[Q] Might this cause freezes? - Touch HD General

Hi everyone,
I bought my HTC Touch HD in April 2009 and I didn't customize the phone in any way. I only installed some backupping software and TomTom.
Anyway, the phone tends to freeze a lot. Sometimes it works fine for a week straight and then it just starts freezing. What happens is that the screen stops responding, as well as all buttons. The only way to fix that is by removing the back case and press the Reset button or by removing the battery. The freezes got worse over the last days. After a reset the phone sometimes already freezes before I can even enter my SIM card password.
It started freezing last year, but it seems to be getting worse now. I already tried a hard (full) reset, but that didn't solve the problem. Anyway, I found this after I removed the battery today: see attachment.
One of the 3 copper terminals is bent down, so it might not touch the battery. It looks like this might cause my problems. I tried bending it back carefully, but no success yet. Does anyone have an idea what I can do? Is it actually possible that a bend terminal can cause freezes?

i started having a similar problem yesterday, it gets worse if when I access the storage card and just locks up.
can anyone offer advise

The storage cards have been known to dramatically reduce the stability of these phones... I think I am at that stage (again) too...
My procedure, that's worked before, is:
- remove storage card from phone, put it in a adapter / USB/Flash port and connect to a Windows PC.
- Back-up required files to PC
- Open "My Computer" and right click on the removable drive (containing your SD), choose "Format"
- Make sure you select FAT file system over NTFS if offered the choice.
- Reinstate backed up files and try back in your phone.
Be careful when teasing that battery terminal, on different phones I've tried to re-allign the little brass terminals and snapped it from the tiny solder joint inside the case, despite it still being attached to the case... First I knew was the phone went from charging poorly, to not even powering up....


Phone reset itself! Any idea why?

I have an O2 XDA2. I just took the phone out of my jacket pocket to find that it wanted me to calibrate the screen. It went on to take me through the whole set-up wizard and then I found that all my data and installed programs had been lost
I'm guessing the phone decided it wanted to reset itself!
Does anyone have any idea why this might have happened so I can avoid it happening again?
The phone had plenty of battery power (approx 80%). It had plenty of space space (approx 28MB). I hadn't recently installed any software although I did uninstall Pocket Money on the weekend. I also created an IMAP email account then but I've had no problem with the phone since then until now.
Any ideas? Thanks very much
would prob be a good idear if you stated the rom version you are using
Sorry, It's 1.60.00 WWE
I have never upgraded it as I haven't the first idea how or what the implications are.
the latest officail rom is 1.72
if you get that from their site you will not get warrenty issues
when i used 1.66 i had lockups from time to time
after i got 1.72
i havent had any issues
I don't really feel comfortable upgrading it as I haven't the first idea what to do.
How do you normally reset a device? Is it something I could have done by accident?
there is a little hole in the buttom of it in the right corner if you press that using something thin like the stylus while you press the on button
then it hardreset
but there is software which let you do it as well
the upgrade is really pretty simpel
Thanks very much. I know the reset button, I use that every now and again. There's no way I could have pressed it and the on switch by accident given tha the phone was in an otherwise empty jacket pocket.
Oh well, I guess my phone just had enough of life. I'll look into upgrading the ROM when I feel a bit more adventurous
Fabulous...My phone has again decided to reset itself out of the blue.
I have no idea why it does this but it's a pain in the rear. Has anyone seen this before? Does anyone know if there's anything I can do to prevent it? (other than upgrading to the Universal when it comes out!!)
And it's happened again...seems to happen approximately once a month.
Has this spontaneous hard reset issue not happened to anyone else?
I suffered this audacious curse only to find that by removing my 1gig sd card remedied the problem.
I'm wondering if the sd card draws too much power/resources or whether I have a dodgy sd card.
Either way, without it I'm flying. I pop it in when I need to use my TomTom and as it's on charge in the car cradle it doesnt matter about resource usage etc.
So, try removing your sd card and see what goes
SD cards seem to be causing all sorts of problems. I kept getting the eternal spinning timer when copy, paste or deleting files, if the card was inserted. Did a soft reset today to be met with the calibration screen as from a hard reset. Such fun isnt it. :roll:
Hi Guys
Thanks very much for your comments. Unfortunately it isn't the cause as I have had my SD slot empty for a while now (my SD card is in my new car radio/MP3 player )
I'm starting to think that after 15 months my XDA2 has decided that it's had enough of the world. My colleague told me that it's seeking revenge as it's heard me salivate over its younger sister (the Universal).
As you say having the phone hard reset itself is a whole lot of fun!
I have the Sprite Back Up programe so all is not lost - it creates an exe file on the SD card that you locate and select thus restoring everything just how it was before it was lost
one can also just have activesync do an inc backup at each sync
and if the device hardresets one can connect as guest and restore the backup from ones normal profile
The nice thing about the Sprite software is that you can restore when you're out and about unlike the active sync method which means you need your pc close by

Please Help-Dropped XDAII, Cannot ActiveSync - thinks SDIO Wifi still in when removed

I hope some of you technical guys can help please as I am desperate for help.
I accidentally managed to drop my XDA last week and because the Wifi card protruded slightly above the protective case, and it landed on it, the card was then forced into the XDA. With a little effort, I managed to pull the card back out but am now experiencing problems.
1. The drop seems to have dislodged the mechanism that used to keep the SDIO card in (I can see a spring sticking up and assume that something should be on top of it but nothing appears loose inside, and as I didn't look before, I cannot be sure what it is supposed to look like!). When you push it in, it used to have a slight "click" sound and to release, push down again and it popped out.
2. If I put the card in now, it will not connect (no flashing lights) and will not stay in.
3. Even without the card in, I cannot connect my XDA to my computer, either by docking station/usb or IRDA - when Activesync starts on the XDA (doesn't pick it up on the computer) it has the following network error:
"Remote networking could not start due to a critical error (Error 608). "
Please can anyone help? The key for me is being able to Sync my diary etc with MS Outlook but it would be nice to get my Wifi card working again. I know I could try hard resetting it (soft achieves nothing at the moment) but will loose a day or so of updates and want to see if there are other options first.
Once I have synchronised it may be that I can then take it to bits to establish what is happening inside (though I am no technical expert, I found the technical repair manual on here somewhere).
Many thanks
A further update - looking inside the SD slot, there appear to be 3/4 metal pins bent forward (not all of them). As all the connections appear to be on one side of the SD card (the opposite to where the bent pins are) am I correct in assuming that these may have been bent when I dropped it? Could this affect its Sync capability (particularly if touching elsewhere in the case)? Does anyone have any clear photos of the inside of the SD slot please to know what it is supposed to look like? I have seen some of the photos on this site and in the repair manual but there doesn't appear to be one of the inside of the SD slot.
Finally, is there a way of switching off/disabling the SD slot (without connecting it to the computer, as that is the problem!) to see if that removes the conflict.
Many thanks
Actual Problem & Solution
I waited for a reply but it appears that no-one has encountered this problem, I therefore have spent many hours investigating.
I straightened the pins without dismantling the unit (though not necessarily advisable to push a metal knife into the slot, I couldn't find anything else flat and strong enough to do the job!). Still encountering the connection problem.
I have now discovered through continual Googling that the problem was that when I dropped it, the Wifi card terminated abruptly and therefore left the file IPN2128.dll (corrupted) running in the memory. As a result, because this is a hidden file (on the standard set up) you cannot see it to delete it and because it is running, it will not let you uninstall the Wifi card/drivers to allow other network connections. The result? GPRS, MMS, Wap and USB/Irda and Activesync are all blocked leaving you with a PDA that cannot link to your computer or the internet.
Nothing for it (having searched for weeks and no response on here) apart from Hard resetting the XDAII (having manually copied all the appointments and tasks that I could remember adding since my last Sync back onto my Desktop version of Outlook!) - this has therefore terminated the offending file and USB connection and GPRS now works.
The only downside is I cannot use my Wifi card as the mechanism inside the SD slot for keeping the card in is broken (spring and bracket are now on my desk) and although I have straightened the pins as much as I can, I cannot quite get them to stay firmly back as they keep springing forward and blocking the Wifi card being inserted properly. On the one occassion so far I have managed to get it fully in, the Wifi card has not powered up (after installing drivers again).

Guys, I THINK I solved the SD card issue...!

Don't flame me... I haven't fully tested my theory, but so far it's working well!
As you know, MANY of us have issues with the card not being recognized sometimes; the device hangs; the camera doesn't capture images, etc.
Well, today I was trying to take some pictures facing downwards (of a leak in my car door), and I would just get a black image almost every single time.
I would then do a test and snap a picture of my garage, and it worked.
Back to the door, it didn't work.
I wasn't sure if there wasn't enough lighting or what.
I then realized that everytime the unit was pointing down, THAT is when it didn't work!
I examined where the contacts are on the card (top), and sure enough, it MAY be that by the force of gravity, one or two contacts are losing contact.
So I tested my theory.
I stuck my thumbnail (the REAL one, not a mini image ) under the card, and pressed it up.
EVERY single picture worked PERFECTLY.
No freezing! No black! No issues!
So, I took a small peice of paper, and slid it under the card, like a shim. (It was actually a piece of an envelope, so it's a big thicker.
Gentlemen... Since I put that paper underneath the card, my 8525 has worked flawlessly.
I just took 20 pictures, stored on the SD card, and not one issue!
And this is a 2GB Sandisk, by the way.
I will do more tests, but I am really feeling confident that this may solve some of our problems.
(I hope this is not a "welcome to last week" thread! I have seen LOTS of threads regarding the camera, freezes, and SD issue.. but I never read anything about solving problems with a piece of paper!)
Hi Michael_514,
While I appreciate your efforts here, the one thing that seems to have solved ALL of my SD Card issues was upgrading to WM6. Nothing to do with gravity nor Elfen registry edits ... just a new OS.
While I think your tack, dealing with gravity and the directional orientation of the device is interesting, I think the heart of the problem exists in the drivers for the SD Cards, which were corrected (or at least ameliorateed) in the newer OS builds.
All the same, I am interested in your final results, so please continue this post.
All the best,
Don't forget guys, maybe you are both right! We should not assume that everyone has the same problem - though the symptoms may be the same. Actually, when reading the many posts on this issue, I AM convinced there is in some cases a poor contacts issue that will afect the camera and other software/files on the SD card. I am also convinced there is in other cases a driver/software issue that may well be improved with WM6.
Always be cautious, yet open minded about claims from folks to have solved an issue. It may be for some but not all, and a different solution may exist for others.
Point taken, Mike. Thanks for that!
Just tried it. I will keep you informed tomorrow.
Thanks for the responses, PVS & Mike.
Mike -- Love your 'have an open mind' role! I guess that's why they call you a Moderator!
I would agree with Mike... both answers could be correct.
I am convinced that 90% of our Hermes woes ARE SD Card related.
I feel that because I had these units for 7 straight days, in use almost all day, with not one crash or hang...
..and then on day seven, I did a SD Card copy/paste, to switch cards with my dad's unit, and from that day on, freeze.. freeze.. freeze... Sometimes the unit is great for three days, sometimes, 3 reboots in one hour are required....
...Same thing happened when I reinstalled the firmware....
...that I just 'knew' that the freezes and hangs were DEFINITELY related to my swapping of the cards. Especially since I installed no weird apps.
Dirty contacts; bad connection; bad card controllers; I KNEW that my woes were not 'OS-related', 'sbd Pocket-plus-related', nor firmware related... Especially since I did three reinstalls of the firmware.
PVS - I totally agree with you. Perhaps WM6 has some better error checking, or a better algorythm for handing missing bits over the card bus.
I know a little about how computers and electronics handle this. It's why you can make a scratch in a CD, and it still plays. Check bits / error correcting / over-sampling / etc. etc.
I agree that a more advanced OS, like WM6, can better "handle" missing bits.
..but I am trying to get to the root of the problem.
I just went to the bathroom and took about 30 photos while sitting there . ALL 30 worked! No black photos. No "New SD Card Inserted" message. No freezing. 30 on 30. I am thrilled so far!
After spending three weeks racking my brains out, dealing with the problems, I am starting to truly feel like I may be on the right track.
Let's keep our minds open... Let's remember how many 8525 issues do point to the cards. Let's keep in mind that half the people love their Sandisks, and half the people love their Kingstons.
A new OS may solve people's problems, as could a piece of paper jammed in there to make the contacts tighter.
I spent $720 on two of these units, and let me tell you.. I MISS MY 8125!
I am as eager to solve this as anyone. I use this machine for business. It's not just a hobby for me.
Maybe we are on the right track...!
Let's see what others say...!
I will keep everyone posted.
I do have to laugh at my make-shift solution, though! There is something funny about staring at my unit, with a little piece of envelope visible under the SD card. Talk about a low-tech solution to a high-tech problem!
Michael_514, I love your theory. I hope it's that easy a solution for some of us if not all.
It seems from reports that Sandisk cards have this problem more often?
If owners could report their card's thickness using a micrometer, this might help confirm if an electrical contact issue is more likely?
My Corsair 1Gb card is 0.70mm thick, just behind the electrical contacts.
I've had issues with the card not being detected both with WM5 and now WM6. One time was fixed by wiping the contacts clean, but other times ejecting & reinserting the card make no difference. I've ignored the problem and many hours later the card would be visible again.
When I read your post, I straight away folded up some paper and pushed it in above the card, on the same side as the contacts - the memory card was still accessable within the phone, so I'm thinking my issue isn't a physical one.
Next time the card vanishes from explorer, I'll insert some paper to shim it towards the contacts and see if it helps.
Has anyone pulled apart their phone? I'm wondering if perhaps there's some type of pressure applied to the back of the card forcing it to contact electrically? Maybe if this is a mechanical device it is getting stuck?
My old phone's SD card slot broke when I dropped it once and it no longer ejected cards normally, but still worked perfectly.
Cheers! Oggy.
Hi there!
I just wanted to confirm where I put the paper.
I put it UNDER the card, effectively 'pushing the contacts up'.
That is where I stuck my thumbnail when I could not take a successful picture of my car door.
When I said to myself, "Why do all photos of the sky work, but not photos of the ground??", that is when I realized that I wanted to "push it up".
And in terms of the:
This firmware vs. that firmware...
Kingston vs. Sandisk...
WM5 vs. WM6...
Made in Taiwan vs. Japan...
Those are NOT the answers.
Too many people in too many threads have proven that.
I am not saying my method is correct... I will need a week of testing... But I know people DID have problems with WM6. People DID have problems with Kingston. People DID have problems with 512MB.
I started another Kingston vs. Sandisk thread, and reading those responses has shown me that it ain't the answer.
And as Ogier says, "I've had issues with the card not being detected both with WM5 and now WM6."
So, that also isn't the answer.
Let's all keep our fingers crossed, because I HATE rebooting this unit!
But to confirm, I put the paper underneath to 'force up' the contacts....!
@ Michael_514
Just another thought. There is also a difference between photos of the sky and photos pointing down and that is the light level. I know you are testing the idea about the contacts and angle of the phone, but to confirm it's nothing to do with the light level sensor/software you might need to test by taking high light level pics (pointing downward at a lamp say), just to rule out any light level sensor issue. I have noticed that the camera seems to incrementally adjust light level but in general it will be at a different setting pointing up as opposed to down.
As I say just a thought and something to rule out or in.
I don't know if this is disappointing but I have tested this method during the weekend and it does not work. I have definitely inserted the shim under the card so to push the contacts up. After some time my card is partially lost meaning some programs will not run. This morning I'm in the office and I have replaced the shim to sit just under the contacts and not under the entire card. I will keep you posted although I don't trust it will work.
SD troubles
hi guys,
ive been looking at these SD card related threads in the past and was thankful that my hermes seemed fine...
the speaker connection popped out and i opened the phone to connect it back up. everything when fine and the speaker is working but the sd card refuses too show up. now ive tried putting paper under and above the SD card and ive also changed my ROM to two different WM6 flavours. im sure all the connectors are plugged in but i really need my SD card to be shown.
Anybody experience something similar or have and idea's on how to get it working again. it only stopped working after i removed the back panel, connected the speaker back up and then closed it.
thank you,
drooch said:
hi guys,
ive been looking at these SD card related threads in the past and was thankful that my hermes seemed fine...
the speaker connection popped out and i opened the phone to connect it back up. everything when fine and the speaker is working but the sd card refuses too show up. now ive tried putting paper under and above the SD card and ive also changed my ROM to two different WM6 flavours. im sure all the connectors are plugged in but i really need my SD card to be shown.
Anybody experience something similar or have and idea's on how to get it working again. it only stopped working after i removed the back panel, connected the speaker back up and then closed it.
thank you,
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Not much to suggest other than open up again - double check connections and hard reset if it still does not work.
ive checked the connections and they seem fine, i really cant put my finger on what has changed from me opening it and then closing it. the only difference is that there is no void sticker anymore! is there anyway to see if it still see's the sd card slot or if the OS diesnt even think its there.
Ive tried HR and ROM changes, so its something hardware wise.
drooch said:
ive checked the connections and they seem fine, i really cant put my finger on what has changed from me opening it and then closing it. the only difference is that there is no void sticker anymore! is there anyway to see if it still see's the sd card slot or if the OS diesnt even think its there.
Ive tried HR and ROM changes, so its something hardware wise.
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Maybe you said, but does the card work ok on a PC card reader? Just wondering if the card formatting is corrupted?
Again, after rechecking this method, putting two pieces of paper just under the contacts area of the card I still get the "once every 6 hours" normal card failure. I just remove the card, wait 5 seconds and insert it again. That's it for me.
Hi All!
Two interesting discoveries..!
First of all, so far, so good.
I did not have to reboot my once since Friday. Today is Monday, and not one single freeze. Normally, I like to reboot every few days just to 'clean it up', but I am going to leave it until it freezes.
Friday evening, Saturday, Sunday, this morning...
Not one system hang.
However, I did take a few pictures that came out black. That's the bad news.
I have not looked at other threads yet, but as Mike alluded to, above, there IS something wrong with the light sensor.
Remember how I said I had problems photographing my leaky car door, but then other pics were fine?
Well, yesterday my father said to me that he took a few pictures of items in his showroom, and some items would NOT be able to be photographed!!! He said that he has some gift items with SPARKLES, and he could successfully capture photos of items without sparkles, but when she shot the sparkly items, he saw black.
Then I thought about the pictures I was taking, the pictures WERE of dripping water from my car door.
I think that a unit that hangs, or an SD card that's not recognized, MAY be a totally separate issue than black pictures.
But that still doesn't explain how I was able to take all sorts of photos when my thumbnail pressed on the SD card.
In any case, like I said, I have been extremely successful with 'no black' pictures this weekend, and have not rebooted my device since Friday. This is a miracle for me.
I just removed and inserted a clean shim.
If I could get another three days without a reboot, I will be jumping for joy!
My unit just hung!
I had disconnected the unit from the Activesync USB cable.
Went upstairs.
Came back to find the unit on (Backlight on) and the unit was very hot, with the battery being sucked down 1/2.
I had set an Alarm for 1:00pm, and it's now 2:10pm. It started playing a second or two of the Alarm sound just now. And that was it. Very hot to the touch.
But I am happy that this is my first re-boot since Friday.
These hangs/black photos/hot battery drains may all be different issues, but I am still definitely leaving my shim inside the card. No reboot since Friday is a big improvement for this unit!
Good day
I recently upgraded my TyTn from WM5 to WM6. Since upgrade 1GB and 2GB Apacer micro SD's that worked fine are not recognised by the phone.
Am I missing any setting in WM6? Can someone please help as I need to access info on the cards ASAP.
Thank you
Just got my new PQ1 2G card and replaced my old 2G Sandisk. My first impression is speed - much better with the PQ1. Also the general feeling is that it fails less or not at all. I have to work with it for the next 72 hours to give you my statistics comparing it to the Sandisk.
I'll keep you posted.
NO. This feels the same as my old Sandisk 2G memory. Every 4-5 hours my SD card stops responding. Mind you in the PQ1 case I can still see the card with my Explorer and even see the directory structure and the files. They just can't run. The messege I get is the progrmam is not found.

Problems with 8525

A few days ago, I bought an 8525 phone off my friend for $25. He told me that he only used the phone for a month, so it was practically brand new. I have been tinkering with it for the past couple days, using Wifi to download games and things, and it has been fine. The phone worked, texting worked, everything was perfect.
About two days ago, I accidentally dropped it about a foot onto wet asphalt. The battery fell out and the touch screen got a few drops on it, but I dried it all off, turned on the phone and tested everything; no problems from dropping it.
At some point later that night, the phone started having problems. It would randomly freeze every few minutes while in use, and I would have to take out the battery to reset it. Some buttons on the touch screen wouldn't respond at times, but then work later (the buttons next to volume, service and wifi or whatever). Then my texting and phone service stopped working. I couldn't get service anywhere that I walked, and the Settings button wouldn't work. I also tried to reconfigure the connection, but that didn't help.
I came home and found the phone I had previously, and I put the SIM card into it to see if that was the problem, which it is not. The old phone works fine with the SIM.
I don't know what the problem is, but there are a few things that may have caused it to happen:
-dropped it in rain
-plugged USB into a laptop that only turns on, but does nothing else
-maybe got virus from browsing internet on Wifi
-overheating (there was a point where the back was really hot after sitting on the USB)
-games/applications installed messing with system
Those are some examples of what I've done with the phone, but that's it.
Here is device info:
-Hermes 8525
-Windows Mobile 6 Pro
-CE OS 5.2.1948 (Build 18548.0.7.0)
-Processor: SC32442-400MHz
-ROM Version: Schap's 4.31
-ROM Date: 10/03/07
Sorry if I haven't provided enough information on the problem, I'm new to all of this stuff, but I hope somebody can help.
Actually, my problem has changed.
I attempted to put a new ROM on, and it seems I did something wrong. When I turn on my phone, it does the boot animation, and then the screen turns white and doesn't do anything else. I attempted to hard-reboot, but nothing happened.
I went into My Computer on my desktop, and the folder 'Mobile Device' showed up. I clicked inside of it, and apparently my entire OS is gone off the phone. How do I install a new OS?
I hope you had Hard SPL V7 installed or you will need to find your shipped stock rom.
If you did, great.
1. Format 2Gb or less sd card FAT32. Copy .nbh file of rom onto it and rename to hermimg.nbh.
2. Insert sd card into Hermes and boot into bootloader.
3. If you did everything right then follow onscreen instructions.
If you didn't & can't find your shipped stock rom, you are now the proud owner of a Hermes paperweight....
Instead of taking the battery out, there is a reset hole on the bottom near the IR port. Push in with your stylus.
I have the "No GSM" text showing up when I turn on the phone, and then it goes to the white screen. I tried to do the mtty.exe thing, but I couldn't figure out how to use the program.
I was going to try the fix that uses Visual Studio and Windows Embedded, but I'm pretty sure my phone doesn't have kitl (which I need to do that).
Most of the fixes suggested require using ActiveSync to connect to the phone, however, my ActiveSync doesn't connect. It knows the phone is there, but it can't connect, which disables me from updating the ROM.
When I attempt to flash a ROM, it says that the current ROM image on the phone is ' ' (just an empty space) and it asks if I want to update to the newer ROM image. It gets to the point where the progress bar appears on my phones screen, but as soon as it hits 1%, the whole thing fails and I get an error on the computer saying it could not connect.
Currently, I am attempting the method to fix the white screen by removing the battery for 20 minutes, and then I'm going to try the method that says to remove the battery and put it back in multiple times to fix the 'No GSM', but I'm pretty sure I messed the radio up.
@ultramag69 - I have an SD card, but I don't have a port or anything small enough on my computer to insert it. What should I do to do what you said?
Buy an adaptor, should only be a few bucks...
SD method is the easiest way to fix the problem BUT as was said earlier , you need Hard SPL V7 on your Hermes 1st.
You could also try putting your Hermes into bootloader, attaching it to the USB and flashing that way. Just make sure that "Allow USB Connections" has been unticked in Activesync on the PC.
At least you might be able to install Hard SPL V7 that way...

Black Screen / Indicator Lights On - No Response

So I have an UnBranded Rogers X10a Phone
I have been having issues where the phone will freeze up go black screen (but you can see the backlight is on) and the two indicator lights come on. They go on and off with the power button being pressed. The only way to get the phone re-working is by battery pulling... I am running the Stock Home screen,
no taskkillers, and just Beautiful Widgets (Which has been force closing alot)
I have attempted a few factory resets including the Memory card but still running into the same issue...
Any Suggestions?
Try removing the widgets...
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
SEUS reflashing???
Thanx for the Suggestions
Hey Guys,
Thanks for the suggestions - I have tried removing the widgets, and a complete re-flash from SESU - Still no luck...
Hey, had to create an account just to answer your queries...
If you mean by the phone not able to 'wake up' from its sleep mode, I experienced the same thing for the past one month...
For my case, I started one saturday with my phone acting this way when I did a reboot after a full charge.
Same as your phone, mine suddenly couldn't wake up from its sleep. I thought is was just an ordinary freeze, so I took out the battery to reboot it once more.
After that, the problem didn't do away. With an attempted phonecall which triggered the proximity sensor to deactivate the screen display, the screen couldn't come back after ending the call. So the suspicion of lags or freezings were ruled out.
The phone was basically working, just that the display wouldn't appear. This was supported by the fact that the LED lights between the hard keys were still functioning, and the faint backlight on the screen hows that the phone is indeed working.
But the unlock screen just wouldn't show up.
So, without a choice, I sent it for servicing.
First attempt, the phone had a 'software upgrade' (just reinstallation of the software). Didn't help.
2nd attempt, the technicians replaced the receiver hardware. Didn't work either.
3rd attempt, they did another software upgrade (I have absolutely no idea why they tried that again since it didn't work on the first time).
4th attempt, they replaced the whole motherboard, and I got it back last night.
And you know what? The problem didn't go away. But I didn't send it back for servicing, since replacing the motherboard IS already a very last possible solution, as my X10 is as good as a new phone.
So obviously it's the user's problem.
So I did abit of testing on my own.
With the microsd card taken out, the phone was perfectly ok. I spammed the power button to stress-test the screen. No problem. But when I re-inserted my 16gb card, the sickening problem was back.
So I suspected it might be the card that's faulty. Naturally, I tried it with my 8gb card which came bundled with the phone. No problem. Until I moved my files into it.
Narrowing it down, obviously it's the contents that is affecting the phone.
So I did a step-by-step trial:
I removed the video folder, cos I have quite a number of movies inside. So I thought it's the sheer sizes of the files which is lagging the phone out.
Next, I removed the music files.
Phone was working fine. And to make sure, I put the videos back. Screen responding nicely.
To enact my theory, I just dragged and dropped my 1600+ wmas into the music folder.
Voila! Case closed. 20 hours have gone, and that idiotic problem never resurfaced.
So... What actually happened???
Well, as I recall, this whole escapade happened after I used Media Go to transfer my music to my phone.
And Media Go acts like iTunes - it sorts the files into different folders categorized by the artiste names. So essentially, almost a thousand of folders were created in the microsd card.
I guess it's the immense number of folders that's making the phone try to read from the folders, thus lagging it and preventing it to work before the screen goes back to sleep.
For me, cutting the number of folders helped.
Hope my method works for you too =)
And pardon my long-windedness (+_+)
Thanks loneLEE for making an account here & telling us about all that. It may help for many who have or will have such kind of problem Thanks
Thank You Soo Much
Lonnee Thank you so much for you information on that! I was going BONKERS. I had figured it was to do with the Media Card, as soon as I would remove it - the phone would work fine...
I almost had them swap out the phone as I was going STIR CRAZY trying to figure out what was going on!
It's good to know that I am not the only one...

