Updating Kernels - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

right, am using mdeejay eVo Sense v 1.5 REVOlution
and this is how i managed update kernel to hastarin 4.1 kernel
method below worked for me: now I got wifi working after a kernel update
Easiest: (uses winmo, does not use third party app or commands) but may only
work with some Android builds
Under winmo, create a folder named root inside your Android folder in your
sdcard. This folder named root will be the actual root when Android boots up.
For example:
Create this folder structure under winmo:
STORAGE CARD\Android\root\system\lib\modules
copy the bcm4329.ko file in it. It will look like this:
STORAGE CARD\Android\root\system\lib\modules\bcm4329.ko
Boot Android and the file gets copied to the protected Android file system. (/system/lib/modules)
If you do this from within Android, reboot to take effect.


Cyanogen Rom 6 RC1

This thread was initially an inquiry on the Cyanogen Rom however is now a Rom thread so here we go.
Background on the Rom is here http://www.cyanogenmod.com/about
On the Hd2/Leo mod see here http://pastebin.com/BBf1hr50
memin1857 said:
Cyanogen Mod RC1 - Leo build by Zego WITH ADOBE FLASH and 3G WORKING
There is a new nice build called CM6-HTCLEO (Cyanogen Mod RC1 - Zeto)
It needs a lot of prep work to get to good working order, then its really good.
I have also managed to get adobe flash working. (It doesn't work out of the box)
This build
(after all the steps) have gps, camera (with proper flash exposure), camcorder, camera flash/led/torch, adobe flash, nice look and most other goodies available.
Here are the steps
1) Download cm6-htcleo.7z from:
2) Download phone button (keypad) fix:
3) Download MTU fix from:
4) Download Cotulla 23 July nospeed zimage from:
5) Extract the cm6-htcleo.7z file and put the cm6-htcleo to your sd card root.
6) Extract the cm6-htcleo_keypadfix.7z file and put the FOLDER NAMED root UNDER cm6-htcleo folder in your sd card. (Not to sd card root folder. I really mean a folder named root. You will see it in the archive)
7) Extract the cm6-htcleo-datafix.zip file and put the FOLDER NAMED root UNDER cm6-htcleo folder in your sd card. Just merge them. (Say yes when windows asks) Credit: ElBartoME
8) Extract Cotulla_zImage_CABDET_NOSPEEDDY.rar
and put zimage file to cm6-htcleo folder and overwrite.
credit: cotulla
9) ONLY DO THIS STEP IF YOU CANNOT BOOT (linux complaining about mmcblk0): Open startup.txt with notepad and
replace the line
set cmdline "rel_path=cm6-htcleo"
set cmdline "rel_path=cm6-htcleo loop_partition=mmcblk0"
credit: dusty_nz
10) Run clrcad and haret as usual but from cm6-htcleo folder. Once Android has booted start terminal app.
11) write
and press enter. It will ask for superuser permission. Tap allow.
12) write
mount -o rw,remount /system
and press enter. You should not get any response or error.
13) Now launch ES File Manager and tap \ on top left.
Navigate to /system/app and find
com.adobe.flashplayer apk file and delete it.
14) Power off your phone in a normal way and reboot to Android CM6.
15) Go to Market and install Adobe Flash 10.1 Beta 3 (use your gmail account)
-ADOBE FLASH does not work out of the box. You have to reinstall it but since it was cooked in to the rom as system app and you can't uninstall it, you need to mount /system directory read/write and delete flash so you can install it again. This time it works properly.
-You may not be able to boot if you do not edit the startup.txt
-You may not be able to wake up if you do not replace the zimage with the older 23 july one. You can use 25 july panel on off zimage if you CAN wake up from sleep. It depends on hd2 lcd panel type which is more than one.
Optional: Install Launcher Pro and make it default home screen to get a smoother experience.
After ALL these operations, this seems like the most functional build.
Cyanogen is normally a mod for android and someone named zego turned it into a hd2/leo build. A lot of stuff was missing and there was no central infromation. That was what I did. You don't need to read 6 pages to get this build working this good now.
I recommend disabling live wallpaper. Static wallpapers are faster. Formatting sd card beforehand and using a class 6 sdhc card is also recommended.
I don't have time to package all this stuff into a build. Maybe someone who does above steps can package it in a new single file and put to megaupload/mediafire (mskip/Mark?) For now you have to do it yourself. You will like the end result.
Packagers please don't call yourselves devs and give credit to original hard working people. Donation is also recommended.
I am sorry if I forgot to give credit to anyone.
I got all this information by reading all the pages of this thread and some more. Now you don't have to.
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From makavelitha
+ Successfully booted on the first try
+ Camcorder is finally working with the original HTC app (i hope someone will port this to the other android builds)
+ Flashlight is finally working with the original HTC Flashlight App
+ No SOD or GSOD with cotullas zImage 25.07 (maybe i have a Sharp Panel?)
Bad / Problems
- Bad Performance (especially at scrolling)
- Can't Download anything from the Market, i get always the message that my Storage Card is full, i've checked it and android shows me 0mb left on my SD Card, but i have more than 4GB free on this Card (it was working in all other Android Builds)
- Needs time to boot-up
- No or Bad Battery Management (already optimized in other Android Builds)
- USB Storage not working (already working in other Androids)
- Bluetooth finds other devices but can not be paired
- Compass works but it doesn't show magnetic north.
- Low volume issue is already known. During a call other party hears echo of his own sound when speaker is on. No echo in normal mode.
Performance Tweaks
Update I:
Using Cotulla zImage 7/25/10 makes a huge difference in speed!
The only thing still sluggish is scrolling through the apps....
Otherwise from that this is a very good build. Nice pre installed apps, good out-of-the-box build.
Update II:
Changing the application drawer to "Horizontal" like on the Galaxy S eliminates scrolling speed issues when scrolling through the apps.
dusty_nz said:
So looking at the Cyanogen rom, Swapping out the Zimage and trying to boot.
Has anyone tried this?
Would it work?
Looks like it has heaps of Qualcomm optimized components
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And don't forget to add the phone button fix:
any changelog of this mod/port ?
on this build flash doesn't work for me in the browser.
I am running it at this moment, it boots correctly until android froyo wizard.
It runs correctly for a minute and SOD
Ah it wake up, great
For the first time in the leo android world, the camera works
I give you more feedback later ...
- GPS works perfert
- Reboot not work, like other builds
- Import contact from SD not works
perhaps the one based on RC2 will be better, where have you find the links for this build ?
I can't get this to boot.
Initrd keeps looking to mount /mnt/sdcard against /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 and falling over. I only have the one FAT32 partition on my sdcard which normally is at /dev/block/mmcblk0.
Also should I be extract the .tar.gz file into the CM6 directory or put it up at the root of the sdcard.
idcom said:
I can't get this to boot.
Initrd keeps looking to mount /mnt/sdcard against /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 and falling over. I only have the one FAT32 partition on my sdcard which normally is at /dev/block/mmcblk0.
Also should I be extract the .tar.gz file into the CM6 directory or put it up at the root of the sdcard.
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Try replace cmd cmdline
set cmdline "rel_path=cm6-htcleo loop_partition=mmcblk0"
m4ck said:
Try replace cmd cmdline
set cmdline "rel_path=cm6-htcleo loop_partition=mmcblk0"
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Thanks. Worked a treat. Now to play.
Nuja said:
any changelog of this mod/port ?
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Yeah I agree guys, can you please be a bit more specific about what is additional from other froyo with/witout sense or Eclair?
readme file does ntoe give much in fact.... A couple of screen shots would be fantastic...;-)
general statement: Donate, so all mods/chefs/devs can eventually pay some flowers or perfums or sex toys to their girls friends (all of them so angry that they spend so much time developing stuf !!!)
Well.... more info on what cyanogenMod is on:
Anyone having problems with 3g on this build?
nordicfastware said:
Well.... more info on what cyanogenMod is on:
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Thank you, but there is no mention of build for our HTC HD2
Who is the maker of this build for HD2 ?
the build is done by Zego from the IRC channel compiled from source of CyanogenMod 6.0.0 release candidate 1
I tried it last night and it gives me SOD repeatedly, it's fast, but the SOD is killing me, I am falling back to Darkstone's FroyoV1
Not booting for me.
Formatted a SD card. Single Fat32 partition.
Extracted zip to \cm6-htcleo\startup.txt etc.
Changed the Startup.txt to
set cmdline "rel_path=cm6-htcleo loop_partition=mmcblk0"
/init: line 88: mmcblk0=mmcblk0: not found
Logical sector size is zero
mount: mounting /dev/block/mmcblk0 on mnt/sdcard failed: invalid argument
lucian777 said:
Anyone having problems with 3g on this build?
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Yes. I had the same with Dan's Froyo v.1 but Darkstones works a treat. Changed the apn's to voda uk and all that.
booted first time - took a while but OK
Loaded with apps
camera working
Video recorder working
GPS working
man it's fast..........
will test further and report back
dusty_nz said:
Not booting for me.
Formatted a SD card. Single Fat32 partition.
Extracted zip to \cm6-htcleo\startup.txt etc.
Changed the Startup.txt to
set cmdline "rel_path=cm6-htcleo loop_partition=mmcblk0"
/init: line 88: mmcblk0=mmcblk0: not found
Logical sector size is zero
mount: mounting /dev/block/mmcblk0 on mnt/sdcard failed: invalid argument
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took out the set cmdline "rel_path=cm6-htcleo loop_partition=mmcblk0" ands its booting further. Got wizard
I for one am excited for this development. The collaboration from the devs here along with cyanogens work is fantastic. Any chance of getting cyanogen directly involved and/or once a build is completed would an official thread on this be desired?
I am not a coder but I'm working on it. Until then I'm just a fan and a donor. I've been a long term user of cyanogens work and I can safely say with the joint efforts of everyone here, this would be a powerful development. Keep up t the awesome work!
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App

[Q] updateing your kernal?? ( going insane need a how to or something)

ok so im not a really noob to xda but i have been looking for 3 days on a clear how to update a new kernal... i just cant find it im not sure if im wording it wrong or what please help you will be my internet hero and my mind will stop going insane...
Is this for hd2? If it is then all u do is find the kernal u want and replace with the old one. What build are u using by the way.
Read this:
All you need to do is copy in the zImage and .ko files. The .ko files go in the "modules" folder, a subdirectory of "root."
Most of the kernels will come with following files :
zImage - The Kernel
bcm4329.ko - Wireless Module
tun.ko - Networking Module
yaffs.ko - File System (Optional at this time)
The way I apply the kernel is shut down the phone and use card reader and attach to my laptop. Assuming your build is under SDCARD\Android, files are copied to following locations :
zImage -> Android
*.ko -> Android\root\system\lib\modules
Anything to do with the lights modules goes to Android\root\system\lib\hw
Anything to do with RIL (like libril*) goes to Android\root\system\lib
Create the \root\system\lib\* directories if they dont exist, like for Sense builds. Now just back normally.
Hope it helps
v-b-n said:
The way I apply the kernel is shut down the phone and use card reader and attach to my laptop.
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Is it also possible to update kernel without external card reader, by connecting HD2 to the PC (USB) and replacing files while in Windows Mobile HD mode?
What if a certain developer updates his android build and version, do I just copy the new stuff on the SD card, overwrite, and keep the Image iso file so I dont lose my settings ?
Do any of the above and finally to verify that a kernel is installed start Terminal Emulator (or any available terminal program) and enter:
uname -r
Should give you the kernel version.
Hmmm usually, what I do is either connecting the phone in USB in Windows Mobile mode, or power off and use a micro-SD card reader. Then:
- BACKUP the DATA.IMG to desktop or whatever
- Delete the root directory in your Android folder if there is one
- Delete all the .something directories (temp dir created by android)
- Copy the content of the kernel in the Android dir : Haret (emulator), initrd.gz (boot logo), zImage (drivers/kernel)
>Ignore the dev folder in hastarin build for example
>DO COPY the "root" folder (of hastarin 7.6 for example) to the android folder : HARET will update the android OS "suppletive drivers parts" without any need to enter commands or else (what i've been told)

[Q] ANSWERED!! NAND.. can you change kernels?

Hi guys,
Is it possible to change the kernel of a nand build at all?
I am an Extended Battery user and find only NAND builds with Hastarins kernel work at all..
Is there a way of mixing and matching Kernels with builds?
nutmegy said:
Hi guys,
Is it possible to change the kernel of a nand build at all?
I am an Extended Battery user and find only NAND builds with Hastarins kernel work at all..
Is there a way of mixing and matching Kernels with builds?
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Just made something for you, note: haven't tested it:
Kernel Theiving
How to:
- Install Nand version which has the kernel you want.
- Run "extract_kernel.bat"
- Install Nand version you like, and want to keep.
- Run "install_kernel.bat".
- Et voila!
Now, you only have to use "install_kernel.bat" if you flash another rom.
Note: You need adb installed on your PC
Quickie on how to install adb:
Moon2 said:
You need adb:
-Get this installer: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
-Go to Available Packages, Expand Third Party - Google - select USB Driver
-Update adb driver, if not already installed from: C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk-windows\google-usb_driver
-Copy "adb.exe" and "AdbWinApi.dll" from "C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools" to "C:\Windows\System32".
-Run the batch file.
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thank you very much!
I will give this a go!
Moon2 said:
Just made something for you, note: haven't tested it:
Kernel Theiving
How to:
- Install Nand version which has the kernel you want.
- Run "extract_kernel.bat"
- Install Nand version you like, and want to keep.
- Run "install_kernel.bat".
- Et voila!
Now, you only have to use "install_kernel.bat" if you flash another rom.
Note: You need adb installed on your PC
Quickie on how to install adb:
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I read the batch file and
you have created a folder called boot under data folder and pasted the zimage
so everytime when we boot out Hd2s it going to replace the zimage with the one in boot folder, so i guess its going to delay the booting process (correct me if im wrong) so is it possible to delete that folder after booting our Leos?
agarp said:
I read the batch file and
you have created a folder called boot under data folder and pasted the zimage
so everytime when we boot out Hd2s it going to replace the zimage with the one in boot folder, so i guess its going to delay the booting process (correct me if im wrong) so is it possible to delete that folder after booting our Leos?
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No, that's not what it does. it mounts the boot partition temporarily to /data/boot, and after it's mounted, adb copies over the zImage file, and overwrites the preexisting kernel image, after this, the partition is unmounted. So it's not repeated at each boot.
works a treat...
I just used Android commander..
made sure it was connected..
then ran the extract batch file
installed the nand build i wanted...
then ran the install Kernel.bat
and it works a treat!!!!
Moon2 said:
No, that's not what it does. it mounts the boot partition temporarily to /data/boot, and after it's mounted, adb copies over the zImage file, and overwrites the preexisting kernel image, after this, the partition is unmounted. So it's not repeated at each boot.
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thnxx for the clarification, now i get it
nutmegy said:
works a treat...
I just used Android commander..
made sure it was connected..
then ran the extract batch file
installed the nand build i wanted...
then ran the install Kernel.bat
and it works a treat!!!!
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Is all that done on the phone? It seems you installed the kernel on the phone somehow. I'm clueless about adb, I tried to use it before but was dumbfounded by it all.
Do I need Eclipse? Downloading the SDK stuff...installing JDA SE and it talks about Eclipse.
Moon2 the links dead it says file has been removed anybody re upload it????

[Q] Making those NAND System.img files

Howdy all,
Just wondering, how are the system.img files made? I have read that if it's a YAFFS image file, that the maximum filesize cannot exceed 128MB. However, I've seen on some NAND HD2 Android builds, the system.img filesize is >128MB.
My question is, what method are you guys using for making the NAND system.img files to flash within MAGLDR? (ie. is it like a ZIP archive with a .img extension on it)
I'm currently working on a remix of a ROM that I use (a hint is in my Sig), and I know that the update.zip method that was used on "true-Android" devices to change ROMs doesn't apply to our MAGLDR method now.
Cheers and I'm sure you'll see another ROM for the HD2 in the coming weeks!
IcedCube said:
Howdy all,
Just wondering, how are the system.img files made? I have read that if it's a YAFFS image file, that the maximum filesize cannot exceed 128MB. However, I've seen on some NAND HD2 Android builds, the system.img filesize is >128MB.
My question is, what method are you guys using for making the NAND system.img files to flash within MAGLDR? (ie. is it like a ZIP archive with a .img extension on it)
I'm currently working on a remix of a ROM that I use (a hint is in my Sig), and I know that the update.zip method that was used on "true-Android" devices to change ROMs doesn't apply to our MAGLDR method now.
Cheers and I'm sure you'll see another ROM for the HD2 in the coming weeks!
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The system.img is a yaffs2image. Google 'compiled windows unyaffs' use that program to take a peak inside the .img. When you're completely ready to make your own .img your gonna need a linux distro or cygwin w/mkyaff2image compiled. However I recomend compiling the mkfs.yaffs2 command if you are using linux. Alternatively you can place the /system/ directory you are trying to make an image on your SD and run that command in the terminal emulator in Android. It should look like this #mkyaffs2image /sdcard/system/ System.img
Hope that helps.
KillaHurtz said:
The system.img is a yaffs2image. Google 'compiled windows unyaffs' use that program to take a peak inside the .img.
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Does this give you write abilities so that files can be changed out pre-flash?
dharvey4651 said:
Does this give you write abilities so that files can be changed out pre-flash?
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I think you have to dump them to a folder, then you can change what you want. Then do the yaffs2 cmd and it will package it back up to .img for flashing...
noellenchris said:
I think you have to dump them to a folder, then you can change what you want. Then do the yaffs2 cmd and it will package it back up to .img for flashing...
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I think that a tutorial is in order. Someone who knows how to extract and replace files in a system.img needs to write a short tutorial on how to do it. - A simple step by step on how to decompile a system.img and re-compile it.
I for one would be extremely grateful because I finally worked out a perfect MMS patch and I'd like to be able to easily modify the builds pre-flash.
dharvey4651 said:
I think that a tutorial is in order. Someone who knows how to extract and replace files in a system.img needs to write a short tutorial on how to do it.
I for one would be extremely grateful because I finally worked out a perfect MMS patch and I'd like to be able to easily modify the builds pre-flash.
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I have been trying to do that all night. I can unpack them but haven't got around to repacking them. For now all I do is install the build and push the patched file that I have and do a AD hardrest in MAGLDR. MMS 300-1024k and all TMO US app works.
dharvey4651 said:
I think that a tutorial is in order. Someone who knows how to extract and replace files in a system.img needs to write a short tutorial on how to do it. - A simple step by step on how to decompile a system.img and re-compile it.
I for one would be extremely grateful because I finally worked out a perfect MMS patch and I'd like to be able to easily modify the builds pre-flash.
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yeah, it would be very nice if smb can write some tutorial on modifying system.img files
i have been trying to figure this out too!
IcedCube said:
This is IcedCube, the Developer of GingerHD2, a Android 2.3 ROM for your HD2.
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Thought I should point out that you could really confuse things by using that name...
That's not actually a Gingerbread build - it's just themed to look like one, but still got the same name
hnamanh said:
I have been trying to do that all night. I can unpack them but haven't got around to repacking them. For now all I do is install the build and push the patched file that I have and do a AD hardrest in MAGLDR. MMS 300-1024k and all TMO US app works.
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Another option is to connect to ADB or Android Commander before going through the initial setup(when it asks you to choose your language) and change the files then - use the PC to reboot the phone, not the phone's built-in reboot. This should take you right back to the setup screen where this time, should show United States localization.
Still a bit too much work. I'd like to be able to patch the build, flash it, and be good to go.
found this but too educated for me
sorry i think this one is normal data img.not sure.
well i did say it was too educated for me
KillaHurtz said:
The system.img is a yaffs2image. Google 'compiled windows unyaffs' use that program to take a peak inside the .img. When you're completely ready to make your own .img your gonna need a linux distro or cygwin w/mkyaff2image compiled. However I recomend compiling the mkfs.yaffs2 command if you are using linux. Alternatively you can place the /system/ directory you are trying to make an image on your SD and run that command in the terminal emulator in Android. It should look like this #mkyaffs2image /sdcard/system/ System.img
Hope that helps.
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Ok, let's start again. If you are using windows, google the said phrase above and you will find the precompiled utility 'unyaffs'.
Place the System.img you want to extract in a new directory with unyaffs.exe & drag the .img onto unyaffs. A command window will open and start extracting the files in the image to that same folder. You can now explore & edit/pull whatever you need to get things going. Once you have it the way you want copt it to your SD/root/ & make a folder for it with an obvious name like "Project" or "Test". Now to get it back into a bootable .img open Terminal Emulator in Android & enter the following
#mkyaffs2image /sdcard/NAMEofFOLDERuCHOSE/ System.img
**alternatively you can do this in windows itself if u have the utility compiled under cygwin or simular.
Ok, you will need the unyaffs & mkfs.yaffs2 utilities compiled and working 1st off.
mkyaffs2image works to make the image however it fails upon flash with DFT Android Flasher. So I recomend mkfs.yaffs2 & have included it, you will need to place it in /usr/sbin/. If you have trouble copying it open a terminal and run "gksudo nautilus" then copy to the above mentioned directory.
**Now that those utilities are working let's get to work.
open a terminal and run 'unyaffs /home/yourusername/Desktop/targetdirectory/targetimage.img
copy/edit/pull the files you want. When your ready to build the image you are happy with open a terminal and run 'mkfs.yaffs2 /home/yourusername/Desktop/targetdirectory/ System.img'
Now your ready to flash !
System.img & Boot.img Contents
System.img contains the entire root/system/ directory in Android
Boot.img contains
Hope that helps guys, It's my first tut on XDA
**EDIT: I included an archive for windows users that has unyaffs2.exe & cygwin1.dll
The Linux archive contains mkfs.yaffs2.x86, once moved to /usr/sbin/ rename to mkfs.yaffs2
The process works exactly the same for Boot.img
you need linux and run command by terminal
put them in /bin
then you can yaffs or unyaffs
unyaffs /home/rafpigna/folder_with_img_you_wann_unpack/system.img
mkyaffs2image /home/rafpigna/folder_with_stuff_you_wanna_pack/ system.img
strange thing...when I open with unyaffs and then close with mkfs.yaffs2 or mkyaffs2image I get init: untracked pid 250 exited (where 250 varies) in a loop :S
some light for me?
michyprima said:
strange thing...when I open with unyaffs and then close with mkfs.yaffs2 or mkyaffs2image I get init: untracked pid 250 exited (where 250 varies) in a loop :S
some light for me?
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What platform are you using? Have u tried copying your target directory to your sdcard and running the command in android's terminal?
KillaHurtz said:
What platform are you using? Have u tried copying your target directory to your sdcard and running the command in android's terminal?
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linux x64.
btw no I didn't, because I want to make a rom (I'm not new to android development but that makes me think that I'm probably stupid )
Everything I do doesn't work.
Already tried something like:
- opened a premade working rom, exchanged just app and framework: no way
- exchanged everything but not bin/xbin/lib: no way
- exchanged just what was different between a stock and a premade leo rom: still no way
There is actually a way to modify files in a yaffs2 image but I've not done it my self yet. I'm 100% sure it's possible cuz everything is possible.... under Linux of course.
You need:
Linux, compiling skills, mounting skills, etc.
Basically for any other filesystems you can mount them as loop devices but not yaffs2. For yaffs2 you actually need a virtual mtd block device. once you have the mtd device you can mount the yaffs image on it.
For details google for: mounting yaffs image
and focus on virtual mtd block device.
michyprima said:
linux x64.
btw no I didn't, because I want to make a rom (I'm not new to android development but that makes me think that I'm probably stupid )
Everything I do doesn't work.
Already tried something like:
- opened a premade working rom, exchanged just app and framework: no way
- exchanged everything but not bin/xbin/lib: no way
- exchanged just what was different between a stock and a premade leo rom: still no way
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This has a list of files to be pulled. Hope this helps. BTW michy I need help with a kernel, know anyone?
I'm Having a problem using on Linix, when i use the unyaffs trough the terminal it extracts the rom but not the squashed contents, which in the main apps and frame work are at on thoughs roms. I do get a file that says squashed but empty. I tried on cyanogens 6.1 rom and everything extracted fine.but that rom does not have a squashed folder, am i doing something wrong?
1. If i unyaffs System.img and manually remove some programs/aplications then create System.img with yaffs, does it programs will appear in apps and does my rom will be caused a more memory for other programs for installation?
2. Is it possible to unyaffs Boot.img then replace zimage with newest kernel like MDJ or hastarin then yaffs to new Boot.img, After that i suppose then this Android OS will be on new kernel???
3. And... If i remove zimage and initrd.gz from Boot.img, create new Boot.img without these two files and these two files copy to SD card and define that two files in flash.cfg for find on SD. Does it works?
Sorry for bad English.

[Q] How to Update systems files on an SD card AmeriCanAndroid to allow RSAP

I am trying to get android-rsap.com to work
In their instruction they say to use clockworkmod recovery to patch some system files.
This does not seem to work as (guessing I don't have a recovery mode)
How can I patch system files on an SD android build ?
Thanks in advance
Simply unpack the zip file. Copy all to your MicroSD. Under Android copy all from your MicroSD to your internal storage to the right folder.
Thanks ArnomaF
That worked cannot believe how silly I was for not realising this.
the only thing I had to do a little different was copy them with root privileges
I used terminal ans then su (super user) to root
just a note to anyone else applying this rsap patch manually
The original libhtc_ril.so needs to remain in the lib folder as libhtc_ril.orig
and the one provided by android-rsap.com needs copied in along side and named as libhtc_ril.so
mv libhtc_ril.so libhtc_ril.orig
mv fileprovidedbywebsitesite.so libhtc_ril.so

