. Sure, it'd be nice to get it, but no one deserves it. We should all be thankful for the man hours that people have put in, for no money, to try and give us $20 a piece... I mean root this thing. Seriously, it's a community, not a business. Also, those who feel like it's not worth it to wait around, just leave. Don't make an exit if you're sitting around and not helping but you feel the need to announce that you are fed up, or tired of it. Root will come eventually. There has yet to be an android phone that hasn't been hacked, and we will not be the first one.
Lastly, I'm tired of the "HTC NEEDS to release the source code because it's our right to have it" argument. Sure, the source would help, but the iPhone has been hacked again and again and again with no source code. It comes down to good developers, and a thankful community. So, please stop riding that bandwagon. The source code will get here eventually, but you have to be patient.
To those of you who have been helpful: Thank you. To anyone who tried an exploit and posted findings, thank you. To anyone who compiled an exploit, who dumped their phone, who offered help, incite, or even a "keep it up", thank you. That's what a good hacking community does.
To Jmanly, Binny, Zifnab, rigamrts and others: Thank you for everything you've done to help us out. You are all a tribute to being a good forum member. We would not even be a fraction of where we are without Jmanly's guidance and it was sad to see him leave.
Where to go from here: I think we need to restart. Create a new thread where no negative talk will occur, people will only post things that help move us forward and people post their thanks to those who are doing all of us a favor. None of us deserve root. It's not owed to us because we got the phone. We should all be thankful for what some people with the know-how are doing for us. That should be all I have to say. I hope we can change a little bit for the better and maybe we can get back to trying to root.
Well said!
This is well put.
I can never quite understand the flaming or negative stuff.
I learned when I started out in WinMo Xperia Threads that people hassling or acting "Entitled" while you are working hard on a Mod or Rom or anything can be quite disheartening.
If it can be agreed upon, I would like to open a new thread, for root status and updates. (hopefully for the last time)
Or I can just add it to the bounty thread that is already open (I know and understand that most of us do this for the love of hacking and modding and out of a sense of community, but it is also a nice gesture and could really help someone that devotes time and effort to this)???
I would monitor it constantly and report any flaming and abuse to one of our great moderators immediatley.
What do you think?
here's how i felt when i first got my eris.
i was like great now i can see what's up and possibly help get root for the new addopters cause i did not get my g1 durring the first run. i missed out on the fun times of all the posts of people trying to hack the phone.
so when i first landed in the eris waters it was great the late night whiteboard sessions were fun throwing any idea no matter how idiotic it sounded and going to town. then we had our first 2 casualties jman and me cause some one took it apon himself to attack a guy who didn't even have our phone and was willing to help.
then we had today where that same person took it on himself to flame another dev the same way. now the 7 day ban might calm him down or send the message not to come back. but i thought it sould have been a perma-ban cause of past actions plus the disrespecting of a mod which is a no no. that mod i respect cause he acted profesionally and gave the community hope that this type of behavior will not be tollorated.
hopefully if things keep going in a positive direction i might jump back into fold but feel very heartbroken cause of the few bad apples.
Awesome post
as acid said, very well put.
i too never understood why not just in the "eris" section but yet in any section people have demanded such items to be released.
I agree with rigamrts, I have watched this board with aw in some of the things people have said to one another. If I had root to this phone I would P.M. the members I wanted to have it just to keep out the ones that act childish. But then wouldn't I be just as childish? So I would just stop, Do my own thing, and wait as a few of the people here have done. People with no interest in this device have nothing to lose by leaving besides maybe hearing their friend saying "come on man, come back. We won't let that happen again." Its a shame this happened in our community but as with the physical community I live in there are jerks. People that you wish would leave on their own accord but stick around with T.P. stuck to their shoes looking like idiots. Anyways, thanks for the help, keep working, and feel free to leave if things get retarded again. I would do the same.
I think it would be cool if everyone who was interested in CONTRIBUTING to the root, whether that be via coding, finding exploits, packing these things/making user friendly tutorials, could form, basically, a Dev team. They/we could have a blog, a place where they/we can get together and chat amongst ourselves about ideas and whatever. Hopefully, then, we could have a more concrete group of people WORKING TOGETHER to achieve this one goal.
If any of the people working on root are down for it, let's make it happen. Cool? Cool. Cool? Cool.
Videofolife13 said:
I think it would be cool if everyone who was interested in CONTRIBUTING to the root, whether that be via coding, finding exploits, packing these things/making user friendly tutorials, could form, basically, a Dev team. They/we could have a blog, a place where they/we can get together and chat amongst ourselves about ideas and whatever. Hopefully, then, we could have a more concrete group of people WORKING TOGETHER to achieve this one goal.
If any of the people working on root are down for it, let's make it happen. Cool? Cool. Cool? Cool.
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i could create a bolg on one of my unused email account
I think that moving the thread to the new one should work..
We have a couple of moderators all over this now..
And I can update everyday
I need you guys to update me on what to put im the 1st post so that we can get back on track
I think the blog is a great idea but the thing is we also need to keep the discussion here at XDA, the place that originally got us together. If we don't keep the support here we won't have a well known place to meet new Eris users that could potentially help. We can't do that because of one bad apple, this Is our meeting place and we need to show XDA the respect by continuing to trust their mods to do their jobs. Ya that guy should have been permanently banned but he wasn't so let's not punish XDA for that decision. My two pennies.
I agree that we need to hang out at XDA, but I also feel that we could move to somewhere where we can bounce around ideas without people hijacking threads or starting flame wars. I'm not trying to keep people in the dark, I just want to try a different place. Oh, and I'd like some people who know what they're doing to sign on. I'm just a visionary, I can't code. Haha
Ok guys here is the deal after what happend today I am a little upset I spend hours each day searching the web for exploits, why... to help. Here is what I may do, I might buy some webspace and set up a area for us to work together on. I am going to see if Jman will will join us, this is just a idea for right now. I will let you guys know when I clear my head.
Aren't there free blogs? Let's not throw money at this quite yet.
Oh, and I'm sorry you got upset with some people and also that I haven't been here in, well, a month or more. I thought the community was going stagnate. I'm here to stay and, like you, I'll be scrounging for exploits and doing my best to help those with the know-how by doing the leg work if they do the real work.
Free yes but I would like some were were we can upload files to and what not. Just a idea for right now.
Clear ur head man...take care
When ya come back.head over to the new no flaming thread
Videofolife13 said:
Aren't there free blogs? Let's not throw money at this quite yet.
Oh, and I'm sorry you got upset with some people and also that I haven't been here in, well, a month or more. I thought the community was going stagnate. I'm here to stay and, like you, I'll be scrounging for exploits and doing my best to help those with the know-how by doing the leg work if they do the real work.
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just set up one for us.
Videofolife13 said:
I think it would be cool if everyone who was interested in CONTRIBUTING to the root, whether that be via coding, finding exploits, packing these things/making user friendly tutorials, could form, basically, a Dev team. They/we could have a blog, a place where they/we can get together and chat amongst ourselves about ideas and whatever. Hopefully, then, we could have a more concrete group of people WORKING TOGETHER to achieve this one goal.
If any of the people working on root are down for it, let's make it happen. Cool? Cool. Cool? Cool.
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Well I have the pro programs for Mac and Windows to make killer video tuts, so once we have this thing rooted, I can get that out of the way.
Oh and I can host web space for you too on my server, I just don't have any domains to run the site on. You could use your ways to get a domain. (Try shorturl.com that's what I use for most of my websites.)
Questions to [email protected].
CPCookieMan said:
Well I have the pro programs for Mac and Windows to make killer video tuts, so once we have this thing rooted, I can get that out of the way.
Oh and I can host web space for you too on my server, I just don't have any domains to run the site on. You could use your ways to get a domain. (Try shorturl.com that's what I use for most of my websites.)
Questions to [email protected].
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Good Stuff Cookie...
Come over to the new thread an help us out
Its in my sig...
No one deserves root, just like no one deserves $20 from a random stranger. Sure, it'd be nice to get it, but no one deserves it. We should all be thankful for the man hours that people have put in, for no money, to try and give us $20 a piece... I mean root this thing. Seriously, it's a community, not a business.
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Video I can agree where you are comming from, it does suck the fun out of the puzzle of rooting the device with all the flaming and demanding. But on the other side where I am, I am not a programmer or a linux genius. So we almost feel like leechers taking your work with out compensation for it. So the Pool for the dev that roots the Eris is our attempt to do our part in the give take relationship we have in this community.
Sure I could spend hours and hours and hope to get where you guys are or I can offer my monitary thanks for all your work.
I am not trying to point this thread in the wrong direction and I don't want to see a bunch of "I agree" replies. Just want to convey our side, the noobs and amatures that can't do the things that you do.
I am waiting patiently and if there is anything we the non-dev's can do let us know.
binny1007 said:
Free yes but I would like some were were we can upload files to and what not. Just a idea for right now.
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I have my own web server that we can use. Let me know if you want to set something up.
would a google wave account work i have invites?

NEW Gingerbread and now DEV appreciation thread

I'm starting a new thread in hopes that we can leave the negative shenanigans out of this one and get some work done here. Please help out all you can! Thanks
EDIT: changed the name of the thread a little as this thread is now including appreciation for our awesome devs here!
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
My estimate of our wonderful phone receiving 2.3 is Feb. 14th.
now mods have two threads to close
when and if someone gets it working, they'll make a thread. threads like this belong in general
clabbin said:
I'm starting a new thread in hopes that we can leave the negative shenanigans out of this one and get some work done here. Please help out all you can! Thanks
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Devs please make sure you parse apps right that is the biggest problem people forget to check also. You must get rid of all eris files. This is a sdk build and really needs alot of changes to make work.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
Just go straight to honeycomb. Cant we just get a rom dump from the blurry pics of the non released motorola tablet shown today on engadget lol.
Now here's my question why must all leaked pictures be blurry??
Sent from my Incredible using XDA App
So they look "leaky" haha, clear photos don't look underground enough. I think its hilarious how so many people complain about how crappy gingerbread is but then complain when they don't have it after 3 seconds of it being released!
I know this thread will get closed quickly, but I did just want to express my thanks to all the devs here for all the hard work and energy you put into our toys. You guys deserve honor for what you do because many of you have families, real jobs, and real lives and you do all this for free.
But time is money and it costs you many hours so that we can load ridiculously cool software and soup our phones up, again, for free!
Its time we started giving honor, respect, and donations where it belongs. I apologize for the way some people have treated yall here, its not okay. I also think though that those of us who are appreciative need not be silent anymore, as unexpressed gratitude comes across as ingratitude. I am on here a lot checking for updates and downloadin new roms and probably need to speak up more on the positives. I think people only post when something goes wrong: if everything's smooth we silently bask in the rom glory, but if one bug comes our way we blow up the threads.
I know I am generalizing and this doesn't apply to everyone, but this is just what I've observed. Once again I honor you guys for the the skill, talent, and generosity you have to do all these amazing roms and kernels and themes for us. I know you do it for fun but seriously thank you!
Sent from my Inc which would suck without xda devs
Thats right people, lets all just be thankful we have devs out there supporting our phone. Even if some are split between projects and can't devote full attention to the Dinc, at least its SOMEBODY. At the end of the day, the majority of us would take one look at some code and go "screw that". These people got some major skill, and I'm thankful for ALL the devs every time I see my Dinc with a CM6 bootscreen (And others can insert their own ROM touches, Myn, SR, etc..).
I've always been meaning to really thank the devs here but I never know who to really thank anymore I mean rmk thanks for virtuous ncx I'm sure that's wrong but thanks your your awesome clocks whoever made my iron man splash screen thanks thanks to everyone who has made the eighty million mods I frankenstine into my phone. Without you all my phone would be lame and with you I have something I show off everyday. Thanks a lot to everyone you guys put a lot into stuff that gives close to nothing back and that is just idk awesome lol. I'm done with this thanks rant now. Lol I think we created a thanks thread for now and not a gingerbread one.
Sent from my Incredible using XDA App
I was going to start a new thread in general just for everyone to thank all the XDA devs working on the Incredible, but this one seems to have that vibe going. Who knows, maybe I still will make that thread. But anyways I just wanted to throw my thanks out there to the devs cause without you this whole forum wouldn't even be here. I know *some of you guys* got trashed earlier on other threads, and I'm sorry for that. I guess some people just got caught up in the smell of gingerbread fresh out of the oven. I hope you guys know that there are those of us who really do appreciate your work and although those like myself don't have the knowledge to write our own code, I personally am willing to help and contribute any way I can. So my hats off to you devs, keep fighting the good fight.
Droid Incredible for the win.
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On a more interesting note.. I've been taking breaks from finals studying to play with the new sdk. My first couple attempts of a pure gingerbread rom for inc all resulted in boot loops. I'll definitely have more time to fuss around with it later today though. So, hold your freakin horses. Beggers can't always be choosers
When I get the new lap top I'm loking to make the dev jump
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seanzer said:
On a more interesting note.. I've been taking breaks from finals studying to play with the new sdk. My first couple attempts of a pure gingerbread rom for inc all resulted in boot loops. I'll definitely have more time to fuss around with it later today though. So, hold your freakin horses. Beggers can't always be choosers
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I'm working on this as well; boot looping here too. Free time is limited right now, though, so I'm not sure if I'll have anything usable before the new year.
Agree with everyone thanking the devs. You guys are awesome. Thanks for helping free us from the grasps of our carriers and use the full potential of our phones!!!!
I just want to post my thanks to all the developers. One of the reasons i purchased an android phone in the first place is the massive mod community that it had. My experience has been amazing and what some of you guys do is beyond what i can even imagine myself accomplishing with the same tools. The few asshats that get bent of shape every time something doesn't work exactly how they want are just that, the few and the loud. They do not speak for the majority and should be penalized for their disrespect.
As much as i could denounce ****ers like AndroidStu and papi, i understand where IncDoes is coming from. He, along with many other devs, give us all these things that they created in their free time completely free of charge. They owe us nothing and only share their creation with us. I am ashamed to be grouped with such ungrateful ****tards.
I'd also like to take some time to post a quick thanks to our dev community. You guys are superhuman.
If I have seen farther, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.
Yep it's easy to get in a rut and forget and/or take for granted what these guys do. I used to theme for Blackberry and especially when I had multiple themes going, it seemed to consume every ounce of my free time. And what I was doing is like tinkertoys compared to what these guys are doing...no comparison. Not even in the same universe.
There have been some unfortunate events that have occured in the last day or so but regardless of what and when 2.3 advancements hit...my sincere thanks to all who make this phone and community a better place.
While everyone else is at it ill add
This phone has the best support by far than every other thread
The devs take the time to tackle individual problems that we have along with building us great roms
Sent from my Incredible using XDA App
superchilpil said:
While everyone else is at it ill add
This phone has the best support by far than every other thread
The devs take the time to tackle individual problems that we have along with building us great roms
Sent from my Incredible using XDA App
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+1000. i can wait for Gingerbread. between cyanogen's rom, seanzers' CM6 fixes, invisiblek's kernels and everything else available for the DInc I've got an awesome phone and I'm hella grateful. i would be remiss to not at least shout out all the rest of the devs out there who are doing their thing as well.
the only person I know who'd hate on Devs is my wife, who feels like she's lost me to ROM flashing, kernel swapping, radio upgrading and all the other shenanigans that go with have root, bloody root.
I must also say thanks to all the devs the DInc has
You guys do some amazing stuff that I could never do

Thank you to ivorycruncher.

I was reading punkkaos's twitter and noticed that he had CM6.2 already running. He was just debugging.
Anyways, thank you ivory cruncher for your donation to him.
I would also like the non devs to be more thankful as the devs have no obligation to you. If you donate, that is what it is a donation... When you request, be appreciative and thankful for their work. Jt, bird, and others has put some serious work into this phone. Be thankful instead of the crazy attitude and sense of obligation. Otherwise, you can develop your own rom...
Anyways, thanks to ivorycruncher.
RacerXFD said:
I was reading punkkaos's twitter and noticed that he had CM6.2 already running. He was just debugging.
Anyways, thank you ivory cruncher for your donation to him.
I would also like the non devs to be more thankful as the devs have no obligation to you. If you donate, that is what it is a donation... When you request, be appreciative and thankful for their work. Jt, bird, and others has put some serious work into this phone. Be thankful instead of the crazy attitude and sense of obligation. Otherwise, you can develop your own rom...
Anyways, thanks to ivorycruncher.
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well said
the "right of entitlement" attitude of some people is ridiculous.
personally, I'm very appreciative of all the dudes that have worked to make the SF more tolerable
RacerXFD said:
I was reading punkkaos's twitter and noticed that he had CM6.2 already running. He was just debugging.
Anyways, thank you ivory cruncher for your donation to him.
I would also like the non devs to be more thankful as the devs have no obligation to you. If you donate, that is what it is a donation... When you request, be appreciative and thankful for their work. Jt, bird, and others has put some serious work into this phone. Be thankful instead of the crazy attitude and sense of obligation. Otherwise, you can develop your own rom...
Anyways, thanks to ivorycruncher.
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I completely agree. Thanks a ton to Ivorycruncher.. you guys that had an eris like me, you will know the sorts of things we have to look forward to with punk.kaos.. I love our devs already, and now that punk.kaos is here, we're really beginning to gain momentum on the fascinate. As racer has already pointed out, kaos already has cm6 booting, and everybody is working on gb.. I think we really have some awesome stuff coming to look forward to.
And beyond that, thanks a bunch to the other devs like jt1134 and birdman and nemesis2all's that are always working to make our phone better. Without you guys, our phone would suck!
Sent from my OTB 1300mhz black magic fascinate.
Aw, shucks.....
Yeah, it was kind of a big chunk of change, but I really wanted to have Kaos give us a hand. After seeing what he did with the Eris, I couldn't wait to see what he could do with a high-powered phone like the Fascinate.
And quite frankly I was getting tired of seeing all the people who whine and complain about not having any fancy ROMs, and also the crazy ideas people come up with to supposedly help accelerate the process. I saw the "X prize" idea being presented a couple different times, and lots of people were like "yeah, I'll donate," and then it went nowhere.
That is simply the wrong way to do it, because you're giving your money to an unknown third party that (no offense) can't be trusted, and sorry, but without the money in hand to buy the phones to dev on to begin with, it kind of defeats the purpose. The devs will dev for the heck of it, as long as they have the hardware in hand (though donations are always welcome), so the idea of an incentive to get them to dev just seems wrong to me.
I decided to go the other direction and instead of donating for the work after the fact, or to some crazy cash prize incentive, I coughed up the cash to actually put the hardware in his hands. And yeah, we now have a CyanogenMod ROM getting what appears to be dangerously close to a V1 release, with a GB ROM in the works too. What stuns me is the fact that Kaos has had the phone in hand for less than a week, and has already gotten this far.
I'm actually now thinking that going forward, I'm going to start figuring the cost of a dev phone into any new phone I buy, so I can toss one over to Kaos. However, the Fascinate hardware is plenty good enough for me for now, so once I get some decent software from Kaos, I'm probably gonna keep this phone for a couple years.
Thanks, ivorycruncher! You are a gentleman and a scholar!
Big thanks ivorycruncher!
I would also like to say that when kaos/birdman/jt start releasing some Froyo or GB ROMs, I expect to see some healthy donations from you guys too, since their work is worth far more than what that phone cost me.
Oh, and btw, you can call me ivory.
I usually have nothing to say do to the fact that there are plenty of posts that have covered all the questions and issues I've had with my SF. The fact that ivorycruncher did everybody a huge favor and got punkkaos involved with the development with this phone is truly awesome. Thank you ivorycruncher. Thank you as well to all the fantastic developers who give the time and effort they do to make this a really fun device to own. You geniuses have given me a great escape from the monotony of every day life.
Hey thanks for taking the leap of faith ivorycruncher! Also thanks racerxfd for bringing that to the board.
Thank you Ivory! You really do make it worth having this phone! So do all the other Devs that work on roms and theme's for us. I would like to get into theming and other programing so that one day I can contribute as well!
Haha....I was just looking for ivory's last post so that I could thank him for donating the fascinate and came across this thread, perfect! Thanks ivory, we are all in your debt.
Thanks a lot Ivorycruncher !!! All Hail THE DEV : Kaos !!
Thanks so much for moving this pda forward.
Now that we have cm6 and gb roms on the radar more dev's will come!!
Move dev's means more fascinate features.
Thanks for giving us just a little hope for the fascinate.
Ivory I'm sure if you post a donate link you will regain some if not all of your investment..I know I will buy you a 12 pack
orion421 said:
Ivory I'm sure if you post a donate link you will regain some if not all of your investment..I know I will buy you a 12 pack
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Same brother. I'm more than down to help offset your cost.
Yeah have to say thank you Ivory. Really awesome what you did for the whole community.
Actually I agree that people have a sense of entitlement. I expect jt1134 to get naked and dance on me....will it happen? Prolly if he knew how sect I was! Lol jkjkjkjk jt. Alot of people don't know how much time has been spent behind the scenes and in irc coming up with the nods we have. And I have personally spoke with jt, adryn, bird all (except for bird not as much) for extensive periods of time and they work on this shot as much as google themselves. So be thankful. Without them your phone would still blow
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
After alot of the negative posting I had seen for awhile I stopped coming in here alot.
Been working on a very minimal ROM similar to SonofSkywalker's builds. Sadly its on temporary hold until I get some RL things taken care of.
Hoping to have it more AOSP than I have it now on the bench. But with our current devs and now punk on board my nubbish skills may not cut it.
Thanks Ivory for getting punk on board. Thanks to all the devs pouring their heart into the phone.
Sent from my xtra-lite using XDA App

How to make this community better :)

What is happening to this community?
What is with all the complaining ALL the time? This community is falling apart and we are all responsible for that. It seems all anyone ever does is complain about EVERY little tiny thing... We actually have it pretty good. Most of the Epic users will be on stock ROM's for the life of their phones. We have the opportunity to use, create and share something much better. The developers here at XDA are top notch and clearly do a better job then both Sprint and Samsung seem to be capable of...and yet we still find things to complain about and people to criticize. Why is that??
Speaking of the developers here, they put a HUGE amount of time and sometimes money (hosting ect) into providing all of us something truly useful and a big step up from what we would otherwise be stuck with. The attitude of "entitlement" needs to shift to something more like being "grateful" for what is provide here, FREE of charge.
Sure some developers have an off XDA website but so what. If it doesn't violate the rules then WHO CARES. Speaking for myself ONLY, I have very good reasons for redirecting (and I do believe I meet the requirements) traffic to my blog and they don't revolve around money. If you don't like the "inconvenience" of being redirected then don't use my ROM's. I can't please everyone..no matter how hard I may try. The way I personally view it is if I can find the time in my life to put this stuff together for anyone that wants to use it then you should be able to find the extra few minutes it takes click the link and follow it to my blog. That is the only thing I ask for all the time I freely give to this.
Quite frankly, we as the members of the XDA community need to reevaluate things. The developers DONATE their time (and some have precious little of it) and energy to HELP all of you... This whole "entitled" attitude and the "God complexes" some people have developed is a bit disturbing. I won't speak for anyone but myself but in my opinion, the sheer amount of time that goes into these releases completely eclipses the few minutes it takes to redirect to another site for a link (again as long as it doesn't violate the rules). Instead of complaining about EVERYTHING be GRATEFUL your not stuck on a stock ROM....
Many people can't even be bothered to click the Thanks button or read the directions.. I personally like helping you all out if my limited knowledge can be useful but I'm starting to become to frustrated to care anymore and I do really try to stay positive. All of this drama revolves around a phone....a phone people. There are WAY bigger things going on around you right now to get this worked up about a phone..... If you need some perspective on life please feel free to read my blog.
We can do better... I know we are all capable of better... When crap threads get started don't dignify them by commenting, just move past it. Report it if you want and more on... We should all take some pride in all the accomplishments this community achieved.
For my part, I will continue to help, learn and contribute to this community while spreading Autism Awareness..... What will you do?
Amen brother!
Gotta agree with you 100%. I came from another forum and a WinMo phone, and the community was much more supportive and friendly. The only reason I stay is because of a few excellent developers here. Not sure why XDA is getting so unpleasant, but we could use a little more tolerance here.
(Hope that doesn't get me banned)
Well said. Its all free why complain. I am not a developer but I have tried every rom on here and it seems to me most of the roms have a little bit of work from all the devs......so why the bickering. I also have to imagine most devs do this as kind of a hobby, why else do it there is almost nothing to be gained other than the challenge of improving on something that a manufacturer didn't get quite right (not baashing sammy every phone has its own issues or xda probably wouldn't be so popular).
That being said I just started using midnight, nice rom man. But besides that I started reading your blog about a month ago, it really makes me step back and take a look at things differently. I don't post much on this site cuz I have little to actually contribute but your right there are bigger things than a rom to get worked up over.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
I think you and all the devs do an awesome job personally. Honestly any problem I've ever had has been solved just by searching for literally less then 5 minutes. I hardly need to ask questions because the devs and testers are so quick to answer any question. I absolutely LOVE how my phone runs and works.
Any negative threads I just...ignore. No point in them really.
So ya THANKS to you and all the devs.
I know when i was on my tp2 and flashing roms even tho how much a pos that phone was compared to this amazing phone we have now and the awesome roms we have
i have been happy and not complaining about anything on my epic.
If people dont like samsung then go buy something else i personally been fed up with htc hardware..
As for redirecting to sites, i have no problem doing that a all and i like reading your blog @ptfdmedic i always goto your site if im looking for a flashable zip or news, even tho i dont use your rom
i appreciate all your hard work and your autism awareness.
This community is for people who want to experiment with your phone and make it better, so if you happen to have an issue dont complain instead search read instructions and dont be lazy and ***** at samsung software glitches and what not considering our amazing developers here usually have some fixes within a few hours of the bug report.
Thanks to all the developers
For making my epic truly epic and better then any phone out atm.
As for me not much i can do but give sexual favors....
The issues described reflect a larger societal issue. We cannot change people, so the best tools are forum moderators and users setting a good example.
iSaint said:
As for me not much i can do but give sexual favors....
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u say this after you take your so called "Toothpaste" ad out of your signature. lmao
I agree with you pftmedic. Thanks for that speech. I hope.more.people will read it and realize what you said. Why get worked up cause you have to.make 2 extra clicks to download a rom for FREE!! I also wanted to say that I.love reading your blogs Rob and my prayers are with you and your family. I really enjoyed the story about the man at the grocery store. That was very touching and you had me emotional. I know your goal is to try to get autism awareness out there so people can understand it. I don't know anyone that has autism so I never really knew about it. I just wanted to let u know that you opened up my eyes to autism and I.live reading your stories. Thanks for being such an inspiration to us when we are feeling overwhelmed with something. I will continue to pray for you and your family and God bless your little angels.
Sent From My Evo Killer!
iSaint said:
As for me not much i can do but give sexual favors....
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...comedic relief.....
Perhaps sometimes people need a place to vent and work out their stress. I know, do it elsewhere, not here......
Thank you for saying what a lot of us have been thinking.
Its always been this unpleasant with the exception of a few brief periods.. Its just the nature of the Epic community.
stir fry a lot said:
Its always been this unpleasant with the exception of a few brief periods.. Its just the nature of the Epic community.
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I agree but that doesn't mean we have to continue making the same mistakes.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So if we want better then we need to change things up a bit.
ptfdmedic said:
I agree but that doesn't mean we have to continue making the same mistakes.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So if we want better then we need to change things up a bit.
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Well said my friend
Sent From My Epic Bonsai Tree
Thanks, it is appreciated. I agree with the complaints thing. It's part of the reason I don't post too often. Except to thank.
Yea i was "joking"
Keepin it Constructive
Thanks buddy - well said! Hope this connects with the right folks.
Well said ptfdmedic, I agree that there are many people who feel entitled here. Maybe I come across that way without feeling like I do but I try my best not to. I don't hit the thanks button much but I am fairly new here and I am not used to it. As for redirecting to your site, I actually like being redirected there, I read 50 pages of your blog the other night and it was eyeopening. My father works in special-ed and the kids he works with are at Eliot's level, it was interesting to read just how further the continuum goes.

Dev conflicts

Id like to politely ask all members not to flame posts. Could we possibly get the devs to stay in this forum and work together to make the best roms possible for this phone. We have vry talented devs who do fantastic work, but with all the conflict and fighting lately, i think its forgotten that google shares with everyone to further the advancement of this os. If all the devs looked at this with googles perspective, there would be no fightin. You guys all do great work, lets keep it all at xda. Ive visited several of these new forums, all i hear are crickets. Xda gives devs a place to post their work and get good feedback. With all good comes the bad, unfortunatly any idiot can own a phone and a pc. Those idiots make things difficult, but it should be left up to the mods to revoke flamers abilities to post. Ive been a member longer than most everyone reading this post by 2 years, ive used 3 phones on xda and seen good devs come and go. Im a 42 yr old father of 2, i have to put up with immature crap all the time with my kids. Can everyone, including myself, just suck it up, act mature, and continue to make this the best android forum of all the phones? Thank you for reading. Peace.
Sent from some damn rom that runs smooth as **** with my freakin tapatalk app!
i pretty much agree donny, but i mean at the same time, if these devs wanna get all pissed off and not take the higher road, then let them leave. those forums will have maybe 20 members, and their work will reach ONLY those 20 members. at XDA, it could reach the world, plain and simple. it's up to them where they want to host their work, and it's up to them whether or not they want to be private, public, or take the "i'm taking my ball and going home" road.
I agree.. these people that basically go in these guys threads and proceed to blow them to try and get them to stay is just pumping their head up more. It seems like this has turned into some sort of competition rather than a place to share and develop for our phones. I appreciate all the work the devs do but my life won't be over if some of them stopped doing what they do. If devs stay or leave its really not that hard to take 5 min and register for another website and add another bookmark. If you like someone's work follow them and if you don't like their work let them leave. It's pretty simple. Act like adults and stop crying over people making decisions about THEIR work.
Sent from my Optimized Shift using Tapatalk
Glad to see things have settled back down here. Nice to see most devs back, now if only the flamers can stay out of threads, id be perfect. Thanks everyone for making this place cool again.
sent from me via tapatalk
Dev's Rock!
I really do appreciate all the hard work all the Dev's have put into this. I would never flame or tell any of them that their work sucked, ever! They have made this phone an absolute joy to own and mess with in my spare time.
Thanks to all the Dev's for all their hard work.
ejdavis72 said:
I really do appreciate all the hard work all the Dev's have put into this. I would never flame or tell any of them that their work sucked, ever! They have made this phone an absolute joy to own and mess with in my spare time.
Thanks to all the Dev's for all their hard work.
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I agree.
Brb, building a pedestal
crazyhtown said:
Brb, building a pedestal
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I am building a golden calf. Ha ha
If there was a serious issue here at XDA then it could be valid to get pissy, but not for the reasons they are.
Ah well, things move on. I noticed SR4.3 has a much smaller following over at his forum and I haven't bothered to check any other developers who left but I'd imagine it's the same.
There is a lot of development going on and a lot of ROM's so maybe they want to stand out a little more by trying to drag users over to their forum? I don't really get why so I think it's more ego based, then again that's part of the reason why many continue customizing and updating their ROM's.
So apparently XDA has all these problems?
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