Dropped in water : The Saga Begins - myTouch 3G Slide General

Dropped the Slide in the garbage disposal (yeah), pulled it out, was still on, pulled the battery within 30 seconds.
Dried it out the best I could for about 30mins. I know I shouldnt have but I turned it on, it got to my CM6 lockscreen and froze, after another restart it would not get past the logo.
Fastboot worked but said touchpanel : fail, instead of Touchpanel : Synaptics "XXXX".
So I did complete dissasembly and the board and the panel is in a box of rice.
I will update as I go along for those who may be curious about the effects of a dunk on this device.

OK. First off, that sucks. I have been there a few times myself, and it was worse. One in the toilet, one in the dish water, and one in the swimming pool (deep end). Second, you need to take it completely apart (look for an assembly manual on XDA), use 90% rubbing alcohol to clean the boards without getting any under anything you cant get it out from (this will remove contaminates), and leave out for 24 hours before re-assembly. It sounds simple, but take a lot of attention to detail. I have done this for people about 40 or 50 times (ex-T-Mo employee with a heart), and only lost about 10 of them. If you're up for it shoot me a PM and I will help you as best I can.

I am a repair technician by trade so the assembly was the least of my concerns. I noticed the inside did not get wet very much at all, I think the touchpanel connector got a drop in it, i made sure it was clean and i used a razor to skim a fresh metal surface for all the contact points on the phone. The phone is 100% functional as of right now.
It was quite a scary moment when the panel tested as fail, and the ROM seemed to be MIA.

Wow, only 30 min. I accidentally took my phone into a lake with me one and was swimming around for about 5 min before i remembered it was on me lol. It had alread powered itself off. I gave it 2 days to dry before powering on. A little excessive but at least it was a little longer than 30 min 0_o so lucky nothing fried. Glad your slide is still working
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App

i dropped mine in a puddle. immediately tore it apart and placed it in bags of rice. it worked after a day of being in rice. didnt need to do anything else other than that. i did notice some sms and call issues after that but rooting it resolved the issue so i doubt it was a hardware issue

donepate said:
I have done this for people about 40 or 50 times (ex-T-Mo employee with a heart), and only lost about 10 of them. If you're up for it shoot me a PM and I will help you as best I can.
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never dropped a phone in water myself, my g1 hit a puddle once(not deep at all) but i still tore the thing apart and got the battery out before anything bad could happen. i try to help out my custs as much as possible, but so many of them just leave it on and don't think anything is wrong until it stops working a few days later.
the best thing to do is what was mentioned with the alcohol, my uncle dropped his phone in the lake and he turned it on a few times and i was still able to get the thing up and running within a day for him.


These Wizards are tough devices!

So, a while back, my 8125 went overboard into the icy waters of lake Michigan while we were launching my sailboat "Adventurous". Crap! My life was stored on that device! So, one day later, I suited up for a cold water dive plan, donned scuba gear and recovered it. Water temp at the bottom was 35 degrees with 6" visability. My goal was to recover the SIM and miniSD where I had a full backup, then restore into a new 8125. This I did with no problems and have been running this way since mid May.
Yesterday, I checked my original 8125 and the water had finally evaporated out of the screen, so on a whim I installed its battery and put it on the charger. Imagine my surprise when the charging light came on! Imagine my further surprise when 2 hours later that light changed from red to green!
Imagine my utter amazement when I pressed the power button and it came right up! It's been running perfectly for 2 days now.
damn.... 24 hours submerged at 33 feet in muddy 35 degree water... :shock:
Nice work HTC... It's now my mule for new rom testing. AKU 2.3 here I come!
*amazed :shock:
will give it a try over the weekend... :lol:
Awesome!! Now if only HTC could make the paintwork so tough!! :lol:
next time you take a screamer off the rock, try not to land on your wizard.....
most electronics are like that these days, all u need to do is qucikly pull out the battery, take it apart, adn low dry all the parts, then it should work fine, unless, the barrary fried it.
i droped my V600 in the water like 2 times, and it still works fine.
That's precisely whats amazing about this incident: My 8125 sat underwater at two atmospheres, powered up for 24 hours! :shock: I couldn't get to it right away to remove the battery due to the dive difficulty.
I wonder what the signal strength was like at 33 feet down...?
wow! its just a thought ........ but why not email HTC with your story you get something in return (i.e. if they use your story)
wow, lucky you!
Sleuth255 said:
next time you take a screamer off the rock, try not to land on your wizard.....
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Sleuth - next time you fly over to this rock - don't drop your wiz in the POND - it's too deep to dive my friend :wink:
Great story, I've done similar things before and they have survived. Girlfriends Nokia went down the bog (clean one ) and it worked fine after a few days, buttons worked one by one hour by hour still working to this day.
I don’t mean to piss on your party here guys, but there is a high chance it will fail at some point soon.
You see circuit board is made from lots and lots of thin layers (waffers). What happens is that when these layers absorb water when things like that happen. That water will stay there and will slowly corrode the circuitry over time.
To stand a better chance of it surviving long term, as well as taking the battery out (good advice) to avoid short circuiting and fry sensitive components, you need to keep it in a very dry and quite warm (like on top of a radiator, with a towel between if it’s too hot) and leave it there for a few days (even a week or longer).
I was told this by a senior Nokia engineer after my old phone died. I was pushed into a swimming pool on holiday. I was amazed when the phone in my pocket was still working after being completly soaked. It worked for a week before starting to fail (backlight etc) and by 2 – 3 weeks it was completely dead.
You might be lucky, depends on how tight the outer casing is. My advice to you would be to stop using it and get it somewhere very warm for as long as you can. Keep us posted.
OMG i think i have this great idea
to prevent w00t dis guy up here sed
just put your wizard on the microwave... press like... PIZZA REHEAt.
instead of waiting it to warm on top of a radiator , u know.
zeuzinn said:
OMG i think i have this great idea
to prevent w00t dis guy up here sed
just put your wizard on the microwave... press like... PIZZA REHEAt.
instead of waiting it to warm on top of a radiator , u know.
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Yep and all the metal in it would go off like fireworks!!! BANG! :lol:
I had a Siemmens (sp?) phone that fell into the pool, the phone stayed at the bottom for several minutes while I cussed at it.
After retrieving it, I took the battery out and stuck the phone in a toaster oven. I set the oven one its lowest heat setting and left it in there for three 20 minute sets (the oven timer only went up to 20 minutes
60 minutes later, I put the battery back in and powered the phone back up. It worked, and continued to work to this day, approx 1 year later. I just semi-retired it in favor of my new 8125
I thought for sure that the chlorine in the pool would have corroded the crap out of the circuitry.
That's pretty much precisely what I did. I put it on top of the refrigerator (nice and warm up there due to proximity to evap coils) for 5 weeks before I tried powering it up again.
Just threw mine in with the dishes. Came out lovely and clean and still works perfectly.
Only problem being people receiving texts from me say they are wet. Sure they will dry over time though.
Best bet is to take the phone to a repair shop that will strip the phone down and acid bath the components as water damage can slowly corrode away at chips and alike. I done this with my old A1000. worked a treat after this
Great Story!

wet g1?

okay, I put my phone in my coat pocket when it (the coat)was slightly damp for at least 2 hours and later, I found that my phone kept showing the option to power off and my keys werent responding...the keys didnt seem to be stuck...I then wiped then reflashed, which in itself took a good while since my keys werent responding fast enough...but even the reflash didnt work...so did I ruin my phone because of the damp coat? And if so, anybody know how I can fix it? I'm thinking about blow drying my phone...good idea or not?
Don't try to turn the phone on anymore. Remove the battery, battery cover, memory card and SIM card. Place your phone in a bowl of rice to absorb moisture. Sometimes there's just a bit of water left in the system. Let it dry off, phones come back to life most of the time.
SolemnWishing said:
Don't try to turn the phone on anymore. Remove the battery, battery cover, memory card and SIM card. Place your phone in a bowl of rice to absorb moisture. Sometimes there's just a bit of water left in the system. Let it dry off, phones come back to life most of the time.
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Im going to try this, but just in case anybody else has any ideas, here's a few more details on my phone...it'll turn on, touch screen works, but it's when i use the hard keyboard and press the keys that the option to turn off shows up on the screen...and the phone's green and end keys are flashing on and off like the phone is turning itself on and off, on and off...never seen anything like this on the forums...weird...
naars90 said:
Im going to try this, but just in case anybody else has any ideas, here's a few more details on my phone...it'll turn on, touch screen works, but it's when i use the hard keyboard and press the keys that the option to turn off shows up on the screen...and the phone's green and end keys are flashing on and off like the phone is turning itself on and off, on and off...never seen anything like this on the forums...weird...
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oh and thanks for the quick response...
No problem. The lights on the buttons going on and off is the water interfering with the circuitry. I highly recommend you leave your phone off, or you run the risk of shorting it out.
If water is making it run wrong, it **IS** shorting out.
my G1 was completely submerged in a lake for 5 minutes while powered on. as soon as it came out of the water i powered off, and blew it dry with an air compressor. left battery out for 24 hours and, worked 95% ever since. only had some random touch screen sensitivity loss.
if you are ok with taking the phone apart and the rice solution doesn't fix it then send me a PM and i'll let you know how to make absolutely sure nothing MORE goes wrong. right now though you probably messed up the phone cause you turned it on and off repeatedly
ok...did the rice solution...didnt work, so does anybody know any good, reliable cellphone repair shops in chicago that does the g1? Googled , found a place called CPR(cellphone repair) but the yelp reviews werent really convincing...so I thought I'd ask the people on here... you guys seem very reliable and I thought I'd rather ask you guys' opinions than go to a repair shop with poor to average reviews...pretty please?
oh, tubaking...ty for the reply...but I looked up the service manual and taking apart the g1 seems to take a lot more skill and experience working with electronics than I have, so that solution's out....thanks a lot anyways....peace, bro
there is no fix for permanant water damage, any shop is just gonna do the same thing i said unless they have access to the main board and all proper pieces to the phone. usually at times like this i go on ebay and buy a real cheap G1 with a broken screen or some other defect that the seller wants to get rid of the phone quickly and cheaply
I left my phone in the rain for a couple of hours and had the same issue. I know this is not the best solution (due to heat) but it fixed mine completely. I removed sdcard, battery, and bback. Then placed it on an egg carton and put in my toaster oven at 150 degrees for an hour or so. Didn't touch it for another day then powered it on. Power button glitched the first time I pressed it but has worked great ever since (been about 3 months)
dumfuq said:
I left my phone in the rain for a couple of hours and had the same issue. I know this is not the best solution (due to heat) but it fixed mine completely. I removed sdcard, battery, and bback. Then placed it on an egg carton and put in my toaster oven at 150 degrees for an hour or so. Didn't touch it for another day then powered it on. Power button glitched the first time I pressed it but has worked great ever since (been about 3 months)
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That is awesome.
G1 at bottom of lake revived!
I think we should have a sticky to this Thread! Or maybe a a wet willie.
This weekend I dropped my G1 to the bottom of Lake Conroe and was able to fish it out within 5 minutes. Fortunately I was docked in about 6 feet of water. I totally took everything apart and when I got home placed the phone and parts in the direct sun wrapped in a white cloth. I suppose this is equivalent to the egg carton and toaster oven method.
That night, I put the pieces in a box of rice and put it back together in the morning and voila it worked!! For a few hours I had issues with the backlight coming in and out but after about 8 hours of use it works perfectly. I didn't even have to wipe or flash anything - everything like new.
well, if people stopped playing with there phones and fingering it, it wouldn't get so wet, maybe you should try a personal lube if you can't keep your hands off
gridlock32404 said:
well, if people stopped playing with there phones and fingering it, it wouldn't get so wet, maybe you should try a personal lube if you can't keep your hands off
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Damn it you beat me to it. I saw the title and said damn this is to easy, wet g1. haahaha.
I dropped my phone in boiled hot dog water and here's what worked for me. I took my phone completely apart and wrapped it up in tin foil. I then put it in the microwave on med-hi for 1:32. Once that is done you take it out and put the phone (disassembled of course) in a bag of bbq potatoe chips (yes it has to be bbq or it won't work) over night. In the mean time you need to feed your dog a snickers bar (this is a must). The next day you need to take magic fairy dust (found a good deal on ebay) and sprinkle it over your g1. Then put your phone back together and slap your momma. Push the power button and bam a perfectly working g1 again. I can write a detailed "how to for dummies" on this if it will get stickied.
supreme, you forgot they need to eat the bbq chips while powering the phone on.
crpercodani said:
supreme, you forgot they need to eat the bbq chips while powering the phone on.
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Oh yea, I also forgot to mention with a tall glass of chocolate milk.
I'd bump your guide, if I would have had this then I wouldn't have spank the neighbor's wife's ass instead of my momma's, no wonder I still have a wet g1. Wait. What are we talking about, something about crickets and penut butter, I'm confuddle. Oh well back to spanking his wife's ass, mmmm cottage cheese thighs

Fried N1

A really bad holiday for me, the other day i've turned off my N1 at night and can't be able to boot it again the morning after! If i press the power button all i get is a vibration and it stucks, i can't boot into fastboot or recovery too, and if i live the battery inside it gets really hot, i think about a short circuit
Did your phone get wet by chance?
rcxquake said:
Did your phone get wet by chance?
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I don't think so, but it should be, i was sleeping in a tent (i was in a camping) and it started raining
Well stop trying to make it worse and take out the battery and do the proper drying maintenance on it, maybe you'll get lucky.. if you haven't tried to boot it and mess with it too much already.
Take out the battery, leave the back cover off, and put it in a jar of rice. The rice will help take the moisture out of the phone.
With any luck, your phone should work by tomorrow.
Along similar lines, I was using my N1 the other day (bright sun and temp. above 30 celcius) and it became incredibly warm. I took it out of my pocket to find it smoking. I removed the battery, and left it for an hour.
I came back and put the battery back in, but to my horror it wouldn't power. I tried plugging it in, thinking it may have drained the battery, but to no avail. I now have a very expensive paperweight.
No liquid or anything, and stock rom, locked bootloader. Anyone else seen anything else like it?
Sorry, I don't mean to hijack this thread, it just seemed an appropriate place.
grandmasterethel said:
Along similar lines, I was using my N1 the other day (bright sun and temp. above 30 celcius) and it became incredibly warm. I took it out of my pocket to find it smoking. I removed the battery, and left it for an hour.
I came back and put the battery back in, but to my horror it wouldn't power. I tried plugging it in, thinking it may have drained the battery, but to no avail. I now have a very expensive paperweight.
No liquid or anything, and stock rom, locked bootloader. Anyone else seen anything else like it?
Sorry, I don't mean to hijack this thread, it just seemed an appropriate place.
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You were using it or it was in your pocket?
I was at the pool one day when my daughter was in swim lessons, 35C or so that day and in partial shade, and my N1 got pretty warm just doing normal stuff.. Luckily no magic smoke escaped on mine.
I had it in my pocket, occasionally pulling it out to send a message, but it was in my pocket when I pulled it out to see smoke.
Maybe just my bad luck. I'll send it to HTC and see what they say. They'd better not charge me for a repair.
If the problem is that it got wet then you need to take the battery out and dry it out, maybe in a bag of rice. Leave it for a day or two.
Every time you try to get it to work while it is wet can break it. Even the first time could have broken it completely if it was wet enough. But if it didn't each time you try it again brings more risk of permanent damage.
Clarkster said:
If the problem is that it got wet then you need to take the battery out and dry it out, maybe in a bag of rice. Leave it for a day or two.
Every time you try to get it to work while it is wet can break it. Even the first time could have broken it completely if it was wet enough. But if it didn't each time you try it again brings more risk of permanent damage.
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I think it's broken already next monday i will send it to the technical service

Water damaged phone.. Help :(

UPDATE: The phone is magically fixed!
Hey guys!
So i was at a party 2 nights ago, and I lost my S2. I finally found it in the morning, it had been outside all night, and then I realised that it had been raining heavily.
I took the battery, sim card and micro sd card out and placed the phone somewhere warm and let it dry for about a day and a half. I plugged it in earlier, and it started charging fine, and then I turned the phone on.
It booted up. The hardware buttons are working fine, and the touch buttons below the screen also work, but the screen is completely unresponsive
EDIT: Just as I posted this, i got signal, so only problem i can see is the touch-screen
Is there anything I can do, or is this phone screwed?
I cant remember if I have Vodafone's insurance or not, I'm praying to god I do :/
Put it in a bag of rice and let it dry out even more
Look this thread:
You'll find some tips that might be useful
danstah said:
Put it in a bag of rice and let it dry out even more
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I was gonna say.... put it in rice. Should dry up faster
Had good result with silicate packets (the little bags in shoeboxes and many electrical goods) and rice. But let everything dry for days and don't reassemble - left my old PMP for 5 days after a toilet swim, still working. Smells great too. Honest.
Thanks for the replies guys. I've now put the phone in a bag of rice so I guess I just have to wait and see.
Lol keep us updated!
The problem could by the fact that the digitizer on capacitive screens are very sensitive, it sounds as if that may have been damaged.l I would think that the only thing you can do is to replace the touch screen, because it is gorilla glass and the fact the entire phone would need dismantling, If it isn't insured I would expect it wouldn't be cheap to get replaced. But you should be thankful that you entire phone didn't die, I mean you were quite lucky there. I broke my old hero by leaving it out side for 5-10 min whilst it was raining.
Bad news guys, its still not working.
Cant believe I let this happen, I need some trousers with tighter pockets for this damn phone! (and perhaps not carry it with me when I'm drinking haha)
Luckily its covered under my home insurance.
Do I get a new one or get it repaired?
Edit: Its also bloody ironic that I had just put a pattern unlock screen on my phone, so now I cant back up the contents because its locked! Is there any way to get round this? Or external ways to control the phone so I can get into it?
There's insurance that covers phone water damage?
Hazlynch, you really need to keep it much, much longer than one day in the rice.
Trust me, apart from my aforementioned toilet episode, I've also lost phones and PMPs in the snow - all have worked again, but the shortest dessicating time was 3 days.
One day is simply not enough - not saying 100% it'll work after 5 days, but 100% certain it won't after one.
For the record, lost my Cowon S9 (OLED touchscreen) in a snowdrift - 5 days dessicating and worked - still going strong.
Ah right thanks for that info! From what I heard about the digitizer being sensitive I'm not very hopeful, but it wont harm to leave it in the rice longer.
I wasn't with my S9 either, but it surprised me, especially also being a touchscreen device too.
Remember to disassemble as much as you can from the phone - all cards and battery out but also in the box/bag - you need to expose as much surface area as possible of the device to the dessicant.
Try my silicate bag tip posted earlier too!
Let us know wha'ppen?
Ready to give it a try? How's it looking/feeling?
I managed to find some silica packets like you said so I put them in with the rice.
Just turned it on, but still no touchscreen responce
hazlynch said:
I managed to find some silica packets like you said so I put them in with the rice.
Just turned it on, but still no touchscreen responce
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Shame - not optimistic.. A couple more days won't hurt if you have the patience!
Yeah, I wont be able to get anything done about the insurance stuff for a few days anyway, so I'll leave it in there for longer. Starting to miss it now! Haha.
Oh and thanks again for everyone's help on this!
My situation has taken an unexpected turn... Went into vodafone a couple of weeks ago and explained that the touchscreen had stopped working.
They tried to factory reset and do other things to fix it to no avail, so they sent it off to their repair centre to fix.
I received it back today, with a letter which stated that it was thoroughly tested and inspected, and that they found that the fault had been caused by water damage. They explained that water damage falls outside of the manufacturers warranty and they could not repair it.
They also sent a picture which helped to show the extent of the corrosion, which looked a bit nasty.
I turned on the phone anyway when i recieved it, and to my great surprise... it is working - apparently flawlessly.
So it is a happy ending - and has proved to me how badass this phone is
hazlynch said:
My situation has taken an unexpected turn... Went into vodafone a couple of weeks ago and explained that the touchscreen had stopped working.
They tried to factory reset and do other things to fix it to no avail, so they sent it off to their repair centre to fix.
I received it back today, with a letter which stated that it was thoroughly tested and inspected, and that they found that the fault had been caused by water damage. They explained that water damage falls outside of the manufacturers warranty and they could not repair it.
They also sent a picture which helped to show the extent of the corrosion, which looked a bit nasty.
I turned on the phone anyway when i recieved it, and to my great surprise... it is working - apparently flawlessly.
So it is a happy ending - and has proved to me how badass this phone is
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This has me worried haha. My SGS2 has recently took a bit of a bath as well. The phone worked perfectly fine after sitting off overnight drying out. However after about 3 days it started random hang up and shut offs. I sent it in to a repair center a week ago and i am just hoping for the best. I dont have high hopes that they will replace it as it was water damage but i suppose its worth a shot for a $600 phone.
If they dont replace/repair it i will be taking it apart and cleaning it in hopes that i can make it work.
Here is my old sgs2 after a dip in the ocean. No insurance either. What you guys think?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App

Drowned S2 Revived but...

So, i drowned my S2 white into the lake. Don´t ask how)
I kept it for 3 days into rice...and after some battery tweaks VOILA! The phone got back to life...i managed to start it 3 times and working perfectly, but i´m having some sort of problems that i don´t manage to understand. It goes like this:
Once the phone is up and running, at the first shutdown/reboot or whatever it´t won´t come back on only if i pull out the battery for about 4-5 hours, plug the charger and once the charging icon appears i can turn it on.
I tried flashing a new firmware, only the PDA file, without luck, on the first reboot needed the phone just died. I mean, even if plug back in the charger it won´t turn on. Now i gotta leave it with the battery out for another 4-5 hours and it´ll come back to life.
Anyone has an idea of what could it be? Thank you!
Maybe there is still moisture or something. It is recommended that you leave that in a bowl of rice for a month.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
ephraim033 said:
Maybe there is still moisture or something. It is recommended that you leave that in a bowl of rice for a month.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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I was thinking about that. But when i turn it on, i can keep it running for always without problems if i don´t turn it off. If there would be still some moisture inside...it would turn off or something right?
xSurgery said:
I was thinking about that. But when i turn it on, i can keep it running for always without problems if i don´t turn it off. If there would be still some moisture inside...it would turn off or something right?
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I don't know buddy but it definitely has a little moisture inside of it that's playing a trick on your circuitry. 3 days is a very short time for that. Try leaving it for a month, because if you don't, sooner or later it will die on you suddenly. Just a friendly advice
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
A lake huh? Did you wash the phone under clean water before the drying regime, without battery attached of course? Because if you did not, there may be some conductive residues left over on your phone parts after the water dries off.
Besides rice you could try other absorbent materials. For example silica gel that photographers use in dry cabinets. In South East Asia we have this thing called thirsty hippo to keep clothes cabinets dry.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
The battery might be damaged, and todays batteries + water doesn't mix well.
It's recommended that if you water damage a battery, you should change it, in worst case it will blow up.
This morning i mananged to turn it on. With the stock firmware and all and still nothing. After the first reboot dies and for about 4-5 hours i can´t do nothing. Well...i´ll take it to a service store, maybe they´ll know what to do better. Thanks guys
i ever read somewhere that said must leave the phone in the rice for 2 weeks and the container must be closed tight
Rice for two weeks in a sealed container. Plastic containers work well
Remove battery and throw it away. Buy a new one.
Drop the entire phone without battery into pure Isopropanol Alcohol for a couple hours, then stick it in rice overnight, in a warm cupboard.
Change the rice and leave it in the cupboard for at LEAST a week and up to a month. (DO NOT EAT OR SNIFF THE OLD RICE)
Maybe, MAYBE then it should be okay.
Isopropanol can be purchased cheaply from a bunch of places. Drugstores/computer supply places. Make sure and get 100% pure stuff, not the pre-diluted crap.
xSurgery said:
So, i drowned my S2 white into the lake. Don´t ask how)
I kept it for 3 days into rice...and after some battery tweaks VOILA! The phone got back to life...i managed to start it 3 times and working perfectly, but i´m having some sort of problems that i don´t manage to understand. It goes like this:
Once the phone is up and running, at the first shutdown/reboot or whatever it´t won´t come back on only if i pull out the battery for about 4-5 hours, plug the charger and once the charging icon appears i can turn it on.
I tried flashing a new firmware, only the PDA file, without luck, on the first reboot needed the phone just died. I mean, even if plug back in the charger it won´t turn on. Now i gotta leave it with the battery out for another 4-5 hours and it´ll come back to life.
Anyone has an idea of what could it be? Thank you!
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if the phone was in it can be hardware that taken a good damage (it takes more damaged when its on) and then your phone can have som problems like this. i wish you good luck, and as stated above use rice ! :good: its some good stuff,
I removed the battery, opened the case of the phone, and sealed it into a plastic bag full of rice.
New battery is on the way...i heard about that Isopropanol, and with your advice too i´ll do it. But still...why does he turn on if moisture is still inside? If i don´t turn it off for like, never......it´s working great))))
Hmm open your phone up its really easy to do. Search youtube vids on how to.
Clean your phone with a soft brush and alchohol.
My phone was water damage so I replaced the charging port mic flex which cost about £5 on ebay.
Phone finally charges and connects to the computer after this.
Don't ask me how but. I managed to revive my old iPhone 4 that fell into the toilet while I was taking a dump, by doing this:
(SGS2 ModeN)
removing the back panel to expose the motherboard and the other goods.
(taking out the 7 screws)
and laying it.
Grab a fan you know.. the hair dryer thingie..
Place it like... 20 cm away from the exposed phone. Turn it on on max, and leave it be for 30 minutes.
My phone was completely okay.. Untill I traded it in for a SGS2 that I happen to own now. Give it a try!
Leave these parts behind.
SD Card
Not sure if leaving it in for hours is wise. Washing to get rid of residues is fine, but soaking too long might dissolve stuff you don't want it to dissolve.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
the rice thing is interesting.
while it gets moisture out and around the edges, what does it do to moisture inside?
honestly, I sometimes think sticking it near my window where there's plenty of active airflow does a better job. i've done this for a camera and various electronics that i've dropped. rice first, but honestly let it air out afterward. airflow does a lot more to get through the small crevices.
I heard that blowing hot air could really damage the phone. It‘s still in rice since my first post. I opened the whole case. Tommorow my battery will arrive. I’ll keep you posted with the results. Thanks for your help anyway. Isopropyl has to way for the moment
Sooooooo....3 weeks of rice, no isopropyl, new firmware flashed, new battery and no change. It started on itself when the new battery was inserted but after the first restart, no response for a couple of hours
Any ideas left?
Technically, what you have is kinda like a Tethered iPhone Jailbreak.
I lived with a tethered Jailbreak for MONTHS, so its not that hard to do...?
xSurgery said:
Sooooooo....3 weeks of rice, no isopropyl, new firmware flashed, new battery and no change. It started on itself when the new battery was inserted but after the first restart, no response for a couple of hours
Any ideas left?
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It could just be dead.
I don't mean to sound negative, but if the phone was powered on and used while wet/moist a short circuit could've occurred. This may have damaged part of the phone which is why you're having these weird issues.
Even if this isn't the case, corrosion could set in from the water damage. This means that even if your phone does recover, after time more issues could occur. Could take a week, could take a month, could take a year.
I'd try the alcohol suggested earlier, then place back into the rice for a solid month.
Like I said, sorry for sounding negative but it sounds like your phone's had it.

