Problem with dialing. - Epic 4G General

I use Outlook and have multiple numbers in various contacts and behind the phone number I sometimes add a persons name (222) 222-2222-Joe. With WM it can distinquish between the numbers and letters, and will just dial the number, but with Android, it replaces the letters for "Joe" with numbers and then tries to dial that long number. The result is that I get a message that tells me the number is not a valid number. I hate to have to go back thru 1200 contacts and remove all the names behind numbers to keep Android dialing properly. Anyone have an easy solution? Thanks


Strange link with my contact list - please HELP

When my XDAII receive a call it does recognize the number but strangely it does only link the number (any number) to only one contact in my list.
I tryed to delete this contact to see what happens but it link witha nother but use it along for all calls.
Can you help me?
Can you dial a number by tapping it from your contacts list?
In some cases yes in others no, this is because in some numbers there is the area code that the XDAII does not recognize because we use 011 here in my country. If I clear that the number can be dialed from the contact list.
So, are you saying that when you receive a call from a phone number which is properly formatted (for your phone to dial it) in your contacts list, it still won't ID the correct number? Remember, it is a simple pattern matching algorithm - it gets a call, looks in your contacts list for a number formatted EXACTLY as it receives it, and displays that contact.
I followed this logic but it wont work to explain what is happening

phone number display problem and dialing numbers with extensions

Hi All,
Great site!!
I have 2 questions:
1 - When I use smart dialing from my hermes I use the direction arrows once I have found the contact and choose the work number of a contact that has an extension as +1 (999) 999-9999 x 9999 I then get a dialog saying "Invalid entry, please try again."
This same entry dials fine from speed dial or dialing from contacts, any suggestions, it's a real pain to manually dial the whole number.
2 - I have my numbers in outlook 2003 and they are formatted with the +country code format, so all numbers have a + in front of them.
When I smart dial, I can't see the last number of the phone number it only shows
+1 (xxx) xxx-xxx
Again it's really annoying as the only way I can find the number is by dialing and I usually use the smart dial to find a phone number when I am looking for someone's phone number.
BTW I have tried to edit the number and remove the + but outlook put's it back. This is actually good when travelling.
Thanks in advance,
I apologise in advance if this information is somewhere on the site, I am not lazy and I did read quite a bit before posting.
ROM version: 2.15.502.3
on my outlook, I have the phone num , ext and the phone will dial and wait for pickup before dialing the ext.
of course, i am not using the country code feature, so...
I would be happy with that behavior.
If I could change the font to be smaller in the phone application at least I could see the whole number.
Thanks for sharing.

WM 6.1 problem

Hi to all geeks,
I am using my phone some time but I have a problem with the setup of the contacts,
how can u separetly put a mobile phone number and a text message number under the same contact? Every time a cell number entered it goes the same way to text message number too.
I use a 800 number and a pin code before I dial the phone number that I reach, this cause the call history to get the wrong names from adress book. For example
I call BBB but call history shows I call AAA, just because first 10 digits is the same.
Any help would be greatly appreciated

Outlook contacts

I'm probably the only one with this problem, but I have about 1300 contacts and multiple numbers with each contact. When I set up Outlook (2010) I would add a number to the contact (say using Pager as the number, and adding a persons name behind the number (111) 111-1111 Tom). This helps me to keep track of the different people with a company. When I had my HTC Fuze, I would voice dial over bluetooth with MS Voice Command and I could say call the "Company name on Pager" and I would get the person I intended to call that was listed. With this phone, instead of just dialing the numbers, it adds numerical value for the person's name to the number listed. Sorta of like (111) 111-1111 Tom would be (111) 111-1111866, (the 866 for Tom). Does anyone know of a work around for this other than me going into Outlook and deleting all the the names I have behind their corresponding phone numbers? Thanks.

Phone numbers showing in Text Messaging App and not their names.

Some of my Text Message conversations on my phone show up with Phone numbers and not their name. They all seem to be ones which have +44 (UKs country code). If I click on the thumbnail next to the number though, the correct contact pops up.
Any idea how to fix this?
If I helps, I'm on CM10.1
Seen this problem before. Is the proper area and country code with the + affixed to the number in the contact? This is the only time I've seen this problem is when it's not properly formatted. Don't put in parentheses, dashes, or dots either.
If the number in text messages is showing as +445555555555 then the contact number saved should be exactly the same +445555555555.
Tappin the talk

