Eclipse not deploying apps under Win 7!! - Android Software Development

Hi all,
I have downloaded Android SDK and the Eclipse plugin under my Win7 Ult.
The problem that I am facing is that Eclipse is unable to deploy any app that I create. I have tried the same under Ubuntu and it was working fine.
After couple of hours of inspection I noticed that the adb doesn't recognize my emulator when running my app using Eclipse.
After closing eclipse and killing all the related SDK tools I started the adb process then started the emulator. Still the adb doesn't recognize my AVDs that are running through the emulator.
Now when I first run the emulator and then start the adb process then adb would recognize the emulator.
So did anyone faced the same problem??

Any help appreciated

I'm having the exact same problem.
Downloaded Eclipse. the sdk. avds. and everything else. have read every single other thread about this issue that is online. I'ts been 5 hours trying to find a solution.
is there an area in the preferences that specifically dictates app to avd transfer options? there has to be!
so what is it please?
any help appreciated.


Android Emulator problems

hi guys,
I'm setting up an android environment on Ubuntu 10.
I have eclipse installed along with the Android plugin.
From synaptic manager, I installed openjdk-6-jdk.
All the components are inplace. However, the emulators start but seem to get into a perpectual loop and just display the android logo.
My hello world app or even the emulators user interface view never starts.
Is anyone familiar with this sort of problem? Please help me.
i use in windows
read :
i use in windows and nothing problem..
install lastest JDK and setting path maybe

New Ubuntu Update 10.10 Broke my SDK?

[Q] Hey guys, I just updated to Ubuntu 10.10 and now my SDK is gone! I tried to look into why it wasn't working and the software manager tool in Eclipse says that Android is installed. I don't even have any of the Android SDK buttons showing anymore? Can someone help a fellow dev?
[SOLVED] Go to the eclipse website, download Eclipse for linux, uninstall your old eclipse, extract your new eclipse wherever and go into the folder and click the application button titled eclipse. Then reinstall all the android stuff.
At the informal android developer's meetup tonight, there were two of us with this same problem.
One issue that I found was that PATH in .profile got broken.
We suspect that using the version of eclipse that came with ubuntu, rather than 3.5 downloaded directly from eclipse might also be causing problems.
I have the same problem; ellarsee, can you be more specific how you got it running again?
(what is .mprofile and where is it, for example? (Googling isn't helping me find out))
Same thing happened to me
Upgrade to Ubuntu 10.10 broken my Android SDK as well.
Is it possible the Java packages are not installed anymore in Ubuntu?
I tried this...
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre sun-java6-jdk
Updated a lot of stuff but Eclipse Android is still gone...
Does anyone have this figured out yet??????????????????????????????? I NEED TO GET MOVING ON SOME APPS! THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!
Removal and re-install of ADT plugin does not help
This is the error that appeared in my project the first time I ran eclipse after the 10.10 upgrade from 10.04.
The project was not built since its build path is incomplete. Cannot find the class file for java.lang.Object. Fix the build path then try building this project
I attempted to fix the build path (Properties->Java Build Path) and noticed that
com.adroid.ide.eclipse.adt.ANDROID_FRAMEWORK was not checked. I checked it but this made no difference.
Going to try complete uninstall of eclipse...
It's still not working for me
Not .mprofile .profile, it's like .bashrc, a script that is run when you log in, and can set your $PATH variable, or other environment variables.
emacs ~/.profile
vi ~/.profile
should enable you to edit it.
Has anyone tried just a fresh reinstall of everything to work on android apps?
Someone asked about java, it's still in /usr/bin/java
Can't post outside links. So you'll have to google the bug numbers I give.
Ubuntu bug is here: bugs.launchpad # 633198
This points at a debian bug: # 587657
Debian bug contains a workaround where you edit the file:
And you change the concurrent package location (I had too entries, I had to remove them both and insert the line in the debian bug)
and then things magically worked for me again!
Best of luck everyone
Someone else?
Someone else found a way to fix it?
Cuz, everything up till now didnt work for me

vista home prem 64bit and sdk compatibility issues?

Is there something I forgot to do beyond the instructions in the dev resources for installation on the android sdk site?
I went through a couple of the test projects to get a feel for it, and keep getting execution fc's in the emulator, exported everything to my laptop(vista 32bit) and no problems.
Have reinstalled the sdk, eclipse and java on my desktop machine but no help. Any thoughts?
Weird question, but have you set the SDK version when you created the project? Happends when you are in a hurry!

[Question] Help with AVD and Eclipse !!!!!!

So I decided to learn how to develop on the android platform and after installing everything I tried the helloandroid example from the android developers page and when I clicked run, the emulator window came up but then my computer started making a really weird noise like clicking and the emulator just froze while everyting else was working fine.... I tried to force close the emulator buti could not close it and the noise would not stop......please help ....thanks
edit: I tried starting the emulator through sdk manager and it began to start and then the noise started again.
have you tried connecting an android phone and using adb instead? The emulator can be pretty taxing on your system. Maybe something isn't compatible with your hardware.

ADB crashing eclipse

Hi, I was developing an application in android, and one unfortunate day when I fired up my eclipse.exe it immediately vanished, the eclipse.exe file wasn't in the folder anymore. Anyway, I tried reinstalling eclipse and again starting it however whenever I try to make an android project in eclipse the same thing happens (whenever I set the SDK) eclipse crashes and eclipse.exe get's destryoed somehow. So i reinstalled the SDK again and again and so did eclipse, but the problem still persists. I am using Windows 7 Ultimate Edition.
What version of eclipse ? what version of sdk?
things I would try, download android sdk again and unzip to different location than previous, same with eclipse to a diff location to b4.

