No Videos in Search Results - HTC Aria General

When you hit the search button from the home screen, you are able to search for a wide variety of files including music and documents (configurable in settings>Search). Conspicuously missing from this variety seems to be video files however. I can't get search to display results for video (.mp4) files I have stored on my SD card. Has anyone else experienced this or know how to get these files to show up in the device search results?


best performance movie viewing with TP2? How to view movie?

I've been reading the copious threads about ripping movies onto the Touch Pro 2, and have been using the Catalyst 3 program with some success by just using the standard Touch Pro 2 settings in the software.
I read in some of the threads that some software on the TP2 can use the hardware acceleration function and some can't which makes for smoother movie viewing, etc. My question is this: When I put my converted mp4 movie on my SD card and onto the TP2, how should I view it to get maximum performance from the device? Should I put in a folder so that the movie is in the Album viewer and tap it in the album viewer and view it from there? Should I just locate the movie file using file explorer, tap on it, and view it that way? Or should I open the included Windows Media Player, then open the file from within that program? Or does it even matter? Will all 3 methods provide equal performance?
As to answer your question I just use the album viewer. I have the shortcut in my favorite programs and use that to navigate to my videos folder and select my movie and play. Im sure there is a way to create a shortcut to the Video Player itself through the regisrty but I havent found it yet.
You want to play the file using HTCAlbum, and not Windows Media Player; but whether you launch HTCAlbum and then load the file, or whether you associate .mp4 files with HTCAlbum and launch it from File Explorer makes no difference (except that the second way is probably easier!). HTCAlbum is quite possibly already the default application for .mp4 files anyway, so you may not need to actively associate it.

file structure for album? album from SD?

I have been looking for how people are getting their mp4s onto their phones and syncing it with there album? i cant seem to get them to load from the sd card and would like to watch videos with out leaving sense ui. any help would be greatly appreciated.
Press the albums button, then from camera shots press it again.
Browse to the folder your videos are in and select menu/set as favorite album.
Not the greatest, but that's how it works.
is there a certain folder your suppose to create?
all i have got under sd storage is 100media filled with pictures.
ive placed videos in here before but to no avail.
What format video files are you putting in there? Sense cannot detect all formats properly, I have found that MP4 files work well and there is a nice tool to re-encode them here:
Coreplayer is an option if you do not wish to re-encode, it works well on the Leo but doesnt play everything either (AC-3 not supported).
Im just working with x264 encoded mp4 files.
ive already got core to play the avi files.
no matter where i put them in the sd card, no luck
I am not an expert on this, and there is nothing more I can suggest really.
Hopefully someone else can assist you better, because I am about as much use as a chocolate fireguard, sorry.
Hello dude, may i make a suggestion?
Why don't you choose the album "All" as favorite?
Therefore, you'll get every photo and (compatible mp4) videos in the coverflow!
There, wherever you put the videos and photos, they shall appear in Coverflow.

Hacking touch player

I really love touch player but the fact is if your like me and have 2000+ songs touch player gets very slow when trying to scroll. This is because it shows album art in the library list. If i go into the folder that contains all the bmp images for the songs and delete it then it solves all the issues and the lag goes away as there is no album art, this is a bad solution as we all want to keep the album art. So i have pin pointed the problem and wondering if there can be a fix.
My two ideas;
1.) Hack touch player so that we can remove the album art in the library list but have it show up when in the now playing.
2.) Point touch player to a different directory to grab the images for the songs in the libary and in that folder just have few of the default images or no images so it gets blank data and no icons show up. But still have it grab the album art when in the now playing area.
I would post the thread i started on modaco but can't coz i'm a new user and it dose not allow me to do so
i would also love touchplayer hack to only update movies i use another player for my music...this would speed up the update significantly!!
well from what i said in the first post if that is complete it would allow for faster searches and less lagg.
I have test it by removing all the bmp that get created by touch player in "my storage/program files/touchplayerimages" after that touch player just fly's and there is no lagg what so ever, but this is a temp solution as i don't want to keep delete my album art as i want to keep it.
I just made a copy of touchplayerimages folder and looked inside and notice all the art is 256x256 which is really big and could explain the lag as it resizing the images to fit the library thus the lag. It seems you need to keep the size at 256x256 for the "now playing" section of the player. A simple solution is just to re size all the images to like 50x50 and the lag goes away but when you go into "now playing" the images are pixelated and blurry do to the reduced size.
for this i have to possible solutions aswell
1.) hack it so that it generates 2 images one at 30x30 for the library and another at 256x256 for "now playing" and it knows which one to pick up.
This could be a simple hex that has a sub folder in the touchplayerimages called libraryimages and all the images stored there are at 30x30 which would make it prefect. Or again just have it point to that folder and not have it generate anything is also fine, by doing this there should not be any images that it finds in that folder so no images get displyed in the lirary thus no lag, while "now playing" works as normal.
2.) Hack the "now playing" section and just reduced the resolution size so it only displays at like 100x100.
also wishing someone could make a way that the touch player doesnt include all sound files. if i do an update it includes even my ringtones into the player list. wish there was a way to make it the search folder specific
there is a app for that created by wes over at modaco called DB_TPlayer.Arm.CAB, but it would not run for me maybe you will have better luck.
jebise101 said:
there is a app for that created by wes over at modaco called DB_TPlayer.Arm.CAB, but it would not run for me maybe you will have better luck.
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I have this problem.
To run it, you have to delete all musics on device (include TouchPlayer database). After that, run wes' app and configure it selectin' which folder contain your music files.
It works for me. But after that, DB will not work again.
great will try it out, i don't care if it dosn't run after but as long as it only searches the folders i want it to i fine. Can you remove it after and it will keep the settings?

Default file locations on SD card?

I've not only searched this site, but done many Google searches as well. If this information is out there, I've been unable to find it.
Does anyone have a comprehensive list of default file locations for various media on the SD card? For example, I did find out that ringtones have to go in \media\audio\ringtones. What about pictures? Videos? The Gallery app seems to have multiple folders it will search, but I have no idea what those might be.
As for songs, I've put them in the audio folder and the app finds them there, but can I use subfolders to organize the files, or will that prevent them from being found?
R1nZX said:
I've not only searched this site, but done many Google searches as well. If this information is out there, I've been unable to find it.
Does anyone have a comprehensive list of default file locations for various media on the SD card? For example, I did find out that ringtones have to go in \media\audio\ringtones. What about pictures? Videos? The Gallery app seems to have multiple folders it will search, but I have no idea what those might be.
As for songs, I've put them in the audio folder and the app finds them there, but can I use subfolders to organize the files, or will that prevent them from being found?
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I just create folders on the sd card for music & videos and put then in there. Then android auto detects them. Sub folders should work fine.
What if you did the same things, but Android was not auto-detecting? What would you do next?
R1nZX said:
I've not only searched this site, but done many Google searches as well. If this information is out there, I've been unable to find it.
Does anyone have a comprehensive list of default file locations for various media on the SD card? For example, I did find out that ringtones have to go in \media\audio\ringtones. What about pictures? Videos? The Gallery app seems to have multiple folders it will search, but I have no idea what those might be.
As for songs, I've put them in the audio folder and the app finds them there, but can I use subfolders to organize the files, or will that prevent them from being found?
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I manually copied some music to the phone, and placed it in the media/music folder(I created the music folder under media). Then I used mdeia player and synced some albums to the phone. When I looked at the folders again, it had creadted a Music folder at the same level as media, so I copied the ones I manually created to the media player sync folder.

Photos and Videos app not working properly

Hi All
Having some issues with my Photos and Videos app.
when I open the app, I have a mix of what it looks like items from Google Drive, mixed with google photos pictures, mixed with local files plus files I had earlier in the system but don't exist anymore.
most of them are displayed as a black box, rather than a thumbnail, except for the local files.
I'm guessing some sort of a problem with the media scanner?
My idea was to clear the cache of the app, but I could not find it.
any ideas?
PS: the app doesn't seem to have any options as far as I can see to select whether i want to open local, or remote or whatever.

