Our HD is done,right? - Touch HD General

The Leo boots android and wp7,HD boots nothing,it is done right? I can not imagine to have a new device ,I spent all my money which I earn last 3 holidays by washing dishes in a hotel I dont know why but just fell sad

What do you mean, done?
Mine is alive and kicking...

I mean ,it is dying ,like an old manwith a weak heart.My HD cost 3700 yuan ,now,here in my town you can buy a htc desire hd with 3300 yuan,or a hd with 2650 yuan,it is crazy!

I agree, having recently just purchased the HTC Touch HD, I was really looking forward to playing around with the front cam with apps and stuff.
I am somewhat disappointed how the possibilities with this device was completely missed, who's fault is it, MS for just not supporting it enough, the developers of the larger applications (Skype, etc) from literally dropping the OS.
I am happy with my phone, but I can see a huge potential just lost.
Maybe its me, but it seems the dev's of the OS just want stronger and stronger hardware, instead of using whats currently around.
Fair enough the device is getting old, but still a massive wasted opportunity if you ask me.

The problem in fact are devs following this trend. Simply abandon old phones and move on to new ones.

retsam88 said:
The problem in fact are devs following this trend. Simply abandon old phones and move on to new ones.
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Its a fact of life, new devices with better specs come out and people move on. The LEO is an exception to the rule due to its 1GB Snapdragon processor, plus it was the last real WM device released before WP7 came along. Most if not all new devices are still using 1GB processors, some even less, hence why its longevity

Speed doesn't matter that much. When it comes to portability and durability, my old HTC Orbit 2 is great! Holds battery for very long while mantaining usability(400mhz is a bit slow, but enough for 98% of apps.
HD2, well, is powerhorse, but last 1 day on average, very clumsy and fragile.
So newer doesn't always means better.

I've stopped using my Touch HD and started using my old Kaiser. It's older and less powerful than the Touch HD but it can run a very stable and fast Android. The Kaiser was lucky in having excellent xda'ers continually working on it.

I think you're right. The HD is getting a bit old, and the slow cpu @ 800x480 + not very sensitive resistive screen is kinda killing it. That's why most devs have left us I think... *wants an HD2
@Fallen Spartan
You might want to change that B into hz .

Dead? no its alive and kicking!
You can never call anything over £100 value dead!
mobiles4cash.com is the place to be!
£133 for the Touch HD
Looking for a replacement now and getting mine sent away asap!

I have a couple of newer devices [omnia II and acer S200] but still use my HD mostly, if I could only have one of those three, I would keep the HD...... despite the dreadful cpu and not very sensitive screen, I like the overall package best.
I buy WM [or used to] because I like WM, not because I want to run a less versatile and functional OS on the hardware.
The capacitive screen on the HD2 isn't a plus in my eyes, and is the sole reason why I never bought one, ever seen someone trying to use excel or remote desktop on one, it's like a circus act.......

gerryjoson said:
The capacitive screen on the HD2 isn't a plus in my eyes, and is the sole reason why I never bought one, ever seen someone trying to use excel or remote desktop on one, it's like a circus act.......
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That's exactly what i was thinking.

our hd is not dead
i had mine for 2 years
last 3 months running android
still i will not replace it for another phone

I find it odd, though, how the Touch Diamond 2 gets the official 6.5 ROM upgrade but not our Touch HD. I've gone through what I could find spec-wise of the two models; their processors seem to be the big difference (outside of the physical size, and battery), where the Blackstone seems to have the better of the two, but doesn't get the 6.5?

The Touch Diamond 2 was released not long before 6.5 was, HTC promised there would be an upgrade to 6.5 for people who bought it before it came preloaded, the HD is quite a bit older and there was no promise of any upgrade at the time of release.
There's little difference between the qualcomm 7200 and 7201a, the 7201a is a change to the 7200 in response to a legal dispute with broadcomm, the 7201a has neutered video recording as a result of something to do with this dispute, Qualcomm and Broadcomm came to some arrangement and thus the use of 7200 resumed in the TP2 and Touch diamond 2.
Personally I prefer 6.1 anyway, so the lack of an official update is lost on me.


Touch HD or Wait for Pro 2?

Hi all,
contract is up on my current phone in 20 days, have to option of either:
getting a Touch HD NOW on a 12 months contract.
or waiting for a few months to get the Pro2
What would be your advice?
p.s. the last winmo device i had was the i-Mate kJam
I guess this isn't an easy decision .
First thing to do is to look through the specifications (here and here).
I think the biggest difference is the hardware keyboard, as the Touch HD hasn't got one.
All other things are (more or less) equal, but the Touch HD has a bigger screen (although 0.2 inch aren't much at all).
Another important thing to consider is the support of custom roms. Whereas the Blackstone is fully supported (HSPL, USPL, Kitchen, many roms), there is nothing for the Rhodium so far, and it will probably take some weeks after the device is released.
So, if you aren't happy with the stock rom, you can't change anything about it in the beginning .
Since we are all Blackstone owners in this forum here, nobody would actually tell that it is a bad device, and you should take the Rhodium, as the Blackstone is just great, but probably the Rhodium will be also.
But: You should make sure that you will be happy with HTC itself. There are a few people, who regret their purchase of a HTC device, as they aren't happy with Windows Mobile, with the HTC support policy, and some things, like the video playback, which isn't really good so far.
I think the best thing to do, is to read through the forum, and to try the Blackstone in a shop next to you.
cheers for your comprehensive reply.
With regard to being happy about HTC in itself i see no problem there, i had a succession of smartphones for a few years (around the C500 era) and really enjoyed fiddling with them and customising them to how i liked.
The main decision for me was whether i would be jealous of the Pro2 when it comes out becuase it is so much better, but looking at the specs i dont see vast differences.
The exclusion of a hardware keyboard doesn't really bother me too much, although i can't say for certain as i haven't had the chance to use the Blackstone yet (2 phone shops near me have it on display, both are non-working models). I'd be progressing from an N95 and the main draw is the screen real estate, as i use the internet a lot.
The one thing that did worry me slightly is the touch screen element (resistive v capacitive) however i've barely touched an iphone since they've been around (not an apple fan) and my last touch screen experience was a k-jam so it much be an improvement on that?
The lack of a hardware keyboard doesn't bother me at all, as SPB keyboard makes input really easy. This makes the Blackstone really handy, it has the right dimensions, whereas the Touch Pro (and probably the Touch Pro 2), will be a little too thick, but thats just my impression.
Using Opera to browse the internet makes really fun and works just great with the touch screen. Maybe you'll find some videos on youtube or so.
The disadvantages of this kind of touchscreen is that there is no multitouch, so you can just touch the display at one point at each time, but for me its just ok.
Customizing the device with the tools flying around here, is really great, so if you are keen on tinkering with your device, its just right for you .
I would go for the black stone ..... Hands down
It's really gotta come down to how you intend to use the device.
I'm not a big emailer from my phone (I've got a work blackberry), but the focus of the Touch HD has to be the huge screen. It is bigger and better than the iphone, but it comes at the expense of the dpad and buttons.
If you can live without the keyboard, IMHO the Touch HD is the best device around right now.
However, aren't you tempted by the Pre? You could convert your contract to a PAYG and wait until you see what's coming. New iphones and possibly the pre are a few weeks away, apparently.

HTC Diamond2 or HTC Magic(Google2)? Help me choose, please.

I have waited faithfully for a long time for Android, but now I have fallen in love with Diamond2...
I am a student, and will mostly need the phone for entertainment purposes. For my use, (mostly internet, skype, taking the occational picture, watching .avi's, mp3, old school games like nes or scummvm), which one would you pick? It's important for me the the phone is fast and responsive, and that it can edit .doc files (word, openoffice, something like that). I also would love for it to have a file-organizer (something like norton commander would have been excellent), ability to run and install files from the phone directly, and the ability to download with it (torrents, etc) and if possible, stream online content. So basically a mini-computer. Which phone do you think is best for me? I do not care about calender, email (e.i outlook) integration, or anything that has to do with planing and\or actual work, in other words
Do you belive android will get ported to the diamond 2 in the forseeable future?
So to sum up, Should I just go for the Diamond 2 or wait a month or two for the Magic (thats the earliest it will be released here in norway)?
im not an expert at this (ive had no luck with my herald), but if you check around, there are diamond android ports.
most likely, they will be on the diamond2 if they r on the 1st one.
winmo - buisiness/planning/work
android - consumor, but can do buisiness and work
(i can say this because, like i said, i had a herald, and i have the dream)
ur choice buddy ;]
just want to add my opinion. I have had 4 WinMo phones in the past, currently have the Blackstone, which im trying to get rid of. Anyways, I am a "medical" student, who really doesn't use all the features that can be found on a WinMo phone. I have played with a friends G1 and was honestly amazed at how much it just "fit" with me. I know I will probably be bashed for saying this, but phones like the android (G1) and the Iphone are really what I am interested in now. They are simplistic to use, but still can outperform your normal plain old phones. For me, if the G2 Magic doesn't wow me when it hits the U.S. shores in a couple of weeks, than I will probably purchase an Unlocked Iphone. Now, you have to base your decision on what you will use the phone for, especially if you are a student. This is my opinion, but if you are really into business type stuff where you would need all the necessities of a PC than go with the Diamond. If you want a cool, visually appealing phone that isn't as powerful as the Diamond but still gets the job done! than go with the G2.
I agree with redrazr's post above, but I would also like to add that for me a big part of going Android was to be part of something huge, right from the start. I mean, the first Android phone (the G1) has been out less than eight months and Android is already this good? That's pretty damn amazing. WinMo fanboys won't like this, but give Android eight months more and it will blow WinMo out of the water in every single aspect.
And no, WinMo 6.5 (and not even WinMo 7) will not revolutionize WinMo since they're still based on the same old crappy, sluggish platform/core. My understanding is that WinMo 8 will be the first WinMo based on a completely new and/or revamped core, and won't be out until 2013 or so.
mannyb said:
I agree with redrazr's post above, but I would also like to add that for me a big part of going Android was to be part of something huge, right from the start. I mean, the first Android phone (the G1) has been out less than eight months and Android is already this good? That's pretty damn amazing. WinMo fanboys won't like this, but give Android eight months more and it will blow WinMo out of the water in every single aspect.
And no, WinMo 6.5 (and not even WinMo 7) will not revolutionize WinMo since they're still based on the same old crappy, sluggish platform/core. My understanding is that WinMo 8 will be the first WinMo based on a completely new and/or revamped core, and won't be out until 2013 or so.
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He he, I have a D2 and I will not flame you for supporting Android (but then I am not a microsoft fanboy at all, I am typing from ubuntu right now ).
The problem with the smartphones imho is that they still are differentiated using their OS, sometimes even from the carrier customization. Their are more carier network toy than than their are your own toy, while they should be judged on their design, hardware specs and support only imho. Like a PC, where you can install any OS and applications you want, and are even expected to do so.
Thanks to xda-devellopers, HTC phones are closer to what every smartphone should be: an handheld computer with a large array of network connectivity options on which the user (you, that have paid for a device that is now your own, damnit ) can install the OS of his choice.
All that to say that Android should be installable on the TD2, and likely will be installable quite soon. Which is only the absolute minimum to be expected for an open-source OS for which google took A LOT from the opensource community to develop. Android should be installable on any device that has compatible hardware to run it, no excuses (HTC is at fault here, it should halp xda-develloper in the porting effort if not offering multiboot himself from the start, especially as all it's top-of-the-line smartphones are so close to each other hardware-wise).
So once the playfield is levelled and Android is installable on the TD2 (as it is on the HD, even if it is work in progress), I think that the TD2 and Magic should be compared from hardware and design alone. That's why I have chosen the TD2 (I like its design more, and a higher resolution screen is a big plus for me, I read a lot on my smartphone). But for other people the Magic could be better (digital compass, larger battery, more physical inputs like the trackball and additional buttons are its advantages imho)
gkai said:
So once the playfield is levelled and Android is installable on the TD2 (as it is on the HD, even if it is work in progress), I think that the TD2 and Magic should be compared from hardware and design alone. That's why I have chosen the TD2 (I like its design more, and a higher resolution screen is a big plus for me, I read a lot on my smartphone). But for other people the Magic could be better (digital compass, larger battery, more physical inputs like the trackball and additional buttons are its advantages imho)
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Could not agree more. I'd pick Android over WinMo any day of the week, but let's be honest; WinMo phones have the best hardware. The few Android phones on the market definitely can't hang in that aspect. The only thing I can't stand about WinMo hardware is the resistive touchscreen they're stuck with. WinMo does not support capacitive screens as far as I know.
im going with the magic
i dont really like the look of the diamond 2 and the magics screen is bigger..and plus its going to have a 5mp camera for the US version ..i miss android..i went from the G1 to the Touch HD to the iPhone...touch hd was the worst expierence..windows mobile was dreadful for me...iphone..i dont feel as free with it but the variety of apps is quiet appealing to me especially after you jailbreak it..and android..lacked alot in the beginning but it was awsome i just hated the fact that i have to open the damn keyboard for every little thing i needed to type and i didnt want to wait for cupcake..but magic here i come
So in the last 15 or so months I have had 8 PDA's... 6 of them were WinMo, & Honestly I love WinMo for its versatility & The touchFlo interface is freeking awesome.. But.. I am using a g1 now & The only phone I am looking at other than it is the MyTouch (magic) the day T-Mo releases it (if not sooner).. The android OS has shown me to be much much more intelligently designed & Has yet to have any major issues (I have only had to soft reset the phone 2 or 3 times in the last 2 months).. The App Store is also a huge factor as well.. With free apps that actually work & improve the value of the device.. My last phone before this was a Touch Diamond (unlocked GSM) & I loved it for that beautiful High Res screen & The fact that movies on it were Absolutely Amazing.. Not to mention the small form factor.. But on the other Hand using the Cinema App downloaded for free from the android app store My movie playback looks almost as good (ie 1080i vs 1080p ish) & on a bigger screen.. Also Much less herky jerky to start & stop...
I am super excited for the Magic to come out, but if I had my choice I Would have kept my Diamond & Used Android on it & Somehoe managed to make a MicroSDHC work on it.. That would be my absolute perfect phone.. The Diamond 2 on the other hand I Think only had 1 thing over the diamond & thats the MicroSDHC slot as the increased screen size isnt in my opinion enough to be worth the increased mass.. Its like an inbetween size from the original diamond & an HD & I Dont think thats a necessarry spot to fill..
My 1 And only complaint with the G1 is the bulk & The Magic will obviously resolve that & only a Pocket test will be able to tell if it feels as small & easy to cary/use as the Diamond was..
The port for the diamond 2 will never be complete and always behind the current release of Android.
While the Diamond 2 has a higher resolution screen than the Magic the Magic is capacitive and performs much better in direct sunlight. Android will never run as well on the Diamond 2 as the magic.
macsbac said:
The port for the diamond 2 will never be complete and always behind the current release of Android.
While the Diamond 2 has a higher resolution screen than the Magic the Magic is capacitive and performs much better in direct sunlight. Android will never run as well on the Diamond 2 as the magic.
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Capacitive vs resistive is not so simple an issue: After testing the iTouch, I was all for capacitive, partly because it is more responsive to fingers, but even more because it offer a hard glass screen, much harder and durable than soft plastic resistive screen...
However, after testing the TD2 resistive screen, I must say that reactivity is almost as good as capacitive (not as good, but it is ok for me).
Durability could still be an issue, but the screen seems harder than my previous PDA, and with screen protection + flip case this is not an issue anymore.
BUT with resistive screen I have the possibility to use the stylus, which is very nice for accurate pointing (not relly needed for android, but very usefull for WM) and freehand drawing/ handwriting recognition. this may look like a gadget, but given the number of time I use my PDA as a notepad for quick drawing (abroad, when you do not speak the local language, a picture is worth a dozen words, and a thousand innacurate gesticulations ;-) ).
Capacitive do not allow the use of a stylus (except of the fat-and-soft tip variety, which I consider as completely useless, because it offer no real accuracy improvement), and, for me, this is a significant drawback. If a capacite technology evolve to allow for a pen-like stylus with pinpoint accuracy, then it would definitely burry resistive technology. Not before, especially for asian countries where the ability to draw characters is really useful.
For the direct sunlight, I agree: TD2 is not good under direct sunlight. Barely readable with high contrast large font text, but nothing more. Older PDA were better for this, and I believe you that Magic may be better too. I would be surprised if it was great, though, besides e-ink or passive LCD (reflective technologies), no screen has ever been great under direct sunlight ;-)
And for Android not running as well on the TD2 than on the Magic, yes, but the difference should be minimal: the hardware is almost the same, and Android is opensource, so the porting, once the bootloader/HARDSpl is done, should be quite straightforward...
I have owned winmo phones, played with an icrap, and now own a g1, and I will say I'd never ever go back. Android is always improving and will never stop improving. We have a few great developers that are always making this o.s. better. If you are looking for a phone for hardware, wait till one come out with Android. Otherwise get a magic. From what it seems like from your post, you'd be happier with android and the "wow" factor.

Would anyone still get an HD rather than an HD2?

Being smaller and offering a resistive screen plus still being a good phone are there any advantages of the HD over the HD2?
Hokum said:
Being smaller and offering a resistive screen plus still being a good phone are there any advantages of the HD over the HD2?
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woooop another manc i only got my HD like 2 weeks ago, upgraded from my touch diamond, i cudnt afford a HD2, so i got the next best thing lol
I too have a diamond, the reason i'm interested is that i'm outdoors ALOT! So a cap screen is rubbish with gloves on.
I could go for a S200 or TG01 but XDA DEV have no support for these. So a nearly new HD is tempting, but the performance of the HD will be no better than my Diamond other then the extra memory...
There are a few of us Mancs about
i have maybe 50% free ram, when using my HD and thats running Sence 2.5, on the diamond tho it soon shot up to like 20-30% free ram only using TF3D 2.1, but on the other hand, even tho the HD has a higher resolution, things looked alot sharper on the diamond, maybe cuz of its smaller screen size, i like being able to use a sd card tho, im not limited to 4gb like on the diamond and the large screen is gr8 for watching movies, The HD dosent offer that much more than the diamond tho so yeah the HD 2 is the better choice if you can afford it lol I could of got a TGO1 for £200 pound, £35 pound less than i paid for my HD, They got em in the fone shop nr picadilly station in town if you want one lol
Near the train station or those near Picadilly Gardens (bus station)? A TG01 would be tempting.
Near the train station, its just at the top off the hill, they got hundreds of fones in the windows, theres another site floating about called wmdevelopers or sumat, its ment to be like xda but for other wm devices, you'll be able to upgrade a tgo1 there i assume
I'd say you wait for some time -- see what comes out and maybe there will be something even better than HD2!!
As for me (a Touch HD owner) I wont go for HD2, because:
1) it has snapdragon - I was waiting for Tegra
2) There are some rumors about Tegra2 (two times more powerful than Tegra)
3) Im saving some money for a Yamaha WR125X , so I cant afford to spend it on a new phone, of which I will get bored after a few weeks
4) I've also heard some rumors about Toshiba next models (those after TG01) -same snapdragon cpu, but some nice features like 3speakers (good for me as Im a melomaniac)
if i didnot own touch HD already i would be sure to buy HD2. now for me there is no significant advantage of upgrading
right...i have a HD and cannot wait to get my hands on the HD2...im using a custom rom by L26 which uses the Leo interface. using half the power of the HD2, the Leo interface is bearable, very usable actually, however i can just tell that some of the nags will not be an issue with the extra 500Mhtz of processing power and double ram the HD2 will have. i think using my HD as a backup phone will surfice!
I use a stylus almost 100% of the time so will not be buying an HD2.
More likely to get the acer, even after a bad experience with an F900, it's smaller, has better battery life, look's to be a bit faster and is far cheaper.
Couldn't care less about TF3D or sense.
My HD is OK for the moment, I would have preferred them to just change out the crappy msm7201 for snapragon, make the screen "a lot" more sensitive like the S200 apparently is, leave the rest alone.
The HD2 is a windows mobile iphone because of it's input and has no appeal to me because of it,I can barely stand not having a d-pad, let alone no stylus.
imo a resistive screen with a stylus is better on a finger-unfriendly windows mobile, isn't it?
simplistian said:
imo a resistive screen with a stylus is better on a finger-unfriendly windows mobile, isn't it?
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Absolutely. There are all sorts of threads on the Leo forums where people are having real problems with the capacitive screen, and having to practice hard for a couple of weeks before they get the hang of just typing with the standard keyboard.
Also some folk are finding that the capacitive screen is registering all sorts of crazy inputs when they're not even touching it. Someone's got a hack hat seems to improve things, but I would say wait till WM7 comes out, and HTC have sorted their screen technology/sensitivity.
If the HD2 was resistive I'd buy it without hesitation.
Moandal said:
Absolutely. There are all sorts of threads on the Leo forums where people are having real problems with the capacitive screen, and having to practice hard for a couple of weeks before they get the hang of just typing with the standard keyboard.
Also some folk are finding that the capacitive screen is registering all sorts of crazy inputs when they're not even touching it. Someone's got a hack hat seems to improve things, but I would say wait till WM7 comes out, and HTC have sorted their screen technology/sensitivity.
If the HD2 was resistive I'd buy it without hesitation.
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I'd like to think issues between Microsoft and HTC would be resolved with wm7...........but if I was a betting man I'd bet that it would just cause more issues!!
Unfortunately for me (in the US) I have to wait until a branded version comes out. My Touch HD 8585 gets me 3G for now.
Fallen Spartan said:
I'd like to think issues between Microsoft and HTC would be resolved with wm7...........but if I was a betting man I'd bet that it would just cause more issues!!
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most "issues" are solved by XDA, not them
Moandal said:
Absolutely. There are all sorts of threads on the Leo forums where people are having real problems with the capacitive screen, and having to practice hard for a couple of weeks before they get the hang of just typing with the standard keyboard.
Also some folk are finding that the capacitive screen is registering all sorts of crazy inputs when they're not even touching it. Someone's got a hack hat seems to improve things, but I would say wait till WM7 comes out, and HTC have sorted their screen technology/sensitivity.
If the HD2 was resistive I'd buy it without hesitation.
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take in mind when u first brought the blackstone u had to get used to it just as well as any other phone u will buy in the future
wingtytn said:
take in mind when u first brought the blackstone u had to get used to it just as well as any other phone u will buy in the future
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when we first bought the blackstone we are surprised by the huge screen which enabled some finger operations on the finger unfriendly windows mobile, but, whenever you need a stylus, you got an option at least. Not really need to go over a learning and compromising process to get used to it.
simplistian said:
most "issues" are solved by XDA, not them
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Touché, I would tend to agree with you on this
Yep. The 4.3" Screen is just too big - not pocket friendly at all. That and the capacitive screen...
I would personally love to trade my HD for an HD2. The HD2 has a larger screen, led flash and most importantly: a 1ghz cpu... too bad it is not going to happen

Are You Bored of your HD2?

My phone history is no small list i've tried pretty much everything out there From N97, to Blackberry 9700... HD2 cought my eye because i originally had the HD, however it seems that i'm getting the itch to move on to possibly the N900 or E72
Anyways just wondering what your experiences have been like with your device, and what are your most cool applications?
I change phones quite often too. My last phone in fact was a N900. Great phone yet I felt it was a bit slow. So far I am loving the hd2 and don't have plans to switch for quite some time. With every phone there was always something that bothered me. I thought Windows mobile would be it but so far it has been great. My only past issue was with a touch diamond being a bit sluggish, this hd2 definitely does not have that problem.
I could possibly see a jump to the N900, but an E72 (used to own an E71)?! No way. Using symbian is like jumping through a time warp to the past.
i know im lil off topic but i feel you guys on never finding perfect phone before one i got now. I dont mean to push android on WM guys but other then lil lag sometimes its been best phone for me.
It's gonna take a real monster of a phone for me to even think about considering getting rid of my HD2.
I've never been as happy with a phone as I am with this, and I don't think I'll start having wandering eyes for a looooooooong time!
wait till Winmo 7 comes. I reckon it will be a real sweet OS
I also change phones quite often. I always loved my iphone 3GS, but the HD2 has kept my attention for a while now. It does everything my iphone used to do for me.
I think once Microsoft implements Xbox live games into winmo, we'll all be laughing!
I'll get bored when they have a dual core 1.5 GHz Snapdragon or Tegra 2 HD3 with WM7
DMAND said:
I'll get bored when they have a dual core 1.5 GHz Snapdragon or Tegra 2 HD3 with WM7
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And AT LEAST a 4.7" screen. lol - I wouldn't really want one that big, but I definitely don't want smaller!
johncmolyneux said:
And AT LEAST a 4.7" screen. lol - I wouldn't really want one that big, but I definitely don't want smaller!
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I wouldn't mind an even bigger screen. They could do it with the hd2 by removing the border around the lcd. Imagine nothing but screen corner to corner.
in the end it's still a phone.. doesn't have wheels or boobs..
The experience of the HD2 in most cases spoils you, and you will find it difficult to use a phone with a smaller screen. Apart from the earpiece quality at the higher frequencies, i am completly happy with this phone having owned about 10 different phones including iphone.
bel_z_bub said:
in the end it's still a phone.. doesn't have wheels or boobs..
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But I heard that on WM7 it will preform BJ's .
I must say, the HD2 is one of the best phone I came across.
I've worked over 2 years as the buyer for a multimedia chain and got the oppertunity to test drive a whole lot of device.
Also I'm using a ppc over 7 years now and untill the HD2 there were only 2 devices who have the "professional"/fun factor that the HD2 has.
And that was the Magician and the Universal.
Now I don't argue about the N900 because he has a "full" linux on it and for the linux guru's this is a wonderfull device. But if you aren't that good or fond in Linux then there is nothing special on the N900, and he is idd quite slow in normal use.
The other problem is that several years ago people did not compare a ppc with a normal phone (nokia symbian and etc...) but the mainstream users now also want a pcc thus the discussing is started... (certainly no personal blame meant)
I have no intentions of getting rid of the HD2 until there is a Nvidia Tegra powered platform available running WinMo7 with a screen equal to or bigger than the HD2.
The extra screen size compared to other mobiles on the market today really does make all the difference. I see people considering exchanging their HD2 for the Nexus One, but personally I find the screen a real letdown after being used to my HTC.
The one thing that does bug me about it is the low capacity battery included but, touch wood, so far I've managed to keep it running 24/7 by charging thru the night and every now and again in the car. Not enough of a let down for me to start looking at other handsets anyhow.
emigrating said:
The one thing that does bug me about it is the low capacity battery included but, touch wood, so far I've managed to keep it running 24/7 by charging thru the night and every now and again in the car. Not enough of a let down for me to start looking at other handsets anyhow.
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That is a serious battery drain, do you work so much on your device?
Eg I use my device constantly, 15 sms/day, 1 a 2hours phone, 30min surfing wifi and or hspda and I can do over a day and a half with one battery charge
This topics makes me laugh (not being offensive).
But it's pretty difficult to get bored of it. Of course we could have much more action on it but i'm sure in time we will have that also.
I cant see myself getting bored of the HTC HD2 anytime soon. Still got lots to do to it. Custom Roms, writing my own apps etc. Once i have it perfect then I will be using it until my contract runs out and i can get the latest super phone for free
Seeing as I have just discovered 800x480 encoding of 720p videos using WinMenc makes amazingly clear videos, and the demo of Electopia showing OpenGL 2.0 capabilities, I don't see myself getting bored any time soon.
thomas_pieps said:
That is a serious battery drain, do you work so much on your device?
Eg I use my device constantly, 15 sms/day, 1 a 2hours phone, 30min surfing wifi and or hspda and I can do over a day and a half with one battery charge
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Yeah, I use it constantly for the web and MSN (wifi/hsdpa/3g) as well as calls/sms. I could probably tweak it to last longer by disabling wifi/bluetooth etc when not connected but haven't found a good app to automate this yet.
Of course, once I find a 'cheap' car-cradle with built-in micro-usb (ie. put the phone in the cradle and it automatically starts charging - rather than fiddle around with cables and whatnot) the batterylife won't be a problem no more.
karkid said:
My phone history is no small list i've tried pretty much everything out there From N97, to Blackberry 9700... HD2 cought my eye because i originally had the HD, however it seems that i'm getting the itch to move on to possibly the N900 or E72
Anyways just wondering what your experiences have been like with your device, and what are your most cool applications?
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No where near board with it but as you've most likely tried everything there is for the HD2 why don't you list your best top 10 apps that you've tried and then we'll compare notes
For me the HD2 is my very first PocketPC/Smartphone. For me this phone is very powerful that it'll do fine for the coming years, if the phone can last that long. My only reason for switching to another phone is when the specs are at least equal to the one of the HD2, MUCH improved battery life and support of both capacative and resistive touch with adequate software and UI support. You can't get better than that. I'm not a gamer, so more power and a higher frequency is not necessarily my wish.

Why Did You Chose the HD2?

I got my HD2 about 6 months ago and love it. There are many small reasons why I chose it over others:
1. I use Hotmail, MSN Messenger, Media Player, etc so Windows Mobile would suit me without having to open any new accounts.
2. The hardware. It was (and still is) one of the most powerful phones in terms of hardware.
3. Physical Buttons. I tried using my Dad's Touch HD and got really annoyed when using the 4 buttons on the bottom because there was no instant feedback as to whether it had recognised that you'd pressed it. There was a slight vibration but it's not the same as the 'click' of an actual button. Also, if the phone is on a go slow then the vibrate confirmation wouldn't kick in for a few seconds meaning that you'd think it didn't register, and then pressing it multiple times.
4. Big screen. I would have loved a physical keyboard, but I realise that to have one, it would mean extra bulk. I liked the bigger screen because it means that the keys on the keyboard aren't too small. The keyboard on my ipod touch can feel fiddly sometimes and feels a bit small for everyday use.
5. This site. I don't know how well WinMo would do without all of the XDA Devs but they really do add a lot more functionality. My hat goes off to all of you!
I would add Android as well to the list but it was only a pipe dream when I first got my phone and wasn't a deciding factor.
I was just wondering what the reason you all had for choosing the HD2 over other phones? It'll be interesting to see what you all have to say
Mostly due to the fact that is probably the last GREAT WinMo phone before WP7 comes on the scene and kills off the most customisable mobile OS left.
It's a phone, it's a music player, it's a satnav, it's cheaper and it has a better screen than an iphone.
Mostly due to the big screen and the hardware of it, I wasn't too bothered atleast about the apps since I already have an ipod touch so I normally carry that around so I get the best of both worlds especially cause I can share the itnernet from my phone to my ipod.
But mostly it was the big screen, really makes surfing the web the easiest of all phones I find
i was between Desire and HD2. I like android more, but crappy touchscreen(as seen on google) made me turn to hd2.
not sorry for one moment about that choice
1. I'm comfortable with WinMo
2. My work has an app that needs WinMo. In recent months I found that I won't be needing to run that app, however.
3. It's customizable. iPhone still seems like a smartphone for dummies.
4. I guess this is part of #3, I want to have my information in front of me, now and on a big screen. On one customized screen, I know the weather, time, email count, messages, and most importantly, upcoming events. With iPhone, I'd have to go into apps looking for the information. It's what-to-do (WinMo) vs what-can-I-do (iPhone).
5. Form factor. At first I thought the screen might be too big. Now I won't get a phone with anything smaller. It's thin too. When I first got it, I felt like I was holding a picture frame to my head.
6. At the time it wasn't a factor, but dual boot to Android is fantastic. I'm actually running Android all the time. There's not much missing from mattc froyo build.
I had faith that the guys from xda would force android on to the hd2. The a number one reason why no other phone matters is cause of the screen size. atleast on t-mobile.
soon as i saw the wiper on the weather i had to have one,lol, hated it for a fair while.....after getting brave, cant stop playing with it, now love it!!!
The flashlight...
The big screen and the hardware. I also took a calculated risk that it would be updated to 7 series. DOH!
I bought it because....
.....actually i owned an iphone 3gs for 2 days but then it got stuck and couldnt turn on..
So i sended it back to apple store and i was waiting till they fix it, but it took them so long so i bought the leo while waiting for the iphone 2 b repaird...
i remember it was monday when i bought my leo, and as soon i had the box in my hands they called back from apple store and said - sorry we cant repair your iphone so you get a NEW one
But then i kept my leo and sold the iphone, and i havent regret at all!!!!
i HATE iphones (anything with that stupid piece of fruit on it actually!) and this is pretty much as opposite to an iphone as it gets; its ot a good screen, a good camera with a flash, it can be tweaked/hacked/modified and its using fast, new hardware. i had a nokia n95 before this, and the screen was huge in comparison-and so thin! ive dipped in and out of windows mobile so had some expeience with it. i used pocket pc 2002, windows mobile 5 (t-mobile mda vario 3) which is when i first used xda to get wm6 onto it. since then i couldnt find a pda that did everything i wanted. now my hd2 has replaced my camera, my mp3 player, my usb flash drive, and is now my main device for news/weather and social networking. the big screen makes things so easy, and despite the heavily biased reviews that all seem to say something along the lines of 'well its not an iphone so its rubbish', im very very happy with it. only thing i sacrificed was battery life, as my n95 could probably go a day on heavy use, whereas the hd2 will be dead early evening time. ive also developed paranoia about scratching/cracking the lovely big screen on it
i was gonna get a desire but (imho) its butt ugly i really liked the look of the hd2 but wasnt too sure about winmo however when i saw the development going on in the forums i decided to get a hd2 and havent looked back
In the Poll I chose 'Other' because ALL of the other options applied to me....
Why I chose the HD2....
1. 1Ghz CPU
I remember the first widely available 1Ghz DESKTOP Processors. I remember being in awe of the GIGAHERTZ trophy everyone wanted. I remember being amazed at the fact that a home computer could have a ~1000Mhz CPU.
I remember a similar feeling when I heard about the HD2
2. My last phone was a Touch Pro2 and in the short time I had it I actually grew to love Windows mobile Probably because it was my first ever smartphone (previously a samsung jet owner).
I decided the TP2s successor should have WinMo too! .
The HD2 was the obvious choice.
The thought of having a free upgrade to Windows phone7 swung the decission even further in the hd2s favour.
3. THE SCREEN = BIG. Not amoled like the jet etc. but BIG, with good resolution, decent coulours and brightness.
4. After dabbling with android on the TP2 very briefly, I did some research and found that Android on the HD2 was probably coming withing 6 months. Case closed.... this was the deciding factor for me (coupled with the fact that I liked winmo too).
5. ANDROID! (mentioned above, but its worth mentioning twice )
One very happy HD2 Dual-booter
I bought my HD2 about a month ago now. I bought it because of the hardware inside it. I kinda enjoy the fact that its almost as powerful as my wifes laptop!
Having been a fan of HTC for many many years, its nice to know that my phone is 4 times better than the Iphones and cost me half as much!
Ive been using wm6.5 ozrom with no problems (except not being able to connect to the internet sometimes, i believe this is more the chinese network rather than the phone!)
Pleased as punch with it and kudos to HTC showing yet again, that they rock!
I bought it because of the screen & processor(and because thanks to Radio Shack's kickass trade-in program, I was able to get it for EIGHT DOLLARS!), but the biggest reason was because the HD2 is probably the last great, REAL WinMo phone we'll see before Win7(AKA Buzz Killington) comes out & ends an era. The death of WM is gonna be a really hard pill to swallow, nigh on impossible actually, but having the last real WM phone might soften the blow a bit.
I really hope that communities like this one keep WM alive for as long as possible.
Viva LA WM!!!
WM will never die!!!!
The manufacturers may stop making devices but the community will never die!!!
Long live WM!!
just 3reason. i choose hd2 because of fast gps reciver phone,support garmin software and big screen.
I moved to Leo because my Rhodium was too slow and I took the hardest desicion of leaving real keyboard device for Leo, I am very satisfied with the performance and now more fun having Android too!
But still miss a real keyboard...
Well said!!!:
rmdeathwish said:
WM will never die!!!!
The manufacturers may stop making devices but the community will never die!!!
Long live WM!!
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