CityID Alternative? - Droid 2 General

I like the concept behind CityID as well as the data it displays. However I do not believe it is worth a $1.99/mo subscription. I mean area codes don't change that often.
Does anyone know of an alternative to this?

There used to be a couple of free alternatives, but they were pulled from the market for "copyright infringement" .


Android market app is crap... make a list shall we?

OK.. allow me to express my frustrations of this enourmously integral app on any android powered phone.
1. I am unable to do predictive search on it
2. It always use strict search queries and does not show matching spellings on the apps or even similar apps that we may like.
3. The interface is terrible
4. No straightforward way to purchase apps like the Itunes with saved credit card details.
5. No screenshot of any apps in the apps detail page.
I also use the Iphone and the app store on Iphone is MUCH MUCH better as it does everything that Android market doesnt.
What other things do you think is wrong with this app?
There is a new version of Market coming with Donut, which should resolve at least some of your concerns (see ).
Not sure what you mean on point 4 - buying an app is very easy IMHO, and I've only ever entered my cc details once.
Oh - forgot to add. My biggest issue with the Market are the comments.
There are far too many duff comments against applications where either the commenter has no idea what they are talking about, has not read the instructions, or is trying to make a "clever" statement to Google (e.g. all those comments about CyanogenMod).
The comment systems needs to be cleverer so that all this trash doesn't detract from the really useful comments.
I hope they are fixing the search function.. the UI looks a little better in the video.
Easy now. I know the martket isnt as polished at the apple appstore but remember that apples appstore is a cashcow while this doesnt being in nowhere near the same revenue.
I believe Donut is available now, along with the new market app.
How can google make a search function that is so bad, they have to fix that
dieseldk said:
How can google make a search function that is so bad, they have to fix that
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HAHAHA +1 for this one.
Been using the new market for 2 weeks now, it is better than the old android market, but still not 100%.
The most annoying things is the mini-gallery of "Featured" apps at the top.
When you use your finger to swipe them, your finger obscures the icons and more importantly the title of the "Focused" app, so you can't actually see what the name is.
Mind numbingly stupid.
Either the swipeable area needs to be vertically larger so you can swipe and not obscure the icon, and or the "focused" title should be moved above the gallery.. Can't believe no one ever tested it in the real world.
One more thing...
I live in Romania and i don't have access to payed apps....only for the free ones..... I would like to buy a navigation app and i can't....
That is because your region is not "Market Enabled" rather than an issue with the Market application itself. If you use the marker enabler (see ) you should be able to effectively change your region to one where paid apps are available.
Thanks Dave.
I'll try that and let you know.
One more question though....Do i need to root my hero for the market enabler to work?

Talk to Text?

Maryland passed a no texting while operating a vehicle law so I need a program that allows me to talk to instead of actually typing. Anything around like that?
would like something like that to, havnt found it yet. dont think it exists
Keep an eye out for Microsoft Tellme, it should be close to coming out.
Here's the solution... I've been using it for a while. It can also update Facebook, Twitter, etc. and is amazingly accurate!
Here in Texas, well I know in the Houston area at least. You cannot be on the cell phone period, not even hands free when in a school zone. Which I can totally agree with.
there is a fixed vlingo cab on the forum that i installed on my tp2 and it installs and acts like it works but it stops responding for some reason or else it gives me an error. maybe someone can tweak it to work on our phones.
Yup! try Jott it's a subscription service buy way cool you can even Jott to yourself! or to Excell great for expenses.

Missing Apps From Marketplace

I know this is a common issue on my devices, I was wondering if anyone can give me a tip on the easiest way to fix it with the Tab?
I've tried one of the Market Enablers (the one that fakes a different provider) but not the one that enables paid apps (I think the one I need) as it wouldn't seem to install...
Any tips?
I rooted my device and can use these enablers and see paid and free apps.... after faking TM USA

Assistance with final year college project

Hi all!
I'm in my final year and we're supposed to do a project which is worth 200 marks overall. Most of us in our field have chosen to develop either android or iphone applications. My group and I have chosen adnroid.
Now, I'm in need of simple ideas for the apps. We have absolutely no idea on how to go about with the process. I've seen lots of people here develop stunning applications here! We're in need of ideas for developing simple apps.. which can be completed in a max of 2-3 months (considering the fact that we don't have any background knowledge on android development/programming. All we know is Java)
I'd initially suggested an automatic mobile credit recharge system, where in the app monitors you prepaid account balance from time to time and recharges the account once the credit falls below a user set value.
Although this seemed interesting at first, it can only be simulated with 2 databases (one for the mobile credit and another for the bank account)
After going through the type of apps here, I really want to develop something much better than this.
I'm open to all ideas, in fact, we don't mind developing an app that is already existing (for instance a profile manager or a data wallet etc) All we want is to have a fully complete app at the end of 2 months.
Please assist.
Secret Santa?
That's something that I thought up over winter break and whipped it up over a few days in the App Inventor. If you guys take your time, you can probably learn Android programming and design/code it in a month or so.
There are some "special" features that I added to make the app more useful but I'll leave that for you to think up.
I'll post back if I come up with anything else. I also need some app ideas, but just for recreational programming.
Thanks! I'm currently checking out appInventer.. I somehow find it hard to come up with ideas which is why I'm trying to find help from here :|
I think the credit recharger is a pretty cool idea, personally. But I understand that you might want something with more "impact"
I think part of the key to this would be figuring out what has not already been done to death. There are so many apps with 5, 6, 7, etc versions of the basically the same thing. I would try to find something to develop with less competition, even if it's more of a niche product. I'm trying to think of the things I've previously thought "I wish I had an app for ____" but I'm drawing a blank right now.
If I think of anything I'll be sure to post it back in here
DrDubzz said:
I think the credit recharger is a pretty cool idea, personally. But I understand that you might want something with more "impact"
I think part of the key to this would be figuring out what has not already been done to death. There are so many apps with 5, 6, 7, etc versions of the basically the same thing. I would try to find something to develop with less competition, even if it's more of a niche product. I'm trying to think of the things I've previously thought "I wish I had an app for ____" but I'm drawing a blank right now.
If I think of anything I'll be sure to post it back in here
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Thanks! I checked out google appInventer tutorials.. theres one which says "no text while driving" -- basically sends back an sms to the sender that ur driving.. It seems interesting so I'm gonna see how best i can use it and pack some more useful stuff along with it.. and see how it all works out.
The reason why I'm giving the auto recharge a back seat is because it can't be implemented in real time.. it can only be simulated in a virtual environment.
You might want to think about doing something that takes advantage of the maps api. It's easy to do but it looks impressive and might help you get high marks.
A great idea?!
Graphics artist here,
Something I just thought of and just started searching for (literally) when I came across your thread, would be: Using the phone as a touch sensitive.. control for editing software, ie photoshop or Basically turn the phone into a touchpad control for a computer.
Just an idea!
mirrorhelix said:
Graphics artist here,
Something I just thought of and just started searching for (literally) when I came across your thread, would be: Using the phone as a touch sensitive.. control for editing software, ie photoshop or Basically turn the phone into a touchpad control for a computer.
Just an idea!
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This would be great! I'd definitely pay a couple/few dollars for something along these lines if it was user-friendly
Thats a really awesome idea!! Converting the touchscreen into a tablet input for PS or any other photo manipulation software.. But the problem is that I don't know where to begin! :|
This is a college project so the idea isn't to make a unique and sell-able application... it's to demonstrate that you can work as part of a team to make an application from design to completion.
I'd try and think of a fun app (i wouldnt care if it's been done 100 times before) that everyone on your team wants to contribute to. If it's unique, brilliant, if not nevermind you've got some good experience working as a team and making an android app.
I do like the sound of the phone touchpad app, it's been done on iPhone by Logitech but i've not seen something for android. If it helps, .
There are a ton of them on the market: Gmote, MyRemote, UnifiedRemote, etc.
It might be a good idea to email this developers to get a better picture of what to do.
Problem is that all of those tools rely heavily on WiFi so you'll have to understand networking.
biggler said:
This is a college project so the idea isn't to make a unique and sell-able application... it's to demonstrate that you can work as part of a team to make an application from design to completion.
I'd try and think of a fun app (i wouldnt care if it's been done 100 times before) that everyone on your team wants to contribute to. If it's unique, brilliant, if not nevermind you've got some good experience working as a team and making an android app.
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Bingo!! Which is exactly what my instructor said. I tried out the tutorials on appInventer.. I was toying with the idea of integrating more features into those itself. Is that a good idea? Although the concept is from Google, would it be ok to build on it? i'm particularly interested in "No texting while driving" and "Broadcast Hub" -- both these apps are awesome! Are there any notable features that I can add to make them better.
How about an app for the quick oil change places. It could show your last service and what was done. Show any upcoming maintenance and when your next oil change is due.
Maybe integrate Google Maps to show locations of service centers. Maybe offer a "e-coupon" if they use the app. Pretend they offer online scheduling and maybe show them "2 customers in bay, one waiting" - Estimated wait time 20 minutes" yada, yada
As an "older" programmer with 2 degrees, it's nice to see your college offering the mobile platform as a programming choice. Hell, all we got to write were COBOL and CICS mainframe applications and some semi-cool C++ projects.
Good Luck and Congratulations on getting your degree!!
What about a bluetooth hack to where u would be able to hack into someones phone and use their service for texting and calling. I heard of something like that when i was on my blackberry and was really into it. But it would be nice to get something like that on my Incredible
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
I think it would be a good idea to make an app that uses an existing web api for a popular website, could be facebook, ebay(do they have an api?) etc etc.
It's a good way to learn a lot of aspects of android development, with a useful product as the outcome.
It doesn't matter if there is already an app for that site, think of a different way of using the site on the mobile, and go from there.
I would like to see a program that reads the weather API and reflects the current weather and location on the wallpaper. This app would require graphics design, code to parse the weather feed, writing to the OS. When I was on Windows Mobile there was a skin for Weather Panel that did this but with Android's live walpaper it could be really cool.
Thanks for the ideas you guys! I really appreciate it. Everything seems interesting.. but the problem is we don't know where to begin or how to go about it.
I did the broadcast hub tutorial present in the app inventer page. It turned out good. Is there any way I can add functionality to this itself?
blueren said:
Thanks for the ideas you guys! I really appreciate it. Everything seems interesting.. but the problem is we don't know where to begin or how to go about it.
I did the broadcast hub tutorial present in the app inventer page. It turned out good. Is there any way I can add functionality to this itself?
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Do all the tutorials and learn the blocks, you can create lots of stuff. There is a app in the market that adds more features to the app inventor, app inventor extender
A couple of suggestions:
- A chess PGN editor
- A simple picture/document management app where you take a photo using the camera, add some tags or other info, and save all details in a database. You can also provide search functionality and a viewer to retrieve pictures using the index you've built.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
I did some homework on topics and came across this.. A multilingual speech translator.
Talk in a language, it converts the speech to text, translates that text to a target language, and reads the translated text aloud.
Is this feasible? What is the difficulty level?
Also, is it possible to develop a call blocker app? I looked around but wherever I search, I only find fully built apps but not pointers on how to go about creating one by yourself.
Please assist.

Notification Bar ads for Android

While it has been rumored and feared practically since the operating system's creation, one of the nightmare scenarios for some unlucky Android users has finally become very real. Japan's second largest mobile carrier, KDDI, has gone where no carrier has dared before and has begun disguising advertisements as system notifications on their Android devices.
It seems that an app bundled with KDDI devices is the cause of the controversial ad system. The "au one market" is a secondary market application that comes with most of the smartphones on the carrier's service. This newest evil addition came in the form of an update which prompted the user with two warnings.
1. au one Market app stays resident even when you are not using the app, 2. notification space will be used to inform good deals to customers.
There are similar ad experiences from certain applications and services already in the U.S. but this is the first time we've seen this behavior from an actual mobile carrier. It's scary to think of this becoming common place so be sure to voice your opposition on this sort of guerrilla advertising to your carrier representatives before it's too late. This is also just all the more reason to keep your rootz skills as up to date as possible. Removing that carrier bloatware is becoming seemingly more and more essential these days....
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Source: RootzWiki
Read for yourself here
since i've installed an app (don't know which one) i'm starting to something like this on my status bar... do you guys know anything about this?
This sucks... Are they even allowed to do this?
Check if you have Easy Mp3 Download or DroID3Tagger. One of them should be the Ads source.
Install Airpush Detector or Addons Detector from the market to find the offending app.
Nothing root+delete offending app can't solve.
That said, still sucks, they'll probably end any warranty or whatever services they may offer if they find out. I guess you can still delete any traces of root and send it to samsung. They probably couldn't care less if you uninstalled some carrier app.
I don't mind ads at all while they aren't intrusive. I understand their purpose and their importance. But being randomly interrupted by some notification ad is the worse kind of interruption, as useless as it gets, not to mention the unsolicited data traffic and extra battery drain. I can even see them going a notch up and create random popups out of that you need to dismiss. Now, i like android the best of all mobile operative systems, but i draw a line here. If google ever enforced this at system level with no way around, i'd leave android completely.
I agree, I guess all those stuff is from carriers and not from Google so that I think it won't be difficult delete it.
gigeaky said:
since i've installed an app (don't know which one) i'm starting to something like this on my status bar... do you guys know anything about this?
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Yes, I seem to be getting similar notifications, I can't for the life of me work out what app they are related to...

