editing keyguard_screen_unlock_portrait.xml - Droid Eris Android Development

using apk manager i tried to decompile framework-res.apk to edit the above mentioned file. my goal was to remove the clock/date, and to make the background on the lockscreen transparent instead of just showing the home background image.
i followed all the guides and instructions for how to remove and replace a framework apk, and edit and recompile it with apk manager. here is what i changed.
i removed this line:
<com.android.internal.widget.DigitalClock android:id="@id/time" android:paddingBottom="8.0dip" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_marginLeft="20.0dip" android:layout_marginTop="15.0dip" android:layout_alignParentLeft="true" android:layout_alignParentTop="true">
<TextView android:textAppearance="?textAppearanceMedium" android:textSize="56.0sp" android:ellipsize="none" android:id="@id/timeDisplay" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_marginBottom="6.0dip" android:singleLine="true" android:shadowColor="#c0000000" android:shadowDx="0.0" android:shadowDy="0.0" android:shadowRadius="3.0" />
<TextView android:textAppearance="?textAppearanceMedium" android:textSize="18.0sp" android:ellipsize="none" android:id="@id/am_pm" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_marginLeft="4.0dip" android:singleLine="true" android:shadowColor="#c0000000" android:shadowDx="0.0" android:shadowDy="0.0" android:shadowRadius="3.0" android:layout_toRightOf="@id/timeDisplay" android:layout_alignBaseline="@id/timeDisplay" />
and edited this:
(my understanding is that the first two characters are alpha, and "00" would be transparent.)
after all was edited, recompiled, pushed back to the proper place on the phone, i rebooted the phone.. and it was stuck in a boot loop. the bootanimation would hardly even start before it froze for a few moments and restarted.
i followed all the directions exactly.. i am pretty sure.. i had no errors.. what might have went wrong?

Did you resign the apk before pushing it to your phone?

Yes but the signed apk was named "signedframework-res.apk", so I renamed it.. would that have unsigned it again?
Sent from my nonsensikal froyo using XDA App

mindnumbinglyfun said:
Yes but the signed apk was named "signedframework-res.apk", so I renamed it.. would that have unsigned it again?
Sent from my nonsensikal froyo using XDA App
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That shouldn't have unsigned it, I've renamed apks and zips with no problem

Framework-res.apk is a system resource. Signing it will corrupt the apk. Recompile and push it back unsigned...
sk842018 said:
That shouldn't have unsigned it, I've renamed apks and zips with no problem
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Sent from my Ginger Tazz using XDA App

Macrodroid said:
Framework-res.apk is a system resource. Signing it will corrupt the apk. Recompile and push it back unsigned...
Sent from my Ginger Tazz using XDA App
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yea no need to resign it
oh btw bro have u ?
If I haven't apologized for this post yet, I'll have to later, I'm sure...

Yeah, there's no need to sign a framework-res.apk file. It seems like you would need to, but no. Good luck and happy editing!


[Q] How to Remove this things?

I want to remove two things from my phone.
I just added lidroid's 14 toggles. how can I remove the labels in the quickpanel? (wifi,bluetooth,flashlight,etc..)
the second thing is this. I edited my settings.apk to put tabs in it. like the tabs in custom roms.
i put shortcuts of apps like cpu spy, quickpannelsettings..
how can i remove their icons from the drawer?
Thanks in Advance.
In lidroid-res.apk locate res/values and open strings.xml
the text below the toggles are located at the bottom of the xml
about hiding the app in launcher
decompile the apk of the app and open AndroidManifest.xml
and find this line and delete
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
recompile and sign the apk
deleting the strings give fc to lidroid-res.
the second one works. but not all 3rd party apps can be decompile/recompile properly. like the NoFrillsCPU.apk

[Q] Editing System UI

Please any body help me i m stuck i want to make the system ui topbar and background transparent please help me how to do it is it xml editing or just replacing the pic
nsnikhil said:
Please any body help me i m stuck i want to make the system ui topbar and background transparent please help me how to do it is it xml editing or just replacing the pic
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Just follow this link freind it will help you to aim your target.....
nsnikhil said:
Please any body help me i m stuck i want to make the system ui topbar and background transparent please help me how to do it is it xml editing or just replacing the pic
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use this thread to create a transparent background....
for statusbar....
but in status_bar_tracking.xml
just below this:
<com.android.systemui.statusbar.TrackingView android:orientation="vertical" android:paddingLeft="0.0px" android:paddingRight="0.0px" android:paddingBottom="0.0px" android:focusable="true" android:visibility="gone" android:descendantFocusability="afterDescendants"
will be a :
<View android:background:#a color code.................>
delete the whole line and then replace it with
<View android:background="@drawable/status_bar_background" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_weight="1.0" />
then in drawble-ldpi folder there will be a file named status_bar_background.9.png (note the '_' ) delete that image it'll be a light grayish image
recompile SystemUI..ur done
I wrote a whole thread about this - please search next time
it's right here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2204389

[Guide] How to enable multi-user?

hello friends, I have a nice question for you!
I state that this is google translation so it will be the best.
anyway back to us ....
you own a nice tablet?
and maybe you are engaged or married and you have photos of your woman on the device in question, and maybe you do not want others to see,
or simply your friends are never their own business, and then maybe you want to make private your tablet, maybe with a secondary account, but do not know how to do it because the tablet does not support multi-user ...
well do not give up, this guide will do for you ...
I do not take any responsibility for what might happen to your device
these are the requirements:
-this app : https://www.dropbox.com/s/wmc4vg8n1lyv1o1/4_2_multiple_user_enabler_root_1.2.apk
-a file manager with root permissions as root browser or other
-user app share (which allows you to decide the content to display to other accounts) is on play store or in this link https://www.dropbox.com/s/nh3vaqetj9fogzs/MultiUserAppShare.apk
well, now first download the app before "4.2 multi user enabler"
copy it to the sd of your dear and beloved tablet.
after this app copied to the folder system of your tablet, change permissions (I usually do I enable them all)
after that install the app . from the app enable the multi-user, reboot your tablet and you're done!
multi user share app you need to decide what to use the other account
Now you might ask: why not just install the app?
Try it! it will seem to work but when you restart the account will vanish,
Intead with this guide it will be ever
if you have been useful on press thanks
By friends!
Simix93 said:
hello friends, I have a nice question for you!
I state that this is google translation so it will be the best.
anyway back to us ....
you own a nice tablet?
and maybe you are engaged or married and you have photos of your woman on the device in question, and maybe you do not want others to see,
or simply your friends are never their own business, and then maybe you want to make private your tablet, maybe with a secondary account, but do not know how to do it because the tablet does not support multi-user ...
well do not give up, this guide will do for you ...
I do not take any responsibility for what might happen to your device
these are the requirements:
-this app : https://www.dropbox.com/s/wmc4vg8n1lyv1o1/4_2_multiple_user_enabler_root_1.2.apk
-a file manager with root permissions as root browser or other
-user app share (which allows you to decide the content to display to other accounts) is on play store or in this link https://www.dropbox.com/s/nh3vaqetj9fogzs/MultiUserAppShare.apk
well, now first download the app before "4.2 multi user enabler"
copy it to the sd of your dear and beloved tablet.
after this app copied to the folder system of your tablet, change permissions (I usually do I enable them all)
after that install the app . from the app enable the multi-user, reboot your tablet and you're done!
multi user share app you need to decide what to use the other account
Now you might ask: why not just install the app?
Try it! it will seem to work but when you restart the account will vanish,
Intead with this guide it will be ever
if you have been useful on press thanks
By friends!
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The easiest way to enable multiuser support especially for our Galaxy Tab 3.0 is to edit the framework-res.apk with apktool and change the max user in there. The best thing with this way, your account will not vanish when you restart the device.. :laugh::laugh:
faruqmunshif said:
The easiest way to enable multiuser support especially for our Galaxy Tab 3.0 is to edit the framework-res.apk with apktool and change the max user in there. The best thing with this way, your account will not vanish when you restart the device.. :laugh::laugh:
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ah I did not know .. you tell me how to do? maybe put to me now if there is. Anyway .. this is useful for anyone who is not practical to make changes to the framework
Here is the alternative, modifying framework-res.apk.
What I've done on my Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 (GT-P5210) :
- Modifying framework-res\res\values\integers.xml (locate the entry, and put X, where X <= 8 instead of 1, X = the number of allowed max users) :
<integer name="config_multiuserMaximumUsers">8</integer>
- Modifying framework-res\res\layout-port\keyguard_host_view.xml (to show user selector on lockscreen) :
>> Adding this after the second </FrameLayout>
<FrameLayout androidprv:paddingTop="@dimen/status_bar_height" androidprv:layout_width="fill_parent" androidprv:layout_height="wrap_content">
<include androidprv:layout_gravity="top|center" androidprv:layout_width="fill_parent" androidprv:layout_height="fill_parent" layout="@layout/keyguard_multi_user_selector" />
- Adding framework-res\res\layout-port\keyguard_multi_user_selector.xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<com.android.internal.policy.impl.keyguard.KeyguardMultiUserSelectorView android:layout_gravity="bottom" android:orientation="horizontal" android:id="@id/keyguard_user_selector" android:visibility="gone" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:contentDescription="@string/keyguard_accessibility_user_selector" android:layout_childType="userSwitcher"
<com.android.internal.policy.impl.keyguard.KeyguardLinearLayout android:layout_gravity="bottom|center" android:orientation="horizontal" android:id="@id/keyguard_users_grid" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="@dimen/keyguard_avatar_size" android:layout_marginBottom="400.0dip" />
- After that, copied from the original framework-res.apk AndroidManifest.xml file and META-INF directory to your newly compiled one (using a zip file utility) so I can bypass the sign process (like you should do with auto sign tool - signapk.jar)
And voilĂ , after putting back my modified framework-res.apk to the device and rebooting, i'm able to add new users in settings
i have tried to modify my framework-res.apk, but it's not succesful.
I installed framework-res with this command:
java -jar apktool.jar if Framework-Res.apk
This installed a file named 1.apk in my users-directory.
After that i extract the framework-res.apk with this command:
java -jar apktool.jar d Framework-Res.apk
Everythings seems to be fine, a directory with the name Framework-Res is created.
I modified the 3 files "integers.xml", "keyguard_host_view.xml" and "keyguard_multi_user_selector.xml" as described.
Now i pack it together with this command:
java -jar apktool.jar b Framework-Res
Get 2 errors with PNG-Files "File is case-insensitive" and correct the filenames (uppercase .PNG to lowercase .png).
After that i found in the folder "dist" the framework-res.apk.
The filesize is less about 12mb then before, it's now round about 36mb.
I put this file in my /system/framework folder and reboot. But the system is still displaying the Samsung-Logo.
Replaceing the file with the original file and everything is ok.
What do i wrong?
with best regards,
ok, now it works.
i have forgot to add the sign-process to the new .apk file.
now my tab 3 8.0 have the multi-user function, thank you!
Spatz said:
i have tried to modify my framework-res.apk, but it's not succesful.
I installed framework-res with this command:
java -jar apktool.jar if Framework-Res.apk
This installed a file named 1.apk in my users-directory.
After that i extract the framework-res.apk with this command:
java -jar apktool.jar d Framework-Res.apk
Everythings seems to be fine, a directory with the name Framework-Res is created.
I modified the 3 files "integers.xml", "keyguard_host_view.xml" and "keyguard_multi_user_selector.xml" as described.
Now i pack it together with this command:
java -jar apktool.jar b Framework-Res
Get 2 errors with PNG-Files "File is case-insensitive" and correct the filenames (uppercase .PNG to lowercase .png).
After that i found in the folder "dist" the framework-res.apk.
The filesize is less about 12mb then before, it's now round about 36mb.
I put this file in my /system/framework folder and reboot. But the system is still displaying the Samsung-Logo.
Replaceing the file with the original file and everything is ok.
What do i wrong?
with best regards,
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Before recompile your framework-res.apk, you should find the png files with uppercase (.PNG) from your decompiled framework-res.apk/res/ and rename them to lowercase (.png).
when finished, flash it using CWM or other recovery.
Does anyone have working framework-res.apk for T310 ? I've updated mine, but I do not see anything new. When I flash zip fro T311 from a different thread, I have this options, but some labels in the system are missing and messed up.
slobodan.bogdanovic said:
Does anyone have working framework-res.apk for T310 ? I've updated mine, but I do not see anything new. When I flash zip fro T311 from a different thread, I have this options, but some labels in the system are missing and messed up.
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Just follow the guide in this thread to make your framework-res.apk working with multiuser. or if you have no time, just give me your framework-res.apk and i will try to decompile it for you,
Spatz said:
ok, now it works.
i have forgot to add the sign-process to the new .apk file.
now my tab 3 8.0 have the multi-user function, thank you!
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You can also copy from your original framework-res.apk AndroidManifest.xml file and META-INF directory to your newly compiled one so you can bypass the sign process
I have an issue when having multiple users enabled.
When I am logged in as the owner (first user) I am able to connect device via usb and transfer files.
When I am logged in as the second user, and when I try to connect device vis usb, it is not recognized. MTP Driver installation fails in this case.
Anyone has the same issue?
Simix93 said:
hello friends, I have a nice question for you!
I state that this is google translation so it will be the best.
anyway back to us ....
you own a nice tablet?
and maybe you are engaged or married and you have photos of your woman on the device in question, and maybe you do not want others to see,
or simply your friends are never their own business, and then maybe you want to make private your tablet, maybe with a secondary account, but do not know how to do it because the tablet does not support multi-user ...
well do not give up, this guide will do for you ...
I do not take any responsibility for what might happen to your device
these are the requirements:
-this app : https://www.dropbox.com/s/wmc4vg8n1lyv1o1/4_2_multiple_user_enabler_root_1.2.apk
-a file manager with root permissions as root browser or other
-user app share (which allows you to decide the content to display to other accounts) is on play store or in this link https://www.dropbox.com/s/nh3vaqetj9fogzs/MultiUserAppShare.apk
well, now first download the app before "4.2 multi user enabler"
copy it to the sd of your dear and beloved tablet.
after this app copied to the folder system of your tablet, change permissions (I usually do I enable them all)
after that install the app . from the app enable the multi-user, reboot your tablet and you're done!
multi user share app you need to decide what to use the other account
Now you might ask: why not just install the app?
Try it! it will seem to work but when you restart the account will vanish,
Intead with this guide it will be ever
if you have been useful on press thanks
By friends!
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Working on Tab3 7" ?
Leehtaeyeon said:
Working on Tab3 7" ?
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I do not know, I have not tried it, so you head to the end you just have to move an app
Leehtaeyeon said:
Working on Tab3 7" ?[/QUOT
Multiuser only supported by Android 4.2.2 or higher. As i know, the android version in Tab 3 7" is 4.1.2. If you want to use multiuser, wait until tab 3 7" recieved update for 4.2.2..
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faruqmunshif said:
Leehtaeyeon said:
Working on Tab3 7" ?
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Multiuser only supported by Android 4.2.2 or higher. As i know, the android version in Tab 3 7" is 4.1.2. If you want to use multiuser, wait until tab 3 7" recieved update for 4.2.2..
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Don' work =/
I do not believe he will get more 4.2.2.
I think like other devices, it will jump to 4.4
Spatz said:
ok, now it works.
i have forgot to add the sign-process to the new .apk file.
now my tab 3 8.0 have the multi-user function, thank you!
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Spatz-is there any chance you could post detailed instructions? Or can you post your framework res.apk file?
Sent from my SM-T310 using xda app-developers app
I used your procedure to modify the framework-res.apk file and it doesn't work on my Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 (GT-P5210). It keeps boot-looping. I managed to put back the original framework-res.apk and it's working, so I didn't killed it completely!
I do it this way:
1. Use apktool to decompile the apk file (apktool.jar).
2. Modify the xml files with Notepad++.
3. Use apktool to recompile the apk file.
4. Sign the file with autosign tool found on XDA (signapk.jar).
5. Put the framework-res.apk file back using ADB in recovery mode and set the right permissions on the file.
What tools have you used? Did you do it differently than me?
Thank you.
i am curious about this, but i'd like to know how multi user works. How do I "log" in to the tab and use my gmail, etc? And then how would my wife log in and user her email and etc? Are there profiles or something similar?
never mind
Hi. I see this method does not work very well. I recommend the app SwitchMe. It's much easier and just requires root permission which everyone should have. I can't post links because I'm a newbie, so just search for it on the Play Store. :good:
alfreddallaire said:
I used your procedure to modify the framework-res.apk file and it doesn't work on my Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 (GT-P5210). It keeps boot-looping. I managed to put back the original framework-res.apk and it's working, so I didn't killed it completely!
I do it this way:
1. Use apktool to decompile the apk file (apktool.jar).
2. Modify the xml files with Notepad++.
3. Use apktool to recompile the apk file.
4. Sign the file with autosign tool found on XDA (signapk.jar).
5. Put the framework-res.apk file back using ADB in recovery mode and set the right permissions on the file.
What tools have you used? Did you do it differently than me?
Thank you.
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As I mentionned some posts before, I did not use the signapk.jar but instead copied signed informations from my original framework-res.apk to the new one.
See my post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=48429541&postcount=10 there.
I updated my tuto post to include this in the process (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=48315919&postcount=4)

Phone will not install KK update

Hey all, thanks for looking. I'm rooted on the latest JB ota and every time I try to install KK it stops about halfway through and boots back up notifying me it failed. I don't have any custom ROM installed. In fact, I would prefer to return to complete stock and then do KK but I can't get find an answer as to whether I can fastboot with the latest JB ota. Thanks for any advice in advance.
Sent from my XT907 using XDA Free mobile app
i have the same problem does yours stop halfway thru installing and then a android with exclamation point appears
Yes indeed it does. Exactly the same issue it sounds like.
Sent from my XT907 using XDA Free mobile app
32853345 30
You can flash a stock ROM through RSD or FastBoot on any version of xt907. Just turn it off, hold volume down and tap the power button and fastboot will appear. Flash using your favorite method. If you're locked, you can flash an update or the same version of your ROM, but you cannot downgrade.
I did that, and I still can't get the update to work.
root had my update failing too. i just did a restore with RSD and stock JB firmware. took the KK update fine after that.
chuck solid said:
root had my update failing too. i just did a restore with RSD and stock JB firmware. took the KK update fine after that.
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hey please give me the firmware which you flashed?? please give me the link i also have to update to KK but i rooted the phone and the same thing happens it stops. i want to flash a new JB firmware and the firmware i downloaded doesnt seem to load on RSD lite please give me the proper firmware which loads on RSD LITE properly. i need help!!please
whizinc said:
hey please give me the firmware which you flashed?? please give me the link i also have to update to KK but i rooted the phone and the same thing happens it stops. i want to flash a new JB firmware and the firmware i downloaded doesnt seem to load on RSD lite please give me the proper firmware which loads on RSD LITE properly. i need help!!please
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here ya go!
click on 'Droid Razr M' (XT907). i used the firmware on the bottom.
chuck solid said:
here ya go!
click on 'Droid Razr M' (XT907). i used the firmware on the bottom.
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I used the exact sbf but it wont load in rsd lite it says either xml file is wrong and bla bla please help me !! what should i do???
whizinc said:
I used the exact sbf but it wont load in rsd lite it says either xml file is wrong and bla bla please help me !! what should i do???
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did you modify the XML file? read this. you have extract the firmware contents. then modify the XML file. save it (as XML not TXT) and then use that file in RSD.
chuck solid said:
did you modify the XML file? read this. you have extract the firmware contents. then modify the XML file. save it (as XML not TXT) and then use that file in RSD.
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yes i tried but i didnt made sure to save as XML let me do it right now I will let you know btw thanks alot!! please stand by brother i really need to flash this sbf on my phone
---------- Post added at 02:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:06 PM ----------
chuck solid said:
did you modify the XML file? read this. you have extract the firmware contents. then modify the XML file. save it (as XML not TXT) and then use that file in RSD.
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ok so i tried you method i edited the XML file like they said no get var no oem lines still is the same error and i am editing the XML file in zip i didnt extracted may this be the problem??
whizinc said:
yes i tried but i didnt made sure to save as XML let me do it right now I will let you know btw thanks alot!! please stand by brother i really need to flash this sbf on my phone
---------- Post added at 02:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:06 PM ----------
ok so i tried you method i edited the XML file like they said no get var no oem lines still is the same error and i am editing the XML file in zip i didnt extracted may this be the problem??
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i extracted mine from the zip. easiest way to make sure you save the XML file correctly.
chuck solid said:
i extracted mine from the zip. easiest way to make sure you save the XML file correctly.
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thank youu sooooo much!!!! MAN !! you saved me ok the mistake what i was doing was that i was editng the XML file and was puting it in the zip again i wasnt extracting it
let me clear for the folks who are doing mistakes just like me
download your sbf first
extract it in C (prefer C drive always for sbfing)
edit the xml file in the extracted folder
go to rsd lite and load the exact xml file that you extracted earlier (no need to zip it back!!)
and voila
special thanks to Chuck Solid made my concept clear
i used this XML its working like a charm
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<phone_model model="SM_JB_VZW_CFC" />
<software_version version="smq_vzw-user 4.1.2 9.8.1Q-94-1 77 release-keysSM_BP_101032.021.32.80P" />
<interface name="AP" />
<steps interface="AP">
<step operation="oem" var="fb_mode_set" />
<step operation="flash" partition="partition" filename="gpt_main0.bin" MD5="FB3D9083F1B5890BBF2FA8617D31A70A" />
<step operation="flash" partition="sbl1" filename="sbl1.mbn" MD5="FB458002D5B1B3430B0519E0F206C361" />
<step operation="flash" partition="sbl2" filename="sbl2.mbn" MD5="5E1E096A29FB49A955C595B3E7759CA7" />
<step operation="flash" partition="sbl3" filename="sbl3.mbn" MD5="16813AF63FFBF4044FBF72D75BD47DB1" />
<step operation="flash" partition="rpm" filename="rpm.mbn" MD5="0C3F4FF07D3B5037E17B8EFE5F4C66EE" />
<step operation="flash" partition="tz" filename="tz.mbn" MD5="474F31095C8146D1F86D0E5CE72B878F" />
<step operation="flash" partition="aboot" filename="emmc_appsboot.mbn" MD5="A40F6AAFA4A581023A2EDA9F23202453" />
<step operation="flash" partition="modem" filename="NON-HLOS.bin" MD5="3E7F1624D8DDA8C8E4995F99A68B321F" />
<step operation="flash" partition="fsg" filename="fsg.mbn" MD5="0898A1859E77F05B62E2A6D04251E30E" />
<step operation="erase" partition="modemst1" />
<step operation="erase" partition="modemst2" />
<step operation="flash" partition="logo" filename="logo.bin" MD5="506F42184C465D9CD8BB2BD27DB77F1A" />
<step operation="flash" partition="devtree" filename="device_tree.bin" MD5="66AD59B88203992915EAF476C9E17E58" />
<step operation="flash" partition="boot" filename="boot.img" MD5="624AD56D21BE40E2C62F2D8666C1A3DA" />
<step operation="flash" partition="recovery" filename="recovery.img" MD5="A51ACEFFB3DE7BB9259F345AF8E5ABB6" />
<step operation="flash" partition="cdrom" filename="cdrom" MD5="8C578BC3308036F86BF30BA802E488DF" />
<step operation="flash" partition="system" filename="system.img" MD5="AFF82B543EF8E558892AA67D4909C067" />
<step operation="erase" partition="tombstones" />
<step operation="erase" partition="cache" />
<step operation="erase" partition="userdata" />
<step operation="oem" var="fb_mode_clear" />
whizinc said:
thank youu sooooo much!!!! MAN !! you saved me ok the mistake what i was doing was that i was editng the XML file and was puting it in the zip again i wasnt extracting it
let me clear for the folks who are doing mistakes just like me
download your sbf first
extract it in C (prefer C drive always for sbfing)
edit the xml file in the extracted folder
go to rsd lite and load the exact xml file that you extracted earlier (no need to zip it back!!)
and voila
special thanks to Chuck Solid made my concept clear
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right on man! good deal! enjoy the update. i needed (2) reboots of the phone before it settled down but after that it runs smooth like butter.
chuck solid said:
right on man! good deal! enjoy the update. i needed (2) reboots of the phone before it settled down but after that it runs smooth like butter.
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yeah i did it completely flashed new sbf phones is back to factory state now i am gonna go ahed and download the KK update! P.S in first boot my phone worked like a charm didnt need to do more reboots. and thank you so much man!!! Thanks alot!! :good::good:
---------- Post added at 03:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:43 PM ----------
chuck solid said:
right on man! good deal! enjoy the update. i needed (2) reboots of the phone before it settled down but after that it runs smooth like butter.
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now another problem please help man i flashed everything properly and phone seems to work great now i have to update to KK update now when i come in my system updates it says "System updates" is not available without a motorola service account there are 2 options cancel and setup when i press setup nothing happens just a blanks screen with "communicating with server please wait" nothing happens i really need to update it to KK please help me my google account is logged in and still nothing happens its not getting the update.. the update started like a charm before the sbf flash. please help man
whizinc said:
yeah i did it completely flashed new sbf phones is back to factory state now i am gonna go ahed and download the KK update! P.S in first boot my phone worked like a charm didnt need to do more reboots. and thank you so much man!!! Thanks alot!! :good::good:
---------- Post added at 03:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:43 PM ----------
now another problem please help man i flashed everything properly and phone seems to work great now i have to update to KK update now when i come in my system updates it says "System updates" is not available without a motorola service account there are 2 options cancel and setup when i press setup nothing happens just a blanks screen with "communicating with server please wait" nothing happens i really need to update it to KK please help me my google account is logged in and still nothing happens its not getting the update.. the update started like a charm before the sbf flash. please help man
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sounds like the 'motorola services' isn't running. try this: do a 'factory reset' inside 'settings'. when the phone restarts DO NOT set up your google account. agree to the motorola crap but SKIP google sign in. this will make sure nothing is loaded from the playstore. not even your contacts. skip over the verizon contact restore and accounts. then try the update again. that's what i did after RSD. give it a shot.
chuck solid said:
sounds like the 'motorola services' isn't running. try this: do a 'factory reset' inside 'settings'. when the phone restarts DO NOT set up your google account. agree to the motorola crap but SKIP google sign in. this will make sure nothing is loaded from the playstore. not even your contacts. skip over the verizon contact restore and accounts. then try the update again. that's what i did after RSD. give it a shot.
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ok so now the service is working but it says check for update is not available at this time.. now what to do?
---------- Post added at 03:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:41 PM ----------
chuck solid said:
sounds like the 'motorola services' isn't running. try this: do a 'factory reset' inside 'settings'. when the phone restarts DO NOT set up your google account. agree to the motorola crap but SKIP google sign in. this will make sure nothing is loaded from the playstore. not even your contacts. skip over the verizon contact restore and accounts. then try the update again. that's what i did after RSD. give it a shot.
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and i didnt factory reset after doing the RSD i didnt do any resets it just got past through the service thing automatically now its stuck on "Check for update is not available'
i did 3,4 reboots after it got past through the service thingy
whizinc said:
ok so now the service is working but it says check for update is not available at this time.. now what to do?
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keep checking. my kid lost his update notification yesterday. he saw it at school but waited to download it till he got home and on wifi. when he got home it kept saying "no updates available" until about 9 o'clock last night. if you can't wait, these guys are playing with a download of the OTA:
chuck solid said:
keep checking. my kid lost his update notification yesterday. he saw it at school but waited to download it till he got home and on wifi. when he got home it kept saying "no updates available" until about 9 o'clock last night. if you can't wait, these guys are playing with a download of the OTA:
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thanks alot man i think i will download this OTA or i will wait becuase i am on a slow network it will take about 2 hours for this file to download well thank you so much for your help i really appreciate it :good::good:
Hey guys, thanks so much for your responses. I was just unaware that I could RSD, I felt like I read somewhere that once I took the latest JB ota I couldn't RSD at all. Thank you again, I'll report back my findings.
Sent from my XT907 using XDA Free mobile app

[Q] png files are not changed after changing XML reference

Hello All,
recently Im working on my own project to add characters to the LG G2 default phone dialer (I know I can download other dialers), i spilited this project in to two parts 1.source code handling 2.GUI handling
currently I am still working on the first part and I hope I will have some breakthrough soon.
now regarding the second part.
I used ADB in order to pull out the LGcontacts.apk file, after I opened it I found that all dialpad related png files are located under "res\drawable-xxhdpi" folder.
I went to the following XML files located in the following paths
and changed the following lines from this:
<View android:layout_width="@dimen/dialer_dialpad_col_interval" android:layout_height="fill_parent" />
<com.android.contacts.dialpad.DialpadImageButton android:id="@id/two" android:background="@drawable/btn_dial" android:src="@drawable/dial_num_2_wht" android:contentDescription="@string/description_image_button_two" style="@style/DialtactsDialpadButtonStyle" />
<View android:layout_width="@dimen/dialer_dialpad_col_interval" android:layout_height="fill_parent" />
<com.android.contacts.dialpad.DialpadImageButton android:id="@id/three" android:background="@drawable/btn_dial" android:src="@drawable/dial_num_3_wht" android:contentDescription="@string/description_image_button_three" style="@style/DialtactsDialpadButtonStyle" />
To this:
<View android:layout_width="@dimen/dialer_dialpad_col_interval" android:layout_height="fill_parent" />
<com.android.contacts.dialpad.DialpadImageButton android:id="@id/two" android:background="@drawable/btn_dial" android:src="@drawable/dial_num_2_wht_il" android:contentDescription="@string/description_image_button_two" style="@style/DialtactsDialpadButtonStyle" />
<View android:layout_width="@dimen/dialer_dialpad_col_interval" android:layout_height="fill_parent" />
<com.android.contacts.dialpad.DialpadImageButton android:id="@id/three" android:background="@drawable/btn_dial" android:src="@drawable/dial_num_3_wht_il" android:contentDescription="@string/description_image_button_three" style="@style/DialtactsDialpadButtonStyle" />
After the changes done I saved the files rebuilt the APK using APK Studio and pushed the apk file to /system/priv-app using ADB.
after reboot to the device the APK was installed however after opening the APP i noticed that nothing has changed.
honestly i dont know why nothing was changed, does anyone know what did I do wrong?
Thank you for your help in advanced.

