headphone jack problems - Epic 4G General

Does the speaker in the phone have a mute ? No mater what jack I plug into the thing it never shuts off the speaker. I was hoping to play tunes on my car stereo but now I found out that even the samsung earbuds don't turn it off either, or is the phone junk and trade it in for a different one?

As strange as it may be but I was surfing this forum and made it to page 20 and then my phone locked up.I made it to taking off the batery cover and then my touch screen started to work normally again. It just kept zooming in and out. Then I was able to restart it and the head phones worked as they should. No explination on why and this morning I. Jammed the phone internet radio on my way into work with no problems .WTF? Hope it stays fixed.


Desperate Help Needed, Audio Fault On My Wizard ;-(

well this one has me totally baffled!!
went out yesterday with my wizard and everything was fine, all audio was working prefectly! on the bus i plugged in my hands free kit to listen to a little music, that was fine..
when i got off the bus i unplugged the headset and for some reason the audio on the wizard was not working, no clicks, no music playing when i opened media player, almost as if it was on mute!
i thought to myself, maybee the speakers are bust?.. but when somebody rings me the speakers kick in and sound works perfectly! but only when people ring me,
BIG PROBLEM IS: if i answer the sound dosent work and neither does the microphone, as if the headset is still plugged in.
if i plug in the headset, the mic and headphones work perfectly for calls.
SO YET AGAIN!! I THOUGHT TO MYSELF: maybee the wizard is registering that the headset is constantly plugged in even though it isnt, or something is jammed in the headset socket.
BU NO!, if that was the case then when the phone rings the loudspeaker wouldnt be ringing too would it...
I AM OFICIALLY TOTALLY BAFFLED! have hard reset the phone 4 times, soft reset countless times!! i have no idea *CURRENTLY USING THE NEWEST QTEK ROM*
if anyone has any ideas i would be most greatfull!!!!!!! CHEERS A;LL!!!!
are u using bt ?
then try btaudio to tunnel audio through and no bt
dont use bluetooth at all, and its a good solution, but i still wouldnt have my good old audio back propperly i dont think,
there are just times when i like to sit my pone on my desk and play movies/music, or actually take a call and not have to plug in my headset everytime just to talk to someone lolol
its driving me nuts lol
ive tried re flashing the phone to its base tmobile rom, the qtek one and the o2 one now and still the same problem, so im guessing its hardware somewhere down the line.
any suggestions?
I have the exact same problem i believe and have found no solution. I didn't use the hands free set though. Just one night while charging, the main speaker stopped working on my 9100. Been like that for probably 2 months now.
Speakerphone, bluetooth headset and wired headset still work.
when wired headset is plugged in, it wont switch to speaker phone. When its not plugged in, it will, so I know its not just thinking the headset is plugged in still.
why are you complaining here ... return the device, it has warranty..
I had the exact same problem with my Magician (not had it with the Wizard yet). The problem is something to do with plugging the Handsfree kit in. when you unplug it, the little catch inside the 2.5mm hole does not flip back across so the device still thinks that the Handsfree is plugged in.
What i did to sort this was to wiggle a large paper clip inside the hole and it sorted it.
I hope this is the same problem

Help! Big problems with all audio!

First post here so please excuse any ignorance.
O2 XDA Exec - standard Rom from O2 website.
Problem started a few hours ago after using the audio out for listening to music via mediaplayer.
My unit was working fine while playing, but later after it had been disconnceted from the stereo I noted that there were no tap sounds.
I first checked the audio settings, all normal the way I always have them.
Next I tried the reset button on the back of the unit, no help there.
I tried plugging in the headphones in and there is perfectly normal audio over the headphone but once removed nothing at all.
Getting more extreme I tried a rom update/fresh start, no luck there either.
Getting even more hardcore I downloaded the assembly/disassembly pdf from this forum to check if there was a physical fault with the 3.5mm audio port. I checked to make sure all the tabs were springing back after an audio jack was removed all seem fine (although at this point I lack a comparision).
Then for a test I rang my own phone from my land line and it seems to ring fine but there is nothing from the mic or either of the earpieces during a call.
I am fast running out of ideas and the last test really perplexed me.
I am almost certain that it is a case of one of the contacts inside the audio port not springing back and therefore cutting out the external audio, giving the device the impression that there is still a headset connected.
I don't want to poke around inside too much as I have so far been able to keep security tabs intact, just in case I need to send it off.
Anybody have any ideas on how to get around this? Is it possible that it is software and not hardware?
Please help as phone is a bit useless sans headset, which I don't really want to be permanetly tied to.
keep plugging and unplugging the headset until it works or you get tired, if it works great, otherwise sent it in for repair.
Does nobody out there have a registry hack workaround for this problem?
When I receive calls its rings and any other sounds come through whilst the phone rings.
There must be a workaround here somewhere???
Had exactly the same problem. No sound but rings ok,
After the first time I plugged in the headphones, no sound. Its probably cause the headphone socket is so big in comparisson, that it gets dirty. Just spray some anti static cleaner on the headphone plug and keep plugging it in.
Worked perfectly for me!!
There is no registry hack because this is a hardware issue, not a software one.
The ringer will ring whether the earphones are plugged in or not, which is how you would expect a phone to function. The problem lies with the connectors in the headphone jack socket not recognising the headphones are unplugged. Resetting and even dare I say a hard reset will not sort it as the issue is not software related.
This has also been covered several times on the forum. The only way (short of taking the thing apart) is to keep plugging / unplugging the headphones until the sound reappears.
This just started happening on my JasJar today (system audio returned after poking the headset in/out a few times), after 11 months of use. Does this get worse over time? Should I bite the bullet and try to get Imate to repair it?
Please advise!

Strange new problem with my MDA

Something happened to my wizard today, and I can't figure out what it may be. The gist of the problem is that I cannot use it as a phone though it's internal microphone and speaker. Everything works fine if I use my bluetooth headset or the external speaker in my car cradle, but the actual on-board phone speaker and microphone appears to not work. The phone hadn't been dropped but if someone calls me I cannot hear them and they cannot hear me unless I switch to bluetooth or plug it into the cradle with it's external speaker and microphone. I would write this off as hardware failure (and I still think that's what this is) but the other odd thing is that the phone will not let me switch to the speaker phone mode. If I press the 'speaker' button on the phone screen during conversation, it just doesn't do anything. Has anyone experienced something like this before? I'm hypothesizing that the problem may be with the headset jack which may be stuck in the open position, and thus the phone constantly thinks that's it's sitting in a cradle, but I don't know if there is anything I could do to fix that.
Your hypothesis was most likely the correct one. This happens to a lot of people. It's usually fixable by either plugging and unplugging a headphone set a bunch of times until the switch becomes unstuck or by taking a needle and inserting it in to the jack and move it around a bit until it becomes unstuck. playing an mp3 while you're doing this is an easy way to know when you get it unstuck.
Thanks for your reply. I've been trying to do that, but nothing seems to be helping. :-( I've already got a new phone on order from T-Mobile, but I still hope to fix this thing. It's a shame, I like the wizard.

pandora and slacker issues on incredible

So I have an audio out cable in my car, and when I have pandora or slacker radio running it skips half of the song, or my voice dialing starts up and my music stops. Really annoying.
I don't hit anything on the screen, or any buttons... It does it on it's own.
Anyone having this issue?
Anyone have a way for me to fix this?
Mine does the same thing, only reason I won't buy Pandora for more hours. Always tries to do it's 6 allowed skips. I've even had it try and dial someone. Only thing I've found is turn off the screen, don't use blue tooth, and that seems to help...after the 6 skips!
I use slacker and I have not experienced any issues like that. It actually works flawlessly for me unlike the other streaming radio apps that rebuffer constantly.
I have almost everything disabled on my phone except 3g to maximize battery life.
I use Pandora with the radio out cable in my car and I have noticed no issues other than the normal buffer issues I have when driving through areas with low signal strength.
I played Pandora for more than two hrs last night and it worked perfect
my wife and i both have the htc incredible and i know exactly what u guys are talking about. cause my wifes phone does the same thing. but "knock on wood" mine doesnt do it. when we have it plugged into the car jack it does all sorts of strange things. and she had told me about it and i laughed at her and said ohh u just dont know what ur doing. but i saw it for myself this weekend. and so i tried mine and it was fine.. so i dont know if its some setting or app thats causing this issue or its a hardware issue. but if someone knows the answer please let us all know.
What's happening is there are 4 contacts in the headset jack... standard on a phone, but different from a regular mp3 player. Shorting some of the pins together is how the phone works with a headset that has a button in it.
The cable is likely not getting a great connection, maybe its not plugging in all the way or something... Whats happening is that occasionally it is shorting out and then not shorting, which causes it to think someone pushed the button on the cable... Maybe try taking the back cover off and then try it, see if it still happens...
Another thing it could be is if the back cover isn't quite on all the way... the first ring of the cable is attached to the back cover, then from the back cover to the phone through that metal ring in the cover... maybe its a bad connection there... but easiest to test with the back cover off.
Ok, so for an update (a little late i guess)
I called Verizon, and it's covered under my 30 day worry free. I'm going to be getting a brand new phone, so hopefully it doesn't have the same issue.
is there any way to disable the voice dialing, or any type of commands that are sent from that shorting portion of my line-in area? I just don't want to uninstall the voicedialing.apk
Maybe a little more help for you
I was going to mention the same about the cable control connections, but here is somthing else that might help: I noticed that my plug has a rather large outer rubber jacket that is interfered with by the car cradle, a plug with thinner or maybe shave yours down so it does not rub the car cradle hole will help.
Yep, I HAD this problem, then noticed it was doing it while playing mp3 also. Then I noticed whenever I moved the cord it would start acting up. I plugged in my head phones and Pandora/mp3 everything worked so I bought a new audio cord. It now works perfect!
i think you guys are all on the right track with this issue. cause i was in the car for a while this weekend "heading to disney" and i was messing with it some more on my wifes phone and i noticed when i plug her phone into the headphone jack. it shows a icon on the top of her phone as if it was plugged into a headset. and when i plug mine into the same cord it just shows a headphone icon.. but like it said her icon looks like a headphone with a mic on it.. so i think vilord is on the spot. im going to have to go home tonight and try my wifes phone without the back cover on it and see if it works. if it still is messed up then im thinking its just a faulty headphone jack in the phone. but she doesnt want to take her phone back cause she doesnt want to have to reinstall all her stuff on a new phone.

Headphone jack failing? I don't know...

So, I'm running into an extremely annoying problem with my G2. Just the slightest touch causes my headphone jack to stop sensing properly.
Example: I'll be listening to Google Music and i'll just ever so slightly move my headphone cable near the base of the 3.5mm headphone plug and suddenly the audio will stop as if I have unplugged my headphones. Yet, my headphones are still snapped in and once I press play again, the music continues on as if nothing has happened.
Some times my phone will go from headphones and speaker...headphones and speaker, headphones and speaker. It's as if it doesn't know my headphones are plugged in.
We are talking super light touching here. Any rotation of the plug while connected will cause it to fail. Simply picking up the phone will cause audio to suddenly stop. I'd be willing to bet that by simply blowing on the damn plug would cause it to fail. Hell, even a fart in the plugs direction would probably cause it to fail. That's how light of a touch I'm talking about here. Also, tapping and rotating the headphone plug while it's plugged in would cause Google Voice search to launch. Super weird.
I don't get whats going on. I see know damage in the headphone input...everything looks fine. I've babied this thing since it has arrived. It has been in a case ever since.
My headphones are good because I've tried them on multiple sources. Plugging in different headphones in to my G2 causes the same problems still. I've tried switching ROMs but the same thing still happens.
I'm at a loss here. I need some advice on what to do. Should I just call Verizon and get a replacement phone? Do I need to unroot to do that?
What a pain in the ass.
Sushiglobster said:
So, I'm running into an extremely annoying problem with my G2. Just the slightest touch causes my headphone jack to stop sensing properly.
Example: I'll be listening to Google Music and i'll just ever so slightly move my headphone cable near the base of the 3.5mm headphone plug and suddenly the audio will stop as if I have unplugged my headphones. Yet, my headphones are still snapped in and once I press play again, the music continues on as if nothing has happened.
Some times my phone will go from headphones and speaker...headphones and speaker, headphones and speaker. It's as if it doesn't know my headphones are plugged in.
We are talking super light touching here. Any rotation of the plug while connected will cause it to fail. Simply picking up the phone will cause audio to suddenly stop. I'd be willing to bet that by simply blowing on the damn plug would cause it to fail. Hell, even a fart in the plugs direction would probably cause it to fail. That's how light of a touch I'm talking about here. Also, tapping and rotating the headphone plug while it's plugged in would cause Google Voice search to launch. Super weird.
I don't get whats going on. I see know damage in the headphone input...everything looks fine. I've babied this thing since it has arrived. It has been in a case ever since.
My headphones are good because I've tried them on multiple sources. Plugging in different headphones in to my G2 causes the same problems still. I've tried switching ROMs but the same thing still happens.
I'm at a loss here. I need some advice on what to do. Should I just call Verizon and get a replacement phone? Do I need to unroot to do that?
What a pain in the ass.
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I think I might be having a similar problem as yours but with a different device (Square card reader). When I plugged it in the first few times there was a good sturdy click and it felt like it was being held in the jack well. But now it pulls out of the jack too easily, and a light touch causes the reader to disconnect. It seems like the contacts for the headphone jack may have been pressed in or something because it only maintains good contact if i hold a little pressure on the reader.
Either way, I don't like my options since I can either go on with a dysfunctional headphone jack, which might be ok since I use bluetooth more often than the jack, or I can try to get a replacement from LG which will likely be a refurb. I'm rooted too and assume I'd have to unroot in that situation. What to do...
Ever figure out your issue, OP? I'm having the same issue right now.
WCM3 said:
Ever figure out your issue, OP? I'm having the same issue right now.
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I think I pushed the plug in too hard on mine and caused the jack to loosen. Amazon replaced the phone for me no questions asked. They continue to amaze me.

