Disable Camera Button??? - Epic 4G General

I know most of you love the camera button, but for my big hands I am frequently hitting it by accident.
Does anyone know of a way to disable it?

So nobody knows a way to disable it????
Have not heard from anyone, so is it impossible?

Yes it should be possible. You most likely need root.
Edit the file.
Put a # infront of the line with "key 212 CAMERA"
#key 212 CAMERA
EStrongs File Explorer should allow you to make the edit. If that doesn't work, someone should be able to explain how to do it with ADB.
I have not tried this yet, but it should set you on the correct path.

Thanks...... so without a root no way?

Pops_G said:
Yes it should be possible. You most likely need root.
Put a # infront of the line with "key 212 CAMERA"
#key 212 CAMERA
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Id like to know how to do this too and the above didnt work for me. Im rooted and made the edit, however it didnt change anything.
Even deleted 212 CAMERA, still no go.

Hey- I got this to work.
In the system/usr/keylayout directory, s3c-keypad.kl is the file you want. If you have a rooted phone, and spent the $4 for root explorer (i recommend), then it'll ask for superuser as it loads, and you can edit it and save backups and everything- very nice. Anyway, back to root explorer- hold down the file, and scroll down to Open in Text Editor. Once inside, use the arrow keys to go close to the bottom and put a pound (#) in front of key 46. That's the key. If you want to change it to something else, go ahead. I tried making it a POWER WAKE_DROPPED key, but it just didn't work out for me- I just wanted nothing. Anyways, when you've changed it, or added your # to comment the line out, hit the menu button, and Save & Exit. It'll take you back to root explorer, and it should let you know it saved a backup named s3c-keypad.kl.bak. Reboot, and you are all set.
If you don't have root explorer, and instead just have the free explorer, things get a little trickier. You need at least superuser, then get terminal explorer (free), and open it- type in su (for superuser), and superuser should catch it and add terminal explorer to the list of apps. Once you can successfully su, you'll want to go to the directory above, and chmod 666 s3c-keypad.kl, changing the permissions so you can write to it. Then open up explorer, head on over and follow the steps above (it won't create a backup, as it doesn't have write permissions on the directory, I don't think). Anyways, it'll leave you with a brand new s3c-keypad.kl. Next step is to go back to your terminal emulator, and type chmod 644 s3c-keypad.kl
Reboot, and away you go.


Do I have root?

I rooted my vibrant and when I start anything like root explorer it pops up the superuser screen for me to hit yes... but I am trying to move some files around in system/app folder. In root explorer when I try to switch from read only file system to read write, nothing happens. I can not get it out of read only. Is this something I have done wrong or something with root explorer?
Thanks for the assistance.
Sent from my Samsung vibrant.
The mere fact that the SuperUser app launched when Root Explorer launched seems to indicate that you indeed have root (as long as you clicked yes).
One way to find out is to launch your terminal emulator and try "su". If you get the "#" prompt, you are rooted
When I navigate to /system/app in root explorer, it automatically mounts as r/w for me...
Yep, I am rooted. How weird though... I can't get read write access to save my life. Hmmm going to have to mess with it more.
Thanks for the help.
Sent from my Samsung vibrant.
The only other suggestion I can make is to open Superuser Permissions app and make sure Root Explorer is approved (has a green dot next to it). I suppose it is possible that when the prompt came up, you accidentally pressed the wrong button.
Very odd... superuser says I am good to go but when I go into root explorer and try to delete the app it says its deleted but then if I refresh or reboot it returns...
Sent from my Samsung vibrant.

How to remove .apk's: A Complete Newbs Guide

So, I'm a newb. I got my Incredible and all I wanted to do was root it so I could start picking it apart. I patiently waited, reading all the posts on here and all the flaming by complete jackholes, that weren't contributing at all to any of the discussions. unrevoked, with all of their hard work, nailed it! It is now pathetically simple to root your Incredible.
I recently started installing custom ROMs on my Incredible (Jager, Virtuous, Ultimate Droid and SkyRaider). They're all great ROMs, but I totally dug CrystalClearROMs Ruby. It's slim, fast and intuitive. But, it had some bloatware that I didn't want, namely Amazon MP3. I researched and found a couple of pages that explained how to remove .apk's from other phones but not from the Incredible (correctly). After piecing the parts together, I came up with this...hope it helps.
I take no responsibility for you screwing your phone up. This worked perfectly on mine.
Your Incredible must be rooted
You must have ClockworkMod installed
You must have ROM Manager installed (buy it, it is totally worth it)
You must have the Android 2.2 SDK installed
You have to be able to follow directions
These directions assume you are using Windows 7
I would post links to all of this stuff, but I'm a newb and I can't post links...sorry.
OK, here goes...
Connect your Incredible to your PC with the micro USB port. You need to have the proper drivers installed and USB debugging turned on.
Open ROM Manager and select "Reboot into Recovery".
After your phone reboots, select "mounts and storage" and press the optical trackpad.
Select "mount /system" and press the optical trackpad.
Press the power button to return to the previous menu.
On your PC, unzip the Android SDK and place it in a folder, where you can get to it.
Browse to the Tools folder in the SDK and hold down shift while you right click inside the folder. Select "Open command window here". A command window should open in C:*****\android-sdk-windows\tools>
Type "adb devices" (without the quotes. all directions from here out are without the quotes). Your display should say..."List of devices attached" followed by a custom string of digits and the word "recovery". If you don't see this, you've done something wrong.
Try using your up and down arrow keys while in the cmd window instead of re-typing
Now type "adb shell". You should get "~ #" in the cmd window.
You are now browsing your Incredible using the shell.
Useful commands while inside the shell...
ls = list
cd = change directory
cd / = to the top directory
exit = exit out of the shell
Type "cd /system/app". You are now browsing the "system/app" directory.
Type "ls" to see a list of apk's that are currently installed on your Incredible.
The Amazon MP3 apk was named "com.amazon.mp3.apk".
To delete it, type "rm com.amazon.mp3.apk" and press enter.
This will work with any apk. However, make sure you know what you're deleting. You can do really bad things to your Incredible if you delete the wrong apk!
Once you've deleted all the apk's you want to, select "reboot system now" on your Incredible and sit back and enjoy an adult beverage, while your Incredible reboots.
Hopefully, if you've done everything right, your phone reboots with the offending app gone from your Incredible. If not, you better re-install your OS.
I hope this helped you in your quest to create the perfect ROM. Let me just say again that I love CrystalClearROMs Ruby. If you're looking for the ultimate in trimmed down ROM, look no further. If you want the Market, make sure you install the version with Google Apps or you'll be installing apk's to get it.
Good luck!
You should include instructions on fully removing said apks, including the use of pm. Just deleting is often not enough.
Just wondering, is it fine to just delete the apk in Root Explorer?
is it not the same to just remove them using root explorer?
What's the difference between apks in /system/app folder and /data/app folder ? I can easily delete (or move to another backup directory) the apks from the system/app folder and they disappear from the apps list. However, when I move/ delete apks from /data/app directory, they still remain there.
Yes, I can uninstall the apps in /data/app directory, but that's not what I want to do. I just want to move it temporarily and move it back when I need it.
just to put my $0.02... i wouldnt totaly delete them, just in case you need to reinstal for whatever reason. try this instead...
mkdir /system/app.disabled
mv /system/app/"whateverapp".apk /system/app.disabled/
that way youre not seeing or using them but still around if you need to get them back. works for me anyway.....
I just use titanium backup and choose uninstall (i back the app up first incase I need it) easy and no shell commands.
Told you I was a newb. I checked out Titanium Backup and that is pretty sweet.
I am not familiar with pm...can anyone explain? Thanks!
From what I've read online the use of pm is
pm uninstall [nameofapk.apk]
Since its Linux I think you could type pm --help to get a full list and description of use but I'm not near a computer yet to test it

[Q] bash shell the hell (I can t set permiss.)

Dear developers,
I need to make send hardware button work for the menu, because the long press windows make me crazy recalling the current applications instead to give me the real useful menu for the app I use.
I currently use desire on hd2. So searching in the previous posts I found that I can change /system/usr/keylayout/qwerty.kl
No way, I opened Astro, did not change and save the modifications. Then I tried to download a terminal emulator. Do not give me #, but I thought was normal reading other posts(the phone is already rooted) so I tried chown and chmod, but I do not what I have to write to do the trick of edit with ASTRO the 2 lines I need to put the menu (for the apps) in SEND hw button. Furthermore trying using $ ls -latr I discovered that the qwerty.kl is a link that refer to etc/keymap directory. So I tried to use ASTRO to edit the file but also if tell me save, there are not modification, simply the file is not edited.
resolved --> I HAD TO COPY IN SDCARD THE FILE QWERTY BEFORE to MODIFY WITH ASTRO, no need of chmod && Chown

[Guide]How to disable the home key button at screen off [Root Required]

Here is a little guide on how to disable the screen from turning on in your pocket by accidentally clicking the home key. Which can set off unwanted calls/txts/homescreen changes/etc.
Perhaps there is an easier way, but this works for me, and sharing is caring
There I obtain a copy of Root Explorer, its easy for me to do. For those of you who are too cheap, scroll a bit further down this post, both methods require, obviously, root access:
I have no idea if there are free programs with the same usabilities as root explorer
Method with Root Explorer (or similar?)
Open Root Explorer
Go to /system/usr/keylayout
Click on the button ‘Mount R/W’ (upper right)
Locate, press and hold es209ra_keypad.kl file
Select ‘open in text editor’
Find this line:
Remove the WAKE_DROPPED, so that the end result is:
key 102 HOME
Save the file
Method without Root Explorer
You need a little understanding of adb.exe
Typ in cmd.exe:
adb pull C:\es209ra_keypad.kl /system/usr/keylayout/
Go to C:\ and open es209ra_keypad.kl in wordpad
key 102 HOME
Save the file
Typ in cmd.exe:
adb shell
#mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock2 /system
(ONLY if you got an error, while trying to remount)
[*]Typ in adb shell:
[*]#cat /proc/mounts
[*]and search for 'system' in the mount list to check correct path for ‘/dev/block/mtdblock2 /system’. If it differs, alter the above line.
Typ in adb shell:
adb push C:\es209ra_keypad.kl /system/usr/keylayout/
Reboot your phone
This should work... if it doesn't, just leave a comment, and I'll probably try to help you.. that is, if I'm in a good mood..
I attached my es209ra_keypad.kl, just for reference purposes I guess, or for people who are too shy to pull stuff from their phone.
thanks for this!! i have been after a few key tweaks for a while!! don't suppose you have any idea how to make the back key "kill" foreground app!!
2.1 optimised 2.1.67
good idea
thanks for sharing this
[Q] Disable wakeup using home button? [SOLVED]
Use Search next time
prewed said:
[Q] Disable wakeup using home button? [SOLVED]
Use Search next time
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Aren't you just mister friendly? Thank god we got guys like you on this forum, otherwise this place would be fun.
I did use search, so unfortunately for you. I could not find a correct guide explaining step by step how to do it WITHOUT root explorer
[email protected] said:
thanks for this!! i have been after a few key tweaks for a while!! don't suppose you have any idea how to make the back key "kill" foreground app!!
2.1 optimised 2.1.67
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
no problem, ill try to find out if it is possible in 2.1, i think its in the framework though. It's already embedded in 2.2 and 2.3 (long press back), so you can try a custom ROM ?

[Q] Remapping the external keyboard file

The Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet's keyboard folio is a neat little accessory but there is one issue that drives me nuts. (Beside the loss of the USB port). and that is that the Ctrl key also activates the menu (any menu).
So whenever one tries to do a copy and paste using the usual Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V keys, the menu (of the app you are working in) pops up.
Someone suggested to edit the Generic.kl file in /System/usr/keylayout directory and I did, but that didn't work. (Unless i did it wrong).
I'm at a loss. Would anyone have a suggestion on how to remap that key to only be a standard Ctrl and not menu key?
Having the same issue.
But I'm using an external bluetooth keyboard: the logitech one, which was actually designed for the ipad.
I love it, its slim and very good quality keyboard.
Maybe some helpful links:
And this one has an explanation how this could be solved on a rooted thinkpad:
Ok, so I was able to remap some keys. Here is what I did.
The key layout files are stored in /system/usr/keylayout
The most important one seems to be Generic.kl which can be edited with a text editor, just use root explorer or the adb commands below. When I first tried my permissions were screwed up and I wrote the directions below but left them here in case they are helpful.
(I edited gpio-keys.kl thinking it controlled the hard keys but it had no effect). While running the Thinkpad it seems as though I was unable to edit these files but I did get things to work using adb while booted into recovery. Here are the steps I took:
First reboot into ClockworkMod Recovery and plug in your thinkpad to your PC via USB
In CWR select Mounts and Storage then Select Mount /system (otherwise it seems adb can't access your system files)
On your computer run cmd and type adb devices (you should see a device listed, if not go check out the ADB setup guide). Now enter the following commands:
adb remount
adb pull /system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl
This will copy the Generic.kl file to your current directory (you can see it in the command prompt, typically it is C:\Users\[Your Username]\
Browse to the file make a copy of the unedited version and save your backup somewhere and then edit Generic.kl in a txt editor (I like Notepad++)
I changed key 150 EXPLORER to say key 150 MENU, which makes the browser key open the menu instead of your web browser.
After you made your changes save it and then use the following ADB commands to push it back and set the permissions:
adb push Generic.kl /system/usr/keylayout/
adb shell
chmod 644 /system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl
chown system.system /system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl
adb reboot
Now your keys should be remapped!
Just thought I'd add this to skip all the ADB and do it right on the tablet:
ES File Explorer (with root permission and /system writeable checked in settings)
Navigate to file, click, choose text, choose ES Note Editor, edit the file as needed, choose save when prompted.
You can change permissions with ES as well.
I like that it automatically makes a *.bak file of whatever you edit and save.
Those are the same steps I did, but it didn't work for me even after a reboot.
And although I did a backup of the existing generic.kl file, I think I may have overwritten it. So I'm going to have to go in search of a fresh one.

