[SOLVED] Start Menu icon that just won't go away - Windows Mobile

So I added MP3 Trimmer to my kitchen, but moved the location of the start icon to a Tools folder. The problem: an MP3 Trimmer icon remains in the initial start page. There is no associated .lnk file in the Start Menu\Programs folder, and the registry HKLM\Security\Shell\Startinfo\Start has the reference to the link in the correct spot.
I have tried placing the link by moving it from the default location with a MortScript, and by changing the app.dat. Same results.
I have done this same move with many other packages, this is the only one causing any problems.
No other references to MP3 Trimmer.lnk exist in the registry or kitchen. Why is it displayed in the start menu when no .lnk is present, and where is that information coming from? Thanks!

Did you check your Initflashfile.dat ?

Also the language folder may contain a app.dat or .provxml file which creates the shortcut

I didn't bothered about two folders that was empty in "\windows\start menu\programs\" until I read this post. I found one of them in Initflashfile.dat, "Outlook" and had deleted the line away. I'm still unable to find the other folder "Start Menu". It's not in Initflashfile.dat, nor any of the xml or proxml files in the "OEM Packages" folder. :-(

Check for some App.dat in EXT folder or a provxml in Project A.
Both OsKitchen and EVK has a search string inside,use it to find your dead folder.
zard said:
I didn't bothered about two folders that was empty in "\windows\start menu\programs\" until I read this post. I found one of them in Initflashfile.dat, "Outlook" and had deleted the line away. I'm still unable to find the other folder "Start Menu". It's not in Initflashfile.dat, nor any of the xml or proxml files in the "OEM Packages" folder. :-(
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af974 said:
Check for some App.dat in EXT folder or a provxml in Project A.
Both OsKitchen and EVK has a search string inside,use it to find your dead folder.
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I'm using OSKitchen. It's not in provxml in Project A. I tried using search in OSKitchen to search "Start Menu" and "Start*.*" but can't find it. :-(

Ok, i dunno why you didnt find nothing ...anyway, cook the attached file in your rom, i have set it for deleting any Start Menu.lnk in Start Menu\Programs.
Basically you can use it for deleting any dead links.
If it doesnt work try to leave ".lnk" after Start Menu.
It is a mortscript , i have include also Mortscript package in case you dont have it.
zard said:
I'm using OSKitchen. It's not in provxml in Project A. I tried using search in OSKitchen to search "Start Menu" and "Start*.*" but can't find it. :-(
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zard said:
I'm using OSKitchen. It's not in provxml in Project A. I tried using search in OSKitchen to search "Start Menu" and "Start*.*" but can't find it. :-(
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You probably can't find it because of hexadecimal or html entities values in which the shortcut name is probably encoded into, try looking for the encoded values instead.

Check to make sure autoshortcut isn't doing it (it could be in a reg file). Autoshortcut sucks, but I don't know if it's still used.

airxtreme said:
You probably can't find it because of hexadecimal or html entities values in which the shortcut name is probably encoded into, try looking for the encoded values instead.
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I did try hexadecimal and html but still couldn't find it. I'm using v1.31. Maybe it is the format of the search that I'm not doing right.

af974 said:
Ok, i dunno why you didnt find nothing ...anyway, cook the attached file in your rom, i have set it for deleting any Start Menu.lnk in Start Menu\Programs.
Basically you can use it for deleting any dead links.
If it doesnt work try to leave ".lnk" after Start Menu.
It is a mortscript , i have include also Mortscript package in case you dont have it.
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Thanks for this but unfortunately, my kitchen is screwed up when I tried out your packages. My kitchen was alright before that. Even unchecking the two packages didn't help.
Don't worry, I'm not blaming you for the problem in my kitchen. Will have to find out what went wrong before I can test your packages again and hopefully, it can solve the problem since I can't find the culprit within my packages.

Farmer Ted said:
Check to make sure autoshortcut isn't doing it (it could be in a reg file). Autoshortcut sucks, but I don't know if it's still used.
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Still very new to cooking so don't know what you meant by "Autoshortcut". :-(

HTC puts a file called autoshortcut.exe in one of the oem folders. It runs during customization, and creates shortcuts for htc apps. There are reg keys in the apps that get the shortcuts.

oooo__OoO__oooo said:
So I added MP3 Trimmer to my kitchen, but moved the location of the start icon to a Tools folder. The problem: an MP3 Trimmer icon remains in the initial start page. There is no associated .lnk file in the Start Menu\Programs folder, and the registry HKLM\Security\Shell\Startinfo\Start has the reference to the link in the correct spot.
I have tried placing the link by moving it from the default location with a MortScript, and by changing the app.dat. Same results.
I have done this same move with many other packages, this is the only one causing any problems.
No other references to MP3 Trimmer.lnk exist in the registry or kitchen. Why is it displayed in the start menu when no .lnk is present, and where is that information coming from? Thanks!
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It is 100 % a app.dat or initflashfiles.dat issue. Or a reg in the 0409 folder.
Also when looking in you initflashfiles be careful to look for entries that point to Windows\Start Menu
instead of Windows\Start Menu\Programs

bobsbbq said:
It is 100 % a app.dat or initflashfiles.dat issue. Or a reg in the 0409 folder.
Also when looking in you initflashfiles be careful to look for entries that point to Windows\Start Menu
instead of Windows\Start Menu\Programs
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What I'm talking about is behavior on the phone itself. Let's assume my kitchen searches have been wrong and it really is an app.dat issue. I have a shortcut that exists in the start menu with no associated link file or reg entry -- so there's nothing to delete to get rid of the shortcut on the actual phone!
Kitchen searches result in only the expected "MP3 Trimmer.lnk" locations and "MP3Trimmer.exe" text.
As far as I can tell, ManilaShortcut.exe only makes shortcuts for HTC People and HTC Calendar (but I have IsShortcutEnable = 0 to keep those from popping up). MP3 Trimmer isn't in the original ROM from which the Manila is based, so it's possible there's something going on there.
It's not a huge issue so I haven't been spending a lot of time trying to find or fix it, but I'm virtually out of bugs to fix. What's bothering me more is something seemingly simple that I don't understand.

oooo__OoO__oooo said:
What I'm talking about is behavior on the phone itself. Let's assume my kitchen searches have been wrong and it really is an app.dat issue. I have a shortcut that exists in the start menu with no associated link file or reg entry -- so there's nothing to delete to get rid of the shortcut on the actual phone!
Kitchen searches result in only the expected "MP3 Trimmer.lnk" locations and "MP3Trimmer.exe" text.
As far as I can tell, ManilaShortcut.exe only makes shortcuts for HTC People and HTC Calendar (but I have IsShortcutEnable = 0 to keep those from popping up). MP3 Trimmer isn't in the original ROM from which the Manila is based, so it's possible there's something going on there.
It's not a huge issue so I haven't been spending a lot of time trying to find or fix it, but I'm virtually out of bugs to fix. What's bothering me more is something seemingly simple that I don't understand.
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I know how frustrating this is and I have had the same in the past. I know this is not what you want to hear but the fact is there is only a few ways for a shortcut to be created. Mainly initflashfiles.dat to move or rename shortcuts, and app.reg or rgu files to create shortcuts, and by way of provxml file. The chances are 99% one of the above. But there is also the possibility of shortcuts to be created by mortscript as well but if it is your kitchen I would think you would know if you created a mortscript. There is also the Older HTC Auto shortcut found in some reg files.
I know it is sometimes hard to find but you will eventually find it.
By the way where did the package from the MP3 trimmer come from? Was it from a chinese ROM?

af974 said:
Ok, i dunno why you didnt find nothing ...anyway, cook the attached file in your rom, i have set it for deleting any Start Menu.lnk in Start Menu\Programs.
Basically you can use it for deleting any dead links.
If it doesnt work try to leave ".lnk" after Start Menu.
It is a mortscript , i have include also Mortscript package in case you dont have it.
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bobsbbq said:
It is 100 % a app.dat or initflashfiles.dat issue. Or a reg in the 0409 folder.
Also when looking in you initflashfiles be careful to look for entries that point to Windows\Start Menu
instead of Windows\Start Menu\Programs
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bobsbbq said:
I know how frustrating this is and I have had the same in the past. I know this is not what you want to hear but the fact is there is only a few ways for a shortcut to be created. Mainly initflashfiles.dat to move or rename shortcuts, and app.reg or rgu files to create shortcuts, and by way of provxml file. The chances are 99% one of the above. But there is also the possibility of shortcuts to be created by mortscript as well but if it is your kitchen I would think you would know if you created a mortscript. There is also the Older HTC Auto shortcut found in some reg files.
I know it is sometimes hard to find but you will eventually find it.
By the way where did the package from the MP3 trimmer come from? Was it from a chinese ROM?
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Since I was trying to improve on the response of my Contacts in Manila 2018 by mixing and matching 2016 and 2018 tabs, I took the opportunity to continue to search the elusive "Start Menu" folder in my Start Menu.
I was still not able to find it in the initflashfiles, nor dat, app.reg or proxmls. I modified the mortscript that af974 gave me into "Delete("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Start Menu.lnk")" and ran it from SD Card. Even after soft reset, the "Start Menu" folder is still there.
What I find strange is that in my \Windows directory, there was no "Start Menu.lnk" - I'm using Resco Explorer and is able to see hidden files. But in \Windows\Start Menu\Programs, I could see "Start Menu" folder. I was able to delete it using Resco Explorer.

bobsbbq said:
I know how frustrating this is and I have had the same in the past. I know this is not what you want to hear but the fact is there is only a few ways for a shortcut to be created. Mainly initflashfiles.dat to move or rename shortcuts, and app.reg or rgu files to create shortcuts, and by way of provxml file. The chances are 99% one of the above. But there is also the possibility of shortcuts to be created by mortscript as well but if it is your kitchen I would think you would know if you created a mortscript. There is also the Older HTC Auto shortcut found in some reg files.
I know it is sometimes hard to find but you will eventually find it.
By the way where did the package from the MP3 trimmer come from? Was it from a chinese ROM?
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To the best of my ability utilizing search there is no reference to the link or the executable in any initflashfiles.dat/app.dat/.reg/.rgu/.*xml. Even the hex coded .dat entries still refer to a "normal" name.lnk, so my search should uncover those.
I pulled the MP3 Trimmer from the Rhodium 2.07 EXT latest packages, which is from an asian ROM at least judging from the links in the original app.dat.
No autoshortcut.exe exists in the ROM. The MP3 Trimmer and a bunch of other packages create an AutoShortcut key, but there's nothing under that so I'm not sure exactly how it's used (and it would therefore be present even if I deleted it from the trimmer package).
My guess is that it has to be either the start menu initial creation process some Manila initialization process that is creating the initial link. How it gets into a state where it remains in the start menu but no information exists to delete it is the 2nd question -- where is that information??
I've verified if I delete \Windows\Start Menu\Programs, then copy the directory structure back in the link goes away. This could be a solution long term, but I was trying to stick to the automatic creation process as much as possible.
Thanks to those who have responded and provided input so far.

Looking at a stock rom dump for the raphael, the autoshortcut operations are in a .provxml in the 0409 folders, like this:
<characteristic type="Registry">
<characteristic type="HKLM\SOFTWARE\HTC\AutoShortcut">
<parm name="\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Streaming Media.lnk" value="\Windows\Streaming Media.lnk" datatype="string" translation="install"/>
<parm name="\Windows\Help\Streaming Media.lnk" value="\Windows\Help_Streaming Media.lnk" datatype="string" translation="install"/>
The autoshortcut.exe is in oemdrivers. I really don't even know what the point of it is; I guess it's for book-keeping, to keep track in the registry of all the shortcuts being moved around. It could just be done by a provxml file operation instead of by autoshortcut during customization, but whatever, that's how it's done. Just try deleting the autoshortcut references. Heck, delete or rename the shortcut in the kitchen and send it to the start menu a different way (like by renaming it while copying it with an app.dat file).

Farmer Ted said:
Heck, delete or rename the shortcut in the kitchen and send it to the start menu a different way (like by renaming it while copying it with an app.dat file).
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OK, I'm going to modify the orignal post as solved, because this simple idea (which of course didn't occur to me) is the ticket. I renamed the .lnk to .link in the kitchen and it's renamed back to .lnk when copied by the app.dat. Presto change-o, no MP3 Trimmer.lnk file in \Windows. Works like a charm.


[SOLVED] Registry overwrite sequence in EVK

I have a problem with setting certain settings when cooking. I simply modified the "c36eeaba-524c-471d-a185-22d12a8c294b.rgu" file in the OperatorPkg folder and changed settings such as notification light, camera superfine settings enabled as well as disabling the htc vibration and hiding some Manila tabs. For some odd reason not all the settings work? The camera settings won't work. The notification settings will only work for missed calls but not messages. The HTC Album setting to close instead of minimise won't work either. What am I doing wrong?
What is the order in which provxml, rgu and other customizations are loaded? It could be that I need to include the settings that are not working in the last rgu or provxml file to run.
Please help. Many thanks in advance
p.s. I checked the settings and they are all correct (no typos etc)
First RGU then app.reg then provxml...
So i guess that if you change the OEM RGU and you have a camera EXT the camera EXT app.reg will rewrite the RGU changes then sadly.. if you change the app.reg any missing and very good hidden provxml will rewrite your app.reg...
Addition process is... XIP - OEM - SYS - EXT every section is arranged alphabetical ascending.
Oh and next time search a lil many times this was discused on tutorials... of course you will not see a tutorial saying.... "order how PKGS are included" or "registry cooking addition"
Help, not sure what I am doing.
I am using kitchen_2.2 for the LG Incite.
I start with a clean kitchen.
I have put the 24001 rom in the base rom/incite directory.
run option:
2 to setup for incite
get [Missing Manifests]
[Missing Manifests]
Then a bunch of moving messagers and finally:
All Done!!!
Now, arrange the folders as needed and copy them into \OEM\INCITE and \SYS\YOURS
Press any key to continue . . .
There is nothing under \OEM\INCITE and \SYS, so I copy temp\OEM and temp\sys to \
Now I run d, and get Now, arrange the folders as needed and copy OEMXIPKERNEL into \ROM\INCITE\YOURXIPVERSION and everything else in \ROM\SHARED\YOURXIPVERSION
Press any key to continue . . .
But I am not sure what to move. Under ROM i see a shared/21109 directory
I do not see OEMXIPKERNEL. I assume the Yourxipverson should be 24001.
If I continue with e (launch ErviusKitchen), change my device to incite, build 21000, rom version, sys build 0409, I see things set to ture and false.
If I select build I get errors. I tried copying dirs to different diretories, but just more errors.
All help apprciated.
Ask in the correct thread bud ¬¬
The tutorial EVK thread
I dont know so much about LG cooking you should ask in the thread for LG in the general forums
In shortly:
Export those keys from the RGU ( copy and paste ),make a txt file named app.reg and put inside the keys.
Go to EXT folder, make a subfolder named ZZ_what_name_you_like, inside this subfolder put the app.reg made before.
This way your setting will be the last to be copied from kitchen and nothing will be overwrite from other .reg, .rgu....but be sure that it will be the last to be cooked, thats why the ZZ or Z or ZZZZ before the name.
Next time make a lill search, this was already spoken many times.
thecrater said:
I have a problem with setting certain settings when cooking. I simply modified the "c36eeaba-524c-471d-a185-22d12a8c294b.rgu" file in the OperatorPkg folder and changed settings such as notification light, camera superfine settings enabled as well as disabling the htc vibration and hiding some Manila tabs. For some odd reason not all the settings work? The camera settings won't work. The notification settings will only work for missed calls but not messages. The HTC Album setting to close instead of minimise won't work either. What am I doing wrong?
What is the order in which provxml, rgu and other customizations are loaded? It could be that I need to include the settings that are not working in the last rgu or provxml file to run.
Please help. Many thanks in advance
p.s. I checked the settings and they are all correct (no typos etc)
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Thank you very much guys for your help the ZZ_settings idea worked a treat.
hey the crater change the thread name to
[SOLVED] Registry overwrite sequence in EVK

[SOLVED] Include .cabs in ROM?

I'm trying to include a newer Google Maps and a few other applications and converted the .cab installers to EXT in osKitchen. They get included in the list in EXT Packages and I select all of them but still I cant find them when I have flashed my ROM to my device.
Am I supposed to do something more?
Double check that they are in the windows folder. All you should have to do is check the package.
djr83 said:
I'm trying to include a newer Google Maps and a few other applications and converted the .cab installers to EXT in osKitchen. They get included in the list in EXT Packages and I select all of them but still I cant find them when I have flashed my ROM to my device.
Am I supposed to do something more?
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If your ROM is not in english you have to edit the app.dat to use the correct start menu folder.
look into or show us your buildlog...
airxtreme said:
If your ROM is not in english you have to edit the app.dat to use the correct start menu folder.
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Thanks! Havent tried the new rom yet but the paths in app.dat was wrong.
But I do have to change the path to the programs folder too, I guess?
When I check the path in file explorer it says \Program and in app.dat it says \Program Files.
If you use cab 2 oem and oem 2 ext the app.dat is automatic created with the correct path.
So if you use a WWE package it will be 'Program files' and for the shortcut 'start menu'. If you use another language (Dutch for example) 'program files' has another name 'programma bestanden' and 'start menu' becomes 'startmenu' in Dutch.
So you need to correct that path according to the language you use.
You can use initflashfiles.dat as an example for every language you use.
djr83 said:
Thanks! Havent tried the new rom yet but the paths in app.dat was wrong.
But I do have to change the path to the programs folder too, I guess?
When I check the path in file explorer it says \Program and in app.dat it says \Program Files.
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Laurentius26 said:
If you use cab 2 oem and oem 2 ext the app.dat is automatic created with the correct path.
So if you use a WWE package it will be 'Program files' and for the shortcut 'start menu'. If you use another language (Dutch for example) 'program files' has another name 'programma bestanden' and 'start menu' becomes 'startmenu' in Dutch.
So you need to correct that path according to the language you use.
You can use initflashfiles.dat as an example for every language you use.
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I'm using osKitchen Zero 1.31 beta1 and cab 2 oem doesnt seem to exist anymore. I think it was in my old kitchen, osKitchen 1.25 but I dont use that anymore.
One of my cabs is actually a today screen plugin. How do I choose what plugins which should be selected from start?
Hmm the program files gets into the correct folder and a link is created in the start menu, but the link doesnt start the program. I guess it's still pointing to the wrong path.
How do I fix this?
djr83 said:
I'm using osKitchen Zero 1.31 beta1 and cab 2 oem doesnt seem to exist anymore. I think it was in my old kitchen, osKitchen 1.25 but I dont use that anymore.
One of my cabs is actually a today screen plugin. How do I choose what plugins which should be selected from start?
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Everything is in the universal package converter now
djr83 said:
Hmm the program files gets into the correct folder and a link is created in the start menu, but the link doesnt start the program. I guess it's still pointing to the wrong path.
How do I fix this?
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Just edit the shortcut; total commander works well.
Farmer Ted said:
Just edit the shortcut; total commander works well.
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Cant I change that in the ROM? I dont want to have to change a lot after flashing.
I did a quick search for you:
Today items you enable/disabled like the sample of registry below.
1 is enabled and 0 is disabled.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Today\Items\HTC Sense]
djr83 said:
I'm using osKitchen Zero 1.31 beta1 and cab 2 oem doesnt seem to exist anymore. I think it was in my old kitchen, osKitchen 1.25 but I dont use that anymore.
One of my cabs is actually a today screen plugin. How do I choose what plugins which should be selected from start?
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"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Laurentius26 said:
Today items you enable/disabled like the sample of registry below.
1 is enabled and 0 is disabled.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Today\Items\HTC Sense]
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Thanks! But the plugin doesnt even show up in plugin list when I pre-install it in the ROM. The plugin is TodayAgenda. Do I need to do something more when adding today screen plugins?
djr83 said:
Cant I change that in the ROM? I dont want to have to change a lot after flashing.
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Just edit the shortcut and then swap the new one into your package for the bad one. Although this whole topic is confusing. Are you trying to install cabs during customization, or are you trying to make actual packages from cabs? If it's the former, then you'll need to edit the .cab file to fix the shortcuts (if they are the problem).
Farmer Ted said:
Just edit the shortcut and then swap the new one into your package for the bad one. Although this whole topic is confusing. Are you trying to install cabs during customization, or are you trying to make actual packages from cabs? If it's the former, then you'll need to edit the .cab file to fix the shortcuts (if they are the problem).
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I want to be able to select which programs I want to include in the ROM. How it gets included doesnt matter (I think?).
What's the difference between installing them during customization and making packages?
I found the bad shortcuts now, thanks, so I guess that problem is solved now. But please tell me the difference between customization installing and packages. I want to do it the correct way
There are different ways to include apps into a rom. Installing a cab during customization isn't a whole lot different then just installing a cab normally. There's nothing really special about it, except that the cab file is stored in rom. This could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on how you look at it. You don't get any of the benefits of cooking an app into rom when you use cab files.
Creating a package means extracting the files (and reg keys, if there are any) from the cab file and then cooking them directly into the rom. In many cases, you can re-locate the application directly into the \windows folder (from \program files), and this saves space and shortens the time for first boot. You may also be able to convert some of the files to modules, which can increase performance (mainly, the apps boot up faster), but it doesn't always work. Modules can also save a bit of ram by loading code into the page pool. As an example, you can create a package with TCPMP (core player) that loads all of the files directly into the rom. This is much better than having the files in their own folder in \program files\tcpmp, because you don't end up having duplicate files in \windows (if you use an app.dat to copy the files into the program file directory) or one big cab file sitting in \windows. It saves on storage. Also, some of the .dll's and the .exe can be made into modules.
On the other hand, some apps just don't work if the files aren't placed in the proper directory. I've had a bugger of a time getting the new resco keyboard to work properly. Most of the time, you can just move files and sub-folders from program files straight into \windows, but it doesn't work with resco keyboard. The bloody skin files have to be located in \program files\resco keyboard pro\skins (the same goes for the language and sound files). It's not a big deal, but I could save a bit of space if I could locate some of the files in \windows. I get these files into the program files directory by unzipping a zip file with a mortscript during customization. Zips are easier to edit than cabs, and install faster, so that's what I prefer to use. You also don't have to bother with uninstall info (I always seem to leave that crap in when I pack a cab, even though it's pretty much useless to me).
Customization is the step after the screen alignment. It's basically the time when you pretty up your rom, and put in the final touches so that when the phone is fully booted up, it's just the way you want it.
Your post is just kind of unclear. It sounds like you're just trying to install cabs during customization, but some people are telling you how to extract cabs to make EXT's. I'm not really sure what you're asking.
Farmer Ted said:
There are different ways to include apps into a rom. Installing a cab during customization isn't a whole lot different then just installing a cab normally. There's nothing really special about it, except that the cab file is stored in rom. This could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on how you look at it. You don't get any of the benefits of cooking an app into rom when you use cab files.
Creating a package means extracting the files (and reg keys, if there are any) from the cab file and then cooking them directly into the rom. In many cases, you can re-locate the application directly into the \windows folder (from \program files), and this saves space and shortens the time for first boot. You may also be able to convert some of the files to modules, which can increase performance (mainly, the apps boot up faster), but it doesn't always work. Modules can also save a bit of ram by loading code into the page pool. As an example, you can create a package with TCPMP (core player) that loads all of the files directly into the rom. This is much better than having the files in their own folder in \program files\tcpmp, because you don't end up having duplicate files in \windows (if you use an app.dat to copy the files into the program file directory) or one big cab file sitting in \windows. It saves on storage. Also, some of the .dll's and the .exe can be made into modules.
On the other hand, some apps just don't work if the files aren't placed in the proper directory. I've had a bugger of a time getting the new resco keyboard to work properly. Most of the time, you can just move files and sub-folders from program files straight into \windows, but it doesn't work with resco keyboard. The bloody skin files have to be located in \program files\resco keyboard pro\skins (the same goes for the language and sound files). It's not a big deal, but I could save a bit of space if I could locate some of the files in \windows. I get these files into the program files directory by unzipping a zip file with a mortscript during customization. Zips are easier to edit than cabs, and install faster, so that's what I prefer to use. You also don't have to bother with uninstall info (I always seem to leave that crap in when I pack a cab, even though it's pretty much useless to me).
Customization is the step after the screen alignment. It's basically the time when you pretty up your rom, and put in the final touches so that when the phone is fully booted up, it's just the way you want it.
Your post is just kind of unclear. It sounds like you're just trying to install cabs during customization, but some people are telling you how to extract cabs to make EXT's. I'm not really sure what you're asking.
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What I'm doing now is definitly makeing EXT's. But that doesnt mean I'm sure that it is what I want to do. I just want to include some programs in the ROM from the beginning and EXT's seems like a good way to go.
But if I want to install cabs during customization, how do I do that?
You create an EXT:
Yourpackage\files\your cab
And you add a line to config.txt so it will be autoinstalled during device setup.
A sample of that line:
CAB: \Windows\your_app.cab
djr83 said:
What I'm doing now is definitly makeing EXT's. But that doesnt mean I'm sure that it is what I want to do. I just want to include some programs in the ROM from the beginning and EXT's seems like a good way to go.
But if I want to install cabs during customization, how do I do that?
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Laurentius26 said:
You create an EXT:
Yourpackage\files\your cab
And you add a line to config.txt so it will be autoinstalled during device setup.
A sample of that line:
CAB: \Windows\your_app.cab
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Where should this config.txt be? Yourpackage\config.txt?
And can I add an app.reg to this EXT so I get some settings installed too? Will these settings be applied before or after the cab-install?

[Q] Unsigned Folders ?

First of all, sorry for openeing a new thread; but surely i have searched all of chef central din't find anything much or maybe din't understand which one was my solution.
The problem is after boot of my ROM ( regardless of which boot ie 1st 2nd or 10th ) i get 2 pop up errors:
1) "The file 'programs' cannot be opened. Either is not signed with a trusted certificate or one of it's components cannot be found.If the problem persists please try reinstalling or restoring this file."
2) "The file 'Tools' cannot be opened. Either is not signed with a trusted certificate or one of it's components cannot be found.If the problem persists please try reinstalling or restoring this file."
I have a folder called "Tools" in the start menu, and it works fine, and everything inside also works good. But still this error.
I'm pretty sure all the Packages cooked which are meant to go in this folder do go in.
And the programs error is it anything to do with the fact that in the APP.DAT in almost all packages i have used similar naming:
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("System")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools\Tweaks"):-File("Flip_IT.lnk","\Windows\_Flip_IT.lnk")
and also added similar REG in the REGS :
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As i was not sure which one will decide the location, so some packages have only .REGs, some have only APP.DATs and some have both ( but all the locations are same that is sure !)
Please help me with this.
Thanks alot.
PS: I have enabled NoCert in EVK, and also cooked in the latest ( 2015 ? ) SDKCerts EXT. And after that no other apps give an unsigned problem.
Just a question, this isnt the full app.dat right?
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("System")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools\Tweaks"):-File("Flip_IT.lnk","\Windows\_Flip_IT.lnk")
If yes, you miss some lines,this app.dat is just copying a link to startmenu but i guess that you need the program in Windows.
i'm afraid that is the full App.DAT
here is another one
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("System")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\\Tools\System"):-File("Java.lnk","\Windows\Java.lnk")
This seems to be correct right ?
Can you please tell me does APP.DAT decide the position or REG ? and what if both exist.
Can an incomplete app.dat cause those errors ?
EDIT: i have identified 3 packages have incomlete app.dat
1) task manager
app.dat says :
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools\"):-File("Task Manager.lnk","\Windows\dotFred Task Manager.lnk")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools\Utilities"):-File("Regeditor.lnk","\Windows\dotFred RegEdit.lnk")
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reg also defines a location.
2) flip it
app.dat says
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("System")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools\Tweaks"):-File("Flip_IT.lnk","\Windows\_Flip_IT.lnk")
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Click to collapse
reg defines location and settings.
3) torch
app.dat says
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools\Utilities"):-File("hTorch Flashlight.lnk","\Windows\hTorch Flashlight.lnk")
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reg defines settings only.
4) reg editor
app.dat says:
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tool\Utilities"):-File("PHM RegEdit.lnk","\Windows\PHM RegEdit.lnk")
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reg defines sttings and location.
Can anyone of the above cause the issue ?
can some please help me correct them ?
EDIT: can someone please tell me the REG to enable Call Waiting Tone.
I don't hear any tone it when i have a call waiting.
The app.dat decide the position of file and folders.
I found thi " Flip-IT" from a Tom Codon thread and i used Cab Converter for extracting it.
This is the App.dat that i got:
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools"):-File("Flip_IT.lnk","\Windows\Flip_IT.lnk")
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In red are the subfolders that doesnt come with the original.
There are some difference with your but i dunno if this is the problem but worth try.
Umm well i have defined those locations as to fit them lnk in the place i want in the start menu.. isn't that the way ?
Im Quoting you from 1st post:
1) "The file 'programs' cannot be opened. Either is not signed with a trusted certificate or one of it's components cannot be found.If the problem persists please try reinstalling or restoring this file."
2) "The file 'Tools' cannot be opened. Either is not signed with a trusted certificate or one of it's components cannot be found.If the problem persists please try reinstalling or restoring this file."
you got this popup error automatically, no need to open any folder\file?
It seems that you put a wrong shortcut to files called "Tools and programs" in your StratUp folder.
Check some other App.dat
i have checked all APP.DAT in the EXT can't find any which i cook and does not get cokked in the correct location ?
Umm and the two errors are seperate not in one only.
So i guess the conflict is there with 2 seperate folders "Tools" and "programs" respectively.
Ideally it should not conflict with tools, because i do have a tools folder in the start menu.. so everything should go there :/
any other help?
Try to cook a rom without one of the latest apps that you have add and if the problem gone then you have find the issue,after that post here the responsable so we can look at it.
madnish30 said:
i have checked all APP.DAT in the EXT can't find any which i cook and does not get cokked in the correct location ?
Umm and the two errors are seperate not in one only.
So i guess the conflict is there with 2 seperate folders "Tools" and "programs" respectively.
Ideally it should not conflict with tools, because i do have a tools folder in the start menu.. so everything should go there :/
any other help?
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af974 said:
Try to cook a rom without one of the latest apps that you have add and if the problem gone then you have find the issue,after that post here the responsable so we can look at it.
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I'll try and cook without the 5 EXT i identified with wrong app.dats ?
I have had this problem since long, but i din't bother much, so i really don't know whats the issue..
it has been there basically since i tweaked the start menu locations.
now i have to get rid of it cuz any ROM user won't like to just press ok and continue with the ROM.
I'll try.
My suggestion is to try one by one but ofcourse this way you need to flash 5 times your phone.
Did you ,maybe,tweaked your Initflashfile.dat?
madnish30 said:
I'll try and cook without the 5 EXT i identified with wrong app.dats ?
I have had this problem since long, but i din't bother much, so i really don't know whats the issue..
it has been there basically since i tweaked the start menu locations.
now i have to get rid of it cuz any ROM user won't like to just press ok and continue with the ROM.
I'll try.
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No i don't play with initiaflash... because i don't know much about it..
I guess i will not cook anyone of them so that if its one of them i will just download fresh CABs for them and convert them into EXTs rather than flashing my phone 5 times..
Thanks alot.
i tried cooking without those apps no luck
Same 2 errors hence those 2 apps are ok..
Attached my Initflashfile.dat if that helps.
Please help.
You really need to look in your startup folder to see what is in there. That's the first thing to do. Then, look in the start menu and see if anything weird is going on. Particularly, look for corrupted files or folders. If there are any files that look like folders, that could be the issue.
You're initflashfiles.dat is effin' huge!! Learn to make a cab, or relocate apps to windows. You must be wasting a ton of storage space.
thanks for the help Ted,
In the startup i see 2 folders
1) programs in which there is tools->system->Arkswitch.
2) tools -> system -> XDA_UC.
rest are the normal i guess.
Then in the startmenu it seems fine.
but one problem there i see in the start menu i see a system folder which is empty AFAIK i did not create and such path why is that there ?
You're initflashfiles.dat is effin' huge!! Learn to make a cab, or relocate apps to windows. You must be wasting a ton of storage space.
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I'm not good with initflashfiles.dat i don't know much about it.
Can you please link me to a thread where i can learn about it.
Also what do you mean by CABs ? does that mean using UC to install via CABs ?
And how can i reloacte apps to windows ?
can you give a little explaination please.
thanks alot for the help.
The app.dat for Arksswitch is
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("Tools")
Directory("\Program Files"):-Directory("ArkSwitch")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch"):-Directory("Theme")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch"):-Directory("NLS")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch\NLS"):-File("1033.xml","\Windows\1033.xml")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch\NLS"):-File("1036.xml","\Windows\1036.xml")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch\NLS"):-File("1040.xml","\Windows\1040.xml")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch\NLS"):-File("1049.xml","\Windows\1049.xml")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch\Theme"):-File("config.xml","\Windows\config.xml")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch\Theme"):-File("status-bar.png","\Windows\status-bar.png")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch\Theme"):-File("x-deselected.png","\Windows\x-deselected.png")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch\Theme"):-File("x-selected.png","\Windows\x-selected.png")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch"):-File("Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Gestures.dll","\Windows\Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Gestures.dll")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch"):-File("ArkSwitch.exe","\Windows\ArkSwitch.exe")
Directory("\Program Files\ArkSwitch"):-File("ArkSwitchNative.dll","\Windows\ArkSwitchNative.dll")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools\System"):-File("ArkSwitch.lnk","\Windows\_ArkSwitch.lnk")
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and the app.dat for XDA_UC is
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Please help me correct the two in order to remove the warning.
Will try and cook without them to see if they cause they problem.
I don't use xda_uc, but delete the sub-folders in startup and the problems go away.
App.dat copies files from windows to other places. In many cases, an app works fine in windows. You just need to fix paths (shortcuts, registry) so they point to windows. It's a complete waste to have two copies of all your files, especially when the ones in rom work perfectly fine. Personally, I don't even use app.dat's, except to create directories and to copy the important customization links into startup.
Edit: ok, so I'm looking at your initflashfiles.dat. One, there's something weird with your Manila twitter lines. Why does it appear twice? That's kind of a waste, and will slow down 1st boot. Also, you've got a dozen mui files in there. Just put in the one you need (0409 or whatever), and delete the rest. You've to two copies of a bunch of files that you don't use. Remove the lines you don't need from the app.dat.
As far as relocating apps, you've got 20 or so that would work fine in windows. For example, clean ram does not have to be in program files. Just leave the exe's in windows, and send 1 lang file to \windows\lang. The app will work fine. Do you really need 20 lang files for cleanram? Dude, that's a total waste.
Here's an easy one to fix: pocket rar. You've got two copies of it now on your device. Just get a shortcut for it to windows, and you're done. You stick rar.exe in a package, along with the shortcut, and send the shortcut to the start menu as normal. Speaking of which, it looks like you've got a syntax error there:
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\\Tools\System"):-File("Pocket RAR.lnk","\Windows\_Pocket RAR.lnk")
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Get rid of the extra \.
Thanks sir i got it, now i will impliment it.
Sir if you don't use app.dats then how do you chose which package shows up where in the start menu ?
I do pretty much everything with morscripts. I put all files and directories in zip files that are unzipped during customization, and all shortcuts are created by a script. This reduces the rom file count by hundreds (I have about 1800 rom files), and the zip files reduce the storage memory for files that have to be inserted elsewhere. There's also a restore script that resores files that change a lot and that aren't practical to cook in.
Anyway, were I you, I'd work on fixing all of your packages to make the rom more efficiently designed (instead of worrying about upgrading build numbers). I bet you could removed 500 files and clean up a crazy amount of memory (like 50 mb). It can be tricky moving an app to windows. Some apps have .ini files or similar settings files, and the app will crash or not load if the setting file is read-only, so you need to get the file into windows without having it read only (do it with an app.dat that copies or renames it to windows). Some apps have their settings in the same damn file name (like settings.txt), so you can't have them both in the same directory.
To relocate to windows, almost anything in the root program folder (like \program files\cleanram) can be moved straight to windows. Sub-folders generally just need to be moved to \windows. Typically, an exe looks for .dlls first in its own directory and second in \windows, so just about any dll can be moved to windows without issue. It will then usually look for the support files in the same directory that it's located in. The only apps I've had problems with are resco keyboard (the skin files seem to be hard coded to program files), and the latest Power Radio (, or something like that). I had a bunch of power radio packages that worked fine in windows, but the latest wouldn't, so I just didn't do the upgrade.
It's usually easiest just to test things without cooking. In your case, you've already got everything in windows. Just click on exes and see what works and what doesn't. Some apps will need sub-folders relocated to windows, and it looks like your cab-to-ext package unfortunately renamed the rom files, so some files in the program folder will need to be copied to windows. Just do this for testing purposes, to see what works and what doesn't. I bet your rom is effin huge, and you could make it a lot leaner by cleaning your packages up. The cab-to-ext makers all more or less suck; it's better to do things manually (or with kheb 1.1).
Edit: you've got the tachan black theme in there twice, too. You really, really don't need those files copied elsewhere. I'm guessing there's a reg file with all the file locations (in HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Today). Fix it!!! All you need to do is do a 'replace all' and replace \\My Documents\\Themes\\tacchan23black with \\windows. Then delete that gawdawful app.dat file (both occurrences). That will remove 101 redundant files.
Do you remember this from your 1st post?
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-Directory("System")
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools\Tweaks"):-File("Flip_IT.lnk","\Windows\_Flip_IT.lnk")
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Here is (marked in red) your System folder (empty) in startmenu.
madnish30 said:
Then in the startmenu it seems fine.
but one problem there i see in the start menu i see a system folder which is empty AFAIK i did not create and such path why is that there ?
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Thanks ted & af974.
i will try to do things you suggested.
But Ted, what does the attachment mscr do ?
I attached and EXT package from Chucky's Rom thanks to birkoffsjunk, i guess you will understand what mscr does looking at it.
madnish30 said:
Thanks ted & af974.
i will try to do things you suggested.
But Ted, what does the attachment mscr do ?
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[q] xml / pxml

Sorry for being dumb once again.
I know how to create an XML and convert reg files to PROVXML etc but :
I flashed my cooked rom and did snapshot with kheb made all my changes and got a difference .reg file.
I converted that to PROVXML cause i believe its the best way of doing it.
What I dont know is what to do with it and where to put it in order to flash it.
Ive put it under custom settings\files but iot needs to be named something specifically according to 0Kitchen . Also i have an xml file that has my exchange settings in that which i want to cook in as well but dont know how.
I do use XDA uc but id prefer to let it be done with runcc or something?
Please advise whats better and whats the difference between the differentx PROVXML file naming.
I would preffer using reg instead Provxml because they take a lot of time for 1st boot....anyway you need to name them mxip_xxxx.provxml if im not wrong.
af974 said:
I would preffer using reg instead Provxml because they take a lot of time for 1st boot....anyway you need to name them mxip_xxxx.provxml if im not wrong.
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Can i renam the exchange.xml to mxip_exchange.provxml as well. does a xml and provxml contain the same information/layout?
Uhmm...it seems that should work, give a look here http://ip208-100-42-21.static.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=6995989.
Grumps said:
Can i renam the exchange.xml to mxip_exchange.provxml as well. does a xml and provxml contain the same information/layout?
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af974 said:
Uhmm...it seems that should work, give a look here http://ip208-100-42-21.static.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=6995989.
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Leme just try quickly we do flash like 30 times a day in any case hey. Will revdert just now
Thanx for your help
There's various file names, mxip, mxipinit and mxipupdate. In my experience I've never needed to add anything to a .dsm file, as long as the extension is .provxml they execute ok.
What I do though, is put my post-boot provxml's into the very last folder that my kitchen picks up so it's named ZZZ_postboot_provxml or something similar and I also name the file to mxipupdate_zzzPostBoot.provxml but I'm not sure if this helps. I do this because:
If you use total commander and search for *.provxml files in your windows folder you might find that none of them have the original name you gave in your packages, but if you step through the files you find there, you can see the execution order.
Hope this helps a bit.
arealityfarbetween said:
There's various file names, mxip, mxipinit and mxipupdate. In my experience I've never needed to add anything to a .dsm file, as long as the extension is .provxml they execute ok.
What I do though, is put my post-boot provxml's into the very last folder that my kitchen picks up so it's named ZZZ_postboot_provxml or something similar and I also name the file to mxipupdate_zzzPostBoot.provxml but I'm not sure if this helps. I do this because:
If you use total commander and search for *.provxml files in your windows folder you might find that none of them have the original name you gave in your packages, but if you step through the files you find there, you can see the execution order.
Hope this helps a bit.
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ok so postboot is also one of the names like mxipinit and mxipupdate. Why are there so many different ones and which ones are executed in what order?
Grumps said:
ok so postboot is also one of the names like mxipinit and mxipupdate. Why are there so many different ones and which ones are executed in what order?
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I think the order is all to do with the way the kitchen picks them up. e.g. I use OSKitchen and it seems SYS, then OEM, then EXT packages are picked up, alphabetically-so my provxml's get the same order, which is why I put them in a package of their own with the ZZZ_postboot name. It just makes it the last one to be picked up of the EXT packages-ensuring everything is in place when the script runs
arealityfarbetween said:
I think the order is all to do with the way the kitchen picks them up. e.g. I use OSKitchen and it seems SYS, then OEM, then EXT packages are picked up, alphabetically-so my provxml's get the same order, which is why I put them in a package of their own with the ZZZ_postboot name. It just makes it the last one to be picked up of the EXT packages-ensuring everything is in place when the script runs
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Ok lemme try
Im trying to change my timezone from dublin -8 to gmt +2. n start kheb take snapshot make the change get i difference .reg file. convert it to xml and the paste it in files folder of lastflash folder?? ill try and see what happens

Problems cooking quick shutdown

So, I'm pretty new at creating working ext packages from cab files, and I could use some help.
I'm trying to cook in the latest Quick Shutdown, and of course tie it to long press end key, like it was meant to be used for.
With some help from Grumps, here is what I've managed to get for my app.dat and app.reg:
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("bg_common_divider_section.png","\Windows\bg_ common_divider_section.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("bg_common_dotline.png","\Windows\bg_common_d otline.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("bg_common_msgbox.png","\Windows\bg_common_ms gbox.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("bg_common_titlebar.png","\Windows\bg_common_ titlebar.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("btn_checkbox_thirdState.png","\Windows\btn_c heckbox_thirdState.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("btn_common_checkbox.png","\Windows\btn_commo n_checkbox.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("btn_common_combo_down.png","\Windows\btn_com mon_combo_down.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("btn_common_input.png","\Windows\btn_common_i nput.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("btn_common_listitem_bottom.png","\Windows\bt n_common_listitem_bottom.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("btn_common_listitem_middle.png","\Windows\bt n_common_listitem_middle.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("btn_common_msgbox_large.png","\Windows\btn_c ommon_msgbox_large.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("btn_common_msgbox_small.png","\Windows\btn_c ommon_msgbox_small.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("btn_common_normal.png","\Windows\btn_common_ normal.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\VGA"):-File("btn_common_slider.png","\Windows\btn_common_ slider.png1")
Directory("\Windows\resources\lang"):-File("lang.english.txt","\Windows\lang.english.txt ")
Directory("\Windows\resources\lang"):-File("lang.italian.txt","\Windows\lang.italian.txt ")
Directory("\Windows\resources\lang"):-File("lang.russian.txt","\Windows\lang.russian.txt ")
Directory("\Windows\resources\lang"):-File("lang.spanish.txt","\Windows\lang.spanish.txt ")
Directory("%Windows-StartMenu-Programs%"):-File("Quick Shutdown.lnk","%Windows%\_Shutdown.lnk")
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Manila_Config QuickShutdown]
Cooking that package, I have a few problems. When I hold down the power button, it says exe can't be found. So, just to make sure that the visual aspect is working, I try searching for quickshutdown.exe in \Windows and can't find it.
So, what's wrong in my .dat and .reg?
Thanks a lot for the help, this will definitely give me a better understanding of how EXT packages work!
First of all, I think that these lines in your app.dat are unnecessary; because when you cook the ROM then the files that are not specified with the path in app.dat land automatically in the Windows folder:
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Second: All of the lines are wrong. Example:
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It should be:
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Third: Open up the file _Shutdown.lnk in notepad and see if it links to the \Windows\QuickShutdown.exe
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Maybe you will find something in my post that can help you.
It's much, much easier to do than the way you're trying to do it. First, copying all of those files is really wasteful. If you look at your registry keys, there are paths there for the resource files. Instead of creating a \windows sub-directory, you could just set the path as \windows. Then, the files that are in rom will be used, and you won't need duplicates, or any of the app.dat lines (except for the .lnk).
Change the .rgu to this:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Manila_Config QuickShutdown]
Try deleting the DLLSetup.dll-it's really unlikely that you need it. It's just cabinstall information, most likely. Unless you really want all those other lang files, I'd just delete all but the English one. If you cook them all in, it's possible that you'll need to get the others into \windows\lang (it doesn't look like there's a reg key for the lang directory, just for the file being used). I don't know, I've never used the app. As mentioned above, you may also need to fix the path of the shortcut.
You may also want to look into compressing the png files, although it's not really worth it if they're only 1-2 kb each.
This is what I use. I put it together and it worked, so I never did much investigation to see if it could be optimized.
One thing to be aware of ... if you have carrier files which fire provxml, it is possible that the provxml could do something to overwrite the poweroffwarning file here. Same is true if you have a poweroffwarning file getting copied in later in the build process.
Best regards,
Farmer Ted said:
It's much, much easier to do than the way you're trying to do it. First, copying all of those files is really wasteful. If you look at your registry keys, there are paths there for the resource files. Instead of creating a \windows sub-directory, you could just set the path as \windows. Then, the files that are in rom will be used, and you won't need duplicates, or any of the app.dat lines (except for the .lnk).
Change the .rgu to this:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Manila_Config QuickShutdown]
Try deleting the DLLSetup.dll-it's really unlikely that you need it. It's just cabinstall information, most likely. Unless you really want all those other lang files, I'd just delete all but the English one. If you cook them all in, it's possible that you'll need to get the others into \windows\lang (it doesn't look like there's a reg key for the lang directory, just for the file being used). I don't know, I've never used the app. As mentioned above, you may also need to fix the path of the shortcut.
You may also want to look into compressing the png files, although it's not really worth it if they're only 1-2 kb each.
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Great call! Worked immediately! Thanks a lot!
One more quick question. Cooking total commander is being dumb. The EXT I create doesn't have any exe files in the "files" folder, and doesn't extract any into windows. It just isn't working well lol.
Also, what version or what addon enables the user to hold the slash button and bring up the menu where you can hide exit blah blah total commander?
Total Commander is easy to cook in. Again, you don't need app.dat lines, except for the shortcut (make sure it points to windows). Just put the .exe and the plugins (registry, wlan, ftp and webdav, if you have it) in windows. Cook in the reg settings, and you're good to go. I would convert the exe to a module as well.
Farmer Ted said:
Total Commander is easy to cook in. Again, you don't need app.dat lines, except for the shortcut (make sure it points to windows). Just put the .exe and the plugins (registry, wlan, ftp and webdav, if you have it) in windows. Cook in the reg settings, and you're good to go. I would convert the exe to a module as well.
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So... Create the EXT and recmod without any reg or dat entries except icon and shortcut?
No, include the ghisler reg key (hkcu-software-ghisler). Set it up however you like it (like w/ a fully loaded hotlist). But don't move the files around w/ the app.dat.
Farmer Ted said:
No, include the ghisler reg key (hkcu-software-ghisler). Set it up however you like it (like w/ a fully loaded hotlist). But don't move the files around w/ the app.dat.
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Huh this isn't working lol could you post the cab you're working with? My cab is acting up (even on fully functional roms)
Farmer Ted said:
Total Commander is easy to cook in. Again, you don't need app.dat lines, except for the shortcut (make sure it points to windows). Just put the .exe and the plugins (registry, wlan, ftp and webdav, if you have it) in windows. Cook in the reg settings, and you're good to go. I would convert the exe to a module as well.
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Hello Farmer Ted - what for is the file that you attached?
It's a plugin for WebDav, which is the new big thing. I have no clue wtf it does.
Get the ghisler reg key from the device, not the cab. That's always the way to do it. Kheb 1.1 is the way to go for making packages. Cab converters miss a lot of stuff.
Edit: here's my package; it's in oem form (for osbuilder), and it looks like there's a second file needed to get webdav to work in the plugins. Edit the hotlist however you want it (it has folders on my sd card, which are useless to anyone else). It doesn't have a shortcut or initflashfiles.txt in it, since I don't use them for my start menu.
To be more specific about TCMD, here is the output I get with OSkitchen cab to ext:
And within the files directory:
So what do I do with those files lol
Farmer Ted said:
It's a plugin for WebDav, which is the new big thing. I have no clue wtf it does.
Get the ghisler reg key from the device, not the cab. That's always the way to do it. Kheb 1.1 is the way to go for making packages. Cab converters miss a lot of stuff.
Edit: here's my package; it's in oem form (for osbuilder), and it looks like there's a second file needed to get webdav to work in the plugins. Edit the hotlist however you want it (it has folders on my sd card, which are useless to anyone else). It doesn't have a shortcut or initflashfiles.txt in it, since I don't use them for my start menu.
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Thank you for sharing the package.
Farmer Ted said:
It's a plugin for WebDav, which is the new big thing. I have no clue wtf it does.
Get the ghisler reg key from the device, not the cab. That's always the way to do it. Kheb 1.1 is the way to go for making packages. Cab converters miss a lot of stuff.
Edit: here's my package; it's in oem form (for osbuilder), and it looks like there's a second file needed to get webdav to work in the plugins. Edit the hotlist however you want it (it has folders on my sd card, which are useless to anyone else). It doesn't have a shortcut or initflashfiles.txt in it, since I don't use them for my start menu.
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Thanks for your package, much appreciated! This thread has taught me a lot about how ext's work
Do you know what all those strange files I talked of 2 posts up are though? Like, how do I put those all together?
smithisize said:
Thanks for your package, much appreciated! This thread has taught me a lot about how ext's work
Do you know what all those strange files I talked of 2 posts up are though? Like, how do I put those all together?
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I'm not sure what the technical name is, but those are the raw files from the cab; if you extract the cab with winzip or 7-zip, that's the file names. If you give them the proper extensions (.dll, exe, etc) then you can recover the proper files. It looks like the unpacking didn't work properly.
Farmer Ted said:
I'm not sure what the technical name is, but those are the raw files from the cab; if you extract the cab with winzip or 7-zip, that's the file names. If you give them the proper extensions (.dll, exe, etc) then you can recover the proper files. It looks like the unpacking didn't work properly.
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Ah! You're right thanks a lot lol that's where my confusion was stemming from lol I couldn't figure out what to do with them!
Thank you very much!

