HTC Snap WM 6.5 - Change messaging storage from device to storage card - Dash 3G, Snap General

Dear colleagues,
hope this post isn't repeated but I collect, filtered & tested information from other threads concering other HTC different devices and it works on my HTC Snap.
I syncronize a lot of emails with attachements and device memory was full. Then installed a 8GB Storage card but didn't find option to use it for messaging storage but other HTC devices as Kaiser & Backstone.
I did the following:
First of all you need a registry editor, there are many downloadable shareware on the web.
Email and Attachments on your Storage Card
Using the file manager in activesync, create the following folders
\Storage Card\Inbox\
\Storage Card\Inbox\Attachments\
(Of course u can name the folder what ever u want, but must use same nameson following configuration)
Then create the following STRING VALUES:
Name: AttachPath
String: Storage Card\MAPI\Attachments
Name: PropertyPath
String: Storage Card\MAPI
Then go to HKEY_Current_User
go to Software, then Microsoft, then MAPI
Create them these entries:
a. Create “String”.. Enter name as “AttachPath” and Value:
String as “\Storage Card\Inbox\Attachments”
b. Repeat the same step for next entry… Create “String”
Enter name as “PropertyPath” and Value: String as “\Storage Card\Inbox”
Soft Reset sevice (not hard reset otherwise these changes will be restored to factory default)
Now browse to \Windows\Messaging\
Move everything in this directory to the new ones on your Storage Card.
Still checking if everything is roght but it seems it.

Something is not quite good as new emails are stored at device \Windows\Messaging folder again !
Of course is able to read moved ones to Storage Card location, but this seems memory will be full if I don't move incoming msg's to Storage Card often.
Any suggestion before y crash WMM registry?
Thanks friends.


Save in XDAII

I want to know if there is an API function (C++ Windows CE 2000) to save files or directory in the the "storage Flash ROM of the XDAII" or this memory is only useful to save tasks and other things, therefore there isn't any function to do that.
It's easy: simply save to \Storage (or \Extended_ROM if you really want to write in the area reserved for the provider-specific device-personality... and it will go to flash.

Backup & Restore your Cemail.vol easily

first af all I would like to say that i'm not a developer!I just build a little app
to facilitate our every day life.
Then I would like to say that i won't be responsible on any damage that little app could do.
So I made a little App to backup and restore your cemail.vol (containing your SMS or text messages) easily.
It's based on mortscript app (which is very very great).
Installations Steps:
-Unzip B&R on your Ppc (Internal Memory or Storage card As you want)
-Run "" (install it in internal memory or storage card should work for both)
-And at least run "Back&Restore.mscr"
You'll be prompted if you want to backup or restore
and then you'll be prompted again if you want to restart your device or no.
As the backup or restore work at the starting of the device if you know what you are doing I suggest to reply yes, otherwise nothing will backuped or restored.
For those who are interested in this is the source of this little app:
errorlevel ("warn")
Choice( "SMS B&R","Restore or Backup","Backup","Restore" )
Case( 1 )
Startup = Regread ("hklm" , "System\Explorer\Shell Folders" , "Startup")
back = "XCopy \cemail.vol , ""\Storage Card"" , 1"
delb = "delete " & "(""" & Startup &"\backup.mscr"")"
delete (Startup &"\restore.mscr")
delete (Startup &"\backup.mscr")
WriteFile( Startup & "\backup.mscr" , back & "^CR^^LF^" & delb ,1 )
Case( 2 )
Startup = Regread ("hklm" , "System\Explorer\Shell Folders" , "Startup")
rest = "XCopy ""\Storage Card\cemail.vol"" , \ , 1"
delr = "delete " & "(""" & Startup &"\restore.mscr"")"
delete (Startup &"\backup.mscr")
delete (Startup &"\restore.mscr")
WriteFile( Startup & "\restore.mscr" , rest & "^CR^^LF^" & delr ,1 )
Case( 0 )
Message( "Cancel" )
Choice ("Reset", "Do you want to restart de device?","no","yes")
Case( 1 )
Message ("Be careful : Backup or Restore Cemail.vol only work if you soft reset your device")
Case( 2 )
Case( 0)
Message ("Be careful : Backup or Restore Cemail.vol only work if you soft reset your device")
Thanks for this, been wanting to backup cemail.
I've tested it briefly on my HP RX1950, but nothing is created after restart. I've tried with a few different storage cards but no luck. Any ideas?
As you can see file creation refers to Startup(folder) Value in Registry.
So it can be 2 things
1-The startup folder is not in the same place as mine in the registry (but I doubt about that)
2-The Mapi services which use the file cemail.vol start before my script.
So to check that, launch the backup but don't restart the device and go look
into \windows\startup to see if there is a file called Backup.mscr, if yes open it with a notepad and send me the content of the file.
I'll try later to make a log script file to debug these kind of problems
Well the startup folder is in the correct place in the registry, and backup.mscr is in the startup folder.
The contents is as follows;
XCopy \cemail.vol , "\Storage Card" , 1
delete ("\Windows\StartUp\backup.mscr")
So could you:
-Tell me what device do you own and which rom your are using.
-In the registry in [HKLM/init] could you give me your launch values.
(ex: Launch10 Shell32.exe, Launch20 Service.exe etc...)
hercule18 said:
So could you:
-Tell me what device do you own and which rom your are using.
-In the registry in [HKLM/init] could you give me your launch values.
(ex: Launch10 Shell32.exe, Launch20 Service.exe etc...)
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The device is a HP Ipaq RX1950, rom is the standard HP rom version 1.01 (english).
Launch values:
Launch10 shell.exe, Launch20 device.exe, Launch21 coldinit.exe, Launch30 gwes.exe, Launch35 wifioff.exe, Launch50 shell32.exe, Launch60 services.exe, Launch61 ciphase2.exe, Launch70 connmgr.exe, Launch80 srvtrust.exe
i was looking for some way to perform this operations and i have to say that this thing work perfectly on my TyTN (hermes) with mobile 6. For i moment i thought that i could write something in CF, but probably it wouldn't work cause it will need the system fully uploaded.
nice work
I see another way to backup SMS.
There are many programs which do backup SMS, and at any time, and not just during reboot device. For example, smsorganizer ( But this program not work in a mode such as command line.
If there was such program would not be to do a problem backup sms when it is necessary, either under the schedule, or on event. For example, to start the program at incoming sms by means of SKScheme or another.
And then questions with copying cemail.vol will disappear all.
I also used this kind tool to backup cemail.vol by celecmd, but this time.. when I try to backup cemail.vol now, it dosn't work, both this mortscript tool or that celecmd tool. It seems after reset, another system application lock this cemail.vol before backup tool start.
Does anyone have an idea?
I have resolved my problem, maby helpful to you:
1. set "Today", cancel items outlook-related;
2. delete poutlook link in \windows\startup.
I backed up cemail.vol manually through "Mobile Device" in XP, and now I'm trying to figure out how to copy the backed up file back onto the device after a hard reset, but I'm not having much luck. I created "aa.mscr" in my \Windows\Startup directory, but nothing I put in it works:
Rename ("\goodcemail.vol", "\cemail.vol", 1)
Rename "\goodcemail.vol", "\cemail.vol", TRUE
Delete "\cemail.vol"
Rename "\goodcemail.vol","\cemail.vol"
The files are unchanged after I soft reset.
What am I doing wrong?
According to this page:
In WM 5.0 you can not rename, delete and etc. '\cemail.vol'. It is placed in distinct storage.
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So how does your code do it then?
Ooops. This thread says to place a shortcut in the Startup directory, not the script itself. I'll try again when I have a chance.
endolith said:
Ooops. This thread says to place a shortcut in the Startup directory, not the script itself. I'll try again when I have a chance.
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Nope. That doesn't do anything either. How do I restore cemail.vol?!
I removed everything from the Today screen and restarted, and the script worked! I think I could actually delete the file manually now, since it's not being used by the Messaging part of the Today screen.
So where do all the settings for Exchange Activesync and POP account info live? I want to be able to back these up and restore them after a reflash. Any Ideas?
OK, tried removing everything from today screen as someone stated, tried deleting the poutlook.lnk from stratup. I am on Raphael(Fuze) running my own cooked ROM. I would ike this to work so I could cook in a script to copy these files back on startup. Could prove very handy as I am flashing a lot of ROMs lately. Any help appreciated.
On a WM5 MotoQ I was having a hell of a time getting a backup of a clean cemail.vol file from a freshly flashed phone. Come to find out I had not unlocked its registry. From CeRegistry editor v0.0.4.4 I chose "unlock registry" from the tools menu then made the following edits
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies\0000 1001 = 2
Change to 1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies\0000 1005 = 16
Change to 40
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies\0000 1017 = 128
Change to 144
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Security\Policies\Policies
New Dword value "0000101b" = 1
What does restore do ? is it to delete off the old one and replace a new one ?
if it is , it doesnt help my wm6.1 asus p320 .
how to download this app.
it just displays a small picture when clicking the donwload link.

Relocating cache/history/cookies locations in PIE and Opera Mobile

My unit has been freezing up after some use. When that happens, my TenGO input method reverts back to the default tiny keyboard, which of course is unuseable in true VGA mode. I traced the problem to the fact that my browser had stored lots of files within the device and caused the memory availability to fall, depriving it from the programs.
I changed these browser files location to the SD card, and my TenGo input method right away came back by itself. The system also revert back to the normal quick speed.
None of these ideas originated from myself. There are many websites giving these tips.
Changing the IE brower cache, cookies, and history location:
The IE working files are by default located at :
\windows\profiles\guest\temporory internet files
First, use Files Explorer to create these directories at storage card:
\windows\profiles\guest\temporory internet files
Then Use a registry edit tool,go to
\HKCU\Software\Microsfot\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders and change the Cache,Cookies, and History value to \Storage Card\Windows\Profiles\Guest\Temporary Internet Files,..... etc
If you prefer not to edit the registry directly youself, you could alternatively, use SKtools (I use version 3.1.5) to do the following:
Start SKTool, then click Tuning
The first tab shows the current location of the above. Change it to the new locations: ie
Storage Card\windows\profiles\guest\temporory internet files
Storage Card\windows\profiles\guest\Cookies
Storage Card\windows\profiles\guest\history
Exit SKtools
Switch off the device for about 20 seconds before doing a reset. It is important that you do not do reset right away else the registry entry may not be effected. The switching off will cause the system to write out the new registry entries.
With that, its done for Internet Explorer.
Changing the Cache, cookies, and history location for Opera Mobile
Ensure Opera is not running before you begin.
First,create these directories using file explorer:
\Storage Card\Application Data\Opera
\Microdrive\My Documents
Then, copy Cache4, cacheOp Help imgcss skin strtpage style directories to \storage card\Application Data\Opera.
After the copying is verified to be accurate, clean the content in the above directories in the device, but leave the directory structure there (with empty content) just in case.
Then, transfer these files from device to storage card by cutting these file from device and pasting to storage card
Leave these in device directory :
-zh-tw Note: I think this list of languages differ from country to country. Notice that I've replicated browser and html40.entities in both location because none of the websites I read mentioned them. I leave them at both location to ensure it will still work, but I'd later on tried removing them from one location at a time to establish where Opera would look for these files.
Make changes to Opera.ini file
Initially, I tried to use Note application to open Opera.ini, but found out that it can't seem to "see" the file. Same goes for Pocket Word. I could'nt find the solution from other website, so I decided to use the desktop notepad text editor to edit it.
a) Establish activesync, on PC, use explore button to copy from device\Application Data\Opera to say the desktop.
b) Use the desktop notepad to open the Opera.ini file, and make the following changes to these entries:
- Opera Directory=\Storage Card\Application Data\Opera
- Help Directory=\Storage Card\Application Data\Opera\Help
- Button Set=\Storage Card\Application Data\Opera\skin\
- Download Directory=\Microdrive\My Documents
- Home URL=\Storage Card\Application Data\Opera\startpage\home.html
c) Then save the document as Opera.ini, and make sure encoding is UTF-8
d) Copy back the edited Opera.ini from desktop to the Device's main memory. i.e \Application Data\Opera
Its done.
I'll continue to monitor the device performance over the next few weeks and see if the freezing still happens.
Isn'teasier just to use the .cabs available for free from MoDaCo?
Confucious said:
Isn'teasier just to use the .cabs available for free from MoDaCo?
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Click to collapse
Hi confucious,
I'm not aware of a CAB that automates this. Could you post the link for the CAB?
Anything that makes life simpler is welcome.
PIE in this thread ->
Opera here ->

[solution] Unable to display attachment

I have had this problem, and gone mad for two days: poutlook suddenly couldn't anymore open the atachments, while i was able to save them and open. So it was not a corrupted database... Also searching on the board, i have found only a bunch of maydays, but no solutions.
Finally, i found the trick, so i share it if someone else will unfortunately have the same problem. Simply, was deleted the temporary folder where attachments are stored to be displayed.
Well, here is what to do if you'll have the problem.
1. Check HKLM\System\Inbox\Attachments
You''l have 5 subkeys:
AttDir = Inbox.mstxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx (same name of the folder where attachments are stored either in sd card or device)
BottomDir = Attachments (or whatever is in your language)
Middledir = Connections (or whatever is in your language)
Moving = DWORD 0
TopDir = Program Files (or whatever is in your language)
If you have not these entries, create them.
2. Open File Explorer or Resco or what you use
3.Make sure you have ON DEVICE the folders \Program Files\Connections\Mail Attachments\ (same names as above in the registry: of course they will change accordingly to your language)
4. If you haven't those folders, create them
5. Enjoy your working again attachments

Moving Mail and Attachments to Storage Card

The attached file makes necessary registry changes to move Mail and Atachement storage to SD Card.
There have been a few cab installers available to perform a registry change, enabling storage of both Mail as well as Attachments on the Storage Card. However these solutions have the "Storage Card" hard coded as destination, which means if more than one partitions exist on Storage Card, manual changes would be required to the registry to use another partition. Another way is to have separate cabs created for each partition. Another problem is that on some devices the Storage Card is named as "Memory Card" (I've seen this on on my O2 Atom Exec), hence again manual registry changes are required or a custom cab needs to be created for these devices.
The attached cab installer tries to overcome above mentioned limitations. During the installation "Device" and all the available Storage Card Partitions are listed and user is asked to select the destination. The registry changes are performed accordingly to enable Mail and Attachment storage on the selected partition or Device.
The cab creates following registry entries under "HKLM\System\Inbox\Settings" :
- PropertyPath = <destination>\Mail
- AttachPath = <destination>\Mail\Attachment
where <destination> is the option selected as destination while installing the cab.
Uninstalling the application from Add/Remove programs should restore the old values (if any) of the above registry keys.
The cab file has been tested to be working fine on WM6.1 and should work fine on WM6 also. WM5 requires different registry entries and the attached cab does not work for WM5.
Please let me know if anyone find this useful
I just installed this on my Verizon XV6900 with Windows Mobile 6.1. All I can say is, Awesome! Thanks for this. I love the automation of it. Seamless. And providing the uninstall is also nice. Just installed, powered off, then back on, and all is well. Do you think you might also be interested in doing the same thing for Internet explorer temp files, favs, cookies. Maybe make the folder it creates be called "Internet". I had a file before for my Moto Q9m that made a bunch of things store on my storage card and I loved it. It really kept my phone running very fast, as it didn't use up main storage. With my old phone, I had 5000+ emails, alot of favs and such. I loved the fact that I could wipe my phone out any time, and then re-import the reg changes to point back to the storage card for all my stuff, and I was right back up and ready to go with all my files.
Thanks Again!

