Weird issue with Froyo ringtones (DK17 ANY rom) - Epic 4G General

I have noticed that after removing the stock apps that are normally safe to remove, mp3 ringtones start causing force closes (when trying to save settings). This is also happening to me on both quantum and viper. I did a trial and error and it seems the problem may be tied to drm . How is this possible if that file was safe to remove in 2.1? I could also be wrong about the problematic apk, the problem takes a little while to manifest itself so I can't tell 100% for sure which apk breaks it.

I think it is DRM, I had problems with it in 2.1 so I decided not to remove it but just kill the process when I reboot.

I never had a problem in 2.1. It seems removing the the service apk is okay though ). Seems the culprit is indeed DrmUA.apk. All the devs should note this.

I've encountered this same problem, only it started before DK17 (~DK05 I think). No problems removing DRM APKs on 2.1, but on 2.2 mp3 ringtones caused forcecloses. Even opening the same file with the music player (not in the settings app) forceclosed. The problem went away when I reinstalled the SisoDrmProvider apk, the DrmUA one didn't seem to be necessary, nor did it seem necessary to have any drm services running.
I wonder if froyo handles data for removed application differently than eclair... On eclair, I heard of some people being able to remove the DRM APKs as long as they didn't clear the data (I always forgot), perhaps froyo deletes the data when the DRM APKs are removed?

So DrmUA isn't neccesary for you, but SisoDrmProvider is? Weird.. I'm on stock (with my own modifications of course) and i removed siso but not drmua and have had no problems. Very very strange.

Related force close [(ACTUALLY) FIXED 04/29/2011]

EDIT: After studying some logs, and struggling with this issue for some time, I am happy to say I have finally figured out why this happens, and how to fix it.
The issue is with the calendar, which is why what is written below would work for a short time, before the problem would resurface. If you navigate into the calendar settings, you will see an option within Calendar View Settings to "Include Weather". What is happening, regardless of whether this is checked, is upon the gps turning on, and in set intervals afterward, the calendar tries to check the weather. When it does not find the proper apk, the message appears.
How To Fix
The files that need to be replaced are WeatherProvider.apk and WeatherProvider.odex (, which I have attached below for convenience. Simply replace these files using the method you prefer (adb, terminal, root file browser), remembering to remount /system as rw, then fix_permissions and reboot.
Alternatively, I made a flashable version (, which you need only flash from recovery and reboot.
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I recently started getting notices that stopped and needed a force close. Though it seemed not to affect anything, it was annoying.
It happens when one removes the sense apps (though I have not narrowed down exactly which ones).
To fix this, go to settings, applications, manage applications, then clear data in Calendar, Calander Provider, and Gmail.
Thank you! It was starting to really annoy me.
EDIT: It's back.
^ Shift Faced
Came back on me too. Cleared delvik as well. I may have to try and track down all the weather app crap I removed to stop it if no one can figure out a better way.
According to Elixer that process is started by ConnectToPCService. Hope that helps. I no longer get but I'm back to stock with all HTC junk intact, just Sprint crap removed.
^ Shift Faced
Check the OP for a real fix to this issue.
How do you "flash" from recovery & reboot
does this work on other htc phones?
i flashed this on a desire hd running leedroid 3.0.2 but i still get the FC
din clear data after flashing
note: i used a no sense script but left myhtc and htclocationservice intact
problem parsing package
i had downloaded the said files but when I tried to install the files,it says problem parsing the to fix this?

[Guide]List of apps safe to remove

This is a list of safe/unsafe apps to remove from stock roms.
Generally for other regions/carrier roms anything not included should be safe to remove.
Safe in this case is defined as "will not affect the stability of the rom" removing carrier apps is "safe" for the rom, but weither or not it's useful to keep is beyond the scope of this guide. An example is removing the carrier specific mms app. It can function correctly without it, but you lose any carrier specific enhancements.
General Guideline
NOT safe to remove:** (excluding,*)* (that isnt available on market)
PreLoadNetworkSettings.apk [com.oem.prenetworksetting]
Safe to remove:
anything available on market
anything not listed here
Possibly Not safe to remove:
Package (OTA) util
PackageChecker.apk [com.oem.packagechecker]
PackageUpdate.apk [com.oem.packageupdate]
Safe to remove:
AMOLED.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.amoled]
CableDetection.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.cabledetection]
Calibrator.apk [com.oem.calibrator]
CellInfo.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.cellinfo]
ConfidentialRunningTest.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.runningtest]
DisplayVersionInfo.apk [com.oem.mode]
dtretriever.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.dtretriever]
ECompass.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.ecompass]
EMList and subapps
audioEM.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.audioEM]
BluetoothEM.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.BluetoothEM]
cameraEM.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.cameraEM]
EMList.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.emlist]
EMLoader.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.EMLoader]
EMwifi.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.wifi]
GpsEM.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.gpsem]
FactorySuiteUtility.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.suitutility]
FakeCB.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.fakecb]
GPIO subapps
Gpio.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.gpio]
GpioSleepMode.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.gpiosleepmode]
GSensor.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.gsensor]
Logging apps
LogMaster2.apk [com.oem.log]
LogService.apk [com.oem.logservice]
Lota.apk [com.oem.lota]
MaxPowerTest.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.maxpowertest]
mccmnc.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.mccmnc]
mminfo.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.mminfo]
NetWorkSetting.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.networksetting]
NVEngMode.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.nv]
OOD_OOM.apk [com.oem.testkits.ood_oom]
PermissionToAccessLocApi.apk [com.qualcomm.permission.locapi]
PowerMonitor.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.powermonitor]
security.apk []
SensorsInfo.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.SensorsInfo]
SIMInfo.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.siminfo]
TouchPanel.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.touch]
Verification apps
FactoryTestSIMCard.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.verificationsimcard]
Verification.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.verification]
VerificationAudio.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.VerificationAudio]
VerificationBluetooth.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.verification.bluetooth]
VerificationCamEEPROM.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.verificationcameeprom]
VerificationEcampass.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.verification.ecampass]
VerificationGaugeIcTemp.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.verification.gaugeictemp]
VerificationGaugeIcVoltage.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.verification.gaugeicvoltage]
VerificationGSensorTest.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.verificationGSensorTest]
VerificationHdmi.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.verificationVerificationHdmi]
VerificationHeadset.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.VerificationHeadset]
VerificationKey.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.verificationkey]
VerificationLCD.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.verificationlcd]
VerificationLPSensorTest.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.verificationLPSensorTest]
VerificationLPSensorUtility.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.verificationlpsensorutility]
VerificationSDCard.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.verificationsdcard]
VerificationSingleTouch.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.verification.singletouch]
VerificationUsbCharging.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.verification.usbcharging]
VerificationVibratorAndLed.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.crt]
VerificationWifi.apk [com.oem.engineeringmode.verificationwifi]
Bundleware (available in market):
ACCUWX.apk []
amazonmp3.apk []
com.adobe.air.apk [com.adobe.air]
com.facebook.katana [com.facebook.katana] []
copilot.apk []
evernote.apk [com.evernote]
Gallery3D.apk []
KindleGold.apk []
KongregateArcade.apk []
Napster-Tablet.apk [com.napster.bishop]
NeroDellSync.apk []
oovoo.apk [com.oovoo]
PageOnce.apk [com.netgate]
Quickoffice.apk []
radiotime.apk [tunein.player]
RoxioNow.apk [com.roxio.rnow]
ZinioReader.apk []
ZinioSettingsProvider.apk []
GApps (available in market):
Gmail.apk []
GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk []
Maps.apk []
Street.apk []
VoiceSearch.apk []
Youtube.apk []
BooksStageWidget-release.apk []
ContactsStageWidget-release.apk []
EmailStageWidget-release.apk []
HomeStageWidget-release.apk []
MusicStageWidget-release.apk []
NewsStageWidget-release.apk []
PicturesStageWidget-release.apk []
RadioStageWidget-release.apk []
SocialStageWidget-release.apk []
StageLauncher-release.apk []
VideoStageWidget-release.apk []
WebStageWidget-release.apk []
Non system apps:
CarDock.apk []
DRMPlayer.apk [com.arcsoft.drmplayer]
swype.apk []
It's time consuming to go through and delete the unwanted stuff using Root Uninstaller, but I believe it to be time well spent if only to provide a bit more space on the internal MicroSD. Perhaps someone should write an automated script that will allow the user to delete the APKs in the "Safe To Remove" section of the post?
Removing things like Stage UI and the bundleware should be left out of such a script, since every user is different.
The bundleware is more or less safe to remove, just as much they're usually older versions of what's available on market, you'd still need to update and would end up with 2 copies on your system. The current version at /data/app and the original older version at /system/app
Root explorer has a mass select button btw if you use that, I believe it also works for deleting but I'm not 100% sure. Only thing to be careful of is uninstalling a system critical file, though you can just as easily manually uninstall one by accident.
There's actually more stuff that can safely be removed, only the rom is the only way to get it as you cant download it normally. (eg swype and drmplayer, though swype beta is available as a slightly different thing)
I wasn't questioning the safety of removing the bundleware, since I removed most of it along with all the engineering stuff and the Stage UI yesterday. All I was saying is that in a script those things shouldn't be included because of individual user preferences.
Nice work bruv!!:d
Added a couple more apps into list, turns out everything in com.oem.* is not required (if you ignore being able to use OTA updates, but as noone uses them to begin with)
Dont remove dellsettingsprovider.apk though, it's needed for dock mode with an official dock.
out of curiosity did you guys figure out what are all those com.engineeringmode.* apps? to be honest, removing something like gsensor.apk sounds scary
If you force them to run by making a custom activity shortcut, they mostly do exactly what they sound like.
Majority of them lets you test a single function (ie what they're named after). They're all essentinally debug utils. Dell might have them included because it makes fixing returned devices easier (ie warrentied devices)
Or just as likely they left them in because they're lazy, the entire build system for the s5 is a bit of a mess. They fixed it for building venue and streak 7 roms but they never bothered to go back and fix it.
Though all these apps are also included in stock venue and s7 roms
So before removing these apps do a nandroid backup. Will the nandroid save these files? Also can u do this with Gingerstreak?
Sent from the SuperStreak! ;-)
Of course nandroid saves it, unless you intentionally dont do a nandroid of system\, which defeats the point of nandroid.
SD2.3 doesnt include these nor does SD2.0
TheManii said:
Of course nandroid saves it, unless you intentionally dont do a nandroid of system\, which defeats the point of nandroid.
SD2.3 doesnt include these nor does SD2.0
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SD 2.3 doesn't save which ones?
Sent from the SuperStreak! ;-)
I mean SD2.3 doesnt include anything that needs to be removed
TheManii said:
I mean SD2.3 doesnt include anything that needs to be removed
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Click to collapse
Oh ok
Sent from the SuperStreak! ;-)
so I decided to remove completely all those apps; so far so good and I'll surely like the slightly higher amount of available RAM
I have found something odd though (albeit almost irrelevant). after uninstalling (via titanium backup) all these apps I have lost one of the two wallpapers galllery (the one with a lot of pictures). Unfortunately I cannot tell which is the app responsible for this as I uninstalled them in bulk (I am not even 100% sure the two facts are related as more tweaking was going on and I discovered the issue only hours later).
well as I stated before it's not what you call a deal breaker, who uses stock wallpapers anyway but you'd better be advised than sorry!
you likely removed something in*
wallpapers are set with either:
gallery app
stageui's set
default android live wallpapers
whatever others you downloaded
mmh unlikely mate. I'm not betting my house on this but I'm quite confident I deleted only the apps that are in this very OP. the LWP and the 2-images-only galleries anyway are still there, i think it's something related to stage.
crashDebug said:
mmh unlikely mate. I'm not betting my house on this but I'm quite confident I deleted only the apps that are in this very OP. the LWP and the 2-images-only galleries anyway are still there, i think it's something related to stage.
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It is the stage UI. I LOVE the "beach & sea" one and lost it after removing stage ui
Sent from my Dell Streak using Tapatalk
Updated list, there are a couple com.oem apps that are boarderline cases of being safe to remove, as they break functionality, but which depends on if that's a good or bad thing.
Case in point: the ota tools can be safely removed, but obviously break ota updates. If you're on a custom rom this wouldnt work anyway as custom roms dont support ota updates.
Experience uninstalling these apps, based on 2.2.2 351 00:
Deleted the package apps = could not uninstall using Settings - App. Tried restarting phone as possible solution but got stuck on boot image.
Does cabledetection have anything to do with attaching with usb to pc? Gone, cannot use Streak as USB storage device in pc.
Note that many other appd can be removed too. Check Cyanogen barebones for detailed descriptions.
Question: Why is it impossible to "restore" apps I remove? Titanium simply does not work. At least with such far out ventures as removing, by accident though, and I had made a backup of everything, so it shoulf have been possible, the Accounts and Sync Settings apk.
Analogously - copying and pasting in RootExplorer does nothing at all, as is the case with trying to reinstall removed apps.
Anyways, lots of stuff can be removed. I even removed Market, to save resources, since I never download any apps from there anway.
You would be better off doing a nandroid backup before you muck around with the files. That way if something DOES happen you can go back to the original configuration. As to Titanium Backup, various versions of the app have had problems with restoring apps, corrupting not only the app, but the app's data as well. For backup purposes, Titanium Backup is not recommended. Nandroid instead.

[Q] Lost Stock Music Player on Defy+ - can I get it back?

I have a Defy which is on a custom ROM. I bought a Defy+ as a backup but decided to use that instead and try to run it on stock ROM. It was fine until I put a few of my apps on it and it became really sluggish. In the end I rooted the Defy+ and removed some of the stock apps by renaming the corresponding apk files as bak in the system/app folder. This appears to have sorted the problem and the phone runs fine.... except that I appear to have lost the music player. I installed another music player - which worked but conflicted with my lock screen so I wondered if I could get the stock music player back. I've tried renaming likely suspects back to apk from bak but nothing seems to have sorted it (and none of them look too likely anyway). The list of those renamed are
Are any of these stock player related?
The only other thing I remember is looking up TuneWiki when I was doing the cleanup but it doesn't appear on the above list... so I don't know where that is.
Any help appreciated! Thanks,
Take a backup and flash the corresponding sbf. Or try downloading a stock system nandroid for your system version, and get the player apk from there
Sent from my MB526 using Tapatalk 2
Thanks. I was hoping not to get into the flashing and restoring business again (I know that's what this forum is mainly about though) and wondered if it was a simple matter of one of the above files being put back to an apk or just putting an apk in the system/app directory. I guess the latter option you suggest may be the easiest but I don't know what the player apk is - I am pretty sure wouldn't have renamed anything that looked like it was a player apk in the first place

Removing apps that are in priv-app

After rooting this phone, trying to remove the bloatware that comes on the phone was not such a easy task at first, Its still giving me issues, I am using solid explorer and was able to delete stuff in the priv-app section on the phone things that every other file manager and what not would not let me do even system app remover wouldn't remove things in that section, but I was finally able to delete the bloatware from metro crap lookout, metroui, metro whatever, all of the lg home launchers, all gone now, The problem now is that I want to remove the google packages like google music, google video, google almost anything cause I do not use them at all, but when I delete it, it comes back on it no matter what I do, Also the lg stuff I cannot remove I figured it was part of the AOSP like the phone which I tried replacing with a different app but gives me an error when using it so I had to restore my old one back and deal with the lg stuff for now cause I'm no expert on removing and replacing certain elements in the AOSP. I'd rather figure out how to cook up a rom but I'm not sure I can do that on this phone quite yet, I have a kdz but not sure what I can do with it in kitchen, I believe I need a system.img file for that but I'm not entirely sure but I do want to figure it out, anyone point out any pointers out to me on anything, such as cooking up a rom or porting a rom, and if I can remove the google packages I listed above

Galaxy S8+ Restarting in Loop

Need help with my galaxy s8 +. It is restarting in loop. How can I fix it.
Stock? You add any new apps recently?
blackhawk said:
Stock? You add any new apps recently?
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added few apps few days back. but they were banking apps. I think to fix it i need to update by downloading firmware but not sure
If you can access the boot menu try clearing the system cache.
If that doesn't work, factory reset.
It's likely caused by an app you recently added or uninstalled.
Think hard before installing any suspect apps or you'll be doing this again.
3rd party launcher and power management apps are prime suspects.
blackhawk said:
If you can access the boot menu try clearing the system cache.
If that doesn't work, factory reset.
It's likely caused by an app you recently added or uninstalled.
Think hard before installing any suspect apps or you'll be doing this again.
3rd party launcher and power management apps are prime suspects.
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factory reset will end up in deleting all the data I have right. I am trying to avoid losing my data.
factory reset will end up in deleting all the data I have right. I am trying to avoid losing my data.
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Yes. You should have had it backed up. Android crashes are very rare but they happen.
You have a SD card slot?
Use it! Use the SD card as a data drive, all critical data goes here. Copies of apps and everything you need to do a complete restore as well.
Only the OS, loaded apps and the download folder go on the internal memory.
Frequently backup the SD card to at least 2 hhds that are physically and electronically isolated from each other and not attached to the PC.
You may be able to get it to boot into Safe Mode to retrieve your data. Don't count of this in the future!
I should also point out that the Android platform should be very stable; any system instability is often the only if any sign you'll get before a crash. Take any signs of instability seriously.
A crash is normally caused by poorly written 3rd party apps including malware. Pre-Pie OS's are suspectable to a rootkit that can't be eliminated by a factory reset. The phone's firmware must be reflashed. Also suspect malware when abnormal behavior is noticed and act fast to limit damage. Any download (including jpegs) or recent apps are suspect.
My current OS load is around a year or older. Still fast and stable. Not one crash. It's heavily but sanely used. This is what Android is capable of.
In 1.5 years I picked off one trojan preloader and an malicious scripted jpeg before they could do any real damage. The former didn't recieve it's needed second download before being discovered and the latter damaged some files in the download folder before being deleted that same day it was downloaded by me. The preloader was an unauthorized browser download, a real nasty one too. Always look over your download folder contents frequently especially after a questionable encounter
Delete any unknown content. Vet files before allowing them into your database from the download folder. Online Virustotal is a useful tool for malware detection in files/apps.
blackhawk said:
I should also point out that the Android platform should be very stable; any system instability is often the only if any sign you'll get before a crash. Take any signs of instability seriously.
A crash is normally caused by poorly written 3rd party apps including malware. Pre-Pie OS's are suspectable to a rootkit that can't be eliminated by a factory reset. The phone's firmware must be reflashed. Also suspect malware when abnormal behavior is noticed and act fast to limit damage. Any download (including jpegs) or recent apps are suspect.
My current OS load is around a year or older. Still fast and stable. Not one crash. It's heavily but sanely used. This is what Android is capable of.
In 1.5 years I picked off one trojan preloader and an malicious scripted jpeg before they could do any real damage. The former didn't recieve it's needed second download before being discovered and the latter damaged some files in the download folder before being deleted that same day it was downloaded by me. The preloader was an unauthorized browser download, a real nasty one too. Always look over your download folder contents frequently especially after a questionable encounter
Delete any unknown content. Vet files before allowing them into your database from the download folder. Online Virustotal is a useful tool for malware detection in files/apps.
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Thanks for your suggestions blackhawk !!
