Make bottom touch buttons glow? - Wildfire General

Iv'e noticed that the bottom touch buttons only glow when in a dark room, how can I make them allways glow?

hold your thumb over the top part of the phone

You could but tape over the light sensor
(not the proximity sensor or you won't be able to end calls)


Looking for a answer

when i leave my g2 to sit with the lcd on , the soft keys and keyboard backlight cut back on when i wave my hand across the top , is this because of the light sensor ...
Yes, it's your hand blocking the light
im not making the light cut off thats my settings for it to go off if not used for a min. but if i was to wave my hand over it awakes the lights not holding my hand over it at all just a wave of the hand
It's probably registering input from the proximity sensor. Just a guess.

Blackout screen during phone calls

what feature is this? when i put the phone near my face the screen goes blank and when i move it away from my face the menu lights up, pretty cool. anyone know how it works?
Not sure of the technical aspects, but I've heard it has a sensor - much like a car has headlight sensor. When it gets dark, the headlights go on, when it's daylight, headlights shut off. Phone is the opposite, dark to your face - light off, pulled away from face, lights up. I agree, cool feature - helps to conserve battery a little bit too.
It's a proximity sensor. The screen turns off so that it doesn't accidently register the screen touching your face as a touch input (aka your face touches the 'end call' button while in the middle of talking).
Lol all phones have done this using a proximity sensor for about 4 years now;-). It's nice though! Otherwise your cheek would press all kinds of buttons during a phone call, likely the end button as one of them.
These have been around for about six years now on mobiles.
Yes, this is nothing new on phones. If you're interested, look very closely at the phone's front, to the left of the speaker as you look at it. Opposite side of the camera lens. You may have to tilt it a bit, and bright light will help. You'll see two very small transluscent spots. One is the light sensor, the other is the proximity sensor.

Fix to Disable Navigation Button LEDs

You know the four LEDs that light up along with the keyboard LEDs at the bottom of our phone? It pisses me off that Samsung wired these guys in with the keyboard and literally made it impossible to disable them using software fixes. And I've set it to 3 seconds but that just doesn't cut it. I want them disabled, permanently, until I decide they should be turned back on. Well, I took it to the next level.
Cutting a piece of black electrical tape to just fit over the four, bottom buttons, I place it over the LEDs and BOOM, they were gone. My eyes will no longer tear up when I'm on my phone late at night while laying in bed. No longer will the screen be set to a healthy, dim brightness only to be overpowered the four LEDs at the bottom each time my finger touches the screen.
The capacitive feature still works fine, and I've lost no functionality with this fix. I'd post a picture but I'm having some issues with my digital camera.

Screen is active during call

During a call the screen goes black (the proximity sensor works) but the screen is active and i touch buttons with my ear or my cheek.
Where is the problem?
P.S. The screen+frame was changed.

Prox sensor only works when holding corner of screen

Hi all
Today I noticed that the left hand upper corner of my screen is lifting slightly above the edge of the frame, about 1 mm max. I can push it down but it lifts again after 10 seconds of so . I also discovered this affects the operation proximity sensor.
For example, when i make a call (phone, whatsapp, etc) the screen goes black and stays black until the call is ended, no matter how close the phone is to my ear. This indicates symptoms of the prox sensor not working. But if i hold the screen gently at the left top corner (effectively re-seating the screen) the prox works just fine during calls.
*#0*# sensor check confirms this as well. Prox does not work unless i hold the corner of the screen
Otherwise phone is fine.
Wondering if i need new adhesive on this part of the screen?
Any other suggestions please?
Gently, very, very gently, lift the screen at both corners. Guitar picks are good for this. Only lift about 2-3mm.
Then get some double sided 2mm wide tape. Stick the tape along the top edge of the phone frame using thin tweezers. Best length is between front camera (on the right) and LED (on the left). Its a bit fiddly to get the tape into the exact position but it can be done.
Once in place remove the tape backing
Remove guitar picks
Gently pres on hold screen for the tape to bond
Hey presto.

